Concrete countertops made of white cement. Which epoxy resin to use for filling the countertop? Tabletop made without a supporting surface

Epoxy resin is an exceptional material that consists of a hardener and resin. The main property of the fill is that the original volume is retained after complete drying, because hardening occurs due to chemical reactions. The surface is covered with an even layer, cracks and bulges are not formed. This is what makes it possible to use epoxy resin for any surface with any complex configuration.

It makes it possible to cover a surface on which a pattern or ornament has been previously applied, or small decorative elements have been laid out. Making a tabletop with your own hands from epoxy resin is a great opportunity show your abilities and imagination. Your table will look like
3D image with a unique design.

The table surface is not susceptible to damage, and it will not be deformed, chips or cracks will not appear during use. This material is affordable. Even an amateur can work with epoxy because it is easy to use. You don’t need any special skills, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

For the work you need to purchase a special painting paper suit, rubber gloves and a hat (you can take a shower cap). Such precautions
are needed to prevent hair from getting into the resin, because it is almost impossible to remove it from there.

Let us highlight the main advantages of the material:

  • after drying, the fill retains the same volume and remains perfectly smooth;
  • There is practically no risk of mechanical damage - dents, cuts and chips;
  • has excellent moisture resistance, which is necessary for kitchen surfaces;
  • is not exposed to the aggressive effects of cleaning chemicals;
  • does not require expensive purchase household chemicals self-care.

Among the disadvantages we highlight:

  • if the temperature drops sharply, “white flakes” appear in the pour;
  • at high temperatures, toxins may be released due to evaporation;
  • to get the desired result, it is necessary to maintain exact proportions;
  • All precautions must be taken during operation.

Using various items decor, remember the following. The base poured with epoxy must be absolutely dry and clean, so the decorative elements must also be dry. If the filler contains droplets of moisture, then whitish spots will appear in the resin, this is how the resin reacts with water. Light decor needs to be glued so that it does not float up. When it the height is no more than half a centimeter, then one layer of resin is enough. Complex shape items for decoration will require pouring resin in several layers, between which you need to wait no more than two days. When pouring resin, keep in mind that when the object being poured has pores and depressions, air will appear in the resin in the form of bubbles, which can be removed by heating (use a torch or hair dryer). The resin penetration time lasts about three hours. Therefore, it is best to dip the object into the material in advance, and only after that place it on the surface to be poured.

Attractive and original kitchen, the dream of many people. Someone to create kitchen interior attracts experienced specialists, but some are trying to arrange everything themselves. Not the last place in the kitchen is played by the countertop, the manufacture of which will be discussed in this article.

Today, kitchen countertops can be made from the most various materials- glass, wood, concrete, etc. But it is the concrete countertop that has gained great popularity due to its attractiveness and durability of use.

You can make a concrete countertop yourself, using available materials. By the way, in great detail about how to make a kitchen countertop with your own hands. This approach will save significant financial resources, because today you can buy a kitchen countertop from natural stone very expensive.

Before you start making a concrete countertop, you should make a drawing of it indicating the dimensions, angle, etc. This will help you avoid many mistakes and disappointment when making a countertop with your own hands.

In addition, do not forget that concrete has a decent weight, so a kitchen countertop made from it must be able to support the frame on which it will be installed. Otherwise, you will have to additionally strengthen the frame with slope supports made of timber or a metal corner.

So, after all the measurements have been made, and the drawing for the manufacture of a concrete countertop is ready, you can proceed directly to solving the issue of the composition of concrete and materials for the manufacture of the countertop.

For this you will need:

  1. Portland cement;
  2. Clean sifted sand;
  3. Wooden blocks 5x5 cm;
  4. Plywood 12 mm;
  5. Reinforcing mesh (will be used as reinforcement);
  6. Glue or sealant for gluing decorative elements to the countertop to solve the question - how to cover the concrete countertop;

Of the tools, in order to make a concrete countertop with your own hands, you will need the most available tools, which will definitely be found in household every “jack of all trades”.

First of all, the tools you will need are:

  1. Metal spatulas of different sizes;
  2. Grinder and polishing wheels on it;
  3. Construction level with tape measure for performing various measurements;
  4. Screwdriver;
  5. Wood screws;
  6. Thick polyethylene film;
  7. Wood saw and other small carpentry tools.

Now a few words about the composition of concrete for making kitchen countertops. To make a concrete solution, you need the following components, which are maintained in the following proportions:

  1. Three parts of sifted sand;
  2. Two parts of Portland cement grade not lower than 500;
  3. One part polymer-based concrete plasticizer;
  4. N - water, depending on the amount of all components. The concrete solution for the countertop should not be too liquid, it should have a certain degree of viscosity.

First you need to assemble the formwork for the concrete countertop into which the solution will be poured. It is made either from plywood or plastic sheets. Of course, the second option is preferable, since the concrete solution does not adhere well to plastic.

The dimensions of plastic sheets or plywood must be strictly those dimensions that were previously indicated in the drawing. Be sure to attach a 5 cm thick beam around the perimeter of the plywood using self-tapping screws. If you need to make a concrete countertop of greater thickness, then the thickness of the beam increases accordingly.

If, after assembling the formwork for the tabletop, between it structural elements If there are cracks, it is advisable to seal them using silicone sealant or any other suitable for working with a specific material.

If you need the tabletop to have rounded edges, then it is necessary to add it to the formwork before pouring it. concrete mortar insert small plastic inserts in the form of a semicircle along the edges. Then, it is necessary to fix it at a height of 3 centimeters from the surface of the formwork metal mesh for reinforcement.

However, before installing the reinforcing mesh and pouring the concrete solution into the form of the tabletop, it is recommended to lubricate its base and sides with machine oil. After the formwork is completely filled with concrete mortar, it must be covered with plastic film on top and left to dry for at least ten days.

Polishing and sanding concrete countertops

Grinding a concrete countertop is carried out using an angle grinder (grinder) with a polishing disc installed on it (as well as ) . You should know that different stages When grinding a concrete countertop, different discs are used.

On initial stage, to remove the main irregularities of the tabletop, a rough disk is used. Then only 50 and 100 unit discs are used (for finishing kitchen countertop).

After sanding the concrete countertop is completed, the final stage of polishing follows. A concrete countertop is polished with the same tool, but only with a much less abrasive disc (no more than 400 units).

The finished concrete countertop should have a smooth and shiny appearance. If you run your hand over its surface, you should feel absolutely no abrasions or roughness.

DIY video concrete countertop

If you no longer want to see ordinary ones in your kitchen or any other room of the house, you can order an expensive marble analogue. However, you can make such a product yourself using concrete. As practice shows, the design looks very attractive. And you can decorate it with different elements, including glass. After completion of the work you will be able to obtain unique table, which will cost very little.

Preparation of materials

If you will be making a concrete countertop, it is important to prepare necessary set materials. Among them, we should highlight boards, plywood, cement, fiberglass, acrylic-based polymer concrete, guides, broken glass, and fiber optic cable. You will need a sheet of laminated plywood, two sheets of plastic, sand, sealant, handles for drawers (if such are to be made), as well as decorative elements.

The boards must be made of hard wood. And their total length should be 6 meters. Plywood can be the most ordinary. There is no need to use moisture-repellent material at all. When preparing the plastic, remember that its thickness can be approximately 18 millimeters. You will need two such sheets. The volume of cement will depend on the specific dimensions of the future countertop. However, this article discusses an example that involves the use of two 50 kg bags. Therefore, we will present figures characteristic of this model. As for sand, you will need six bags, each of which should be 25 kilograms. It will be enough to purchase silicone sealant in the amount of one tube. But you can use it for decoration different elements, and not just glass.


The concrete countertop will be made using some tools, namely: a set of polishing pads, a woodworking jig, an electric grinder, and a device for working with concrete. Initially, it will be necessary to create an action plan, which involves creating a drawing of the future structure. You must have a clear idea of ​​what the table will look like. You need to measure the room where you plan to place the product.

You will waste your energy if, after completing the work, you discover that the countertop does not fit in size. It is not recommended to pour out the whole monolith. The process should be divided into several stages. This will prevent the formation of cracks. In addition, moving and installing individual parts will be much easier than a solid product, the weight of which is quite impressive. When a concrete countertop is made, the master must take into account the features of the interior. This will allow us to produce a structure whose design will match the decoration.

Frame construction

The design of each table will be unique. Therefore, there is no point in describing in detail the technology of constructing the frame. It is worth considering, however, that the table fronts will be made of The table top can rest on two pipes. In the central parts it is possible to provide the presence drawer. It is recommended to make the load-bearing elements of the frame from hard wood. In order to create drawers and a facade, it is recommended to cut a sheet of plywood.

Creating a Shape to Fill

If you are making a concrete countertop, you must first create a mold, the parts of which will be 18 mm plastic sheets. It is necessary to install sides along the perimeter. Their height will be 50 millimeters. Thanks to these parameters, it will be possible to pour the required layer of concrete to ensure high strength. It is important to complete the forms, taking into account the dimensions of the frame. Already at this stage it is recommended to do everything as accurately as possible, since after pouring the concrete it will be impossible to correct the situation. The joints between the plastic sheets and the sides must be filled silicone sealant. It will prevent liquid concrete from leaking out.

Laying decorative elements and frame systems

A concrete countertop should not only be aesthetically attractive, but also as durable as possible. To do this, you should use wire mesh. Decorative elements should be placed at the bottom. Broken glass can play their role. After surface treatment, the decor will appear and become visible on the base.

The concrete countertop may have holes for laying communications. If this is the case, then their presence must be indicated at this stage. To do this, you can use a ring made of PVC pipes. The workpiece is wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the designated place. After the concrete hardens, the pipe is pushed out, and the polyethylene will be easy to get rid of.

Work methodology

The mesh rises above the surface of the mold base by 25 millimeters. The easiest way to do this is with wire. Should be given great importance decor. To make it attractive, you need to prepare transparent, brown and green glass, which breaks into fragments. If you wish, you can use coins, pebbles and other items.

The tabletop will look original with To do this, you need to drill holes in the plastic sheet of the mold. The cable is installed in them. Gaps should be filled with sealant. The ends of the cable will hang below the form. They need to be collected in bunches. Later, light elements are inserted into them, which will create the effect starry sky. Glass shards can easily become dislodged when pouring the solution. To prevent this, you should fix them with spray glue.

Pouring concrete

The next stage of manufacturing countertops involves pouring the solution. To do this, mix cement and sand using a ratio of 1 to 3. Water must be added until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. It is necessary to pour the composition into the mold as carefully as possible. After it is half filled, the mass must be distributed throughout the entire form. The formwork is shaken to get rid of air bubbles. Then you can start mixing another portion of concrete, using the same proportion.

However, in this case, fiberglass should be added. The composition is poured into the mold, and the surface is stretched using the rule. The structure is left in this state for 24 hours. After this, the base can be covered with a damp towel, which will slow down the hardening process and have a positive effect on strength. The manufacture of countertops involves removing finished product out of the mold in two days. However, experts recommend waiting one more day. If getting rid of the mold turns out to be problematic, then you need to pry off the edge with a spatula. Brick can be used as a support.

Carrying out grinding

The surface of the slab must be sanded after the concrete has hardened. This is necessary so that broken glass fragments and other decorative elements that were used during pouring appear on it. Sanding will smooth out any uneven surfaces and remove any glue residue. To carry out this work, the master should use clothes that he won’t mind getting dirty. After sanding, the slab is again left to dry.

Kitchen countertops are usually very smooth. In order to achieve a similar effect, at the next stage it is necessary to mix cement with an acrylic fixer. The mass should not be too thick. Its application is best done in three stages. It is important to remember that when the material dries, it shrinks. It needs to be distributed over the surface, filling all the cracks and voids. Excess should be removed from the surface, leaving the structure to dry.

What to do next?

At the time of the second application of the composition, you must try to fill all the voids that you missed the first time. When kitchen countertops covered with a third layer, there is no need to get rid of the remaining mixture. One night will be enough for the slab to dry. Then you can treat the surface grinder, providing it with a coarse-grained polishing pad. If during sanding you notice voids and holes that could not be filled with acrylic cement composition, then the process can be repeated by applying another layer.

Carrying out polishing

After completing all the work described above, you will get a dark countertop, the shade of which will be slightly different from concrete. On final stage will need to be polished. In this case, the working element must be constantly wet. There is no need to rush. Movements should be uniform and slow. If you are thinking about how to cover a concrete countertop, you can find out by reading the article. Gradually, grinders change in grit size. This is done until 1500 units can be reached. You can find polishing pads with a grain size of 3 thousand units. But in order to cover the surface with primer varnish, you should make the base as smooth as possible.

The production of concrete countertops ends with the application of a primer varnish. It should be allowed to dry thoroughly. To achieve a positive result, the varnish can be applied in several layers. And then the surface must be cleaned with a wax composition, after which has hardened, the tabletop is wiped with a clean rag.


If you are interested in the question of what minimum thickness concrete countertop, then this parameter should be equal to 5 centimeters. But even in this case, it is recommended to use a reinforcing mesh, which will increase strength. Many craftsmen neglect the stage of creating a template. However, these manipulations are very important to create a structure of ideal proportions.

To do this, you can use fiberboard and cardboard scraps, joined together with glue. Do not forget that a sink may be embedded into the countertop. This should be provided before the pouring stage, so that you do not have to cut the material afterwards. The cost of a factory-made countertop can reach 20 thousand rubles. However, if you want to do the work yourself, then the costs will be limited by the price of sand and cement.


Epoxy resin has unique properties, thanks to which it is widely used in various industries. Based on epoxy with appropriate additives, various compounds, which allow us to produce high-quality, aesthetic and incredibly practical things, from small decorations to floors in an apartment or house. Epoxy resin is also used for pouring countertops and making entire furniture. Used for thin layer coating epoxy varnishes Etal And epoxy paints etal.

A product made of epoxy resin or coated with epoxy compounds is not afraid of mechanical and chemical damage and looks really impressive, especially when using decoupage or similar techniques. The entire manufacturing process will require funds personal protection and accuracy, but neither special tools, no special skills required. Read more about the filling method further in the article.

Material characteristics

For pouring countertops two-component epoxy compounds, consisting of a resin and a hardener, for example brand Etal(transparent Etal-3D, Etal-Optic, Etal-257Carbon/Light etc.). After hardening, the mixture does not decrease in volume and does not become cracked; it perfectly fills small uneven areas. The material is resistant to moisture, abrasion, but when exposed to high temperature melts, a sandy tint may appear, like all epoxies.

Specialized epoxy compounds have special additives that improve the properties of the epoxy resin, such as wear resistance, heat resistance, UV resistance, chemical resistance, impact resistance, etc.

You can complete different brands of epoxy resins yourself with hardeners, additives, and dyes.

The most common epoxy resin in the post-Soviet space is epoxy diane resin ED-20, the main disadvantage of which is the increased viscosity of the substance, which makes removing air bubbles from the mass very problematic. After some time, the ED-20 countertop loses its transparency and becomes slightly yellowish, but when using dyes this is not so important. In addition, ED-20 resin different manufacturers differs in physical and mechanical properties after curing, in particular in fragility, and in shade. Its role in performance characteristics The hardener selected for polymerization of the resin also contributes. Actively used hardeners Etal-45M, PEPA. The advantage of ED-20 is its low cost.

Among imported resins, an analogue of ED-20 resin can be called epoxy KER 828 resin. But if you need a resin with low viscosity (like water), transparent and quick-curing, then we recommend using resin KER 215 With hardener KSA 4303.

Epoxy compounds allow you to create various shapes products: the thicker the consistency, the easier it is - this is, for example, when working in epoxy plasticines stamps Etal, and in the manufacture of composite products (fiberglass, carbon fiber), it is necessary to select impregnating epoxy compounds Etal with low viscosity.

Tabletops and furniture can be made entirely from epoxy resin or in combination with other materials, for example: wood, stone.

When covering wooden table top The epoxy composition stabilizes the wood: its pores are filled with resin. As a result, the tree becomes invulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, solvents, organics.

In addition to operational properties, epoxy resin also has decorative advantages. With its help, patterns, decorations, and imitations are created. For example, you can coat a painting, shells, pebbles, leaves, etc. with a layer of resin. Epoxy resin can be painted beautifully, e.g. epoxy tinting pastes Etal. You can get a colored transparent or opaque coating, as well as with various stains.

Specialized epoxy compounds are not cheap materials, but if you compare them with analogues for treating surfaces with increased stress on abrasion, moisture and mechanical damage, then the price becomes very reasonable. The price of epoxy casting transparent compounds as of 2019 varies depending on the properties of the composition and packaging in the range from 37.8 to 45 rubles per kilogram, the wholesale price will be lower, about 32-41 rubles / kg. Epoxy varnishes even cheaper. Savings, of course, are possible by selecting separately cheap, unmodified resin and hardener, without the use of special chemical additives. (We advise, however, to pay special attention to the environmental friendliness of the hardener. Health is more important.)

There are several types of countertops made using epoxy compounds:

  1. Made entirely of resin, without support. This type is most often found in the manufacture of coffee or coffee tables, for which significant loads are not planned.

2. Made from wood and coated with epoxy as a protective layer. The role of the base can be played by a board made of any material: solid wood, multiplex, paneled surface, fibreboard, chipboard, OSB, etc. Before pouring, such tabletops are often decorated (with prints, stencil painting, paper elements, according to the decoupage principle, mosaics, pebbles, flowers, coins, shells - whatever).

3. Combined, when the resin alternates with fragments of another material: wood, stone...

The base can have any shape (square, round), it is important to make the sides of the required height so that after the pouring hardens, the side surfaces of the tabletop are smooth and even.

Advice! When choosing a material for decorating a tabletop, remember that the more embossed the decoration, the thicker the layer of fill will have to be made; it will take longer to dry.

Advantages of a countertop coated with epoxy resin:

  1. After drying, the substance does not shrink.
  2. After hardening, the surface becomes perfectly smooth, like glass.
  3. Resistant to damage caused by mechanical impact (dents, chips, cuts).
  4. It is immune to the effects of moisture and aggressive household cleaning products, therefore it does not require a special selection of care methods.
  5. Does not degrade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  6. Looks impressive.
  7. Can be subjected to mechanical processing: drilling, cutting, grinding, polishing.

Useful tips

To epoxy resin table top, made with your own hands, turned out to be a real work of art, should be followed work requirements and take into account the recommendations of professionals:

1. To make a high-quality fill, you will need to strictly adhere to the proportions of the components.
Advice! Dosage is carried out by weighing on scales.
2. When mixing one-time large volumes of epoxy compound, a slight yellowness may appear due to strong heating.
Advice! If colorlessness of a transparent product is required, mix the compound in smaller portions.
3. When mixing components and pouring the countertop, bubbles may form.
Advice! Mix the components of the epoxy compound at low speed with the mixer, having previously mixed each component separately and adding the hardener while mixing into the resin. When pouring the compound, it is advisable to first apply it to the surface of the mold. epoxy composition using a brush, and then fill. If there are still bubbles in the layer after leveling, pass the burner over the tabletop, the bubbles will come out - but do not linger on the flame over one place to avoid overheating.
4. The resin cures faster and more uniformly at room temperature.
5. To avoid deformation, do not heat the surface from above.
6. When pouring layer by layer, a section of layers may be visible.
Advice! Do not overexpose the product, pour the next layer when the previous one is gelatinized (dried) “tack-free”. During exposure, close the product to prevent dust from entering the surface. If the previous layer has already dried, then sand the surface and clean it before pouring the next layer of epoxy.
7. After curing, the surface of the countertop is uneven or there are uncured areas or spots - this indicates uneven mixing of the hardener with the resin.
Advice! It is necessary to mix the components of the compound more thoroughly. To avoid unmixing and obtain a uniform distribution of components, pour the mixed composition from one working container into another container, completely clearing the walls and bottom of the compound, and again thoroughly mix the mass with a thick mixer, spatula or spatula. Try not to bring the tool to the surface of the mass, otherwise there is a high probability of air bubbles being sucked in.
8. The surface of the tabletop turned out to be cloudy.
Advice! Cure the resin in a dry room. High humidity may cause cloudiness. To eliminate this, grind and polish the surface (grain size from 320 to 600, speed no more than 1000 with paste and water to prevent heating of the surface).

9. When poured into the mold around the perimeter, a border along the side was obtained.
Advice! Cut the edge around, grind and polish the surface. Lubricate the surface of the mold with wax release agent.
10. A sharp drop in temperature can lead to the appearance of white flake-like inclusions in the deep layers - the hardened substance separates under the influence of extreme cold.
Advice! To remove white flakes that appear, warm the countertop to +50-60˚C.
11. When using the product near fire or in direct sunlight, the solid resin begins to turn yellow.
Advice! Use special UV-resistant and heat-resistant epoxy compounds to manufacture the product.Etal.
12. When heated strongly, the tabletop material will release substances that are toxic to the human body.
Advice! To prevent the release of toxins when heated, coat the countertop with an additional protective transparent varnish.
13. When pouring into a springform mold, epoxy seeped through the seams.
Advice! For sealing seams in molds, it is better to use , MaxSil or adhesive sealantADHESIONMS(in case of using a polymer form).
14. It is necessary to work in compliance with safety rules as strictly as possible.

* * *

Be careful when performing work, do not ignore advice,

and the work will give excellent results and bring a lot of pleasure.

Epoxy resin is a unique material that is used to create designer souvenirs and even furniture items. The composition is especially popular when creating countertops that can decorate the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. And if you become the happy owner of an exclusive table, cabinet or coffee table It was only possible to use the services of a craftsman, but with the advent of epoxy, you can create such furniture with your own hands.

Benefits of Epoxy Resin for Countertops

Using epoxy to fill the working surface of a table, cabinet, bar counter, or small table has a lot of positive aspects for the home craftsman:

  1. Preservation of the original volume of material. The amount of epoxy, both in liquid form and after setting, remains unchanged, that is, the material does not shrink. This is achieved due to the fact that the resin hardens not by evaporation of the liquid, but as a result of a chemical reaction.
  2. High performance characteristics. The resulting surface is not subject to deformation and is not afraid of mechanical damage. It does not sag during the drying process, and throughout its entire service life, chips or cracks do not appear on it.
  3. Affordable price. The price of transparent epoxy resin, as a rule, does not exceed 300 rubles per kilogram. This is significantly lower than the cost of any other feedstock intended for creating high-strength foundations.

Mastering the process of working with epoxy is quite simple. You don't need to have any special skills. The main thing is to strictly follow all instructions and recommendations.

The nuances of working with epoxy resin

The surface of the workpiece must be set in a strictly horizontal position. If you neglect this recommendation, there is a high probability that it will turn out uneven, that is, with visible sagging. And since the work is carried out with the product located horizontally, unwanted objects may get on it, for example, hair, eyelashes, dust particles, and so on.
To avoid this, it is recommended to carry out work in special clothing. You should wear rubber gloves, since hairs are also present on the skin of your hands, a painting paper suit, and a hat. You can put a shower cap on your head. You should not use a scarf.

Preparation of material and base

Transparent epoxy resins, intended for pouring decorative elements, including table tops, are kits containing a resin and a hardener. The latter is the catalyst that starts chemical reaction curing, after which the composition becomes hard. The process is irreversible. Therefore, you need to prepare epoxy carefully, strictly following the proportions recommended by the manufacturer.

To mix the components you will need:

  • two measuring containers;
  • stirring stick;
  • container, the dimensions of which depend on the amount of epoxy required.

First measure out the resin, and then measure out the hardener. It is poured into the base, but not vice versa. If the proportions are violated, this will affect the hardening process. The components poured into the container are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This also affects the hardening process.
The workpiece that will be filled with resin must be absolutely dry. The presence of particles of dust, dirt, unevenness, and moisture is unacceptable. Otherwise, all this will affect the quality of the final product.

Protective measures

When working with epoxy resin, it is necessary to take into account that this material is quite difficult to remove after curing. This is done like this by mechanical means, and using special solvents. It is better to cover the floor around the workpiece in advance with plastic wrap, which you then simply throw away.
As the epoxy hardens, it becomes vulnerable. Dust may settle on it or an insect may land on it, nullifying all the work done by the master. You cannot cover the workpiece itself. It is recommended to use stands that can be covered with a tarp or other film material to protect the epoxy without affecting the poured surface.

Working conditions

Mix the resin and hardener and pour at low air humidity. No water or moisture particles should get into the solution or onto the surface. Work must be carried out at a temperature of +22 degrees Celsius. If temperature regime will be lower, then the risk of obtaining a poorly hardened base increases significantly.
The higher the temperature, the faster the resin hardens. Not worth using construction hairdryer and other devices, trying to heat the surface by pumping hot air. Of course, this will speed up the crystallization process, but will lead to “boiling” of the solution and the formation huge amount air bubbles.
To get rid of a bubble, if it does appear while pouring epoxy resin, you can use a thin syringe, a ballpoint pen housing, or a cocktail tube. It is enough to blow into any of these devices on the bubble, it will disappear, and the craft will remain unharmed.

Epoxy resin thickness stages for countertops

There are several degrees of thickness of transparent epoxy resin. Each of them has its own characteristics and can be used for certain purposes:

  1. Liquid. Characterized by free flow of resin from the stick, ideal for pouring molds, filling depressions and corners.
  2. Resembling the consistency of honey. Not intended for pouring, but serves as an excellent adhesive.
  3. Practically inseparable from the mass. Has no practical purpose. The mixture is either not brought to this stage of thickness, or they wait until the composition thickens even more.
  4. Rubber. The plasticine-like mixture can be used to create various intricately shaped elements. To prevent them from straightening out, the composition must be fixed in the desired position.

The last stage is solid. When the resin reaches it, the tabletop is completely ready.

Making a countertop from epoxy resin

The tabletop can be made in four variations:

  • single color;
  • with a combination of colors;
  • with decorative attachments;
  • completely made of epoxy.

The last option involves creating a form - a template. Glass that is washed, wiped dry, degreased, rubbed is best suited for it. wax mastic and polish after 15 minutes with a dry cloth. It is recommended to make the sides from polished aluminum corners, and attach them to the glass with window putty. All these nuances must be observed in order to easily remove the mold after the tabletop has hardened.

Single-color and combined countertops

The manufacturing process for both options is the same, except that when combining shades, another color is introduced:

  1. The workpiece is cleaned and degreased. If it is wood or any other absorbent material, it is pre-primed with resin to prevent the formation of air bubbles.
  2. Dye is added to the resin. It is recommended to use both epoxy and color pigment from the same manufacturer.
  3. Pour in the composition, leave for 10-15 minutes, remove bubbles if any appear.

Grinding and polishing is carried out only after two days. The tabletop is completely ready for use in a week.

Table top with filler

The most labor-intensive and demanding special attention On the part of the master, the option of creating a working surface from epoxy resin:

  1. Not only the base, but also the attachments must be completely dry. If the decorative filler is wet, it will lead to whitishness.
  2. Lightweight attachments are glued to the base to prevent them from floating.
  3. The number of layers depends on the filler. Small elements with a height of 1-5 mm are poured in one layer, and textured high ones with recesses are poured in several, each of which is poured no later than 48 hours after applying the previous one.
  4. The process of resin penetration into the recesses takes up to three hours. It’s easier to first immerse the textured elements in resin and then lay them on the base of the workpiece.
  5. Creating a countertop with filler does not require painting with epoxy. It is left transparent.