Business plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy. Equipment for veterinary pharmacy. Veterinary pharmacy staff

Statistics show that at least 20% of the Russian population has some kind of pet. Considering that as of January 1, 2014, the country was home to more than 143 million people, the role target audience More than 28.5 million people work in the veterinary business, and this value is actually constant, since even during a crisis, people still continue to take care of their animals.

Most often, dogs and cats live in families, and somewhat less often - hamsters, fish and turtles. During its life, the pet becomes practically a member of the family, surrounded by proper care and concern. Naturally, keeping animals at home involves additional expenses, the bulk of which are food and proper care. Expenditures on veterinary drugs do not stand out too much in the total volume. Therefore, the opinion that keeping and treating animals costs owners too much money can be called a little exaggerated.

It is worth noting that the first veterinary pharmacy was opened in Moscow back in the 18th century and it served mainly stud farms. Currently, there are more than nine hundred different veterinary pharmacies in Russia that sell various vitamins, feed and medicines.

A veterinary business can generate stable income over a long period of time, since pets, like humans, need to be properly maintained in health. It is also important to ensure the safety of contact with family members and other people.

The veterinary services market today is represented by:

  1. veterinary pharmacies;
  2. pet stores;
  3. clinics and offices for animals.

Advantages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

It is worth noting that a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the veterinary pharmacy business plan for the following reasons:

  • In Russia today, veterinary pharmacies operate approximately two times less than veterinary offices and clinics. This is evidence that this type activities in the country are still only at the beginning of development. The fact is that previously pharmaceutical divisions existed within pet stores, but the range of medicines for animals today is incomparably more diverse than literally two or three decades ago, so it is advisable to open a separate company to sell them. Also, relatively low competition allows you to sell medicines and vitamins without reducing prices.
  • Vet pharmacies are quite closely associated with animal clinics and offices. Animal owners regularly have their pets undergo various examinations, during which the need for various medications often arises, that is, there is a need for veterinary pharmacy services. With demand in a pet store, the situation is more complicated, since the animal is purchased once, in the future various accessories can be purchased there, that is, the store owner needs to place a forced emphasis on related services. Thus, the advantage of veterinary pharmacies is a fairly stable demand.
  • In a veterinary pharmacy you can open a sales department for pet owners additional goods and accessories, thus combining a pet store and a pharmacy.


The activities of veterinary pharmacies in Russia are regulated by the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines”, as well as the “Regulations on Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities”.

To get help in obtaining a license and other documents, it is advisable to contact the specialists of a law firm. They will help you collect and obtain the full package of documentation necessary to legally conduct business, including:

  1. license to carry out activities;
  2. sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. agreements on carrying out preventive measures for disinfection, disinfestation, and also deratization of premises;
  4. certificates of conformity of sold medicines and drugs;
  5. medical waste disposal agreement;
  6. agreement on disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  7. permission to place.

You can collect all the documents yourself, but you must keep in mind that this will take a long time.

It must be borne in mind that a new veterinary pharmacy is always under the close attention of government authorities, so the documentation must be perfect. Without the proper experience, it is quite difficult to achieve this on your own, and any carelessness can lead to an increase in the payback period.

The price of support services in obtaining a license and collecting documentation can range from 2-3 thousand dollars.

It is worth noting that you can open a veterinary pharmacy in the status individual entrepreneur, however, for personal management you must have not only the appropriate education, a specialist certificate, but also at least three years of work experience.

Where to open a veterinary pharmacy

Most important point when opening a veterinary pharmacy is right choice locations. It is best to open a veterinary pharmacy in densely populated areas or easily accessible places. However, you need to understand that a veterinary pharmacy targets a much smaller audience than, for example, a grocery store or convenience store. building materials, that is, the opening of two veterinary pharmacies in one area at a close distance will lead to a significant outflow of customers from one pharmacy and a weak increase in customers from the other.

It is advisable to open a pharmacy near veterinary offices or clinics, in which case they will actually be suppliers of new clients. Of course, most of these places are already occupied, so in order to have time to take a profitable place, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of new veterinary clinics.


All veterinary pharmacies can be divided into 2 types:

  1. pharmacies that have the right to manufacture products;
  2. pharmacies that have permission only to sell finished goods.

The total area of ​​pharmacies that only sell products must be at least 30 square meters. m. and should include the following premises:

  • shopping room;
  • stock;
  • staff room;
  • manager's office;
  • general utility premises.

Veterinary pharmacies that have permission to produce goods, in addition to the above premises, must have an equipped room for its production. The minimum area of ​​such pharmacies should be 46 square meters. m.


To fully equip the veterinary pharmacy premises you will need:

  • 2 glazed display cases – $300 per 1 piece;
  • 3-4 racks – $150-200 per 1 piece;
  • Consultant's workplace – $150-300;
  • 2 air conditioners – $750-1000 per 1 piece;
  • Toilet, sink – $500;
  • Refrigerator for medicines – $500-1000;
  • Furniture for the staff room - $1500-2000.

When arranging warehouse premises, it is necessary to pay special attention to the air conditioning system, since strong temperature fluctuations are unacceptable when storing some medications.


When a person’s pet starts to get sick, most often he initially comes to the veterinary pharmacy, and not to the clinic. The fact is that visiting a clinic without the animal itself, as a rule, is of no benefit. You can go to a pharmacy, for example, after work, get a consultation and buy some medicine. That is why it is necessary to have an experienced employee work as a sales consultant. Naturally, a veterinary pharmacy whose employees correctly determine the diagnosis based on symptoms will quickly gain popularity.

Costs and payback

The volume of capital investments for opening a veterinary pharmacy will be approximately 19.85-25.2 thousand dollars:

  1. Registration – 2.0-3.0 thousand dollars;
  2. Major repairs – 2.5-3.0 thousand dollars;
  3. Acquisition necessary equipment– 5.35-7.20 thousand dollars;
  4. Purchase of a batch of medicines – 10.0-12.0 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Salary – 2 thousand dollars;
  2. Services of accounting and cleaning organizations – 0.5 thousand dollars;
  3. Advertising – 0.5 thousand dollars.

Total: 3 thousand dollars

In general, the return period for the initial investment in a veterinary pharmacy is approximately 2-2.5 years.

To speed up the payback, you can organize a department selling various accessories for pets. Of course, a lot is determined by such components as demand and location.

Useful information on how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is ideal for those who have a pharmaceutical education or a veterinary degree.

♦ Capital investments – 500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 10–12 months

Most people have or have had pets.

Where can you buy medicated food, anti-flea collars, drugs that destroy worms, and various medications without worrying about their quality?

At a veterinary pharmacy.

Since the number of people who want to keep a pet is constantly increasing, owning a veterinary pharmacy can become a profitable business.

If you are looking for a profitable startup to launch, then find out all about how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is simply ideal for those who have a secondary or higher pharmaceutical education, or a veterinary diploma.

Veterinary pharmacy as a business

Residents of our country saw the first veterinary pharmacy back in the 18th century.

Our ancestors, however, were more worried not about the cats or dogs living in their homes, but about the horses that occupied important place in human life: they served as a way of transportation, entertainment, and worked hard together with their peasant owners.

But the main clients of the country's first veterinary pharmacy were the owners of stud farms.

Centuries have passed and the situation has changed.

Now there are about a thousand veterinary pharmacies operating in Russia, whose main clients are owners of cats, dogs, ornamental birds and rodents.

You don’t have to be a resident to open a veterinary pharmacy. large city(although the first pharmacy appeared in Moscow).

You can easily open your business in a small locality and even in the countryside, you will simply have to reconsider the requirements for the assortment.

Instead of expensive cat food, offer feed additives for piglets and poultry, instead of anti-flea collars - medicines for cattle, etc.

Why should you open a veterinary pharmacy?

Businessmen looking for a profitable startup need serious arguments why this particular business should be opened and not some other.

Owning a veterinary pharmacy has many benefits:

  1. According to 2014 statistics, over 20% of Russians have some kind of animal at home, which gradually becomes a member of the family, and therefore receives appropriate care.
    That is, the number of clients of veterinary pharmacies is about 30 million people.
    And this is data only about people who keep “decorative” animals at home.
    Domestic animals of rural residents do not appear in the statistics.
  2. This business can be opened by residents of any region: from a large metropolis to a small village.
  3. Even in times of crisis, people continue to take care of their pets and if you reconsider your product range (offer cheaper analogues of food and medicines), then you will not suffer losses.
  4. Even if you do not have a veterinary or pharmaceutical education and three years of experience in this field, you can conclude employment contract with a person who has it all, and perform only the functions of a manager.
  5. On initial stage this business does not require huge capital investments.
  6. A veterinary pharmacy is a fairly profitable business that can bring tens of thousands of rubles per month to its owner.

Disadvantages of Owning a Veterinary Pharmacy

Fun fact:
At the beginning of October of each year, when the Nobel Prize laureates are named, a parody Ig Nobel Prize is awarded in parallel for achievements that cannot be reproduced or there is no point in doing so. In 2009, among the laureates were veterinarians who proved that a cow with any name gives more milk than a nameless one.

This type of business does not have many disadvantages, but you should know about the main ones in order to make an informed decision about launching a startup:

  1. High level of competition, especially in large cities.
  2. The need to sell products with limited time suitability: medicines, special feeds.
  3. Requirements for specialized education.
  4. The success of a business largely depends on the location of the veterinary pharmacy, and the more advantageous the location, the higher the rental price.

2 types of veterinary pharmacy

You should know that there are two types of veterinary pharmacies:

  1. Those that can only sell finished goods.
  2. Those that can produce medicines and animal feed, and then sell them.

If you do not have a large start-up capital, are new to entrepreneurship and do not have research talents, then you should limit yourself to the first option.

To open such a pharmacy you need small room, you will go through a simplified registration procedure, and inspection authorities will not bother you so often.

Calendar plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy

Launching this startup won't take too much time if you can... short terms register your company and obtain a license for retail sales medications.

It won’t take you more than 2-3 months to find a room, renovate it, purchase equipment and hire staff.

Thus, you need a maximum of six months to open a business.

Registration procedure and license acquisition
Premises and renovation work in him
Purchase of equipment
Purchase of the first batch of goods

Advertising company for veterinary pharmacy

If you locate your veterinary pharmacy in an area with high traffic and install a reasonable pricing policy, then you can do without an advertising campaign altogether.

Your establishment will already generate good income.

You can insure your business at first:

  • by ordering a bright sign and advertising window stickers;
  • handing out advertising flyers in a crowded place;
  • by purchasing advertising space in a popular local newspaper;
  • by ordering commercials on local radio and television;
  • placing your advertising banner on a veterinary forum;
  • creating a group in in social networks.

Stages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

To work legally and not have problems with inspection authorities, you should start by registering your business and obtaining a license.

At the same time, look for premises for your veterinary pharmacy so that when submitting documents for a license, you can indicate the address of your establishment.

And then you can start purchasing equipment, searching for suppliers, hiring staff, etc.

Registration and license

You can register like an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes according to a simplified scheme.

This is the easiest part of the registration procedure, because ahead of you is the receipt of a license allowing retail trade in veterinary drugs.

You should start by obtaining a certificate from the Union of Pet Business Enterprises.

To obtain such a certificate, you need to write an application, pass a test and pay the specified amount.

If you do not have special education, then even if you want to, you will not be able to obtain such a certificate.

You will have to hire a manager and salespeople who have the appropriate qualifications.

In addition to the license, you will have to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological certificate from Rospotrebnadzor and conclude whole line contracts:

  • on disinfection and disinfestation;
  • on the destruction of medical waste;
  • about indoor ventilation.

In general, the registration procedure for a veterinary pharmacy is not very simple, so it is better to entrust it to a qualified lawyer.

Premises for a veterinary pharmacy

If you are planning to open a veterinary pharmacy that will only sell products, an office of 30 square meters is enough. m.

In addition to the sales area, your veterinary pharmacy should have: a service room for staff and a bathroom.

If the space allows, you can also equip a warehouse, a manager’s office and a closet for storing work equipment.

If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy that will not only sell ready-made medications, but also produce them yourself, then you will need a larger premises: at least 46 square meters. meters.

Most pharmacies operate on the first principle, so they are content with modest premises of 30–35 sq. m.

The design of the room should be as simple as possible (light walls and ceilings), but you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment for storing and placing goods.

Equipment for veterinary pharmacy

To present your product to customers and facilitate the work of staff, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Expense itemQtyCost (in rub.)Amount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
Glazed showcases
2 15 000 30 000
3 5 000 15 000
Furniture for the seller’s workplace (stand, chair) 20 000
Cash machine
1 10 000 10 000
Refrigerator for medicines
1 25 000 25 000
1 20 000 20 000
Telephone set
1 1 000 1 000
Air conditioner
1 15 000 15 000
Office furniture
30 000
Other 34 000

Veterinary pharmacy products

To increase your profit, you should sell not only medicines, but also:

  • stern;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • anti-flea collars;
  • toys for animals;
  • clothing and accessories;
  • dishes;
  • houses, cages, carriers, etc.

Work with suppliers who sell certified products, especially when it comes to medicines.

You can find good suppliers, for example, via the Internet.

Veterinary pharmacy staff

It is more profitable for business if the veterinary pharmacy is open seven days a week, because pets can get sick any day.

Their owners will need medications and they will come to you.

Therefore, you will need 2 sellers who will work, for example, 2/2 days from 8.00–20.00

How much does it cost to open a veterinary pharmacy?

At the initial stage of opening a veterinary pharmacy, you need to spend at least 500,000 rubles on:

You can reduce the amount of capital investment by finding premises that are not too expensive to rent or by purchasing used veterinary pharmacy equipment.

Get ready for monthly expenses for an amount of about 150,000 rubles:

For inspiration to implement this type of business

How can you design and equip a veterinary pharmacy:

How much can a veterinary pharmacy owner earn?

The profitability of your veterinary pharmacy depends on how much product you sell daily and what markup you put on it. In order for a business to be profitable, the markup on goods must be at least 50–100%.

Let's say you bought a batch of goods worth 100,000 rubles.

The markup on each unit was 100%. You managed to sell this product in one month.

Thus, you earned 200,000 rubles. 130,000 rubles from this amount will be spent on rent, payment of salaries to staff, taxes and the next purchase, and 70,000 will be your net profit.

If we start from the amount of net profit that you will receive every month, we see that a capital investment of 500,000 rubles can be returned in 8 months.

Naturally, you will not be able to receive such a profit during the first months of operation of your veterinary pharmacy.

In the best case, you will break even; in the worst case, you will work at a loss.

Therefore we define average term The payback period for a veterinary pharmacy is 10–12 months.

Agree, these are quite good indicators, which are enough for you to decide open a veterinary pharmacy, if you have special education and there is the required amount for initial investment.

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Our smaller brothers, just like us, periodically need medical care, but, unfortunately, not all Russian cities have the appropriate institutions. And if veterinary clinics and offices are not uncommon, specialized veterinary pharmacies are still new in the province. But many animal diseases can be treated at home, without visiting the veterinary office every day. A business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations is described here, the purpose of which is to give a novice entrepreneur an idea of ​​this type of business and answer some pressing questions regarding the organization of a veterinary pharmacy in a small Russian city.

Financial investments that an entrepreneur will need to make at the first stage of organization of this business, will amount to 900,000 rubles. This considerable amount (or part of it) can be borrowed at reasonable interest rates or you can use your own savings to start a business. There is also a small chance of receiving partial investment from the regional budget, since this business is socially significant.

Concept Summary

The most acceptable organizational and legal form of a veterinary pharmacy, an example of which is described in this business plan, is an individual entrepreneur using the simplified taxation system (STS). The object of taxation in this system is total amount income for reporting period, reduced by the amount of consumption for the same period of time. Tax rate – 15%. The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneurship is quite simple - you only need to submit to the Federal Tax Service a copy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty, the amount of which in 2017 is 800 rubles. An important fact is that to open a veterinary pharmacy, an entrepreneur must have the education of a pharmacist or veterinarian and at least three years of work experience in the specialty. Otherwise, you will have to hire a manager who meets this requirement. We assume that the founder of the company has relevant experience and education.

Since the veterinary pharmacy is a pharmaceutical business, the entrepreneur must additionally obtain an appropriate license, which is valid for five years. The authority to issue such licenses is vested in Rosselkhoznadzor. To obtain a license, you must have a special conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological service. Full list requirements for applicants for a license to conduct this type of activity can be found in a document called Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1081 “On licensing of pharmaceutical activities.”

During the process of registering a veterinary pharmacy, it is necessary to select the correct OKVED codes, namely:

  • 47.73 “Retail trade medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies).”
  • 75.00 “Veterinary activities.”
  • 75.00.1 “Veterinary activities for farm animals.”
  • 75.00.2 “Veterinary activities for domestic animals.”

Below is sample list range of products that can be sold in a veterinary pharmacy.

  • Veterinary drugs: antiseptics, immunostimulants, contraceptives, vitamins, prebiotics, etc.
  • Feed for various types pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, aquarium fish, rodents, birds and reptiles.
  • A variety of pet products: carriers, litter, toys, bowls, feeders and hygiene products.

Advice: in order to increase the profitability of this business in the future, you can combine a veterinary pharmacy with a small pet store.

How much do you need to invest in opening?

The initial costs for opening a veterinary pharmacy are as follows:

The amounts indicated in the table indicate that about 50% of the initial investment in opening a veterinary pharmacy will be used to purchase the first batch of goods. This is quite logical, since the attractiveness of the pharmacy for potential clients. Special attention It is also worth paying attention to the design of the pharmacy premises and the purchase of suitable display cases. There is no need to save on purchasing high-quality refrigerators with LCD displays. Their cost, of course, is high, but they will ensure reliable safety of medications.

Marketing plan

A marketing plan for a veterinary pharmacy, aimed at attracting a client audience, consists of several parts, each of which is important in its own way for achieving success.

  • Large-scale advertising campaign V available means mass media - the region's printed press, radio stations and regional television.
  • Development of a website for a veterinary pharmacy, maximally filled with information about products, promotions and discounts.
  • Concluding agreements on mutual cooperation with veterinary clinics in the region.
  • Advertising leaflets and flyers that should be distributed through postal services.
  • Development of a system of promotional offers and printing of special discount cards for regular customers.
  • Promotion on social networks by creating thematic public pages.

It is planned that the average daily revenue of a veterinary pharmacy will be around 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you work seven days a week, your monthly income (without deduction of expenses) will be about 300,000 rubles. A veterinary pharmacy will bring the entrepreneur about 3.6 million rubles of “dirty” income per year.

Production plan

To locate a veterinary pharmacy, you will need to rent a small room of 50 square meters. meters. The first floor of a residential building in a residential area of ​​the city will become excellent option. A separate entrance is required! The majority of the pharmacy premises (40 square meters) will be occupied by the sales area. Eight square meters should be allocated for a warehouse of goods, where to place refrigeration equipment. The remaining “squares” will be occupied by the bathroom.

The premises of the veterinary pharmacy must be equipped with security and fire alarm to protect your business from unnecessary risks. When renovating a room, close attention should be paid to checking the condition of the electrical wiring. Sudden power outages can lead to catastrophic financial losses, as most medications must be stored in refrigeration chambers at a sufficiently low temperature.

The best work schedule for a veterinary pharmacy is as follows:

  • Monday-Friday: from 08.00 to 19.00.
  • Saturday: from 08.00 to 16.00.
  • Sunday: from 08.00 to 14.00.
  • One working day per month must be allocated for sanitary maintenance of the veterinary pharmacy premises.

As for the selection of veterinary pharmacy staff, each employee (except for the cleaning lady) must have an appropriate diploma and experience working in institutions of this type. It is not planned to hire a veterinarian at the first stage, since the work of the veterinary clinic is planned to be introduced some time later, after the enterprise has achieved self-sufficiency. The corresponding OKVED codes are planned in advance so as not to waste money and time on additions in the future.

This table shows a list of veterinary pharmacy workers:

Equipment, furniture, as well as some inventory that will have to be purchased to equip a veterinary pharmacy are listed in the table below.

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
1 Glass display case for drugs 10 000 3 30 000
2 Glazed shelving 5 000 6 30 000
3 Stand at the seller's workplace 10 000 1 10 000
4 Split system 15 000 1 15 000
5 Bathroom equipment 15 000 1 15 000
6 Pharmaceutical cold room 45 000 1 45 000
7 Cash register and money drawer 25 000 1 25 000
8 Acquiring terminal for cashless payment 30 000 1 30 000
9 Illuminated outdoor plexiglass sign 25 000 1 25 000
10 Gowns for pharmacy employees 2 000 5 10 000
11 Other 15 000 1 15 000
TOTAL 250 000

Calculations of income and expenses

The following table outlines the possible running costs of a veterinary pharmacy.

The profitability of a veterinary pharmacy in a small Russian city is calculated in this table:

Calculations show that the net profit of a veterinary pharmacy after taxes will be about 900 thousand rubles. The monthly net profit will “float” in the region of 70-80 thousand rubles, and this is quite a decent amount, taking into account the peculiarities of running this business in a provincial city. Accordingly, the profitability of a veterinary pharmacy will be 25% - this is a fairly average value for this type of business. The increase is planned through special promotions to increase the average check, as well as increasing markups with business development to increase margins. This business project will pay for itself in approximately one year.

Possible risks

There have always been many pitfalls in the pharmaceutical business that prevent both “human” and veterinary pharmacies from developing normally. Below is a list of the most real risks that an entrepreneur who decides to organize his own veterinary pharmacy may face.

  • Increased start-up investments due to bureaucratic nuances and disruption of the original plan to open a veterinary pharmacy.
  • Increased risk of “invasion” by various inspection organizations compared to regular retail stores and possible imposition of fines for detection of minor violations.
  • A drop in demand for veterinary pharmacy products due to the unstable economic situation in the region.
  • Possible emergence of competitors with a more efficient business model and ways to attract customers.
  • Unscrupulous suppliers of poor quality medicines.

Difficulties, as they say, strengthen you. Perseverance and competent consistency in management similar business will definitely lead him to success - even within provincial town, despite all the risks and bureaucratic obstacles.

Many potential investors are interested in: what does it take to open a pharmacy? Is it profitable? First, the overall favorability of the pharmaceutical market is important. Judging by macroeconomic data, a review of its dynamics in Russia indicates growing demand among the population. For example, the drug market in January of this year compared to January last year grew by 4.6% and amounted to 352.5 million packages of drugs. The medicine market is structured and stabilized: specific gravity imported medicines in price terms is 75%, and Russian made– 25%. At the same time, imported pharmaceutical products, on average, cost 4.57 times more than their Russian counterparts.

IN this year Russian manufacturers will have to comply with GMP requirements for the production of medicines, which will be beyond the capabilities of outdated production facilities. Therefore, there may be some shift in sales towards imports.

Organizational form

This article is an attempt to reasonably answer the question: is it easy for an entrepreneur to open a pharmacy? The business plan governing such investments is given below.

Let's start with the fact that when opening any business, you should take into account its specifics. What are the features of the “pharmacy” entrepreneurial activity? Let's start with a typical one for private business organizational form. If the founder does not have medical education, we're talking about about opening an LLC, or if there is one, then an individual entrepreneur.

The business itself is the sale of medicines in “ pure form", i.e. without government regulation - highly profitable. However, on the other hand, if the state “let go of the reins” in it, then it will quickly turn into a primitive family business, unacceptably reducing the level of specialization and professionalism. At the same time, the risk of drug counterfeiting will increase significantly for the population.

Rent is a stumbling block

Since this article explores how to open a pharmacy from scratch, let’s start head-on, with the main price barrier, unattainable for most people. On March 4, 2003, by order of the Ministry of Health No. 80, the Russian industry standard for the pharmacy business OST 91500.05.0007-2003 deliberately set a high threshold for entrepreneurs to enter the pharmacy business.

The mechanism of high rent was used - the minimum area of ​​the pharmacy is 75 m 2. Government regulation also produced in this area through licensing retail medicines and obtaining a pharmacy passport.

Those wishing to open a “pharmacy business” are strongly recommended to entrust control over the process of obtaining a license to a specialized organization. In this case, you will get what you want in one and a half to two months. If you try to “crank out the process” yourself, you can lose six months.

Documentary formalities of starting a business

Documents for opening a pharmacy are determined by the Regulations of the Russian Federation on licensing No. 489 of 02/04/2003: special application, state registration, EDRPOU code, documents for the premises, constituent documents, tax registration, professional certificates for supervisors, pharmacists and pharmacists. You will have to undergo a chain of mandatory formalities from the Moscow and federal licensing commissions, the fire service, and the SES.

We also remind you that the decision to open a pharmacy is approved local authorities authorities ( the federal law No. 86-FZ dated June 22, 1998 “On Medicines”).

What pharmacy structure do you choose?

Before deciding what is needed to open a pharmacy, you should decide what, strictly speaking, structure will be opened. We will talk about the classification of these institutions. Some pharmacies are directly engaged in the sale of medicines, while others produce some medicines themselves. Based on the retail space used for sales, pharmacies are classified as follows: pharmacy stores, pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks, pharmacy points.

The most profitable are the latter (minimum rent). However, they open only as part of pharmacy chain with the main sales point - a pharmacy. Also, if we go into detail, pharmacies and pharmacy points differ in the list of drugs and related services approved for sale.

Therefore, an entrepreneur trying to open a pharmacy from scratch often opens an entire network, additionally including pharmacy points. Some entrepreneurs prefer a non-standard strategy: the pharmacy itself opens on the outskirts (saving on rent), and pharmacy points in the center.

Selecting a room

The standard approach prefers the location of the pharmacy in a crowded place - in the center or in the most densely populated “dormitory areas”. Often, an entrepreneur, having bought a premises, decides: redevelopment is what is needed to open a pharmacy (don’t forget: the minimum area of ​​a pharmacy is 75 m2).

With such footage, as experience shows, it is rational to distribute the main and auxiliary premises of a pharmaceutical trading enterprise as follows: sales floor, place for storing and unpacking goods - 60 m2, administrative room - 13 m2, bathroom - 2 m2.

Continuing to discuss where to open a pharmacy, let’s formulate some basic requirements for its premises. This, of course, includes centralized electricity and water supply, sewerage and ventilation.

The floor, walls and ceilings of this pharmaceutical retail establishment must be covered with material that allows sanitary and hygienic treatment. The floor should be covered with insulated linoleum.

The general parameters of a pharmacy are also universal for an entrepreneur deciding how to open a pharmacy in a village.

Pharmacy equipment

The list of obligatory expenses for an entrepreneur includes fire-fighting equipment and burglar alarm($2–2.5 thousand).

Furniture is usually placed along the walls, leaving a maximum free space, there should be no “dead zones”. Pharmacy cabinets and bedside tables must be resistant to disinfection. Alternatively, they can be made of glass. Their approximate cost for a pharmacy is $5–8 thousand, and for a pharmacy point - $2–3 thousand.

Almost every entrepreneur will tell you that owning a pharmacy is always profitable and promising business, but at the same time it has a number of nuances and limitations that are not suitable for all businessmen who want to start in this direction. Vet pharmacy is a separate direction, and also very profitable. In the absence of much competition, you will quickly be able to recoup your investment and work in plus. In this article we will look at how to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch and what you need for this.

Premises and equipment for trade

The selection of retail space for a veterinary pharmacy should begin with an analysis of all rental places in crowded places: near markets, near shopping centers And so on. You must be visible. The location should be chosen nearby, for example, with grocery stores, that is, those where people go every day.

The size of the retail area can be considered options from 30 sq.m. Also, you should additionally be equipped with: a utility room, a warehouse for storing goods and a toilet with a washbasin.

To open a veterinary pharmacy, you will need to obtain all the necessary trade permits from the fire service and the SES. Yes, to this kind retail outlets there are requirements for air temperature and humidity in the room, and you must follow all the rules fire safety. All these requirements can be found in the relevant services of your city.

The equipment you will need is racks (glass), shelves, as well as pharmaceutical refrigerators for storing medical supplies.

All medications must be stored properly according to their instructions.

What do you need to open a veterinary pharmacy?

Of course, not every entrepreneur can start a veterinary pharmacy business. There are a number of requirements that must be met:

  • higher or secondary pharmaceutical education
  • 3 years of experience in this industry
  • you must have a specialist certificate

If you do not have the required education and experience, you can hire a person who meets these requirements and enter into an employment contract with him.

In addition, you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur and indicate the required OKVED for this activity. All this will be advised to you at the document processing points at your place of residence.


To open a veterinary pharmacy, you need to select qualified personnel who have the appropriate pharmaceutical education.

You also need to provide a separate room for staff and workplace. In addition, your employee must work in special medical clothing, which can be purchased on the market.


From marketing methods you will need to test different directions, especially if you open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch. Here's what works:

  • a bright sign on the store, with thematic images. Banners of brands of companies whose products you sell are possible.
  • banners around the city with promotions and discounts.
  • advertisements in local media
  • Distributing discount flyers to attract customers

But the best advertisement for your veterinary pharmacy will be its qualified staff. When health problems arise in pets, people first of all run to the veterinary pharmacy for advice and medicine, and if you can accurately diagnose and solve their problems, then you will be advised, and your popularity will constantly grow.


When searching for suppliers, you need to first look at the quality of the product, and not chase after cheapness. If you sell bad medicine, your business will quickly close.

- animal food

– veterinary drugs

  • Flea and tick protection
  • Antihelminthic drugs
  • Ear and eye care
  • Vaccines and inoculations and more

— vitamins and nutritional supplements

  • For leather and wool
  • For joints and ligaments
  • For adults and small animals
  • Multivitamins
  • Special Additives

- kennels, cages and crates for transportation

- everything for hair cutting and grooming

- collars, etc.

How much starting capital is needed?

In each individual case, depending on your location, product range, price segment sum initial capital for opening a veterinary pharmacy will be different. This business is very specific and we only provide expense items and approximate cost amounts.

  • Room rental – $400 – $550
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $250
  • Initial purchase of goods – $18,000 – $3,000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$4000 – $5000
  • Advertising – $250

How much income can you expect?

Everything will depend on many factors. This depends on the solvency of the population, the level of sales and other things.

Average markup per veterinary drugs– 25% – 60%. On accessories for animals, you can set a price tag with a markup of 80% - 100%.

From here you can estimate the volume of required sales.

Conclusions. A veterinary pharmacy as a business is a very profitable solution, but you must understand it. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel and do not spare money on salaries, since the level of sales of your outlet will depend on them.

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