Business plan for landscape design with calculations. But later this will be justified by revenue from the provision of construction services. Expenses and income

Summer cottages with beds planted with various vegetables gone into oblivion. Outdoor recreation is no longer associated with continuous harvesting work, but with a more enjoyable pastime. Beautiful people began to come into fashion country houses with originally designed areas.

People are willing to spend a lot of money to give them a well-groomed look. That is why we can recommend such a project as landscape design to novice businessmen. Currently, the idea is very relevant, and an agency providing such services will certainly be successful.

Although this market is quite full today, you will not have problems promoting your business. After all, such activity involves creativity and flights of fancy, searching for new ideas and bringing them to life.

Investments and profitability

The idea itself is very attractive for beginning entrepreneurs because it does not require large investments. You can easily get by with this issue on their own, without resorting to the help of third parties.

The costs of opening such a business only include payment for premises and an advertising campaign, and the purchase of equipment. The profitability of this venture depends on the number of orders you receive, as well as on the services offered.

The payback period for a landscape design agency is quite short. Therefore, when the right approach By organizing its work, you can hope to quickly receive a decent income.

Estimated range of services

Those people who have already achieved success in this business believe that the range of services provided should be as wide as possible. The more problems your company solves, the more clients it will receive.

Your range may include installation of lawns, planting, drainage, paving paths, electricity, drains, outdoor lighting, installation of fountains, flower beds, gazebos, small architectural forms, creation of an irrigation system and so on.

Basically on professional level this can be implemented by a competent designer or a talented builder.

Main nuances

The first step in implementing this idea is to resolve the issue with the premises. You can work from home, as many people do. There is also an option to rent space and open a representative office. Basically, appearance your agency does not greatly affect the likelihood that a large number of clients will contact your firm.

You can also set up an office in your own country house, the area of ​​which you design yourself, and it will be the best advertisement for all visitors. Separate room For work, you will need it not only for meetings with clients, but also for storing various documents, drawings and accounting.

At first, you will be able to work with a lawn mower, pruning shears, electric saw, garden shears, electric plane, screwdrivers, chisels, hacksaws, rakes, shovels and other simple equipment. The most important thing here is not to skimp on the quality of equipment.

Regarding the design, we can say that this type activity requires obtaining a license.
The key to success in landscape design is a professional designer. The qualifications of this person should not raise any questions.

After all, the quality of services offered by your agency depends on it. The designer must have a sense of proportion, good taste, have knowledge in such areas as the laws of composition, plant growing technology, dendrology, design styles, and be able to work and model on a computer. In addition to the designer, you need to hire builders, foremen and dendrologists.

You, as the owner of a company providing such services, will also need to purchase good software to create presentations and landscape projects.

It's good if your designer already has ready portfolio that can be offered to potential clients. Additionally, you should definitely run an advertising campaign. Promotion of services can occur through specialized printed publications, such as design, real estate and construction magazines.

Create a website on the Internet or use advertising posters.

An idea such as landscape design is very promising, since the profit from such an activity can amount to thousands of dollars. You will develop not only professionally, but also creatively.

Landscape design is a relatively new phenomenon in our country. The owners began tidying up their garden lawns a couple of decades ago. In addition to private customers, the services of designers are ordered by offices and institutions, and municipal authorities. About $10,000 is enough to get started.

Landscape design as a business in our country has become in demand relatively recently. With the increase in income of the population, more and more summer residents and cottage owners dream of a beautiful well-groomed lawn or garden. The order market is divided into sectors: private, urban and corporate.

When choosing an area of ​​activity, you need to take into account the characteristics of each sector. City orders for landscaping are beneficial due to their scale, but in order to receive them, the company must participate in a municipal tender.

A significant drawback of such orders is that city authorities often delay payment. It’s easier to find private orders; the company has the opportunity to bring its design ideas to life and get excellent practice. But such orders are usually short-term. Therefore, it is most profitable to combine all types of orders.

Start-up capital

To start you need initial capital approximately $10,000. With this money you can purchase some equipment - an angle grinder, a drill, shovels, hand drills, concrete mixer, etc., as well as a vehicle for transporting equipment.

An office will be needed for contacts with clients, storage of documents and drawings, and work of specialists. You can get by small room, approximately 20 sq. m. with rent ranging from $150-$300 per year.


The number and composition of workers depends on the volume of work performed. Ideally, a company should include dendrologists, a foreman, builders and a designer.

The designer is the most important specialist, since it is his ideas that all other employees bring to life. Therefore, a lot depends on his taste and ability to competently apply various architectural styles; he needs knowledge of color, biology, etc. In addition, the designer must understand landscape graphics and be able to apply the necessary Computer techologies in your work.

There are landscaping courses where you can learn a lot. Such courses, if necessary, will cost $400 and last approximately 2-3 months.

Basic programs in such courses are “Sierra Photo Land Designer”, “Garden Designer” and “Punch! Software", having mastered which the designer will be able to create projects based on photographs of the site or from ready-made software elements.

It will be possible to create seasonal landscapes of the project using these programs, showing the client what the garden will look like in different time year, panoramic view from the windows of the house. Can be developed architectural plans, taking into account the necessary communications, and then review finished project using 3D visualization.

The dendrologist is another key link in the team of specialists. His work is plants, their selection, planting, care and, if necessary, treatment. Some plants require special conditions growth, others simply cannot grow nearby, since they have a detrimental effect on each other. A mistake in such cases can threaten your company with loss of reputation and material losses.

A foreman working in your company must know landscape construction technologies, as well as all the necessary standards and rules applied in this area.

Typically, most landscape design firms operate in two different modes, taking into account the seasonality of the business. IN winter period The staff consists of only the “backbone” of the company, the main employees who receive a salary. In the summer, when the number of orders increases, the number of workers also increases due to the involvement of builders.


To attract new clients, the most effective way is considered a recommendation, or the so-called “creeping marketing”, when a client recommends your company to his friends, acquaintances, etc. Your company’s website on the Internet will be quite effective in this regard. You can also place advertisements in specialized magazines. Posted advertisements in a new cottage community can give good results.

Range of services

Your company can choose any range of activities: installing lawns and flower beds, designing landscapes and playgrounds, performing earthworks. Almost 95% of customers choose comprehensive landscaping, but there is also demand for individual species services, for example, ordering planting. It takes approximately 40 days to 3 months to complete a complex order, and supervision of the completed project can last up to a year.

As a rule, clients prefer to contact a company that could solve all their problems. Therefore, if possible, offer a wider selection of services for customers: plantings, lawns, flower beds, drainage, paving paths, gutters, outdoor lighting, gazebos, fountains, small architectural forms, automatic watering and so on.

On initial stage can you offer services preparatory work: site visit, territory planning, care recommendations, calculation of drainage systems, development of the initial stage of the project. For such types of work, payment will be about $1,000. Then the territory is developed at a cost per hundred square meters of land in the range of $1,000-3,000, depending on the project. The cost of the design project (documentation, excluding labor costs) will range from $200 to $2,000.

Your company can provide further services for the care of the client’s estate: the gardener will provide care for the plantings and order on the customer’s territory. This type of service will allow you to make additional profit.

Cost of work and return

When assessing the cost of work, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the client’s solvency, the area and topography of the site, its location, the volume of work performed, as well as their urgency.

Seasonality of business makes adjustments to the work of the company. It is necessary to work intensively in the summer in order to distribute the profits received winter months. Typically, the seasonal decline occurs between November and March. During these months, you can engage in related activities, such as snow removal, or develop new projects, repair equipment, or even use this time for vacations.

Approximate prices for services:

  • visit and consultation of a specialist – $26
  • development of a garden project – $10-15 per hundred square meters.
  • tiling work – from $10 per sq.m. m.
  • import of lawn soil - $20-30 per cubic meter.
  • installation of drainage systems, lighting, arrangement of flower beds - $120 per sq. m. m.
  • installation of irrigation systems - within 70% of the cost of equipment, which is approximately $1500
  • designer's supervision of the project for the entire period - 10% of the cost of work.
  • topographic survey of the area, taking into account the relief - 10% of the cost of work.

A start-up company may have the following approximate monthly balance:

  • revenue – $25,000 (100.0%)
  • total expenses – $19,000 (76.0%), including:
    • purchase of materials (stones, fences, borders) – $4,950 (19.8%)
    • purchase of plants (shrubs, trees, flowers) – $4,950 (19.8%)
    • purchase of irrigation systems – $2,600 (10.4%)
    • employee salary (5 people) – $6,500 (26.0%)
  • profit (amount excluding taxes) – $6,000 (24.0%)

This is an approximate result of the work of a landscape design company when carrying out a complex order for the improvement of one site. During the season, profitability can be in the range of 15-20%. Of course, a lot will depend on the number, volume of orders and how you promote your company and offer your services.

When drawing up a business plan, you need to take into account the prices prevailing in your region. The landscaping business is considered quite profitable. Therefore, with a serious attitude, you can very well achieve success.

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Federal Agency for Education

South Ural State University

Department of Economic Theory and World Economy

Business- plan landscapedesign


student of the Faculty of Economics and Management

group EiU-367 Lykova T.A.

Checked by: teacher Varlamov A.S.

Chelyabinsk, 2008


The purpose of this business plan is to create a landscaping and landscaping company in Chelyabinsk, Usadba LLC, with the aim of making a profit.

The main activity is the provision of landscape design services in Chelyabinsk and its regions, and subsequently in other regions and cities. The high market capacity of this type of service allows us to count on orders already in the first weeks of work. The advantage of Usadba LLC is the provision of services that are new to the market in this region and integrated approach to improvement of land plots; adjustment of the list of services according to the season.

The company's office will be located in the city center at the address: 454000, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, st. Kirova, 159, office 201. Potential clients- city authorities, private sector. The company's activities are aimed at both elite customers and representatives of the middle class.

To create a new company that will provide landscaping and landscaping services, 338,830 thousand rubles will be required. initial investment that will pay off within 2 months after the start of work. To break even, the company requires orders worth 150 thousand rubles. monthly. With an average cost of work equal to 55 thousand rubles per hundred square meters, the break-even volume of work will be 3 hundred square meters per month.

Confidentiality Memorandum

The data presented in the business plan is a trade secret.

It is prohibited to distribute the information contained in the business plan without the consent of the author.

It is prohibited to copy the business plan, as well as its individual parts.

It is prohibited to transfer the business plan to third parties without the consent of the author.

In case of refusal to invest in the implementation of this business plan, the latter must be returned to the author.

Description of the enterprise

Form of ownership - private. This project is planned to be implemented in the form of a limited liability company with the formation legal entity, which is due to the lack of subsidiary liability for the enterprise’s obligations. Participants in a limited liability company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company only to the extent of their contributions.

In terms of size, this enterprise is planned to be sold as a small one to reduce taxation. In this case, a simplified taxation scheme will be used.

Usadba LLC was organized by a single person - Tatyana Alekseevna Lykova. The constituent document is the Charter of the enterprise. Authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. (ten thousand rubles).

LLC "Usadba" is located in the building of the business house "Chelyabinsk-City" at the address 454000, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, st. Kirova, 159, office 201, tel: +7 3512-63-83-99.


There is no general license for landscape production yet. A license is required only for certain (mainly construction) types of activities: when carrying out excavation work, installing drainage, constructing a swimming pool or play area, etc.

A license is not required for the following types of work: cutting bushes, installing a lawn, killing weeds, trimming trees, installing flower beds and flower borders, etc.

The charter of Usadba LLC stipulates a clause of intent to provide landscape and architectural services. Thus, there is a need to obtain a license. The decision to issue or refuse is made within 30 days from the date of application. After this, the landscape company receives a permanent license certificate and can begin construction work.

License issued by the State Committee Russian Federation on construction and housing and communal services, allows the design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility in accordance with State standard, development of sections project documentation for the construction of buildings and structures and their complexes; general plan and transport; architectural and construction solutions; estimate documentation.

The license issued by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services allows the construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility in accordance with the State Standard, general construction work (earth, stone, installation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, landscaping of various territories level of complexity, landscaping, etc.), performing the functions of a general contractor.

Warehouse and office space

It is planned to rent premises for a warehouse and office. Since opening costs are incomparably small compared to the market price for purchasing real estate, this decision will be advisable. An office requires 25 sq.m. area.

Premises were chosen for the office in the building of the Chelyabinsk City business house at the address 454000, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, st. Kirova, 159, office 201. The location in the city center provides a significant advantage. Firstly, this is a well-known place with high transport accessibility; secondly, this is a place with a high concentration of potential wealthy clients.

Warehouse space for storing equipment and tools will be rented on the outskirts of the city in order to reduce costs. Room area - 50 sq.m.


The seed fund is planned to be purchased from former state nurseries, which are now becoming self-supporting organizations, as well as from private nurseries that are entering the market of architectural and landscape services. It is planned to create a seedling stock for each customer individually, based on his preferences and at his expense. Since in the Chelyabinsk region, none of the companies is engaged in the manufacture roll lawn, then it is planned to supply it from other regions.

With time and experience, we plan to form our own circle of trusted suppliers.

Equipment and tools

To organize the work at first, hand-held equipment will be sufficient: hoes, shovels, rakes, carts, hand drills, etc. To increase productivity, a walk-behind tractor will be purchased; also a lawn mower and electric saw to expand the range of services provided


The permanent staff of the landscape company will consist of:







The functions of a designer include working on projects, creating bright, creative and creative ideas for customers. The area of ​​work of a dendrologist is plants and everything connected with them: selection, planting, care, treatment. The builder supervises the workers; he must master landscape construction technologies and know the standards and rules adopted in this particular company.

It is planned to attract young specialists to the position of designer - graduates of the South Ural state university specialty "Landscape Construction", graduates of the college "Comintent" specialties "Design", "Landscape Design".

The main problem is staff turnover. It is planned to be solved by differentiating the payment system, additional motivation and employment during “off-season” periods for other landscape companies.

Description of services. Project concept

Usadba LLC will provide the following services:

- landscape design

- comprehensive landscape improvement of the territory (including a landscaping project from scratch, as well as direct landscaping and landscaping of the territory);

- excavation

- installation of flower beds

- paving paths,

- playgrounds, lawns

- construction of gazebos and bridges, small architectural forms;

- professional landscape gardening of various types;

- design and construction of various types of reservoirs;

- Creation landscape projects (english garden, winter Garden)

Price list of Usadba LLC (Appendix 1)

The list of services of Usadba LLC includes the “Preliminary analysis” service: determination of the condition of plants, lawns, chemical analysis of the soil, study of the terrain. After all these studies, a general conclusion is made, for example, the area needs drainage, fertilization, partial loosening of the soil for trees and shrubs or a lawn. This service is new to the landscape design market, which gives the company an advantage over other market participants.

Fulfilling an order for the arrangement of a facility located on an area of ​​10 to 30 acres takes up to 1 month with the simplest tools.

One object requires a team of 5 - 6 people (depending on the volume of work). IN this project provision is made for the purchase of special equipment (lawn mower, walk-behind tractor), which will reduce the order fulfillment time by 1.5-2 times, which helps increase turnover and generate additional profit.

Marketing research

Market assessment. Today in Russia landscape design has not been the new kind services. And recently, a very interesting trend has been observed: ordinary gardeners and summer residents are increasingly turning to organizations involved in landscape design. This happens that the cost of services for the design and improvement of land plots has decreased, and simple summer residents realized that by creating beautiful landscapes It's better to do it professionally.

The most in demand today is the service of comprehensive landscape planning and necessary work. It includes such work as creating lawns and flower beds, planting green spaces, drainage, installation engineering systems, automatic systems glaze.

About 70% of clients order comprehensive landscaping. However, it happens that they simply apply for separate service: for example, they ask you to plant plants. As a rule, it takes from 40 days to three months to complete a complex order on one plot of 10-15 acres. The main work is carried out in March-April, and some types of work are postponed until the fall. However, post-project supervision continues throughout the year. Improvements are constantly required: mowing the lawn, planting certain plants.

Landscape design is seasonal. The main work is carried out in March - October. Due to climatic conditions In Russia, many companies are idle for 4 months a year. In this project, Usadba LLC plans to provide Additional services and in winter. This offer is unique in the Chelyabinsk landscape design market.

Competition. This type of activity has broad growth prospects. There are 10 landscape design companies operating in Chelyabinsk. That is, the market for these services is small. The main share of it is occupied by small companies. The only large company - Russian Landscape LLC - in addition to private orders, also works on orders from the city administration for the improvement and landscaping of the city.

The companies that are represented on this market are not always universal - the range of services of most of them is limited. Specialization also occurs in areas of activity. Terra Landscape Design Center primarily provides lawn installation services; TECHNOPARK LLC is engaged in the installation of water structures (stream, fountain, pool), irrigation systems; LLC Landscape Design VIP-Sad carries out small orders without conducting construction work. In order to analyze the four main competing firms, research is conducted based on a questionnaire (Appendix 2). Thus, the main competitor is Russian Landscape LLC.

The disadvantage of Usadba LLC is that the company was unknown at the time of opening. In order to eliminate this shortcoming, an advertising campaign will be carried out, including the creation of a website and outdoor advertising. As a measure to combat competitors and attract customers, the cost of some high-demand services, such as lawn installation, and the provision of services new to the local market, such as winter garden or soil testing.

Price list of Russian Landscape LLC (Appendix 3)

Clients. The demand for landscape designer services is mainly generated by suburban real estate. In addition to suburban real estate, city apartments with local areas designed by designers are increasingly in demand.

The landscape design market has developed a very clear division into urban, corporate and private sectors. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Orders for the development of urban areas are interesting due to their scale. But to receive such an order, you need to take part in a municipal tender. The results of such competitions are usually announced in the fall. This means that you can plan in advance a certain amount of work for the coming spring and summer. This is a significant plus. Positive side city ​​orders also have the advantage that they are more revealing than private ones; they form the image of the enterprise and provide an opportunity to advertise the work to the “wide” public. But there is also a serious drawback: city authorities often delay payment for already completed contracts.

Finding clients from the private sector is much easier than winning a city tender. But there are a number of disadvantages: on private plots you have to painstakingly and carefully work on every piece of land. In addition, “tinkering” with small areas is not always convenient. Firstly, special equipment does not work everywhere. Secondly, the private sector usually deals with short-term orders. Among the private sector, clients are representatives of the middle class and simply wealthy people. There are also elite customers among them.

It is most difficult to get an order from corporate clients, and there are not so many orders themselves. Corporate clients are extremely demanding on the quality of services; the status of the contractor and his image are also important to them.

Therefore, the most optimal solution for the Usadba LLC company, which provides comprehensive services for landscaping, is to work in both the urban and private sectors.

Market volume. The infrastructure of suburban real estate in Chelyabinsk has been in a stage of rapid development for the last five years. According to estimates from the expert council of Businessman magazine, at the end of last year, the volume of the primary suburban housing market increased by 30%. According to a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation, about 58% of the population consider the ideal housing not to be a high-rise apartment, but a private house.

A high level of living comfort is becoming increasingly accessible to Chelyabinsk residents: today prices for suburban real estate are almost equal to prices for housing of similar size within the city.

All this allows us to say that suburban real estate will in the near future become a priority not only for wealthy people, but also for the middle class. As a result, there is an increase in demand for landscape design services.

Today, about 15 projects of centralized suburban settlements are at various stages of implementation. Existing projects: “Polina” (20 km from Chelyabinsk along the Trinity Highway), “Sunny Valley” (on the shore of Lake Kremenkul), “Tarasovka” (39th microdistrict of the Central District). By the end of 2007, the total area of ​​low-rise residential real estate in the Chelyabinsk district increased by 3.47 times, that is, by 372.4 thousand square meters. m (at the beginning of the year - approximately 150.6 thousand sq. m). This is about 500 houses with an adjacent territory of at least 10-15 acres.

Today, the largest business-class projects in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk are being implemented by the Asia Group (city-park "Sapphire of the Urals", total area - 235 hectares) and "Technopolis" (residential complex "Solnechnaya Dolina", total area - 176 hectares) . The planned capacity of the Sapphire Urals city-park is 650 households.

According to experts from leading landscape companies in the Ural region, 20% of country property owners use landscape design services.

For Chelyabinsk, on average, excluding ongoing projects, this will be


Taking into account the time frame for the implementation of one project (at least 2-4 weeks) and the small number of competing firms, we can conclude that the market capacity for landscape design services is very high, the new company will be provided with orders.

A survey conducted among the population of Chelyabinsk showed people’s interest in this type of service, but the demand for them is just emerging, so an advertising campaign will play an important role in attracting customers.

The population's perception of the price of these services corresponds to reality. The majority of respondents (70%) were in favor of entrusting the registration of their land plots to professionals, rather than landscaping them themselves. Also, in accordance with the survey, a list of demanded services of Usadba LLC was compiled (for the survey form, see Appendix 4).

Advertising campaign. The process of finding private clients does not pose a serious problem. The main channel that supplies new customers is “creeping” marketing, when information about the company is passed on by word of mouth. Specialized magazines, for example “Ideas for your home,” provide quite good returns. Recently, more and more clients are coming to landscape design firms via the Internet.

During the advertising campaign for this project it is planned to:

1. Create your own website

5. Ordering business cards

Project Implementation Plan

1. Registration of Usadba LLC

2. Office and warehouse rental, office renovation

3. Recruitment

4. Obtaining a license in State Committee Russian Federation for construction and housing and communal services, allows the design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility

5. Purchase of equipment, incl. office equipment

Costs of starting a company

To create a company that will provide landscape design services, you will need 338,830 rubles. initial investment. It is planned to take out the funds necessary for opening on a short-term loan from a bank for a period of up to two months with an interest rate of 18% per year. As a result, the loan payment will amount to 413,000 thousand rubles.

Most of the costs come from obtaining a license.

But later this will be justified by revenue from the provision of construction services.

The main cost items for opening a company are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

One-time expenses

Detailed description of one-time expenses - Appendix 5

Monthly expenses

Since the materials required for work on site are purchased by the customer for each individual project, monthly expenses will include expenses for office supplies (for developing plans and drawings), rent, fund wages(FZP), advertising expenses, other expenses (small hand tool, gloves, covering transportation costs for workers when going to the site) and depreciation costs.

Depreciation, by definition, is charged only on fixed assets.

Fixed assets are considered to be those whose initial cost exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

Thus, the number of equipment related to fixed assets will be minimal.

table 2 Depreciation expenses

Table 3

Monthly expenses

Detailed structure of monthly expenses - Appendix 6


In this project, it is planned to use a simplified taxation scheme that does not provide for the payment of value added tax. Thus, every quarter 15% of profit and 3,000 rubles will be deducted for tax purposes. as a mandatory payment together with the Unified Social Tax.


landscaping design tax revenue competitor

At the opening stage, Usadba LLC can fulfill no more than two “average” orders per month.

The average order, based on a study of the landscape services market in Chelyabinsk, is considered to be an order for the development of a land plot with an area of ​​about 10 acres (approximate explication of the order - Appendix 8).

Based on this, a minimum list of services provided for a given order volume was developed, taking into account the seasonality factor, and revenue was calculated (Appendix 7).

Table 4



Table 5

Summary financial statement of the activities of Usadba LLC for the year

Profit total


Total for the year

The payback period will be 2 months from the date of opening. Net profit after a year of operation of the company will be about 1.7 million rubles.


The project is planned to be implemented, since, according to the results of economic calculations, the creation of a landscaping and landscaping company in Chelyabinsk, Usadba LLC, is a profitable business. According to the most conservative estimates, for a year of operation the company can bring a net profit of 1.7 million rubles. The cost of creating a company is 338, 830 thousand rubles. - pays off within the first two months of operation. Then, in the following months, the company breaks even with revenue of 450 thousand rubles. in the “seasonal” summer months and 200 thousand rubles. in winter. The funds accumulated over the summer period can cover possible losses during the winter months.

Net profit for the year can be used to replenish the material and technical base with new mechanized equipment, which will significantly reduce the order fulfillment time, and consequently, increase the turnover and profit of the company.


Appendix 1. Price list of Uvadba LLC

Type of service


Price for service, rub


Pre-design and design work

Site measurement, drawing up a diagram

drawing up a draft dendroplan of the territory (with detailed recommendations for planting trees and shrubs, laying lawns and flower beds, primary care of green objects)

Schematic design

Plot up to 10 acres

Plot 10-20 acres

Plot over 20 acres

(OPZ, 3 layout options on a scale, assortment of plants)

Planting green spaces

Tree planting

Without the cost of planting material

Deciduous trees

Broadleaf trees

Coniferous trees

Ground cover conifers

Planting shrubs

Installation of a "live" hedge

Lawn installation

Seeding type

Roll type

Arrangement of flower beds

From annuals

From perennial

From ground-blooded, alpine

without planting

Construction of rock gardens and rock gardens

without planting

Construction of an English garden

without planting

Setting up a French garden

without planting

Construction of a winter garden

Care, demolition, demolition

Plant care

Behind the trees and bushes

Behind lawns and flower beds

with removal of residues

Tree pruning



Construction of paths and platforms

Installation of MAF (urns, flowerpots, benches, play and sports complexes)

greenhouse construction

winter garden installation

Appendix 2 . Questionnaire for studying competitors (points from 1 to 5)

Company name


LLC Landscape Design VIP-GARDEN

LLC “TERRA Landscape Design Center”

OOO “Russian Landscape”

Address of the sales area

454000, Chelyabinsk, st. Artilleriyskaya, 102, of. 309

Address: 454045, Chelyabinsk, Novoelevatornaya, 49

454091, Chelyabinsk, Truda, 62

Chelyabinsk, Timiryazeva st., 41


Transport accessibility

Ease of finding the sales area

Company image

How many years on the market

Organized almost at the same time

Company clients

Personnel qualifications



Product offer

Service list

Price level High - 1

Low - 5


Appendix 3. Price list of Russian Landscape LLC

Appendix 4. Questionnaire for demand research

1. Have you heard of landscape design?

2. How many companies in your city working in the field of landscape design do you know?

3. Do you or your relatives have a country house/dacha/garden?

4. Size available land plot(in acres or sq.m.)?

5. Would you prefer to do landscape design yourself or use the services of a specialized company?

6. How much money could you spend to register your land plot (per 1 hundred square meters = 100 sq.m)?

1. Less than 1,000 USD 2. 1,000-1,500 USD 3. 1,500-3,000 USD 4. More than 3,000 USD

7. What services would you use?

1) Planting trees and shrubs

2) Arranging a flower garden

3) Construction of a “hedge”

4) “Green” home decoration

5) Lawn installation

6) Construction of a rock garden, rock garden

7) Creation of a reservoir

8) Irrigation and lighting system

9) Small architectural forms

10) Construction of English, French, Italian, Japanese gardens.

8. Would you like to arrange a “Winter Garden”?

Appendix 5. One-time expenses





price per piece

Small hoe /Russia/

Large hoe /Russia/

Garden and garden digging shovel

Universal gardening shovel

Landing shovel "Nadezhda" black.

Rake 12 twisted teeth.

Fan rake 20 teeth, D400mm with black.

weeding hoe

Gardening forks 4-horned

hand drill SDS-Max Bosch OPENING 65x510

manual roller

lawn mower "Meccanica Benassi" TE-250 (Italy) Electric 250 W 1.5 kg

walk-behind tractor "Meccanica Benassi" RL 348A (Italy) Petrol, 4 t 5.5 l. With.

Palisad hedge trimmer wavy blades

Set (hacksaws, chisels, screwdrivers) /Russia/

electric saw "Meccanica Benassi" T-150 (Italy)


mini tractor

motor plow

Soil testing equipment

glass flasks and test tubes, buckets, sieve, etc.

optical instruments: theodolite and level

water filters "Geyser-1UZH-Euro"

Office equipment


Repair of office



Office equipment

telephone set


drawing table

sofa in the reception area

Appendix 6. Monthly expenses


Paper "Snow Maiden" A3, 80g/m2, 500l

Paper "Snow Maiden" A4, 80g/m2, 500l

Copier paper A4, 80 g/sq.m "SNOW MAID", pcs.

Stationery sets







Appendix 7 . Services, revenue depending on seasonality

Type of service



Tree planting

Planting shrubs

Construction of paths and platforms

construction of small architectural forms

Plant care

Behind the trees and bushes

Behind lawns and flower beds

April - September

Type of service



Tree planting

Planting shrubs

Lawn installation

Arrangement of flower beds

Construction of paths and platforms

Installation of retaining walls, stairs, balustrades

Small architectural forms

Plant care

Behind the trees and bushes

Behind lawns and flower beds

Revenue taking into account the cost of materials

Type of service



Tree planting

Planting shrubs

Arrangement of flower beds

Construction of paths and platforms

Installation of retaining walls, stairs, balustrades

Small architectural forms

Plant care

Behind the trees and bushes

Behind lawns and flower beds

Revenue taking into account the cost of materials

Type of service


tree replanting

Replanting shrubs

Sheltering plants for the winter

Construction of a winter garden

Winter garden care

Arranging flower beds for the winter

greenhouse construction

Revenue from...

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In the spring, hundreds of thousands of summer residents begin to improve their garden plots. And people with an entrepreneurial spirit are looking at the ever-growing dacha and cottage market. Landscape design and related services are increasingly in demand. However, there are also many pitfalls here. With my experience in the field garden design Nikolai BAKHMAT shared with the readers of the Business Magazine, landscaping and gardening, CEO Magley company.

Create a universal company!

Not so long ago, there were no companies specializing in landscape design, and everyone who was not too lazy took on landscaping. Builders often “did” this. They could throw some seeds into the clay compacted by boots and stick tree seedlings into the holes in the hope that nature would eventually take its course. However, with the beginning of cottage construction in Russia, that is, from about 1996, landscape design quickly began to turn into a very popular service.

Do you want to create similar business? If so, you have several options. Often a professional designer opens his own company: he recruits people, purchases equipment, and himself acts as an ideologist and “artist.” On the other hand, there are examples when builders, who have put together their own team and gained extensive work experience, hire specialized specialists - dendrologists, designers. And they end up building a separate business.

Both paths, if successful, can lead to the creation of a company like ours. Namely, a company offering a full range of services - everything that in one way or another relates to landscape design. Lawns, plantings, paving paths, drainage, gutters, electricity, outdoor lighting, gazebos, small architectural forms, fountains, streams, automatic watering... The list is long, to be sure.

Yes, there are highly specialized companies on the market that deal, for example, only with automatic irrigation systems. Or exclusively by planting trees and other plants. However, it is still more profitable to create a universal company. Experience shows that clients prefer to contact those who can solve several problems at once - in a comprehensive manner.

Site maintenance - an empty niche

Oddly enough, in Russia there are practically no companies engaged in caring for sites. But this is very interesting direction for a novice entrepreneur, the niche is practically empty. True, the problem is that many potential customers still have not realized that a gardener is a specialist. It’s a common story: wealthy people, who seem to care about the design of their gardens, often try to turn their drivers or security guards into gardeners. Water the area, do some work... The effect, as a rule, turns out to be disastrous.

But the world is changing. And gradually the realization comes that qualified care of the site is the lot of professionals. And that 80% of success depends on this.

With proper activity in this market segment, you can “get into the flow.” But keep in mind: our business is very... painstaking. You will have to maintain a large staff of experienced gardeners, and the head of the company will have to independently tour the sites, check, manage... Strictly speaking, not all clients can afford the luxury of maintaining a gardener, who needs to pay $400-500 a month. But the work of a company offering such services should be valued even more. Don't try to play low prices. Better calculate everything in advance. Otherwise, it’s easy to find yourself in the red.

The designer is the head of everything

If you are not a designer by profession, but have decided to do so, know: the main people here, the key figures, are designers! They are not just executors of other people's ideas, but “generators”. Keep in mind: today there are many former students who have just graduated from college and are endowed with incredible ambitions. But in practice it turns out that most often newly minted designers are only suitable as apprentices to an experienced specialist with reservations!

A designer is not just a specialist in “beauty”. He must understand plants, have a decent amount of knowledge in the field of dendrology: some plants do not go together, some do not grow together, and it happens that, planted together, they simply kill each other. Sometimes plants offered to a client by an inexperienced designer do not take root well in Russia. But the risks ultimately fall on the company!

Designers must also be good psychologists. In my opinion, a real designer is 50% creativity and 50% ability to communicate with the client. A skilled artist will convince a client of anything. And this is the ability to sell.

As for the number of employees, it all depends on the volume of work. If the company intends to grow, it will need dendrologists (their task is to control plantings), foremen, and builders. By the way, you will have to take into account seasonality. For example, we have two operating modes - winter and summer. During the winter period, the core of the company remains on payroll - employees, about twenty of them, are working on future projects. But in the summer, builders join us, and then the staff reaches 80 workers.

Advertise in specialized press

To promote our company on the market, we use specialized magazines. In my opinion, they “work” best. Moreover, you can place it not only in landscape design magazines, but also in publications devoted to real estate, and there are more and more of them today. Magazines such as “Ideas for Your Home” are also a good platform.

A stable, motivated audience is what you need. And thanks to such advertising, many customers have already come to us. True, here comes a special client - one who knows what he wants, including the ability to choose a designer based on his handwriting. And these are far from the people who simply call companies in search of less busy and “cheaper” specialists.

And yet, a significant number of new clients come to us on recommendations from previous customers. So, as cliché as it sounds, your reputation is your future.

We also have our own page on the Internet, and the flow of clients “from the Internet” is gradually increasing. We do not place billboard advertising. In the same way, I don’t recommend going to radio and TV - the costs are too high and not always justified. Simply posting advertisements in cottage villages will do much more.

Yes, don't forget to create your portfolio, take photos! Over time, you will have a decent collection of your work that can be shown to potential clients.

Builders - under control!

Never rely entirely on the construction team. That is life. It’s good if the head of a young company is a specialist in the field of construction and design. This allows you to control and direct the work of the hired team. And this is the only way you will get exactly what you wanted.

By the way, I am sure that in a small business it is generally impossible to rely on anyone. This means that the head of the company is simply obliged to understand the very essence of the business. As practice shows, this is precisely what is characteristic of a manager, who rolls up his sleeves and delves into absolutely everything, into any processes!

No matter how many assistants you have, they need to be controlled. This means you need to understand the subject. So until you have formed a team that you can trust as you trust yourself - control, control and control again!

Start-up costs are low

We started with 10 thousand dollars. In 1996 prices. With this money we bought a Gazelle cargo truck, which then cost 7 thousand (it still costs that much now), purchased a concrete mixer, an angle grinder, a drill and some other little things. There were no compressors, loaders... All our equipment was located in an ordinary garage. And, of course, we paid for office rent.

So, at the first stage, you also only need one Gazelle for traveling and transporting equipment. At first, there may not be many means of small-scale mechanization. The main thing is that the entrepreneur himself is a real organizer. We needed earth, crushed stone, sand - let's go, we agreed. If you need plants, that means you have to go again, negotiate and buy. So if we talk about equipment, then 10 thousand is enough to start with today. Well, then everything is in your hands.

Office as a reflection of the customer

Renting premises... A lot depends on your ambitions here. There are “private traders” on the market who work at home or mobile phone and go to potential customers themselves. And there are companies that do not spare money and rent a quite decent office, receive clients there, present their portfolios and generally demonstrate their solidity in every possible way. All this, whatever one may say, plays a role in the client’s decision - to agree to your services or not, to make an advance payment or to think again.

However, many customers can be won over in another way. For example, come to a village and perfectly “make” one plot. And then go to the neighbors of the first client and offer your services. Many agree...

And yet, over time, you will have to acquire some kind of office. At least in order to do normal bookkeeping.

Do not enter into long-term contracts with suppliers

Our business is different from other areas where relationships with suppliers determine a lot. Of course, it is important to establish contacts with companies from which you plan to regularly purchase. Moreover, over time, you may need exclusive items; suppliers will specifically purchase them for you abroad. But at the first stage this is not necessary.

In addition, the variety of orders does not allow you to think ahead for a long time. Finally, the proportion of plants in a typical landscaping project is not nearly as significant. And plants are different, which means you will have to work with many companies. In general, expand your circle of acquaintances, find out where, what, and how much. And do not strive for direct long-term contacts - the supplier market is quite extensive. After some time, suppliers themselves will come to you with offers.

Maintain the proportions of greenery and stone!

Different companies operating in this market have different ideas about the ratio of greenery and stone on the client’s site. If a company sells plants and imports them directly, then naturally it will try to create a design in a more “landscape” style - a minimum of paths, a maximum of plants.

However, there are other approaches. The point is that green design is good late spring, summer and early autumn. But, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian climate, it also makes sense to make beautiful paving and lay paths through the garden. In autumn, the leaves will fall, the trees will become bare, but the appearance of the site will still be neat and attractive.

If the customer wants to “meet” a certain amount, help him with this. Our business allows this. When drawing up an estimate, offer cheaper plants, “budget” covering options... And keep in mind: if, by all indications, the client is ready to spend a large amount on landscape design once, but does not plan to specifically care for the site, he should choose a design style that will will require minimal care in the future.

Look for big orders!

Large firms are fighting among themselves for large orders, for a reputable client. This means that they do not pay close attention to small areas. And for a start-up company, this is the best format for gaining experience. Try to find clients not too far from each other. Ideally, this is 2-3 plots in one cottage village. And yet, from the point of view of business development, large orders are more profitable. Not even because there " more money", but because the work on large plot much easier to organize.

On small area you need to involve at least three people, because there is a certain sequence of things. But you won’t bring 10 employees there - they need to be accommodated somewhere and have their daily routine established. Or transport from the city, which is expensive. Finally, from the point of view of labor costs, bringing half a truck of land or a whole truck is the same thing. And the cost is higher. So look for large orders in the future. Don't be afraid to take them on and... do your job beautifully.

Landscape design services in our country have become in demand quite recently. First of all, this is due to the development of cottage construction outside the city, an increase in the level of income of the population (the emergence of the middle class, who will be your main clients) and the emergence of a need for aesthetics and design. We present to your attention a business plan for a landscape design company.

Business plan: range of services

As a rule, a landscape design business is organized either by designers who recruit workers into their team and purchase equipment, and themselves manage the process and generate ideas, or by builders who have gained extensive experience in this field and hire specialized specialists - dendrologists, designers. Both paths are completely reasonable and can lead to success.

Experienced entrepreneurs in this area advise creating a company that offers a full range of services - lawns, plantings, paving paths, drainage, gutters, electricity, outdoor lighting, gazebos, small architectural forms, fountains, streams, flower beds, automatic watering, etc. As practice shows, clients prefer to turn to those companies that solve several problems at once.

Business plan: site care

In Russia, the niche of care services personal plots almost empty. Therefore, if you hurry, you can take it and build a very successful gardening business. On the one hand, potential customers have not yet fully realized that a gardener is a specialist, and much in your garden depends on his professionalism. But on the other hand, the realization that garden care is the lot of professionals is already coming to our landowners. This means that the prospects for this direction are the brightest.

The main feature of this business is its labor intensity. You will have to maintain a large staff of gardeners and personally monitor and check their work. In addition, it is necessary to calculate profitability in advance. The average salary of a gardener is 400-500 dollars, the cost of services of a company providing such services should be even higher. It’s better not to reduce prices, it’s so easy to end up in the red.

Business plan: design

The number and specialty of landscape design company employees depends on the volume of work. Ideally, it’s good to have dendrologists, foremen, builders and, of course, a designer. The designer is a key figure in the landscape company. It is he who generates the ideas that all other employees bring to life. Great importance has experience and skill as a designer. You should not hire young college graduates as designers - they have great ambitions, but in practice they can only serve as assistants to a real professional designer; they do not have enough experience.

Garden area designer in addition to good taste must understand: architectural styles, laws of composition, color science, coloristics, biology, dendrology, landscape graphics and computer modeling. All this can be learned in special landscape design courses. Their cost varies from $300 to $400 per course, the duration of training is up to 3 months.

Typically, training is based on three programs: "Sierra Photo Land Designer", "Garden Designer" and "Punch! Software". Using the first, you can enter photographs of the site into the computer or create a view from elements provided by the program. Each element can be moved around the “picture” depending on how you see the future site. The second program is an object library with all the elements for planning and designing a garden. It will also show how the site will change over the seasons. And the program "Punch! Software" combines the ability to compose architectural projects(with all necessary communications), develop interior and landscape design with 3D visualization.

Upon completion of your studies, you will be able to offer your client a project that includes everything from how the garden will look in late autumn and in early spring to the views from every window.

In addition, the designer must understand plants and have good knowledge in the field of dendrology: some plants do not go together, some do not grow together, and it happens that, planted together, they simply kill each other. The customer makes all claims not to the designer, but to the company. Therefore, a designer’s mistake can result in the loss of reputation and the customer, and therefore the company’s profit.

Seasonality is another factor that the owner of a landscape design company has to take into account. Most companies operate in two modes - winter and summer. During the winter period, only the main employees are retained on staff - the backbone of the company, who are on payroll. But in the summer, when orders begin, the situation is different - builders and foremen gradually join in, and the staff increases significantly.

Business plan: advertising

The main channels for promoting landscape design services are specialized magazines. Moreover, they use not only design magazines, but also real estate publications and magazines such as “Ideas for Your Home.”

Having your own page on the Internet gives a good return, but you must post photographs of your work here.

But the majority of clients usually come by recommendation. Therefore, quality of work and reputation are the basis of a successful business.

As for advertising on television and radio, as well as outdoor advertising, these channels are not profitable - high price This type of advertising does not justify the return. Often, simply posting notices in cottage villages is much more effective.

Business plan: control of work

The main task of a business owner is complete control over all employees of the team. And not only for builders, who traditionally need increased control. Absolutely any processes need to be monitored and checked. This is the specificity of this business. Therefore, it is better if the owner himself understands the construction and design aspect. This is the only way he can achieve the desired result.

Business plan: Taxation and benefits

According to Decree No. 406 of the Government of the RSFSR dated July 18, 1991 “On measures to support enterprises in the RSFSR,” the possibility of establishing tax incentives, using mechanisms for accelerated depreciation of fixed assets, and creating financial support funds from budgetary funds is provided for firms that organize landscapes. What does this mean?

For architectural and landscape enterprises, advance payments for income tax have been cancelled. In addition, the amounts of value added tax paid upon the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets are deducted in full upon commissioning of fixed assets and registration of intangible assets (according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1993 No. 2270 “On some changes in taxation and in the relationship between budgets of various levels").

But... Landscape firms, being architectural and construction enterprises, still do not belong to the priority sector of the economy and therefore are not exempt - as, for example, construction companies, - from income tax in the first two years of existence.

However, according to the aforementioned Resolution No. 406 of July 18, 1991, landscape and architectural enterprises in the first year of operation can additionally write off as depreciation charges up to 50% of the original cost of their fixed assets with a service life of more than 3 years, as well as carry out accelerated depreciation of the active part of production funds.

An interesting fact is that landscape designers have the right to receive an investment tax credit in the form of a deferred tax payment and a reduction in income tax by 10% of the price of purchased and commissioned equipment (according to the Law of the Russian Federation of December 20, 1991).

It is important that when determining taxable profit, profit aimed at the construction, reconstruction and renewal of fixed production assets, development of new equipment and technologies is excluded (according to the Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 “On the income tax of enterprises and organizations”).

Business plan: investments

Start-up investments in a business can start from 10 thousand dollars. With this money you can buy a Gazelle car for transporting equipment and some equipment - an angle grinder, a drill, a concrete mixer, etc.

Separately, you should also consider renting an office where you will receive clients, although often landscape designers They go to the customer themselves.

All other materials needed for work can be purchased as needed. For example, we needed earth, crushed stone, sand - let's go and make an agreement. If you need plants, you eat and buy them again.

Business plan: office

The presence of an office does not affect the customer’s choice. Therefore, renting it is purely a matter of your choice. Many private traders do not have an office and work for home phone, going to the customer themselves. Others, on the contrary, rent a representative office, furnish it with good furniture and hang their works, demonstrating their solidity in every possible way. But this is not the main and far from the only way to win over a client.

Much The best way win over the customer - for example, “do” one area perfectly. And then he will offer his services to the neighbors of this client. A win-win...

Business plan: relationships with suppliers

The specificity of the landscape design business is that relationships with suppliers are not decisive. The variety of the company's orders does not allow us to look ahead for a long time and establish long-term contracts. Of course, it’s worth establishing contacts with companies from which you plan to regularly make purchases. But don’t try to make agreements with everyone. At first, take a closer look and study the offers, prices, and assortment. The supplier market today is huge. Don’t rush, after some time the suppliers themselves will come to you with offers.

Business plan: clients

In a green business, as in any other business, customer preferences are paramount. It is important to identify his needs and try to satisfy them as much as possible. So, for example, if a customer wants to meet a specific amount, it is worth taking this requirement into account and helping him do it in the best possible way. Or, if he is ready to spend a large amount of money on the design of the site once, but is not ready to bear the costs of caring for it in the future, it is worth choosing a design option for him that does not require special ongoing care.

Business plan: large orders

It is much more profitable to work on large orders both from the point of view of labor costs and from the point of view of organization. On a large site it is easier to “turn around”, and the life of the workers is easier to organize. And of course, large orders are more profitable.

But it is better for a start-up company to practice on small orders and gain experience. Small customers are often not the focus large firms in landscape design, so this sector is relatively free. The only advice is not to look for customers far from each other, ideally if these are plots in the same cottage village.

Business Plan: Giving Back

Landscape business - enough profitable business, one order here can cover the cost of training. For example, the cost of package documentation for design services without work ranges from $250 to $1800. Turnkey design can cost from $1,500 per hundred square meters.

In general, of course, the cost of work to create a project is determined individually and depends on many factors: the composition of the project, the scope of work, total area land plot, terrain, etc. And, of course, a lot depends on the client’s solvency.

Self-confidence, competent price policy, individual approach to the client and new ideas - everything you need to succeed in this business!

Estimated cost design work for landscape design of a plot of 6 acres:

  1. Consultation with a specialist with on-site visit - $26
  2. Sketch (in 2 versions) for choosing a landscaping option - 6 acres - $160
  3. Project documentation:
    - general plan
    - dendroplane
    - landing drawing
    - layout drawing - 1 weave - $35
  4. Plan of a flower garden, rock garden, pond with qualitative and quantitative study of the assortment (characteristics of plants, recommendations for care) - sq.m. - $4
  5. Estimate documentation - 10% of the cost of work
  6. Author's supervision - 10% of the cost of work
  7. Topographic survey of the site (depending on the complexity of the terrain) - 1 hundred square meters - 10% of the cost of work
We hope that you, too, will be able to find your niche in the landscape and architectural design market. Any business, if you take it seriously and thoroughly, will bring the desired result. Here is only a sample business plan for a landscape design company. To write a business plan for a landscape design company, taking into account the characteristics of your region, opportunities, etc., we recommend contacting specialist consulting companies.