Bakery business plan sample. Opening your own mini-bakery from scratch: the right algorithm of actions

People will always eat. Therefore, some businessmen consider running their own business exclusively in the field of Catering. Fast food sales points are growing like an avalanche. There are two development options in this direction: purchasing a ready-made franchise or implementing your own concept.

The second option is preferable. The “raw” business model will require a lot of effort from the entrepreneur, but it also has its advantages. For example, there is no need to pay a lump sum fee or royalties. A good idea for your own business is to open a mini-bakery.

Is it profitable to run a bakery?

Yes, it's profitable. This business is characterized by profitability of 50-60% and constant demand. Bonus - mobility. The owner of the enterprise can change the product range and adapt to demand. This will allow you to quickly meet customer needs without incurring additional costs. With a decrease in public interest in baguettes or exotic varieties of bread, you need to reorient yourself to the production of confectionery products and puff pastries.

The diagram is based on information from Rosstat. At the same time, industry experts predict an increase in the share of bakeries in supermarkets and small private enterprises to 20 and 16%, respectively. Another trend is also noticeable. The Russian population is increasingly interested in “European” baked goods: ciabattas and baguettes.

Stages of opening a mini-bakery

Starting a business takes place in several stages. This applies to entrepreneurs developing their own model. When purchasing a franchise, most organizational tasks are transferred to the shoulders of the partner. A dilemma arises: on someone else’s project or should you still “promote” your own? It's better to take the second path. Before launching his own model, a businessman must draw up a clear step by step plan. It must be followed strictly. It looks like this:

  • Business registration.
  • Selection of premises.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Personnel search.
  • Purchase of raw materials.
  • Establishing sales channels.

Business registration

There are many forms of running your own business. For beginning entrepreneurs who do not operate with large capital, two are suitable:

  • limited liability company;
  • individual entrepreneurship.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to weigh the pros and cons in advance. This approach will help avoid a lot of mistakes and problems in the future.


This form of business is suitable primarily for those who work in partnership with other citizens. Future preferences are distributed depending on the share of participation of each founder in the authorized capital of the company. Registering an LLC is more difficult. To register with the tax authority you must provide:

  1. Charter
  2. Foundation agreement (if the company has 2 or more founders).
  3. Minutes of the meeting of founders.
  4. Application for state registration.

You need to additionally open a current account and form an authorized capital. Registration authorities also require the provision of documentation to the legal address of the company, for example a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises. The state fee for opening an LLC is 4 thousand rubles. On average, registration time (including collection and preparation of documentation) takes 1 month.


Everything is simpler here. A businessman needs to fill out the appropriate application on form P21001, pay a state fee (800 rubles) and provide a copy of his passport. After receiving the registration certificate, the next step in the plan is to choose a tax system. A simplified system is perfect for individual entrepreneurs. There are two options:

  • 6% of income.
  • 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

The first type is simpler for calculations, but in case of large monthly costs, the second one is also applicable.

Important: The difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC lies in the form of liability. An entrepreneur, in case of problems with his activities, risks all his property, and a limited liability company risks only the size authorized capital. For beginners in business, it is recommended to open an individual entrepreneur.

Selection of premises

For a mini bakery right choice premises is a key stage of the plan. The main criterion is cross-country ability. The turnover of an enterprise directly depends on traffic. There are 3 placement options for this type of business:

  1. Rent in a shopping complex.
  2. Pavilion at the bus stop.
  3. The apartment is on the first floor of a residential building.

Each type has advantages and disadvantages. A detailed comparison will help you make your final choice.

Rent in TC

There are many advantages. For example, a businessman does not need to undergo a fire inspection, since this has already been done by the owner of the premises. The rent (from 300 rubles/m2) directly depends on the popularity of the shopping center and the location of the bakery inside the hall. This is what is considered the most accessible for beginning entrepreneurs. The disadvantages include:

  1. Adjustable operating mode.
  2. Competition within the shopping center itself (sometimes several individual entrepreneurs of the same focus are located in one complex).
  3. Problems with future expansion.
  4. Limited power grid capacity.

The low price eliminates these shortcomings. Therefore, merchants often locate their business there.

Pavilion at the bus stop

This type of activity requires serious investments. The price for making a pavilion reaches 6-12 thousand rubles/m2. The problem also lies in coordinating the location of the mini-bakery with the city administration. It will not be possible to simply install production at a bus stop with a lot of traffic. The entrepreneur independently obtains permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate, negotiates with power engineers about the allocated capacities and connection to the network. Advantage - self-adjustment operating mode. Some shopping malls open only from 9 am, but you can set the pavilion’s schedule yourself, taking into account the intensity of traffic during the day.

Apartment on the ground floor

For beginners in business who do not have great financial resources, this method of doing business is not suitable. The advantages are the same as those of a pavilion at a stopping point; the disadvantages include the high cost of doing business. In a city with a population of over a million, rent for premises on the ground floor of a residential building does not fall below 30 thousand rubles. This has a negative impact on business profitability.

Important: from personal experience entrepreneurs are advised to stay in pavilions at the stop, at the start suitable for work and rent in TC.

Equipment purchase

A mini-bakery will require different equipment. You can make your choice only after setting the range of baked goods. Basic set includes:

  1. Convection oven.
  2. Proofing cabinet.
  3. Dough mixer.
  4. Flour sifter.
  5. Stainless steel tables.
  6. Dough forming machine.

Conventionally, all equipment is divided into two types: domestic and imported. The difference between them is the price and functionality. Showcases, refrigerator, cash register are not included in the list. In this case we're talking about only about specific cooking equipment bakery products.


Italian convection ovens are popular in the baking business. They differ in build quality and variability of operating modes. Manufacturers provide extended warranties for many models. The equipment is expensive. When compiling financial plan this expense item will become the main one.


Bakers often have complaints about the build quality of their equipment. The final results also raise doubts functionality domestically produced equipment. A small cost will allow you to open it, but in general, over time, the stoves will have to be replaced with imported ones.

Important: You can save additional money by searching for used equipment. Sometimes such a solution is the only solution for beginners in the baking business.

Recruiting staff

Personnel decides everything. The phrase is hackneyed, but relevant for any business. The mini-bakery was no exception. The success of an enterprise directly depends on the quality of personnel training. All bakery workers must have health certificates and undergo periodic medical examinations. Ignoring this requirement will result in penalties and closure of the business.

Who to hire?

To organize a bakery you will need:

  1. Manager.
  2. Technologist.
  3. Minimum 4 bakers with sales functions.

The entrepreneur himself often becomes the manager. It is not economically profitable to hire a separate accountant to keep records. It is better to delegate the solution of these tasks to outsourcing companies.

Important: You cannot use the services of third-party specialists without concluding contractual obligations.

Where to look?

There are many options for finding employees. These include:

  1. Labor exchange.
  2. Internet.
  3. Acquaintance.

It is recommended to act in several directions at once. To reduce costs for initial stage Sometimes workers without experience are also considered. Such a technique is possible provided that the entrepreneur himself understands the basic technological processes. Often bakeries are the second stage of a simple process - making cakes to order.

Salary fund

Important: with a fixed salary, the financial fund is formed with a reserve of 2-3 months.

Purchase of raw materials

The purchase of products for subsequent processing must be carried out taking into account the capacity of the mini-bakery itself. You cannot skimp on quality; in the future, this will directly affect demand among the population. Customers will quickly appreciate the drop in taste characteristics and simply stop buying the product. The preparation of bakery products is carried out using two methods:

  1. From basic raw materials.
  2. From semi-finished products.

Each business model has advantages and disadvantages. Both options need to be taken into account and considered when drawing up a reopening plan.

From basic raw materials

This method is cheap, since the entrepreneur independently searches for suppliers and selects the terms of the contract. The added value is maximized. If prices fluctuate at one wholesale base, you should start collaborating with other companies. The quality of bakery products directly depends on the established technological process and recipes.

From semi-finished products

When opening a mini-bakery, beginners often choose ready-made semi-finished products as raw materials. This is especially true for enterprises focused on the production of puff pastries. With this approach, businessmen also save on equipment (the need for a dough mixer, flour sifter and dough-forming machine disappears on its own). Costs for starting a business are reduced. But there are also disadvantages. The technologist cannot control the quality of the product. Suppliers do not warn about changes in the recipe for preparing semi-finished products. Customer dissatisfaction will result in a decrease in demand and profitability.

How to open a bakery - step-by-step video instructions

How to establish sales channels?

Creating sustainable demand is the basis for the success of any business. The statement is also typical for a mini-bakery. The main flow of customers is formed by natural traffic. Therefore, it is important to choose the right location for the enterprise. Non-standard moves will also help increase speed. For example, some novice entrepreneurs enter into contracts for the supply of finished bakery products directly to the addressee. In the future, such clientele will bring a significant share of income. Therefore, contacts with counterparties should be maintained constantly. A correctly composed .

Don't forget about outdoor advertising. The placement of a sign on the facade of the building is agreed with the administration of the shopping center. Owners of their own pavilions have much more freedom of action in this matter. Some cities have strict architectural requirements. The nuance must be taken into account.

An increase in demand is also observed in online trading. To form such a sales channel, you will need to develop a website, hire a manager to accept incoming applications and enter into an agreement with courier service. Delivery is sometimes carried out independently - in this case, in consumable part The plan should include the purchase and maintenance of a car. will help reduce the costs of contacting web developers.

Bakery business plan

Drawing up the final financial model- a complex and responsible process. Prices for opening a mini-bakery vary greatly. If there is insufficient funding and the need to strictly monitor all costs, it is recommended to use only equipment from local manufacturers and rent premises directly from the shopping center. The main total expenses will look like this.

  1. Production equipment:
    • convection oven - 30 thousand rubles;
    • proofing cabinet - 32 thousand rubles;
    • dough mixer - 32 thousand rubles;
    • flour sifter - 25 thousand rubles;
    • dough forming machine - 92 thousand rubles;
    • stainless steel tables (2 pcs.) - 4 thousand rubles;
    • refrigerator - 10 thousand rubles;
    • other (knives, etc.) - 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Retail store equipment:
    • cash desk - 12 thousand rubles;
    • acquiring - 20 thousand rubles;
    • refrigerated confectionery display case - 57 thousand rubles;
    • regular display case - 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Design and advertising:
    • street pillar - 2 thousand rubles;
    • sign - 2 thousand rubles;
    • decoration, staff clothing - 7 thousand rubles.
  4. Room renovation(without hiring third parties) - 20 thousand rubles.

These expenses are basic. You also need to take into account monthly rental expenses (for shopping malls). The minimum price for retail space is 300 rubles/m2, the construction of a pavilion will cost from 6 thousand rubles/m2, and the lease of land is agreed upon with the administration of the locality in advance. The employee salary fund is not included in the basic values, since a piece-rate payment system is implied. For individual entrepreneurs, you need to take into account the need to make annual payments to the Pension Fund.

Let's sum it up

A mini-bakery business is expensive. The average payback for an enterprise occurs after 6-8 months of operation. The final figure depends on traffic, assortment and quality of products. Marketing policy also plays a key role. Entrepreneurs select scrupulously and carefully, but this is far from a panacea.

Success will come with an established system feedback with the client. The manager is required to have clear control over all business processes, right down to identifying the needs and preferences of customers. This approach will allow you to achieve a confident profit and scale your activities (for example, by increasing the number of retail outlets).

Opening own business in the field of nutrition - a noble cause, since the human body is designed in such a way that it needs to eat to maintain life. Therefore, enterprising people first of all think about starting a business in the field of food preparation. A popular trend is a mini-bakery as a business.

Private small establishments are in demand, and many entrepreneurs set quite high prices for their products: often not for quality, but for the brand. Often the taste and other characteristics of products leave much to be desired, so when opening such a line of business, think about whether you can provide the products with the proper quality, and whether you are ready to make investments to make the enterprise work as it should.

A bakery is an excellent type of business in almost any region

Bakery business plan

It is this that acts as the main type of documentation before starting any activity. Many novice entrepreneurs ignore this document. With its help, you can identify the main goals, identify strengths and weaknesses business, as well as determine financial costs, analyze the market and competitors. At the end of the documentation, it is worth giving two main plans according to which events will subsequently develop: positive and negative.

Developing a goal is always a primary component of a business plan in any business. You can note not only material indicators, but also any others. Some entrepreneurs open just such a business because they are not satisfied with the quality of the products currently existing on the market. Someone creates a business with the goal of helping the poor, in any case, there is no need to set a limit to act only for the sake of making a profit.

So, after defining your goals, you need to start somewhere. Traditionally, this is the calculation of the amount that will be required to conduct the activity. The main thing here is to write everything down to the smallest detail so that unforeseen circumstances do not arise. This will be helped by a preliminary study of the labor market, the characteristics of real estate leased for business commercial activities. You will also need to determine the required production volumes for a certain time period. Next, we move on to the next stages of the bakery business plan.

Selecting a room

Since it will be necessary to provide for the placement of several elements in one room, it must be selected correctly and have the required area. It should house a workshop, several warehouses and premises for workers. The administrative part is also allocated a certain place - this is the office of the accountant, manager and supervisor.

For a small bakery: all these positions can be combined into one. Another factor on which the specific choice of premises depends is the purpose of opening a bakery. If this is a small establishment that only involves baking fresh bread, then a room with a total area of ​​100 square meters is suitable. m. For a large factory you will need something more. If you want to open a branded store on the territory of a mini-bakery, then make sure that there are no competitors nearby. At the same time, the retail outlet should be located near a large crowd of people, not far from some business center or office space. The average premises will cost 300,000 rubles per month.

You need to study the segment in which you plan to open production line. A bakery business plan with cost calculations assumes the personal participation of the creator in the project, and this responsibility should not be shifted onto other shoulders for two reasons. Firstly, an independent approach will provide you with tremendous experience, and secondly, you will personally do better. Even if things don't work out, you'll only have yourself to blame.


To start your business, you will need to hire qualified personnel. It is best to pay attention to specialists with at least several months of experience, since baking bread is a rather complex and somewhat problematic process. If a mistake is made at some step, this indicates that correcting the situation is not an easy task.

The number of people you will need in production depends on the size of the enterprise. If you plan to produce bread and bakery products in a mini-bakery, then you will need at least 1 employee for the production of baked goods and 1 manager. His role can also be combined with the position of a manager.

Read also: Mini production for small businesses

There is no need to rush in this case, just for the purpose of making things “go” as quickly as possible; you will need to find people who want to earn money and at the same time learn something new. Only after you are convinced of their competence can you offer adequate payment for their work.

Note: the most important condition manufacturing food products- health book. It must be present; you should not hire employees with illnesses.


Considering the question of how to open a bakery from scratch, let's consider the features of the equipment that should be present in it. It is presented on the market by foreign manufacturers, as well as domestic elements. To select the required unit, you may need the services of the company from which you are going to buy the equipment. In addition, its specialists must deliver and install ovens, tables, and shelves for storing bread. It would be good to make sure that this is the company that handles the warranty service of the units: this will save your time, money and nerves.

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixing machine, but everything else will have to be done by hand. However, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. Given the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only to a small settlement, but also to work for two or three people. But imperfect technology in one bakery cannot guarantee consistent quality of baked goods.

If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of the Bread Equipment company is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the large cities of Kazakhstan. The owner's wish is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it required about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - tin bread, loaves, baguettes, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, you will need to order specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry.

When choosing equipment, the main argument for clients in the mini-bakery direction is for a long time the “first price” factor remained. The cost of entry is extremely important, especially for small chains. Often this equipment is of very low quality, has a low service life and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, thereby reducing the already low service life of the equipment.Mini-bakeries, built on the “one-person business” principle, are formed completely differently. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment only after 15–20 years, while operating costs and depreciation costs are very low due to the long service life of the equipment. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

If you imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” Just as in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it many years of life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantees success. At the same time, not only the thickness of the metal or the “survivability” of the electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts for the entire life cycle of the furnace. Today no more than 10–15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, and Irtysh from the Russian Federation.

High-quality dough making is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer to those who want to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixing machines with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, Italian companies are the clear leaders, but their quality varies greatly. Price also cannot be a marker of reliability; there are examples of highly overpriced equipment.

In the segment of small dough cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic equipment is even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market; this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The most popular middle-class manufacturers are Italian MacPan equipment: dividers, rounders, seamers, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those wishing to purchase more serious equipment can offer equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. No wonder many technological solutions this company received major awards at major international exhibitions.

To summarize, you will need the following equipment:

  • a machine for stirring dough - it takes a long time to do everything with your own hands, the price of such a machine is from 150,000 rubles;
  • machine for rolling out dough – 20,000 rubles;
  • a cabinet for raising the dough before proceeding directly to the baking process - 50,000 rubles;
  • bakery oven - you can bake not only bread in it, but also bakery products and cakes. The cost will be about 600,000 rubles;
  • cooling system – with its help, bread products can retain their nutritional properties for a long time. Typically the bread is cooled before being sliced;
  • packaging machine - for a mini-bakery in the first stages it is not necessary, but over time you will have to take care of purchasing it;
  • means for sifting flour - its cost is 10,000 rubles;
  • additional elements professional equipment– racks, tables, hoods, molds, knives and other elements.

The success of any business is largely due to the presence of high demand for the goods sold. The production of bakery products is one of the most in demand throughout the country. In order for your own production to be profitable, you need to create mini-bakeries with calculations. It will allow you not only to estimate the amount of costs, but also to calculate the payback period, profitability and other important financial indicators.

Opening a mini-bakery franchise

If a person has never been in business, but wants to open his own bakery, he does not have to do it alone. Any area of ​​entrepreneurship has its own characteristics and difficulties. If you don’t want to spend your own time and money on this, then you can turn to more experienced bakery owners and buy a franchise from them. This format of cooperation has its own characteristics:

  • the level of profitability will decrease due to the need to pay royalties and an initial contribution to the franchisor;
  • a businessman receives a ready-made brand under which he can work, spending less funds for advertising and promotion;
  • availability of ready-made production technology (it does not have to be certified, and employees of the franchisor company will help implement it);
  • risks are reduced;
  • The franchisor accompanies its franchisees at all stages of cooperation.

Some franchises require connections with suppliers of industrial equipment and raw materials. This allows you to save some money. The franchisor can provide assistance in finding wholesale buyers or establishing retail trade.

The danger in opening a bakery franchise is largely related to the success and integrity of the franchisor. It is not easy for a beginner to find a worthy partner.

If we are talking about opening a bakery, then it is worth considering first of all the following popular Russian franchises:

Tandoor bread Dobropek Pretzel
Franchise launch year 2014 2013 2016
Entrance fee Absent500,000 rubles290,000 rubles
Royalty 15,000 rubles per month, starting from 4 months of work5% of revenue received10,000 rubles per month
Start-up capital 205,000 – 750,000 rubles2,500,000 – 3,000,000 rubles1,500,000 – 2,400,000 rubles
Possible areas of work Retail and wholesale, delivery finished products RetailShop-bakery

These franchises have become very popular in Russia due to their well-functioning business model, high profitability, and the presence of a well-thought-out concept ready for implementation. But opening a bakery as a franchise has its drawbacks:

  • lack of opportunity to develop your brand;
  • the presence of recipes and a range of products that cannot be changed;
  • restricting the actions of the entrepreneur;
  • additional costs (lump-sum fees for well-known franchises are especially noticeable; their cost can reach several million rubles).

For an entrepreneur, opening a mini-bakery as a franchise can be the first step in business. She will help him gain experience and study all the processes from the inside. After the franchise agreement expires, you can open your own bakery, but you will have to start from scratch.


Choosing a location for a bakery is important if an entrepreneur plans to engage in retail trade. Then the premises should be located in the city center. If the volumes are not very large and there is little competition, then you can locate in a residential area among apartment buildings. This will save on rent and increase your final profit.

When opening a bakery for wholesale sales everything will be even simpler - just find a suitable space in an industrial area. You only need to take into account the environmental situation, the availability of convenient access roads, and distance from wholesale buyers (the closer they are, the more you can save on product delivery).

An entrepreneur can buy or rent production premises. Each of these options has its pros and cons:

If an entrepreneur plans to work and develop his bakery, he in any case needs to think about buying premises. This is an excellent option for investing with profit. If there is not enough capital, you must necessarily enter into a long-term lease agreement in order to protect yourself from moving to a new place in the near future.

Requirements for the premises of a mini-bakery

When choosing a room for work, you need to evaluate the required production capacity. To produce 300 kg of finished products per day, an area of ​​50 m2 will be required. Moreover, this should not be one room, but several:

  • workshop for the production of dough/finished products;
  • 2 warehouses for storage - one will contain raw materials, and the second will contain finished goods, they cannot be stored together;
  • bathroom with equipped sink and toilet;
  • staff locker room;
  • loading room;
  • office.

It cannot be said that the baking business is on the rise today, but even during the crisis it remains stable. After all, bread and bakery products are goods for which there is a demand every day, and people have the opportunity to choose who to buy from. For these reasons, a mini-bakery may well be considered a good source of permanent income, if you do not neglect the simplest calculations.

Bakery economic conditions

The business plan must assess the general trends in the bakery products market in a particular region. In particular, it is necessary to analyze such a phenomenon as competition: it is better if there are no similar industries at all in the microdistrict where the business is supposed to be opened. But you shouldn’t be afraid of a direct fight with large bakeries: you will have different target audiences.

The next point is the urgent needs of the population for the products you offer. They can be predicted by studying the range of bread offered by other enterprises. Despite the fact that there are a lot of them, truly high-quality bread is not found so often, and some popular types (for example, braided bread, Turkish loaf) have recently completely disappeared from the shelves. By baking these types of bread, you will definitely find that part of the customers who are nostalgic for the baked goods offered.

Business plan for a mini-bakery as mandatory conditions high profitability suggests taking into account the quality (both of the ingredients and the production process itself) and the exclusivity of the product produced. Achieving these conditions is quite easy these days.

Nuances of choosing a room

To accommodate the equipment necessary for the production process and storage of baked products, you will need a workshop with an area of ​​60-70 square meters. m., with all the following features: good natural ventilation, supplemented by an auxiliary hood, cold and hot water supply, special treatment of floors, walls and ceilings in accordance with GOST standards for food production.

It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of dividing the production premises into zones. Most often the area ratio functional zones looks like that:

The location of the mini-bakery is not so important, but it is still desirable that industrial premises had good access roads and were located near the center of the region or settlement where the bread would be distributed. This way, it will be possible to optimize transportation costs for delivering finished products to points of sale.

Registration of an enterprise

It should be noted that obtaining permits for a bakery will not be cheap: about 70,000 rubles. It is best to register an individual business and use the simplified tax system. The production of food products, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, allows this option.

In addition to the mandatory approval of the technological project, you will need to obtain certificates from the fire inspection service and the SES. To obtain these documents, you need to demonstrate the production premises to the inspector to ensure compliance with all formal requirements.

Bakery equipment

The basic principle that helps increase profitability, as in many similar areas of business, is simple here: we don’t save on equipment, but we also use it. u. We do not disdain devices in good condition.

Experts admit that best manufacturers lines for mini-bakeries - German, Slovenian, Italian or Finnish companies. Despite the fact that equipment from well-known companies produced in these countries will cost, at best, 80,000 rubles (an average of 150,000 rubles), it will pay for itself fairly quickly, in about a year.

In addition, many bakeries are expanding their assortment gradually, which gives businessmen the opportunity to initially purchase only the essentials, and then, as profits increase, purchase new equipment.

Remember that the equipment should be installed and configured only by a specialist from a workshop licensed to carry out such work. At the same time, it makes sense to conclude an agreement on constant maintenance and technical prevention of units in the mini-bakery production chain.

Personnel issue

The general list of vacancies is given in the table. An indispensable requirement for applicants for any position in a bakery is to have a health certificate.

Thus, at least 178 thousand rubles will be spent monthly on staff salaries. The mini-bakery will operate in two shifts.


The largest share of the mini-bakery’s products is baked goods. On average, it brings up to 45% profit. “Black” and “white” bread are also in consumer demand, bringing in approximately 30% of income. Everything else is sold at the highest markup (especially pies, muffins and pastries). But the share of such products in the bakery’s assortment is usually small.

The highest profitability is shown by those bakery enterprises that are not afraid to regularly introduce new products. Therefore, experts advise offering for sale a small pilot batch of new products approximately once a month, which, if demand arises, can be subsequently released as main products.

New products and products of our own production definitely need advertising. In the business in question, this can be done with relatively modest financial costs(15 thousand rubles at a time, and then monthly - approximately 3 thousand rubles).

A more complex and expensive option is to conduct tastings, prize draws, and discount cards for products. However, the best advertising will, of course, be positive customer reviews.

Cost-to-income ratio, enterprise profitability

The profitability of a bakery consists of profitability individual species products. From this point of view, the greatest profitability is provided by confectionery and “elite” types of baked goods. But in the case of wheat and rye bread, this figure will not exceed 22-23%. Rolls and baked goods give about 30%. If we display some average indicators, then for a mini-bakery the overall profitability will be 30%.

What net profit can the owner expect? of this business? Let's try to answer this question based on the indicators of an actual operating enterprise located in a rented premises with an area of ​​70 square meters. m., producing 14 types of products and employing 12 people working in two shifts.

Monthly expenses require special attention:

Taking into account the average cost of 1 kilogram of products equal to 56.8 rubles per kilogram and the sale of 178 kilograms of products per day, the profit will be 10,110.4 rubles per day or 303,312 rubles per month. Net profit amounted to 29,312 rubles per month and cannot be called high. But on the other hand, in our real example this is the income of a young enterprise in the 3rd month of its existence. Experts say that under favorable circumstances, a mini-bakery can give its owner an income increase of 10% monthly during the first year from its establishment.

With an investment of 379 thousand rubles and such income, the mini-bakery will pay for itself in less than 13 months.

Conclusion: a mini-bakery is a fairly profitable enterprise. But it requires proper conduct of pre-opening events, constant attention from the owner and a high-quality advertising campaign.

Bakery and confectionery products are always in demand; these products are regularly purchased by all segments of the population. If you draw up a competent business plan and organize your business correctly, a bakery, even in a mini-format, can become a highly profitable business.

Mini bakery at home

A bakery from scratch can be opened in several formats:

  • full cycle workshop;
  • specially equipped part of the kitchen.

The choice should depend on the expected production technology, scale and desired range. A mini-bakery at home can operate in a full cycle (includes all stages of bread production) or incomplete cycle (when products are baked from frozen semi-finished products). If the first option is chosen, you will need at least 80-90 m² of space. Bakeries of this format, as a rule, produce branded confectionery products and create a wide range of bakery products with a productivity of 120-150 kg/hour. Owners get the opportunity to control the production process and independently form an assortment.

If you open a bakery operating in a partial cycle format, you can easily create a wide range of products; they are characterized by waste-free, clean production. Even 35-40 m² will be enough for work. The capacity of such a small enterprise is enough to produce 0.2-5.0 tons of bread per day. Another advantage of this organization of work is that there is no need to purchase raw materials for preparing the dough. Using the equipment is simple and convenient; no additional complex technical devices are required. The influence of the human factor is also significantly reduced; the quantity of finished products is much easier to control.

Advice: between baked goods made from semi-finished products and fresh dough there is no noticeable difference in taste, because the preparations are prepared, as a rule, from natural ingredients, without flavor enhancers.

Mini-bakeries opened at home from scratch have many advantages:

  • do not require huge capital investments;
  • they can even be opened home kitchen;
  • allow you to work without dependence on intermediaries, which allows you to create favorable prices for customers and achieve high business profitability;
  • enter into direct contracts with suppliers of certain raw materials;
  • the owner gets more opportunities to attract potential buyers (promotions, organize demonstrations of the baking process for advertising purposes);
  • You can freely vary the assortment depending on the buyer’s interests and resources.

The owners, citing experience, emphasize that to ensure high profitability of the business, it is important to choose the right location in advance point of sale(people traffic should be high). Even if not starting capital, you can organize, for example, dropshipping, writing custom texts, making gifts, decorative soaps, custom confectionery (cakes, cupcakes).

How to open a mini-bakery from scratch?

Before opening mini-bakeries from scratch at home, it is important to resolve the issue of marketing finished products and the prospects of countering competitors (and there will always be at least 2 of them - mass producers, for example, bakeries and retailers). It is also important to choose the right LLC. The best option The tax system of choice is UTII, the alternative is the simplified tax system of 6% or 15%.

You will also need a quality certificate and a permit for production activities, a conclusion on the compliance of the premises and equipment with the requirements fire safety, permission from environmental inspection. You will also need to submit baked goods samples to a laboratory for analysis. It is important to remember that every mini-bakery employee is required to have a medical book. will be carried out no more than once every 3 years. The inspection plan can be found on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation or on the website of the Rospotrebnadzor Office.

An important issue is the formation of an assortment. It should be varied and interest buyers. To maintain their interest, you need to focus not only on quality and price, but also on the formation of new taste qualities, fillings, and baking forms. Mass product ordinary stores will never be able to compete on equal terms with high-quality branded products from mini-bakeries.

Advice: According to bakers, it is possible to create new flavors by using natural baking mixtures. For example, a culinary additive made from rye flour and heat-treated malt gives baked goods dark color, special taste and aroma. The mixtures also extend shelf life, improve product quality and allow optimization of production technology (dry sourdough helps bread rise in 1 hour rather than 3). In addition, their consumption is very small.

How to open a personal mini-bakery? The algorithm of actions looks like this: registration of a mini-bakery, search and preparation of premises, selection and purchase of equipment, search for personnel, registration of permits, purchase of raw materials, start of work. This will also require permits and careful preparation of all stages. One of the most important aspects– choosing a place with good traffic, a convenient position of the room.

What advantages should mini-bakery owners have in the competition:

  1. Quality and freshness of products.
  2. Range.
  3. Better price.
  4. Quality of service.
  5. Designer decoration of the point of sale (this can be done with your own hands without large financial costs).

To open profitable business, worth paying Special attention for some common mistakes:

  • lack of a clear business development strategy, inconsistency in actions;
  • insufficient funding;
  • the sales market is not prepared at the initial stage;
  • lack of competitive offers for the buyer.

What equipment do you need for a bakery?

Opening a successful full-cycle bakery is possible only if you have high-quality equipment: pastry tables, trolleys, flour sifter, dough mixing machine, dough divider, molding machine for croissants and baguettes, proofer and oven (hearth, rotary), trays, stainless steel baking sheets steel, culinary tools (knives, brushes, scrapers, special utensils). You will also additionally need various units, for example, a lift with a bowl tipper, a seaming machine.

For part-time bakeries, less equipment will suffice. The main thing is to have a proofer for defrosting semi-finished products, an oven, and a refrigerator for storing preparations.

Equipment for mini-bakery - ready-made kits

Before opening a bakery, it is important to choose quality equipment for a mini-bakery from scratch. It is not necessary to buy it individually; ready-made kits are available for sale. Average price – 2800000-5666768 rubles. Turnkey mini-bakeries are produced on the basis of a gas, electric or diesel oven. They include the following equipment:

  • oven (rotary gas, electric or diesel);
  • proofing cabinet;
  • rack trolley;
  • sifter for bulk products;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • rolling bowl;
  • additional (hearth sheet, cassette of bread molds) and auxiliary - production table with table top, table scales, floor scales, tray cart, bread tray.

Indicative table of utility costs for bakeries operating at the base ready-made kits equipment:

Costs directly depend on the configuration of the equipment and its power.

How much does it cost to open a bakery?

On average, to open a full-service mini-bakery from scratch, you will need 1,500,000 rubles. with a production volume of 45,000 kg per month. To increase sales volumes, assistants may be needed (main workers - 4, specialists - 2, office workers - 2, auxiliary workers - 4), which makes the costs high. It is also important to navigate the prices of equipment; the average price is:

  • oven (900 thousand rubles);
  • dough mixing machine (RUB 380 thousand);
  • proofing cabinet (60 thousand rubles);
  • dough sheeter (30 thousand rubles);
  • baking trolley (15-19 thousand rubles);
  • table for cutting dough (60 thousand rubles);
  • flour sifter (14-15 thousand rubles).

Electricity costs average 75 thousand rubles. (18,000 kW) per month. Also, monthly expenses include renting premises - around 10-15 thousand and purchasing raw materials (with a volume of 1500 kg of products you will need about 500 thousand rubles). Cost is important to consider auxiliary materials(packaging film, labels) - about 40 thousand. Net profit within the framework of such a project will be about 125 thousand rubles. and it will pay off on average in 12 months. The higher the traffic of a retail outlet, the greater the profit.

If you open a bakery in your home kitchen, the costs, of course, will be lower, purchases of raw materials are made in lower volumes, but productivity will also become lower and the payback period will increase.

The baking business is considered one of the most highly profitable. Experts say that with any forecast of market development, its profitability cannot fall below 25%. The largest segment of this market is occupied by mass products (bread, bagels, crackers, confectionery), in second place are non-traditional offerings (lavash), followed by dietary baked goods and 5% of the market belongs to elite products. It is in the latter segment that a mini-bakery can best express itself by offering the buyer a unique product and reasonably create a high markup. On average, investments can be repaid within a period of several months to 1.5-2 years, depending on the scale of production and its resources. Home bakeries, in which a minimum of capital is invested, will pay off a little longer.

Bakery as a business - reviews

The bakery has been operating for seven years now. And, despite the difficulties, I am satisfied. During the work we had to move production 3 times and change the location of the outlet. The majority of positions in the assortment are occupied by baked pies made from butter dough with various fillings, and puff pastry products. I easily sell about 2,500 units through several dozen stores.

A few years ago I managed to open a mini-bakery at home, but it didn’t work out. I was disappointed and was already counting my losses. But on the advice of a friend, he closed for a while, together with specialists he drew up a business plan, corrected the mistakes and restarted production. I’ve been working for myself for a year now and I consider opening a mini-bakery a profitable business (if you approach it wisely and form a sales market in advance).

Our own mini-bakery at home has been operating for the second year, but remains actual problem sales It seems like she was thinking through and calculating everything, but this moment is still not completely resolved. Probably, we should have given it more attention at the start and worked according to the business plan, and not blindly. But I’m still happy with my earnings; there are many regular customers who even come to my home.