Dishes of zucchini and potatoes in the oven. Potatoes in the oven with zucchini. Now let's say a few words about the benefits of the main products in this recipe

Pancakes are a foreign name for overseas pancakes. In essence, these are all the same pancakes, or even closer to pancakes, because they are usually baked small size and quite plump. Typically, classic pancakes are baked into a perfect round shape due to the way the dough is poured into the pan. The frying pan should be dry and non-stick coating, then you will get truly fluffy and velvety pancakes.

It is customary to put finished pancakes in a pile and pour different delicious sauces, maple syrup, honey, jam. You can put banana slices or sweet fresh berries between the pancakes, or even whipped cream.

Pancakes are a very popular breakfast and dessert in the West. For us it's interesting way make unusual pancakes. Variety in the kitchen only adds interest to both those who cook and especially those who eat. So let's study recipes for making real classic pancakes and their variety.

American pancakes - classic recipe

For me, pancakes have always been a separate and distinct dish from regular pancakes. Despite the fact that even the method of preparing the dough is similar. At one time I was interested in how classic pancakes are prepared in their homeland, and the result only convinced me that pancakes and pancakes are very close relatives. The only difference that is important to me personally is the way the pancake dough is beaten more strongly, sometimes more eggs and baking powder are added, that is, it turns out more airy, almost like flat fried biscuits. And the second difference is the frying method. Pancakes are fried with a minimum of oil so that a crispy crust does not appear, like a crust, but a soft, velvety, baked side remains. Well round form Medium size between pancakes and pancakes. That's what pancakes are to me.

Maybe you perceive them differently, that’s your right. But let's get back to the recipe.

For classic American pancakes you will need:

  • flour - 2 cups,
  • milk - 300 ml,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil- 2 tablespoons,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.


1. Mix eggs with salt and sugar in a large bowl. Beat well with a mixer or whisk. American pancakes are characterized by whipped airy dough, as for biscuits.

2. Heat the milk slightly, do not boil. Then add it to the fluffy egg mixture. Pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil at once. Take the mixer again and mix thoroughly. This time you don’t need to beat for a long time.

3. Add sifted flour. Try not to avoid the step of sifting flour when preparing pancakes, this saturates the dough with air and they will only turn out fluffier. For sifting, you can use a special mug, or you can take the simplest homemade sieve. The main thing is that the flour that has stuck together from storage loosens and becomes crumbly and airy.

4. Add baking powder and vanilla sugar along with the flour. It can also be replaced with vanilla, but less of it is required due to its richer taste. Beat the dough with a mixer until all lumps disappear.

5. If you doubt whether your pancake dough is the right thickness, I will tell you the most correct association. With it, the dough will not be too thick, as for pancakes, or too thin, as for thin pancakes. Your dough should have the consistency of condensed milk. This is necessary so that the pancake is poured into the pan and not laid out like a pancake.

6. Now it's time to bake our classic pancakes. To do this, heat the frying pan and reduce the heat to medium or slightly less. The pan should be non-stick and almost dry. Only for the first time you can spread it with oil, but at the same time rub it with a paper napkin, which will remove all excess. Take a convenient small ladle or ladle and pour one pancake at a time. You can use 2-3 if the pan is large and the pancakes are small, but the first one is best to bake one. This will check the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the pan. The first damn thing has not been canceled.

7. Pancakes cook quite slowly, much like thick pancakes. They need time to bake and rise. Watch the top, it should start to get holes and become tight before you turn it over. If in doubt, you can check to see if the bottom side is cooked, and only then turn it over.

8. The finished classic pancake should be golden or brown, evenly colored and fluffy.

Place the finished pancakes in a stack. This is their traditional way of serving. Another traditional way to eat them is to cut them with a fork and knife. Pancakes are topped with your favorite toppings (honey, syrup, sauce), you can add fresh fruit pieces or berries. Don't forget to add a piece of butter!

Everything will be very tasty. Bon appetit!

How to make classic pancakes with kefir or sour milk

Residents North America Where the recipe for pancakes came from, there is no kefir, so this method of preparation can be considered our adaptation of the dish we liked. Since we bake easily, why not bake pancakes with it. They are essentially the same pancakes with only minor differences. This is why the recipe for making classic pancakes will seem painfully familiar to you, but maybe it will still be new to someone.

You will need:

  • kefir - 1 glass,
  • flour - 1 cup,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • vegetable oil - 1 spoon,
  • soda - a teaspoon without top.


1. In a large, high-rimmed bowl, beat the egg and sugar until frothy. They should noticeably lighten and thicken.

2. Heat the kefir slightly, up to 36-38 degrees, no more, otherwise it will curl into cottage cheese. Add warm kefir to the beaten eggs, pour in the vegetable oil. Now beat this whole mass again.

3. Add sifted flour. You can sift directly into a bowl using a special mug or sieve.

4. Take the whisk or mixer again and now use it to stir the dough, whisking at the same time until all the lumps disappear. A homogeneous dough, thick like cream, has a consistency approximately like condensed milk.

5. Now it's time to add baking soda, which will serve as a leavening agent. It will react with sour kefir and our dough will begin to bubble. Add baking soda and stir the dough well, leave it to stand for 10-15 minutes, you will see how it fills with bubbles.

6. Heat the frying pan; the heat should be medium or slightly less so that the pancakes have time to bake inside. You can use a special pancake maker, its temperature is already set. Pour each pancake using a ladle or other measuring utensil so that the same volume is poured and the pancakes are the same size. The correct dough will spread itself to a round shape.

7. Bake on this side until the pancake is covered with large bubbles and becomes a little denser.

8. The browned side of the pancake should look evenly toasted and nice. As soon as the pancake is on the other side, it’s time to remove it and place it in a pile on a plate.

Classic kefir pancakes are ready! Drizzle each serving with honey or jam, add a piece of butter or whipped cream, and add fruit. Act using your imagination. And invite everyone to the table to eat a delicious and beautiful breakfast!

Banana pancakes - step by step video recipe

Have you heard of banana pancakes? Or maybe you've tried them? I recently tried it and realized that it was very, very wrong for me to hesitate to cook them for so long. These are very, very tasty classic pancakes with the addition of banana puree. The deliciousness is incredible. And it is prepared according to almost the same recipe as regular ones. A little higher I have already described two options. You can choose any of them and add mashed one banana to them. The easiest way to make puree immersion blender, fast and very simple. The puree then mixes wonderfully and easily into the dough. There seem to be no bananas, but their divine taste is there. Real jam.

If you still need a visual version of the process of making banana pancakes, then please watch this video, which enlightened me on this topic.

A simple and delicious pumpkin pancake recipe

Not only are classic pancakes so great for breakfast, but the many interesting variations on the recipe add delicious variety. I have already shown one of the options, pancakes with banana, a little higher, but what do you think about the idea of ​​adding pumpkin? It is also soft and sweet like a banana and can be made into a smooth puree. The pumpkin itself, even mixed with the dough, will give the pancakes a very pronounced taste. AND bright color. These pancakes smell simply amazing. If it's pumpkin harvest season or you have some stockpiled in your freezer, now is the time to start cooking.

You will need:

  • flour - 200 grams,
  • pumpkin - 200 grams,
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons,
  • butter - 40 grams,
  • baking powder - 10 grams,
  • salt - a pinch.


1. To make delicious pumpkin pancakes, you must first prepare the pumpkin. We can't use it raw, but cooked it will be too wet. Perfect option This is to bake it in the oven at 180-200 degrees until it becomes soft.

2. Cool the pumpkin and prepare puree from it. You can grind it through a sieve, or you can take it and grind it with a blender. It is advisable to make it soft and uniform without pieces.

3. Beat eggs with sugar until foam forms. If the pumpkin itself is sweet, then you can add a little less sugar.

4. Melt the butter until liquid. Pour it into the egg mixture. Add a pinch of salt. Add pumpkin puree. Mix everything until smooth.

5. Warm the milk at least until room temperature, it should not be cold. Then pour it into the future dough and stir. You can beat it lightly.

6. Mix flour and dry baking powder. Sift everything together through a sieve into a bowl of dough. Mix everything until the lumps dissolve. The consistency of the dough should be something between pancake dough and thin pancake dough. It should spread slowly when poured onto a flat surface.

7. Bake classic pumpkin pancakes over medium heat in a dry frying pan. If you are not sure, then spread vegetable oil only before the first pancake, and then bake without oil. It is worth noting that for proper pancakes, the pan must have a non-stick coating.

8. You need to turn the pancakes over when the bottom side is completely browned. A lot of holes should appear on the top side.

Well, it's ready. Stack them in piles, pour over your favorite sweet sauces and serve. Bon appetit and enjoy a healthy healthy breakfast.

Chocolate pancakes with milk - step by step recipe

And if you have a real sweet tooth and a chocolate lover, then the most suitable recipe for you is airy chocolate pancakes. This is no longer a dessert, but just a dream. Not a single child can refuse such a breakfast, and even an adult is unlikely to resist. Fresh fruit or whipped cream will turn the pancakes into almost a cake. These pancakes really taste like a chocolate sponge cake. The main thing is to beat the dough well.

You will need:

  • milk - 250 ml,
  • flour - 175 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • butter - 30 grams,
  • powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.


1. The surest way to make fluffy chocolate pancakes is to thoroughly beat the eggs and sugar at the very beginning. Feel free to turn them into lush foam. This way your pancakes will resemble small biscuits.

2. Mix flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa in a separate bowl. That is, all the dry ingredients for the dough, except sugar, which helps beat the eggs.

3. Now combine the liquid part and the dry part. Carefully pour the beaten eggs into the bowl with flour and stir until smooth. You can continue to do this with a mixer.

5. Melt the butter and pour into the dough. Stir again.

6. Leave the dough to stand for 10-15 minutes so that the flour and cocoa dissolve well. After this, you can bake chocolate pancakes.

7. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Lightly oil it. This is only necessary for the first batch of pancakes, they will not stick further.

8. Take a ladle or large spoon, the volume of which will give you right size pancake. The pancake dough should be medium thick, about the same as condensed milk. It pours and spreads around, but at the same time remains a fairly thick layer.

Thin, lacy pancakes are a traditional Slavic dish, and pancakes are an American favorite. What are their similarities and differences? Let's look at several recipes on how to make pancakes with milk.

The British also love pancakes, just like any country in the world. The famous British chef offers his own interpretation of classic pancakes.

To prepare them you need:

  • 3 eggs (chicken);
  • baking powder (bakery) – 1 teaspoon;
  • 0.1 kg wheat flour;
  • milk – 0.15 l;
  • 25 g starch (potato);
  • a little salt - 1-2 g.

Mix dry products - flour, starch, baking powder, salt. Mix milk with yolks and pour into flour. Beat the whites until foamy and add them into the main mass of the dough with light stirring. For one pancake you will need 2 tablespoons of batter. Products need to be fried in a heated frying pan.

Cooking American style

American pancakes are fluffy pancakes that go well with syrup, jam, and jam.

Here are the products you will need for cooking:

  • 0.15 kg white flour;
  • a glass of milk;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • egg;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

Sifted white flour should be mixed with dry ingredients. Separately, beat the egg until foam forms, add milk and mix again. Combine mixtures of flour and eggs, add butter (melted). Mix everything thoroughly. Pour the dough portionwise into the frying pan. The pancakes take a few minutes to fry.

Advice! Pancakes should be cooked in a dry, ungreased frying pan, but if they stick a little, it is recommended to grease it with butter or other fat.

Fluffy pancakes

To add fluffiness, tenderness and softness, kefir or buttermilk is added to the recipe, which saturate the dough with additional oxygen.

List of products you will need to make fluffy pancakes:

  • flour – 330 g;
  • egg;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • 50 g white sugar;
  • kefir (low-fat) – 0.6 l;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • butter – 50 g.

First, beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk, pour in kefir at room temperature with vanilla. Pour sifted flour, baking powder, and soda into the resulting mixture. Mix everything with a whisk. Pour in melted butter. For ease of measurement required quantity dough, you can use a measuring cup - you will need 1 kitchen ladle for one product. Pancakes need to be fried until golden brown.

No added eggs

Pancakes are usually made using eggs. But what about people who don’t eat eggs? various reasons, but I want to enjoy it. There is a delicious cooking option - pancakes made with milk without eggs.

Here are the products you will need:

  • 150 g sifted flour;
  • 2 tsp. wine vinegar (white);
  • a quarter liter of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • baking powder – ½ tsp.

Mix the bulk products, mix eggs, milk and wine sauce separately. Combine all ingredients and stir. Heat a frying pan and lightly grease it with fat (butter). For 1 pancake there is a quarter cup of dough. It takes a couple of minutes to cook until bubbles form.

On a note. To make the pancakes tender and soft, it is recommended not to knead the dough, but only stir lightly to combine the ingredients and bake immediately so that the dough does not stagnate.

With milk and banana

As a rule, pancakes are served with honey, jam, and syrup. But you can add an addition to the dessert to the pancakes themselves. For example, make pancakes with milk and banana.

Required Products:

  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one banana;
  • a glass of white flour;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • 20 g butter;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a little salt, a couple of pinches is enough.

Mix dry ingredients separately. Using a blender, beat eggs with banana, melted butter and milk. Pour the egg-banana mixture little by little into the mixture of dry ingredients. Mix the dough until smooth. Set aside for a quarter of an hour to allow the dough to rest. During this time, the baking powder will begin to act and the pancakes will turn out fluffy.

The pan should be preheated, without oil. There are 3 tablespoons of dough per pancake. The readiness of the pancake can be judged by the formation of bubbles on its surface - you can turn it over. To serve, it is recommended to stack the pancakes in stacks of 4-5 pieces and pour the chosen jam on top.

Coffee treat option

How to combine morning coffee with a hearty breakfast? It's quite simple! You need to make coffee pancakes with curd cream.

Grocery list:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of coffee;
  • milk - a quarter glass;
  • 250 g flour;
  • sugar – 2 large spoons;
  • egg;
  • cottage cheese - half a package;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • chocolate – 50 g;
  • a quarter glass of cream;
  • 30 g butter;
  • salt - a pinch.

Mix the dry ingredients well. Then add milk, melted butter, egg, beat with a mixer. The dough is as thick as sour cream. Pancakes are fried in a heated dry frying pan.

Cream, cottage cheese, sugar should be mixed well with a blender. On a stack ready-made pancakes The curd cream is laid out and melted chocolate or its shavings are poured on top.

Chocolate pancakes with milk

Stacks of pancakes dipped in chocolate look beautiful, and chocolate pancakes, which children love, will look even better.

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • dark chocolate - one bar;
  • flour – 1 glass;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • cocoa – 0.25 cups;
  • baking powder (baking powder) – half a teaspoon;
  • 50 g butter;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

First you need to mix sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking powder, 0.75 cups of milk, salt, cocoa with a whisk or mixer. Pour the melted butter into the remaining warm milk. Add to the main dough and mix. A few tablespoons of dough are poured into a (heated) frying pan, greased with oil, and fried until done. Grate the chocolate bar on a coarse grater. Sprinkle each pancake with this shavings and pile them up.

Pancakes - this word came to us from American cuisine and denotes a popular dish in the USA, which is a cross between our pancakes and pancakes. Pancakes with milk - these fluffy American ones, the recipe for which I want to offer you today, are prepared mainly for breakfast.

Residents of the USA and Canada cannot imagine their breakfast without freshly baked homemade pancakes.

American pancakes are shaped like our pancakes, only slightly bigger size(diameter about 12-14 cm), and taste more like pancakes. And the thickness is impressive - it reaches a centimeter or even more, a kind of voluminous dessert in a frying pan. But the word pancake in translation means a cake in a frying pan.

Pancake dough for pancakes is prepared on the basis of milk or kefir, sour milk and even water are also suitable, we also need butter, eggs, flour, soda or baking powder.

Pancakes with milk - a classic recipe


  • milk 1 glass
  • egg 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. (you can use melted butter)
  • flour 180g.
  • baking powder 2 tsp.
  • sugar 1-3 tbsp.
  • salt half a teaspoon

How to make fluffy American pancakes

  • Very important! The milk for making pancake batter must be warm so that the baking powder works and the pancakes turn out fluffy.
  • Eggs should be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Products at room temperature or slightly warm interact better with each other, the dough becomes more flexible and tender.
  • Be sure to sift the flour, then the flour is enriched with oxygen, and the finished baked goods turn out fluffy and tender.
  • Always use only fresh baking powder; do not use baking powder that has a shelf life of more than 6 months.
  • When you mix the dough, do not overdo it. When mixing the liquid and dry parts, do not stir the dough until smooth; there should be lumps in the dough. Otherwise your pancakes will be rubbery.
  • After the pancake dough is ready, leave it to stand for about five minutes, but no more! Since pancakes cook in a frying pan very quickly, the baking powder may not have time to release carbon dioxide.
  • If you decide to make classic American pancakes, then using frying pans with sloping walls is not permissible. A pancake pan is ideal. If this is not available, then use any flat frying pan with a thick bottom that will prevent the baked goods from sticking and burning, and with a large enough area to easily turn the pancakes.
  • Fry in a dry frying pan! The fact is that oil allows the pancakes to fry, while pancakes imply a delicate, uniform crust that does not need to be fried. It is best to bake pancakes in a dry frying pan; in extreme cases, lightly grease it with vegetable oil and remove excess with a napkin.
  • You should not add berries or chocolate to the dough; practice shows that all these additives introduced directly into the dough begin to burn when frying. If you can’t imagine your pancakes without any additives, then first pour the dough into the frying pan, and then add your favorite treats.
  • And one more very important point Do not cook pancakes over high heat. The fire should be moderate. Otherwise, they will not have time to rise and bake.


  1. In a separate bowl, whisk all dry ingredients.
  2. In another container, combine the egg, milk and vegetable oil, beat with a whisk. The liquid part should have a uniform consistency.
  3. Now pour the liquid part into the dry ingredients, stir lightly with a whisk, don’t forget that you can’t stir for too long, we just need the two parts to combine.
  4. Leave the pancake dough for 5 minutes and start baking pancakes.

American pancakes are usually served with maple syrup - this is a classic of the genre.

How to make fluffy pancakes with milk without baking powder

If you want to bake fluffy pancakes without baking soda or baking powder, then follow this recipe. The pancakes turn out just perfect and can easily replace the cake layers for a mini sponge cake.


for one glass of milk, 3 eggs, sugar to personal taste, salt one teaspoon, flour 1 glass, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add granulated sugar to the yolks and beat with a mixer.
  2. Then add warm milk, continuing to beat.
  3. Add pre-sifted flour and vegetable oil and continue beating the mixture.
  4. Beat the whites with salt until foamy. Gently fold into the flour mixture, stirring gently with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  5. Distribute the dough in the center of a well-heated frying pan. Bake the pancakes on both sides in a dry frying pan until golden brown.

Serve the finished pies with real maple syrup, homemade caramel, or melted butter.

American pancake cooked with sour milk - recipe from Martha Stewart


  • sour milk 240ml
  • large egg 1 pc.
  • olive oil or melted butter 2 tbsp.
  • sugar 2 tbsp.
  • salt half a teaspoon or a little less
  • baking powder 2 tsp.
  • half a teaspoon soda

How to cook pancake with sour milk:

The detailed preparation technology is the same as in the recipe for fresh milk.

You can make sour milk by adding 1 tbsp to fresh milk. lemon juice and leave for 10-15 minutes.

When frying pancakes, cook until bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake. When the first bubbles appear, the pancake can be turned over.

Pancakes made with sour milk can also be served with maple syrup, fruit, berries or nuts.

Bon appetit!

Plump pancakes, traditionally served for breakfast in the United States and Canada, resemble a generalized version of “our” pancakes and pancakes. In terms of the splendor and thickness of the dough, they are similar to pancakes, and the similarity with pancakes is expressed in the cooking method - in a dry frying pan. The composition of this (so far) unfamiliar to many baked goods is also almost identical to the types of culinary products mentioned above. So is it really possible to make something new from flour, milk, sugar and butter? What are the fundamental differences? I’ll say right away: to feel the difference, you need to cook and try pancakes with milk. The recipe with photos describes the culinary technique and baking proportions step by step. But to fully appreciate its taste, its indescribably delicate, velvety texture, you need to see them not in a picture, but on your plate, touch them, savor them.

Before we start baking, I’ll dwell on a few features, without which it will be difficult to prepare real pancakes.

  • The classic diameter of American pancakes is 12-14 cm, the shape is round.
  • The dough is prepared according to the principle of mixing liquid and bulk ingredients. But for sugar I make an exception: I beat it with eggs until foamy.
  • You should not add berries and fruits when kneading. They will burn during baking and release juice, which will negatively affect the splendor of the baked goods. Better serve them with ready-made American pancakes.
  • Before baking, do not pour oil into the pan (from the word “at all”). They don't even grease the bottom. Properly mixed pancakes will easily release from the non-stick surface.
  • To ensure an even, golden-brown crust, choose a frying pan with a thick bottom or a pancake maker with low sides for cooking.

About other subtleties - below.

You will need (glass - 250 ml):

How to bake fluffy pancakes with milk (step-by-step recipe with photos):

It is more convenient to knead pancake dough with a mixer. But with a hand whisk there will be no problems when kneading, only the process will take a little longer. Beat the eggs into a bowl. Add sugar, vanilla. Add a pinch of salt. Beat until fluffy, stable foam. The mass will lighten and increase in volume several times.

Warm the milk slightly to room temperature. Add it to the egg mixture.

Pour in vegetable oil. It is advisable to use deodorized fat so that its smell does not interrupt the subtle vanilla aroma of pancakes. Oil in the dough will make the baked goods softer and prevent sticking to the pan. Beat the ingredients on low speed or mix by hand.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl. This will saturate it with oxygen and get rid of small debris. Add baking powder. Stir. Pour dry ingredients into liquid ingredients.

Beat the mixture at low speed or mix the ingredients with a spatula. Stir quickly until the ingredients are combined. Don't worry if there are small lumps left. The slightly lumpy dough produces fluffy, soft pancakes. And if you mix it until completely homogeneous, gluten will be released, which will make the baked goods “rubbery” and elastic.

Bake immediately. When it gets into the pan, the mass should not spread too much. Baking powder will make the dough porous, so the pancakes will rise well during heat treatment.

Traditionally, thick American pancakes are baked in a dry frying pan, without oil. To make baking easy to remove, use dishes with a special non-stick coating. Before baking the first pancake, heat the pan well. To check if it is hot enough, bring your palm to its surface at a distance of 10-15 cm. If you feel warm, you can start cooking. You should also not overheat the pan, since the pancakes will quickly bake on top (maybe even burn), but will remain raw inside and will not rise well. Place the dough by the tablespoon in the form of a round piece. To make pancakes more even, pour the mixture into pastry bag a thick plastic bag with a corner cut off. This will make it easier to dose the dough and deposit beautiful pieces. If you are using a frying pan with large diameter, you can bake 3-4 pancakes at one time.

Cook each batch for 2-4 minutes. Exact time calculated in practice. When the bottom is covered with an even golden brown crust and the top becomes spongy, as in the photo, turn the pancakes over.

On another barrel, pancakes cook a little faster - 2-3 minutes. Place the finished pancakes in a stack. Serve warm. Americans love to eat them with maple syrup. In our country it is relatively rarely found on sale, so feel free to replace it with liquid honey, jam, condensed milk and other goodies.

The syrup quickly saturates delicate, porous, soft baked goods, saturating them with its taste. Very tasty! Real jam!