Business nail bar success story. How to register such a business? What equipment will you need to open an express manicure studio?

Residents of megacities spend a lot of free time in modern malls, where in one large area there are various shops, boutiques, cinemas, entertainment centers, cafes, restaurants, etc. The nail bar first began operating in the UK (London) and the USA (New York City). Popular in Western countries, this one is just beginning to develop here. The shortage of such establishments is felt even in the capital.

A nail bar is a regular bar counter that is designed for express service. The more common direction is this. The procedure does not take much time; lunch is quite enough for it. The benefits from these manicure stands are mutual: for clients - saving time and money, and for entrepreneurs - profit.


There are several formats for this niche:

- Highly specialized. The main range of services includes hand care procedures, nail extensions and manicures.

- Multifunctional. There are: a pedicure room, a manicure bar, and a solarium booth.


A large business center or shopping complex is best suited to open a nail bar. Manicure stands can fit in only 7 square meters. According to experts, such a manicure service lasts from 1 to 6 months. The costs required to open will be approximately $25,000. This is quite small compared to opening a nail studio in another premises. True, for some square meters the rental price is implausibly inflated, and all the profit will be spent on paying it off.

There are already offers on the Russian market for franchises of this business activity. Using this option, you will pay an average of $10,000. The franchising package includes the selection of premises, preparation of project design, control over construction work, personnel selection, marketing consultations and first purchase.


When choosing a premises, it is necessary to take into account the interior and the very atmosphere of the retail space. If it is dull and cheerless, then clients rarely come to such a shopping center. Visitors want to feel comfort, tranquility, they want to take a break from the routine of everyday life. In addition to the mood in the room, it is important how the nail bar itself looks. Nail service stands are complex and well-thought-out designs. Calculate the design of the manicure stand down to the smallest detail. It should be convenient for the master and the client. You can put soft chairs, because the process of nail care takes a long time. The tabletop should be made of a material that is least susceptible to damage. And this cannot be avoided, because the master will be required to disinfect the working surface of the table.

The design of the nail bar should be bright and catchy so that it can be easily noticed in the shopping center. Special equipment can be ordered from abroad, purchased on the Russian market, or made independently. Modern companies The beauty industry offers many options for various configurations. The average price for a nail bar is about 6,000 euros, and production takes less than a month.

The main idea of ​​a nail bar is to provide its clients with free communication. When creating the design of the environment, do not forget about the entertainment of visitors (TV, video player, stereo, coffee maker, kettle, comfortable sofa, etc.).


The main clients of the nail bar are women. These could be ordinary visitors to a shopping center, business women stopping in for lunch, students or employees of the same center. Many of them will undoubtedly want to get their pens in order quickly and cheaply. Services can be provided to three clients at the same time, and if the space and traffic of the place allows, you can add several more specialists. A manicure session lasts about 30-40 minutes, and extensions take 2 hours. To prevent customers from getting bored, they are offered to watch movies or videos, listen to music, drink coffee, tea or juice.

To attract more traffic, use advertising. Students will happily give it away for a small fee. Offer media employees to place a small advertisement in their publication in exchange for manicure services. At first, some discounts or promotions are possible, which, of course, will bring a small profit, but will attract new customers to the nail bar. A manicure service should not scare its visitors with prices; think about how much you would actually pay for the services provided.


In most shopping centers permits administration is in charge. Find out if this is true. You may have to resolve issues yourself with Rospotrebnadzor or another authority. To run a business such as a nail bar, you need an extensive package of documents, but certificates and a license are not required.

Issues discussed in the material:

    Is it worth opening a nail bar today?

    How to register a business

    How to choose suitable premises

    What equipment is needed for a nail bar?

    What kind of staff do you need in a nail bar?

    What methods can be used to promote a nail bar?

    What problems may arise in the work of a nail bar and how to solve them

The desire to be beautiful is inherent in women of any era, but the canons of beauty in each century had significant differences. However, such an attribute of impeccable appearance as well-groomed hands remains unchanged over the centuries. How can a modern woman, whose life often moves at a frantic pace, manage to take care of them? The answer is simple - you should visit a nail bar and get a stylish manicure in 20 minutes without long waits. Thanks to the wide popularity of establishments of this format, the question “How to open a nail bar?” is becoming quite relevant today.

Is it worth opening a nail bar: pros and cons

To visit a classic beauty salon, you need to have time, which is not always possible in the modern rhythm of life. Therefore, today many representatives of the fair sex are looking for the opportunity to get a manicure, say, during a lunch break. This is exactly the approach implemented in the nail bar concept. Here you can quickly tidy up your hands and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the working day. In addition, if a nail bar is open in a shopping center, you will have the opportunity to pop into a supermarket along the way, which is undoubtedly very convenient.

However, is such a business profitable from the point of view of an entrepreneur? Masters, of whom there are usually at least four in one establishment, simultaneously serve several visitors. As for manicure services, the demand for them is much higher than the supply, so the costs of maintaining a studio and the salaries of specialists, as a rule, pay off without any problems. The main visitors to nail bars are usually working women with average or high incomes.

The main advantage that express manicure studios offer their clients is the opportunity to see a master without an appointment. Unfortunately, in large salons this is not always possible. If you have to wait a little for your turn at the nail bar, which happens very rarely, this time is brightened up by the cozy and comfortable surrounding atmosphere.

Each nail bar has a counter, but instead of bartenders, manicurists are located behind it, and comfortable chairs are provided for clients on the other side. There is usually a cozy sofa nearby for those visitors who, if necessary, wait in line. Many express manicure studios, which are opening everywhere today, are equipped with modern coffee machines and LCD TVs.

Arguments for":

    Opening a nail bar is a great chance for aspiring entrepreneurs. To do this, you do not need to have fundamental knowledge in the field of finance and management; it is enough to create a competent step-by-step business plan and follow it.

    The nail service sector is developing rapidly and shows excellent prospects. In our country, not every woman, and especially not every man, has the habit of getting a manicure done by a specialist, rather than on his own. Even in large cities, only 20% of women and 5% of men use salon services.

    Opening a nail bar does not require a large investment. Of course, today there are many luxury manicure studios operating successfully. However, there are quite budget options such establishments that are ideal for a beginning businessman.

Arguments against":

    Visitors to a nail bar are more likely to become attached to the artist, rather than to the place where the procedure is performed. This creates additional risks for the owner of losing part of the client base if an employee leaves.

    Currently, the nail service industry is in a development stage and is characterized by potentially high capacity. However, many businessmen today are trying to open a nail bar, so competition in this segment is already quite fierce. To hold regular customers and find new ones, adopt everything marketing methods, continuously develop and implement the most advanced technologies.

    If you want to open a nail bar, study the legal requirements regarding compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards in establishments of this kind. In this matter, not only knowledge and the availability of special equipment are important, but also the personal responsibility of employees.

Is it profitable to open a nail bar in terms of profitability?

Listing the advantages of business in the field of nail services, we have already said that in Russia this niche can be called free. You will ask why? After all, today many cosmetic centers and beauty salons are open and successfully operating. However, don't forget about distinctive feature nail bar - fast service. To get to the master, you do not need to make an appointment in advance. Specialists in such establishments work professionally and quickly, and during a pleasant procedure you can enjoy coffee or chat with your best friend.

So, what funds do you need to have to open a nail bar? A business plan will help determine the exact figure, which will contain a calculation of the initial investment and planned profit. In this section we give an example of approximate calculations.

Opening a nail bar involves costs for:

    Registration of all necessary documentation– 17,000 rubles;

    Rental of premises for the period of arrangement – ​​44,000 rubles;

    Interior decoration – 140,000 rubles;

    Other expenses – 57,000 rubles.

So, to open a nail bar, you need a starting investment of about 600,000 rubles.

To determine the volume of expected profit, we calculate the approximate income of the studio and the amount of expenses for its maintenance for a certain period. For example, if recently open establishment 6 craftsmen will work in shifts, the revenue from each of them in the first four months will be about 4,000 rubles per day. In the future, this figure may increase to 11,000 rubles. The gross turnover for the year in this case will be 9,360,000 rubles.

Of course, such calculation results inspire optimism. However, entrepreneurs who plan to open a nail bar should not forget about the ongoing costs of maintaining a salon. Let's look at the list of main costs and their approximate size for the year:

    Rent – ​​264,000 rubles;

    Taxes and fees – 1,260,000 rubles;

    Fixed salary of craftsmen – 576,000 rubles;

    Payment for staff work (20%) – 1,872,000 rubles;

    Consumables – 720,000 rubles;

    Other costs – 206,000 rubles.

So, to ensure the operation of a nail bar, you will need about 5,026,000 rubles per year. We carry out a simple calculation and get the amount of profit received for the year after the opening of the nail bar - 4,334,000 rubles. With such indicators, the investment will pay off within the first five months, subject to the continuous expansion of the salon’s client base.

The calculations show that the project of opening a nail bar can bring good profit. Considering the low competition in this area, especially in small cities, such a business can become stable and prosperous. But to achieve success, remember the need to continuously improve the quality of services, increase the level of professionalism of the craftsmen and take care of the comfort of clients.

How to open a nail bar from scratch: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Register the company before opening a nail bar.

If you, after weighing all the pros and cons, have decided to open a nail bar, then first of all you need to do the paperwork. You can organize a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship) or LLC (limited liability company).

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, representatives of individual entrepreneurs are allowed to take advantage of tax benefits. In addition, they can conduct document flow and accounting of their enterprise on their own, without visiting the tax office to submit reports. As for an LLC, it must have an accountant on its staff.

To open a nail bar in the form of an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following documents:

    Photocopy of passport;

    Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs (form P21001);

    Application for transition to a simplified taxation system (in form 26.2-1);

An entrepreneur who wants to open a nail bar and register it submits these documents to the tax service at his place of residence. Upon completion of the registration procedure, the aspiring businessman receives a certificate of registration with the tax office and an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. In addition, the following documents are required:

    Lease (sublease) agreement for premises;

    A cash register service agreement, which is concluded after registering the device.

If you decide open a nail bar in the form of an LLC, then the paperwork can be completed:

    On your own;

    With the help of lawyers.

Before you begin the LLC registration procedure and open a nail bar, decide on the following parameters:

    Who and how will carry out the registration procedure.

    Name of company.

    Legal address of the LLC.

    Activity code.

    Amount of authorized capital.

    Tax system.

    Number of LLC founders.

What documents are required to register an LLC before opening a nail bar:

    The founder’s decision to form an LLC (if there are co-founders - minutes of the meeting and the agreement on establishment);

    Charter of the company;

    Application for registration of LLC (form P11001);

    Letter of guarantee for provision of a legal address;

    Receipt for payment of state duty.

LLC registration is carried out within 3 working days, after which the founder receives the following documents:

    Registration certificate legal entity;

    Certificate of registration with the tax office;

    Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    A copy of the charter with the registrar's mark.

After completing the registration procedure, a novice entrepreneur can open a bank account.

What form of business organization should you choose when opening a nail bar? If your plans include a small salon without significant expansion in the future, then the optimal and most simple option there will be registration of an individual entrepreneur. If in the future you intend to create a large company, open branches, and attract investors, then the LLC form will be more appropriate.

So, you have decided on your intention to open a nail bar and have gone through the registration procedure. What documents must be present in your salon?

    Lease (sublease) agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises;

    Notification to Ropotrebnadzor about the start of activities;

    A document from the SES stating that the studio premises and equipment comply with sanitary rules;

    Invoices for cosmetics and cosmetology products;

    Book of complaints and suggestions;

    Price list for services.

Step 2. Choose a room in which you can open a nail bar.

No less important is the issue of choosing premises for organizing a business. Many entrepreneurs strive to open a nail bar in a shopping center, and such a location undoubtedly has its advantages. Large shopping malls are characterized by excellent traffic, thanks to which your salon can count on a flow of customers. Moreover, it is in such places that visitors are usually the most solvent, which, of course, is a huge advantage for your business.

It is no secret that the cost of renting space in shopping centers is quite high, and this undoubtedly scares many novice businessmen. However, we should not forget that with good attendance and impeccable work of the staff, these investments pay off quickly enough.

Before opening a nail bar in a shopping center, take into account the fact that the style of your salon will have to match the general format of the complex. You will need to follow the recommendations of the shopping center administration regarding the design of the express manicure studio. But usually such establishments have small sizes, so discussing and thinking through all the details in advance will not be difficult.

To open a nail bar, you must meet the following requirements:

    The salon premises should not be in the basement;

    Before opening a manicure studio in a residential building, it is necessary to transfer it to non-residential premises;

    Each master must have at least 6 m² of working area;

    It is necessary to equip a ventilation system on the territory of the nail bar;

    Salon furniture must be made from materials that can be sanitized;

    Availability of a sterilizer and a sink for washing hands – mandatory requirements to every manicure studio. If it is not possible to organize access to water in a shopping complex, a simple cooler will help solve the problem;

    Each employee must have a health certificate, and subsequently undergo a medical examination every six months;

    All instruments used by craftsmen in the process of providing services must be disinfected with special solutions and thermal sterilization after each client.

Before deciding on which shopping center to open a nail bar, inquire in advance about the cost of renting space and the requirements for entrepreneurs in city complexes with good traffic. In small towns, the price of a hall in which you can set up an express manicure studio fluctuates around 20-25 thousand rubles, and in megacities you will have to pay at least one and a half times more for such space. Before holding meetings with shopping center owners, prepare a design for your nail bar.

Step 3. We decorate the premises before opening the nail bar.

The design and layout of the premises in which a nail bar will be opened is very important for the successful running of a business.

It is advisable to divide the space into two main zones:

    A waiting and resting place for visitors, usually located at the entrance to the establishment;

    Workplaces for craftsmen, which are located in the depths of the studio.

In the first zone, clients of the nail bar can wait their turn, drink a cup of coffee, and chat with other visitors. Therefore, soft chairs and coffee tables on which you can lay out interesting magazines for both women and men. Various decorative elements will help create coziness in the studio.

As for the work area, all the equipment and devices necessary for craftsmen to serve clients are located here. First of all, these are sinks for washing hands, supplies of consumables, and equipment for sterilization. From the waiting area for visitors there is a working area, the design of which must correspond SES requirements, usually separated by a bar counter.

Step 4. Purchase necessary equipment, before opening a nail bar.

So, the premises to open a nail bar have been found. Now is the time to purchase equipment for your new salon. What design rules exist for such establishments? We list the main ones:

    Every nail bar needs a practical bar counter that will serve as both a table for the masters to work on and a mini-showcase. It contains both drawers and shelves for the necessary working tools, differing in size, as well as various samples of applying manicure patterns. Customers should see the neat façade of the counter, which is most often designed in accordance with the style of the shopping center. When opening a nail bar, remember that the counter will become the main accent of the interior, so you should not skimp on its cost.

    Pleasant music will create a homely atmosphere in the salon, and comfortable soft chairs and chairs will help visitors relax.

    Make sure that the nail bar you open is equipped with the most modern equipment and materials. It is equally important to provide customers with a wide selection of nail polishes, decorative elements for painting and tips, as well as manicure samples.

    Of particular importance are the aesthetics of the procedures and strict adherence to all hygiene standards in your salon. For each client, sterilized instruments must be prepared, which, at the beginning of the procedure, the masters remove from sealed Kraft bags.

    The premises for opening a nail bar must have air conditioning, which will save workers and visitors from unpleasant odor acetone.

To arrange bar for clients, you will need the following equipment:

    Coffee machine;

    Juicer (if it is not possible to purchase an expensive industrial model, for the first time after opening, you can limit yourself to purchasing a household juicer costing from 7 thousand rubles);

    Electric kettle (from 2 thousand rubles);

    Blender or mixer for making cocktails;

    Oxygen concentrator if you plan to include oxygen cocktails in the menu;

    A set of dishes (cups, glasses, etc.).

Step 5. We create a list of services and set prices before opening a nail bar.

Scroll main nail bar services includes:

  • Nail extension;

    Hand massage;

    Nail correction.

The specific list of services of each nail salon is determined by the following factors:

    The level of professionalism of the staff;

    Availability of equipment;

    Specific options for hand care and nail design, which are offered by supply companies;

    The preferences of the manager who opens the nail bar.

When setting prices for services, it is advisable to use a comparative approach. To create a client base at the first stage after opening an express manicure studio, the price may be slightly lower than that of competitors. However, if you want to brand yourself as a premium establishment, and the quality of materials and the level of skill of the workers allow this, the prices in your salon can be set higher than in other nail bars.

Step 6. We select personnel.

The issue of personnel selection when opening a nail bar is extremely important. To ensure the smooth functioning of the studio, a minimum of four manicurists and two administrators will be required, who will work in shifts, as well as a cleaning lady.

What are the requirements for nail bar employees? Let's list the main ones:

    Profile special education;

    Medical education is an advantage;

    Ability to provide professional and courteous advice to clients;

    Well maintained appearance;

    Participation in competitions, exhibitions and festivals dedicated to the art of manicure.

You can find craftsmen on job sites, online forums, specialized exhibitions, or through recommendations from friends. When opening a nail bar, give preference to non-smoking employees, because many clients have a negative attitude towards the smell of tobacco.

Maintaining good hygiene is especially important for a nail salon, so make sure you find a responsible cleaner.

Typically, nail bar technicians receive a certain percentage of daily revenue, and technical employees receive a fixed salary. Maintaining accounting and purchases of consumables for the first time after the opening of a nail bar can be carried out by the owner.

How to open a nail bar and promote it

For a nail bar to start generating income, like any other new project, it needs advertising and promotion. Undoubtedly important role The reputation of the complex on whose territory the studio is located also plays a role. However, there are other aspects that are worth paying attention to if you are looking to open a nail bar and attract traffic. So, what are they methods of advertising and promotion have proven themselves to be the most effective?

Spectacular sign

It is a bright, original sign that can attract the attention of people passing by, some of whom may become regular clients of your studio after its opening. Therefore, do not spare money on making a sign and entrust this important task to professional designers.

Distribution of leaflets

To attract the target audience to the nail bar - women who live or work near its location - you can organize the distribution of advertising leaflets. Places with high traffic are ideal for carrying out such promotions - areas of shopping malls, underground passages or subways, office centers, busy intersections. At the same time, do not forget about the periodic change of dislocation. To motivate people to visit the studio, you can indicate on the flyer information about the discount when presented.

Discounts and bonuses for regular customers

A competent discount program will help you retain regular visitors and attract new ones, and SMS mailing will inform you about the new products of your establishment and invite you to evaluate them. In addition, using the newsletter, you can congratulate customers on the holidays, which can also serve as an excellent advertising move.

Do not forget that social networks are becoming more and more popular every day. Promoting a nail bar that was recently opened on social networks does not require financial investments, but it provides an opportunity to tell a wide audience about the establishment.

Promotion through media

Television channels, radio stations, and glossy publications with a predominantly female audience are perfect for this purpose.

How to open a nail bar without typical problems

If you decide to open a nail bar, be prepared for some difficulties that may arise along the way. Here are some of them:

Problem 1. Lack of qualified personnel.

As practice shows, finding suitable personnel for your establishment is not so easy. You can make the task easier by clearly formulating your search criteria and deciding what personal and professional qualities an employee of your salon should have.

Problem 2. The risk of losing the client base due to the dismissal of the master.

It's no secret that if we're talking about about manicure services, then the visitor becomes more attached not to the studio, but to the master. Therefore, the manager is always faced with the question: how to retain a client if a specialist decides to quit? You can avoid this situation with the help of special loyalty programs that will motivate visitors to serve in your establishment. And so that nail bar employees are interested in long-term cooperation, start developing effective system bonuses, and also make every effort to make the atmosphere in the team comfortable.

Problem 3. High competition.

Today, many people are thinking about how to open a nail bar, and are successfully implementing their ideas. Competition in this service sector is quite high, which creates a risk of being left without visitors. To prevent this from happening, take into account modern methods attracting and retaining customers.

Problem 4. The need to always be on trend.

The field of nail design is constantly evolving, and in order to keep abreast of the latest trends, you must always strive for new knowledge. Just opening a nail bar is not enough. It is important to constantly grow and invest in staff training, and then you will always be head and shoulders above your competitors!

Problem 5. Compliance with sanitary standards.

The most important condition for the operation of each nail bar, maintaining the health of its artists and clients, is compliance with sanitary standards and hygiene rules. Salon visitors should be absolutely confident in the safety of manicure procedures performed in your establishment. Even one unfortunate incident can cause irreparable damage to the studio's reputation.

Problem 6. Risk of loss business reputation in case of a master error.

It's no secret that negative word of mouth works much more effectively than positive word of mouth. And during a period of rapid growth and development social networks, which is observed now, the consequences of a negative review can be truly disastrous for a business. To avoid failure, the owner of a nail bar should:

    Monitor the impeccable performance of their duties by each employee of the establishment;

    Take care of training and professional development of personnel;

    Monitor compliance sanitary standards and requirements for disinfection of instruments from the first day of studio operation.

To open a nail bar quickly and without unnecessary difficulties, entrust the preparation of documentation for a new establishment to professionals. Our company can help with this; we provide legal support and support for beauty and health businesses throughout the Russian Federation. In our company you will find a reliable partner who will provide qualified assistance in resolving any controversial issues.

Where to buy high-quality and professional nail files

Among huge amount online stores offering manicure accessories, we invite you to our “WORLD OF FILES”! You should choose our services because:

  • “MIR FILOK” – own production of nail files.
  • "WORLD OF FILES" is the main supplier!
  • The showroom of the company "MIR FILOK" is located in Moscow.
  • Delivery throughout our vast Motherland!

Why is “WORLD OF FILES” the best option for purchasing a product for you?

  • Our store is built on own production files Thanks to this, you get: minimized cost of service, tested and confirmed product quality, fast production, attractive conditions for distributors.
  • Our nail file is made only from materials that have repeatedly proven their quality (South Korea).
  • Wide variety of product. Thus, a manicurist with any level of professionalism will be able to satisfy his interests.
  • You can figure out which file is right for you. We carry out individual orders.
  • Another advantage is the application of your brand logo on the working surface of the files.

Recently, it has become extremely popular to open a new interesting version of the salon business - various nail bars, which are a cozy modern express manicure salon, are increasingly found in the premises of large shopping centers. This type of business is becoming more and more common and allows you to receive a stable and high income based on the natural desire of women to look attractive. Here you can quickly get your nails in order during the pause between visits to the boutiques of a large shopping center.

In such a mini-nail salon it is usually not so crowded, there is no pre-registration, and the absence of a queue is easily ensured by the fact that several nail technicians work at the counter at the same time. Distinctive feature nail bar - a counter similar to a counter in a cafe, only on the side where bartenders usually stand, manicurists are located, and clients sit in comfortable chairs on the other side of the counter, in the hall. A cozy sofa for those waiting their turn in the event of a short rush hour is located nearby. To prevent visitors from getting bored, the hall should have a good flat screen and the ability to prepare any type of coffee.


You can open a nail bar without having any special knowledge - just an entrepreneurial spirit and good orientation in places convenient for business. Many women come to business centers and shopping malls every day, and some of the center’s visitors potential clients who need to be attracted and interested. You need to thoroughly think through the premises for the future nail bar - it should be located in a comfortable place in the building or shopping center so that visitors feel quite free and relaxed. When setting up, it is worth remembering that women look into such corners of the store in order to relax and at the same time get their nails in order, drink coffee and watch a pleasant video. The future level of income often depends on the correct selection of premises. For a comfortable nail bra there should be a room 10-20 square meters.

Starting capital for opening:

Start-up capital these days ranges from about 25 to 30 thousand dollars - this depends on the rent of the premises and the cost of designing the bar counter and furniture. The payback period for such a project, with a successful combination of circumstances, a competent business plan and carefully thought-out service, usually ranges from several months to six months. Experts in this type of business believe that such conditions are the most acceptable entry threshold, because setting up a nail design salon in the city will cost many times more.

Nail bar equipment:

After required premises found, you need to think about the interior equipment and footage. A nail bar is usually designed like this:

1. The central place of the mini-salon is occupied by a comfortable and practical bar counter, which is a mini-showcase and a table for the master’s work. A modern manicure stand inside should be practical for placing various manicure samples and equipped with drawers and shelves of different sizes for manicure accessories, and on the client side the stand should have a neat barrier facade. The facade of the counter can be designed in accordance with the atmosphere of the shopping center or play on contrasts. In any case, the counter is the main piece of furniture in a mini-salon; it should be in harmony with the design of the room and attract customers with its unusual and pleasant appearance. You should not skimp on finishing the counter; the number of clientele and reviews of the establishment depend on this.

2. Comfortable armchairs and chairs should encourage seated clients to relax and feel comfortable, and pleasant music, a modern coffee maker or coffee machine will complement the atmosphere of the salon.

3. Modern equipment for manicure, big choice nail polishes and products, tips and materials for painting - everything must be at the highest level, because only with materials and devices good quality you can work uninterruptedly, serve visitors quickly and efficiently. , we have already looked at it, so we recommend that you read it.

4. All clients must have access to manicure samples, from which the desired option will be selected and ordered. Well-thought-out hygiene and aesthetics of the procedure will attract more clients. It is usually customary to use individual sterilized instruments for each client, which the craftsmen remove from sealed craft bags when starting work.


The selection of personnel should be taken especially carefully - you only need experienced craftsmen manicure service, working quickly and efficiently. The determining and most important factor when hiring a master should be, first of all, skill and good appearance, and they must also constantly lead. Manicurists must be able to professionally high level provide classic manicure, nail extension and correction services. The hired cleaner must monitor perfect cleanliness in the hall, since in case of problems with garbage, the sanitary and epidemiological station may close the salon.

In order for all this to provide stable income, you need to attract regular customers. This can be done through various promotions, discounts on services, advertising and good reviews the first clients who will be happy to spread the information to their friends and recommend him to their friends. Remember, the higher the quality of service and the more comfortable the nail bar, the higher and more stable the income. Opening even in capitals and large cities will make sense, despite the competition, there will be enough clients for everyone.

Bustle, a lot of work, caring for children - modern women They often live in a routine in which it is difficult to find time for a full-fledged trip to a beauty salon. And then island express manicure points (or nail bars), most often located in shopping centers, become a lifesaver. This is a business that does not require serious investments and preparation, and therefore will be of interest to most novice entrepreneurs. We present to your attention a business plan for an express manicure salon, which provides an example of opening 1 point in a city with a population of about 200 thousand people.

Project concept

Well-groomed hands and nails for women are a decoration that each of them tries to update at least once a month. And if only because there are a lot of representatives of the fair sex in every city, a business in the field of express manicure will at least break even if the staff is well selected and work is carried out competently to attract clients. Other advantages include constantly growing demand, relatively inexpensive and easy start, quick return on investment and initially low risks associated with the economic crisis.

Competitors for a nail bar can be:

  • Other express manicure salons located in the same shopping center or in nearby establishments.
  • Nearby beauty salons offering manicures or nail studios.
  • Individuals who sell manicure services at home or on-site to a client.

As the main advantage in the fight against competitors, we will use the quality of the employees’ work, the attractive appearance of the island counter and the system of discounts and promotions. Having analyzed the sales market in the city, we came to the conclusion that we have direct competitors located in different areas of the city. However, in a new large shopping center it is possible to rent a space of 15 square meters. m. Nearby there is only an elite beauty salon, aimed at clients with above-average income, so we have a chance to get the largest possible targeted traffic.

Our the target audience– girls and women of any age with average and high income. Men and teenagers can also be considered as potential clients. In the shopping center where the nail bar will be located, there are many boutiques with women's and children's clothing, which allows the traffic of the chosen location to especially increase with the change of seasons.

Services that the express manicure salon will provide:

  • Express manicure: without coating - 20 minutes, with plain varnish - 40 minutes.
  • Classic manicure – 60 minutes.
  • Manicure with original design – 90 minutes.
  • Hot manicure – 60 minutes.
  • Children's manicure – 20 minutes.
  • Men's manicure – 20 minutes.
  • Paraffin therapy – 15 minutes.
  • Comprehensive SPA care – 2 hours (additional service).
  • Hand massage – 10 minutes.

Jobs will be organized for two craftsmen in order to meet the planned starting budget of 300 thousand rubles. Borrowed funds There are no plans to take it. Depending on the demand for the point, it may be expanded in the future. The express manicure salon's operating hours coincide with the shopping center's operating hours: from 10:00 to 22:00 on weekdays, from 10:00 to 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday. There are no costs for repairs and decoration of the premises, since the format of the nail bar has been chosen as an island one.

One of the important tasks is the selection of equipment in tandem with the overall design ensemble of the shopping center. This will be a backlit bar counter and comfortable bright chairs as eye-catching accents. To make clients feel comfortable, the counter will have built-in hooks for bags and packages. Additionally, it is necessary to buy chairs and magazines for accompanying people, because women often come to shopping centers with children or husbands.


Since there will only be one express manicure point open, it is enough to register your business as an individual entrepreneur. If the development trend of the project is such that expansion across the city or country is required, then it will be possible to change the organizational and legal form to LLC. Required OKVED codes: 96.02 “Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons” and 47.75 “Retail trade in cosmetics and personal care products in specialized stores.”

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is simple and can be done via the Internet. The cost of the state duty is 800 rubles. You can choose UTII as a taxation system, because manicure services are considered “imputed”. Monthly payments will then depend on the number of employees together with the individual entrepreneur, in our case it is 5 people. You will need to pay about 7,000 rubles per month. The second option is the simplified tax system with a rate of 15% of the difference between income and expenses, which will be about 6,000 rubles for the express manicure salon we are opening (with a profit of about 40,000 rubles per month). We choose the most profitable option and, during the registration of an individual entrepreneur, submit an application to switch from the general system to the desired system.

No other documents are required to start - permissions from authorities and supervisory services fall on the shoulders of the lessor. A lease agreement is drawn up with the latter for the required period with automatic extension if the parties have no intention of terminating it. It is important to pay attention to the clauses on the rental conditions so that its cost remains unchanged for a sufficiently long period of time. If the contract is drawn up for 1 year, then for this period, at a minimum, a fixed price per 1 sq. m. m.

Selecting a room

The optimal location of a nail bar is the central passage of shopping centers or shopping and entertainment centers. After analyzing the surrounding area of ​​the city and studying competitors, we chose to rent the premises of a new 3-story shopping center with a cinema inside. In addition to the fact that our target audience makes up more than half of the building's visitors, there is a high probability that while waiting for a movie to start, women will want to get a quick manicure.

For one workplace manicurists need to allocate 6-10 sq. m, so we rented an area of ​​15 sq. m. m. It is necessary to place not only a bar counter, but also a rack with products from which the client will choose the color of the coating and design. Consumables (cotton pads, napkins, water, etc.) and tools will also be stored there in the lower compartments. That is why we decided to order a fully equipped nail bar. The cost of renting the premises is 2,500 rubles per 1 sq. m. m, that’s 37,500 rubles per month. According to the agreement, we must make payment for the first 2 months, that is, 75,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment and materials

The main cost item in our business plan for an express manicure salon with calculations will include a nail bar ordered from the manufacturer. It is a bar counter in which the craftsmen are behind the “counter”, and the clients sit on bar stools outside. We decided to order a bar for 2 workplaces made of chipboard, plastic and 6 mm glass. Its package already includes all the furniture, lighting lamps, and basic chairs. It is necessary to purchase additional chairs for those who may wish to wait nearby.

To equip 2 work stations for masters, we purchase electric and mechanical manicure devices, UV lamps, an instrument sterilizer, the instruments themselves (files, stamps, buffs, stickers, etc.), mini-vacuum cleaners, a wax melter for paraffin therapy, cosmetics for SPA hand care and others Consumables. The equipment and materials that need to be purchased are shown in the table:

Name Expenses, rub.
Fully equipped nail bar for 2 workstations 100 000
Delivery of the bar counter 3 000
Manicure devices (mechanical and electrical), 2 pcs. 10 000
Lamps for drying nails, 2 pcs. 9 000
Sterilizer for manicure instruments, 1 pc. 3 000
Wax melt, 1 pc. 3 000
Mini vacuum cleaner, 2 pcs. 4 000
Manicure tools 5 000
Consumables, cosmetics, products for sale 70 000
Other expenses (extra chairs, hooks, rags, etc.) 15 000
TOTAL 222 000

Organizational plan

The express manicure salon will be open daily: 12 hours on weekdays, 10 hours on weekends. The lunch break for employees will be conditionally from 13:30 to 14:30, taking into account busyness. They can only leave one by one. Due to existing conditions, 4 masters will be hired. During periods of vacation and sick leave for employees, the founder of the business independently plans to receive clients, since he has all the necessary skills and has a document certifying the completion of training courses. An example of a work schedule for craftsmen for one week is given in the table:

Days of the week Master 1 Master 2 Master 3 Master 4
Monday 10:00-22:00 10:00-22:00
Tuesday 10:00-22:00 10:00-22:00
Wednesday 10:00-22:00 10:00-22:00
Thursday 10:00-22:00 10:00-22:00
Friday 10:00-22:00 10:00-22:00
Saturday 10:00-20:00 10:00-20:00
Sunday 10:00-20:00 10:00-20:00

The foremen will prepare workplaces for a new shift at the end of each working day. Their responsibilities will include keeping the entire bar counter clean, maintaining the shelving and glass display, monitoring supplies remaining, customer service, selling products from the display, and conducting written surveys. Each of the masters will wear a branded tie around their neck as a distinctive feature. The business owner will take on the responsibilities of director, accountant, marketer and purchasing manager to save money.

Staff remuneration is made solely depending on revenue and amounts to 50% of it for manicurists. This is, in fact, the standard tariff for this type of employee. However, it is necessary to very carefully select people for your team, since there will be a lot of people interested in the vacancy, as well as people with certificates among them. It is necessary to select specialists taking into account the following requirements:

  • The ability to get along with people, to have a casual conversation with strangers, sociability.
  • Professionalism that will extend to all types of services offered in the range.
  • The desire to work and be part of a team, and not to look for personal clients for subsequent appointments at home.
  • Stress resistance. Not every person will be able to work in public view, and this particular format involves the island format of a nail bar in a shopping center.
  • Attractive appearance. Mostly pretty girls 20-30 years old.
  • Availability of a health certificate.

Each potential applicant for a manicurist position will be checked for compliance with all of the listed criteria. The founder of the business will take care of the interviews and the creation of personal employee profiles. Each master will undergo a 2-week training period before official employment. probation, after which a final decision will be made. We have a desire to reduce staff turnover to a minimum and find worthy people with whom it will be pleasant and profitable to cooperate.

Marketing plan

The format of the express manicure salon involves attracting clients who visit the shopping center on the spot. Therefore, the main promotion channel will be the appearance of the nail bar. We order it to match the overall space of the room, but focus on bright chairs and lighting on the counter itself. A sign will be placed at the entrance to the shopping center, which does not require special permission. In addition, leaflets will be ordered from the printing house; the founder himself will distribute them to passers-by on the street on the opening day. Investments in advertising for an express manicure salon are presented in the table:

To stimulate consumer activity, the salon will provide discounts:

  • Pensioners with ID - 10%.
  • Students by student card – 10%.
  • Birthdays with a passport - 20%.
  • For the “Mom and Daughter” promotion – 10% for one of two clients.

Income and expenses

The above calculations will show the profitability of the express manicure salon project and will allow you to find out its approximate payback period.

Start-up costs

The initial investment in opening a nail bar is shown in the table:

As we can see, the starting investment will cost us 306 thousand rubles, that is, the personal funds of the project founder will be enough. This conclusion was made taking into account the fact that the cost values ​​are rounded up with some margin.

Monthly expenses

The amount of money that will be spent each month on the operation of the salon without tax deductions is reflected in the table:


To calculate the average monthly revenue, we focus on the average workload of the craftsmen. In addition to providing manicure services, masters will sell related products (varnishes, gels, creams, serums, etc.) from the display case. Total amount The proceeds from the operation of the salon will be reflected in the table.

Name of service price, rub. Planned quantity per month Revenue according to plan per month, rub.
Express manicure 400 220 88 000
Classic manicure 700 110 77 000
Manicure with original design 1 100 10 11 000
Hot manicure 1 000 4 4 000
Children's manicure 300 10 3 000
Men's manicure 300 10 3 000
Paraffin therapy 200 10 2 000
Comprehensive SPA care 800 10 8 000
Hand massage 200 20 4 000
Sales of products 10 000
TOTAL 210 000

Income – expenses = 210,000 – 168,500 = 41,500 rubles.

To calculate net profit, it is necessary to subtract tax payments from gross profit. We chose tax regime STS with a rate of 15%, the payment at which will be 41,500 x 15%, or 6,225 rubles. We will cover half of this amount with a deduction from payments made to social funds for employees. Therefore, net profit will be calculated as follows:

Net profit = Gross profit – Adjusted tax payment = 41,500 – 3,112.5 = RUB 38,387.5

(Net Profit / Monthly Expenses) x 100% = (38,387.5 / 168,500) x 100% = 22.78%.

The indicator is not bad, but it will be necessary to apply a number of measures to increase it, since the average profitability of nail salons is above 30%.

Let's calculate the period during which our initial investment will pay off:

Start-up costs / Net profit = 306,000 / 38,387.5 = 8 months.

Taking into account that the net profit received is necessary not only to cover the initial investment, but also for the personal needs of the business owner, we will add another 4 months to the resulting period. Then the payback period for an express manicure salon will be approximately 1 year.

Minimizing risks

Under the influence of various factors, the work of an express manicure salon may be subject to risks. They need to be diagnosed and prevented in time. Let us highlight several points that may have a negative impact on the results of a nail bar:

  • Incompetence of staff. It primarily affects the client’s impression of the salon.
  • Poor organization of employees. Being late, leaving work places together, unregulated snacking work time– all this affects the level of service.
  • Changing the tenants of the shopping center space to those that will bring in non-target traffic.
  • Bad weather, due to which potential customers will not want to visit the shopping center and will postpone purchases.
  • Competitors opening nearby.
  • Rising prices for materials, which can lead to higher prices for services and products in the salon.

To ensure that the work of the express manicure salon is not in jeopardy, its owner needs to minimize the risks in every possible way:

  • Motivate staff (50% is an excellent rate for a small city) and at the same time set strict work requirements. It is necessary to introduce a system of punishments up to and including dismissal for offenses: lateness, disregard for the client’s opinion or desire, careless appearance, rudeness in communication, etc.
  • At the internship stage, personally attend the second workplace and observe how the candidate manicurist manifests himself. Visit the salon at least once a week to check, send secret shoppers or friends to evaluate the service.
  • Teach professionals to be as polite as possible when communicating with clients and to show their participation in the conversation. In order not to lose customers who have visited the salon, maximum effort must be made to ensure their interest in returning.
  • In the event of an unfavorable financial situation, take over the responsibilities of one of the foremen, leaving 3 employees on staff.
  • In contracts with the landlord and material suppliers, stipulate the conditions for increasing prices. If it is impossible to maintain prices at the same level, it is necessary to look for new counterparties.

If the salon’s activities are affected by factors that the owner cannot eliminate, a decision may be made to sell the business and change the work profile to a more relevant and profitable one. When planning the growth of financial indicators, it is worth considering that an increase in the profit of a nail bar will entail an increase in tax payments. If the salon’s profit consistently exceeds 47 thousand rubles, it is necessary to change the tax regime of the simplified tax system to UTII with a fixed payment.


Beauty industry market trends are making the services of nail salons more and more in demand. A nail bar where customers are for a short time can get beautiful well-groomed hands and nails, it will be popular in any city. It is important not to get into a situation where the niche in the chosen area is already filled with competitors, and also to choose a place with the most targeted traffic, because the overwhelming majority of clients are people passing by. High service, relatively low prices, convenience, professional smiling technicians - this is what the consumer expects.

Calculations showed that the profitability of an express manicure salon with a net profit of 38,387.5 rubles. is 22.78%. For a small town with a population of about 200 thousand people, this is a good stable income. You can increase profitability by increasing prices for services or trying to negotiate a lower rental rate in a shopping center. You can try to find employees who are willing to work for a smaller percentage of the proceeds for their work. The payback on the starting investment with constant use of net profit is 8 months. Possible to reduce this period, if the opportunity arises to purchase a nail bar or ready business with all necessary materials.

The very first nail bar was opened on the territory of a shopping complex in one of the busiest areas of modern London - a city that claims to be the capital of the world fashion industry. After some time, a small manicure nail bar appeared in the shopping center of the Russian metropolis.

You will learn:

  • What is a nail bar?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of opening a nail bar?
  • How to open a nail bar yourself.
  • How to advertise it.
  • How to open a nail bar as a franchise.

What is a nail bar

The desire to earn a solid profit pushes businessmen to expand their enterprise and provide new services. For example, nail bars appeared in the beauty industry (from English word nail - “nail”). Such establishments have long been common in Europe and America, but in Russia there are still very few of them. Their purpose is for women to be able to take a break here “in between” from the bustle of the city, drink a cup of coffee or listen to music while taking care of their nails. Typically, nail bars are located in large shopping malls.

In terms of area, a standard nail bar occupies no more than 10 square meters and is designed for 2-3 seats, and it is equipped only with the tools most necessary for the master’s work.

The nail bar should have a two-level counter. The wider upper level is for clients. Here are items that provide them with comfort: comfortable pillows, napkins, coffee cups, etc. The lower counter of the nail bar is a master’s workplace with everything necessary tools. Nail bars are usually installed next to the reception or in the main hair salon room.

Managers try to hire erudite specialists who understand human psychology and have outstanding communication skills to work at the nail bar.

What does a nail bar look like?

Opening a nail bar: pros and cons


  • Opening a nail bar by novice entrepreneurs gives them an excellent chance for successful business development. To open a nail bar, you don’t need to be a “seven spanner” and have deep knowledge economic sciences, it is quite enough to draw up a step-by-step business plan for a nail bar and strictly follow its points.
  • Nowadays there is a rapid development of nail bar service. Although most Russian women have developed the habit of doing manicures without leaving home, on their own, without turning to specialists. According to statistics, only 20% of women and 5% of men (even in large cities of Russia) use the services of nail bars. This means that the prospects for popularizing nail bars in Russia are excellent.
  • Opening a nail bar does not require large financial investments. Now it works quite successfully a large number of luxury nail bars. In addition to them, there are also budget options that are ideal for newbie businessmen.


  • Most clients get used to a specific master, and not to the nail bar where they receive manicure services. Therefore, there is a certain risk that when a specialist leaves, the salon will lose some of its regular visitors.
  • The nail business in Russia has just begun to develop, but has great potential. In this regard, many entrepreneurs are now opening nail bars, so competition in this business is already becoming quite fierce. In order to retain regular customers and steadily replenish the client base with new ones, it is necessary to apply different kinds advertising and introduce the latest technologies.
  • If you want to open your own nail bar, you need to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements on compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards in such establishments. It is necessary to take into account that this will require not only your knowledge of the laws and equipping the enterprise with special equipment, but also the personal responsibility of each of the employees.

Stages of opening a nail bar in a shopping center

Stage 1. Registration of a nail bar

Any kind commercial activities in Russia it begins with registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The owners of each establishment in their activities must be guided by the requirements of Russian legislation: Civil Code, the federal law“On the protection of consumer rights”, regulations governing the service sector (including the specific region where the nail bar is planned to be opened).

In accordance with Russian civil law, nail bars have the right to operate without a license. However, they are required to comply with all standards and requirements imposed by fire services and Rospotrebnadzor (SES).

Each employee must have a personal health book. If inspectors of regulatory organizations find violations of rules and regulations in a nail bar, they must be immediately eliminated, otherwise the establishment’s activities may be suspended or even terminated.

Stage 2. Writing a detailed business plan for a nail bar

Creating a commercial establishment begins with developing a business plan. In order for the operation of an enterprise to be consistently successful, it is necessary to think through the main goals in advance, to calculate as accurately as possible the size of the start-up investment, the inevitable costs and profitability of the organization.

A business plan for a nail bar should (at least approximately) determine the location of the establishment. Nail bars are most often located in large shopping centers, because their placement in separate buildings is simply impractical and unprofitable. In this regard, it is necessary to find information about free space in stores. Best option- trade enterprise with optimal ratio rental conditions and popularity among the population. The nail bar is set up using portable components, so it does not require separate room- a small area is enough.

The business plan must include the cost of basic and working capital. These include: racks, cabinets, display cases, chairs, working tools (various files, scissors, etc.). The average starting investment is approximately 550 thousand rubles. This figure may vary depending on the size of the nail bar and the expected number of clients served.

You cannot create your own manicure nail bar by copying a completely “alien” business plan found on the Internet. The data in this document may not suit your specific conditions (outdated information, different regions, etc.) In addition, each owner has his own, unique idea of ​​opening a nail bar; only the concept is the same. For example, someone plans to hire only two craftsmen, but you need at least three; you consider a coffee maker a necessary attribute of your establishment, while other entrepreneurs consider it a completely unnecessary “interior detail”.

From ready-made business plan can be "picked up" approximate calculations, structure, method of presenting information, etc. For this purpose, we offer you download one of the options for a nail bar business plan.

Stage 3. Finding a suitable premises

An important task is to choose a suitable room for a nail bar. Most entrepreneurs try to open their brainchild in a shopping center, which is explained by the undoubted advantages of such stores. Large enterprises trades are characterized by greater consumer traffic, which means your nail bar will not feel a lack of visitors. In addition, supermarkets are usually visited by paying customers, and this fact will also “contribute” to the prosperity of your nail bar business.

Rents in shopping centers are, to put it mildly, far from low. Therefore, many new businessmen give up. However, it should be remembered that the constant flow of customers and the excellent work of the nail bar staff will quickly more than cover all the funds spent.

When opening a nail bar in a large shopping center, you must take into account that its style will have to match the overall style of the store. Therefore, when designing a nail bar, you will have to follow the recommendations of the administration of the shopping complex. In most cases, nail bars are small in size, so it won’t be difficult to think through all the nuances in advance.

When opening a nail bar, you must pay Special attention to the following requirements:

  • the room where it will be located should not be a basement;
  • before opening a nail bar in a residential building, it must first be transferred to a non-residential property;
  • for “personal space” for each master it is necessary to allocate at least six square meters of nail bar area;
  • The nail bar area must be equipped with a ventilation system;
  • the materials from which the furniture is made must withstand sanitization;
  • The nail bar requires a hand washing sink and a sterilizer. If for some technical reason access to the general water supply of the shopping complex is impossible, then the problem is solved by installing a conventional water cooler;
  • Each nail bar employee must have a personal health certificate. In the future, employees will be required to undergo a medical examination once every six months;
  • the instruments used by the craftsmen when providing services are necessarily treated with special disinfectant solutions and sterilized after serving each client.

Before choosing any shopping complex, find out the rental price and the requirements for entrepreneurs. For example, in stores in small towns, rent ranges from 20 to 25 thousand rubles. And in large cities, the same area rented costs at least 1.5 times more. When meeting with shopping center owners, be sure to take with you the design of your future nail bar.

Stage 4. Purchase of appropriate equipment

No nail bar can do without special equipment. The costs of all equipment necessary for normal operation are included in the business plan.

First, decide on a list of special equipment for manicure services. Most often, a nail bar offers manicures, nail correction and extensions, masks and other hand care procedures.

Therefore, there will be a need manicure tools, drying lamps, nail extension machines, various cosmetics, etc.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor of acetone, the nail bar must be equipped with air conditioning. A TV (preferably, of course, a plasma TV) will not be amiss - watching exciting TV shows will help clients take their minds off problems and pass the time before and during the procedure.

Determine what equipment will be needed to additionally equip the bar. For example, you can buy a coffee maker, a refrigerator for cream, carbonated drinks. Some nail bars offer their clients fresh juices and oxygen drinks; if you want to follow their example, you will have to buy a juicer, an oxygen generator and regularly purchase food.

Stage 5. Recruitment

Having completed all the work on creating a nail bar, you can begin selecting service personnel. More often professional craftsmen manicure and pedicure services work for a certain percentage of the sale of services.

By agreement, for each manicure, the nail bar can receive 50% of its cost. Naturally, any nail bar owner is interested in hiring highly qualified professionals with great experience and an unrivaled reputation with clients. However, such specialists very rarely and reluctantly change their usual place of work (especially to an unknown nail bar). Always remember that “the miser pays twice” - do not spare money on paying your employees, especially those who represent the “face” of your establishment. You can also hire novice specialists who are zealously aimed at improving their personal qualifications.

In addition to the main staff of specialists, the nail bar will require an administrator and one or two cleaners. You can enter into a contract with a cleaning company that services the entire shopping center.

Expert opinion

Manicurists must be sent for training

Larisa Kokorina,

a well-known master who has been working in the nail service industry for a long time

It has always been and still remains a rather difficult question about vocational training nail service specialists. Nowadays there are many nail service schools, but they provide more consultation than they teach professional nail service. I recommend that “newly-minted” masters pay close attention to the documents issued by such schools upon completion of their studies. The certificate of conformity is the only state-issued document confirming the qualifications of a nail service technician. Such a certificate is also convenient for those masters who have not improved their skills for a long time. A certificate is issued for three years. To purchase it, the master provides a package to the expert council necessary documents, takes special tests and completes practical tasks.

In accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the “Rules of Consumer Services”, the master is required to have a document confirming his qualifications. Documents confirming graduation from special schools or other educational institutions must be licensed. Certificates are not suitable in such cases (especially those issued for foreign languages): you will have to take short-term advanced training courses and receive a licensed document about their completion.

Russian legislation provides for mandatory advanced training (every two years of work) and participation in professional skill competitions for nail technicians working in beauty salons. This opportunity is provided only to specialists who have a licensed document confirming their professional education.

How to advertise a nail bar

Since large shopping centers “generate” an endless stream of customers, the nail bar is “freed” from self-promotion. It is enough for him to simply satisfy the needs of casual visitors in such a way that with each subsequent visit to the shopping complex they will not be able to pass by your nail bar without stopping by for a couple of procedures. You can organize the distribution of advertising leaflets and discount coupons in the area adjacent to the shopping center. For regular customers, it will be a pleasant surprise to receive a discount card.

However, it will not be possible to completely avoid advertising costs. Especially at first, you will have to invest in the following activities:

  • design of an advertising banner placed on the facade of the shopping center;
  • disseminating information about your nail bar on the Internet (creating and promoting a website, forming a group on social networks);
  • production of business cards, advertising flyers, brochures and booklets;
  • organizing and conducting various events.

How to promote a nail bar on Instagram

For every business account, the main factor is the name (not to be confused with the page nickname). On Instagram, the name is written in Russian, and the nickname is written only in Latin (with letters English alphabet). What will a basic analysis of the search query “manicure” show on the Instagram social network? Firstly, the nickname should be as close as possible to the essence of the account. For example, nails (nails) or manicure (manicure) - there are a great many options, and if this name already exists, then you can take several words and connect them with an underscore (for example, manicure_nails). Secondly, this concerns the username: as you can clearly see in the screenshot below, the field is filled in with one or more words (for example, “manicure, extensions”). In the account name, write down without spaces everything that you consider to be the main part of your activity (for example, gel, varnish, shellac, etc.), but no more than 30 characters.

It is possible that the number of followers influences search results, but it is likely that this is not the case at all, because the algorithm used on Instagram is known only to him and no one else. However, you can verify for yourself that accounts with the largest number subscribers “pop up” in the feed above. Try to increase your number of subscribers. This is done in several ways: automated websites, promotion with the help of special agencies and companies. Many people prefer mass falling and mass liking.

Where you can get subscribers:

  • Hypelike- Instagram subscribers, video views, likes at wholesale prices. Due to the volume it is possible to very low price. However, a thousand “living souls” of subscribers will cost you 800 rubles - I must say, not so cheap. Literally for pennies - views and likes, for example, 100 video views on Instagram - only 9 rubles.
  • Markapon- increase subscribers, likes (the price of “live” subscriptions is much higher).
  • WinLike. You can recruit bots and “real” subscribers.
  • Vktarget. You need to register, then promotion is carried out by users who receive a certain reward for working on the site.

Videos and photos are content that needs to be constantly updated. According to recommendations from other sites, you need to post 3-4 or 6-10 photos daily.

The main essence of social networks is the exchange of photographs, and the cream of the crop is usually the most active. If you plan to publish only photographs of your work, then choose the “golden mean” of activity (4-6 pieces per day). If you “suddenly” want to expand your publications, increase the number of photographs. For clarity, look at the accounts of show business stars, which are designed in a lifestyle format. Celebrities simply capture individual moments of their bright, eventful lives, while unobtrusively advertising various products. For example, in the morning you can take a photo while applying cream to your face, in the afternoon you can touch up your makeup in an advertised cafe, and in the evening you can take photos of your purchases from your favorite store. Each PR photograph mentions the name of the manufacturing company, product or place of purchase.

The interest of the audience needs to be constantly stirred up with new interpretation photographs, regularly adding them to your account. For example, such a plot is a morning manicure in a nail bar with a cup of coffee (we focus on nails). And so you can endlessly come up with something interesting and extraordinary. Instagram assumes high uniqueness and creativity to your business.

Pay attention to hashtags for Instagram: try to create a competent and as informative description as possible so that users can immediately understand everything. If you are one of those who have no time to be original, then you can write standard phrases, for example: “How do you like these nails, do you like them?”

Select thematic hashtags, you can combine Russian and English tags, for example: #nails #nail #shellac #girls #glitter #nailart #opi #shiny #polish #nailpolish #nailswag #nailartist #nails #top #manicure #varnish #shellac. You can also add several popular tags (for example, tags for every day, for likes, etc.). Two such tags will become a kind of “call” to evaluate the work presented on your Instagram.

When will a nail bar pay off?

The cost of a classic manicure ranges from 600 to 900 rubles. Its other types (hot, nail extensions, manicure plus) cost 1400-1600 rubles. With an average check of 1,000 rubles and servicing 16 clients (eight people for each master), daily revenue will be 16,000 rubles, respectively, per month - 480 thousand rubles.

Serving eight clients a day with one master is the maximum workload (the master spends 60 minutes on one client). Even if a nail bar provides services to a smaller number of visitors (for example, 6-10 people), the business will still bring good profits.

Thus, the initial investment in a nail bar at its maximum capacity can pay off already in the first month of operation. With a lower output of the point, the payback for the nail bar will last up to four months.

Opening a nail bar as a franchise

The majority of the problems that arise when creating a nail bar using a franchise model fall on the shoulders of the franchisor. He develops a business plan, helps find suitable premises, and draws up a design project. With the help of a franchisor, many issues can be resolved much easier. To fully equip a nail bar, you will need furniture, equipment and consumables (stands, mirrors, manicure tables and chairs, pedicure chairs, ultraviolet lamp, autoclave, various tools, cosmetics, etc.). The advantage of a franchise is that the franchisor already knows where everything can be found and purchased directly from suppliers with deep discounts. The franchisor begins to provide assistance with registering a nail bar and continues to advise on all issues remotely. Quite often, a personal manager is appointed who is responsible for negotiations with the franchisee.

Another advantage of a franchise is that the franchisor passes on its operating experience to the new franchisee. Most often, training takes place in the main company, in a specially created training center. Trainings and master classes are held for both craftsmen and management. For example, “Lena Lenina Manicure Salon Studio,” which occupies a leading position in the nail business industry, has its own schools of masters, administrators and internship programs for managers. They have developed 31 courses for training masters, five for administrators and one for the director of a nail salon.

The rapidly growing network of manicure and pedicure studios “PILKI” in St. Petersburg has created its own school, Pilki School. The finance and franchising departments have developed special programs, training franchisees to maintain a nail bar as a business at a high level.

When choosing a franchisor, pay attention to whether he has experience working in the regions. The number of Russian chains of nail salons at the federal level can literally be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Theoretically, to open a nail bar yourself from scratch you will need to invest from 2 to 5.5 million rubles. Opening a franchise will require a different amount, several times less. For example, as one franchisee from Kursk writes, when creating a nail bar, he spent 2.4 million rubles and another about 600 thousand rubles on an “airbag” in the first four months of the salon’s operation. I was able to return approximately 80% of the invested funds within a year and a half. The theoretical payback period for such nail bars is from 14 to 18 months.

At the federal level, the Novosibirsk network 4HANDS, which has 15 points in Novosibirsk and eight points in other cities (Moscow, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Norilsk, Berdsk and Stary Oskol). In addition, the Palchiki chain of salons, which has 30 points (Moscow, Samara, Bryansk, Yekaterinburg, Lyubertsy, Zheleznodorozhny), is engaged in franchise sales. The largest chain of nail salons in St. Petersburg, PILKI, after opening 22 studios, also began selling franchises. The first franchising studio was created in Yekaterinburg. Now in different regions Russia is preparing to launch 11 nail business studios. In Ukraine, a fairly large Express Manicure chain operates as a franchise, consisting of more than 80 studios. In addition, there are proposals from others regional networks(for example, Moscow Funky Nails, Nail, Kemerovo Nail Bar).

Typically, franchisors develop several franchise packages, and therefore the investment requirements are not always the same. Small nail bars located in shopping centers are in an advantageous position due to low rents and the absence of renovation costs. The amount of initial investment to create a nail bar varies from 800 thousand to 5.5 million rubles. According to theoretical data, the average is 2.6 million rubles. In addition, you will have to pay a lump-sum fee for the purchase of a franchise in the amount of 200 to 540 thousand rubles. The amount of the contribution can sometimes depend on the territory where the franchisee operates.

With regard to monthly contributions, the same picture emerges: the highest royalties are in Moscow and the Moscow region (from 20 thousand rubles), the lowest in the regions (10 thousand rubles).

The table contains comments about networks of nail salons, which you can become a part of through franchising.

Lena Lenina's studio




Year of foundation


Amount of points


from 1.4 million rubles

2-5.5 million rubles

4.5 million rubles

4.5-7.5 million rubles

from 395 thousand rubles

What are the investments spent on?

Repair, interior design, furniture, equipment, video surveillance, reception, cash machine, souvenirs, contract registration (duty), marketing; rent not included.

Redecorating(10 thousand rubles), furniture, equipment, consumables, advertising materials; rent not included.

Lump sum payment

from 350 thousand rubles

From 360 thousand rubles

From 450 thousand rubles

* included in the investment amount


17 thousand rubles

from 10 thousand rubles

35 thousand rubles

5000 rubles

Other payments

2% of income

Time to open

1-2 months

from 14 days


from 10 months

16 months

18-24 months

2-4 months

Customer flow/day

in the first month - 5 people, in subsequent months - an increase of 30%

20-40 people

Average bill

1200 rubles

450 rubles


from 100 thousand rubles per month

200 thousand rubles per month

from 100 thousand rubles



60-100 sq. m.

80-200 sq. m.


street retail



Nail service (manicure, pedicure), SPA procedures, treatment

Nail service, SPA treatments


Franchisee support

Head office work