Boris Petrovich Ekimov - Parents' Saturday (stories from different years). Collection of ideal essays on social studies Scarlet blue azure golden honey

Azure color

My yard last years The empty grass will become more and more full. Either the strength to fight it off has become less, but rather the hunt: it grows... and let it grow. There's a lot of space. And the garden was poisoned. And what a garden this is now! Only the name. A bed of onions, a bed of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. There is a lot of empty land. No longer with a hoe, I go out to mow in the morning with a scythe.

But the flowers remained. It's August, the end of it. It's chilly in the morning. Dew. During the day it is warm, but there is no scorching heat.

My simple flowers blaze, burn, and gently shine—a joy to the soul and eyes.

Of course, the main beauty and pride are zinnias; in Nashenskiy, in Donskiy, “soldiers,” probably because the flower stands upright and doesn’t sway on its hard stem like a grenadier.

And all together they are like a high fire, crimson, scarlet, red. The quiet flame does not burn him, but warms him. Whoever enters the yard immediately praises: “What good zinnias you have!” People even came to take pictures near the flowers. Honestly! Why not? Zinnias are really good.

A long ridge along the path. Tall stems, almost human height. And they bloom powerfully and generously, from the ground to the tops. Crimson, scarlet, pink. They bloom and bloom. It will be like this for a long time. Until the first matinee sometime in October. They will freeze in color. You get up and go out into the yard - it’s cold, the grass is covered in white frost. "Soldier soldiers" - zinnias, their bright flowers and green leaves, frozen. They crunch under your hand. They break. The sun will rise - they will melt and turn black. End.

But now it’s August. It's still far from sad. Scarlet and red are blazing, burning like a fire, pink flowers. It's a pleasure to look at them.

And a little further, deeper into the yard, the flowerbed is not a flowerbed, the bed is not a bed, but like an oriental bazaar, its spacious overflow. From summer kitchen to the cellar, to the barn and to the house. There are asters here: white, lilac, fawn; with a yellow basket in the middle and delicate, fragile pointed balls. Here are mighty marigolds, “chakhranka”, with carved openwork leaves. And the flowers are cream, saffron, carmine. Each petal is edged with golden yellow and therefore shines softly. It looks and feels like velvet. That is why they are called marigolds. Powerful sedum bushes: hare cabbage, young... In August they just begin to bloom. Azure, light lilac, crimson baskets-inflorescences with a honey spirit surrounded by fleshy, juicy, waxy foliage. Gramophones of fragrant petunias modestly peek out along the edges of the flowerbed. – white, purple, pink.

What a flowerbed there is... Oriental bazaar. Rainbow multicolor on the green lining of the leaves. Bees and bumblebees ring and hum, rejoicing and feeding; Golden dragonflies rustle with mica wings, flare up and go out.

Flowers... Even if they are simple, ours, we plant them, weed them, water them, and take care of them. You can't live without flowers.

In the neighboring yard, old Mikolavna lives out her century. He barely crawls around the house, doesn’t go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. He can’t go out into the yard, but every year he tells his young helpers: “Plant a dahlia for me near the thresholds.” They listen to her and imprison her. Dahlia bush blooms. Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

Across the street, on the contrary, old Gordeevna lives. She has shortness of breath and a bad heart. There's no way she can bend over. But every summer “dawns” bloom in her front garden. “This is our flower, from the farm...” she explains. - I love him…"

Neighbor Yuri. The person is unhealthy, sick. What a demand from him! But in the summer, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected yard. “Mom planted...” he explains. “I’m watering.” His mother died a long time ago. And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

Aunt Lida has little land near her house. “In the palm of your hand...” she complains. – But we need to plant potatoes, beets, tomatoes, both. And the land is in the palm of your hand.” But pansies bloom near the house, and the “royal curls” turn golden. It is impossible without this.

Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. Every millimeter in their yard is calculated with mathematical precision. You have to get creative. After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen before frost. The onions have been removed and the late tomatoes are growing. But they also have a couple of “dawn” bushes, several dahlias, and the “sun” creeps and blooms.

Where the owners are young and able, there are roses, there are lilies, there is a lot of things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

But there are so many worries with flowers. They will not grow by themselves, from God. Plant them, look after them, loosen them, weed them, feed them with mullein. Try not to water for at least a day in our heat! They'll dry up right away. Not to mention the colors, you can’t see the leaves. Growing flowers is a lot of work. But there is more joy.

Early August morning. Breakfast in the wild. The sun is behind. There are flowers before my eyes. How many of them... Dozens, hundreds... Scarlet, blue, azure, golden-honey... Everyone is looking at me. Or rather, over my shoulder, into the morning rising sun. Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before your eyes. Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

Summer morning. There's a long day ahead...

Sometimes, when they start saying bad things about people: they say that the people have become useless, have become lazy, have become lazy... - during such conversations I always remember about flowers. They are in every yard. So it's not all bad. Because a flower is not just a matter of looking and smelling... Tell or whisper to a woman or girl: “You are my azure color...” - and you will see the happiness that splashes in her eyes.

→ Part 1

In recent years, my yard has been increasingly filled with empty grass. Either the strength to fight it off has become less, but rather the hunt: it grows... and let it grow. There's a lot of space. And the garden was poisoned. And what a garden this is now! Only the name. A bed of onions, a bed of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. There is a lot of empty land. No longer with a hoe, I go out to mow in the morning with a scythe.

But the flowers remained. It's August, the end of it. It's chilly in the morning. Dew. During the day it is warm, but there is no scorching heat.

My simple flowers blaze, burn, and gently shine—a joy to the soul and eyes.

Of course, the main beauty and pride are zinnias; in Nashenskiy, in Donskiy, “soldiers,” probably because the flower stands upright and doesn’t sway on its hard stem like a grenadier.

And all together they are like a high fire, crimson, scarlet, red. The quiet flame does not burn him, but warms him. Whoever enters the yard immediately praises: “What good zinnias you have! » People even came to take pictures near the flowers. Honestly! Why not? Zinnias are really good.

A long ridge along the path. Tall stems, almost human height. And they bloom powerfully and generously, from the ground to the tops. Crimson, scarlet, pink. They bloom and bloom. It will be like this for a long time. Until the first matinee sometime in October. They will freeze in color. You get up and go out into the yard - it’s cold, the grass is covered in white frost. The “soldier” zinnias, their bright flowers and green leaves, were frozen. They crunch under your hand. They break. The sun will rise - they will melt and turn black. End.

But now it’s August. It's still far from sad. Scarlet, red, pink flowers are blazing, burning like a fire. It's a pleasure to look at them.

And a little further, deeper into the yard, the flowerbed is not a flowerbed, the bed is not a bed, but like an oriental bazaar, its spacious overflow. From the summer kitchen to the cellar, to the barn and the house. There are asters here: white, lilac, fawn; with a yellow basket in the middle and delicate, fragile pointed balls. Here are mighty marigolds, “chakhranka”, with carved openwork leaves. And the flowers are cream, saffron, carmine. Each petal is edged with golden yellow and therefore shines softly. It looks and feels like velvet. That is why they are called marigolds. Powerful sedum bushes: hare cabbage, young... In August they just begin to bloom. Azure, light lilac, crimson baskets-inflorescences with a honey spirit surrounded by fleshy, juicy, waxy foliage. Gramophones of fragrant petunias modestly peek out along the edges of the flowerbed. – white, purple, pink.

What a flowerbed there is... Oriental bazaar. Rainbow multicolor on the green lining of the leaves. Bees and bumblebees ring and hum, rejoicing and feeding; Golden dragonflies rustle with mica wings, flare up and go out.

Flowers... Even if they are simple, ours, we plant them, weed them, water them, and take care of them. You can't live without flowers.

In the neighboring yard, old Mikolavna lives out her century. He barely crawls around the house, doesn’t go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. He can’t go out into the yard, but every year he tells his young helpers: “Plant a dahlia for me near the thresholds.” They listen to her and imprison her. Dahlia bush blooms. Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

Across the street, on the contrary, old Gordeevna lives. She has shortness of breath and a bad heart. There's no way she can bend over. But every summer “dawns” bloom in her front garden. “This is our flower, from the farm...” she explains. - I love him…"

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(1) In recent years, my yard has been increasingly filled with empty grass. (2) Either the strength to fight it off has become less, but rather the hunt: it grows... and let it grow. (H) There is a lot of space. (4) And the garden was poisoned. (5) And what a garden this is now! (6) Only a name. (7) A bed of onions, a bed of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. (8) Lots and lots of land is empty, but the flowers remain.

(9) Flowers... (10) They may be simple, ours, but we plant them, weed them, water them, and take care of them. (11) You can’t live without flowers.

(12) In the neighboring courtyard old Mikolavna lives out her century. (13) He barely crawls around the house, doesn’t go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. (14) He can’t go out into the yard, but every year he orders his young helpers: (15) “Plant a dahlia for me near the thresholds.” (16) They listen to her and put her in jail. (17) The dahlia bush is blooming. (18) Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

(19) Across the street, on the contrary, old Gordeevna lives. (20) She has shortness of breath and a bad heart. (21) She can’t bend over at all. (22) But every summer “dawns” bloom in her front garden. (23) “This is our flower, from the farm...” she explains. (24) - I love him...”

(25) Neighbor Yuri. (26) The person is unhealthy, sick. (27) What a demand from him! (28) But in the summer, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected yard. (29) “Mom planted... - he explains. (30) - I’m watering.” (31) His mother died a long time ago. (32) And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

(33) Aunt Lida has little land near her house. (34) “In the palm of your hand...” she complains. (35) - But we need to plant potatoes, and beets, and tomatoes, both of them. (36) And the lands - in the palm of your hand." (37) But pansies bloom near the house, “royal curls” turn golden. (38) It’s impossible without this.

(39) Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. (40) In their yard, every millimeter is calculated with mathematical precision. (41) You have to get creative. (42) After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen before frost. (43) The onions have been removed, the late tomatoes are growing. (44) But they also have a couple of “dawn” bushes, several dahlias, and the “sun” creeps and blooms.

(45) Where the owners are young and able, there are roses, there are lilies, there is a lot of things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

(46) But with flowers there are so many worries. (47) They will not grow by themselves. (48) Plant them, look after them, loosen them, weed them, feed them with mullein. (49) Try not to water for at least a day in our heat! (50) They will dry up immediately. (51) Not to mention the colors, you won’t see the leaves. (52) Growing flowers is a lot of work. (53) But there is more joy.

(54) Early morning in August. (55)3 breakfast in the wild. (56) The sun is behind. (57) There are flowers before my eyes. (58) How many of them... (59) Tens, hundreds, thousands... (60) Scarlet, blue, azure, golden-honey... (61) Everyone is looking at me. (62) Or rather, over my shoulder, into the morning rising sun. (bZ) Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before my eyes. (64) Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

(65) Summer morning. (66) Long day ahead...

(67) Sometimes, when they start saying bad things about people: they say, the people are worthless, lazy... - during such conversations I always remember flowers. (68) They are in every yard. (69) So, it’s not all that bad. (70) Because a flower is not just a matter of looking and smelling... (71) Tell, whisper to a woman, a girl: (72) “You are my azure color...” - and you will see what happiness will splash into her eyes.

(According to B. Ekimov *)

* Boris Petrovich Ekimov (born in 1938) - Russian prose writer and publicist, laureate State Prize Russian Federation (1998), laureate of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2008). Boris Ekimov is often called the conductor of the literary traditions of the Don region. The leitmotif of his works is real life everyday life common man. The collections of stories “3a with Warm Bread”, “Night of Healing”, “The Shepherd’s Star”, and the novel “Parental Home” became widely known.

Literary example: poems by A. Blok; S. Exupery “The Little Prince”

(1) This started a long time ago. (2) At first, mild, even pleasant deafness - it makes it easier to concentrate. (3) Only often you have to ask again people who speak inaudibly. (4)Then you ask again more and more often. (5) And then you start pretending that you hear, although you don’t hear anything...

(6) That night Beethoven slept poorly. (7) He woke up from unexpected jolts, as if someone was pushing him in the stomach. (8) He sat down on the bed and whispered: (9) “My God, this is not a dream, this is reality! (10) I am deaf, there is no place for me under these empty skies...”

(11) The rain poured outside the window, and this gradually calmed him down. (12) The most best time day is night. (13) When you sleep, you are not deaf.

(14) Then he left for Vienna. (15) In 1803, the sonata in A minor for violin and piano was written - the famous sonata, which later received the name “Kreutzer”.

(16) He went on a rampage at rehearsals, quarreled with the management and orchestra, changed apartments, covered hundreds of sheets of paper with intricate icons that the note takers could barely figure out.

(17) This was not the music that comforted the people of the previous century. (18) This was painful, complex music, deviating from the main theme and main tonality - the music of human doubts, suffering, defeats, victories and dreams.

(19) Vienna was buzzing with news. (20) Have you heard about the antics of General Bonaparte? (21) Who could have foreseen that he would be the first consul of the republic and the winner on all battlefields! (22) This cunning atheist, this general of tramps! (23) War may someday reach the gates of Vienna! (24) What will happen then? (25) However, the troops of His Apostolic Majesty are still strong enough to defend good, old, faithful Vienna...

(26) Throughout the summer of 1803, he wrote down variations of themes, phrases, expositions and endings on pieces of paper. (27) By autumn the first part of the new symphony was ready in rough form. (28) Beethoven did not show it to anyone. (29) He knew that his friends would shrug their shoulders, as had often happened. (Z0) They are used to looking at the symphony as large building, which has a lot beautiful rooms and galleries. (31) But Beethoven did not create a building, but a mountain range. (32) Maybe he even created the sky!

(33)On title page it was written: “Great Symphony composed by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1804.” (34) At the top there was a dedication to Bonaparte.

(35) In May 1804, Ferdinand Ries found Beethoven at a music stand, wearing a hat, and holding a pen. (Z6) He probably came up with something during a walk and, returning home, began to write it down without taking off his hat. (37) There was the usual chaos in the room - books and sheet music lay on the floor, a coffee pot stood on the bookshelf, a cane was placed on the piano, next to the inkwell and pipe, and a pouch of tobacco lay under the piano.

(38) “My respect,” Beethoven muttered, without looking at Rhys. (39) - What can you hear in the capital?

(40) “Meister Ludwig,” said Rhys, coming closer to the owner. (41) Do you know the news? (42) Bonaparte declared himself emperor!

(43) Beethoven suddenly tore off his hat and threw it into the corner.

(44) - Damn it! - he shouted.

(45) He ran from corner to corner, turning his head and kicking the furniture.

(46) - Bonaparte is also an ordinary person! (47) Now he will trample underfoot all human rights, follow only his ambition! (48) He will put himself above all others and become a tyrant!

(49) Beethoven ran to the closet, rummaged around and pulled out the title page of the new symphony with the inscription: “To Bonaparte.” (50) With a crash, he tore this sheet from top to bottom and threw the pieces out the window. (51) - That's all! - he shouted. (52) - Let Napoleon conquer all of Europe, but he does not dare to encroach on my possessions!

(53)...Beethoven's life was full of work, torment, hopes, ups and disappointments. (54) Deafness was only one of the blows that constantly rained down on him. (55) And perhaps the most serious of his misfortunes was eternal loneliness.

(56) “You can no longer live for yourself,” he wrote, “you must live only for others. (57) There is no more happiness for you anywhere except in your art. (58) Oh Lord, help me overcome myself!..”

(59) He overcame himself. (60) He did not hear how his best works were performed. (61) He knew that much of what he created would become clear only to future, distant generations. (62) They will hear and appreciate.

(According to L. Rubenstein)

* Lev Semyonovich Rubinstein (born in 1947) - Russian poet, literary critic, journalist and essayist. Laureate literary prize"NOS-2012" for the book "Signs of Attention".

Approximate range of problems Author's position
1. The problem of genius. (What is the characteristic of a genius person?) 1. Man of genius sacrifices his personal life for the sake of creativity, so he is most often lonely. He, as an extraordinary person, may have strange habits.
2. The problem of society’s perception of the work of a brilliant contemporary. (Are contemporaries always able to comprehend and appreciate the brilliant works of the creator?) 2. Contemporaries are sometimes unable to comprehend works of genius; this is the lot of descendants.
3. The problem of power. (What is the relationship between power and tyranny?) 3. History shows that most often a person who gets to the very top of power becomes a tyrant, as happened with Napoleon.

L Literary example: A.S. Pushkin “Mozart and Salieri”, Leskov “Lefty”


(1) How, alas, wounds are often inflicted by words.

(2)You dial a phone number. (3) They answer you:

(4) - I’m listening. (5)You say:

(6) - Please ask Alexey Petrovich.

(7) You made a mistake and ended up in another apartment. (8) What should a normal answer sound like in this case? (9) “You have the wrong number.” (10) This is how polite people answer. (11) Very polite: (12) “Unfortunately, you have the wrong number.” (13) But often you hear: (14) “There are no such people here!” (15) I’m tempted to ask: “Which ones are there?” (16) And a rude continuation in response: (17) “You have to watch when you type!” (18) It’s a trifle, of course, but it could very well ruin your mood.

(19) Wounds from words are caused not only by rudeness, but often by thoughtless handling of words. (20) Once in my life I myself suffered in a similar way.

(21) As a child, I was plump and remained that way. (22) As adults, I can bear this easily, but when I was a schoolboy, I was teased and I suffered terribly. (23) It took a lot of endurance and the ability to stand up for oneself to stop teasing. (24) And so we, a group of schoolchildren, were invited to the editorial office of a large newspaper by a famous writer. (25) They gave us tea and treated us to cakes. (26) The writer talked with us about school. (27) I was preparing to write an essay. (28) I also answered his questions. (29) The essay appeared. (30) I unfolded the newspaper and felt cold: he, indicating my first name, last name and school, called me in the essay “tongued fat man Seryozha”! (31) Is there much joy in the fact that he praised my answers? (32) He made me famous all over the country - a big-tongued fat man! (33) It was said aptly, no matter how much I fought back, nothing helped, this new nickname stuck to me for a long time. (34) There was only one answer: (35) “They published it in the newspaper!” (Z6) So, that’s how it is.”

(37) Many years have passed. (38) We met with this writer in a rest house. (39) We talked, and I asked him:

(40) - Do you know what grief you once caused me?

(41) He was terribly surprised.

(42) I told him this story. (43) He said:

(44) - I forgot. (45) Excuse me!

(46) An adult, I excused him, but as a boy I hated him. (47) Children are especially sensitive to words, especially vulnerable. (48) Parents, teachers, journalists writing about children, doctors, do not forget about this.

(49) Be careful with your words! (50) It can seriously hurt!

(51) But there are simple ways avoid this, even if we are forced to say unpleasant things to people.

(52) There are people for whom a sense of tact, including tact in choosing words, is given by nature or developed by upbringing. (53) There are those to whom it is not given by nature and not brought up in them, but due to the nature of their work it is necessary. (54) Verbal tact should be taught to everyone who is associated with other people. (55) And for neglecting it - punish.

(56) “Don’t you see, or something!”; “How many times to repeat!”; “You don’t understand Russian!”; “What did they become” or “What did they sit down”; “What do you (and you) want!”; “Everyone has become so smart!”; “Scientists have become sick!”; “Well, well, nothing”; “Look, how tender”, “And it will be so good”; “I’ll tell you twenty times!” (57) But you can say: (58) “Good morning!”; "Good afternoon!"; "Good evening!"; "Please come in"; “Please sit down”; “Please, please pass it on”; “I will pass after you”; "Thanks a lot"; "Thank you"; "All the best!"; “Please tell me...” (59) For thousands of years, humanity has developed ways of expressing benevolence, gratitude, apology, sympathy, and attention. (60) They entered folk traditions, acquired a deep ethical and social meaning.

(61) It happens that external politeness masks internal indifference or even ill will. (62) But this is an exception, and it does not give grounds to curse politeness.

(63) In everyday life, in some books, sometimes on stage and on screen, the idea is asserted that politeness, good manners, restraint, courtesy are a cover negative qualities personality. (64) On the contrary, rudeness, shamelessness, impudence are an expression of a strong, extraordinary, sincere personality, a manifestation of talent that has the right to such an expression of its originality.

(65) It also happens that rudeness is spoken of as the protective armor of a tender, vulnerable soul. (66) In fact, as we know from personal experience of communicating with rude people, behind rudeness and rudeness, as a rule, nothing is hidden except rudeness and rudeness!

(67) Education is not limited to instilling politeness, restraint, friendliness, and courtesy. (68) But you can’t do without them. (69) These qualities are elementary, but beautiful. (70) There is no need to fear their excess. (71) There is no doubt that a person must be able to stand up for himself. (72) But no one will ever prove that the surest way to stand up for yourself is to respond to rudeness with rudeness, to evil with evil, to meanness with meanness.

(73) Shouting and cursing are not evidence of strength or proof. (74) Strength lies in calm dignity. (75) It’s not easy to force yourself to be respected and not allow yourself to be rude. (76) But it is pointless to stoop to the level of a boor. (77) This means giving up oneself. (78) From my own personality. (79) Politeness, as a rule, is synonymous with inner strength and true dignity. (80) Ask: “Why politeness?” It’s just as pointless as asking questions: “Why culture?”, “Why beauty?”

(According to S. Lvov*)

* Sergei Lvovich Lvov (1922-1981) - prose writer, critic, publicist, author of numerous articles on Soviet and foreign literature, works of biographical and children's literature.

Literary example: M. Lomonosov “Ode for a Day...”

(1) He was flying to his mother’s funeral. (2) The flight on his plane has already been postponed several times. (3) And other flights were postponed. (4) The airport was crowded with passengers.

(5) He had been walking and walking between the sitting and scurrying passengers for several hours.

(6) Now, when he began to earn decent money and could already help his mother in full force, she fell ill and died. (7) He thought that no one in the world would ever know about his mother’s dedication, her great patience, love, her incredible efforts to raise her children alone.

(8) And so, having put everyone on their feet, she died almost suddenly, instead of fading away for a long time and quietly, caressing her grandchildren and feeling the grateful love of her adult children.

(9)Mother - short holiday on the ground.

(10) These words of a poet unknown to him were now ringing in his head. (11) What injustice! (12) And no one will ever understand what she was for her loved ones, and this cannot be retold, because her love and selflessness were contained in thousands of details that his heart kept, and it cannot be expressed in words, and there will not be a person who who would want to listen and understand all this. (13) “What injustice,” he thought, walking and walking between people sitting on benches and scurrying around the airport hall.

(14) Mother is a short holiday on Earth.

(15) Suddenly his attention was attracted by a woman of about thirty, clearly a peasant by her clothes, sitting with bundles at her feet. (16) His attention was attracted by the expression of extraordinary sorrow on her face, and then he noticed a boy of about six years old sitting next to her. (17) Above the boy’s eye there was a monstrous tumor the size of a pigeon’s egg. (18) The boy’s face was serene, apparently he was not experiencing any pain, especially since his hands were constantly moving, he was busy with a toy car.

(19) He stopped, amazed by this woman’s face. (20) Of course, the expression of grief on her face was associated with this boy’s illness. (21) Of course, she flew to Moscow to show him to the doctors. (22) What did they tell her? (23) Hardly anything comforting. (24) Otherwise, why such sorrow on her face?

(25) He looked and looked at the ordinary face of a Russian woman. (26) In the ordinary sense it was neither ugly nor beautiful. (27) But now it was extraordinary. (28) She silently looked into some immeasurable distance, and her face shone with quiet, resigned sorrow.

(29) It contained all the sorrow of the world, and he felt that it also contained grief for his mother, as if it knew no worse than he about her selfless, courageous, patient life. (30) And he remembered that all his life sorrow had been the main expression on his mother’s face, but he was so used to this expression that he did not understand it. (31) And only now I understood. (32) And this woman, who was much younger not only than his mother, but also himself, suddenly seemed like his mother to him.

(33) In his life, he saw many pretty, sweet, beautiful women’s faces. (34) And only now, shocked, I realized that for the first time I was seeing a beautiful face.

(35) And he suddenly wanted to fall on his knees in front of this woman and kiss her hand as a sign of gratitude, to tell her everything that he did not have time to tell his mother.

(36) However, he did not move, but only looked at her face. (37) He knew that even if the airport was empty and there was not a single witness, he would not have fallen on his knees before her. (38) He was a son of his time, and shame at the frankness of reverence prevented him from doing this.

(39) And he looked and looked at this face glowing with sorrow, turned into an immeasurable distance. (40) And for some reason he felt lighter, more enlightened. (41) “In this world, everything that is beautiful mourns,” he thought, “and everything that mourns is beautiful.”

(42) And he suddenly realized with absolute confidence that only sorrow is beautiful and only it will save the world. (43) And is it by chance that the face of the Mother of God is always sad?..

(44) And the boy with a monstrous tumor above his eye was serenely playing with his typewriter.

(According to F. Iskander *)

* Fazil Abdulovich Iskander (born March 6, 1929) is a Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet. The writer became famous in 1966 after the publication of the story “Constellation of Kozlotur” in the “New World”. Iskander’s main books are written in a unique genre: the epic novel “Sandro from Chegem”, the epic “Chick’s Childhood”, the parable story “Rabbits and Boa Constrictors”, the essay-dialogue “Thinking of Russia and the American”. The plot of many of his works takes place in the village of Chegem, where the author spent a significant part of his childhood.

Approximate range of problems Author's position
1. The problem of the role of the mother in a person’s life. (What is the role of a mother in a person’s life?) 1. A mother is a spiritual support for her children. A true mother is always willing to be patient and put in incredible efforts to raise them.
2. The problem of grief. (Why do people mourn?) 2. Grief is one of the manifestations of spirituality, without which a person is unthinkable, therefore sorrow is beautiful.
3. The problem of attitude towards the mother. (What should be the attitude towards the mother?) 3. A person should appreciate every minute spent next to his mother. The death of a mother is an irreparable loss that gives rise to grief.
4. The problem of true beauty. (Why is grief beautiful?) 4. A grieving face is beautiful because suffering reveals a living human soul.

Literary example: L. Ulitskaya “Daughter of Bukhara”, Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”, K. Paustovsky “Telegram”


(1) What governs the world and all of us? (2) Maybe this is the hot abyss of a star in the center of the Universe or the dazzling blackness that absorbs the molten bodies of constellations and entire galaxies in its womb? (3) Perhaps it is this highest power that gives laws to the world movement, determines all beginnings and ends, life and death, the rotation of the Earth, the birth and death of humanity, just as earthly nature creates anthills in the forests and predetermines their last second, already putting a finite period into birth itself?

(4) It is unthinkable to imagine the infinite space of the Universe: fire-breathing hurricanes, prominences of solar boils, incinerating everything in a terrible giant whirlwind, flashes of exploding stars, showers of a fiery carousel, and somewhere among the mysterious darkness, at some intersection of cosmic coordinate axes, it flies and rotates weak speck of dust - the Earth, to which the highest power of the great world order imparted a certain energy, task and period of existence according to general laws universal mechanism.

(5) It is impossible to agree that the last moment of farewell is already laid in her birth, that death is already an indissoluble shadow of life, its inseparable companion in life. sunny days joy, love, youth, success, and the closer to sunset, the longer and more noticeable the fatal shadow.

(6) Eternity is endless time, and at the same time eternity has no time.

(7) If the longevity of the Earth is only a moment of a microscopic grain of world energy, then human life is a moment of the shortest moment.

(8) On January 26, 1976, a star the size of our Sun exploded in the northern hemisphere of the sky, and the mysterious gigantic explosion lasted only forty minutes, splashing into space such an amount of energy that would have been enough for the Earth and us sinners for a billion years.

(9) No one knows what this explosion was associated with - death or birth nova, or maybe agony became birth, or maybe there was an incomprehensible release nuclear energy, the death of a star, its transformation into black hole, extraordinary density heavenly body, which at the appointed moment is also destined to explode and die, forming a completely mysterious white hole with its death.

(10) Who will answer exactly what laws, what forces of the Universe are subject to the elements and evolution, the periods of life and the hour of death, the levers of turning life into death and death into life?

(11) We can hardly explain why man is given a term of not nine hundred years, but seventy (according to the Bible), why youth is so lightning-fast and fleeting, and why old age is so long. (12) We cannot find an answer to the fact that sometimes good and evil cannot be separated, like cause from effect. (13) As bitter as it may be, one should not overestimate a person’s understanding of his place on Earth - most people are not given the opportunity to know the meaning of existence, the meaning of their own life. (14) After all, you need to live the entire period given to you in order to have grounds to say whether you lived correctly. (15) How else can we comprehend this?

(16) Speculative construction of possibilities and edifying predestinations?

(17) But man does not want to agree that he is only a tiny speck of dust - the Earth, invisible from cosmic heights, and, without knowing himself, he is boldly confident that he can comprehend the secrets, the laws of the universe and, of course, subordinate them to everyday use.

(18) Does a person know that he is doomed?.. (19) This restless thought only occasionally flashes in his mind, he pushes it away, he defends himself, calms down with hope - no, the fatal, inevitable will not happen tomorrow, there is still time, still there are ten years, five years, two years, a year, a few months...

(20) He does not want to part with life, although for most people it consists not of great suffering and great joys, but of the smell of work sweat and simple carnal pleasures. (21) With all this, many people are separated from each other by bottomless gaps, and only thin poles of love and art, breaking every now and then, sometimes connect them.

(22) And yet the consciousness of a person, endowed with intelligence and imagination, contains both the entire Universe, its icy horror of stellar mysteries taking place, and the personal tragedy of the natural accident of birth and the short-term nature of life. (23) But for some reason this does not cause despair, does not give his actions senseless futility, just as the wise ants, apparently preoccupied with one useful necessity, do not stop their tireless activity. (24) A person thinks that he has highest authority on Earth, and therefore he is convinced that he is immortal. (25) He doesn’t think for a long time about the fact that summer gives way to autumn, youth to old age, and even brightest stars go out. (26) In his conviction are the springs of movement, energy, action, passions. (27) In his pride is the frivolity of the viewer, confident that the entertaining film of life will last continuously.

(28) Isn’t art also filled with pride in the arrogant desire to cognize the moments of moments of existence, in the hope of conveying to a person someone else’s experience of reason and experience of feeling and thus remain immortal?

(29) But without this conviction there is no idea of ​​man and no art.

(According to Bondarev *)

* Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev (born in 1924) - Russian Soviet writer. Member of the Great Patriotic War(since August 1942). The first collection of stories, “On the Big River,” was published in 1953. Author of short stories, stories “Youth of Commanders”, “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “Last Salvos”, novels “Hot Snow”, “Silence”, “Shore”, etc. Author of the script for the film based on the novel “Hot Snow”. One of the co-authors of the script for the epic film “Liberation”.

Literary example Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” (Bazarov), Korolenko “The Blind Musician”

(1) I live in a new building. (2) Behind my house there is a potato field. (3) Our house has not yet been installed with telephones. (4) Therefore, a pay phone booth was installed next to him.

(5) One day, my neighbor down the corridor, Polina Ivanovna, from the adjacent apartment, became ill with her heart. (6) Quite a lot of people gathered near the pay phone booth, I explained what was happening, and they let me through out of turn. (7) However, it turned out that calling an ambulance is not so easy. (8) Either the subscriber was busy, or for some reason they did not pick up the phone.

(9) And suddenly the cabin door swung open, and a lever was pressed over my shoulder. (10) A girl of about twenty stood in front of me. (11) Very beautiful. (12) That rare, striking beauty about which the poet said: (13) “The blind only will not notice it...”. (14) Such beauty is as rare a gift of nature for a person as talent or even genius. (15) And therefore it amazes.

(16) “I need to call,” said the girl. (17) “I need it!” – for her it already meant everything. (18) -They are waiting for me there. (19) I'm in a hurry! (20) Do you understand this?! - she added with that irritation in her voice that, they say, I have no time, but there are some here - she looked at me expressively...

(21) -So what? - came from the queue indignantly. (22) -Do not disturb the citizen.

(23) I prepared another coin, but it slipped out of my hands and rolled along the sidewalk.

(24) While they were helping me lift her, the girl fluttered into the booth and dialed the number she needed.

(25) -Why did you miss it? – I said reproachfully to the man standing in front of the door first.

(26) – It will be more expensive for yourself! – he grinned. (27) -I have my own. (28) Don’t say a word to them, it’s better to move away and stand aside.

(29) The girl talked loudly in the booth, not paying attention to strangers, so everyone could hear it.

(30) - Seryozha! - she shouted. (31) - As agreed, I’m waiting at the agreed place.

(32) Apparently, the caller muttered something displeased, made some remark to her, the girl looked back at us: (33) - Yes, there are all sorts of...

(34) She slowly hung up the phone and walked majestically past us, proudly raising her chin, and near me she paused and whispered so that no one else could hear:

(35) - Ugly!..

(36) The second time I got through quickly, dictated the address and hurried to the elevator, remembering that Polina Ivanovna was left alone in the apartment.

(37) The door to Polina Ivanovna’s apartment turned out to be unlocked.

(38) Polina Ivanovna was lying on the bed, closing her eyes.

(39) - The ambulance will arrive now.

(40) - Thank you.

(41) - How do you feel?

(42) - Better.

(43) Polina Ivanovna was silent. (44) And I was silent, not knowing what to say, what to do.

(45) Suddenly, a girl I knew, whom I had seen at the telephone booth, entered the room. (46) The door to the apartment remained unlocked, and so the girl entered silently.

(47) - Are you here?! - Looking at me, she said with undisguised indignation.

(48) “My granddaughter,” Polina Ivanovna whispered, her face brightening.

(49) - So you didn’t call for yourself, you tried so hard? (50) Did you try for others? - the girl asked, looking at me with curiosity.

(51) “Granny, I’ll go,” she turned to Polina Ivanovna. (52) - One guy bought me a movie ticket for “Repentance”. (53) What’s going on at the cinema! (54) Some kind of psychosis! (55) Talk to this gentleman. (56) Pleasant company. (57) Well, I rushed off. (58) Kisses!

(59) The ambulance arrived a few minutes later. (60) Perhaps the girl met with the doctor somewhere near the elevator. (61) Polina Ivanovna was examined and told that it was necessary to urgently send her to the hospital. (62) They put him on a stretcher, covered him with a blanket up to his chin and took him away.

(63) I looked out the window and wondered why the car had been parked at our front door for so long. (64) Finally she left. (65) And the next day I found out that Polina Ivanovna died in the elevator.

(According to P. Vasiliev)

Vasiliev Pavel Aleksandrovich (1929–1990) – Russian prose writer. The main theme of his works is war. The most famous books: “The Guy in the Cap”, “In the Spring, After the Snow”, “Choice”, “Sudoma-Mountain”, etc.

Approximate range of problems Author's position
1. The problem of true beauty. (What is the true beauty of a person?) 1. The true beauty of a person is manifested in his deeds and actions, in his attitude towards others.
2. The problem of kindness and mercy. (How should a person treat others?) 2. A person must show kindness and mercy towards the people around him.
3. The problem of relationships between relatives. (What should be the relationship between relatives?) 3. Relationships between family members should be based on love, mutual understanding, and care for loved ones.
4. The problem of selfishness. (How does a person’s spiritual ugliness manifest itself? Can externally beautiful person be ugly?) 4. People who care only about themselves often remain indifferent even to those closest to them.

Literary example: Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

Option 7

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or

sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the task number without

spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) For many millennia, the standard of speed for man was a madly racing horse,

therefore, the invention of the chariot could not but amuse (speeds up to 40 kilometers per hour!)

the pride of our ancestors. (2)____ now, when astronauts fly around the Earth at a speed of 30 thousand kilometers per hour, you won’t surprise anyone with the enormous speeds.

(3) Something else is worthy of surprise: not the physical speed of movement of things and people, but the pace of changes taking place on the planet, a pace that is clearly incommensurate with human nature, with the standards customary to him.

1 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. For many millennia, the standard of speed for humans was the horse, so the invention of the chariot pleased the vanity of our ancestors.

2. The pace of changes taking place on the planet, and not the enormous speed, the standards of which have changed greatly, is worthy of surprise.

3. The enormous speeds will not surprise anyone, because astronauts circle the Earth at a speed of 30 thousand kilometers per hour.

4. The physical speed of movement of things and people is worthy of surprise.

5. The pace of changes taking place on the planet is worthy of surprise, and not the enormity of the speeds, the standards of which have changed greatly.

2 Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. And also

2. Fortunately,

3. In other words,

5. However, 3 Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -s, w.

1. Everything that exists in the Universe, organic and not organic world. Dead p.

(inorganic world: not plants, not animals). Living item (organic world).

2. The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature.

3. Places outside cities (fields, forests, mountains, water areas). Enjoy nature. In the lap of nature. Go out into nature (simple).

4. transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). P. social relations.

Viral disease.

ID_393 1/11 4 In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.

–  –  –

5 In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY.

1. The ROOT system of fern-like plants consists almost entirely of adventitious roots.

2. The adjutant saluted with a RESPECTIVE and dispassionate look.

3. THE EFFECTIVENESS of technologies for growing tulips in Holland has been tested by time.

4. I found him in the evening in the hostel in the most DISTRESSED situation.

5. The musician performed an EXCERPT from Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”.

6 In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.

Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


–  –  –

thanks to the SUPPORT of a friend 7 Match the sentences with the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




–  –  –

D) error in construction 5) According to decisions of the city duma, increased complex sentence fare for public transport.

–  –  –

Write the answer in numbers without spaces or other characters. 8 Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing.

Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

–  –  –

9 Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix.

Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr...attractive, pr...inoculation and...root, rad...dolye pr...write, pr...grandmother pr...touch, pr...dismissive on...write, o...carry 10 Write down the word in which the letter O is written in place of the blank.

–  –  –

2. The actor spoke (NOT) LOUDLY, but expressively.

3. The fence at our dacha is still (NOT)PAINTED.

4. The student recited the text by heart, (NOT) LOOKING at the book.

5. There was (NOT) MORE than a week left before the holidays.

13 Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY.

Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. This, of course, unpleasant, but not supernatural event WHY (THAT) completely shocked the findirector, but at the same time made him happy: the need to call was no longer necessary. In general, the excitement increased, and it is unknown what all this would have resulted in if Fagot had not stopped the rain of money by suddenly blowing into the air.

2. Having made several loops, the whole company, accompanied by the alarming beat of a drum from the orchestra, rolled up to the very edge of the stage, and the spectators in the first rows gasped and leaned back, BECAUSE (WHAT) it seemed to the audience that the whole trio with their cars would crash into the orchestra. “And don’t be shy about the money,” he added in a whisper, dragging the chairman into the hallway to the telephone, “who else should I take it from if not from him?”

3. AND (IN) WITHIN two hours Nikanor Ivanovich accepted thirty-two such statements. The question is: is it possible, by acting in this way, to catch or arrest ANYONE?

4. Cyclists shouting loudly “Up!” jumped off the cars and bowed, (WHILE) the blonde blew kisses to the audience, and the little one blew a funny signal on his horn. And they asked Ivan absolutely everything (AT) ABOUT him past life, right up to when and how he suffered from scarlet fever, about fifteen years ago.

5. Ivan decided to wait for SOMEONE in charge in this institution. He walked ahead of everyone carefully, (LIKE) AN ACTOR.

14 Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

A long cork with a French mark and a slice of lemon, whitened in the water, washed up by a wave on the sandy shore, left no doubt that a foreign ship had passed at sea.

15 Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. In spring, elegant birches and willows strewn with lambs involuntarily attract and delight the eye.

2. The Meshchera region is very rich in forests and peat, hay and potatoes, milk and berries.

3. In autumn we see better with both our eyes and our hearts.

4. Everything shines and basks and joyfully reaches for the sun.

5. Since ancient times, the swan has served as a symbol of beauty and love, purity and tenderness.

16 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Faith (1) retreating from (2) illuminated bright light(3) windows (4) looked around in fear.

–  –  –

18 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The dressed up Azazello no longer resembled that robber(1) in the form(2) of whom(3) appeared to Margarita in the Alexander Garden(4) and he bowed to Margarita extremely gallantly.

19 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

He looked with dull eyes at the prisoner (1) and was silent for some time (2), painfully remembering (3) why in the morning merciless Yershalaim sun a prisoner with a face disfigured by beatings was standing in front of him (4) and what other unnecessary questions he would have to ask.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) In recent years, my yard has been increasingly filled with empty grass. (2) Either the strength to fight it off has become less, but rather the hunt: it grows... and let it grow. (H) There is a lot of space. (4) And the garden was poisoned. (5) And what a garden this is now! (6) Only a name. (7) A bed of onions, a bed of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. (8) Lots and lots of land is empty, but the flowers remain.

(9) Flowers... (10) They may be simple, ours, but we plant them, weed them, water them, and take care of them.

(11) You can’t live without flowers.

(12) In the neighboring courtyard old Mikolavna lives out her century. (13) He barely crawls around the house, doesn’t go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. (14) He can’t go out into the yard, but every year he orders his young helpers: (15) “Plant a dahlia for me near the thresholds.” (16) They listen to her and put her in jail. (17) The dahlia bush is blooming. (18) Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

(19) Across the street, on the contrary, old Gordeevna lives. (20) She has shortness of breath and a bad heart.

(21) She can’t bend over at all. (22) But every summer “dawns” bloom in her front garden. (23) “This is our flower, from the farm...” she explains. (24) - I love him...”

(25) Neighbor Yuri. (26) The person is unhealthy, sick. (27) What a demand from him! (28) But in the summer, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected yard. (29) “Mom planted... - he explains. (30) - I’m watering.” (31) His mother died a long time ago. (32) And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

(33) Aunt Lida has little land near her house. (34) “In the palm of your hand...” she complains. (35) - But we need to plant potatoes, and beets, and tomatoes, both of them. (36) And the lands - in the palm of your hand." (37) But pansies bloom near the house, and the “royal curls” turn golden. (38) It’s impossible without this.

(39) Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. (40) In their yard, every millimeter is calculated with mathematical precision. (41) You have to get creative.

(42) After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen before frost. (43) The onions have been removed, the late tomatoes are growing. (44) But they also have a couple of “dawn” bushes, several dahlias, and the “sun” creeps and blooms.

(45) Where the owners are young and able, there are roses, there are lilies, there is a lot of things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

ID_393 5/11 (46) But with flowers there are so many worries. (47) They will not grow by themselves. (48) Plant them, look after them, loosen them, weed them, feed them with mullein. (49) Try not to water for at least a day in our heat! (50) They will dry up immediately. (51) Not to mention the colors, you won’t see the leaves.

(52) Growing flowers is a lot of work. (53) But there is more joy.

(54) Early morning in August. (55)3 breakfast in the wild. (56) The sun is behind. (57) There are flowers before my eyes. (58) How many of them... (59) Tens, hundreds, thousands... (60) Scarlet, blue, azure, golden-honey... (61) Everyone is looking at me. (62) Or rather, over my shoulder, into the morning rising sun. (bZ) Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before my eyes. (64) Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

(65) Summer morning. (66) Long day ahead...

(67) Sometimes, when they start saying bad things about people: they say, the people are worthless, lazy... - during such conversations I always remember flowers. (68) They are in every yard. (69) So, it’s not all that bad. (70) Because a flower is not just a matter of looking and smelling... (71) Tell, whisper to a woman, a girl: (72) “You are my azure color...” - and you will see what happiness will splash into her eyes.

(According to B. Ekimov *) * Boris Petrovich Ekimov (born in 1938) - Russian prose writer and publicist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1998), laureate of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2008).

Boris Ekimov is often called the conductor of the literary traditions of the Don region.

The leitmotif of his works is the real life everyday life of a common man. The collections of stories “3a with Warm Bread”, “Night of Healing”, “The Shepherd’s Star”, and the novel “Parental Home” became widely known.

20 Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1. Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife have a bush of pink peonies blooming in the middle of their yard.

2. Flowers require a lot of care: watering, weeding, fertilizing.

3. Sitting on the steps of the porch, Mikolavna admires the blooming dahlia bush.

4. Despite the lack of land, pansies and “royal curls” bloom near Aunt Lida’s house.

5. Young owners prefer not to waste time caring for flowers.

21 Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please provide answer numbers.

1. Sentences 54-60 provide a description.

2. Sentences 12-17 contain narrative.

3. Sentences 47-49 explain the content of sentence 46.

4. Sentences 67-70 present the narrative.

5. Proposition 44 is a conclusion, a consequence of proposals 39-43.

22 From sentences 5-11, write down a colloquial word.

23 Among sentences 33-42, find one that is connected to the previous one using a coordinating conjunction. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23. This fragment discusses language features text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

ID_393 6/11 24 “Flowers... How much joy they bring to people! With the help of tropes, the author strives to convey the beauty of the surrounding world: flowers not only color it bright colors, as shown by (A) _____ (in sentence 60), but also become human interlocutors, as in sentence 64 containing (B) _____. The syntax of the text is also subordinated to the same artistic task. A syntactic device such as (B) _____ (sentence 59) shows a person’s love for flowers, and (D) _____ (sentences 27, 49) conveys the author’s caring attitude towards what is depicted.”

–  –  –

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two examples of illustrations from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader’s experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

–  –  –

Based on the context, the word “nature” in the third sentence is used in meaning 4.

4 will make it easier Incorrect: will make it easier. That's right: it will make it easier. From the verb to facilitate.

5 root or root The word “root” is used incorrectly. That's right: "root".

Indigenous - primordial, basic, permanent. For example: the indigenous inhabitants of the city.

Root - belonging to the root. For example: root languages.

6 no comments “No comments” is correct. According to the rules of declension, the form of “comments” is used in the genitive case.

In sentence 1, the participial phrase is not consistent with the word being defined.

That's right: Cossack horses covered with foam.

There are 3 homogeneous members in the sentence: to penetrate and to know. There is a dependent word "secrets" which is common to homogeneous members. However, they require different control: “to delve into” requires prepositional control (to delve into what? into secrets), and to “cognize” non-prepositional control (to know what? secrets).

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the word “secrets” ceases to be a general dependent word.

In sentence 8, the subjects require a plural predicate. That's right: they won't.

In sentence 4 when constructing indirect speech pronouns are used incorrectly. Correct: It’s no coincidence that the hero says that HE never hides behind other people’s backs.

In sentence 7, the main word for the attributive clause is incorrectly chosen. Correct: In the text written by D.S.

Likhachev, the problem of preserving cultural heritage is raised.

8 cook Rostovsky - unstressed alternating vowel of the root.

applaud is an unstressed unchecked vowel of the root.

lights up - unstressed alternating vowel of the root.

povAr - unstressed vowel being tested - varit.

Banderol is an unstressed unchecked vowel of the root.

–  –  –

10 try try try - ova suffix, check: I'll try.

count - yva suffix, check: I count.

pierce - suffix ыва, check: I pierce.

peek - suffix yva, check: I'm peeking.

unwind - yva suffix, check: I unwind.

–  –  –

13 and about For some reason it is written with a hyphen, because the suffixes are either, or, or are written with a hyphen. Whatever is written separately, just as a particle with a word is written separately.

Because it is written separately, it is a union. About is written together, this is an adverb.

During is written separately, this is a derived preposition. Someone is hyphenated because the suffixes either, either, or are written with a hyphen.

The word "about" is written together, it is an adverb. The word “and” is written together, this is a conjunction.

Someone is spelled with a hyphen, because suffixes are. either or are written with a hyphen. In actor's language it is written with a hyphen, because the adverb has the prefix po and the suffix ski.

LONG - two nn at the junction of morphemes.

Thrown out - formed from a perfective verb.

Sandy is an adjective with the suffix an.

Foreign - two nn at the junction of morphemes.

In sentence 1, punctuation marks are not needed, since conjunctions AND connect different groups of homogeneous members of the sentence.

In sentence 2, two commas are needed for homogeneous objects connected in pairs.

In sentence 3, a comma is needed for the repeated conjunction.

In sentence 4, two commas are needed for a repeating conjunction, since there are more than two homogeneous members of the sentence.

In sentence 5, a comma is needed for homogeneous objects connected in pairs.

–  –  –

22 nashenskie or nashensky The colloquial word "nashenskie". Commonly used "ours".

Sentence 39 is connected to the previous one using the coordinating conjunction ALSO.

“Flowers... How much joy they bring to people! With the help of tropes, the author strives to convey the beauty of the surrounding world: flowers not only color it with bright colors, as shown with the help of (A) epithets (in sentence 60), but also become human interlocutors, as in sentence 64, containing (B) personifications (look , flowers breathe). The syntax of the text is also subordinated to the same artistic task. Such a syntactic device as (C) gradation (sequence, gradualness in the arrangement of something, when moving from one to another. (Sentence 59), shows a person’s love for flowers, and (D) exclamatory sentences. (Sentences 27, 49) convey the author’s caring attitude towards the depicted.”

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The great Soviet writer Vladimir Ivanovich Soloukhin reflects on the meaning of beauty in people's lives, on its necessity in modern society. After all, beauty is what surrounds us. The smallest details in the structure of a flower or the majestic and beautiful crowns of trees - everything is beautiful, wonderful and unique in its own way.
In this text, the author raises the problem of lack of beauty in modern world; in particular, V. Soloukhin takes flowers as a unit of beauty. (“The need for flowers has been great at all times.”).
The questions raised by the writer are undoubtedly relevant. Now people are increasingly immersed in problems, in work, while forgetting about urgent need communicate with nature. Previously, it was more common to see families walking in parks, like, for example, a father and daughter picking a bouquet of daisies and cornflowers for mom. Of course, all this can be seen now, but less and less often. People try to buy fresh flowers, subconsciously trying to get closer to true perfection. Therefore, in our time, flowers are expensive: “If you remember the prices, you will have to conclude that people now have a hunger for beauty and for communication with living nature, familiarization with it, connection with it, at least fleetingly.”
According to V. Soloukhin, flowers are an ideal of beauty (“... in flowers we are not dealing with some kind of pseudo-beauty, but with an ideal and a model”). The author notes that “nature does not know how to cheat,” therefore, in all creations there is true beauty and authenticity, which man so desperately needs in our time. The writer also reflects on the fact that flowers are a kind of “barometer” of the state of the state and the people in it (“A state in prosperity and strength is the measure in everything, and with the decomposition of the state fortress, the attitude towards flowers takes on the features of excess and morbidity”).
I agree with V. Soloukhin that flowers are the standard of beauty. After all, if you look closely at a field chamomile, or at a rose, you can see how unusual, graceful and light each flower is filled. A person needs to immerse himself in this beauty in order not to lose touch with nature, to more keenly feel the true authenticity of natural beauty.
Everyone knows that flowers have been a source of inspiration for many talented people. For example, lilacs inspired the famous Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky to create the rare beauty of the fairy tale ballet “The Sleeping Beauty.” And the symbolist A. Blok loved and ardently praised violets in his works. In my opinion, among ordinary people there are many who truly love flowers and care for them, because each flower has its own unique character.
And in the fairy tale of the French writer S. Exupery “The Little Prince” main character The Little Prince argues that his beloved rose has a very difficult character and is afraid of drafts; he understands that flowers, like people, know how to feel and empathize, and perhaps even love.
To summarize, I would like to note that beauty is one of the possible parts of the human soul; beauty must be felt and understood, and one must try not to lose touch with it so that the soul does not become impoverished.