White worms in the bathroom. What insects can live in the bathroom. Where do insects come from in the bathroom and kitchen?

Small insects can be found in almost any apartment, even the cleanest and most tidy. These “neighbors” are not always harmful and dangerous, sometimes there are so few of them that they are not visible at all, but practice shows that one or another representative of this entomofauna can be found in almost any residential area.

On a note

It is interesting to note that the smallest insects in an apartment can significantly exceed the number of individuals of the same cockroaches, but at the same time, due to their small size don't pay attention to yourself.

Therefore, if you regularly encounter “incomprehensible” small insects in your apartment, you should not be dismissive of this fact. At least ask yourself: what do they eat, where do they hide, at what speed do they reproduce...

At the same time, the same ants are recognized by everyone, and there is no point in separately helping the reader in identifying them. Therefore, we will focus on those small insects that not everyone knows.

Silverfish: harmless extras

Some scientists consider silverfish to be the most ancient insects existing on the planet today. They have changed little over many millions of years of evolution and very much resemble the ancestors of all modern insects.

In the photo - sugar silverfish:

And here is a home thermobia:

Silverfish feed on various organic residues that are found in dust and crevices; they can eat paper, bread and sugar crumbs. They do not cause harm, and to get rid of them it is enough to destroy the individuals spotted on the walls.

Small species of beetles

Small domestic beetles include skin beetles, grinders, and beetles. They damage various products, can feed on paper and spoil books. Carpet beetles also damage fur coats and woolen clothing.

In the photo there is a bread grinder, one of the smallest insects in the apartment:

This beetle reaches 1.5 mm in length and does not feed as an adult, although it makes passages in many products, damaging them. But its larva feeds on almost everything, including paper and fibers of semi-synthetic clothing.

Bread damaged by borer larvae becomes poisonous to humans. You can't eat it!

Very small insects, also often found in apartments - carpet beetles, capable of making holes in fur coats and furs, “cutting” carpets and eating the bindings of old books:

All of the above small beetles can be quite difficult to remove from the apartment. If their larvae are found in food, all supplies should be thrown away, and bedside tables and shelves should be treated with insecticidal agents. In closets and on bookshelves things and objects are treated with aerosol insecticides, and then it is useful to place anti-moth sections here, which are quite effective against beetles.


The photograph below shows an adult book louse (book louse):

These insects rarely form large colonies. Even a small group of them makes clearly audible ticking sounds, thereby giving away their presence.

They fight book lice by hanging fumigation products near shelves with books and zoological or botanical collections.

Springtails are enemies of house plants

Springtail is small white insect, in an apartment settling in the ground in flower pots and eating organic matter. During mass reproduction, springtails can severely damage plant roots.

“I just don’t understand what kind of misfortune this is in flower pots. Some bugs white, tiny, but there are so many of them that you can’t see the ground. I was replanting violets and discovered that all the pots had them. Tell me, what kind of insects are these, are they dangerous?”

Tamara, Moscow

The photo shows a springtail at high magnification:

And below is a lump of soil infested with springtails taken out of a pot:

These insects can be poisoned with the usual means against garden pests - Aktara or Karbofos. You can also lay pieces of potatoes on the surface of the ground and collect insects on them every few days.


Whiteflies are also plant pests that, unlike springtails, attack leaves and stems. These insects are easily recognized by their light wings.

In the photo - tobacco whitefly:

And here is the cabbage whitefly:

If these small insects appear in the apartment, the plants should immediately be treated with an alcoholic infusion of calendula.

Whiteflies reproduce very quickly and suck plant sap at all stages of development. A large number of them can cause the death of the bush. In case of mass infection, they should be poisoned with Karbofos or Aktara.


These small insects with transparent wings usually appear in the apartment in the bathroom or toilet. Butterflies are small flies with dark fringed wings. They are clearly recognizable due to the special shape of their wings.

The photo shows a common butterfly (Psychodidae):

Butterfly larvae develop in garbage, basements and sewers, and adult flies can scatter throughout apartments, laying eggs in trash cans and dust in closets.

Sometimes in an apartment you can notice very small insects that vaguely resemble cockroaches or bedbugs. These could be their larvae early age(nymphs), sometimes having a translucent chitinous cover.

The photo shows a recently moulted red cockroach, which looks almost white immediately after molting:

This is what a bedbug larva looks like:

Such larvae can enter from neighboring apartments through ventilation ducts or through doors, settling or escaping from persecution. If such insects are found in single copies, they can be simply destroyed. If a room is massively infested, they are found as often as adult insects; in this case, a thorough disinfestation of the entire room should be carried out.

A clear example of how small insects in an apartment can seriously ruin life

How to choose an insect extermination service

The bathroom is one of those rooms where you want to relax and feel clean. The picture is quite spoiled by insects that may appear in this room. And this is not always due to unsanitary conditions or mold, although such conditions contribute to the appearance of various creatures. Insects safely move through pipes, hatches from neighbors or from the street. There are insects in the bathroom different types. At the same time, the methods of dealing with them are almost the same.

In this room there are pests that love moisture and are afraid sun rays and are nocturnal. Only a few succeed in ensuring the complete absence of moisture in this room. Droplets collect on the walls after bath procedures, on the pipes in hard to reach places condensates. Only the housekeeper, who is paid for this, can wipe everything dry and clean at each point. An ordinary housewife does not have enough time for this. So you have to meet with “uninvited guests” from time to time.

  1. Silverfish

Small white insects with an elongated body up to 1 cm long. Sometimes a gray or silver creature is found. This is the same pest. You can notice 4 pairs of legs with which they move quickly. There are long shoots on the head and tail, similar to the whiskers of a cockroach. In nature, they hide during the day under stones, a layer of leaves, in shady, damp places. In the apartment, the bathroom is the only place that meets their requirement. The light rarely turns on there, there is always moisture and food for them. There is no need to be afraid that as they multiply, the pests will begin to conquer the rest of the apartment. Moreover, the reproduction process is quite slow. These pests can be easily controlled. They feed on mold, organic debris, toilet paper, synthetic fibers and even dead brothers. There is no particular harm from them, but the presence of insects in the house greatly damages the nervous system.

  1. Woodlice

These insects appear in the bathroom due to excessive dampness. They cannot survive without water. They belong to the genus of crustaceans. The appearance is somewhat reminiscent of the tail of a crayfish. The body is flattened, divided into segments that stand out very well. Each of them has 2 pairs of small legs. They move quickly in case of danger. Night is a time of active action. But since the room is always dark, when you turn on the light you can find it in the bath itself, on the sink. If you are careless, you can step on a small creature that is located on the tile. There will be no bite, and a feeling of disgust is guaranteed. The color of woodlice can be gray, white, brown. They reproduce quickly. The female lays an average of 70 eggs. Or maybe 100. The larvae appear in about 25 days. As they grow older, they undergo several molts. And only at the end of development they become similar to adult woodlice. They feed on the same things as silverfish. Their paws can cause skin irritation if you accidentally step on this creature.

  1. Centipedes or nooks

It is rare, but you can find worms in the bathroom. Despite their terrifying appearance, they do not pose any particular danger. Because they feed on mold, organic debris and vegetation. A long, dark-colored worm. The body is divided into many segments that are clearly visible. There are numerous legs below. Hence the name. When danger is seen, it curls into a spiral and remains motionless. Despite the large number of legs, it moves slowly. Settles in places where there is a lot of moisture. In the garden or vegetable garden you can find strawberries or vegetables nearby. Worms do not bite, do not damage furniture, they simply irritate with their presence.

To detect accumulation areas, you should check:

  • Sewer and water pipes. Condensation always collects on them, and insects spend most of their time there.
  • Hard-to-reach areas that are rarely visited and not cleaned: hidden communications, space under the toilet, corners.
  • Wet floor mats, rags, towels, napkins.
  • The floor under the bathroom, cabinets, shelves, where they are rarely cleaned.

It will most likely not be possible to definitively determine the main location. When the light is turned on, they scatter in all directions. They do not form nests. The scales on the body protect them from drying out, so they can stay in a dry place for a certain time.

Fighting methods

Getting rid of pests is not the most important thing. Everything must be done to prevent them from appearing again. May be required redecorating, replacing some elements, buying new rugs, shelves, and so on.

  1. The first thing to do is to carry out high-quality cleaning. There should not be a single area left unnoticed.
  2. Rinse the floor, walls, pipes with chlorine water. To do this, it is not at all necessary to run to the store in search of this product. It is enough to go through all the cleaning chemicals on the shelves and read the composition. Chlorine is usually found in bleaches.
  3. Dry all rugs. If necessary, change to others.
  4. Dry the room. You can use a regular air heater. Try to ensure that the room is ventilated in the future after bath procedures so that moisture does not accumulate.
  5. Periodically inspect and wipe the shelves in the room and the baskets for dirty clothes.

Improve ventilation. Place small gratings. Usually insects from neighboring apartments penetrate through it. In second place are pipes. Treating a room with chlorine once a week will be enough for insects to find the bathroom unsuitable for their lives.

Insect repellents

Pests that live in the bathroom are no different from the rest. They can be killed with powder, gel, aerosol, concentrated liquid. You can drive them out with repellents.

  • Boric acid is often used. The powder is simply scattered in the corners of the room, under the bathroom, near pipelines, under rugs. These insects are not particularly resistant. They will begin to die immediately after the first meal.
  • You can use a gel that is designed to fight cockroaches and ants.
  • Etching a small room with an aerosol is not difficult. Moreover, they will not live in another area of ​​the apartment. You can use the same Raptor, Raid, Clean house, Dichlorvos. Whatever takes your fancy.
  • Moth sections and herbs will help repel them: wormwood, tansy, lavender, chamomile.

If you follow all the rules, you will be able to get rid of them all in a short time. And also prevent them reappearance. It should not be forgotten that best fight– this is prevention. Difficulties may arise for residents of old houses with high humidity. Because the insects will appear again. In this case, it is necessary to put the sewerage, pipelines, and ventilation in order as much as possible.

The bathroom and toilet are rooms in a house or apartment that should be as clean as possible. But due to the nature of their operation, maintaining excellent sanitary and hygienic conditions in the rooms is not easy. Moisture and heat cause “unpleasant neighbors” to appear. Small and fast-crawling insects in the bathroom are a common occurrence and do not at all indicate that the housewife is unclean. Some “guests” prefer clean and well-washed surfaces close to a source of moisture. Let's figure out what kind of bugs have settled in the bathroom, are they dangerous, and how to quickly get rid of them?

Silverfish and their description

White worms very often settle in the bathroom - what are they and why do they appear? This insect is called a silverfish - an oblong, teardrop-shaped body with three movable antennae at the back and a pair of similar organs at the front. Maximum length bodies - 1-1.3 cm. By their nature, white insects in the bathroom or toilet are not dangerous to humans. They may have a whitish (juvenile), brownish-golden or silvery tint.
Why did they appear? Their comfortable environment habitat - dampness and moisture. In conditions high humidity Organic products appear on the surfaces of walls and floors, plumbing fixtures and their drains, which white worms feed on in the bathroom or toilet:

  • rotting textile accessories for cleaning the premises;
  • fungi and mold between tiles;
  • damp toilet paper;
  • soggy garbage, etc.

If these insects appear in the bathroom, it means that general cleaning has not been carried out for a long time or the frequency of use of the room has increased without proper subsequent ventilation of the room. Silverfish are not carriers of microbes and do not harm humans. Its mouthparts are not suitable for biting. There is no need to be afraid of white bugs in the apartment, but still the proximity should be stopped, since the presence of even harmless insects in the room for hygiene procedures is unacceptable.

Silverfish do not actively reproduce. They produce a small number of offspring that move slower than adults. Therefore, when you turn on the light in the bathroom, it is the young individuals that you notice. This means that white insects have been living in your bathroom for a long time - how to get rid of them?

Woodlice in the house: what kind of insect is it and how to get rid of it?

The second most common neighbor is woodlice. If you notice that silvery insects with shells (chitinous cover) on several legs are crawling in the bathroom, then this is it. Only in fact, the woodlice is not an insect, but a land crustacean. Body dimensions no more than 1.5 cm.
Another sign by which a woodlice can be recognized is curling up into a ball when it senses danger. The color of the chitinous shell can be different - from a transparent whitish color to a dark brown and even silver tint. If small transparent bugs are running quickly in the apartment, then these are young individuals that have just been born.
Reasons for appearance:

  • high humidity;
  • water leakage - dripping faucet, leaking drain, etc.;
  • flooding by neighbors above, etc.

These insects in the bathroom will not harm humans. They only “tell” him that there are problems with the serviceability of plumbing fixtures. They do not carry any diseases and do not bite, but they look very unsightly. Therefore, we need to get rid of them. This is extremely easy to do. It is necessary to remove dampness and places with stagnant water. If after this there are silvery insects crawling in the bathroom, you can use:

Centipedes in the bathroom: how to fight and how much do they start?

If white insects appear in the bathroom and run quickly, then these are centipedes - a long and narrow body (can reach 10 cm or more) with long or short pairs of legs. These invertebrates are no longer so harmless. Their mouthparts are adapted for bites, which centipedes do not hesitate to deliver when they sense danger. There are many types and colors of insects. No matter what kind of black or white centipedes you have in your bathroom, they will all bite. It's better not to touch it with your hands. Pests are not only unpleasant in appearance, but also in smell. If there are an abundance of insects in the room, household members may feel the air is stuffy. This is the smell of the liquid that black worms in the bathroom release when there is danger - turning on the light, movement, etc.

A pest bite can cause not so much pain as allergies, mild burns or skin irritation. The fact is that insects are poisonous. Usually the centipede starts in the bathroom due to a long absence of frills and high humidity. To get rid of poisonous neighbors, you need:

  • wash all hard-to-reach and dark places;
  • “dry” the bathroom;
  • remove everything wet - towels, washcloths, rags, brushes, etc.

If small white worms in the bathroom and toilet do not stop crawling after cleaning, use a special insecticide. All “hot spots” need to be treated, but only after thorough cleaning.

House centipede: harm and methods of control

Flycatchers are insects in the toilet and bathroom. They do not need moisture, they run around damp areas in search of food - mosquito larvae, silverfish, butterflies, etc. The pest belongs to the class of centipedes. These insects in the toilet run very quickly, so it is quite difficult to see them. When sensing danger, the pest flees with lightning speed - looking for a crack, a shaded corner, a hole, etc.

They are not poisonous and are considered harmless neighbors, but due to their appearance and size strike terror into the household. Therefore, if there are white worms at home that run quickly, get ready for general cleaning in the toilet and bathroom. The house centipede signals the appearance of insects in an apartment or house that prefer dampness and moisture. If you make a centipede angry, it will defend itself by biting. Moreover, small insects in the bathroom bite and run very quickly, which is extremely unpleasant. They sting like bees.

Since insects are not attached to moisture, there will not be many of them in the house. And their household will rarely notice them, only when the “neighbor” comes out to feed. If you don’t know how to get rid of white bugs in the bathroom and toilet, swat the individual with a slipper. But the problem of food will have to be dealt with with insecticides, because if a house centipede appears, it means that you have large quantities treats for her.

What other insects can live in the bathroom?

Fast and small white insects in the apartment are not your only neighbors. The bathroom can be chosen, albeit temporarily, by mosquitoes. Here, in a humid environment, they are comfortable breeding. The female, having drunk blood, will find a place in a dark and damp corner to lay eggs. Like other small bugs, it is very comfortable for them in the bathroom not only to feed, but also to reproduce.

In addition to mosquitoes, you may have:

  • cockroaches and spiders;
  • butterflies. If you find small insects in the bathroom, these are the larvae of flying neighbors. They prefer damp;
  • rough woodlice, etc.

Large and small insects in the bathroom are easily removed by cleaning and treatment hot spots boric acid or insecticide. The latest types of products are produced by the brands Reid, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Kombat, etc. It is enough to carry out one treatment for the small white bugs in the bathroom to disappear forever.

In addition to the well-known domestic cockroaches, there are also other large and not very large, black and white insects in the bathroom. Regardless of color and size, their appearance is often associated with certain indoor microclimate conditions that are favorable for their life and reproduction.

In this article we will look at the types of insects most commonly found in the bathroom, we will understand the reasons for their appearance, as well as methods of combating them.

About the reasons for the appearance of insects in the bathroom

Insects in the bathroom: it’s just scary to see this in the morning)))

In fact, there are not so many reasons for their appearance in the house. As for the bathroom specifically, insects appear here, as a rule, due to a disruption of the normal microclimate in the room, as a result of which certain conditions are created that attract them here.

In the bathroom, insects appear quite predictably: they enter the room through balconies, ventilation pipes, through cracks in the walls.

The main reason for the appearance of insects is failure to comply with basic rules of room hygiene.

In addition, the direct reason for their appearance is high humidity and dampness, attracting the attention of silverfish, woodlice, spiders and centipedes.

Fighting silverfish in the bathroom

Silverfish are the most common type of insect in the bathroom. These are small wingless insects with an elongated body, antennae on the front and back and many legs.

Their body is usually silver in color, although there may be variations towards brown. Silverfish move very quickly along walls and floors and can get into even the smallest crevice.

Silverfish feed on starch found in wallpaper glue and book bindings, and sugar-containing substances.

In addition, such insects do not disdain cotton products - clothing, linen, etc., linen, silk and even synthetic materials.

Sometimes silverfish are mistakenly called woodlice, apparently because they are usually found in the bathroom and toilet: insects of this type feel most comfortable in a humid environment.

This type of insect poses no danger to people or pets, but your wallpaper, precious books and food supplies can be seriously damaged by it.

A set of products for combating silverfish in the bathroom is as follows:

  • chlorine-containing substance;
  • heat fan;
  • copper sulfate;
  • insecticidal aerosols.

You can get rid of silverfish or prevent their appearance by following the following algorithm of actions:

    To prevent the appearance and reproduction of silverfish, you should follow the simplest rules - do not allow condensation to accumulate on the pipes and constantly wipe off dust, since moisture and dust are the favorite habitats of silverfish.
    It is also necessary to periodically carry out measures to help eliminate general dampness in the bathroom, since, for example, damp corners will serve as places for insect eggs to be laid.
    To eliminate dampness, it is recommended to clean the existing ventilation shaft in the room (if the old one cannot cope).
    Wet places are dried with a fan heater not only in the toilet and bathroom - insects can also settle in other favorable places throughout the home. In dry conditions, insect egg clutches will simply die. As a preventative measure, the bathroom should be ventilated after each wash or wash.

  1. The favorable temperature for the life of silverfish is +21..+27 degrees, so you can take a method of short-term cooling of the apartment.
    In the cold season, it is enough to open balcony doors and windows in the house and leave it like that for at least 2 hours. This method contributes not only to the destruction of egg clutches, but also to the extermination of adult individuals.
  2. Should be done indoors general cleaning: clean all corners from dust and possible mold caused by dampness.
    For this purpose, prepare a highly concentrated solution of a chlorine-containing substance and treat mold-covered areas with it. Next, a solution is applied to them copper sulfate and dried with a fan heater. Execute wet cleaning floor with a vinegar solution added to the water.
  3. If there is a large library in the apartment, you need to devote it Special attention, ensuring that all books are completely dry. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate and preventively dry the library with a fan heater more often.
    When placing shelves with books in close proximity to the wall, you need to move them away from it by about 30 cm so that they do not get damp. If possible, books should be kept at the earliest upper shelves, at the maximum distance from the floor, where there is always more heat and less humidity.
    If such rules are ignored, silverfish can render an entire bookcase unusable in a few months.
  4. In addition to drying rooms, insects in the bathroom can be exterminated using insecticidal aerosols. They are used to treat areas prone to dampness and after two hours the room is ventilated with a through air flow.
    A product such as a mixture has also proven itself to be quite good boric acid(in powder) with chalk in a ratio of 1:4.
    It is sprinkled on the possible habitats of insects in the bathroom - in corners, near baseboards, near cracks, under the bathtub and wherever they have ever been noticed.
    The mixture is left for about a week, and after a month it is advisable to repeat the procedure, since by this time, most likely, a brood of previously laid silverfish eggs will appear.

Other types of insects in the bathroom and methods of combating them

Also quite a popular inhabitant of the bathroom is the wood lice - a small insect. gray with a convex back and chitinous coating.

Woodlice run quickly, and sometimes it can be very difficult to get rid of them.

Spiders can also be considered among the most common inhabitants of the bathroom, although they are also frequent “guests” in other rooms.

How to fight all these insects?

Perhaps the main method of struggle is prevention. You need to make sure that the bathroom is always clean.

When performing wet cleaning in it, you should wipe not only the walls, but also with a low-concentrated aqueous solution detergent, for example Domestos.

Next, you should take care of the absence of dampness in the bathroom by organizing frequent ventilation and drying of the room. For example, small pests such as wood lice do not tolerate dryness and fresh warm air, moving away or dying in such conditions.

The exit of the ventilation shaft must be closed with a special grille with a mesh installed without the slightest gap. During water procedures in the bathroom it is imperative to use it, and if it is not there, you need to purchase and install it.

If the listed control methods are powerless, you should try treating the bathroom surfaces with the “Death to Pests” product.

If you have domestic insects in your bathroom, the main weapon in the fight against them will be strict adherence to sanitary standards and rules. Remember this, and these types of pests will avoid your home.

Small insects have settled in the toilet and bathroom at home, and you don’t know what to do? In most cases, they do not harm a person, but their terrible appearance frightens him, rejects him, and inspires disgust. And yet, danger comes from these creatures, although not from their appearance. They are carriers of many infections, and their appearance in a place like a bathroom causes insurmountable horror. Let's talk about the reasons for their appearance and how to get rid of them. All this and more - white insects in the bathroom.

These creatures can live in the bathroom all their lives. It is very attractive to them because it is where everything they need is moisture and warmth. Therefore, the safest place for such creatures is the bathroom or toilet. They live in walls, in crevices, in cracks, and then go out to hunt. The diet of these “monsters” is always different, but generally humans are not one of them. Just like pets. Therefore, these creatures are not dangerous to anyone. Perhaps only because they are carriers of various infections, and the appearance of these creatures is not particularly pleasant. Therefore they need to be eliminated.

The most common small insects in the bathroom are: woodlice, silverfish, cockroach, centipede, spider. Strange insects appear in the apartment, in particular in the bathroom, for many reasons. The main one, of course, is room hygiene. The reason is always the person's fault. If a person does not clean the bathroom for a long time, this can lead to serious consequences.

Room humidity is the cause of insects, mildew, and mold. Humidity appears especially often in summer and autumn, when there is no heating in homes.

Check if the ventilation in the bathroom is working: to do this, hold a match to the ventilation hole, the flame should fluctuate towards the grille. Do not dry clothes in the bathroom if there is no heating, this will increase dampness.

Ventilate the bath and toilet often to prevent moisture. Which insects are dangerous and which are not? It is necessary to talk about the most “famous” of them.

Woodlouse - very fast insect. Like the centipede, these small insects crawl quickly, making them extremely difficult to get rid of. And yet sometimes this insect can be seen. This is a small creature of gray color, with a convex back and a chitinous covering. Woodlice feeds mainly on plants, garbage, and organic debris.

Feel free to covet houseplants, of which not a trace will remain. Woodlice is not dangerous for humans or pets. By and large, woodlice cannot be classified as insects living in the house - these arthropods belong to the class of crustaceans. There are two types of woodlice:

  1. Woodlouse armadillo (top photo).
  2. Woodlouse is the most common woodlouse found in apartments.

Folk remedies

To combat woodlice, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • Take 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 100 grams of dry kvass powder, stir and pour into a spray bottle. Treat the places where you have seen woodlice.
  • Take 0.5 liters of water, ½ teaspoon of red pepper, ½ teaspoon of ash salt, and ½ tsp. any tobacco. Mix and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Finish all corners. After 7 - 8 hours, rinse everything with a chlorine-containing liquid (Domestos or similar).

But not only woodlice can come to visit you. One of the most unpleasant insects is silverfish. Of course, these silvery insects are also not dangerous to humans, but they constantly feed on starch, which is found in wallpaper glue or in books. Therefore, when silverfish appear, it is necessary to get rid of this insect as soon as possible. These insects can cause considerable damage to good home interior and books lying on the shelves.

Means of struggle

The fight against silverfish is similar to the fight against woodlice. You can also sprinkle table salt in the corners of the bathroom, and when it becomes wet, collect it. You can sprinkle boric acid powder in the places where you saw silverfish. Treating problem areas with a chlorine-containing agent helps a lot.

Cockroaches are the most dangerous of these insects. Their usual habitats are: kitchen, toilet, bath. They love humid environment and waste buckets. They carry intestinal infections, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and so on on their paws. They enter the apartment through ventilation, cracks, and doors to the stairs. Usually they crawl from those neighbors who are disinfecting. These insects love to “inhabit” the kitchen, but can settle in the bathroom and toilet.

Now stores offer a great variety of products to combat cockroaches. Crayons “Mashenka”, “Clean House”, “Brownie” - help only for a while. There will be fewer cockroaches, but they will not disappear completely. Sprays: “Dichlorvos”, “Raptor”, “Gettyu”, “Kombat”, “Varan”.

After treatment with any of the listed sprays, all residents must leave the apartment for a while. Sprays help if there are few cockroaches. Reliable gels for cockroach repellents are: “Gett”, “Mole”, “Trap”. They do not act immediately, but are more effective. And the most reliable folk remedy: an egg with boric acid.

The recipe is very simple: buy a pack of 10 grams of boric acid at the pharmacy, boil one egg. Mix the yolk with boric acid powder and roll into small balls. We throw these balls under the bathtub, in the corners, behind the baseboard and around it. After 1-2 weeks, the cockroaches will disappear. An old proven method that has never let people down.

First of all, this maintaining personal hygiene. The reason why these strange insects appeared in the apartment, the premises are often cluttered. That’s why it’s so important to clean regularly, not forgetting about the bathroom. In this case, solutions of substances containing chlorine can help control insects. This is why room hygiene is so important. Of course, these insects cannot tolerate dry places; their habitat is humidity. Regularly drying the places where these insects are supposed to exist using electrical appliances is not such a bad option. It is enough just to create conditions that are very unsuitable for these insects in order to destroy traces of their habitat.

You can get rid of insects in the bathroom using various chemicals. But it is recommended to use them only as a last resort, since these drugs can harm not so much the insects themselves, but the one who directed these aerosols at them. Only when there is widespread distribution is it recommended to use these drugs while wearing gloves and a respirator. In other cases, you can cope without them; try folk remedies. It is important and necessary to get rid of these terrible creatures. This is possible if a person himself regularly monitors the hygiene and cleanliness of the apartment, and in particular the bathroom.