Great Soviet Encyclopedia - petrochemical industry. See pages where the term petrochemical industry is mentioned

7.1. general characteristics

7.2. resources used

7.3. Influence at environment

7.4. Measures to reduce the level of negative impact of chemical and oil chemical industry on the environment and their prevention

general characteristics

Structure, characteristics and development trends of the chemical and petrochemical industries. The chemical industry includes industries that provide the Ukrainian economy with mineral fertilizers, soda, paints, fuels and lubricants, plastics, synthetic fibers, and many other types of raw materials. A feature of the chemical industry is the ability to provide the national economy with materials with predetermined properties, improved quality and required quantity. its development caused by widespread use mineral fertilizers in various sectors and spheres of the Ukrainian economy, the introduction of chemical technologies in industry and agriculture, intensification of production processes, saving social labor costs.

Petrochemical complex of Ukraine is a group of enterprises producing organic and inorganic products based on petroleum fractions, natural gas and gases from oil refining.

The diversified chemical industry of Ukraine produces more than 120 thousand items. It includes more than 200 enterprises in the following industries: mining chemistry, coke chemistry, basic chemistry, chemical fibers, synthetic fibers and plastics, paints and synthetic dyes. The most important sectors: mining chemicals and basic chemistry. The microbiological and pharmaceutical industries emerged as separate industries. The basis of the chemical industry is the extraction of raw materials, the production of mineral fertilizers and polymer materials. In terms of production of mineral fertilizers, Ukraine ranks third in Europe after Germany - 8,700,000 tons and Russia and fifth place in the world (except for the above-mentioned countries, the USA - 20 million tons and China - 18 million tons).

Ukraine has a developed diversified chemistry and petrochemistry industry. The largest divisions of this industry are the production of basic chemicals (49% of all marketable products of the industry), paint and varnish industry (6%), plastic products industry, fiberglass casting (5%), tire industry (10%), humoasbestos industry (7%), and many others . The chemical industry itself accounts for about 80% of the output of the entire industry, and the petrochemical industry - 20%.

Inorganic chemistry primarily produces semi-finished products used in other industries. The exception is mineral fertilizers, which are produced by a separate industry.

TO organic chemistry includes the production of hydrocarbon raw materials, organic semi-finished products, and synthetic materials. The main raw materials for the chemistry of organic synthesis are petroleum hydrocarbons, natural and associated gas. Hydrocarbon compounds obtained from coal are also used.

The main chemistry industry is the acid, soda and mineral fertilizer industries. The sulfuric acid industry produces a product that is needed in many industries - sulfuric acid. Until recently, the main raw materials were deposits of natural sulfur, sulfur and iron pyrites; today, sulfur compounds of oil and natural gas play a decisive role. The mineral fertilizer industry produces nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers account for half of total production, while phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are produced in approximately equal quantities. Ukraine occupies a significant place in the production of fertilizers. The production of soda ash is concentrated in areas of salt and limestone; Caustic soda is produced in combination with the production of chlorine, which is used for the production of inorganic products, pesticides, and polymers.

The organic synthesis chemistry industry uses petroleum as a raw material. This is a diversified production; enterprises gravitate towards areas of oil production, mass consumption of petroleum products and main oil pipelines. The current location of the industry has been shaped by geographical, economic and technical factors.

The geography of raw materials, their capacity, and conditions of occurrence significantly influence the location of Basic Chemistry enterprises. The growing demand for oil and gas, which have become the main raw materials in the field of organic synthesis and in the petrochemical industry, increases the influence of the raw material resource factor in the location of production. True, an extensive network of pipelines brings production closer to areas of consumption.

The justification for the location of specific chemical production facilities is associated with taking into account factors arising from the structure of the costs of obtaining and consuming chemical products. This is first of all:

Raw material factor (share of raw materials and materials in 1 ton of finished product);

Energy factor (fuel consumption in standard tons per ton of finished product);

Water factor (amount of water consumption and amount of wastewater requiring treatment)

Labor factor (selection of industries with high costs of living labor per unit finished products);

Consumer factor (presence of a consumer for finished products).

The location of the chemical industry is significantly influenced by the technological factor. If production is not subject to intra-industry combination and consists of technologically independent specialized enterprises, it is not concentrated in a specific territory. Such is the production of mineral fertilizers, paints, varnishes, and plastic processing. On the contrary, if the combination is a necessary condition functioning of enterprises, their location takes the form of interconnected production complexes. These are the petrochemical complexes that produce polymer materials and semi-finished products for their production, dyes and inorganic chemicals.

A very important factor influencing the location of chemical production is the formation of various solid, liquid and gaseous wastes. There is especially a lot of waste in mining chemistry. The significance of each factor follows from the cost structure of production in the chemical and petrochemical industries.

Scientific and technological progress has a decisive influence on the main factors determining the choice of location for chemical production. The importance of raw materials and energy factors changes significantly - their marginal influence gradually decreases. Waste-free technologies are being introduced, production automation is progressing.

The efficiency of locating individual enterprises in the chemical industry directly depends on the forms of organization of production: concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination. The concentration of production is especially effective, due to the significant capital intensity of production, the great need of the national economy for chemical products, and the high pace of scientific and technological progress. Production should be concentrated both by increasing enterprises and by increasing the capacity of existing units and technological lines, which will increase factory concentration. The concentration of production has its rational limits, violation of which leads to a decrease in its efficiency. An increase in production volumes leads to an increase in transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials, fuel and water, increases the radius of transportation of finished products, construction time, and the risk of emergency situations. Thus, increasing the capacity of ethylene production units from 50 to 300 thousand tons per year reduces production costs by half, and from 300 to 500 thousand tons - by only 7%.

The optimal production size depends on many factors - the development of transport (especially pipelines), the provision of raw materials, labor resources, reliability of technological devices, etc.

Specialization of production in the chemical industry should be carried out simultaneously with cooperation, which creates favorable conditions for the organization of continuous technological processes, the creation of specialized equipment, new forms of labor organization, the introduction of comprehensive mechanization and automation of production; increases the level of equipment and production capacity utilization; simplifies the production structure of chemical enterprises; improves logistics and sales; actively contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

The level of specialization in the main sub-sectors of the chemical industry varies. In many of them, specialized products are not the main one, which is explained high efficiency combination, which is due to a large number of processes based on sequential and complex processing of mineral and organic raw materials, significant scale of production of intermediate products, which are characterized by low transportability, high level consumption of fuel and energy resources, the presence of powerful service and auxiliary workshops.

Combining production is combined with its concentration and reduces the use of oil and gas in the petrochemical industry by 25 - 31%, and in the chemical fiber industry - reducing the cost of 1 ton of fiber by 4%. Combination based on integrated development of deposits or integrated use of raw materials, waste disposal, allows you to successfully solve environmental problems.

In terms of location, the chemical and petrochemical industry is one of the most complex. Numerous inter-industry, intra-industry and technological connections, a wide range of products, the use of large amounts of fuel, energy and water determine the originality of territorial organization chemical industry.

Most of the production capacities of the chemical industry were created in the last decade of the last century. The Krasnoperekopsk bromine plant, the 2nd soda plant in Slavyansk, enterprises for the production of nitrogen fertilizers - in Gorlovka and Dneprodzerzhinsk, plastics and products made from them - in Dnepropetrovsk, Priluki, Kharkov, chemical fiber - in Kiev, film and photographic materials in Shostka, etc. - were put into operation. Existing enterprises expanded, new workshops were created, and the production of a wide range of chemical products was organized. The Ivano-Frankivsk Fine Organic Synthesis Plant, the Sivash Aniline Dye Plant, the Kharkov, Cherkassy and Odessa Nitrogen Fertilizer Plants were built; large complexes have been created for the production of new types of chemical products - caprolactam, polyvinyl chloride resins, polystyrene, vinyl acetate, etc. The production of these and other products is organized in Gorlovka, Cherkassy, ​​Kalush, Pervomaisk. Plastic processing is concentrated in Simferopol, Brovary, Lutsk. Large tire production plants have been put into operation in Dnepropetrovsk and Bila Tserkva.

The chemical industry is concentrated in the Donbass, the Dnieper region and the Carpathian region. Among other regions, Sumy region, Black Sea region, Cherkasy, Volyn stand out. Almost a third of the entire industry’s production is concentrated in the Donbass alone. The Lugansk region accounts for 17% of the output of chemical and petrochemical products. Lisichansko-Rubezhansky was formed in the region industrial hub chemical specialization. A powerful Gorlovsko-Slavyansk industrial hub has been created in the Donetsk region, in the Dnepropetrovsk region - the Dnepropetrovsk-Dneprodzerzhinsk hub, in the Lviv region - Drogobych-Boryslav, Lvov and other industrial centers.

Large industrial centers are also in the Ivano-Frankivsk, Sumy regions, and in the Black Sea region. Important regions chemical production steel Kyiv, Chernigov, Rivne.

Ukraine occupies one of the leading places in the world and has great export opportunities for mineral fertilizers. This is determined by the raw material factor - the presence of rich deposits of potassium salts. Potassium salts are found in the Carpathian region (Kalush, Stebnyk); mainly North African phosphorites are used for the production of phosphate fertilizers. The availability of raw materials allowed Ukraine to create a developed technological base for the production of mineral fertilizers for export. More than 90% of mineral fertilizer exports are nitrogen fertilizers, and their main buyers are China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Moldova, and Turkmenistan. Plants for the production of nitrogen fertilizers based on natural gas processing were built in Kyiv, Cherkassy, ​​and Lisichansk.

The products of mining chemistry are potassium salts Kalush and Stebnik, rock salt Artemovsk and Slavyanskaya, limestones of the Donetsk region and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The industry is mainly concentrated in Carpathian. Donetsk and Dnieper economic regions.

The location of the coke industry is focused on raw materials - coal, and the consumer - the production of ferrous metals. For many decades, Ukraine exported coke to Russia (1.5-2.0 million tons annually), countries of Eastern Europe(about 4 million tons annually). IN last years coke production decreased. The volume of its exports is no more than 0600000. T per year. Coke production is concentrated at 16 enterprises in the Donbass and the Dnieper region.

Acids are widely used in the chemical industry. The most widely used is sulfuric acid, the raw material for the production of which is sulfur impurities in gases, oil, imported sulfur, and the like. Since the largest consumers of this chemical product have traditionally been enterprises producing phosphate fertilizers, the main centers for the production of these fertilizers are also centers for the production of sulfuric acid (Sumy, Vinnitsa, Odessa, Konstantinovna). Sulfuric acid is also produced by coke plants located in the Dnieper region and Donbass, if technologies are introduced deep cleaning oil, sulfuric acid produced by oil refineries.

The oil refining industry is concentrated in oil production areas, in port cities of Ukraine, and in the Donbass. Transnistria. Carpathian region and central part of Ukraine. These are oil refineries in Odessa, Kherson, and Berdyansk. Kremenchug, Lisichansk, Zaporozhye, Vinnitsa, Drohobych. Borislava, Nadvirnoy. The petrochemical industry is developing on the basis of oil refining, carbon black production, and processing of imported synthetic and natural rubber.

Ukraine used to be the main soda production region (Belarus and the Urals are also centers for the production of this product). Soda production enterprises in their location gravitate towards raw materials - limestone and table salt. Surprisingly favorable conditions for locating soda production in the Donbass (Slavyansk and Lisichansk) and in the Crimea (Krasnoperekopsk). Distinctive feature soda production is high specific gravity production of soda ash.

Production was organized in Ukraine paint and varnish materials, their production has been established in many cities of all regions (Dnepropetrovsk, Mariupol, Donetsk, Kharkov, Krivoy Rog, Kyiv, Nezhin, Lvov, Borislav, Odessa, etc.). "

Titanium oxide production enterprises in Sumy and Krasnoperekopsk are focused on the use of domestic and imported raw materials (ilmenite ores).

The rubber industry produces thousands of different products. It is represented by the Dnepropetrovsk Tire Plant, the Belotserkovsky Plant of Tires and Humoasbestos Products, and the Kyiv AT "Kyiv-Rezina". Kyiv and Sumy Regenerator plants, enterprises in Berdyansk,

Zaporozhye. Kharkov, Odessa, Nezhin and other cities. Soot is produced in Dashava, Stakhanov) and Kremenchug.

The production of chemical fibers and threads is concentrated in Kyiv, Cherkassy, ​​Zhitomir, and Chernigov. The production process at enterprises in this industry largely depends on imported raw materials. Thus, for the production of viscose threads, cellulose is needed, which is produced in limited quantities in Ukraine, and the quality is also unsatisfactory for this production.

Enterprises for the production of resins and plastics are located in mining areas coal, oil, gas (Donbass, Dnieper region).

Pharmaceuticals play a significant role in the chemical industry. First industrial enterprise chemical-pharmaceutical profile in Ukraine arose in the 80s of the 19th century. in Odessa. Chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises were built in Nikolaev, Kharkov, Kremenchug, Lvov and other cities. In the post-war years, the Kiev Medical Preparations Plant was built; The centers of vitamin production are Kyiv, Uman, and Odessa. In general, there are about 80 chemical and pharmaceutical plants and factories operating in Ukraine.

The largest centers of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine: Kyiv, Odessa, Lugansk, Lubny, Gorlovka, etc.

Main prospects for the development of the chemical industry of Ukraine

1. Chemicalization of the national economy of Ukraine contributes to the widespread use of mineral fertilizers in various sectors and spheres of the national economy, the introduction of chemical technologies in industry and agriculture, the intensification of production processes, and savings in social labor costs.

2. Ukraine has a powerful raw material base for the development of the chemical industry: unique deposits of natural sulfur in the Carpathian region (Razdal, Muschi, Yavorov), significant deposits of potassium salts (Kalush-Golinskaya and Stebnitska groups), almost unlimited deposits of rock salt in the Donbass (Artemovsk, Slavyansk ), Transcarpathia (Solotvyno) and Prykarpattia (Bolekhiv. Drohobych). Inexhaustible reserves of self-sedating salt in the lakes and estuaries of the Black Sea region and Crimea, Lake Sivash is especially rich in chloride salts of sodium, magnesium and bromine. The raw material base of the chemical industry of Ukraine also consists of coal, coke production products, flammable gases and oil. Thanks to an extensive pipeline system, organic chemical enterprises are approaching areas of mass consumption of their products.

3. The development of pharmaceuticals is promising. Recently, the region has been implementing modern technologies, modernization of factories producing the most necessary medicines. Some foreign companies began producing patented drugs in Ukrainian factories. The pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine includes about 90 enterprises. In Ukraine, the powerful Pharmacia plant, which also belongs to the Stirol concern, has come into operation. This plant produces approximately 950 million tablets and capsules per year. It is located in Gorlovka.

4. Used in the chemical industry different kinds energy: electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, artificial cold. Energy carriers are electricity, steam, hot water, fuel, chilled water, air, inert gases. The chemical industry will become energy-intensive. One of the prospects for the development of the chemical industry is to reduce the energy intensity of production through the introduction of scientific and technological progress.

The chemical industry is one of the critical industrial sectors of Ukraine, since imported raw materials are used for the production of the main types of chemical products. The development of the chemical industry depends on critical imports of gas, petroleum products, phosphorites, cellulose, rubber and cyclic hydrocarbons. Most of the production of inorganic products is represented by a full cycle. The chemical and petroleum refining industries are industries that produce materials whose specific gravity is industrial production is about 7%. The share of exports in the country's total exports is about 13% (the main export products are ammonia, nitrogen fertilizers and tires). The main consumers of chemical products in Ukraine as of 1996 are industry (total) - 28.4%, chemical industry - 12.0%, agro-industrial complex - 10.1%, electric power industry - 2.6%, construction complex - 2, 1%, mechanical engineering - 2.8%, transport - 2.3%.

The chemical complex is combined with ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil refining, light, food, engineering and forestry industries, agriculture and the like. Thanks to complex system connections, a combination of industries is formed, from which inter-industry complexes are formed.

Petrochemical industry commonly referred to as the production of chemical products based on oil and gas. Petrochemical production includes:

shadow hydrocarbons;

hydrides, acids, etc.;

Production of petrochemical raw materials. Oil fractions and

gases cannot be directly processed into commercial chemical products. For such processing, it is necessary to first obtain chemically active hydrocarbons, which primarily include unsaturated hydrocarbons (olefins): ethylene C2H4, propylene C3H6 butylene C4H8, etc. The main industrial method for producing olefins is the pyrolysis of various gaseous and liquid petroleum feedstock.

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Another type of raw material for petrochemical production is acetylene C 2 H 2, obtained by high temperature by electrocracking (under voltaic arc conditions) of methane. Acetylene is one of the starting materials for the production of synthetic fibers and plastics.

Production of alcohols. Alcohols are used in the production of synthetic polymers, rubbers, detergents, as solvents, extractants and for other purposes. One of the most important methods for the production of alcohols is the hydration of olefins, during which ethyl, isopropyl, isobutyl and other alcohols are produced. Methyl alcohol is produced by hydrogenation of carbon monoxide (a combination of CO and hydrogen under conditions of high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst). Higher alcohols are formed during the hydrogenation of higher fatty acids and their esters, aldehydes, etc.

Production of surfactants. For the production of synthetic materials, aromatic hydrocarbons are needed - benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, etc. Benzene is used mainly for the production of styrene and phenol. When interacting with low molecular weight olefins (ethylene, propylene, butylene), phenol produces intermediate products necessary for the production of detergents, resins and oil additives. Toluene is primarily used as a high-octane additive for motor fuels and as a solvent. Xylene is used in the production of synthetic fibers (“lavsan”).

For a long time The only industrial method for producing aromatic hydrocarbons from oil was pyrolysis. Currently, they are also obtained through the catalytic reforming of narrow gasoline fractions.

Polymer production. High molecular weight compounds (polymers) include substances with a molecular weight of 5000 or more. Polymers consist of repeatedly repeating elements - monomer residues.

The main methods for synthesizing polymers are polymerization and polycondensation. Polymerization is the reaction of the formation of high-molecular substances by combining several monomer molecules, which is not accompanied by a change in their composition. At polycondensation the formation of polymers is accompanied by the release of some low molecular weight substance (water, alcohol, ammonia, etc.). Therefore, the composition of the elementary unit of the polymer in this case does not correspond to the elemental composition of the original monomer.

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The variety of produced polymers determines different technologies for their production.

simplest technological process production synthetic rubber as follows. Ethyl alcohol is obtained from ethylene by hydration. By evaporating it in hermetically sealed vessels and heating the vapor to several hundred degrees in a reactor in the presence of a special catalyst, butadiene is obtained. After purification, butadiene is subjected to catalytic polymerization, producing raw rubber. By stirring it under reduced pressure, gases are removed from the raw rubber. From the resulting product, rubber sheets are obtained, which are delivered in rolls to rubber factories for the subsequent manufacture of various products.

To the group plastics include vinyl plastic, foam plastic, polyethylene, Teflon and other materials. Viniplast obtained by chemical processing of polyvinyl chloride resin formed by the reaction of ethylene with chlorine. Viniplast is used for the production of electrical insulating materials, the manufacture of pipes and fittings for the chemical industry, etc.

In addition, by adding a special substance to vinyl plastic that releases a large number of gases when heated (porofor), obtain Styrofoam. Industrial foam is 7... 10 times lighter than water.

Widespread polyethylene- high molecular weight product of ethylene polymerization. There are polyethylene high pressure and polyethylene low pressure. The first is obtained at a pressure of 100...300 MPa and a temperature of 100...300 °C in the presence of oxygen. This process requires high frequency ethylene. Low pressure polyethylene is produced by polymerization of ethylene at a pressure of up to 1 MPa and a temperature of 60...80 °C in the presence of a special catalyst.

Teflon(polyfluoroethylene) is obtained by polymerization of the monomer - tetrafluoroethylene. Such monomers are usually obtained from ethylene by replacing hydrogen atoms in its molecules with fluorine atoms.

From synthetic fibers Currently, the most widely used are nylon, lavsan, nitron, etc.

The starting material for the production of nylon is caprolac there. It is obtained as a result of complex chemical processing of phenol or benzene. By subjecting caprolactam to polymerization at a temperature of 250 ° C in the presence of nitrogen, nylon resin is obtained, from which nylon fiber is subsequently produced.

Lavsan produced from para-xylene, which, in turn, is obtained by catalytic processing of gasoline fractions in catalytic reforming units.

186 Part I. Fundamentals of oil and gas business

4.3.2. Main petrochemical products

Surfactants(surfactants) are widely used in various industries, in agriculture and in everyday life.

In oil production (see Chapter 2), surfactants are used to destroy water-oil emulsions formed during the extraction of oil to the surface of the earth and its movement through field pipelines. Surfactants are added to water when washing tanks and tanker compartments to speed up the process. One of the ways to pump high-viscosity oil is its joint transport with water treated with a surfactant solution: in this case, the water wets the metal well and the oil moves as if inside a water ring.

In addition, surfactants are used in the production of synthetic detergents, cosmetics, lotions, toothpastes, toilet soaps, leather tanning, fur dyeing, baking, fire-fighting foams, confectionery and ice cream, and as a foaming agent in the production of fermented drinks. (kvass, beer), etc.

Despite the wide variety of surfactants, they can all be divided into two groups: ionic surfactants, which, when dissolved in water, dissociate into ions) and nonionic surfactants, which do not dissociate into ions.

Depending on which ions are responsible for the surface activity of ionic substances - anions or cations, ionic substances are divided into anionic, cationic and ampholytic. The latter differ in that in an acidic solution they behave as cationic surfactants, and in an alkaline solution - as anionic ones.

Based on their solubility in certain media, surfactants are water-soluble, water-oil-soluble, and oil-soluble.

Synthetic rubbers replaced natural rubber. The term “rubber” comes from the word “caucho”, which the inhabitants of Brazil used to designate the product obtained from the milky juice (latex) of the Hevea plant growing on the banks of the river. Amazons. Natural rubber was isolated from latex by coagulation using formic, oxalic or acetic acid. The resulting loose clot was washed with water and rolled on rollers to obtain sheets. They were then dried and smoked in smoke-filled chambers to make the natural rubber resistant to oxidation and microorganisms.

The starting materials for the production of synthetic rubber are currently mainly butadiene,

Chapter 4. Processing of oil, gas and hydrocarbon raw materials 187

Styrene, isoprene and other monomers obtained from hydrocarbon gases of natural and industrial origin.

Various types of synthetic rubber are produced, divided into two groups: rubbers general purpose(-80% of global production) and special. The former are used where only the elasticity characteristic of rubbers at normal temperatures is needed. Special rubbers are used in the production of products that must be resistant to solvents, oils, and heat and frost resistance.

Plastic masses are called structural materials obtained on the basis of a polymer and having the ability to form and, under normal conditions, retain the shape given to them in the form finished products. In addition to polymers, plastics include fillers, plasticizers, stabilizers, dyes and other additives.

Fillers are introduced to improve the physical and mechanical properties of plastics, reduce shrinkage and reduce their cost. Wood flour, paper, cotton fabric, mica, talc, kaolin, and fiberglass are used as fillers.

Plasticizers Give plastics flexibility and elasticity, reduce rigidity and fragility. Dibutyl phthalate, stearin, camphor, glycerin, etc. are used as plasticizers.

Stabilizers(antioxidants, antioxidants, heat stabilizers, etc.) help plastics retain their properties for a long time under operating conditions.

Dyes injected into plastic to give it the desired color.

Depending on their behavior when heated, plastics are divided into thermoplastic and thermosetting. Thermoplastics(thermoplastics) soften and become plastic when heated, and harden again when cooled. Softening and hardening can be done repeatedly. Thermoplastics include polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, fluoroplastic, etc. Thermoset plastics(thermosets) at the beginning of heat treatment soften, become plastic and take the desired shape. However, with further heating, they lose their plasticity and become infusible and insoluble. The thermosets include phenoplasts, aminoplasts, etc.

Plastic masses have been known to mankind since ancient times. They were made on the basis of natural resins - rosin, bitumen, etc. The oldest plastic material made from artificial

188 Part I. Fundamentals of oil and gas business

Vienna polymer - cellulose nitrate, is celluloid, the production of which began in the USA in 1872. In 1906... 1910. In Russia and Germany, the first thermosets based on phenol-formaldehyde resin were produced. In the 1930s in the USSR, Germany and other industrialized countries, the production of thermoplastics - polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, etc. was organized. However, the rapid development of the plastics industry began only after the Second World War. In the 50s, many countries began producing the “number one plastic” - polyethylene.

Today it is impossible to imagine our life without plastics. In construction they are used for finishing works, in the form of wall panels, window frames, doors, etc. In mechanical engineering, gears and worm wheels, pulleys, bearings, rollers, pipes, etc. are made from plastics. In aircraft manufacturing, thermosets are used to make jet engines, wings, aircraft fuselages, helicopter rotors, fuel tanks, etc. In the automotive industry, engine parts, transmissions, chassis, bodies, and interior trim elements are made from plastics. In medicine, plastic instruments, heart valves, prosthetic limbs, eye lenses, etc. are used. This list could be continued.

Synthetic fibers Along with natural and artificial ones, they are widely used for household and technical purposes.

The possibility of producing chemical fibers from various substances (glue, resins) was predicted back in the 17th-18th centuries. However, their production was first organized on an industrial scale in France in 1891.

The production of synthetic fibers began with the release of polyvinyl chloride fiber (Germany) in 1932. In 1942 in industrial scale The most famous polyamide fiber was produced - nylon (USA).

Currently, in addition to polyamide fiber, they also produce polyester (lavsan), polyacrylonitrile (nitron), polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene fibers. They are produced in the form of textile and cord threads, as well as in the form of staple fiber.

Synthetic fibers have high tensile strength, good dimensional stability, wrinkle resistance, and resistance to light, moisture, mold, and temperature. The variety of properties of the original synthetic polymers, as well as the possibility of modifying both the initial raw material (monomer) and the fiber itself, makes it possible to obtain products with specified properties and high quality.

Chapter 4. Processing of oil, gas and hydrocarbon raw materials 189

Stva. In this regard, synthetic fibers in many cases are replacing natural and artificial fibers.

Fabrics made from synthetic fibers are used not only in everyday life. They are used as electrical cladding and insulating materials in cars, railway cars, sea and river vessels. Synthetic fibers are preferred in the manufacture of ropes, fishing nets, parachutes and other products that require materials with high tensile strength.


At present, oil refining produces: 1) fuel; 2) petroleum oils; 3) paraffins, ceresins, petroleum jelly; 4) petroleum bitumen; 5) lighting kerosene; 6) solvents; 7) other petroleum products (petroleum coke, soot, grease, etc.). Oil refining is carried out at oil refineries.

Natural flammable gases are processed in gas processing plants, which are built near large oil and gas fields. The gases are first purified from mechanical impurities (particles of dust, sand, scale, etc.), dried and purified from hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. The products of primary processing of natural flammable gases are gas gasoline, liquefied and dry gases, technical hydrocarbons: ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes.

The petrochemical industry is usually called the production of chemical products based on oil and gas, which includes:

1) production of raw materials - olefins, dienes, aromatics and naf
shadow hydrocarbons;

2) production of intermediate products - alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, an
hydrides, acids, etc.;

3) production of surfactants;

4) production of high molecular weight compounds - polymers.


1. Name the main products of oil refining.

2. Describe the main stages of oil refining.

3. Name and describe the main types of oil refineries

190 Part I. Fundamentals of oil and gas business

4. What are the main processes used in gas processing plants?
in factories?

5. What are the differences between oil refining and petrochemical

6. What are the raw materials for petrochemical production?


1. Manovyan A.K. Technology of primary oil refining and
native gas: Textbook. manual for university students. - M.: Chemistry, 2001.

2. Fundamentals of oil and gas business: Textbook / A.A. Korshak, A.M. Sham-
mazov. - 2nd ed., add. and corr. -Ufa: DesignPolygraphService, 2002.

3. Processes and apparatus of oil and gas refining and petrochemistry:
Textbook for universities / A.I. Skoblo, Y.K. Molokanov, A.I. Vladimirov,
V.A. Shchelkunov. -3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Nedra, 2000.

4. Sharafiev R.G. Technology for collecting, preparing and refining oil
and gas (design, calculations and tests): Proc. allowance. -Ufa:
Ufim. state oil tech. University, 1997.


5.1. Storage and distribution of oil and petroleum products

5.1.1. Classification of tank farms

5.1.2. Operations carried out at oil depots

5.1.3. Oil storage facilities and their location

5.1.4. Unloading and loading devices for railway tanks

5.1.5. Oil harbors, berths and piers

5.1.6. Automotive tank filling plants

5.1.7. Underground storage of petroleum products

5.1.8. Gas stations

5.2. Gas storage and distribution

5.2.1. Unevenness of gas consumption and methods of compensation

5.1.1. Gas storage in gas tanks

5.2.1. Underground gas storage facilities

5.2.2. Gas distribution networks

5.2.3. Gas control points

5.2.4. Automotive gas filling compressor stations

5.2.5. Use of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the gas supply system

5.2.6. Liquefied hydrocarbon gas storage facilities

Control questions and tasks


Related information.

Some of the youngest but most dynamic industries in the country are oil refining (production of fuel oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene) and petrochemicals (production of basic organic synthesis products, synthetic fibers, rubber, soot). These industries are developing despite the fact that the country is completely deprived of its own oil. All oil is imported (mainly from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Kuwait). This led to the location of processing centers. Three large petrochemical complexes were formed in the southeastern part of the peninsula - Ulsan, in the southwest - Yecheon, on the coast of the Yellow Sea - Daesan.
At the end of the 1950s. The country's industry was concentrated in two cities - Seoul and Busan. 40% of all those employed in industrial production were concentrated here. As industrialization progressed, industry began to develop in the suburban areas of these major cities, as well as in other provinces. New large industrial centers grew on the southeastern, southern and southwestern coasts - Ulsan, Yeosu, Mokpo. However, the capital region still remains the largest center of industrial concentration. Along with Seoul, it includes the cities of Gyeonggi Province: Incheon, Anyang, Pujeon, Songnam, Suwon. This region accounts for everyone employed in the country's industry. Almost 90% of the country's large industrial companies have their headquarters here. The sectoral structure of the region is diversified, but the sectors of specialization are high-tech industries.
The second most important industrial region of the country, Busan (includes Busan, Ulsan, Pohang, Masan) is located in the southeast of the Republic of Korea. About 22% of those employed in industrial production are concentrated here. The area's specialization is ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and petrochemistry.
Another industrial area is located in the interior of the country and includes the centers of Daegu and Gumi. Daegu is the country's largest textile production center, and Gummi is the center of the electronics industry.
For accelerated development high technology and high-tech industries, the country has adopted a program for creating technopolises. These new territorial-economic formations have powerful scientific, technical and intellectual potential. The first of these cities was Taedok, located 150 km south of Seoul. Technopolises have been created in Gwangju, Busan, Daegu, and Gangneung.
In the structure of the South Korean manufacturing industry, those industries whose development began in the 1960s also retain important positions. industrialization of the country: ceramics (tiles), porcelain and earthenware (dishes, sanitary ware), textiles (cotton fabrics), sewing. Large cities became the centers of their location.

More on the topic Oil refining and petrochemical industry:

  1. 16. Chemical and petrochemical industry of the Republic of Belarus.
The petrochemical industry is a progressive, rapidly developing industry. Chemicalization is increasingly penetrating into all spheres of the national economy.
The location of petrochemical industries is influenced by factors, among which the most important are raw materials, energy, water, consumer, labor, environmental, and infrastructure. The role of each of them is different depending on the specifics of production. However, a comprehensive account of the influence of all interacting factors of the location of any petrochemical production is required.
The petrochemical industry as a whole is a highly raw material-intensive industry. A simplified production diagram of the petrochemical industry is shown in the figure.
The petrochemical industry is an energy-intensive industry, with high specific consumption of electrical, thermal energy and direct fuel. For example, to produce 1 ton of chemical fiber requires up to 15 - 20 thousand kW/h of electricity and up to 10 tons of fuel for heat generation (steam, hot water). The total consumption of fuel and energy resources in the petrochemical and chemical industries is about 20–30% of total consumption in industry. Therefore, energy-intensive industries often gravitate toward sources of cheap electrical and thermal energy. This also contributes to the efficiency of intra-industry and inter-industry connections in the petrochemical and chemical industries, which, in turn, ensures intra- and inter-industry combination of production and the introduction of energy technology processes.
Water consumption in petrochemical production is very high. Water is used for washing, cooling units, and disposal of waste industrial waters. In terms of total consumption, the petrochemical industry (together with the chemical industry) ranks first among the manufacturing industries. For the production of 1 ton of fiber, for example, up to 5 thousand cubic meters are consumed. m of water, and in the cost of producing a water-intensive unit of production, the water component ranges from 10 to 30%.
Therefore, it is advisable to locate water-intensive industries in areas with favorable water balance, near water sources.
The Russian industry of plastics and synthetic resins arose initially in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, and Ural regions using imported raw materials. Currently, there are significant shifts in the location of the industry due to the widespread use of hydrocarbon petrochemical feedstocks. Production of synthetic resins and plastics has been created in areas of oil refining, oil production and along oil and gas pipeline routes: Volga (Novokuibyshevsk, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kazan), Ural (Ufa, Salavat, Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Tagil), Central (Moscow, Ryazan, Yaroslavl), North -Caucasian (Budennovsk), North-Western (St. Petersburg), West Siberian (Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Omsk), Volga-Vyatka (Dzerzhinsk) regions.
In the future, it would be more expedient to place the production of synthetic resins and plastics in the eastern regions (Western and Eastern Siberia) on the basis of West Siberian oil processing plants in Omsk, Tomsk, Tobolsk, Achinsk, Angarsk, where there is a favorable combination of raw materials, water resources and cheap electricity generated by hydroelectric power stations in Eastern Siberia (Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayano-Shushenskaya).
The synthetic rubber industry occupies a prominent place in the world. The production of synthetic rubber (SR) arose on the basis of food alcohol (in Krasnoyarsk). With the transition to hydrocarbon raw materials from oil, associated petroleum gases and natural gas, the location of industrial complex production has undergone significant changes. Production was predominantly developed in Central (Yaroslavl, Moscow, Efremov), Volga (Kazan, Volzhsky, Tolyatti, Novokuybyshevsk, Saratov, Nizhnekamsk), Ural (Ufa, Perm, Orsk, Sterlitamak), West Siberian (Omsk), East Siberian (Krasnoyarsk) areas with a highly developed oil refining industry. The main ones listed are the Volga, Ural and West Siberian regions.
The greatest influence on the location of SC production is exerted by raw materials and energy factors. In the future, it will expand due to the eastern regions of the country on the basis of Western Siberian oil and associated gases as part of the Omsk, Tomsk, Tobolsk oil refining and petrochemical complexes, as well as oil refineries in Eastern Siberia (Achinsk, Angarsk) with favorable energy opportunities (Bratskaya, Krasnoyarsk, Sayano -Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station).
The chemical fiber industry, which includes the production of artificial and synthetic types, uses cellulose (for artificial fibers) and petroleum products (for synthetic fibers) as feedstock. Depending on the type, the production of chemical fiber is characterized high costs raw materials, fuel and energy, water and labor resources, as well as significant capital costs. Therefore, the correct placement of this industry requires a comprehensive consideration of these factors.
Having initially appeared in old industrial areas with developed chemistry, this industry has taken a strong position in the western regions of Russia (more than 2/3 general production products): in the Volga Region - about 1/3 (Tver, Klin, Ryazan), Central - about 1/3 (Engels, Balakovo, Saratov, Volzhsky), Central Chernozem Region - 9% (Kursk). The share of eastern regions is less than 1/3: Western Siberia (Barnaul, Kemerovo), Eastern Siberia(Krasnoyarsk).
In the future, significant territorial shifts in the production of chemical fibers will occur due to the eastern regions of the country, which are provided with raw materials, fuel, energy and water resources. According to the results of carefully carried out calculations, in Siberia in the Far East it is advisable to locate non-labor-intensive and non-capital-intensive, but highly energy-intensive, raw material and water-intensive types of production, taking into account the intra-industry connections of the chemical and forestry, petrochemical and energy industries.

The petrochemical industry is one of the most developed areas of heavy industry. It covers the manufacture of synthetic materials and products that are based on the processing of oil and natural combustible gases. Petrochemical industry enterprises produce:

  • synthetic rubber;
  • ethylene;
  • propylene;
  • detergents;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • Rubber products;
  • consumer goods.

The most important source of raw materials are hydrocarbons. The development of this industry differs from others at a rapid pace. Production efficiency is constantly improving, new methods and technologies are being introduced, and innovative equipment is being developed. The characteristics of the industry are quite positive, but existing problems should not be overlooked.

Despite the rapid development of the industry, shortcomings in this area still exist. This is directly:

  • depreciation of equipment;
  • Soviet equipment;
  • use of outdated methods;
  • low level of training of domestic specialists;
  • lack of investors and sponsors.

Against this background, it becomes important to hold thematic and industry events. They can significantly increase the investment attractiveness of the industry, introduce new products and advanced technologies into production, and also improve the quality of manufactured goods.

Exhibition "Chemistry"

ISO 29001 petrochemical and gas industry is a document that defines management system requirements for product supply organizations. Their compliance is very important and mandatory. In such conditions, the most optimal option for the development and improvement of the industry is to conduct thematic events. One of these is the international exhibition “Chemistry”.

The exhibition is organized by the world-famous Expocentre Fairgrounds complex. Its staff includes only the best professional and experienced employees. The organizers did everything possible to ensure that the event was held as efficiently as possible in the B2B format. Thus, the Chemistry exhibition is a platform for developing business solutions and their implementation. Manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and consumers of products from the petrochemical industry traditionally gather here under one roof.

What are the benefits of participating in such projects? This is directly:

  • image formation;
  • improving the quality of domestic goods;
  • increasing competitiveness;
  • introduction of various innovations into production;
  • increasing indicators of scientific achievements;
  • concluding profitable contracts, deals and agreements.

All this opens up for exhibitors ample opportunities and allows you to find investors, sponsors and partners. This is an excellent option for exchanging experience and knowledge with leading experts in the industry, as well as establishing cooperation with international companies.