Bean crops Mung bean - benefits and harm to the health of the body. The most useful way to use

We are used to pea puree and bean or lentil soup. However, there are legumes that you rarely see in our kitchen, for example, mung bean. If you have never encountered this product, but now want to cook something from mung beans, our recipes with photos of the most interesting dishes made from these beans will help you in your culinary experiments.

A little about Masha

The homeland of this legume is India. Mung beans are small green grains, similar in shape to peas, only smaller and slightly darker. This is very useful product, which includes large quantities elements such as fiber, phosphorus, B vitamins. They have a beneficial effect on the digestion process, stabilize nervous system, have a positive effect on other organs and systems of the body.
This is a fairly high-calorie product - about 300 calories per 100 g, nutritious and satisfying.

The most important rule, which applies to both mung bean and other legumes, is their preliminary soaking. How long to soak directly depends on the age of the beans. If they are young, then 50-60 minutes will be enough. But if the beans are several months or even years old, then soak them in water overnight.
Also, the soaking time depends on the purpose for which the product will be used. For dishes instant cooking, for example, some soups or side dishes, it is better to keep them in water longer. And for those that take an hour or more to prepare, you don’t need to soak them at all, just rinse the beans.
These recommendations apply to any dishes containing mung bean, the recipes for which you will find below.

How to cook mung bean as a side dish

The most common method of preparation is as a side dish of this legume for meat dishes.

To do this you need to take:

  • 200 g mung bean;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tomato;
  • salt, pepper, dill seeds.

The process of preparing the side dish is quite simple:

  1. Boil the pre-soaked grains in salted water until tender.

  1. Fry onion in half rings with vegetable oil, allspice and dill seeds. If you like spicy notes, you can replace allspice with red pepper.

  1. At the end of frying, add diced tomato. Stew.

  1. Place the cooked mung bean in a frying pan with fried vegetables and mix well. Simmer for another 5 minutes and set aside.

This method is the fastest and easiest. However, in order to experience all the facets of the taste of this legume, you need to cook other dishes with it. Only then will mung bean, from which we offer other recipes below, reveal itself to you in a completely different way.


These beans can easily become the basis of risotto.

We will need:

  • 1 cup beans;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • salt, ground paprika, spices.

The process itself will take a little time:

  1. Soak the grains for 4 hours (or better yet, overnight).

  1. Fry onions and carrots. Add minced meat to them and fry everything together.

  1. In a deep container, combine mung bean with minced meat.

  1. Salt and sprinkle with paprika. Pour in water, cover and cook until the beans are ready. At the end, add your favorite spices or herbs.

Mung bean soup

From of this product You can also prepare hearty first courses. We suggest you cook one of these.

To prepare the soup, take:

  • 300 g beef;
  • 1 tbsp. Masha;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • salt, black pepper to taste.

Prepare the soup as follows:

  1. Chop the onion and fry it for vegetable oil along with carrots.

  1. Place the diced beef in the pan.

  1. Transfer the entire contents of the frying pan into a saucepan, pour cold water, add the washed mung bean and put on low heat.

  1. Salt should be added when the beans are almost ready and cracked. Otherwise you will end up with hard grains. Pepper and turmeric should be added along with salt.

  1. Melt butter in a frying pan and mix with flour. Fry the flour until golden brown and add it to the soup. After the soup is cooked, it should be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

As you can see, recipes with mung bean are varied and versatile. It can even be cooked in a slow cooker or in pots. This legume will add healthy variety to your menu.

Today’s article will be devoted to an extremely important, in my opinion, product for health – Masha (mung bean).

Even when I decided that I was not yet ready to remain on a raw food diet all the time, I began to germinate mung beans further. It has become one of the main and popular components of my daily diet. In addition to the sprouts themselves, which we add to salads or smoothies, mung beans make dishes that are excellent in their taste and nutritional characteristics. But most often we eat sprouts to get maximum health benefits.

Mung beans (mung beans, golden beans) come from India. This is a leguminous crop, which is a relative of beans. Mash has a round shape, small size and characteristic green color, the shades of which may vary slightly depending on the variety of mung bean. Mung beans are also called mung beans. Moong is the Hindi name for masha. Mung bean is one of the main products in the cuisine of the countries of the Asian region, Japan, China and Korea. In these countries, mung bean has the same value as bread in Russia. On our last trip to India, we saw firsthand how Indians relate to this culture - they add great amount dishes. IN Western countries Mung bean is not so popular and is used mainly for preparing vegetarian and raw food dishes. In the vegetarian community, there are a large number of recipes that use mung bean in a variety of forms. For people who care about their health and nutrition, mung bean is a familiar part of the diet. Sprouted mung bean is especially useful.

Composition of mung beans

Full composition of mung bean per 100g:

Vitamins: B1 - 0.05 mg, B2 - 0.1 mg, B4 - 9.9 mg, B5 - 0.24 mg, B6 - 0.05 mg, B9 – 29 µg, C - 11.4 mg, E - 0.07 mg, K - 22.7 µg, PP - 4, 0836 mg.

Microelements: iron - 0.65 mg, manganese - 0.14 mg, copper - 0.12 mg, selenium - 0.6 mg, zinc - 0.47 mg.

Macroelements: calcium - 192 mg, magnesium - 174 mg, sodium - 40 mg, potassium - 1000 mg, phosphorus - 358 mg.

The nutritional value: proteins - 23.5g, fats - 2g, carbohydrates - 46g, dietary fiber - 11.1g, water - 14g, mono- and disaccharides - 3.6g, starch - 42.4g, ash - 3.5g.

The calorie content of mung bean is 300 kcal.

Beneficial properties of mung beans

Mung bean is a product with negative calorie content. Therefore, it will be an ideal component for all kinds of diets whose goal is weight loss. Losing weight with mung bean is very easy. Mung is a very filling product and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time.

Mung bean, thanks to the dietary fiber it contains, perfectly cleanses the intestines, which improves the intestinal microflora and increases the ability of its walls to absorb beneficial substances coming from food. This leads to the fact that food will be absorbed more fully and, therefore, less will be required. This process leads to a decrease in food consumption, and, as a result, to normalization of weight. Mung bean helps people who are overweight to lose weight.

Mash contains high level protein, and the efficiency of its absorption by the body is several times greater than the efficiency of absorption of protein contained in products of animal origin. Thanks to this property, mung bean is an excellent meat substitute.

Mung bean is a natural antioxidant and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, starting the process of regeneration and rejuvenation.

Mung bean has antiseptic properties, which helps the body cope with various diseases caused by microbes and viruses. Eating mung bean sprouts helps not to get sick during infectious outbreaks (flu, ARVI, etc.).

Mung bean lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Mung bean is a powerful detoxifying agent for the body. Mung has a beneficial effect in case of poisoning. When consumed regularly, it cleanses the body, removing waste, toxins and heavy metal salts.

Mung bean is a product with a low glycemic index. Mung harmonizes blood sugar levels, which makes it an indispensable product that should be included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Conducted Scientific research have proven the properties of mung bean to fight malignant and benign tumors. People suffering from cancer should definitely introduce mung bean (ideally its sprouts) into their diet.

Benefits of masha for men

Mung bean increases male stamina physical body, increasing muscle strength. This property is indispensable for men involved in various types sports

Benefits of masha for women

Mash normalizes and maintains hormonal levels in women during menopause. Mung is an excellent food to eat during pregnancy. Useful material, contained in mung bean, have a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus, significantly increasing the immunity of the unborn child. During feeding, it makes the taste of milk more pleasant. Mung bean sprouts will ideal option first feeding.

Harm of mung beans - contraindications

Mung bean should not be consumed by people with insufficient intestinal motility.

Due to the large amount of fiber contained in mung bean, if mung bean is consumed excessively, it can cause flatulence and difficult and painful digestion (dyspepsia). People with stomach problems (acute forms of gastritis and stomach ulcers) should pay attention to this.

Mung bean should also not be consumed by people who have an individual intolerance to it.

Methods of using mung beans in cooking

In cooking, mung bean is used in all dishes: in various soups, side dishes and salads.

To get the maximum benefit from this unique product, you should eat mung bean sprouts. Mung bean is the easiest crop to germinate, even for someone who has never sprouted seeds. Mung bean sprouts can be obtained as usual manually, soaking it for 3-4 hours and then placing it on wet gauze, or use a hydroponic seed germinator. For example, you can take the simplest and most budget-friendly version of such a germinator - “Health Treasure,” which I already wrote about earlier. The article also gives detailed instructions on germination.

As I wrote above, I personally use mung bean sprouts as part of smoothies, which I drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Here is the approximate composition of my favorite morning smoothie:

  • 40-50g mung bean sprouts,
  • 30-40g spinach leaves,
  • one pineapple wheel about 1.5 cm thick,
  • approximately 30-40g of frozen cranberries and raspberries,
  • 2 heaped teaspoons,
  • 4 pieces of ice. Ice is required, because... the temperature of the churned mass should not exceed 25-30g, so as not to lose vitamins when heated.

If anyone is interested, I use it for smoothies professional blender— L'equip BS7 Quattro.

Sometimes we eat mung bean as part of green salads. Here, recipe variations can be very different.

Mash - good to know

- Mash is an ideal product for people involved in various sports, especially strength sports. Due to its high protein content, which has a high absorption efficiency, it will be an excellent addition to the diet of people involved, for example, in weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding or fitness. Mung bean is simply out of competition compared to protein sports nutrition. And thanks to the essential natural amino acids it contains, which athletes usually get from purchased chemical additives, it will make the process of protein absorption by the body very high, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality muscle mass. This point was confirmed by me personally during the years when I was actively involved in bodybuilding. The effect of eating mung bean sprouts is simply amazing. Athletes, take note of this, and be sure to try introducing mung bean sprouts into your training diet.

Women during pregnancy Very It is useful to eat mung bean sprouts. As was written above, this will have a positive effect on both the body of the expectant mother and the immunity of the unborn child. The most ideal option for taking mung bean in this case would be the juice from its sprouts. The juice should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals, or also on an empty stomach an hour before bedtime. Quantity - around 150ml. To obtain juice from mung bean sprouts you will need Auger juicer. It will be very difficult to squeeze juice out of sprouts with a conventional centrifugal juicer - the efficiency will be extremely low. High-quality single-screw juicers can now be purchased without any problems. The prices are not low, but it's worth it. If funds allow, it is better to purchase a twin-screw juicer. For example, Green Star Elite from Tribest - best juicer, which currently exists on the market. I did detailed review juicers in the article ““. To obtain juice, more than budget option— Tribest “Slowstar SW-2000” single-screw juicer, which costs significantly less than the “Green Star Elite”.

Masha price

Mung beans are best purchased from online stores for vegetarians and raw foodists. In them, mung bean is always sold in unprocessed form - it germinates perfectly and contains maximum benefits. Mung bean, which is sold in regular stores, most often has undergone some kind of processing (usually heat), and the benefits of such grains will be much lower. I tried to germinate both unprocessed mung beans purchased at one of the vegetarian stores and mung beans purchased at a regular store. There is a difference. Unprocessed mung bean germinates much faster and has a very pleasant taste. Store-bought mung beans often contain inactive grains that have dried out so much that you can simply break your teeth on them (I once found myself in this situation). The taste characteristics are much inferior to unprocessed mung bean.

The cost of mung bean in specialized vegetarian stores is around 120-140 rubles per 500g. The price of processed mung bean in regular stores is about the same.


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Today’s article will be devoted to an extremely important, in my opinion, product for health – Masha (mung bean).

Even when I decided that I was not yet ready to remain on a raw food diet all the time, I began to germinate mung beans further. It has become one of the main and popular components of my daily diet. In addition to the sprouts themselves, which we add to salads or smoothies, mung beans make dishes that are excellent in their taste and nutritional characteristics. But most often we eat sprouts to get maximum health benefits.

Mung beans (mung beans, golden beans) come from India. This is a leguminous crop, which is a relative of beans. Mung bean has a round shape, small size and a characteristic green color, the shades of which may vary slightly depending on the variety of mung bean. Mung beans are also called mung beans. Moong is the Hindi name for masha. Mung bean is one of the main products in the cuisine of the countries of the Asian region, Japan, China and Korea. In these countries, mung bean has the same value as bread in Russia. On our last trip to India, we saw firsthand how Indians treat this culture - they add it to a huge number of dishes. In Western countries, mung bean is not so popular and is used mainly for preparing vegetarian and raw food dishes. In the vegetarian community, there are a large number of recipes that use mung bean in a variety of forms. For people who care about their health and nutrition, mung bean is a familiar part of the diet. Sprouted mung bean is especially useful.

Composition of mung beans

Full composition of mung bean per 100g:

Vitamins: B1 - 0.05 mg, B2 - 0.1 mg, B4 - 9.9 mg, B5 - 0.24 mg, B6 - 0.05 mg, B9 – 29 µg, C - 11.4 mg, E - 0.07 mg, K - 22.7 µg, PP - 4, 0836 mg.

Microelements: iron - 0.65 mg, manganese - 0.14 mg, copper - 0.12 mg, selenium - 0.6 mg, zinc - 0.47 mg.

Macroelements: calcium - 192 mg, magnesium - 174 mg, sodium - 40 mg, potassium - 1000 mg, phosphorus - 358 mg.

Nutritional value: proteins - 23.5g, fats - 2g, carbohydrates - 46g, dietary fiber - 11.1g, water - 14g, mono- and disaccharides - 3.6g, starch - 42.4g, ash - 3.5g.

The calorie content of mung bean is 300 kcal.

Beneficial properties of mung beans

Mung bean is a product with negative calorie content. Therefore, it will be an ideal component for all kinds of diets whose goal is weight loss. Losing weight with mung bean is very easy. Mung is a very filling product and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time.

Mung bean, thanks to the dietary fiber it contains, perfectly cleanses the intestines, which improves the intestinal microflora and increases the ability of its walls to absorb beneficial substances coming from food. This leads to the fact that food will be absorbed more fully and, therefore, less will be required. This process leads to a decrease in food consumption, and, as a result, to normalization of weight. Mung bean helps people who are overweight to lose weight.

Mung bean contains a high level of protein, and the efficiency of its absorption by the body is several times higher than the efficiency of absorption of protein contained in products of animal origin. Thanks to this property, mung bean is an excellent meat substitute.

Mung bean is a natural antioxidant and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, starting the process of regeneration and rejuvenation.

Mung bean has antiseptic properties, which helps the body cope with various diseases caused by germs and viruses. Eating mung bean sprouts helps not to get sick during infectious outbreaks (flu, ARVI, etc.).

Mung bean lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Mung bean is a powerful detoxifying agent for the body. Mung has a beneficial effect in case of poisoning. When consumed regularly, it cleanses the body, removing waste, toxins and heavy metal salts.

Mung bean is a product with a low glycemic index. Mung harmonizes blood sugar levels, which makes it an indispensable product that should be included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Scientific studies have proven the properties of mung bean to fight malignant and benign tumors. People suffering from cancer should definitely introduce mung bean (ideally its sprouts) into their diet.

Benefits of masha for men

Mung bean increases the stamina of the male physical body by increasing muscle strength. This property is indispensable for men involved in various sports.

Benefits of masha for women

Mash normalizes and maintains hormonal levels in women during menopause. Mung is an excellent food to eat during pregnancy. The beneficial substances contained in mung bean have a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus, significantly increasing the immunity of the unborn child. During feeding, it makes the taste of milk more pleasant. Mung bean sprouts will be an ideal first feeding option.

Harm of mung beans - contraindications

Mung bean should not be consumed by people with insufficient intestinal motility.

Due to the large amount of fiber contained in mung bean, if mung bean is consumed excessively, it can cause flatulence and difficult and painful digestion (dyspepsia). People with stomach problems (acute forms of gastritis and stomach ulcers) should pay attention to this.

Mung bean should also not be consumed by people who have an individual intolerance to it.

Methods of using mung beans in cooking

In cooking, mung bean is used in all dishes: in various soups, side dishes and salads.

To get the maximum benefit from this unique product, you should eat mung bean sprouts. Mung bean is the easiest crop to germinate, even for someone who has never sprouted seeds. Mungbean sprouts can be obtained in the usual manual way by soaking it for 3-4 hours and then placing it on wet gauze, or use a hydroponic seed germinator. For example, you can take the simplest and most budget-friendly version of such a germinator - “Health Treasure,” which I already wrote about earlier. The article also provides detailed instructions for germination.

As I wrote above, I personally use mung bean sprouts as part of smoothies, which I drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Here is the approximate composition of my favorite morning smoothie:

  • 40-50g mung bean sprouts,
  • 30-40g spinach leaves,
  • one pineapple wheel about 1.5 cm thick,
  • approximately 30-40g of frozen cranberries and raspberries,
  • 2 heaped teaspoons of spirulina,
  • 4 pieces of ice. Ice is required, because... the temperature of the churned mass should not exceed 25-30g, so as not to lose vitamins when heated.

If anyone is interested, I use a professional blender for smoothies - L’equip BS7 Quattro.

Sometimes we eat mung bean as part of green salads. Here, recipe variations can be very different.

Mash - good to know

- Mash is an ideal product for people involved in various sports, especially strength sports. Due to its high protein content, which has a high absorption efficiency, it will be an excellent addition to the diet of people involved, for example, in weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding or fitness. Mung bean is simply beyond competition compared to protein sports nutrition. And thanks to the essential natural amino acids it contains, which athletes usually get from commercial chemical supplements, it will make the process of protein absorption by the body very high, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality of muscle mass. This point was confirmed by me personally during the years when I was actively involved in bodybuilding. The effect of eating mung bean sprouts is simply amazing. Athletes, take note of this, and be sure to try introducing mung bean sprouts into your training diet.

Women during pregnancy Very It is useful to eat mung bean sprouts. As was written above, this will have a positive effect on both the body of the expectant mother and the immunity of the unborn child. The most ideal option for taking mung bean in this case would be the juice from its sprouts. The juice should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals, or also on an empty stomach an hour before bedtime. Quantity - around 150ml. To obtain juice from mung bean sprouts, you will need a screw juicer. It will be very difficult to squeeze juice out of sprouts with a conventional centrifugal juicer - the efficiency will be extremely low. High-quality single-screw juicers can now be purchased without any problems. The prices are not low, but it's worth it. If funds allow, it is better to purchase a twin-screw juicer. For example, Green Star Elite from Tribest is the best juicer that is currently available in the market. I did a detailed review of juicers in the article “Deep cleansing of the body - part 1: how to make lemonade correctly.” To obtain juice, a more budget option will be quite sufficient - the Tribest “Slowstar SW-2000” single-screw juicer, which costs significantly less than the “Green Star Elite”.

Masha price

Mung beans are best purchased from online stores for vegetarians and raw foodists. In them, mung bean is always sold in unprocessed form - it germinates perfectly and contains maximum benefits. Mung bean, which is sold in regular stores, most often has undergone some kind of processing (usually heat), and the benefits of such grains will be much lower. I tried to germinate both unprocessed mung beans purchased at one of the vegetarian stores and mung beans purchased at a regular store. There is a difference. Unprocessed mung bean germinates much faster and has a very pleasant taste. Store-bought mung beans often contain inactive grains that have dried out so much that you can simply break your teeth on them (I once found myself in this situation). The taste characteristics are much inferior to unprocessed mung bean.

The cost of mung bean in specialized vegetarian stores is around 120-140 rubles per 500g. The price of processed mung bean in regular stores is about the same.


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Mung beans have quite pleasant taste, but this is far from their only advantage. We will talk about the benefits and harms of mung bean in this article, and for this we will figure out what minerals this product contains and who is not recommended to eat it and why.

Benefits and contraindications of mung beans

This product contains more than 18 amino acids, including essential ones. Beans also contain vitamins B, PP, C, E and A, substances such as zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, potassium and phosphorus. The benefits of mung bean for the human body lie not only in a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but also in the fact that they can be included in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight. The calorie content of cooked beans is only 103 Kcal per 100 g, which, you see, is not much at all. And taking into account the fact that dishes made from them are very nutritious and are well absorbed by the body, the benefits of mung bean cereals for people on a diet are obvious.

Regular consumption of these beans helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the functioning of the immune system, and reduce blood sugar levels. The minerals contained in beans help strengthen bone tissue, for this reason the product is recommended for those who experience joint pain or are actively involved in sports, including contact training. Experts say that just 1-2 times a week, eating a mung bean dish can saturate your body with vitamins and essential nutrients.

Mung beans will also benefit women during menopause; according to research, the beans contained in them help maintain hormonal levels, stabilizing them. Despite this effect, men may also Eating the product will not cause any hormonal disruptions; on the contrary, it will help normalize blood pressure.

But you should be careful when including it in your diet. similar product those who have kidney or urinary system diseases, as beans have a diuretic effect. It is also not recommended to eat mung bean for those who suffer from insufficient intestinal motility, because this product can cause flatulence and even dyspepsia. Allergic reactions, when eating mung bean, they rarely occur, but still there is a possibility of their occurrence, therefore it is contraindicated to include them in the diet of those who have them.

Thanks to the diversity beneficial properties Mung bean is a common crop in eastern countries. Despite their exotic origin, mung bean dishes are simple and familiar: soups, porridges, purees. At home, you can sprout beans yourself and make them delicious salads. Face masks and scrubs are made from greenish small beans. Mung bean cereal has almost no contraindications, only individual intolerance and intestinal problems.

    Show all

    Composition of mung beans

    An herbaceous annual, called mung bean or mung bean, from the genus Vigna belongs to the Legume family. The composition of miniature oval green beans includes the following elements:

    • cellulose;
    • B vitamins;
    • proteases;
    • phosphorus;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • iron.

    The structural formula of beans also contains minerals - sodium, magnesium, zinc, manganese - and vitamins: A, C, E, K, phytoestrogens and amino acids.

    Table 1. Nutritional value per 100 g, % of daily value

    The calorie content of mung bean cereal is high: from 300 to 347 kcal/100 g. But due to the low fat content, this product is considered dietary.

    Medicinal use

    Mung bean cereal is useful at least because it removes toxins, fights viruses and has a diuretic effect. The B vitamins found in the structural formula provide a calming, stabilizing effect. Proteases - plant enzymes that break down bonds in proteins - ensure the normal course of protein metabolism.

    Its consumption benefits the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure gradually decreases, blood vessels are strengthened and cleared of cholesterol plaques, and the heart begins to function better.

    The presence of mung bean dishes on the menu helps strengthen the immune system, improve memory, activate mental activity, and preserve vision. The bone structure is strengthened, resistance to stress increases, kidney activity is normalized, and hormonal levels are stabilized. With regular use, joint flexibility increases and the nervous system strengthens.

    Mung bean cereal is used for the development of inflammatory foci in the respiratory system and oral cavity. Allows you to reduce sugar levels, heal small wounds and skin irritations. Due to the presence of fiber, the intestines are cleansed and digestion is stimulated.

    Mung bean cereal is popular among vegetarians due to its high percentage of vegetable protein.

    A diet based on these nutritious beans helps you lose weight without harming your body.

    Application in cosmetology

    Mung bean fruits are used for cosmetic purposes due to their ability to restore elasticity and slow down the aging process of the skin.

    Beans crushed to a powder form are included in masks and scrubs. The result is narrowing of pores, clearing of acne, and acquiring a healthy color. At the same time, mung bean moisturizes and nourishes the skin, smoothes out wrinkles.

    A gentle scrub for dry skin: dilute mung bean powder in equal volumes with mint decoction. If you need to remove excess fat, replace the mint infusion with lemon juice or honey.

    Nourishing and tightening face mask: to 1 tbsp. l. mung bean powder add a pinch of turmeric and 1.5 tbsp. l. sour cream. Distribute the mixture onto your neck and face. Wash off after 15 minutes.


    Contraindications to mung bean:

    • intolerance to beans;
    • chronic diseases of the digestive organs.

    Eating too many beans can be harmful. This is reflected in the appearance of flatulence - painful bloating due to the accumulation of gases - or dispersion - incomplete breakdown of food passing through the intestines. This condition is accompanied by the release of toxins, nausea, and dizziness.

    Use in cooking

    Mung bean is used in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Indian cuisines. This crop is also in demand in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Beans are eaten shelled or whole. The starch obtained from them is the basis for the production Chinese noodles- funchoses, or fans. It is also called glass noodles due to its translucent state. Sprouted mung bean peas are also popular.

    Sprouting beans

    To get sprouts, you will need mung beans from a fresh or last year's harvest. Gauze is placed in a container with holes at the bottom, onto which a layer of beans is poured. They put it in a bowl bigger size. Pour water, making sure that it just covers the peas.

    Keep the bowl with beans in a warm place, adding fresh water as needed. The first seedlings will hatch the next day. It is recommended to consume three-day-old sprouts, which are doused with boiling water to remove bitterness.

    There is also a method for germinating beans: they are sorted and soaked overnight in cold water. The next morning, wash and place in a sterilized glass jar. A piece of gauze is secured to the neck using an elastic band. Pour water into a plate and place the jar with the neck down at an angle of about 45 degrees. This will allow the grains to soak in moisture.

    Keep the entire structure in the light 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time in the dark, adding water as it evaporates. White-yellow sprouts are used when they reach a length of 10 mm. It should not be grown for a longer period of time, as the taste of the long brown shoots disappears.

    The sprouts are stored for two days in the refrigerator, wrapped in damp gauze, but it is better to eat them immediately raw or fried in oil with the addition of chicken, mushrooms and other ingredients. Sprouts are added to a variety of salads.

    To prepare the “Korean style” snack, remove the husks from the sprouted beans, which will require one and a half cups, pour them completely soy sauce. Add a medium onion, chopped into thin half rings, previously fried in oil, and two tomatoes cut into strips. Stir and place in the refrigerator. The healthy snack will be ready to serve in 14 hours.


    Recipes for preparing oriental dishes using mung bean grains are varied. Golden Rule, the implementation of which determines the taste of the finished dish, consists of pre-soaking the beans. If they are young, you can limit them to one hour, but most often it is recommended to keep them overnight. This technique will ensure good cooking of the cereal during cooking.

    Recipes usually specify the duration of soaking. For stews, quick soups The beans are soaked for a long time. If you plan to cook a dish with many ingredients for a long time, then it is enough to soak the mung beans in water for one hour or a little longer.


    Washed under the stream cold water the beans are soaked overnight. In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse the mung bean and transfer it to a saucepan. Fill with water, maintaining a ratio of 1:2.5. Boil at low heat 30 minutes.

    Salt is added 10 minutes before the dish is ready. During the same period, you can add boiled and fried mushrooms, sautéed carrots and onions. Just before the end of cooking, add your favorite spices and butter to the porridge.

    Cream soup “Dal” (India)

    Bring two liters of water to a boil. Add two bay leaves, a cinnamon stick, add pre-soaked beans (200 g) and cook at a low boil for 20 minutes. Add three grated carrots mixed with butter (50 g) and a teaspoon of turmeric.

    Continue cooking the soup until the beans are completely softened. Fry cumin seeds in a small amount of oil - 1.5 teaspoons mixed with two pods of dried red pepper. When the spices darken, add a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and two cloves of finely chopped garlic. Mix and place in a saucepan. Cook until done for another five minutes. Before serving, add sour cream to the plates.