Business plan for opening a children's cafe. Successful business in a small town. Consumables for opening a children's cafe

Opening of the establishment Catering, focused on the joint leisure of children and their parents, holding holidays and celebrations, can either become a source of consistently high profits for the owner, or, conversely, cause expenses and losses. To prevent anything like this from happening to you, I advise you to read the tips below.

How to open a children's cafe - a guide to action

Determining the type of cafe

The first thing you need to do is decide what type of establishment you decide to create. You can create a small ice cream parlor, a fast food restaurant (like McDonald's), or you can create a really large-scale cafe where your guests will not be ashamed to organize cultural events, celebrate birthdays and other holidays. If you want to make the most profit, I advise you to take a closer look at last option. However, you need to understand that huge investments will be needed in the business. Although creating a project a la McDonald's will also be expensive, since you will need a franchise, which is not cheap to buy, and profitability will suffer, because now many parents do not allow their children to eat fast food. I’m sure that if your children’s cafe serves not only hamburgers, but also simple healthy food, it will be popular.

Choosing a room for a children's cafe

It is best to place a children's cafe in the city center, because this is where people usually go for a family outing. After visiting a cinema, taking a walk in the park or after any other leisure activity, parents with children will be happy to come to your establishment for a snack. In residential areas, it’s not worth opening a cafe - it’s unlikely that people will come there from other parts of the city specifically to eat, unless, of course, you have some kind of zest that distinguishes your project from many others.

Interior design and decoration

When purchasing furniture for a children's cafe, you should understand that Small child by nature he is a restless person who loves to rush around headlong anywhere and anytime. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take chairs and tables with sharp corners. It’s better to install bean bags and “transformers”. Everything needs to be decorated brightly and colorfully, but unobtrusively. To ensure that guests do not get tired of the spontaneity atmosphere you have created, moderation should be observed. And remember, the first thing you need to impress is not the children, but their parents. They will be the ones who will bring their children to you next time.

We deal with the authorities

The catering industry is a real tasty morsel for all sorts of inspectors who are eager to turn your shortcoming into a present for their loved one. Therefore, before you start furnishing the room, you should consult with specialists regarding all the requirements. Even such a small thing as sockets installed at the wrong level can result in a large fine. But Special attention you need to pay attention to the kitchen - all equipment must meet sanitary and technical standards.

Despite the presence of a large number of catering establishments in our country, there is a lack of specialized cafes for children, especially in medium-sized and small cities. Such places are very popular for young visitors, and there is a very reasonable explanation for this.

In children's cafes, everything is thought out - bright colorful design, comfortable ergonomic furniture, a menu that includes kids’ favorite delicacies and, of course, entertainment programs, from which visitors receive unforgettable experience. The demand for the services of entertainment outlets for children is very high. This fact should attract the attention of budding entrepreneurs, because when proper organization Cafe activities can turn into a very promising business.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch?

Before you learn how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to understand the features of its work. Please understand that, unlike restaurants and bars, there are no alcoholic beverages or tobacco products. It is known that it is alcohol and cigarettes that bring owners of entertainment establishments good profit. On the other hand, when opening a cafe for young visitors, a novice businessman will not have to spend significant money on purchasing the appropriate licenses.

It is also worth considering the features of the menu for kids. Even a simple cake, if it has a catchy name, will be popular and sold in large quantities, because it will attract the attention of a children's audience. The list of dishes should include children's favorite milkshakes, juices, carbonated drinks, desserts and salads made from exotic fruits.

As practice shows, children spend most of their time in cafes playing games and taking part in funny shows. Animator programs are particularly successful, so businessmen should pay special attention to the selection of professionals who can provide interesting and exciting shows.

Important: novice entrepreneurs must conduct a thorough market analysis, study the concept of competitors, take into account all the nuances of such establishments, and then develop own project children's cafe and think over a list of unique services for potential visitors.

Business registration

A cafe for children as a business is subject to mandatory registration with the tax service. If you plan to open a small business, it will be enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. This procedure will not take much time, and its cost will not exceed 800 rubles.

For large cafes, it is preferable to form an LLC. This will give the entrepreneur the opportunity to work with legal entities, as well as a number of other advantages enjoyed by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. To register an LLC, you will need to pay a fee of 4 thousand rubles, as well as 10 thousand as authorized capital organizations.

Individual entrepreneurs can choose the simplified taxation system as their taxation system, and companies registered as a legal entity can choose UTII. After registration, the entrepreneur needs to obtain permits from regulatory organizations, such as:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • fire inspection;
  • sanitary-epidemiological service.

It’s worth getting permission from the authorities local government. Please note that a cafe for children, like other catering establishments, cannot operate without quality certificates for toys and food. In addition, you will need to have in the package of required documents:

  • agreement with the owner for the rental of premises;
  • work contracts with staff;
  • contracts with suppliers.

If an entrepreneur wishes, he should know that the presence of invoices and quality certificates for each supply of food products is prerequisite for work. In addition, all employees are required to be at the workplace with a health certificate.

Important: depending on the type of activity, be it a children's cafe, or own production, the entrepreneur must indicate when OKVED registration. In this case, code 55.30 is suitable - “Activities of restaurants and cafes.” Detailed information about the work of small and medium-sized businesses (for example, how to pay) can be found in the Federal Tax Service department when contacting the relevant specialists.

Choice of concept

The choice of the concept of an enterprise should be approached with special responsibility, because not only its attendance, but also the level of income will depend on this. A cafe for young visitors is a special place where every child should enjoy the time spent, for which it is necessary to create the necessary conditions. First of all, it is recommended to carefully consider the design of the room, decor, color scheme, as well as correctly dividing it into certain zones - areas for eating, holding shows, game rooms, places for relaxation.

You will definitely have to carefully consider the concept of a playground for young visitors. To make your children's time fun, you can organize:

  • attractions;
  • a place for intellectual games;
  • amateur performance corner.

In addition, it is worth considering the option of organizing active rest visitors, for which the establishment should be equipped with sports equipment, slides, carousels and a pool with balls. Please note that the games room must provide high level safety for children, so equipment must be selected with soft finish, excluding injury.

To effectively develop the concept of a children's cafe, a novice businessman can conduct an analysis of competing organizations and, based on the data obtained, come up with his own “zest.” To do this, it is necessary to determine what leisure activities would be interesting for children and their parents, what dishes and drinks should be included in the menu, and whether it is worth focusing on organizing full breakfasts and lunches. A businessman must understand that without a preliminary detailed analysis of a given niche, an investment own funds will be pointless and risky.

Search for premises

The success of the enterprise will largely depend on the choice of location for the children's cafe. Internal areas must be at least 100 m² and include:

  • dining area;
  • location of the games;
  • office premises;
  • installation of attractions;
  • administration office;
  • kitchen.

If you plan to open a large entertainment venue, you will need much more space. For example, this will be required to organize a roller skating area, install trampolines, slides, etc. You can open a cafe for children in a city shopping or entertainment center, on the ground floor of a suitable residential building or look for a separate building for these purposes.

It is extremely important that the cafe can be easily reached; there should be ample parking near it. It is also worth considering the possibility of implementing thematic design of the exterior, which will attract a large number of clients. An important point that you need to pay attention to when choosing a room for a cafe is the availability of working engineering communications. These include:

  • waste system;
  • water pipes;
  • electrical network and lighting system;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • fire alarm;
  • video surveillance and security systems.

Increased demands are placed on the electrical network, since it must withstand a significant consumer load, because a large number of equipment will be connected to it. You can also open a cafe for children in a residential building, but it is worth considering that the building should not be demolished. Such information can be obtained from the BTI and the city architecture department.

As a rule, in residential buildings they are looking for space to open such types of businesses as, for example, grocery or hairdressing salons, beauty salons, pharmacies, etc. This is primarily due to the fact that their rental costs are low. SanPiN specifies requirements for premises for public catering establishments that must be met. As for the price for renting space, its average size is 120 thousand rubles. It is also worth remembering the need for repair work, which will cost about 200 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

Purchasing equipment for a children's cafe will require considerable investment from the entrepreneur. To open a business, you need to equip a kitchen, game rooms, purchase equipment, furniture, and auxiliary equipment. Sample list equipment may look like this:

  • kitchen stoves;
  • cutting tables;
  • household appliances (meat grinder, coffee maker, milkshake maker, mixer);
  • sinks;
  • dishes.

To equip the play area, you will have to purchase furniture, paintings, attractions, play sets and entertainment equipment (modules, slides, ball pits, trampolines). It is mandatory to include the purchase of air conditioners, security systems and video surveillance in the expense item. To equip a small cafe, the area of ​​which does not exceed 100 m², you need to spend at least 2.5 million rubles (for comparison, to equip it, you will need about 400 thousand rubles at the start).

Recruiting staff

Which employees are best invited to work in a cafe for children? If you plan to open a small establishment, the staff will consist of the following specialists (with salary):

  • pastry chef (2 people) – 50 thousand rubles;
  • gaming hall employee (2 people) – 30 thousand rubles;
  • bartender-waiter (2 people) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • cleaning lady (2 people) – 36 thousand rubles.

Total - the salary of employees is 156 thousand rubles. You will also need to pay for the services of animators (from 40 thousand) and an accountant (10 thousand), who can be remote specialists. Thus, monthly staff costs will amount to 206 thousand rubles.

Conducting an advertising campaign

Which marketing strategy use to effectively attract clients? It is better to launch advertising shortly before the opening of the cafe, so that the target audience knows about the upcoming event in advance. To disseminate information, an entrepreneur should use the media. Besides, good result will give:

  • promoting a children's cafe on the Internet;
  • placement of information on outdoor advertising elements (billboards, banners, banners);
  • distribution of flyers and leaflets in public places;
  • advertisements in public transport and metro.

Don’t forget about creating a business card website for a cafe, where it is recommended to periodically publish various promotions for target visitors. Costs for advertising campaign will amount to about 20 thousand rubles per month. When a cafe for children begins to receive visitors, information about its activities will quickly spread among people, which is also good remedy attracting target audience into your business.

Children's cafe interior

Children like bright colors And beautiful pictures, therefore, the design of the cafe should be developed in accordance with this feature. In many establishments, the walls are painted with rich colors, and the images can be completely different. For example, thematic graffiti, as well as fairy-tale and cartoon characters, look good. Even at the project development stage, special attention must be paid to safety, because most of the visitors are children, and they should not be harmed.

Avoid using slippery materials floor coverings, because a child may fall and hit himself while playing. When choosing furniture, you need to pay attention to ensure that it has no sharp corners. It is better to buy tables with a round shape and use chairs instead soft sofas, ottomans or bean bags.

It would be a good idea to lay soft mats on the floors in playrooms to avoid injury. It is important to provide good internal lighting and create comfortable conditions for visitors. The interior should contain a stylish bright decor. It is worth entrusting the design of the cafe to a professional designer. The more comfortable it is for little visitors, the more popular the cafe will become.

Business plan for a children's cafe

To find out how much money you will need at the start, determine monthly costs and possible income, you should develop a business plan for a children's cafe. Initial one-time investment includes:

  • registration of an enterprise with permits– 40 thousand rubles;
  • rent (100 m²) – 120 thousand rubles;
  • repairs, designer services – 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​2.5 million rubles;
  • advertising production (website, banners, banners, outdoor sign) – 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of products - 100 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses – 100 thousand rubles.

In total, to open a cafe for children, you need to invest 3.36 million rubles. You will also need to calculate your monthly expenses. They are formed from the following indicators:

  • rent – ​​120 thousand rubles;
  • social contributions, taxes - 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – 206 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills – 20 thousand rubles;
  • grocery purchases – 150 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

Thus, for a month of operation of a cafe, the entrepreneur will have to pay 566 thousand rubles. Usually when located inside shopping center the establishment's attendance will be greater - about 100 people per day. Let's consider the possible income of a small cafe with 50 paid orders per day.

At average a check of 500 rubles, the revenue per day will be 25 thousand rubles. Such attendance will allow you to return your investment in 7-10 months and then ensure a stable profit. In 30 days, the cafe will bring 750 thousand. From this amount you need to subtract 566 thousand (monthly payments), you get 184 thousand rubles of net profit.

Children's cafe franchise

Many entrepreneurs at the beginning of their activities experience a number of difficulties with starting a business. The main problem is the lack of money. For this reason, it is worth considering an option such as a cafe franchise for children.

What does a person get when collaborating with a franchisor company? First of all, he will be able to use a ready-made business model to achieve success, in addition, his company will work under famous brand. The interaction of private enterprises with franchisors has a number of undeniable advantages. Let's list some of them:

  • business development based on a ready-made effective project;
  • quick start due to fame trademark(franchisor);
  • business support at all stages of development;
  • receiving significant discounts from a partner;
  • provision of high-quality raw materials and equipment for production.

In addition, the entrepreneur is provided with assistance in training employees, completing documentation, finding premises and other privileges. Each franchisee contributes and pays royalties. Cooperation with a partner allows you to quickly recoup your investment and does not require huge investments, as is the case, for example, with. Let's consider several well-known companies offering franchise cooperation:

  1. TM "Ander Son". The organization is a chain of family-type cafes, where every visitor can purchase delicious homemade baked goods and designer confectionery products. There are children's playrooms, and the client lounges offer a cozy atmosphere. The cafe's menu includes delicious dishes for children and adults. Franchisees, in cooperation, receive the right to use the trademark for 5 years, while territorial conditions are negotiated with the company. To start running a business, you will need start-up capital in the amount of 1.9 million rubles. The entrepreneur is required to pay a monthly fee of 10% of revenue. Business profitability is about 25%. If you follow the franchisor's recommendations, the funds will pay off within 1-1.5 years.
  2. TM "Kinderland". The chain's establishments have everything for a first-class holiday and a great time for the whole family. Cafes have stylish design. The franchisee receives the necessary information support, as well as the opportunity to use effective marketing tools. Taking into account the entry fee, an entrepreneur needs to have 3.5 million rubles at the start. Monthly deductions are 5% of revenue. Investments pay off on average in 1.5 years.
  3. TM "Cinderella". Cafes of this brand are very popular among both children and adults. Clients can enjoy gourmet cuisine, relax comfortably, and professional animators conduct unforgettable show programs for little visitors. The franchisee will receive not only a stable profit, but also tremendous pleasure from working with the company. The lump-sum contribution is 1.5 million rubles, and a 5% royalty must be paid on business turnover. Investments at the start - from 2.5 million rubles, which will pay off in 10-12 months of work.

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As you can see, running a cafe for children is a promising area for running your own business, where, with full dedication, the entrepreneur will quickly reach good income and stable operation of the enterprise. Beginners are recommended to cooperate with a franchise, in which they will receive full support from professionals, ready-made solutions and the opportunity to develop under a brand that has firmly strengthened its position in this niche.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

Business in the catering industry is considered a rather difficult and risky undertaking, because the level of competition here is always very high. Opening a children's cafe is, to some extent, a particularly difficult undertaking, because here you have to please not only the children themselves, but also their parents, be able to work with such an audience, and always determine the needs of your client. At the same time, the state carefully monitors the activities of enterprises engaged in the catering sector, so constant inspections are normal for such a business. On the other hand, a well-organized cafe can bring its owner very good profits.

The first step is to contact your local tax office and register your entity. A limited liability company is best. After registration, you will need to contact Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations to obtain permits to operate the cafe. To register you will have to allocate about 20 thousand rubles. It should also be noted that for trading alcoholic products A separate permit is required, but since we are considering the option of opening a children’s cafe, this issue is often irrelevant. Often, but not always, because some cafes offer the opportunity for parents to purchase alcoholic beverages - in general, whether to do this or not, and how much it will affect the establishment’s reputation, is decided by the entrepreneur himself. Let us just note that this is a very complex process and, as a rule, requires considerable additional investments. In fact, if you sell alcohol on the territory of a cafe, then it can remain “children’s” only in words. We will not consider in detail obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages here, but anyone who wants to familiarize themselves with this can, for example, read the information in articles about opening a bar or restaurant.

Next, you should think about choosing a room for your cafe. Here the entrepreneur already has many options depending on the format in which he plans to work. The point is that in general cases It’s optimal to find a place somewhere in the city center, but sometimes it makes sense to think about the option of opening a children’s cafe in some residential area. Moreover, this is often an even more attractive option, because in the center there will almost certainly be many competitors, but somewhere in a residential area there may not be interesting places for a holiday with the whole family. In general, choosing a location is a very important and rather difficult stage, because the success of the undertaking largely depends on the location. A cafe opened in a place with poor traffic will almost certainly not last even a few months, but a successfully selected premises and located in a favorable location will almost never be left without visitors. If you don’t have your own premises, you will have to look for one to rent; at the moment there should be no problems with offers, but the cost of rent can be very significant, especially for premises that are initially equipped and meet all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. Of course, the price level can vary greatly in different cities, moreover, within the same settlement In fact, premises of the same level can cost different amounts per month - depending on where they are located geographically (central areas are almost always the most “expensive”). You have to count on the fact that the cost of one square meter can be from 500 rubles per month, that is, a cafe measuring 100 square meters will cost an entrepreneur 50 thousand rubles.

Next important point- arrangement of your premises. Let's start with the guest room. The amount of expenses depends on the size of the cafe itself - we will make an approximate calculation for a room of about 100 square meters. The cost of one good table is 3-4 thousand rubles, a good chair costs 2-3 thousand if purchased upholstered furniture, then you need to understand that sofas cost 20-30 thousand. Of course, there are more expensive options. A cafe of this area can have 40 seats for visitors (taking into account the fact that about 30-40 square meters will be allocated for organizing a games room and kitchen). It turns out that you need about 10 tables, 30 chairs and 2 good sofas. For chairs you need 75 thousand (2.5 thousand each), for tables 35 thousand, for sofas - 50 thousand rubles. It turns out 160 thousand rubles. It also makes sense to think about decorating the inside of your premises - after all, this is a children’s cafe, and the service should be aimed primarily at children, which means it makes sense to think about ordering a design project. Price design works ranges from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter premises, that is, for the same 50 m2 of development you will have to pay from 50 to 75 thousand. Is it worth contacting design studios- a controversial issue, but if an entrepreneur himself can develop a simple interesting project interior design (interesting for children, of course), then there is usually no point in turning to a third-party company. You can also think about opening a game room on the territory of the cafe - that is, a room where some events will take place, for example, custom birthday parties. In the case of a children's cafe, this is especially true.

The next important point is the equipment of the kitchen itself. Here, again, it all depends on how expensive the cafe will be and what services it will offer. However, many participants in this market note that in the case of a children's cafe, you have to have a fairly diverse menu, which leads to the conclusion that you will have to invest in a large number various equipment. It can be not only stoves, kitchen furniture, kitchen appliances, but also ready-made installations, for example, for making pizza; a separate block for baking (children love sweets), you also need to think about preparing ice cream and sometimes some other sweets on the spot. Let's take the following calculations - 40 thousand rubles for a pizza oven, oven - 50 thousand, 2 frying surfaces– 30 thousand, 2 refrigerators – 60 thousand rubles, large Dishwasher for a large number of dishes - 70 thousand rubles, another about 100 thousand rubles for small equipment such as mixers, vegetable cutters, meat grinders, blenders. There is also more complex, expensive, but productive equipment, for example, a professional pizzeria, designed for a large number of products produced, will cost 500 thousand separately. At least another 100 thousand - for tables and cabinets for the kitchen. Additionally, it is necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of dishes and other table setting elements, but this money, unless, of course, you buy expensive silver sets, will be small compared to kitchen equipment (from 50 thousand rubles). You also always need to have dishes in reserve, because dishes break with enviable frequency (and children generally do this especially often) and become unusable, so it’s better when there are some reserves. As a result, we can say that half a million for kitchen equipment and the purchase of appliances is the bare minimum even for a very small cafe. Moreover, it may be necessary additional funds for the delivery and installation of equipment. Thus, for a small cafe you will have to allocate 500 thousand rubles to equip the kitchen, but in large cafes where food is prepared variety of dishes and drinks, the cost of equipment can reach 1.5-2 million rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

Next important question- personnel. We need to hire a certain number of waiters - let’s assume that our cafe will need only 4 people per shift, which means 8 people per day if they work according to a standard schedule, or only 4, but working in 2/2 mode. The cafe's opening hours are almost always at least 12 hours a day, every day. That is, the minimum is 8 people, but usually cafes hire more waiters. Their average salary starts from 15 thousand rubles (in small cities) or 20 thousand rubles (in relatively large cities, and even more in large ones). Next is the administrator, which is at least 2 more people. These people already receive 25-30 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, it is best to outsource all business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making; this includes, for example, accounting, security and the already mentioned premises maintenance services. Thus, the minimum cost is about another 20 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the cafe. The next point is hiring employees to work in the kitchen; a good cook also receives 25-30 thousand rubles, his assistants (2-3 people at least) 20-25 thousand each. That is, according to the most conservative estimates, the amount of wages and outsourcing services will cost 320 thousand rubles per month, but usually this figure is much higher. If the cafe intends to deal with holidays, then it is necessary to hire at least one animator - he receives 20-25 thousand rubles for his work, however, this person only works in case of orders, that is, at first one employee can cope with this work. It should also be noted that in order to develop your client base, it makes sense to start collaborating with event agencies that organize events - if you enter into a partnership agreement, then some of the events that people order from the agency will take place on the territory of the cafe. In many cases, this becomes an item of additional income, and often it is the children's cafe that receives in this direction an amount almost comparable to the income from the sale of food. But here lies another problem - unlike restaurants, cafes and bars “for everyone,” there is no significant income from the sale of alcoholic beverages, and it is through them that many catering establishments earn a considerable part of their income.

    The rent for six months of operation is 300 thousand rubles.

    Registration – 20 thousand rubles.

    Equipment for the hall - 160 thousand rubles.

    Design project – 50 thousand rubles.

    Kitchen arrangement - from 500 thousand rubles.

    Salary for the first month and outsourcing – 320 thousand rubles.

    Purchase of products - from 50 thousand rubles (this figure can vary quite a lot depending on the selected menu).

It turns out 1 million 400 thousand rubles according to the most conservative estimates. The amount of monthly expenses is 370 thousand rubles. So large sum monthly expenses are covered by the large markup on their goods. It is no secret that in many catering establishments the markup on a dish ranges from 200%; a lower rate is for food that is not prepared in a cafe, but purchased externally (for example, baked goods). Moreover, the profitability of such an undertaking at competent organization and a sufficient number of visitors will be quite good, the operating profit of an average successful cafe starts from 100 thousand rubles per month, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to reach such an indicator even in the first six months of operation, so you need to have some reserve of funds. After taxes, the profit will be 85 thousand rubles simplified system taxation. To obtain such an indicator, it is necessary to accept at least 32 people per day, taking into account that the amount of each check is on average 500 rubles. This type of business is in any case very difficult, and the cafe will not always work at full capacity, and at some points it will even have to refuse visitors due to the lack of empty seats. For example, on holidays and weekends there will be a lot of visitors, but on weekdays - much less. However, this is typical for many areas of public catering. To summarize, we can say that this business is suitable primarily for those who already have experience in organizing public catering enterprises and are ready to invest considerable funds, realizing that the payback period for such a project is quite long. The cafe can receive additional income due to the celebrations, but you still shouldn’t count on this at first.

Matthias Laudanum
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Absolute majority parents are ready to do almost anything for the pleasure of their child. Of course, what kind of mother agrees to stay at home when her child is bored? Much the best option There will be a trip with the baby to a park or cafe, where he can play interesting games with peers.

True, the weather does not always allow spending time outside. Unfortunately, not every city has children's cafes. And as a conclusion from this it follows that opening such an establishment will be very profitable.

Where to start

Of course, with the choice of a suitable place. The best option there will be an area in which children's institutions are concentrated. This means hospitals and clinics, kindergartens and schools.

After visiting such places, the child will probably want to eat. And an establishment designed for kids will come in handy.

Buildings located near parks and children's stores are also perfect.

Individual entrepreneur or LLC

After a suitable area for a children's cafe has been selected, the business should be registered.

This process can take a lot of time and nerves. Firstly, the cafe is a food service, and secondly, the establishment is intended for children.

Inspections and permits from the fire service and SES will be simply necessary. Naturally, it will be necessary to register the trading activity and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. But this, let’s say, is the technical part of the question.

What should a children's cafe be like?

As for the children's cafe itself, you need to think about not only the location. The design of the room and its general atmosphere must correspond to its purpose.

That is standard tables and the chairs will not fit, even if the walls are painted with bright paint. A children's cafe from which serious profits are expected must be extraordinary.

Children should strive to visit again. For this you should not spare money and imagination. A magical land, no matter how small, can be created by anyone.

It is definitely worth taking care of seats for children and parents, which will be comfortable for both the first and the second. A play corner where you can have fun should be equipped with a large number of educational toys.

The place should be safe, bright and very spacious so that several kids can fit in it at once. Parents will certainly appreciate children's products if there is a teacher in them. You can leave your child under his supervision - both adults relax and children spend time usefully.

Children's cafe menu

As for the menu, it shouldn’t be ordinary either. It should combine regular cuisine with children's dishes. You can come up with unusual names.

For example, children will be much more interested in ordering “Porridge from the cow Mashka” than “Millet porridge with milk.”

Naturally, there must be sweets and drinks. It is advisable to decorate all dishes in an unusual and colorful manner.. They will arouse interest and a desire to try.


If we return to the staff, then You should think about hiring animators dressed as fairy-tale characters. This creates a festive atmosphere, so beloved by children. You can create themed days that will be dedicated to a specific cartoon or fairy-tale character.

This way you can increase attendance, because some children are delighted with Luntik, others with Kolobok. Naturally, the parents know the child’s preferences and simply cannot refuse him to visit the establishment.

In general, a children's cafe can be developed indefinitely. The main thing is to take into account the wishes of the children and look at the competitors - a cafe that is excellent in all respects will clearly be a success.

Recently, this type of business as a catering establishment has become increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, because cafes and restaurants can bring good profits. But there are already too many competitors on the market, and in order to earn trust, you need to try, for example, to choose the right concept for the establishment.

One of the promising options is a children's cafe. It will be an excellent place where service and entertainment will be aimed only at small clients. But like any other business, organizing such a business requires drawing up a detailed business plan.

Opening stages

It is important for a novice owner to follow all the stages of opening and not forget anything:

  1. The first step is to register your business.
  2. Then decide on the concept.
  3. Based on the previous point, a room is selected and appropriate repairs are made to it.
  4. Purchase all necessary equipment, furniture, products and consumables.
  5. Then you need to hire staff for quality service.
  6. Create an attractive menu.
  7. After which you can set an opening date. To attract your first clients, you can organize interesting holiday or show program.

Interesting information about this type of activity is presented in the following video:

Registration of activities

Before organizing any business that generates income, you must register with the tax service. Otherwise, conducting activities without registration will result in criminal, tax and administrative liability.

There are several design options, but most suitable for catering. You also have the right to choose your tax system. The most profitable will be in which the legal entity will pay 6% of total income or 15% of net profit.

Market and competitor analysis

Before opening, you need to thoroughly study your direct competitors. Look at what places such establishments are located, what they feed there, what programs and entertainment they offer, identify all the strengths and weaknesses.

You need to try to find out as much as possible about competing cafes, this also includes the interior of the premises and Additional services provided to parents and their children. All this will help in choosing a strategy to obtain greater profits and the ability to eliminate mistakes made by competitors in your establishment.

Format options

The popularity of the cafe and the number of customers also depend on the format. You can choose different concepts that will attract the attention of not only children, but also adults:

  • Cartoon themed cafe. You can make an establishment designed only for little princesses and decorate it in pink colors, like, for example, the only cafe in the world for Barbie. Or, conversely, for super heroes. If you want both girls and boys to be among your clients, then choose a neutral theme in the form of a popular cartoon designed for all guys. Don’t forget about the themed menu, which will complete the format.
  • WITH game room . This is a place where you can play while you wait for your order. You can choose both mobile and tabletop games. For mobile people, you can install a sports complex or a playground with soft coating, swings, labyrinths and slides. And to prevent children from running around unsupervised, you can hire an animator who will entertain little visitors with various games. Among board games Puzzles, mosaics, and construction sets are perfect.
  • With children's menu. It is not necessary that the establishment have a gaming area, and the interior resembles a cartoon. The main thing is to be present useful menu for children. There can be regular tables with soft sofas or chairs, a neutral design suitable for adults and children. And the menu should only contain healthy dishes and, of course, sweets.

Organizational plan

In this section, you need to clearly distribute the responsibilities of the staff and describe your steps to start a business step by step. Then things will go faster and easier.

Describe what each employee of your cafe will be responsible for. Then you will know exactly how many waiters, cooks, animators and cleaners you should hire. Write down the menu, based on this item you can calculate the specific quantity of certain products. Arrange all the actions taken to open an establishment in order, then you will always know what to do next.

Production plan

First you need to select appropriate place for implementation activities. The premises can be rented or purchased, or a separate building can be built. It all depends only on the financial capabilities of the aspiring entrepreneur. The size of the establishment must comply with the current law Russian Federation, that is 10 sq. m for two seats.

Accordingly, if in the future you plan to increase the capacity, then the area of ​​the hall should expand.

The second stage is to decide cafe design. As mentioned earlier, it can be thematic or classic. It all depends only on your imagination. You can resort to the services of professional designers.

Once you have decided on the room and its design, you should proceed to drawing up list necessary equipment for the kitchen and living room. At the same time, you need to choose only high-quality equipment.

For kitchen:

  • Refrigerators and freezers.
  • Small kitchen appliances. This includes meat grinders, coffee makers, blenders, and so on.
  • Cooking plates.
  • Ovens.
  • Grill, if the menu is designed for such dishes.
  • Comfortable tables for chefs.
  • Large sinks and dishwashers.

For the hall:

  • Tables where visitors will eat.
  • Chairs or sofas.
  • Beautiful dishes and cutlery.
  • All the necessary equipment for the gaming area, if you have chosen this format.

As for kitchen appliances, it is better to choose them among imported ones and not skimp on the price. And to decorate the hall you can purchase Russian tables and chairs, here main role plays an aesthetic appearance.

The next step includes menu development. It should have a wide selection of dishes, and since the cafe is for children, it should also be useful. Be sure to include a dessert section with a large variety of sweets and children's cocktails. Then every client will find something to their liking and will definitely come back again.

Then you need to implement selection of person servicing the establishment. The standard list of hired workers should consist of:

  • Several cooks, but for the first time one may be enough.
  • Waiters. Their number depends on the size of the room.
  • If there is a play area, an animator will be required.
  • And a cleaning lady so that the cafe is always clean.

You can do the selection yourself or for separate fee entrust this work to a professional agency, which will save your time and provide high-quality results.

Marketing plan

To attract customers, you need to pay special attention to signage and a variety of effective promotion. As for advertising, these could be:

  • Advertisements in local media (newspapers, television, radio).
  • Advertising on city blogs, forums and websites.
  • Distributing leaflets in public places. It is advisable to choose places where there is a high chance of meeting parents with children.
  • Introduction of a discount system, bonuses and promotions.

Financial plan

Any business requires initial and monthly investments:

  • Rent of premises is about 60,000 rubles, depending on the city and size. You will have to pay monthly.
  • Its purchase, if the budget allows, is about 2-4 million rubles.
  • Renovation of the premises - 150,000-200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​150,000-200,000 rubles.
  • Furniture for the hall - 100,000-150,000 rubles.
  • Staff salaries are 80,000-100,000 rubles, which is a monthly cost.
  • Purchase of ingredients for dishes - about 50,000 rubles, also monthly.
  • Advertising to attract customers – 10,000-20,000 monthly.
  • Monthly taxes to the state are about 30,000 rubles.
  • Monthly utility and other expenses are approximately 30,000 rubles.

Estimated total revenues are 500,000 rubles per month. Subtracting all costs from this, you can get the average net profit - 100-200 thousand rubles. Based on this, we can say that your children's cafe will pay for itself in less than a year his works.

Risk analysis

By making calculations of all possible dangers, you will always be prepared for anything and will know how to avoid problems.

The calculation of the risk table consists of:

  • Possible increase in prices for products used for cooking.
  • Insufficient demand for products or its absence at all.
  • Competitors may lower prices in order to attract customers.
  • Poor solvency of potential consumers.
  • Increasing state business taxes.
  • Deterioration in the quality of raw materials due to which you will have to switch to more expensive options.
  • Insufficient amount of finance in circulation.

To increase income, you can introduce additional services, for example, baking cakes to order, holding children's parties, outdoor services or at home. The main thing is to remember that in any place where catering services are offered, all standards must be observed, and then regular customers you are guaranteed.