Block heating points. Block individual heating point Schematic diagram of ITP

Heating that already exists, new buildings, residential buildings, etc. In addition to the heating supply, it is also possible to supply hot water and connecting the object to such communications as sewerage.

General description of BTP

Modular (BTP) is a ready-to-use complete installation. It is important to know here that the arrangement of any devices for each item is carried out individually. The main characteristic that specialists rely on when assembling the unit is the size of the room in which the object will be installed.

The production of the block point itself is carried out through the use of basic diagrams, on the basis of which it is possible to connect this equipment to the normal utility heating network of the building. There is a general Danfoss calculation program for heating points. It is worth noting that this is one of the fairly large manufacturers of block heating units.


If we talk about the most common configuration of the BTP, which is considered standard, then it includes such elements as:

  • Accounting and regulation unit. This unit is designed to keep track of the actual flow of coolant and heat. In addition, it regulates the flow of coolant in accordance with a given temperature schedule.
  • Heating unit. This element is responsible for the consumption of thermal energy, taking into account weather conditions, time of day and other conditions.
  • Knot This device intended to maintain optimal temperature water in the system (55-60 degrees Celsius) and its supply to the consumer. This node is also responsible for carrying out operations on heat treatment systems.
  • Ventilation unit. This system is designed to regulate the consumption of thermal energy supplied to the consumer depending on weather conditions, as well as the time of day.

BTP device

A block heating point is an automated installation that is designed to transfer energy coming from a boiler room, thermal power plant, RTS to heating, as well as ventilation and hot water supply communications connected to residential or industrial buildings. In other words, it is a local intermediary between the station and the consumer.

If we talk about the room in which it is planned to install a block heating substation, then it must be sufficient in size to accommodate all the block equipment, as well as control and measuring instruments, necessary for the functioning of the system. All these devices are needed so that the TP can perform functions such as:

  • coolant conversion;
  • adjustment, control and change of thermal values;
  • distribution of coolant among group or individual systems;
  • plays the role of a fuse if the temperature rises above the maximum value;
  • keeps records of consumed heat and coolant.

Variety of systems

According to their characteristics and reception of heat sources, TPs are divided into types. The first type refers to open system. In this case, the liquid enters the BTP directly from the coolant, and the entire volume of liquid that goes into operating the equipment is replenished due to the full or partial intake of water.

According to your type of connection to the system open views FTP can be divided into two groups:

  • Dependent circuit. In such a system, the coolant is supplied directly to the heating system. The advantages of the scheme include its simplicity, as well as the fact that no additional equipment is required. However, without it there is no possibility of adjusting the heat supply at this unit.
  • Independent scheme. In such a system, between the consumer and the thermal station itself there are devices such as heat exchangers. With their help, it is possible to regulate the supply of the heat source, which helps save up to 40% of energy.

What are the benefits of installing a BTP?

Installing an automated block heat substation can provide the system with several of the following advantages:

  1. Increases network efficiency. The ability to regulate heat consumption on site increases the overall thermal energy savings by approximately 15%.
  2. Automation of the control process. The equipment has thermal relays that make it possible to configure the equipment in such a way as to compensate weather, and also change the operating mode according to the time of day.
  3. Reduced material costs. Since the installation is automated system, then fewer personnel are required to monitor its operation, monitor the condition of thermal elements, carry out preventative work or repairs, etc. In total, all this can reduce material costs by approximately three times.
  4. Even with high productivity (up to 2 Gcal/hour), this equipment is compact. The approximate area that will have to be allocated for the BTP is 20-25 m2.

Manufacturer Danfoss

Purchasing block transformer transformers from such large manufacturers has its advantages. For example, one of the main differences from other manufacturers is that the equipment is delivered to the installation site in an already finished form. That is, there is no need to assemble the unit, which significantly increases the speed of installation and connection. Among these advantages, we can also highlight the fact that Danfoss installations can be operated in fully automatic mode.

In order for the equipment to work in this mode, you just need to set required values temperature and pressure. Regulating and monitoring devices will further support the specified operating mode. It is also worth adding that there is the possibility of individual configuration according to the buyer’s order. You can add an accounting system, a remote device control system, etc.

Heating points SP 41-101-95

This paper is the document on which the design of the heating point is carried out. All the rules that are prescribed in this paper apply to such TP, the characteristics of which fall within the given ones: hot water pressure up to 2.5 MPa, liquid temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius. If the installation operates with steam, then its conditional operating pressure should be within 6.3 MPa, and the temperature should not exceed 440 degrees Celsius.

According to this joint venture, heating points are divided into two main categories - individual or central. Individual TPs are intended to join the heating, water supply and ventilation system of one building or part of it. Central TP are intended for the same thing as ITP, but with the only difference that they are used for several buildings at once.

Individual heating point (ITP), Central heating point (CHS)

Block heating point (or individual heating point) is a way to reduce energy costs. One of priority areas Our company is a complete set, delivery and installation of automated block heating units for energy enterprises, housing and communal services (HCS), municipal unitary enterprises (MUP), management companies (MC), various industrial enterprises And design organizations. Automated block heating point (BTP) orindividual heating point (ITP) allows you to control the actual consumption of thermal energy and track the total or current heat consumption in a given period of time, which greatly facilitates the work of servicing energy-consuming objects and significantly saves cash. We are successfully developingblock heating points , individual And central heating points, energy efficient heating systems, engineering systems We also engage in design, installation, reconstruction, automation, and provide warranty and post-warranty service.

A flexible system of discounts and a wide selection of components distinguish our block individual heating units from others.

Purpose heating points

Currently, more and more attention is being paid to issues of energy saving and payment for energy resources. Especially a difficult situation observed in the heat payment system, when the consumer pays for losses in heating mains that do not belong to him, which reach, and sometimes exceed, 20% of the volume of transferred heat. As a consequence, a decrease in winter time air temperatures in residential and production premises due to underheating of water in district heating systems and continuous growth financial costs for heat supply due to increased tariffs for thermal energy. A promising approach to resolving the current situation is the commissioning of automatedblock heating points (BTP).

Solving priority problems

The block heating unit allows you to solve the most complex production and economic problems, namely :

Energy sector:
- increasing the reliability of equipment operation, as a result, reducing accidents and funds for their elimination
- accuracy of heating network adjustment
- reduction in water treatment costs
- reduction of repair areas
- high degree dispatching and archiving

Housing and communal services, municipal unitary enterprises, management companies (MC):
- reduction of service personnel
- payment for actually consumed thermal energy without losses
- reduction of losses for recharging the system
- release of free space
- durability and high maintainability
- comfort and ease of heat load control
- no need for constant plumbing and operator intervention in the operation of the thermal

Design organizations:
- strict compliance with technical specifications
- wide selection of circuit solutions
- high degree of automation
- big choice configurationheating points engineering equipment
- high energy efficiency

Industrial enterprises:
- high degree of redundancy, especially important for continuous processes
- accounting and strict adherence to high-tech processes
- possibility of using condensate in the presence of process steam
- temperature control in workshops
- adjustable selection of hot water and steam
- reduction of recharge, etc.

Description of heating points

Heating points are divided into :

- individual heating point(AND SO ON), used to connect heating, ventilation, hot water supply and other thermal installations of one building or part of it.

- central heating point (TsTP) for two or more buildings, performing the same functions as ITP.

Heating points manufactured on a single frame in a modular design with high factory readiness, which are called block units, are increasingly used. BTP).
BHP is a finished factory product designed to transfer thermal energy from a thermal power plant or boiler room to a heating, ventilation and hot water supply system.

Included in the BTPincludes the following equipment: heat exchangers, controller (electrical control panel), direct-acting regulators, electric control valves, pumps, instrumentation, shut-off valves and others.
Instrumentation and sensors provide measurement and control of coolant parameters and issue signals to the controller when parameters go beyond acceptable values.

The controller allows you to control the following BTP systems in automatic and manual mode:
- system for regulating the flow, temperature and pressure of the coolant from the heating network in accordance with technical specifications
heat supply conditions

- system for regulating the temperature of the coolant supplied to the heating system, taking into account the temperature
outside air, time of day and working day

- system for heating water for hot water supply and maintaining the temperature within sanitary standards
- a system for protecting the heating and hot water system circuits from emptying during planned stops for repairs or
accidents in networks

- accumulation system DHW water, allowing you to compensate for peak consumption during peak hours

- frequency control system for pump drives and protection against “dry running”
- system for monitoring, warning and archiving of emergency situations and others.

Execution BTP varies depending on the connection schemes for heat consumption systems used in each individual case, the type of heat supply system, as well as specific technical specifications project and customer wishes.

Schemes for connecting UPS to heating networks

Figures 1-3 show the most common connection schemesheating points to heating networks.

Rice. 1. Single-stage hot water heater connection system with automatic
regulation of heat consumption for heating and dependent connection of systems AND SO ON And TsTP

M-manometer, TC-resistance thermometer, T-thermometer, FE-heat meter,
Direct-acting RT temperature controller.

Fig.2. Two-stage hot water heater connection system for industrial
buildings and industrial sites with dependent connection of heating systems in TsTP

Direct-acting RT temperature regulator, RD pressure regulator

Fig.3. Two-stage hot water heater connection system for residential and public buildings and microdistricts with independent connection of heating systems in TsTP And AND SO ON.

M-manometer, TC-resistance thermometer, T-thermometer, FE-heat meter,
Direct-acting RT temperature regulator, RP make-up regulator

Application of shell-and-tube and plate heat exchangers in BTP

INheating points Most buildings typically have shell-and-tube heat exchangers and direct-acting hydraulic controls. In most cases, this equipment has exhausted its service life and also operates in modes that do not correspond to the design ones. The latter circumstance is due to the fact that actual heat loads are currently maintained at a level significantly lower than the design one. The control equipment does not perform its functions in case of significant deviations from the design mode.

When reconstructing heat supply systems, it is recommended to use modern equipment that is compact, operates in a fully automatic mode and provides energy savings of up to 30% compared to equipment used in the 60-70s. Modern heating points usually use an independent connection scheme for heating and hot water supply systems, based ongasketed plate heat exchangers .

Electronic regulators and specialized controllers are used to control thermal processes. Modern plate heat exchangers are several times lighter and smaller than shell-and-tube heat exchangers of the same power. The compactness and low weight of plate heat exchangers greatly facilitate installation, maintenance and Maintenance heating point equipment.

The calculation of plate heat exchangers is based on a system of criterion equations. However, before proceeding with the calculation of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to calculate the optimal distribution of the DHW load between the heater stages and temperature regime each stage, taking into account the method of regulating heat release from the heat source and connection diagrams for DHW heaters.

Our company has its own proven thermal and hydraulic calculation program, which allows us to select brazed and gasketed plate heat exchangers that fully satisfy customer requirements.

Production blocal heating points

The basis of the block heat station is made up of collapsible plate heat exchangers, which have proven themselves to be excellent in harsh Russian conditions. They are reliable, easy to maintain and durable. As a node commercial accounting For heat, heat meters are used that have an interface output to the upper control level and allow reading the consumed amount of heat. To maintain the set temperature in the hot water supply system, as well as regulate the temperature of the coolant in the heating system, a dual-circuit regulator is used. Pump operation control, data collection from the heat meter, regulator control, monitoring general condition BTP, communication with the upper level of control (dispatching) is taken over by a controller that is compatible with a personal computer.

The regulator has two independent coolant temperature control circuits. One provides temperature control in the heating system depending on a schedule that takes into account the outside air temperature, time of day, day of the week, etc. The other maintains the set temperature in the hot water supply system. You can work with the device either locally, using the built-in keyboard and display panel, or remotely via an interface communication line.

The controller has several discrete inputs and outputs. The discrete inputs receive signals from sensors regarding the operation of pumps, penetration into the BTP premises, fire, flooding, etc. All this information is delivered to the upper dispatch level. Through the discrete outputs of the controller, the operation of pumps and regulators is controlled according to any user algorithms specified at the design stage. It is possible to change these algorithms from the top management level.

The controller can be programmed to work with a heat meter, providing heat consumption data to the control center. It also communicates with the regulator. All instruments and communication equipment are mounted in a small control cabinet. Its placement is determined at the design stage.

In the vast majority of cases, when reconstructing old heat supply systems and creating new ones, it is advisable to use block heat substations BTP.

Blockheating points They are assembled and tested in the factory and are highly reliable. Installation of equipment is simplified and cheaper, which ultimately reduces the total cost of reconstruction or new construction. Each Block Heating Substation project is individual and takes into account all the features of the customer’s heating substation: the structure of heat consumption, hydraulic resistance, circuit designs of heating substations, permissible pressure losses in heat exchangers, room dimensions, quality tap water and much more.

Our company performs the following types of work:

Compilation terms of reference for the project block heating point

Design of a block heating substation

Coordination of technical solutions for BTP projects

Engineering support and project support

Selection optimal option equipment and automation of BTP, taking into account
all customer requirements

Installation of BTP

Carrying out commissioning work

Commissioning of the heating point

Warranty and post-warranty maintenance of heating units.

We successfully develop energy-efficient heat supply systems, engineering systems, and also engage in design, installation, reconstruction, automation, and provide warranty and post-warranty maintenance of Block Heating Stations.
A flexible system of discounts and a wide selection of components set our products apart. block heating points from others.

Block heat substation (BHP) is a way to reduce energy costs and ensure maximum comfort.


To draw up a project and order heating points, you need to fill out a questionnaire and send it to us at email [email protected]

Block heating point, Individual heating point, Central heating point

A block-modular individual heating point is an installation used to transfer thermal energy from an external heating network to various systems heat supply to the consumer.

An individual heating point allows you to connect reconstructed or newly constructed facilities to heating networks in the shortest possible time. BITP has a system automatic regulation, allowing for weather compensation, setting day or night operating modes, holiday and weekend modes. Each BITP is equipped with a set of means for remote data transmission via a switched line, via GSM communication or the Internet and provides the ability to output information from the metering unit and the heating and hot water supply controller to a single control center. At the same time, a mnemonic diagram of the parameters of the heating unit in the operating mode is displayed on the dispatcher’s monitor.


BITP consists of a heating module, hot water supply and a thermal energy consumption metering unit. The use of a modular design allows you to reduce the time required for the manufacture and installation of a heating unit. In addition to plate heat exchangers, the heating unit includes:

  • Automatic electronic system regulation of heating circuits
  • Circulation and booster pumps for heating and hot water circuits
  • Instrumentation
  • Shut-off and control valves
  • Thermal energy metering unit
  • Magnetic mesh filters and magnetic water treatment devices
  • System automatic control and dispatching

Based on practical experience implementation of energy-saving equipment, Teploeffekt CJSC offers more than 40 ready-made unified standard schemes new solutions for the constructive manufacturing of modular BITP. A ready-made design solution allows you to complete the design and manufacture of equipment in the shortest possible time, as well as reduce the cost of manufacturing an automated heating point.


The use of BITP instead of boiler rooms makes it possible to reduce the construction volume of the premises for placing a heating point, reduce the length of pipelines by 2 times, reduce capital costs for the construction of equipment by 20-25% and thermal insulation materials, reduce energy consumption compared to energy-intensive central heating equipment, optimize the energy accounting system. BITP are fully automated, which reduces operating costs by 40-50%. Due to the use of an automatic control system, thermal energy consumption at facilities is reduced to 30%, as a result, the economic efficiency of using BITP ranges from 10 to 25%, the payback period of the equipment is 1-2.4 years.

The installation time for heating units is reduced by 4-5 times due to the use of factory-ready installation blocks.

The economic effect of implementation is due to

Increasing reliability, reducing maintenance costs, simplifying and reducing the cost of pipelines and fittings within heating points.

Reducing thermal energy losses by reducing the area and temperature of the outer surface of heat exchangers.

Reducing thermal energy losses by increasing the heat transfer coefficient of heat exchangers, reducing the required temperature pressure and coolant consumption for heating water.

Reducing the consumption of thermal energy in the heating system through the introduction of efficient automatic system façade-by-façade regulation of fuel consumption based on outside air temperature.

Cabinet heating unit

The heating substation is supplied in assembled form in a container made of metal corrugated sheets with insulation and does not require additional construction installation work. The pipeline outlets are located outside the container.

  • Commercial metering of consumed thermal energy
  • Monitoring the parameters of heat consumption modes and their automated regulation (flow rate, pressure level, temperature, etc.)
  • Automatic maintenance of hot water temperature level taking into account the requirements of sanitary standards
  • Automatic maintenance of water temperature in the heating system depending on the outside temperature, time of day, work schedule, etc.
  • Automated output of information to the dispatch center
  • Opportunity remote control and control via modem
  • Alarm in case of emergency and emergency situations
  • Efficiency analysis and optimization of heat supply modes
  • Possibility to select automatic and manual BITP control modes

Advantages of ITP Etra:

  • High factory production quality;
  • Full set technical documentation: passport ( short description schemes, estimated heat and coolant costs for each system, types of coolants and their parameters, etc.); manual, Assembly drawing, documentation for component equipment;
  • Use of our own library of standard solutions (standard diagrams) taking into account the Customer’s individual requirements: guarantee that the BITP will be suitable both in terms of overall characteristics and parameters of the heating network;
  • Short design and manufacturing time (from 4 weeks);
  • 100% output control;
  • Autonomous operation of ITP, personnel participation is necessary only for periodic inspection or maintenance;
  • Many years of experience of employees in the development, production and maintenance of thermal equipment;
  • Use of reliable equipment from world famous manufacturers (Wilo, Tour&Andersson, Genebre, Rosma, etc.);
  • In-house production of collapsible plate heat exchangers, which allows us to always provide the Customer with a competitive price;
  • Own Customer Service: full range of works;
  • Reducing the labor intensity and timing of installation work: to install an ITP, you only need to connect it to the pipeline and apply voltage to the control cabinet;
  • Block-modular design and compactness: possibility of installation in hard-to-reach basements;
  • Availability of all necessary permits.

Benefits for heating networks:

  • Reduced investment in heating network up to 20-25%;
  • Reducing energy consumption for pumping coolant by 20-40%;
  • Reducing the maximum thermal load by 8-10%;
  • Reducing network water consumption by 20-30%.
In addition, installing ITP allows you to reduce peak loads, save throughput heating networks while ensuring their full viability while reducing accident rates.

The production of individual ETRA heating units is carried out on the basis of design documentation, developed standard diagrams and taking into account the individual needs and conditions of the Customer.

For questions regarding the calculation, design and purchase of individual heating points (IHP) of ETRA, you can contact the engineering department of the ETRA company in Nizhny Novgorod or contact one of the company’s branches.

Standard solutions

Heating-ventilation module with dependent connection with mixing pump Heating-ventilation module with independent connection with 1 heat exchanger (without reserve) Heating-ventilation module with independent connection with 2 heat exchangers (with reserve)

Single-stage DHW module with 1 heat exchanger (without reserve) Single-stage DHW module with 2 heat exchangers (with reserve) Two-stage DHW module with 1 heat exchanger (monoblock)

Two-stage DHW module with 2 heat exchangers Input and accounting unit Distribution manifold (comb)

Control cabinet for heating and hot water circuits
The ETRA company has developed an extensive library of standard modules, using which you can solve almost any problem at any facility.
We draw your attention to the fact that in addition to standard modules and assemblies, information about which is presented below, we are always ready to take into account the individual wishes of customers and develop a non-standard solution, both during design and construction, and during packaging and manufacturing.
When selecting standard modules, the following values ​​of the main parameters are accepted by default:
Available inlet pressure 15-20 m.w.s.
DHW circulation flow from the maximum DHW flow 40%
Design pressure of the Heating Network 16 kgf/cm 2
Design pressure for independent connection CO, SV 6-10 kgf/cm 2
Design pressure for dependent connection CO, SV 10 kgf/cm 2
Pumps CO, SV, DHW reserve, with CR reserve, with CR
Design temperature of the heating network 150°C (cut 130°C)
Heating system temperature graph 95/70
Temperature graph of the heating network for calculating DHW 70/30

List of typical modules/assemblies:

Heating/ventilation Dependent connection of the CO to the vehicle With mixing pump view module
Independent connection of CO to TS With 1 maintenance (without reserve) view module
With 2 maintenance (with reserve) view module
DHW 1st stage With 1 maintenance (without reserve) view module

With 2 maintenance (with reserve)

view module
2 steps Maintenance monoblock view module
2 TO view module
Input and accounting unit view module
Distribution comb (manifold) view module
Automation cabinet view module

Depending on the load, heating/ventilation and DHW modules have various diameters internal contour, from 32 to 150.

In the diagram of heating modules with heat exchangers, by default there is expansion tank, which compensates for the thermal expansion of the coolant and maintains optimal pressure in system.

Structurally, each module is a completely finished piece of equipment, installed on its own frame, and the modules themselves are assembled together into an automated block heating unit according to the principle of a designer.

All technical information provided is for reference only. ETRA reserves the right, as necessary, to make changes and improvements both in the diagrams and in the specifications and in the design, while maintaining general principle. dimensions modules are presented for reference, taking into account the heat exchanger on the first frame. If it is necessary to use a higher power heat exchanger on longer frames, the module dimensions will be increased. For more detailed and accurate information, please contact ETRA!

Advantages of the ETRA heating substation

5 reasons to order a ready-made ETRA heating unit in a factory version:

Many years of experience of our company’s managers and specialists, as well as an extensive and practice-tested library standard solutions– all this is a guarantee of a high-quality and competent approach, be it a small standard module or a powerful heating unit designed to meet individual requirements in a special design.

1. Thoughtful technical solution

Our engineers select a solution that perfectly combines cost-effectiveness and efficiency, following simple rule“necessary and sufficient” - both in terms of dimensions and in terms of layout and configuration. The most difficult design stages are calculations, selection of equipment, calculation of heat exchangers, selection of pumps, etc. – we take it upon ourselves. And you don't have to worry about all the design and regulatory requirements care was taken to ensure that the design fits into the existing premises, that access to all equipment was provided, and other nuances.
Thus, the use of ETRA heat substations during design is a colossal time saving for the designer. Firstly, the presence of an extensive database of ready-made standard solutions allows us to respond and provide all documentation within literally a matter of hours. But even if some work is needed technical solution for the specific requirements of the project, an initial calculation and proposal will be made within 48 hours, and together with the commercial proposal, diagrams, specifications, calculations of heat exchangers, and pump selection sheets will be provided.

2. Factory quality

ETRA heating units are manufactured at our own production site in Nizhny Novgorod.
The production complex is equipped with all necessary production, processing, testing equipment and GPM. The main production areas include cutting areas, metalworking, shot blasting and blade processing, painting booths, assembly and hydraulic testing areas, and welding stations. Equipment, specialists and technologies have NAKS certification certificates.
A mandatory stage in the production of any BTP is hydraulic testing.
Factory assembly and crimping for our customer is a guarantee of high quality manufacturing of the heating unit.

3. Convenient equipment

The customer does not need to waste time and effort purchasing all necessary materials and components - as a rule, this is at least 30 items in the specification. All this needs to be found, ordered, paid, received, quality checked, collected Required documents, etc.
The package includes all required documentation– passports, certificates, operating manuals and maintenance, diagrams, specifications, etc. A complete set of technical and shipping documentation saves your time.
The heat station itself can be supplied either fully assembled in the form of a single factory structure, or in the form of separate blocks/modules. It all depends on the customer’s requirements, logistics features and the room in which the heating unit will be installed.

4. Loyal price

Long-standing partnerships with leading suppliers of materials, equipment and fittings allow us to obtain everything needed to complete a heating station at truly competitive prices.
It is also very important that the ETRA company is also a manufacturer of heat exchangers, and heat exchangers can account for up to 40% of the cost of a heating point.
Thus, our customers receive the most affordable product possible.

5 Quick installation

By purchasing a block heating unit produced by ETRA, the customer receives a factory-ready product, and up to 90% of the most complex work(welding, automation, electrical connections, hydraulic tests) we have already done for you. Installation directly on site can be carried out quickly and easily by your contractors, or we can take on this stage ourselves.

Equipment and instrumentation used as part of the Etra ITP

Pos. Name of equipment Project marking Manufacturer
1 Single-pass heat exchanger for CO, DHW, or SW systems ET series LLC NPO "Etra"
2 Two-way monoblock heat exchanger for DHW system ET series LLC NPO "Etra"
3 Circulation pump, make-up, booster Yonos, Star, TOP, Stratos, IL, MHIL, MVI Wilo
MAGNA, CR, TP, UPS, Grundfos
4 Control valve CV216/316GG TAHydronics
CPSR-100 CPSR-Group
5 Control valve electric drive TA-MS TAHydronics
ES05/06; S.B.A. AUMA
6 Differential pressure regulator DA516, DAF516 TAHydronics
7 Bypass regulator PM512 TAHydronics
8 Solenoid valve EV220B H3 Danfoss
9 Pressure switch (pressostat) RD-2R Rosma
10 Membrane expansion tank WRV Wester
Flexcon R Flamco
Cal-PRO, Ultra-PRO Zilmet
11 Electronic temperature controller SMH2Gi Segnetics
12 Outdoor temperature sensor DTS 3005 ARIES
13 Immersion resistance thermometer with sleeve KTPTR, TMT, TPT Thermico
14 Flow meter ERSV TAKEOFF
15 Heat calculator TSRV TAKEOFF
SPT Logics
16 Balancing valve STAD, STAF TAHydronics
17 Regulating ball valve KSH.Ts.F.Regula LD
18 Steel ball valve KSh.Ts.F, KSh.Ts.P LD
19 Ball valve (coupling) brass art.3028, 3035, 3036, 3046 Genebre
20 Butterfly valve art.2103, 2109 Genebre
21 Check valve, brass art.3121 Genebre
Check valve, cast iron art.2401 Genebre
22 Mesh filter, brass art.3302 Genebre
Mesh filter, cast iron 821A Zetkama
23 Pressure gauge showing TM-510 Rosma
24 Indicating thermometer with sleeve, bimetallic BT-51.211 Rosma
25 Spring safety valve Prescor, checkpoint Pregran
art.3190 Genebre