Bi description. Business Intelligence (BI) systems for business analysis. In addition to different technological architectures, BI systems differ in their set of tools for different categories of business users


In this lesson we will learn how to include additional costs associated with the purchase of inventory items into the cost of these items.

Situation. We purchased from the supplier 10 seats 1500 rubles each and 5 sofas 5000 rubles each. total amount purchases amounted to 40,000 rubles.

The supplier provided us with a transport service to deliver the purchased goods to our warehouse. The cost of the service was 3,000 rubles (including the work of loaders).

Our accounting policy stipulates that all costs associated with the purchase of goods included in the cost these goods in proportion to them(products) cost.

It is required to reflect the purchase of goods in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0), and then distribute transport costs to the cost of goods according to their price.

Let me remind you that this is a lesson, so you can safely repeat my steps in your database (preferably a copy or a training one).

So let's get started

First, we will reflect the receipt of goods.

Go to the “Purchases” section, “Receipts (acts, invoices)”:

We create new document"Goods (invoice)":

We indicate our supplier, warehouse, as well as armchairs and sofas:

We carry out the document.

According to the resulting postings, the cost of 1 chair is 1,500 rubles, and 1 sofa is 5,000 rubles:

We will reflect additional costs (delivery and work of loaders).

To do this, go to the “Purchases” section and select “Receipt of additional expenses”:

We create a new document, fill in the transport service provider; service content; amount and method of distribution:

Go to the "Products" tab. You can specify all the goods for which you need to distribute expenses manually (the "Add" button), but we will fill them in based on the receipt document.

Click the "Fill in upon receipt" button:

And we indicate the receipt that we scored a little higher.

The table part is filled in automatically.

Pay attention to the “Amount” column; it is on the basis of this column that additional expenses will be distributed.

Let's calculate it ourselves first.

Coefficient additional expenses for armchair will be: 15000 / (15000 + 25000) = 0.375

Coefficient for sofas: 25000 / (15000 + 25000) = 0.625

Means on the chairs you will have 3000 * 0.375 = 1125 rubles additional expenses.

A on the sofas 3000 * 0.625 = 1875 rubles additional expenses.

We carry out the document:

And we see that 1C automatically performed the same calculation as we did.

IN this moment the cost of 1 chair increased to (15000 + 1125) / 10 = 1612.5 rubles, and the cost of 1 sofa increased to (25000 + 1875) / 5 = 5375 rubles.

Now let’s abstract from the conditions of our training example and imagine that we need, in addition to the already allocated 3,000, to attribute an additional 500 rubles to the cost of the chair.

For this purpose, use the additional column “Additional expenses”. We indicate in it in the line with chairs the amount of 500 rubles:

Let's look at the document again:

And we see that the distributed cost per chair has increased by an additional 500 rubles.

This is how easy it is to distribute additional costs for inventory items in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0).

We're great, that's all

By the way, for new lessons...

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher

In this material we will look in detail step by step solution a hypothetical ticket for the exam called “Specialist Consultant” for the “Trade Management” software product, edition 11. We hope that this solution will be useful to you and will help you prepare for the exam, but we cannot give a 100% guarantee of the correctness of this solution.

But we will not give the text of the task itself in the text.

Solution to Problem number 2 ticket number 3 specialist consultant software product"Trade Management" version 11.

The first step in solving our problem is introducing "".

Enter Royal Retail organizations. For it you need to install a taxation system, a bank account, a cost estimation method, a cash register cash register, with the autonomous cash register type, as well as an organization cash register:

After this, create two expense items:

- “Delivery from the supplier.” The distribution option is called “At cost”, the distribution rule is called “Proportional to cost”, the analytics is a document called “Receipt of goods and services”;

- “Delivery to the buyer.” The distribution option is called “At cost”, the distribution rule is “Proportional to cost”, and the analytics is called “Warehouse”.

Then with a type called "Product" create new type nomenclature " Musical instruments" And with a new type of nomenclature, create a new nomenclature called “Royal”:

Using the same principle, create another item and name it “Delivery”. It also needs to indicate the new kind nomenclature called “Service” (type is also called “Service”):

The next stage is processing the receipt of products at the supplier’s warehouse. You need the “Inventory and Warehouse” tab, “Receipt Documents” item:

Based on receipt, you need to enter “Setting item prices”:

As a result of registering the receipt of products, reflect transport services in the system. This can be done using the same document called “Receipt of Goods”, where you indicate “Cost Item” - “Delivery from Supplier”, and “Analytics” - the previously completed “Receipt”:

After this, arrange the sale of products. To reflect the sale in the system, enter a document called “Report on retail sales", where you can sell a certain amount of products:

Free delivery for the client must be issued using a document called “Cash receipt order” (type “Other expenses”):

The next step is calculating the financial result.

For display purposes, you need to sequentially enter 2 regulatory documents (tab called “Finance”, item named “Regulatory Documents”).

Distribution of costs for production costs:

And then “Calculation of the cost of goods”:

And a few words about how the functionality works.

A report called “Product Cost Analysis” is best suited to demonstrate the work:

Reports that will be useful during ticket resolution:

Product cost analysis.

What is a BI system and how does it work?

To build a high-rise, director construction company must know everything about the project down to the last screw: number of floors, volume necessary materials, verified building layout. You also need to adapt to shortening construction schedules, take care of renting out space, and resolve many issues with government agencies.

Stage No. 2. Data organization

Here, too, you can go in two ways: from general business requirements or from the needs of each department. In the first case, you first need to analyze all business requirements, then work out the needs of each department. The second approach is iterative - we break down the entire scope of work into separate areas, and describe in detail what analytics and reports will look like for the marketing department, then for finance, HR, and then we iterate through all departments.

If you want to get results faster in the form of the first reports, then the second option is more suitable - when working in iterations, while the next model is being designed, the first one is already working. At general approach you will get the final result faster, that is, general analytics for all departments.

Stage No. 3. Selecting a technology stack

The topic is limitless. Let us briefly describe what is important to do at this stage: identify data sources and clarify whether they contain necessary information and indicators. Very often it is necessary to modify accounting systems in order for the indicators to be entered. When the pool of sources has been collected, you can move on to accounting systems, web resources and internal systems companies to design the architecture component by component and specify the role of sources for data transformation. Any information in the BI system arrives in raw form, and at this stage it depends only on us how accurate and easy-to-read the data managers will receive at the output.

Stage No. 4. Interface design

Employees who use the system appreciate the user-friendly and visually pleasing interface perhaps as deeply as the capabilities the solution provides. Therefore, projects often introduce a prototyping stage, when we draw interface forms. Moreover, if we are implementing an SAP system, then we try to do the UX and UI in the interface of this system, if Qlik, then we draw in the interface of this platform. Thanks to this stage, the client understands which charts are best to use to visualize certain indicators, what colors to choose, how to more conveniently position the filter, etc. After the data transformation stage, it will be enough to fill out this prototype. Otherwise, it fully meets the expectations of business users.

Stage No. 5. System testing

If you are changing an existing BI system, then it will not be difficult to convince users of the accuracy of the data and additionally control the calculations. You need to take a report from one business intelligence system, take the developed answer in a new one, and if all the numbers match, then the program can be used - the data is correct. It is more difficult when new reports are developed or the first business analysis system is implemented, because there is nothing to compare the data with.

In this case, you need to develop test scenarios. Take unloadings in one of the directions for a given period and the accuracy of information on the same data slice from the same accounting system. For example, you took a report from the system on balances from February 1 to February 15, and it was equal to 1000 units. On the same data slice in the accounting system, the balance is also 1000 units. This means that the system can be trusted – the data is correct. In my opinion, it is impossible to find this point of convergence in any other way.

A separate topic is the implementation of a system on a dynamically changing data source, or when we implement a solution on Excel data, but the data loading stage must be transferred to a newly implemented source, in which everything from the storage structure to the information itself could change. Here, implementation and testing will follow different rules.

Stage No. 6. Team training

On projects, we try to ensure maximum results from using the system. To do this, we provide training for financiers, marketers, IT specialists and managers: we introduce them to the platform, the possibilities for finalizing and managing our solution, and we teach managers to make the most of all the capabilities of the program. To help administrators and users, accompanying documentation is developed: the classic “Administrator’s Guide” and “User’s Guide”, and often training videos. The most detailed and complex, but useful material– what is usually called “Technical Design” or “Report Specification”. It describes the entire process of data movement from sources to final reporting forms. Do not neglect this document. With its help, any newcomer to the team will be able to understand how data gets into the first loading layer and where it is located in the output reporting forms. With the help of this material, any change or request to improve the system will take a minimum amount of time.

Common mistakes during implementation

As we have already said, a popular mistake when building a decision tree is moving away from needs lower levels to the top ones. But there are several more critical points where inexperienced implementers most often fail.

  • Don't understand the types of platforms. There are in-memory class systems that do not require system data storage; and platforms that require a two-part architecture, that is, a separate storage and a separate BI tool for visualization.
  • Work with large strokes. The stages of loading, transformation and subsequent loading of data into the application should always be as detailed as possible and divided into shorter segments. Many load, transform data, and perform subsequent unloading in one script. Neither the contractor nor the client can handle gigantic pieces of code. But if the code is broken down into small pieces, it will be easy to determine what went wrong. This will save time and money on subsequent support.
  • Automate immediately. You cannot immediately release reports from business users for development. Perhaps they have not seen other, more convenient formats. Perhaps they previously encountered technical limitations and were unable to present the analysis in a different way. Simple development does not solve business problems - you need to dive deeper into the industry and processes in the company, find out what the problems are and purposefully work with them.

How much does it cost and what does it depend on?

The cost of a finished system starts with small projects up to a million rubles and ends major implementations under a hundred million. The numbers are tied to the volume of work - the number of departments and the number of required reports. It happens that a client wants a very time-saving project. This urgency will also affect total cost, because it will increase the cost of the team and optimization of resources.

How consultants can help

Often consultants perform the entire scope of work themselves and minimally involve the client’s employees. But it happens that the volume of work of our own employees is comparable to the volume of work of the integrator. Depending on the client’s tasks and financial capabilities, the consulting company can participate in the project in several formats.

The platform is not up to the task. Unreasonably long loading times, technical limitations on data entry, visualization tools do not allow you to produce the desired result - such difficulties are solved with the help of a systems audit. The consultant knows how similar problems are solved in other companies, and has worked a lot with different platforms. He will get to the root of the problem and offer the most successful solution.

Lack of resources. To quickly systematize requirements and build a system based on them just as quickly, additional resources may be required, since new requests appear constantly. Often, a company uses one tool for analysis, another for financial analytics, and a third one for marketing effectiveness. It is pointless and uneconomical to maintain an entire staff of IT specialists. A contractor who has already trained qualified personnel and knows how to optimize costs for such tasks will help here.

New task. If you have not been involved in the implementation of IT solutions before and do not clearly understand where to start, you should at least consult with a specialist. The risk of losing possible profits and time will absolutely pay for the costs of this consultation.


Create any information system not easy. The design of analytical solutions is hampered by a capricious and difficult to work with element – ​​data. A team with experience will solve this problem faster and without incident. Whether you prefer solo or guided runs of the Amazon rapids, take your time greatest attention actions with data. Then technical and methodological difficulties will pose less of a threat, and future system will be able to solve complex analytical problems without errors.