Business in spring and summer is profitable. Collection and sale of mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs. Floristry and landscape design

Summer is not only a time to relax, spend time on the beach, swim and sun, but also a great way to earn money. Summer business is most relevant for people living in resort towns or in regions where there are local attractions. As a rule, summer business is seasonal (starts from the first warm days and ends with the beginning of school year). If you decide to do something in the warm season, you need to prepare for the start in advance, so that when the first days of summer arrive you can start working in full mode.

The main stages of preparation for summer business

In order to turned out to be a profitable occupation for you, you need to work hard. Do everything correctly. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare for such an occasion. And preparation can be divided into several stages.

1. First you need to think of a current idea for a future business. What exactly may be suitable for your region and will be in demand among the population.
2. It is necessary to start planning possible expenses. Will you need additional help? labor force or this matter will be exclusively family. Try to compare purchasing prices. Very often, during off-season times, prices are significantly lower. You can save a lot of money on this.
3. Start writing a business plan.

What are the options for earning money in summer time? And there are actually a great many options: from selling various soft drinks and ice cream to opening a small summer cafe. Generally, this will depend on demand, region, competition in this place etc.

One of the most important conditions for a wise choice summer business is: excellent marketing events, delivery valid necessary products or services, ensuring uninterrupted operation, immediate reaction regarding changes in the basic preferences of the buyer. You also need to carefully study the work of existing competitors and have initial start-up capital. Now let's try to consider different ideas for summer business.

Seasonal business ideas for the summer

Opening of a summer mini-cafe.

We decided to try to arrange summer business? Then you will probably be interested in ideas for quick seasonal earnings. Regardless of your location, in the summer all people like to spend their free time in nature, near a lake or river with a cup of tea or coffee. There is no need to equip your summer cafe with all kinds of dishes, since for this you will need to have a large starting capital. You can simply organize a small mini-cafe that will sell only soft drinks. And product suppliers, in turn, will supply your cafe with various additional food products: ice cream, cakes, crackers, chips, etc.

You will have to spend money on purchasing various refrigeration equipment and furniture, and pay rent for land or space. But all these expenses can be fully recouped in the first month of work.

Opening of a children's mini-attraction.

At the nearby reservoir, where many parents and children spend their holidays, you can rent out various children's cars, trampolines, inflatable boats and so on. You can either rent the equipment you need or purchase it. Having purchased it just once, it will become an excellent source of profit for you not only for one summer season. The most important thing in this matter is a good location and compliance with safety precautions.

Summer business ideas without investment. Sale on the beach.

Sales of various food products on the summer city beach, such as pies, sweets, candies, soft drinks, popcorn, etc. If you or your loved ones know how to cook perfectly and tasty, then this type activity will be an excellent reason to receive additional income in the summer. Selling various food products on the beach is one of the most accessible types of income. This business will not require significant financial investments from you, since sugar, flour and other food products are always available to the owner. You will not be required to undergo any inspections from various authorities and departments. Every year you can make a good profit.

Growing greens.

Breeding animals.

These products can be sold at a good price. You can sell them on the market and among your friends or acquaintances. To do this, you will need a small amount of money to purchase the necessary feed. You will also need to find suitable premises for breeding and keeping poultry, and will also require constant care. If the village has a river nearby, then the best option There will be breeding of geese or jocks. If there is no pond, then you can raise chickens alone.
Of course, you can limit yourself to more than just birds. You can also start breeding other animals. In order for your summer business to flourish in the village, you will need not only to work, but also to look for sales of your products at a favorable price.

Examples successful earnings in summer. Selling crayfish.

Many people dream of building a summer house. And especially for such people, we present ideas for quick seasonal income. You can also see a video in this article.

Selling crayfish: come to a river or lake, catch crayfish, boil them in salted water, and then successfully sell them on the nearest beach. This idea is best suited for avid fishermen, of course, if there is a river in the area where he lives. You can combine a pleasant holiday on the river and also earn money. Of course, these can be not only crayfish, but also different kinds fish that can be salted, dried, or smoked. You can also sell these products among your friends and relatives.

Growing seedlings.

This type of income is available to both rural and urban residents. You can grow seedlings in a box with soil early varieties cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, etc. The most important thing in this matter is to understand which varieties of vegetables are most popular in the market. But both village residents and summer residents can purchase seedlings.


Braiding hair for girls and girls on the street. This option is most suitable for girls, since many of them are excellent at braiding hair using the Internet or video tutorials. It is quite possible to offer these services at local beaches or parks. In this case, large financial expenses will not be required. You just need to have free time and possess the appropriate skills.

Watch the video

Summer business has become a real godsend for many people. Sometimes, having worked actively for 3-5 warm months, they provide themselves with a comfortable existence for the remaining year.

The idea of ​​working “for yourself” attracts more and more people over time. But most of the “niches” are occupied, and it is in the summer months that the opportunity to start your own business increases.

Features of summer business

Most summer business ideas are based on the desire of people to relax comfortably and have fun, quench their thirst, and improve conditions suburban areas, as well as on opportunities that appear only in the summer.

Gives you the opportunity to fully realize your career without compromising your interests and the interests of your family. Nowadays there are very great business opportunities for women.

The easiest way is to “match the season” by selling goods that are in demand during this period:

  1. Cool drinks.
  2. Kvass on tap.
  3. Ice cream.
  4. Arbuzov.
  5. Sunglasses.
  6. Seedlings.
  7. Means for repelling mosquitoes and flies.
  8. And so on.
  9. Seasonal cultivation of vegetables - .

Differences between summer business and year-round trade:

  1. Short life cycle - usually 3-5 months.
  2. Special starting conditions with relatively low initial costs. They need to be “recaptured” in one season, so entrepreneurs try to invest the minimum amount of money.
  3. Dynamic and high risk. It is necessary to correctly assess the shortage of a service or product and wisely choose the place for its promotion.
  4. Working in an “open” area is as close as possible to the vacationers who have reached the warmth.
  5. High incomes. The profitability of a summer business must be at least 100%.

Combine different types summer business. Do you sell ice cream? Keep it close inflated with helium Balloons. After all, children often persuade parents to buy ice cream. Or you can sell it in a summer cafe. By the way, how to decorate a cafe is described in this video:

Types of summer business

Which ideas are the most promising? It all depends on the location, competition and other factors. Among the huge selection, the following types of summer business will almost always be profitable (with a profitability of 100% and above).


This business requires minimal investment. However, knowledge and love for the land are required. In the summer, owners of cottages and country dachas I want the place where they live to please the eye with an aesthetic appearance. Office owners also understand that trust in their companies depends a lot on their appearance.

Not everyone can create beauty on their own due to lack of time or desire. And resourceful designers or plant lovers have a chance to make good money by taking up landscaping personal plots and other territories.

What is needed for this activity:

  • 3-4 students, preferably from an agricultural academy;
  • gardening Tools;
  • a car, preferably with a trailer, for transporting plants to make it convenient to get to the customer;
  • on a note: planting material usually paid by the client, so start-up costs we don’t take it into account.

To purchase garden tools you need 50 - 500 dollars. The costs of student salaries and gasoline are insignificant compared to the profits. It will be 200-300%.

Sale of ice cream and soft drinks

It would seem that everything is banal and simple. Summer, heat, thirst are primarily associated with the desire to eat or drink something cool. And how nice it is when you come across ice cream sellers along the way. In summer, the consumption of these products increases significantly. And the cost of the products themselves soars high, while the cost remains the same.

Despite the fact that there is no need to “reinvent the wheel” with this type of business, it brings a stable, high income.

Where to start:

  1. Purchase chest freezer, a refrigerator for drinks or a keg for kvass - from $400 (used - 2-3 times less).
  2. Purchase of actual products: ice cream, lemonade, juice.
  3. A high traffic retail location that will have electricity and will be closed at night.
  4. Seller (you can sell it yourself).

Daily revenue depends on the location of the point and the mark on the thermometer. The hotter it is, the higher the income. It is quite possible to earn both 500 and 5000 rubles in one day. Net profit 30-35%.

A mobile refrigerator-chest (on wheels) is very convenient. It allows you to navigate the situation and take advantage of the most convenient points of sale.

Attractions and sale/rental of water transport

Organizing leisure time on the water is one of the most profitable things. Tourists come to the sea, preparing in advance to spend money on entertainment: to relax and relax. And fairly reasonable expenses allow you to acquire a profitable seasonal business related to:

  1. Water skiing.
  2. Roller coaster.
  3. Inflatable bananas.
  4. Jet skis.
  5. By boats.
  6. Other attractions.

Jet ski rental is a highly profitable business, tested in coastal cities. Sports equipment will cost about $10,000. And the price for 5 minutes of riding averages 10 dollars/5 minutes. Just a few days - and the purchase of a jet ski will fully pay for itself and begin to make a profit.

This business will operate on a semi-legal basis due to the extremely complex procedure for obtaining rights to operate a jet ski and its rental not provided for by law. It is easier (but also slightly less profitable) to work with water skis.

A more respectable “water” business involves buying or renting a boat. Expenses:

  1. Boat – from $70,000.
  2. Boat crew – from $500.
  3. Providing a coastal base depends on the area.
  4. The use of the pier of a tourist center or a holiday home depends on the area.

The costs are recouped in the first season. Especially if there are interesting and historically famous places on the banks of the reservoir.

Opening of the shooting gallery

A pneumatic shooting range is a wonderful entertainment that has an “element of masculinity.” Happens:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Mobile.

No special permits or licenses are required to open it. Expenses:

  • rent of premises or land (plus tent) – from 10,000;
  • purchase of equipment. For example, for a mobile shooting range based on a car trailer, a set of target equipment, a shooting range, a fencing system, an awning, lighting and other attributes will cost about 75 thousand rubles;
  • one gun - from 3000 rubles;
  • acquisition Supplies- bullets and prizes.

Already for the bullets, visitors pay 10 times more than their cost. And the number of shots is rarely less than 5-10 per person at a time.

When registering as an entrepreneur, the type of activity should indicate “providing sports and training services to the population.”

Hotel for pets

Many potential tourists cannot afford summer rest only because they have no one to leave their pets with. Opening a hotel for animals is the ideal solution for them (and you). This service is becoming more and more relevant and profitable.

Start of this business possible in a regular city apartment, but it is preferable to buy/rent small house, where to equip enclosures and provide walking in the suburban area.

If you have real estate, the costs are very small. A dozen enclosures and a walking area will cost about $3,000. Feed costs are at the expense of the owners themselves. You will need time to walk and clean the area. To avoid problems, only accept healthy and vaccinated animals into the hotel. But meeting a veterinarian won’t hurt.

Is it worth starting a summer business?

The answer is almost unequivocal: yes, due to high profitability. The profit exceeds the starting costs by tens and even hundreds of times. In 3 months you can provide for yourself for the next year. But high risks, active work (sometimes almost 24 hours a day) and considerable competition scare away some novice businessmen.

Summer - good time to promote “street” business. It’s worth thinking through, calculating everything down to the smallest detail, this is the only way to accumulate business ideas for the summer with minimal investment.

Important! A business must be in demand, then it will become prosperous and profitable, regardless of the field of activity.

Preliminary market research

To minimize risks, it is recommended to start a business by conducting marketing research. Survey target audience will allow you to find out how in demand the proposed service or product is. This will allow you to decide economic feasibility venture, the likelihood of covering expenses and receiving financial gains.

The picture is visible with a correctly compiled SWOT analysis. It will demonstrate the pros and cons of a summer seasonal business, which will help in deciding whether to start one. As one example of SWOT analysis:

1 PopularGet a profit
2 Quick and relatively easy earningsExpand business
3 Easy organizationMake your business year-round
4 Small investment
5 Suitable for business start-ups
6 Dependency on weather conditions
7 Seasonality
8 Convenient location

Important! A similar table, compiled for each individual case, will become a visual aid for a novice entrepreneur.

The most popular types of summer business

Summer is the time for vacations and holidays. Therefore, active citizens have free time to earn extra money. It’s worth thinking about a business idea for summer 2019 now. The first thing you need to do is evaluate your own qualities and abilities, since summer business is the prerogative of people with a quick mind who can flexibly change tactical moves. For entrepreneurs working in the field of seasonal business, the main categories of thinking should be “now” and “here”.

The advantage of summer entrepreneurship is high profits. By resorting to small tricks, a novice businessman increases the profitability of his business to 40 - 50%. Examples of such areas are:

  • rental of equipment for trade, for example kvass, ice cream;
  • choosing a good location point of sale;
  • purchasing goods at minimum prices.

The funds invested in promotion pay off very quickly if you choose the right strategy development.

Water sports rental

If you prepare responsibly, and there is still time before the summer of 2019, then you can really organize own business on the sea. You'll have to spend money buying technical means, attractions, the use of which will provide high income. For purchase jet ski The amount needed is about $6000. Many people are happy to pay a lot of money for the service. Its average cost is $10 for 10 minutes.

Calculating profitability is simple. For a working day, earnings will be up to $400 net income. And monthly, with six days working week, possible up to $10,000. All costs, which include the purchase of a jet ski, paperwork fees, travel costs, and housing rent, are paid off in the first month of work. Therefore, we can confidently say that this business is profitable, although it is worth taking into account the competition.

Business ideas for the summer period have a pronounced seasonality. Make money on them all year round it will not work, since the rest of the time the service or product will not be in demand among the population enough to make a tangible profit.

Year-round work requires reporting periods. But seasonal business has only a beginning and an end. It turns out that all subsequent time the entrepreneur needs to prepare for the new season, correct mistakes, and develop new strategies.

Business ideas for the summer season will be successful only if the supply of goods, equipment or anything else that is necessary for full-fledged work is established. It will be important to calculate the level of demand in advance. Logistics will become an integral part of business.

Pros of summer business

Summer business ideas with minimal investment can bring big profits in a short period of time. But this format is not suitable for every entrepreneur. He must be flexible, proactive, and if necessary, a businessman must quickly change strategy.

An entrepreneur who wants to open his own seasonal business in the summer should think here and now, and not set himself global goals. The advantages of this format include the following features:

  • high profit;
  • quick payback;
  • high level demand;
  • high profitability (can reach 100-200%);
  • low investment.

Many goods are sold at a large premium in the summer, so you can earn much more from their sale. Let's consider the most relevant ideas for running a business in the summer with small investments.

This seasonal business format is rightfully considered one of the most current ideas for a long time now. People love ice cream, and in the summer for many it becomes a real escape from the heat. The success of an ice cream business will depend on a number of factors:

  • choosing the right retail outlet (you can be located in parks, shopping centers, or even open your own ice cream parlor);
  • taste qualities (the greatest demand will be not for ordinary packaged ice cream, but for something special, for example, it could be soft or Hawaiian ice cream);
  • originality of presentation or production (you can make a real show out of this, attracting customers);
  • service (staff should be friendly and smiling).

The markup on ice cream is about 40%. Initially, investments will be required to rent a place, register, purchase a refrigerator and other equipment. The main disadvantage is the high level of competition, especially in the summer.

Sale of cooling drinks

When it's hot, people feel very thirsty. It's no surprise that they're much more likely to search for a place to get a cold drink. The most profitable sales of the following drinks will be:

  • kvass;
  • juices;
  • milkshakes;
  • cold beer on tap (by the way, you don’t need a license to sell it);
  • fruit drink;
  • soda;
  • cold tea.

But working in this line of business in the summer is not easy. You will need to somehow differentiate yourself from numerous competitors and spend money on setting up a retail outlet. You cannot do without collecting a number of permits.

As in the case of ice cream, an entrepreneur will need to carefully choose a place to sell. This could be the city center, an amusement park, a shopping center. It is not necessary to equip a stationary point. You can sell drinks in cans and bottles while moving around the park or even the entire city.

It is most profitable to register a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur and choose UTII as the taxation system.

Both formats are among the most highly profitable seasonal business ideas in the summer. They are also attractive because there is no need to look for impressive start-up capital. Ideas can also be implemented together, since the products can be considered related.

It is important to sell cotton candy and popcorn even in bad weather. But the higher the traffic of the selected outlet, the greater the profit you can make. It is better to be located in large city parks, negotiate working together with circuses and amusement parks.

It is not necessary to hire an employee and set up a point to sell popcorn. You can buy a vending machine - it will quickly pay for itself and begin to bring in impressive profits. And in the cold season it can be installed in mall, for example, and also make a profit.

Investments at making the right choice the space will pay for itself within a few weeks or months.

Sale of seasonal fruits and vegetables

It is during the summer period that there is an increased demand from citizens for fruits and vegetables. But success will depend on whether the entrepreneur can find good point for trade. It will not be possible to do without establishing connections with suppliers - these may be private agriculture. The essence of the idea is to purchase products in bulk and resell them to ordinary people at retail at a premium.

The list of the most popular fruits and vegetables will depend on the region. In some places the main demand is for apricots and peaches, but in others they prefer to buy more Exotic fruits. Additionally, it is worth thinking about selling berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, currants, raspberries and others.

There is another format for such trade - independent cultivation of products and their subsequent sale to friends in markets. Such a business on a small scale will not bring significant profits, but will become an additional source of income.

This format of summer business is considered one of the most popular and break-even. To organize a business, you will need to find a place with high traffic - a square, a park. You will need to obtain permission from local authorities. They strictly check whether the entrepreneur has quality certificates for the equipment used and whether the organization is registered. You must have documents on hand confirming that the entrepreneur complies with the standards and norms established at the legislative level.

If all the paperwork is completed, all that remains is to equip the area for attractions. You can buy cars and make a course with obstacles. Each such copy will cost no less than 10,000 rubles.

To attract the attention of visitors, you will need to make a large and colorful sign at the entrance to the park or square. Availability of music and entertainment program will be an additional advantage that attracts customers.

Organizing a trampoline town

Children love trampolines very much. You can meet them on the street only in the summer. Therefore, the concentration of children wanting to play in such a town increases greatly. There are other advantages to this format:

  • the business will be easy to organize;
  • no additional advertising required;
  • low operating costs;
  • high profitability;
  • big income.

But the matter can be complicated by finding a truly “fishy” place. As a rule, they are all already occupied by others. But if you are persistent and proactive, you can always find a way out. A small town can pay for itself in a couple of months, but a large complex will require larger investments.

In pursuit of high profits, we must not forget that trampolines are dangerous for children. Therefore, the employee must constantly monitor how visitors play. There should not be many children on the playground at once; this also increases the likelihood of injury.

Opening of the shooting gallery

A shooting gallery is a rather specific type of entertainment, but it is interesting to a wide range of people. Not only children, but also adults, especially men, love to shoot. In hot weather, walking through an amusement park, few can resist the temptation. And if you offer nice gifts for accuracy, then there will be no end to customers.

Already in the first month you can recoup your investment and start making a profit. Fortunately, the shooting range does not require serious investments - several special rifles and pistols. And you can make targets yourself.

It is better for a novice entrepreneur to work with pneumatic weapons, since you do not need a license to use them. For 50,000 - 100,000 rubles you can buy a ready-made shooting range with everything you need. They come in two types:

  • pavilion;
  • transformer.

The point can be mobile or stationary. In the second case, you will have to pay attention to choosing a place, otherwise the business may turn out to be unprofitable.

Business in active sports

The essence of the idea is to provide equipment to people who like to spend their free time actively. It is better to specialize in one area or have them be close. For example, you can rent bicycles and roller skates, jet skis and boats. The location will depend on the direction. Uniforms for aquatic species It is better to rent sports equipment near beaches, lakes or seas. For resort towns this idea is especially relevant.

But it is better to open rental bicycles and roller skates in the city center, near parks and other areas where there are equipped areas and paths for cyclists.

The main costs will be associated with the purchase of inventory. You will need at least 10-15 sets. It is not necessary to buy new equipment. You can get by with a used one.

It is necessary to take care of the availability of protection - knee pads, helmets. It is likely that people who do not know how to ride a bicycle or roller skate will want to use the rental services.

Today this idea is very interesting for Russians, since such a proposal can be found in few places. The idea itself came from Western countries literally a few years ago. Working in this area is also attractive because there is no need to attract a large amount of savings. There shouldn’t be any difficulties in organizing a business either.

The entrepreneur will need to purchase water balloons and find appropriate place to open the attraction. If there is no reservoir there, then you will need a pool, and this is an additional investment. You won’t be able to do without a special slide for releasing the ball.

Most often, such attractions are in demand among active youth and children, but sometimes mature citizens are not averse to riding in a special ball on the water.

Installation of air conditioners

During the hot season, people often come to the conclusion that it is necessary to purchase an air conditioner for their apartment (ordinary fans are now in less demand). But installing it requires specialized knowledge. And if an entrepreneur has experience in this field, then he can offer his services to others.

Start-up costs will involve purchasing specialized tools. But here you can get by even 20,000 - 40,000 rubles. You will also have to invest money in advertising - otherwise how will people find out about the air conditioning installation company? For this format it is most logical to use following methods promotions:

  • posting leaflets;
  • printing advertisements in local newspapers;
  • distribution of business cards;
  • holding promotions;
  • advertising on local television.

Sale of souvenirs and magnets

This idea will be relevant for cities that receive a large flow of tourists in the summer. Why do they buy souvenirs and magnets? To leave yourself something memorable about your vacation or give an unusual trinket to your friends, family and acquaintances.

You can produce products yourself or purchase them in bulk. It is important to change the assortment in order to offer tourists something new and unusual every year. The markup on goods can reach 200-300%.

As is the case with all other types of seasonal business, you will have to take care of searching good place for trade.

Let's sum it up

Summer seasonal business is a great opportunity earn money without investing a lot of money. High profitability and quick payback make this format the most attractive for beginning entrepreneurs.

Do you want to make extra money in the summer, but don't know where to start? Introducing 50 great ideas How to get extra income in the summer.

Picnic baskets

IN good weather Many people go out into nature - couples, friends, families with children. They all take sandwiches and drinks with them to snack on fresh air. You can offer vacationers comfortable picnic baskets.

Growing and selling watermelons

Juicy and sweet watermelons are in great demand in the summer. Be sure to sell them in a place that is clearly visible from afar.

Pool maintenance

Swimming pool cleaning during the season - easy way earn without additional investments. Advertise your services and you will have a job.


This business can bring good money because tourists love to take pictures as souvenirs. The main thing is to skillfully handle the camera so that the photos turn out well in bright sun, on a cloudy day and at dusk.

Bouquets of fresh flowers

Build relationships with local florists, arrange fresh flower arrangements and sell them. Your clients can be ordinary passers-by or offices and companies.

Maintenance of lawns, flower beds and gardens

Most people don't have time to take care of their lawns and flower beds. You can do this.