Biblical stories: King David. King David - short biography

The holy king and prophet David went down in history as an ideal king, national hero and psalmist.

He is a descendant of the tribe of Judah from which, according to prophecy, the Messiah should come. He was chosen by God to rule the people of Israel for his meekness and faith.

He was anointed to the kingdom three times: in adolescence by the prophet Samuel, at 27 years old - for the kingdom of Judah, and at 30 - for the united kingdom of Israel.

Life of David

David was the youngest son of one of the elders of Bethlehem, Jesse. As a young man, he tended flocks of sheep, showing fearlessness in fights with wild animals. Thanks to his meek character and deep faith, even in adolescence he received a blessing from God to become the king of Israel.

Saul, who ruled the state at this time, became disliked and abandoned by the Lord for disobedience, and was obsessed with fits of uncontrollable anger. Having heard about David, who became a skilled musician, he invited him to the court to pacify his pain.

Soon, at the age of 18, he defeated the most powerful warrior of the Philistines, Goliath, ending the war. After this, he was appointed commander of the Jewish army and married the king’s youngest daughter, Michal. With his courage and military successes, he gained the love and respect of the people, thereby incurring assassination attempts and persecution from King Saul, which continued until the latter’s death.

Fleeing from persecution, David and his supporters (600 soldiers) fled to the lands of their former enemies - the Philistines. King Achish allowed him to settle in the city of Ziklag. David and a small army raided the Amalekites who lived in the area, giving part of the spoils to Achish. Michal was married off in his absence.

Sword of David

After David cut off Goliath's head, he took possession of his sword, but not wanting to use it as a weapon, he takes it to Nova.

For David, the sword is a symbol of the victory of faith in God over weapons. That is why, when he fled from Saul, he takes this sword from the priest Ahimelech.

King Saul at this time continued to fight the Philistines. After the death of him and his eldest son Jonathan and the defeat of the Israelites, David was proclaimed king of the Southern Kingdom with his capital in Hebron. Saul's youngest son Ishbosheth waged war with David for two years, but was treacherously killed by his own commanders. From the moment David becomes the ruler of all Israel.

Kingdom of David

David reigned for 40 years, of which 7 ruled Judah, 33 ruled Israel. In the 11th century BC. The Israelis occupied the city of Jerusalem during their conquests.

King David built a palace on the site of the old city and proclaimed Jerusalem the capital of Israel, greatly expanding it. The construction of the tabernacle and the transfer of the Ark of the Covenant to it served the purpose of turning Jerusalem into the main cult center of the state. David carried out a series of successful conquests, annexing Moab, Syria and Idumea.

The lands of the Jewish kingdom extended from the Euphrates to Gaza. David's reign brought power and prosperity to Israel.

King David was a deeply religious man, his personality takes on the characteristics of holiness. He established the order of the temple service, introduced music into it, and composed songs of praise - psalms.

In religious ecstasy, he had prophetic visions about the events of the life and death of the Savior. These innovations were not to everyone's liking. For this reason, the rebellions that his sons Absalom and Adonijah staged towards the end of David’s life found supporters. To end the unrest, on the advice of the elders, David transferred the throne to his youngest son Solomon.

Book of David

King David created a book of psalms - the Psalter. This is a collection of 150 hymns of religious and lyrical content, which at one time were performed accompanied by a psaltery, a plucked string instrument - hence the name.

Although the authorship is traditionally attributed to David, it is clearly the result of collective creativity, many of the poems were created much later. The psalms were introduced into temple ritual under King David, and after they were translated into other languages, they became the basis of Christian worship.

The Psalter is divided into 20 sections, each of which, in turn, is divided into three parts. Nowadays, it is read in full in church once during the week, and twice during Lent.

King David's Wife

King David married several times; researchers agree that there were 8 wives. The first wife, Saul’s daughter, after David’s accession to Judea, was returned to him from her second husband. But soon the king lost interest in her and removed her from himself.

One day, David fell in love with the beautiful Bathsheba, the wife of the military leader Uriah, whom he sent to certain death in order to marry her. Solomon, the future one, will be born from Bathsheba legendary king Israel. The names of Abigail, Ahinoam, Maakhi, Aggif, Avital, and Egla are also known.

Children of King David

The Tsar had many children from his wives and numerous concubines. He had six sons in Hebron and seven in Jerusalem. And they all laid claim to the throne and quarreled among themselves, but the tenth son, Solomon, born to his beloved wife Bathsheba, became the heir.

Descendants of King David

David founded a royal dynasty that ruled the united kingdom of Israel and Judah for 400 years.

His successor, Solomon, was renowned for his wisdom and justice. He brought his father's plan to life by building the Jerusalem Temple. It is believed that one of the branches has ruled in Ethiopia since the 13th century AD.

Where is King David buried?

King David died at the age of 70 and was buried in Jerusalem on Mount Zion. His reign, as well as that of his son Solomon, is called the “golden age” of the state of Israel.

In the three leading world religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - he is revered as a righteous man and a prophet.

King David Award

Since 1963, the Harp of David Award has been established in Israel, which is awarded based on the results of public surveys to the best actors, directors, dancers and singers.

Name: King David

Date of Birth: 1035 BC e.

Date of death: 965 BC e.

Age: 70 years old

Place of Birth: Bethlehem

A place of death: Jerusalem

Activity: second king of Israel

Family status: was married

King David - biography

During his long life, the Jewish king David changed many occupations. Herded sheep, hunted, fought. He composed poems and sang them to the accompaniment of a harp. He did a lot of evil, but always remained faithful to the one God - for which he was glorified by three world religions at once.

The descendants of David were kings and heroes, and Christ himself belonged to his family. But his ancestors were no different: his father Jesse raised cattle in the area of ​​Beit Lehem (“house of bread”), which we call Bethlehem. By that time, the descendants of the twelve “tribes,” or tribes, of Israel had long lived in Palestine, fighting with varying degrees of success against local residents. In these wars they were led into battle by priests, or “judges,” (shoffetim), who were chosen to lead the army but were promptly dismissed when the danger had passed.

The lack of a unified government played a fatal role when the warlike Philistines, who lived on the Mediterranean coast, took up arms against the Jews. Thanks to their advanced iron weapons, they defeated the Israelites, capturing not only their lands, but also their greatest shrine - the Ark of the Covenant. The prophet Samuel, who was elected as a judge, somehow repulsed the attack, after which the people wanted to choose a king - “let the king be over us, and we will be like other nations.”

Samuel tried to dissuade them - “you will be his slaves and then rebel from your king” - but they did not listen to him. Saul, the son of Kish, a strong and brave man, but not too smart, was chosen as king by lot. He quickly made enemies, dividing the spoils of war between his relatives and his squad to the detriment of everyone else. In addition, he violated the commandment of Samuel - when defeating enemies, destroy not only themselves, but also their wives, children and all property. Out of pity or greed, Saul took strangers as slaves and their daughters as concubines, and the prophet reasonably feared that with them faith in foreign gods would come to the Jews.

After a couple of conflicts, Samuel decided to replace the king with a more worthy candidate. He found one like this in Bethlehem, in the house of Jesse, where he called the owner’s eight sons to him. Of these, he especially liked the youngest - “he was blond, with beautiful eyes and a pleasant face.” His name was David (“beloved of God”), and for all his seventeen years he tended his father’s flock. When he went to a distant pasture, he took a harp with him and played simple melodies to the sheep.

This harp, or “kinnor” (in Russian translation - gusli) was not at all similar to the current one - it was a triangular wooden frame with strings made of ox sinew - and easily fit in a shepherd's bag. There, the brave boy carried a sling - a throwing weapon, which he mastered perfectly. According to legend, he even killed lions and bears with stones from a sling (both of them then roamed freely throughout Israel). Impressed by the young man’s talents, Samuel secretly anointed him to the throne and began a complex operation to elevate the rootless shepherd boy to the throne.

The impressionable Saul became despondent because of the conflict with Samuel - they even said that he was “disturbed by an evil spirit,” that is, mentally ill. The courtiers, trained by the prophet, advised him to listen to music and hinted that an excellent harpist and singer lived in Bethlehem. Saul immediately summoned David, and with his melodies he immediately improved the king’s condition - “the evil spirit departed from him.” Now, according to Samuel’s plan, the young man had to win the love of not only the king, but also the people.

As if by order, the Philistines attacked the country again; ahead of their army walked the huge Goliath, a descendant of the ancient giants Rephaim, whose height was six cubits and a span, or almost three meters. Boasting, he challenged any Israeli to a duel, and David accepted the challenge. The Philistine hero was dressed in copper armor and a helmet, armed with a heavy spear and sword. They also wanted to dress David in armor, but he refused for the sake of ease of movement. He didn’t even take an unusual sword - armed only with a sling, from afar he hit the giant in the forehead with a stone, and when he fell unconscious, he ran up and cut off his head with his own sword. This was the end of the battle: the frightened enemies fled.

The victory of David over Goliath, of ingenuity over blunt force, was sung by hundreds of painters and sculptors centuries later. Michelangelo in marble depicted the hero preparing for battle, Donatello in bronze - triumphant over the head of the defeated giant. There is a version that this feat was attributed to him through the efforts of Samuel: the same biblical Book of Kings says that Goliath was killed by a certain Elchanan. True, there is another explanation: this is the real name of the young man, and he began to be called David (“beloved of God”) later, after becoming king. It is impossible to verify this: David, like many Jewish heroes, is spoken of only in the Bible. The chronicles of other nations paid almost no attention to such a remote place as Palestine. True, David is mentioned in two half-erased inscriptions of the kings of Aram and Moab, but even there it is not clear what is meant - a person or an honorary title.

Be that as it may, from now on David became the favorite of the Israelis. Saul promised to give his daughter Michal in marriage to him, although he asked for an eerie ransom - the foreskin of a hundred Philistines. The young hero, not at all embarrassed, went on a campaign and brought the king as many as two hundred enemy genitals. He not only became the husband of Saul’s daughter, but also became friends with his son Jonathan, which aroused painful suspicions in the king: his harpist was aiming for the throne! A smarter ruler would have organized the secret elimination of the upstart, but Saul - apparently truly mentally ill - behaved like an operetta villain.

First, during the feast, for no apparent reason, he threw a spear at David, but was so drunk that he missed. Then he publicly promised to throw the young man into prison. Warned, David managed to escape, gathered a gang of robbers and began to partisan in the vicinity of the capital Gibeah. One day he caught the king himself in a cave, where he went to relieve himself. Saul was so engrossed in the process that David managed to quietly cut off the edge of his cloak.

And then he appeared to him and showed him a piece of cloth with the words: “I have not sinned against you; and you are looking for my soul to take it away.” Bursting into tears, Saul forgave his son-in-law, but not for long - soon he had to flee again. The king turned into a cruel tyrant: he killed the priests suspected of helping David, almost killed Jonathan for his friendship with him, and married Michal to someone else. At this time, Samuel died, and there was no one to curb the king’s anger.

The Philistines helped put an end to him - in the battle of Mount Gilboa they killed the sons of Saul, including the noble Jonathan, and when they surrounded the king, he asked his own servant to stab him.

David, having received the news of Saul's death, burst into tears instead of joy. And then he captured the city of Hebron, where one of the tribes - the tribe of Judah - declared him king. True, the remaining tribes swore an oath of allegiance to Saul’s only surviving son, Ishbosheth. The country was divided into two parts - Judea and Israel, which began a war with each other. David's troops were led by the experienced commander Joab, and his opponents were led by the no less experienced Abner. The matter was again decided by betrayal: first Abner and then Ishbosheth were treacherously killed, and David united the Jewish kingdom.

For seven years he ruled in Hebron, and then captured the town of Jerusalem, located in the very center of his possessions, founded in time immemorial by the legendary Methuselah. Thanks to David, this city became the sacred center of the Jews, and then also of Christians and Muslims. Here, in a special tabernacle (tent), the Ark of the Covenant was moved, with priests on duty around the clock. Jerusalem is still often called the “city of David.” Another stable expression is “the shield of David” (Magen David), a six-pointed star, the shape of which was supposedly the shields of the royal guard. True, others call this ancient mystical symbol the “seal of Solomon,” attributing its invention to the son and heir of David.

The new king began to actively build his state. If earlier the Jews only fought off raids or attacked their neighbors themselves, then David began to conquer small tribes and principalities. He dealt the first blow to long-time enemies - the Ammonites - he burned their capital Rabbath Ammon (present-day Amman in Jordan) and killed all its inhabitants. The Ammonites entered into an alliance with the powerful Adra-azar king of the Amorites, but Joab also defeated his army. And then he switched to the Philistines - they were not defeated, but they were driven to the sea, making them forget about the raids on Israel.

David entered into an agreement with the Phoenicians, experienced traders, who bought grain and livestock from him, giving in return scaffolding and advanced technologies, including writing - the alphabet they invented was soon adopted by the Jews. So far, no chronicles have been kept at David's court, so we do not know when he reigned. Historians date the beginning of his reign either to 1005, then to 1012, or to 876 BC. There are those who consider him a fictional character, included in the series of mythical biblical patriarchs. But archaeologists confirm: in the 10th century, many cities of Palestine were destroyed and repopulated by new inhabitants - Jewish tribes.

The remains of palaces and gates built by David and Solomon have been found. Of course, they are not as big and beautiful as described in the Bible, but this is not surprising. You shouldn’t believe the biblical descriptions of huge armies: David’s squad numbered no more than 500 people, but at that time it was a formidable force. However, the king achieved his goal not only military force, but also through dynastic marriages. Among his dozens of wives there were representatives of almost all the conquered peoples. Michal also returned to him, but they had no children, and he had not had any love for Saul’s proud daughter for a long time.

One hot day, David saw a beauty from the high roof of the palace who was taking a bath in her garden. Having made inquiries, he learned that this was Bathsheba (Bat-Sheba), the wife of his commander Uriah, who at that time was fighting with the Ammonites. Without thinking twice, the king ordered Bathsheba to be delivered and made love to her, and then sent her home. Soon the woman became pregnant, and the king called Uriah from the campaign, hoping that he would spend the night with his wife and consider the unborn child his own. But he, apparently having found out something, refused to even enter his house.

In anger, the king sent him back, ordering Joab to put Uriah in the very first battle. dangerous place and throw it among the enemies. He was killed, and David, as soon as the period of mourning ended, married Bathsheba, who bore him a son. However, the sin he committed cost David dearly - the Almighty, through the mouth of the prophet, announced that five severe punishments awaited him. The first was the death of Bathsheba's child. The second was the illness of the king himself, whose body was covered with bloody ulcers for six months.

It didn't end there. Discord began in the royal family. The heir to the throne, Amnon, as woman-loving as David himself, fell in love with his half-sister Tamar (Tamara) and raped her one night. Having learned about this, Tamar's brother, Absalom, killed the rapist and fled to Hebron, where he rebelled against his father and was anointed king. Many preferred the brave and handsome Absalom to the aging king; the story of Saul and David seemed to be repeating itself.

Unrest began in Jerusalem itself, and David had to flee across the Jordan. While pursuing him, Absalom's army collided with Joab's army and was defeated. The prince himself fled from pursuit on a mule, but his long locks became entangled in the branches of an oak tree, and Joab arrived in time and killed him with three arrows. Upon learning of this, David, as was his habit, burst into sobs. The death of his son put him at odds with his loyal military leader - Joab was soon deprived of his position. His fellow Israelis were outraged and rebelled, electing Sheba as their king. But Joab did not join them: loyal to the king, he defeated the rebels.

The death of Amnon with Absalom and the rebellion of the Israelites became three more punishments of David, after which God forgave him. A sign of this was the birth of a healthy son by Bathsheba. The king loved his children more than all other children, although the official heir was considered the son of his eldest wife, Adonijah. This promised a new struggle for power, but for now the king, who had defeated all his opponents, took a break from worries and composed psalms full of gratitude to the Almighty. It is clear that most of the songs included in the biblical Psalter were not written by David - just as the sensual lines of the Song of Songs were not composed by his heir Solomon.

But they all express the mood that he introduced into the Old Testament canon and expresses not fear of God, but love and trust in Him. It is not for nothing that millions of believers in countries infinitely far from ancient Palestine still repeat their beautiful lines. For example, these (Psalm 138): “Where will I go from Your Spirit, and where will I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven - You are there; If I go down to the underworld, you will be there too. If I take the wings of the dawn and move to the edge of the sea, there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will hold me.”

But verses are verses, and in life David, who was already over sixty, remained hungry for power and pleasure. Even having lost the ability for love pleasures, he ordered young girls to be brought to him so that they would warm his bed. Of these, he loved Abishag (Abishag) the Shunammite most of all, but, as the Bible emphasizes with some surprise, “he did not know her.” And he had no time for girls - political intrigues began again at court. Adonia made more and more loud claims to the throne, got himself a personal squad and even fifty walkers, who were entitled only to the king in rank.

He was supported by Joab and the high priest Abiathar, but Solomon also had supporters - the commander of the hired guard Vanei and the prophet Nathan, whom the king obeyed unquestioningly. Of course, Bathsheba also fiercely defended her son’s rights to the throne. It was she who went to David and reported that Adonijah allegedly declared himself king and made royal sacrifices at the sacred spring of Ein Rogel. “But you promised,” she approached the king, “that Solomon would reign after you!” David, who no longer got out of bed, immediately ordered his youngest son to be anointed as king.

A few days later the king died, and his successor immediately dealt with Adonijah and Joab. During the reign of Solomon, the Jewish kingdom reached a new peak, but after his death it finally split into Judah and Israel. David was buried on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, in the very place where his descendant Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with the apostles. The Bible reports that he lived 70 years and was king for 40 of them. It also says that David entered into an agreement with God, according to which the Davidic dynasty would forever rule Israel, and after the coming of the Messiah, who also belonged to it, the whole world.

Some Jewish mystics even believed that the future world king would be David himself, who did not die, but continues to live forever. Among the people, this idea turned into a legend according to which the king of Israel sleeps soundly in a cave and wakes up when a magic horn heralds the end of the world. No historian will say what the real, and not the fabulous, David was like. His victories and laws have long been swallowed up by the abyss of time, but the sounds of his harp still reach us, praising not only God, but also a man faithful to his people and his calling.

DAVID(from Hebrew “beloved”) - the second and greatest Jewish king, who, according to generally accepted chronology, reigned from 1055 to 1015 BC. Being the youngest (eighth) son of the Bethlehem resident Jesse, in his adolescence he tended the sheep of his wealthy father. This did not suppress his rich spiritual gifts, which, on the contrary, found in the beauties of nature the strongest incentive for development. At the same time, his physical strength developed; he met lions and bears with a sling in his hand. He poured out his spiritual moods by playing the harp. Meanwhile, Samuel found it necessary to anoint a new person as king instead of Saul, and his choice fell on David. The anointing was kept secret; however, fate itself drew David to the center of state life. Thanks to his skillful playing of the harp, he was invited to the court to dispel Saul's melancholy with music. The famous feat of single combat with the Philistine giant Goliath (1 Samuel 17) made him a national hero and placed him in hostile relations with the suspicious king, who, after repeated unsuccessful attempts to kill him, began to systematically persecute him. Hiding from the king's persecution, Dove. For several years he led a miserable life, which forced him to descend to the position of ataman of the freemen. When Saul fell, along with his sons, in battle with the Philistines, the kingdom passed into the hands of his rival. David first became king of Israel in the tribe of Judah, and then over the other tribes. - For the first seven years of his reign he lived in Hebron. The kingdom was greatly upset within and weakened without. To strengthen his position and strengthen his kingdom, David needed a capital that would not belong to any particular tribe. On the border between the tribes of Judah and Benjamin stood the city of Jerusalem, which belonged to the brave mountain tribe of the Jebusites, rising 2010 feet. above sea level and heavily fortified. Dove. took possession of it and founded his capital in it. Jerusalem began to quickly attract the Jewish population. In order to elevate its significance Dove. moved the Ark of the Covenant here and introduced proper worship with it. In affairs of civil administration Dove. paid special attention to the restoration of the right court, shaken during Saul's reign. Under his personal chairmanship, a council composed of those most devoted to him sat: Joab, the commander of the army; Jehoshaphat, writer; Zadok and Abimelech, the chief priests; Susa, scribe, etc. Soon Dove. undertook a number of victorious wars with restless neighbors, worst enemies Israel, the Philistines, were defeated and weakened forever; the border of the Davidic kingdom came into contact with Egypt; The Moabites, Syrians and Edomites were also struck, with the seizure of their land and cities (including Damascus) the kingdom of Israel expanded to the river. Euphrates to the east and to the Red Sea to the south. One of the results of these campaigns and wars was the enrichment of the capital and the entire country. The capital was decorated with magnificent palaces and Doves. even envisioned building a magnificent temple to Jehovah. However, he could not resist the temptations of eastern relaxing luxury and, at the height of his prosperity, committed a grave sin. An illicit relationship with the wife of the valiant warrior Uriah, Bathsheba, entailed a whole series of evils that darkened the last years of David's reign. He was far from distinguished by moderation and, contrary to the decree of the Mosaic Law, which forbade the king to multiply wives (Deuteronomy 17:17), even in Hebron he had seven wives and ten concubines, and then increased this number with several more wives, to which the beautiful Bathsheba was added. The numerous generation of sons from these wives became the source of all kinds of crimes and unrest. His three sons enjoyed the greatest fame: the eldest Amnon, the third Absalom and the fourth Adonijah, whom Absalom killed in revenge for the dishonor inflicted on his blood sister Tamar. Absalom himself rebelled and wanted to seize the throne. This uprising failed, and he died a tragic death. The last years of David's reign were overshadowed by a terrible pestilence that visited Jerusalem. Dove. The rest of his life was devoted mainly to collecting materials and preparatory work to build a temple. He managed to collect enormous wealth for this task: 100 thousand talents of gold and millions. silver talents (1 gold tall = 12,500 rubles; 1 silver tall = 2,400 gold rubles). Skilled workers and stonemasons were gathered from all over the country; They made countless amounts of iron and copper and countless cedar beams. The very construction of the Temple of Dove. provided to his successor, Bathsheba's son Solomon. Feeling the approach of death, Dove. convened a large state meeting, at which he formally declared Solomon his successor. At the same time, he once again exhorted them not to weaken in zeal in creating a great shrine, namely the temple of God, which “should be very majestic, for glory and adornment before all lands.” David immediately handed over to Solomon all the drawings of the future temple and its accessories with an inventory of materials and wealth, which were increased by the offerings of the leaders and princes of the people. In confirmation of the king's will, sacrifices were made, Solomon was finally proclaimed king, and the priest Zadok, devoted to him, was anointed high priest. In this solemn meeting of the people and clergy, Dove. among other things, he made detailed orders about the order of service of the tribe of Levi at the future temple, as well as the latest orders regarding the army and all other state affairs. But then the end approached, when the “lamp of Israel” was about to go out (3 Gifts 2:1-11). Feeling the approach of death, David once again called his heir and from his deathbed once again exhorted him to fulfill the commandments of God and the laws of Moses, giving him at the same time some wise advice regarding those close to him, from whom Solomon had to remove some (and among them the restless Joab), and bring others closer and reward. And then, having offered his last fiery prayer for the well-being of his son, his successor, David died “in a good old age, full of life, wealth and glory.” His total reign was forty years, of which seven were in Hebron and thirty-three in Jerusalem, the “city of David,” where he was buried. His tomb became a common tomb for subsequent kings of Judah.

In the person of David, the religious and moral spirit of the chosen people found its fullest and highest expression. In the various events of his life, Dove. appears before us as a shepherd, a warrior, a psalmist, a wise ruler, a prophet and a king, uniting in himself best qualities of his people - simplicity, generosity, prudence and a strong religious and moral sense. His religious and moral songs or psalms, in which he, depending on the circumstances of his life, rich in adventures and all kinds of trials, inspiredly expressed his feelings of faith and hope in God, gratitude and praise, joy and sorrow, rejoicing and repentant contrition, in strength and tenderness expressions, as well as in the sublimity and ardor of religious feeling, have nothing similar not only in the sacred poetry of other peoples, but also in the books of the Old Testament. The truths contained in them come closest to the truths of the New Testament, and therefore the Psalter is also the most beloved book among Christian peoples, in which millions seek and find consolation and peace for their souls struggling with temptations and adversities. Both in his life, and especially in his spirit, Dove. more than anyone else in the Old Testament, he was a true prototype of Christ, who is therefore called with particular expressiveness “the son of David.” The very name David became a historical name, and was immortalized in such names as “city of David”, “throne of David”, “seed of David”; it was considered so high that no one dared to wear it afterwards, as a result of which we no longer see it in biblical history subsequent time. Highest praise for Dove. It serves that in him God Himself found “a man after His own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14) and that the height of his religious and moral life was measured by the life of the best of his successors, for whom the expression was praised: “he walked in the right paths.” David his father." Like any person, he often fell from the heights of his religious and moral ideal, and fell deeply; but even in this fall, he taught us the greatest example of repentant contrition, which gave him the opportunity and strength to again throw off the burden of sinfulness and rise for a new spiritual life. Dove. is the greatest example of a morally good person, animated by sublime feelings, who strives for good with all his might and courageously fights the temptations that overcome him. In this struggle, he can fall and fall deeply, but he will never leave this struggle, and after every fall, with tears and contrition, he will again begin this endless, fierce struggle, and in the end he will triumph in it over all the dark forces of evil. That is why the Psalter (see), as a divinely inspired chronicle of the trials of the spiritual life of the great psalmist, amazes with its amazing vital truth, and in it everyone finds a divinely inspired expression of the very feelings that every person can experience under various circumstances and vicissitudes of life.

Meaning of the name

David is a strong-willed, ambitious and purposeful man. Thanks to his fighting qualities, he achieves all his goals. He does not harbor hopes that fate will present him with gifts, but he himself goes to the heights. This is a true pragmatist who knows the price of success. He is always responsible for his every word, therefore he enjoys unquestioned authority among those around him. However, such practicality does not prevent him from taking risks - David loves thrills, because they are what make life interesting and vibrant.

Characteristics of the name David

Winter David determined, persistent, stubborn and self-confident. He loves to surprise, and his extravagance is always appropriate and does not look funny or pretentious. This is a talented man, in whose hands any business is successful. For winter David there are no insurmountable obstacles; on the contrary, he accepts any blow of fate with a challenge inherent only strong people ready to work towards achieving your dreams.

Spring David – a creative, eccentric and temperamental personality. For him there are no taboos or restrictions; he is inclined to act exclusively as he sees fit, and not as the norms of morality or decency require. Sometimes he goes over the edge of what is permitted, from which he himself suffers, but he never works on his mistakes, so he steps on the same “rake” again and again.

Summer David - versatile nature. He never stops developing, he has a lot of interests and hobbies. It is not surprising that his life is filled with colors and emotions; he is surrounded by interesting people who value his openness, curiosity and sociability. Summer David is a true optimist and romantic, ready for exploits and achievements, adventures and new discoveries.

Autumn David - a reasonable pragmatist, for whom promises and words mean nothing. Actions are what he trusts. He draws conclusions only from a person’s actions. The autumnal David himself is a man of word and deed, he is honest and fair, thorough and calm. It is not surprising that this man manages to gain respect at work without much difficulty, not to mention the fact that he is also an unquestioned authority in his family.

Stone - talisman

Amethyst, tourmaline and ruby ​​are David's talisman stones.


This stone is considered one of the strongest amulets that protect against evil fate. In ancient times, it was worn by women who needed to get rid of old and unrequited love or passion. Amethyst also protected its owner from poisons and alcohol intoxication.

In the Middle Ages, amethyst was an integral attribute of priests: for example, cardinals, bishops and bishops decorated their robes with it. The amethyst ring symbolized marriage to the church, purity, and also the rigor of life. In Christianity, this stone was revered as a symbol of humility and modesty.

At the same time, amethyst can evoke strong passion and feelings of love even in those whose hearts are no longer free. For this reason, it was undesirable for married or engaged women to wear it.

Sailors and travelers preferred amethyst to other stones because they believed that it would not let them go astray and would point them in the right direction, because this gem is capable of changing its color depending on the angle of lighting.

In general, amethyst is a stone of purity, innocence, devotion, spirituality, harmony, peacefulness, sincerity, and wisdom. But it should be worn constantly, and amethyst helps only people with pure thoughts.


The effect of tourmaline largely depends on its color: for example, a scarlet stone helps to retain love, while a lilac stone will protect you from emotional breakdowns. But black tourmaline helps in financial matters. In addition, dark tourmaline was used by magicians and sorcerers in their rituals, so you need to be careful with it.

If you need a universal stone that will help you in all your endeavors and bring good luck, you should pay attention to multi-colored tourmaline, which will bring prosperity, lift your spirits and fill you with creative energy.

Scandinavians believe that this stone enhances such qualities as courage and courage, so products with tourmaline were intended primarily for the stronger sex.


This is the stone of the Sun, giving light, wisdom, strength and courage. It protects its owner from defeat, gives security and a feeling of security.

Ruby relieves sadness and brings joy to life. It is a stone of passion, love, power, power, valor and glory. It is not surprising that this particular stone was favored by the royal families.

Muslims believed that a person wearing a ruby ​​was not only worthy of respect, but also capable of great achievements. And for Christians, this stone was associated with devotion, faith and divine love.

In the East, ruby ​​is a symbol of fearlessness, strength, wisdom and life-giving energy.






Libra and Capricorn are the most favorable zodiac signs for David (you can read about them in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).

Animal - symbol

Tur is David's totem animal. It symbolizes softness and beauty, but at the same time importance, majesty and perseverance.

This animal represents loyalty, reliability and attachment to your family, to your roots. In addition, the tour is associated with care, warmth and comfort. This is a symbol of motherhood, generosity and tenderness.


Symbolic plants for David are laurel and poppy.


Laurel is the personification of victory, valor, glory and peace. Thus, in ancient Rome, the laurel was the highest sign of military as well as imperial glory, while in Ancient Greece Laurel branches were awarded to musicians, poets and dancers who brought light, purity, beauty and talent to the people with their art. In addition, the laurel symbolized the purity of the Vestal Virgins.

In the early Christian tradition, laurel was revered as a symbol of eternal or new life that came through the atonement of human sins by Jesus Christ. The laurel wreath in this case also symbolized martyrdom. According to one legend, the global flood stopped precisely when a dove brought a laurel branch in its beak to Noah. Thus, the laurel became a symbol of good news.

This is a symbol with dual meaning. Today this plant is the personification of freedom, optimism and self-confidence, but this was not always the case. For example, in Egypt, the poppy symbolized female beauty, youth and charm.

In Ancient Rome, the poppy identified calm and serenity. In addition, this plant symbolized marriage and fertility due to the high germination of its seeds.

The Hellenes believed that poppy gave strength and improved overall health.

In the East, the poppy symbolized joy, beauty, success and eternal love.

In the Middle Ages, the poppy symbolized the approach of the Last Judgment and was associated with ignorance and indifference.


Iron is David's metal, symbolizing unbending strength of character, thirst for justice, honesty and masculinity.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name David

Name translation

From Hebrew the name David is translated as “beloved,” “favorite,” “beloved.”

History of the name

Hebrew name David was transformed in Russia into Davyd. In Islam, King David is revered under the name Daoud (or Dawood).

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common variations of the name David are: Davidka, Davidushka, Dada, Davidik, Dodya, Dodik, Dava, Vidya, Davi and Davey.

The mystery of the name David

Patrons of the name

  • Hermit David of Thessalonica.
  • Venerable David the Passion-Bearer.
  • David Serpukhovsky.
  • Martyr David of Dvinsky.
  • Reverend David.
  • Prophet David the Psalmist.
  • King David III the Renewer.
  • Confessor David of Mytilene.
  • Venerable Martyr David of Valaam.
  • Prince David of Yaroslavl.
  • Venerable Martyr David of Palestine.
  • Venerable David of Gareji.
  • Martyr David of Georgia.
  • Prince Peter (monastically David) of Murom.
  • Martyr David of Aragvet.
  • Venerable Martyr David of Vladimir.
  • Venerable David of Ermopolis.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 5th, 10th, 12th and 27th.

February: 8th and 14th.

March: 4th, 5th and 18th.

April: 25th.

May: 15th, 20th and 31st.

June: 5th, 14th and 16th.

July: 8th and 9th.

August: 6th number.

September: 8th, 18th and 19th.

October: 2nd, 7th, 15th and 31st.

November: 14th.

The legend of the name David

The name David was borne by the greatest Israeli king, who became famous among the people not only as an excellent ruler, but also as a psalmist.

The prophet Samuel himself, as the biblical tradition says, anointed David to be king over Israel. This king became famous thanks to his victory in single combat with the giant strongman Goliath. But David was distinguished not only by his strength and courage, but also by his ability to play the harp.

As a young man, David was a close military leader of King Saul, who married his daughter to David. But realizing that David's popularity was growing, Saul gave the order to kill him. David had to flee. Moreover, Saul’s enemies, the Philistines, hid him. David became the center around which all those who were dissatisfied with Saul's rule rallied.

Only after the death of Saul in the war with the Philistines was David able to return to his homeland - Israel. Moreover, he was not only able to win the throne, but also founded a dynasty that ruled Israel until 587 BC. e.

Christians all over the world revere King David, who made Jerusalem the capital of Israel, as a righteous king and a true prophet. It was in the line of David that the Messiah appeared in the person of Jesus.

It is also important that most of the Psalter belongs to the pen of David.

Famous people

Famous poets and writers named David:

  • David Burliuk - Soviet poet and artist;
  • David Samoilov;
  • David Bagrationi is a Georgian writer.

Famous athletes named David:

  • David Villa - Spanish football player;
  • David Trezeguet - French football player;
  • David Beckham is a famous English football player;
  • Davide Sanguinetti - Italian tennis player;
  • David Ferrer - Spanish tennis player;
  • Dawid Murek – Polish volleyball player;
  • David Vyborny – Czech hockey player;
  • David Alyques - Spanish football player;
  • David Loria - Kazakh football player;
  • David Mujiri - first and last name of father and son - Georgian football players;
  • David Yanovsky - Soviet chess player and journalist;
  • David Navara is a Czech chess player.

Famous composers and musicians named David:

  • David Oistrakh - Soviet violinist;
  • David Tukhmanov;
  • David Bowie - British rock musician;
  • David Coverdale is a British rock musician.

Famous actors and artists named David:

  • David Suchet is a British actor who played Hercule Poirot;
  • David Duchovny - American film actor;
  • David Copperfield - American illusionist;
  • David Nuriev is a Russian film actor.

Famous scientists named David:

  • David Strauss - German theologian;
  • David Dubrovsky - Russian philosopher and psychologist;
  • David Hilbert - German mathematician;
  • David Stolbun - Soviet stratonaut and neurophysiologist.

David Goberman Russian artist, as well as a photographer and art critic.

David Cameron - Prime Minister of Great Britain.

David Morskoy - Soviet director.

David Dragunsky - Soviet military leader who twice became Hero of the Soviet Union.

Meaning of the name David

For a child

Little David is responsive, friendly and sociable; it will not be difficult for him to find mutual language with any person, regardless of age and gender. Obedient David will not bring much trouble to his parents either at home or at school, where he tries to conscientiously complete all the teachers’ assignments, is not insolent or rude to them, and does not come into conflict with his classmates.

David prefers to spend his leisure time actively: funny Games, visit sports sections- this is what the boy truly values. Although a little perseverance would not hurt to instill in this boy.

I must say that this is a very emotional child, demanding increased attention. He grows up as a “mother’s son”, because it is she who pays him the most attention. Mom is David’s best friend both in childhood and in adult life, although he has an excellent relationship with his dad.

For all his childishness, David is serious and thorough; he is not afraid to prove his opinion, not to mention the fact that he will always come to the aid of a friend or an offended person. This is a little hero for whom honor, duty and dignity are not empty words.

For a teenager

Young David is more balanced and less impetuous, he knows how to control his emotions and tries to calmly react to all the difficulties that stand in his way. Sometimes his self-confidence borders on selfishness, while David himself does not see this line, so he considers himself simply a self-confident and determined young man.

This shortcoming of David is offset by the good nature, sociability and responsiveness of this young man, who combines such qualities as gentleness and assertiveness, independence and attention to people. But once he has made a decision, no one will be able to convince him.

David is selfless, honest and fair, and therefore expects the same from those around him. He erases those who have not lived up to his trust from his life without regret.

It must be said that the proud and independent David absolutely cannot stand criticism, so it is difficult for him in those companies where he is not a recognized authority. Overall, he is a generous, devoted and noble young man with a wonderful sense of humor and a kind heart.

For a man

Adult David is calculating, balanced and confident in his abilities. He builds his own destiny on his own, without relying on anyone to help him. He will not allow anyone to control himself, not even the most beloved and respected person. The interesting thing is that despite all the firmness of his character, he knows how to forgive. He will never communicate with the traitor again, but he will not hold a grudge against him either. Malice and rancor are not his character traits.

For David, life is something new and interesting; something you can find inspiration in day after day. Therefore, it is not surprising that he strives to experience the world in all its colors; he seeks new sensations and feelings. This man is surrounded by equally interesting and extraordinary people who look at the world through the eyes of an artist, and not an ordinary man in the street.

Even David’s appearance suggests that he is an unusual person with his own philosophy of life. He is elegant and extravagant at the same time, so he never goes anywhere unnoticed. He constantly catches women's gazes on him.

His qualities such as excessive ambition and self-confidence can spoil the opinion of David, but this does not bother him at all.

Description of the name David


David is honest and fair, but selfishness prevents him from being a truly moral person.


Physically, David is strong and healthy, while he needs to pay special attention to his psycho-emotional state from time to time, otherwise stress will lead to work failure nervous system. Also, the owner of this name must remember that excess food can lead him to obesity.


David does not lack female attention, so in matters of the heart he is extremely selective. He gives the appearance of his chosen one great value, because he himself always looks well-groomed and elegant. This man is attentive and gallant, but if he gets bored with his passion, then without delay or twinge of conscience he will inform her about it.

Women are attracted to David not only by his appearance, but also by his inner strength, which, combined with generosity, makes him an enviable groom. Until he meets his ideal, David will enjoy his freedom and have multiple affairs. But as soon as he truly falls in love, he will immediately start a family and will no longer pay attention to other women.

If you want to conquer this man, then you should remember that the process of conquest itself is important to him, while he quickly gets bored with easy goals.


First love (and, consequently, first marriage) for David turns into disappointment, since it turns out that he is not yet ready for family life, full of routine and monotony. Therefore, his first marriage breaks up very quickly. Only having tasted a fully free life without obligations, only having had enough of female attention, does David create a happy family.

His chosen one must be a strong and self-sufficient person with a highly developed intellect. She should not only be his decoration, but also a faithful friend with whom you can discuss everything in the world without fear that you will not be understood.

Family relationships

David is a wonderful family man who will do everything in his power to ensure that his family lives in comfort and prosperity. This is a faithful husband and caring father who is not afraid or ashamed homework. Moreover, he will happily cook dinner or take a walk with the children, because family is his main priority.

But David’s wife has to be patient and wise, because her husband has a rather complex character, which not every woman can put up with. And, of course, she must remember that praise and support are the components without which this man quickly becomes despondent. David's prodding and attempts to overthrow him from the throne of the head of the family could result in the collapse of the family.

One of David's shortcomings, which can negatively affect family life, is his excessive jealousy. And this does not mean at all that he does not trust his wife, it’s just that in his youth, from his own experience, he managed to make sure that it is a rare woman who can resist the persistence of a man.


Temperamental David radiates sexuality with his entire appearance and awakens desire and passion in women. At the same time, David skillfully uses his attractiveness, not particularly caring about the feelings of his partners.

Mind (intelligence)

David boasts a developed intellect. He is smart, quick-witted and inquisitive. The ability to analyze everything that happens is combined with the ability to synthesize the information received.


Intelligent and confident in his abilities, David can achieve maximum results in any field of activity, but only on the condition that the work will bring him not only material wealth, but also moral satisfaction. This man will change jobs until he finds something that captivates him and allows him to fully unleash his creative potential.

David can be equally a good musician, dancer, architect, politician, economist, doctor, manager, scientist, journalist or teacher.

David will make an excellent leader, although he will be too demanding and strict. The main thing is to control your pride and vanity. The owner of this name does not know how to obey, so he strives to occupy leadership positions, which he does very well thanks to such qualities as hard work, responsibility and determination.


David has entrepreneurial acumen, and the ability to find a common language with people will be another plus in building own business. He is smart and prudent, assertive and pragmatic, so any business under his leadership will prosper.


David's main hobby is sports, and he is more attracted to active types. He himself enjoys playing football, riding a bike and running in the morning.

Character type


David is balanced and calm, he is in no hurry to live, on the contrary, he tries to enjoy every new day. He approaches troubles with humor and never loses heart. Thanks to his sociability, David is surrounded by people with different characters and priorities, but he finds a common language with everyone.

But don’t delude yourself: if necessary, this romantic can become a prudent, cautious and pragmatic person for whom there are no prohibitions or taboos.


David has a highly developed intuition, which, by the way, he always trusts, because it almost never lets him down.

Horoscope named after David

David - Aries

He is a conscientious, efficient, responsible and very hardworking man who is on his way to success. by leaps and bounds. Thanks to his tact and diplomacy, David-Aries has many connections and acquaintances. And, as they say, don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. With this calm and balanced person, any woman will feel comfortable and reliable.

David - Taurus

Temperamental, hot-tempered and emotional, David-Taurus is not used to taking into account someone’s opinion, much less obeying anyone. Therefore, both at work and in personal life he is experiencing certain difficulties. Independence and love of freedom prevent him from creating strong family, in which love, trust and understanding would reign. This man needs a patient and flexible woman.

David - Gemini

Charming, open and cheerful, David-Gemini has a sparkling sense of humor, which helps him overcome any difficulties with ease and never lose heart. At the same time, deep down he is often lonely, because he is not used to sharing his problems with others. He will open his heart only to a sincere, gentle and kind woman, who will become, first of all, his understanding and devoted friend.

David - Cancer

Shy, secretive, self-conscious and indecisive, David-Cancer finds it difficult to get along with people. Best friend for him it is his mother, to whom he goes for advice and whose opinion he always listens to. David-Cancer does not like change and has an extremely difficult time dealing with situations in which he has to make a responsible decision. He is wary of women, and therefore there is a possibility that he will remain a bachelor for life.

David – Leo

This is a leader who is used to commanding and managing. David Lev has outstanding organizational skills, but due to a lack of tact, the team dislikes him. He has practically no friends, and even those try not to once again impose their communication on David. This man will connect his fate with a strong woman who can oppose her leadership skills the difficult character of his chosen one.

David - Virgo

Smart and talented David-Virgo is a creative person, and because he wants, he does things, so it is not easy to get along with such a fickle man. Like many creative personalities, David prefers creative loneliness to wild life.

He will be able to start a family with a patient woman, who, first of all, should be a muse for him.

David – Libra

Refined, impressive and even extravagant, David-Libra appreciates beauty, and therefore only people who are interesting in all respects should surround him. This man loves comfort and coziness, to achieve which he marries, choosing a woman who is thrifty, devoted and capable of sacrifice. David-Libra is a man of art, so he needs a completely down-to-earth chosen one who will take on everything everyday problems and questions.

David - Scorpio

Closed, secretive, silent and uncommunicative, David-Scorpio suffers from loneliness, but he manages to hide his true essence from others under the guise of carelessness and cheerfulness. This man’s life will be brightened by an energetic, sociable and open woman who will not be afraid to connect her life with David-Scorpio, who has a rather difficult character.

David - Sagittarius

This is a man who does not know what melancholy and despondency are. With his smile and good mood, David the Sagittarius energizes those around him. It is not surprising that many people love and respect him. He will be able to open up to a pure, gentle, non-conflict woman who will gladly share all his passions and hobbies, of which David the Sagittarius has many: sports and travel.

David – Capricorn

Active, purposeful and energetic, David-Capricorn always achieves what he has in mind. He loves to take risks and is not afraid of new and often difficult paths. On the contrary, this man strives for everything unknown and interesting. Only with an active and cheerful woman can he create a truly happy and strong family.

David - Aquarius

Diplomatic, erudite, able to listen and empathize, David-Aquarius has a great understanding of people. He easily finds a solution where many would have given up long ago. Without quarrels or intrigues, he achieves his plans, resorting only to the power of persuasion and innate charm. This man does not experience any problems with women, although he can start a family more than once.

David - Pisces

Calm, reliable and responsible, David-Pisces has a share of romanticism, so sometimes his thoughts are occupied by pipe dreams. But this does not interfere with real life build a successful career and occupy high positions. He just needs a practical girlfriend who will periodically bring him down from heaven to this sinful earth.

Compatibility of the name David with female names

David and Olga

This couple cannot boast of understanding and stability in family life. And Olga’s straightforwardness and David’s inconsistency are to blame. The woman in this union wants peace and certainty, while David cannot imagine routine and monotony in life.

David and Anna

This is a rather strange union in which independent and freedom-loving natures meet with their secrets and omissions. But at the same time, they are comfortable and comfortable in the world he created. And what helps them maintain a relationship is acceptance of each other with all their strengths and weaknesses.
Anna - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

David and Elena

The owners of these names understand each other perfectly, although their characters can be called absolute opposites. However, this does not prevent them from building a happy family life. Both David and Elena are very emotional and temperamental, so their life together is full bright colors and discoveries.

David and Julia

David and Victoria

This tandem is ruled by reason and calculation, but this does not exclude the presence of warm feelings between David and Victoria towards each other. It’s just that both have a pragmatic view of the institution of marriage as a whole, so they are trying to do everything possible to break stereotypes and prove that marriage can be built not only on love.

David and Ksenia

Warmth, tenderness and care - these are the components on which the union of David and Ksenia is based, who see the meaning of their lives in each other, in their children, and then in their grandchildren. This is a rare case when people do not need money, fame, recognition, or comfort to be happy. Only love, only tenderness.

David and Daria

David and Love

Unfortunately, David and Lyubov rarely form a strong family, since they live and think on different planes. Love is more concerned with immediate problems, while David dreams of great achievements. In addition, the man in this union is not ready to completely say goodbye to his freedom, and this is exactly what Lyuba craves.

David and Alena

Surprisingly, Alena and David, who are different in character, not only complement each other, but also know how to benefit from this maximum benefit. Balanced David brings calm into the life of the fickle Alena, while Alena makes them life together more vibrant and interesting.

David and Alexandra

The struggle for leadership, endless showdowns and inability to listen to each other lead to the fact that love eventually develops into irritability in the couple David and Alexandra. This union rarely withstands the intensity of passions that undermine relationships from the inside, preventing them from developing and strengthening.

David and Yana

There is no confrontation in the tandem of David and Yana. On the contrary, these two try to get to know each other every day, adopting something that he or she lacks. Their relationship develops and becomes more trusting and deep, which cannot but have a positive impact on their marriage.

David and Polina

The caution with which David and Polina approach building relationships both harms them and benefits them. On the one hand, these two learn to understand and accept each other, while on the other, a routine appears in their lives that disgusts the emotional David. As a result, the union may not take place.

David and Valeria

It cannot be said that Valeria takes David’s courtship seriously, but the time comes. When she cannot live without this open and sincere person who is ready to do anything for her. She learns from him to enjoy life, and in return offers her fragile, but at the same time reliable shoulder.

David and Olesya

This couple cannot avoid conflicts that poison the feeling that initially connected David and Olesya. If they don’t stop in time and look at their marriage from the outside, they will eventually separate once and for all, and their separation will be extremely painful.

David (c. 1035 - 965 BC) is one of the greatest figures in biblical history. He came from the tribe of Judah (he was the great-grandson of Boaz and the Moabite Ruth). He reigned for 40 years (c. 1005 - 965 BC): for seven years and six months he was king of Judah (with his capital in Hebron), then for 33 years he was king of the united kingdom of Israel and Judah (with his capital in Jerusalem). David was the best of all Jewish kings. He unshakably believed in the true God and tried to do His will. In all his troubles, he placed all his hope in God, and the Lord delivered him from all his enemies.

The life of the holy prophet and king David is described in the Bible: in 1 Book of Samuel, 2 Book of Kings and 1 Book of Chronicles.

Boaz- great-grandfather of King David, hero of the book of Ruth. Nephew of Elimelech, who married Ruth, widow of Elimelech's son.

Ruth- the famous biblical righteous woman, after whom the “Book of Ruth” is named. A Moabite by birth, she became so attached to her new relative by husband (a Jew from Bethlehem) that after the death of her husband she did not want to part with her mother-in-law Naomi (Naomi), accepted her religion and moved with her from Moab (where Naomi and her husband were temporarily removed from Israel on the occasion of the famine) to Bethlehem (Beit Lechem), where they settled. The righteousness and beauty of young Ruth were the reason that she became the wife of the noble Boaz. The product of this marriage was Obed, David's grandfather. Thus Ruth the Moabite, a Gentile, became the great-grandmother (foremother) of King David and became one of the ancestors of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is how King David is described in the book of Ruth: “ And this is the family of Perez: Perez begat Hezrom; Hezrom begat Aram; Aram gave birth to Abminadab; Amminadab begat Nahshon; Nahshon begat Salmon; Salmon begat Boaz; Boaz begat Obed; Obed begat Jesse; Jesse gave birth to David"(Ruth.4:18-22).

Tribes of Israel(Gen.49:28) - tribes of the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who formed, according to the Holy Scriptures, the Israeli people. In the Promised Land, each tribe received its own portion.

Tribe Veniaminovo(1 Samuel 9:25, Judges 5:14, etc.) - one of the tribes of Israel.

Benjamin- the youngest son of the biblical patriarch Jacob and his beloved wife, Rachel. Born on the way to Bethlehem. Rachel fell ill after giving birth and died. ( The famous Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem has existed since ancient times and is a place of pilgrimage. This place is holy for Jews, Muslims and Christians alike.). The tribe of Benjamin had its destiny in the Promised Land, between the tribes of Judah and Ephraim. Within this domain was the capital city of Judea, Jerusalem. It became part of the kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 12:17-23), which, as you know, consisted of two tribes: Judah and Benjamin. This tribe was distinguished by its extreme warlikeness and courage. From his entourage, according to biblical tradition, came the first Israeli King Saul. Apostle Paul also came from the tribe of Benjamin (Phil. 3:5).

Tribe of Judah- one of the tribes of Israel. He traces his ancestry back to Judas ( translated means praise or glory to God), the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob from Leah (Gen. 29:35). It is known that he hated Joseph, the son of his aunt Rachel (Jacob’s second wife), and advised his brothers to sell Joseph to passing merchants rather than kill him. Judah became the ancestor of the famous tribe of Judah, from which he came King David, founder of the royal dynasty. Joseph the Betrothed also came from the same tribe. At the time of the Exodus from Egypt, the tribe of Judah numbered 74,600 people (Numbers 1:27) and was the largest Israeli tribe. One of the Jewish states was subsequently named after Judah - Kingdom of Judah. The names of the Jewish people in Hebrew and other languages ​​\u200b\u200bare derived from the same name ( Jews).

Youth of David

The holy king and prophet David was born 1000 years before the birth of Christ in the Jewish city of Bethlehem. He was the youngest of the eight sons of Jesse (from the tribe of Judah) - the elder of the city of Bethlehem (Bethlehem).

As a teenager, David tended his father's flocks. This activity largely determined the mental makeup of the future anointed of God. He spent many months alone in the pastures. He had to fight the evil predators that attacked his herds. This developed in David courage and strength, which amazed those around him. Life, fraught with many dangers, taught the young man to rely on God in everything.

David had a musical and poetic gift. In his leisure hours he practiced singing and playing the psalter (harp-like musical instrument). He achieved such perfection that he was invited to the court of King Saul. David dispelled Saul's melancholy by singing and playing the harp.

King Saul(d. c. 1005 BC) - the first king and founder of the united kingdom of Israel (about 1029-1005 BC), the incarnation of a ruler placed in the kingdom by the will of God, but who became displeasing to Him. Came from the tribe of Benjamin. He was chosen and anointed king by the prophet Samuel ( before Saul there was no king over the Jews), later came into conflict with him, and the prophet left him, depriving him of his support.

King Saul

After this, Saul's melancholy began. When he openly renounced God, that is, violated his order, and God rejected him, Saul immediately began to internal changes: « And the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord began to torment him" (1 Samuel 16:14)

Saul retreated from God and began to serve pride and vanity in his reign. Feeling that he was rejected by God, Saul fell into a cruel melancholy, “an evil spirit angered him.” The king was attacked by melancholy and despondency from the action of the evil spirit, and when Saul heard David’s playing, he felt more joyful, and the evil spirit retreated from him.

David plays the psalter to King Saul

Even during the reign of King Saul ( when he fell away from God) prophet Samuel, at the direction of God, anointed the young man David ( when David was still an unknown meek and pious youth) to the kingdom. David's anointing was secret. With the anointing, the Spirit of God descended on David and rested on him from then on (1 Samuel 16:1-13).

David's Anointing

Prophet Samuel (Hebrew "heard by the Lord") - biblical prophet, the last and most famous of the Judges of Israel (XI century BC). Samuel lived in the most difficult times and Time of Troubles in the life of the Israelis, when the moral state of the people fell to the extreme; the people had to endure a severe defeat from the Philistines. After the Jews conquered the land of Canaan, for several centuries they were ruled by so-called judges, who combined ecclesiastical, military and administrative powers. God himself sent the judges: “ For about four hundred and fifty years the Lord gave them judges" Samuel ruled the people wisely as supreme judge until old age and enjoyed great authority. Fearing that after the death of Samuel the previous lawlessness and anarchy would not return, the people, not trusting and rejecting God as their direct Ruler and King, began to ask him to install a human king over them. Then Samuel appointed Saul the son of Kish as their king. But Saul, by his actions, brought Samuel a lot of grief, because he retreated from God. An angry God said to Samuel: “ I regret that I made Saul king; for he has turned away from Me, and has not fulfilled My word” and ordered Samuel to anoint the new king. Samuel left Saul and never saw him again. He secretly anointed another king, David, as king. Samuel died at the age of 88 and was buried in Ramah, mourned by all the people. His life is described in the first chapters of the first book of Kings. Tradition credits him with compiling the biblical book of Judges.

David and Goliath

At the age of 18, David became famous and earned the universal love of the people.

The Philistines attacked the land of Israel. The pagan people, famous for their belligerence, ravaged the Promised Land with frequent raids. The Philistines killed the Jews and took them captive. And so, near the city of Ephesus-Dammim, two armies met - the Israeli and the Philistine.

From the ranks of the Philistine army emerged a mighty giant named Goliath. He suggested that the Jews decide the outcome of the battle through single combat: “ “Choose a man from yourself,” he shouted, “and let him come out against me.” If he kills me, then we will be your slaves; if I defeat and kill him, then you will be our slaves and serve us».

King Saul promised the daredevil who would defeat Goliath to give his daughter as a wife. Despite the promised reward, no one wanted to fight him.

At this time, young David appeared in the Israeli camp. He came to visit his older brothers and bring them food from his father. Hearing Goliath revile the living God and the army of the Israelites, David was troubled in spirit. His heart, full of devoted faith in God, boiled with righteous anger at the words disgracing God’s chosen people. He approached Saul asking him to allow him to fight Goliath. Saul said to him: " You are still very young, but he is strong and has become accustomed to war from a young age." But David told Saul how God helped him fight lions and bears while tending the sheep. Then Saul, infected by David's courage and courage, allowed him to fight.

Goliath was an unusually strong warrior of enormous height - about 2.89 m. He was dressed in scale armor weighing approximately 57 kg and copper knee pads, on his head was a copper helmet, and in his hands was a copper shield. Goliath carried a heavy spear, the tip of which alone weighed 6.84 kg, and a large sword. David had no armor at all, and his only weapon was a sling ( a throwing bladed weapon, which is a rope or belt, one end of which is folded into a loop into which the slinger's hand is threaded). The Philistine giant considered it an insult that a young man, just a boy, came out to fight him. It seemed to everyone who watched what was happening that the result of the fight was a foregone conclusion, but physical strength does not always determine the outcome of the battle.

David and Goliath (Osmar Schindler, 1888)

David defeated Goliath without a weapon: a stone, accurately thrown from a sling by David, hit the giant’s forehead with such force that Goliath fell and did not get up.

David and Goliath (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld)

David, like lightning, jumped up to the defeated enemy and cut off his head with his own sword.

David with the head of Goliath (Gustave Doré)

David's victory over Goliath began the offensive of the Israeli and Judah troops, who drove the Philistines out of their land (1 Sam. 17:52).

The victory over Goliath glorified David throughout the country. Saul, despite David's youth, appointed him military leader and married his youngest daughter Michal to him. And Saul's eldest son, Jonathan, became David's best friend.

Life at the Court of King Saul

David won many military victories, and soon his glory eclipsed the glory of Saul himself. Saul began to be jealous of David and gradually began to hate him. In addition, rumors began to reach Saul that the prophet Samuel had secretly anointed David as king. Offended pride, fear and suspicion drove Saul almost to madness: “ An evil spirit from God fell upon Saul, and he raged in his house».

Usually, David played the harp to drive away the evil spirit that was tormenting the king for his apostasy. One day, David, as in former times, came to Saul to play the harp for him, but Saul threw a spear at David, which he barely managed to dodge.

Saul throws a spear at David (Konstantin Hansen)

Soon Saul sent David on a dangerous campaign against the Philistines, hoping that he would die. But David returned with a victory, which further strengthened his glory.

Then Saul decided to send hired assassins to David. This became known to Saul's son, Jonathan. At the risk of incurring his father's wrath, he warned his sister Michal, David's wife, about the impending danger. Michal loved David and said to him: “ If you do not save your soul this night, then tomorrow you will be killed"(1 Samuel 19:11-16).

David fled through the window, and Michal put the doll to bed, covering it with David's clothes.

Michal lets David down from the window

Now Saul no longer hid his enmity. The incident with the spear that the king threw at David, and the threat of going to prison, from which only his wife Michal saved him, forced David to flee to Samuel in Ramah. At the last meeting, Jonathan confirmed to David that reconciliation with Saul was no longer possible (1 Samuel 19:20).

Flight from King Saul. In the service of the Philistines.

The Flight of David (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld)

Saul's hatred of him caused David to flee; He wandered in the desert for a long time, hiding in caves, fleeing from Saul, who was pursuing him. In his many travels, David gets to know the life of his people closely, learns to be generous to his enemies, compassionate to ordinary people.

Soon, “all the oppressed and all the debtors, and all the saddened in soul, gathered to him, and he became a ruler over them.” With his supporters (600 men), David fled to his recent enemies the Philistines (1 Samuel 27:1), seeking the protection of their king Achish, ruler of the city of Gath. Achish granted David the border city of Ziklag (in the Negev desert) (1 Samuel 27:6). So David became the leader of a band of robbers. David's troops robbed the natives (Amalekites), and sent part of the spoils to the Philistine king Achish (1 Sam. 27:9).

But when the Philistines gathered on a campaign against Israel, David cunningly refused to join the troops of the anti-Israel coalition (1 Samuel 28:4).

King in Hebron

Meanwhile, the Philistines inflicted a crushing defeat on the Israelites in Battle of Gilboa(1 Samuel 31:6).

The Israelites were defeated, and King Saul also died ( After being seriously wounded and losing the battle with the Philistines, Saul committed suicide) with his eldest son Jonathan, who was a friend of David and more than once saved him from his father’s persecution. David mourns them bitterly; he did not want Saul to die and repeatedly wanted to reconcile with him.

David receives news of Saul's death

After this, David, at the head of an armed detachment, arrived in Judean Hebron, where the tribe of Judah at a meeting anointed him to the royal throne in Judea, that is, the southern part of Israel. Then David was 30 years old.

The proclamation of David as king of Judah meant the actual separation from Israel, whose king was proclaimed one of the sons of Saul (2 Sam. 2:10). The two Jewish states entered into an internecine struggle, which lasted two years and ended with the victory of David (2 Samuel 3:1).

David - King of Israel

After the victory over Israel, the elders of Israel came to Hebron and chose David as king over all Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). Thus God fulfilled what he had promised him through the prophet Samuel.

David reigns over all Israel

God gave David blessing, wisdom and power to defeat all of Israel's enemies. David won many military victories and no one dared to attack Israel anymore.

For the first seven years of his reign, David lived in Hebron. During this time, the new capital of Israel was built - Jerusalem (i.e., the city of peace). In order to enhance its significance, David brought here the Ark of the Covenant, which was installed in the middle of the tabernacle built for him.

After this, the Lord promised David to establish his royal house, saying: “ I will be his father, and he will be my son: even if he sins. I will punish him with the rod of men and the blows of the sons of men, but I will not take My mercy from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I rejected before you. And your house and your kingdom will be established forever before Me, and your throne will stand forever.” These words of God were conveyed to David by the prophet Nathan. Hearing this, David stood before the Lord and began to pray: “Who am I, Lord, Lord, and what is my house, that You have magnified me so much!... You are great in everything, my Lord, Lord! For there is no one like You, and there is no God besides You... Even now. Lord God, establish forever the word that You have spoken about Your servant and about his house, and fulfill what You have spoken».

David loved God very much. After becoming a great king, he continued to compose songs inspired by the love of God and glorifying His name.

King David ruled justly and tried to keep the Lord's commandments with all his heart. For this, the Lord was always with him.

All the days of his life he built up the kingdom and in every possible way contributed to strengthening faith in the God of Heaven. The years of King David's reign became a time of prosperity and prosperity for the Jewish people.

David also intended to build a house for the Ark of God - Temple. But not David, but only his son will carry out the construction, for David, participating in wars, shed too much blood (1 Chronicles 22:8). Although David was not supposed to build the Temple, he began to prepare the construction, collected funds, developed drawings of all the buildings of the sacred building and made drawings of all the accessories of worship and provided them to his son Solomon Construction Materials and plans (2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17; 22; 28:1 - 29:21).

Like other rulers of the East, David had several wives and concubines, from whom David had many sons, among whom was the future king Solomon (2 Sam. 5:14).

David and Bathsheba

David loved the Lord and tried to be obedient to Him. But Satan always watched him, as he watches every person, and tried to instill evil in David.

At the height of his power, David fell into sin, which left a sad imprint on the entire future fate of David and all of Israel.

One evening he was walking along the roof of his palace and saw a woman bathing in the garden of a neighboring house. beautiful woman. Forgetting about everything in the world, the king immediately became inflamed with passion for her and sent servants to find out who she was. The beauty turned out to be the wife of one of David’s commanders, Uriah the Hittite, who at that time was on a distant military campaign. Her name was Bathsheba.

David and Bathsheba (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld)

Satan began to inspire evil thoughts in David, and David succumbed to his temptations. He seduced Bathsheba. Soon she became pregnant. David fell in love with Bathsheba so much that he decided to make her his wife, after first getting rid of Uriah. The king sent a letter to the commander of the army in which Uriah fought: “ Place Uriah where the fighting will be the heaviest and retreat from him so that he is struck and dies". The order was carried out and Uriah died, and King David took his widow as his wife. Bathsheba was forced to comply.

Bathsheba (Pozdnikova Ivetta)

David’s cruel act could not but bring upon him the wrath of the Lord: “And this work which David did was evil in the sight of the Lord.” After some time, the Lord sent the prophet Nathan to David, who denounced him.

Prophet Nathan denounces David

David repented and said: “ I have sinned before the Lord" After this repentance, Nathan announced to him the verdict of God: “ And the Lord has taken away your sin: you will not die. But since by this deed you have given the enemies of the Lord a reason to blaspheme Him, the son born to you will die." So David's sin was forgiven, but did not go unpunished.

The Crushing of David (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld)

Bathsheba soon gave birth to a son, but a few days later the baby became seriously ill. David fervently prayed to God to spare the child’s life. He spent seven days in prayer, prostrating himself on the ground and not eating. However, on the eighth day the baby died.

A year later, Bathsheba gave birth to another son - Solomon(2 Samuel 11:2 - 12:25), who will become the third king of Israel.

David's sin was great, but his repentance was sincere and great. And God forgave him. During his repentance, King David wrote a repentant prayer-song (Psalm 50), which is an example of repentance and begins with these words: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your mercies, blot out my iniquities. Wash Me from my iniquity many times and cleanse me from my sin...”

Psalms of David

David had a poetic and musical gift, composing prayer songs addressed to God - psalms in which he praised the Almighty, who so wisely created the world. He thanked God for His mercies and prophesied about the times to come.

Throughout his life, David constantly communicated with the Lord in prayer. He never forgot to offer a prayer to the Almighty, despite his busyness as a ruler and military leader.

No songs have gained such fame on the globe as the “Psalms of David.” How poetic works, many of them are of very high quality - real pearls, for “the Spirit of the Lord spoke in him, and the words of God were on his tongue” (2 Sam. 23:1).

During the years of trials, delving into the ways of Providence with special reasoning, David poured out his deep sorrow before God and asked for His help. At the same time, often from depicting his own suffering, the persecuted psalmist in a prophetic spirit was transported in his hymns into the distant future and contemplated the suffering of Christ the Savior of the world. David's inspired narratives were subsequently collected into one book of Psalms or Psalms, which the saints of the New Testament Church called “the physician of souls.”

King David (Gerrig van Honthorst, 1611)

David wrote many sacred songs, or psalms, which he sang in prayer to God, playing the harp or other musical instruments. In these prayer songs, David cried out to God, repented of his sins before Him, sang the greatness of God and predicted the coming of Christ and the suffering that Christ would endure for us. Therefore, the Holy Church calls King David a psalmist and prophet.

The Psalms of David are often read and sung in the Church during divine services. The sacred book in which all these psalms, or songs, are found is called the psalter. Psalter - best book Old Testament. Many Christian prayers are composed of words from the psalms of this book.

David was not only a king and a singer, but also a prophet who prophesied about the Messiah - “the Son and Lord of David.” Christ refers to Ps. 109 in Matthew 22:43ff., and Peter, in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, refers to the testimony of the “forefather and prophet” David about the resurrection and ascension of Christ into heaven (Acts 2:25ff.; Ps. 15:2).

Decline of reign

The main problem recent years David's reign was the appointment of an heir to the throne. The Bible tells of court intrigues in the struggle of heirs for power.

Among the sons of David there was one named Absalom, handsome and dandy, “from the soles of his feet to the top of his head he had no shortage.” But under the prepossessing appearance of the royal son, there was hidden a cruel and insidious soul.

Absalom and Tamar

One day, David's eldest son Amnon raped his half-sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13:14). David was upset, but did not punish his son. Seeing such injustice, Absalom stood up for his sister’s honor and killed his older brother, but, fearing his father’s wrath, he fled to Gessur (2 Samuel 13:38), where he stayed for three years (970 - 967 BC). Then, when David's grief subsided, Absalom was forgiven and was able to return to Jerusalem.

However, Absalom planned to take the throne from his father and become king. To implement his plan, he tried to secure the support of the common people. By cunning, Absalom won supporters for himself. Gradually he gained many followers.

One day Absalom asked David for leave to go to the city of Hebron under the pretext that he wanted to make a sacrifice to God there, and he himself gathered his supporters in Hebron and rebelled against his father.

David, having learned that an army of rebels was marching on Jerusalem, led by his son, whom in his heart he loved more than his other children, was deeply saddened. He decided not to join the fight and, taking his family, people loyal to him and his army, left the capital.

Psalm 3

1 Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.
2 Lord! how my enemies have multiplied! Many are rebelling against me
3 Many say to my soul, “He has no salvation in God.”
4 But You, O Lord, are a shield before me, my glory, and You lift up my head.
5 With my voice I cry to the Lord, and He hears me from His holy mountain.
6 I lie down, sleep and get up, for the Lord protects me.
7 I will not be afraid of the people who have taken up arms against me on all sides.
8 Arise, Lord! save me, my God! for You strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked.
9 Salvation is from the Lord. Upon Your people is Your blessing.

The rebels occupied Jerusalem. Absalom ordered a pursuit of David. The armies of David and Absalom met in the forest of Ephraim, where a bloody battle took place and the rebels were defeated.

Even before the battle began, David ordered all his soldiers to spare Absalom. But Absalom did not know this, and when his army was defeated, he tried to escape. He rode on a mule. Driving under a branchy oak tree, Absalom got entangled with his long hair in its branches “and hung between heaven and earth, and the mule that was under him ran away.”

Death of Absalom

Absalom was found by one of David's soldiers and, contrary to the king's orders, he killed the traitor, and threw his body into a pit and stoned him. “And the victory of that day turned into mourning for all the people.” King David was plunged into deep sorrow. He mourned his dead son.

But David’s power was still shaky, since a new rebellion opened, led by Sheba (2 Samuel 20:2). However, David managed to pacify this rebellion, but he still could not find peace.

Adonijah (1 Kings 1:18), the next eldest son of David, declared his rights to the royal throne. Adonijah created his own detachment of bodyguards and tried to win over the army and some of the priests and Levites to his side. But he failed to attract either the prophet Nathan, the priest Zadok, or the royal guard. Adonijah's plot fails.

At the end of his reign, David took a census of the population. God considered this enterprise impudent and vain, became angry with David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem were struck by a pestilence. David prayed to the Lord: “ So I sinned, I, the shepherd, acted lawlessly, and these sheep, what did they do? Let Thy hand turn upon me and upon my father's house" The Lord heeded David’s prayer, and the plague stopped.

Feeling the approach of death, at the insistence of the prophet Nathan and Bathsheba, David anointed his son Solomon as king, telling him: “ Here I am setting out on the journey of the whole earth, so be strong and be courageous. And you shall keep the covenant of the Lord your God, walk in His ways and keep His statutes and His commandments."(1 Kings 2:1; 1 Chronicles 23:1).

David died at the age of 70 after 40 years of reign and was buried in Jerusalem.(1 Kings 2:10-11), on Mount Zion, where, according to Christian tradition, the Last Supper took place.

The image of David has become over the centuries the ideal of a righteous king, the personification of the past greatness of the people and a symbol of hope for its revival in the future.

In the New Testament

The New Testament sees David as a prophet (Acts 2:30) and a hero of the faith (Heb. 11:32), a man after God's own heart and the forefather of Jesus, the “Son of David” (Acts 13:22ff; Matt. 1: 1.6; Matt.9:27; 15:22; Rom.1:3), who is also David’s Lord, Christ (Matthew 22:42-45). In this the promises made to David are fulfilled (Luke 1:32,33).

God made an agreement with David, according to which the dynasty of David would rule the people of Israel forever, and David's capital - Jerusalem - would forever be the holy city, the only abode of God himself (see Ps. 89:4-5, Ps. 89:29- 30, Psalm 89:34–38, Psalm 132:13–14, Psalm 132:17). According to legend, the Messiah was supposed to come from the line of David (through the male line), which came true, according to the New Testament. The Mother of God and the Savior Christ Himself came from the line of David..

Michelangelo's David

For many centuries, the personality of David and his exploits served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artistic creativity. A monumental sculpture by Michelangelo (1503, Accademia, Florence) and paintings by Rembrandt are dedicated to David.

The statue of David by the great Michelangelo is a masterpiece of the Renaissance. This sculpture was created between 1501 – 1504. The height of the statue is almost 5.2 meters. It was created from marble by biblical motives. Initially, the statue of David was supposed to be one of the statues to decorate the Florence Cathedral, and was supposed to depict one of the biblical prophets. But the figure of naked David, instead of the cathedral, became the decoration of the main square of Florence, and became a symbol of protection civil liberties Florentines, who created an independent republic in their city, surrounded on all sides by enemies who tried to seize it.

The statue of David was installed in the square in 1504, and it occupied its place in the center of the main square of Florence until 1873, when an exact copy of David was installed in the square and the original was placed in the Accademia Gallery.

This work by Michelangelo also brings a new representation of David, who was previously usually represented with the head of the already killed Goliath in his hands. In this case, David is depicted before the battle with Goliath, his face is serious, he looks forward with a gaze, his eyebrows are furrowed, he is ready to fight with an obviously stronger opponent. His whole figure is tense, the muscles on his body are tense and bulging, the bulge of the veins on his lowered back is especially noticeable. right hand, but at the same time, David’s body posture is quite relaxed. It is this contrast between the tense expression of the face and some parts of the body and the calm pose that attracts attention to this statue, it makes it possible to speculate about what is happening.

This sculpture by Michelangelo is an interpretation of the ancient Greek theme of sculptural work, where a man was depicted naked and with a heroic appearance. During the Renaissance, typical ancient Greek classical forms began to change slightly, although the basis remained precisely classical, which can be seen in many sculptures of this time. This statue also became a symbol of male, human beauty, becoming the most famous work of the Renaissance.

In Moscow, at the State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin, there is a plaster cast of “David”.

Tomb of King David

King David's Tomb on Mount Zion

The tomb of King David is located on Mount Zion on the lower floor of a building built by the Crusaders directly below the room of the Last Supper.

The authenticity of the tomb has not been proven. Perhaps David was buried in the Kidron Valley, in the same place as all the rulers of Israel. The tomb is considered a holy place among Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Next to the tomb of King David there is a functioning synagogue named after him. In the 4th century there was Christian church St. David's, which was destroyed by the Persians, and in 1524 the El-Daoud Mosque was built in its place, the minaret of which can still be seen today. The large stone sarcophagus is covered with a veil, on which are installed the crowns of the Torah scrolls, symbolizing the 22 kingdoms of Israel, and embroidered with the words from the First Book of Kings: “David, king of Israel, lives and exists.” Legend says that the treasures of the First Temple were hidden behind the tomb of King David. Many conquerors of Jerusalem (Persians, Crusaders, Mamluks) destroyed the grave in search of treasures.

Archaeological discoveries

IN scriptures King David appears before us as a contradictory personality: a wise commander, a subtle politician, a brave and cruel warrior, not a very good father and not a very faithful husband, the creator of beautiful lyrical works - psalms, a sincere believer in God, but not without human vices.

Until recently, archaeologists and historians questioned the existence of King David as a historical figure - no evidence of his existence was found and David’s exploits and accomplishments seemed too implausible to them.

But in 1993, during excavations in northern Israel at a site called Tel Dan, a fragment of basalt was found embedded in a wall with words about the House of David. According to an ancient custom widespread in the east, many kings erected monuments to their greatness and achievements.
This inscription testified precisely to the victory of the Syrian king over the kings from the house of David, which serves as proof of the existence of David himself, since the mythical king could not have heirs.

Material prepared by Sergey Shulyak

Troparion, tone 2
The memory of thy prophet David, O Lord, is in celebration; therefore we pray to Thee: save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4
Enlightened by the Spirit, the pure heart of the prophecy became the brightest friend: see that the real one exists far away: for this reason we honor you, prophet David, glorious.

Prayers to King David:
Remember, Lord, King David and his meekness forever, and with his holy prayers have mercy on us sinners. Amen.

O holy servant of God, King and Prophet David! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that you will be delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, piously and righteously