Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. Belarus within the USSR

The BSSR is the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the 16 republics that were part of the USSR. After the collapse of the USSR, the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic of the BSSR became the city of Minsk, which was one of the largest and most populous cities Soviet Union. In addition, in the BSSR it is necessary to distinguish 6 regions, 117 districts in rural areas, 98 cities, as well as 111 urban-type settlements.

The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic existed for a long time. The flag was presented various options throughout its entire history. These options are presented in the article.

It is interesting that when the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic existed, the coat of arms remained almost unchanged.

History of education

Between such states as Poland, the Lithuanian SSR, the Latvian SSR, the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, after the revolution the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was created. Its territory totaled about 207,600 km 2. Initially, the BSSR belonged to the RSFSR and only two years later it became an independent republic. Immediately after the separation, the BSSR united with the Lithuanian Soviet Republic and the Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed, or, as it was also called, the LitBel SSR, but only for a year and a half. The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic of 1919 was actually part of a larger republic. The Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic consisted of two. The Moscow-Lithuania Treaty, which was signed on July 12, 1920, was an omen of the collapse of the LitBel SSR. And already on July 31, the Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic completely collapsed. Thus, the BSSR was created in 1919, then became part of a larger association, after which, from 1920 to 1991, it existed in its previous status and became an independent state.

Economic characteristics

In 1980, 4.3 billion rubles were invested in the BSSR for the development of industry, economy and infrastructure. The most developed industries of this state are the chemical, petrochemical and food industries. Rapid economic growth (from 1940 to 1980) was achieved due to abundant investment and labor of the Belarusian people. People who lived in the republic after the war rebuilt cities, many of which, one might say, were built anew, established production and increased production volume by as much as 29 times in just 40 years. The BSSR, as well as the Republic of Belarus, was and is provided with fuel using its abundant reserves of natural gas, oil, coal and peat. Rich mineral deposits were also developed and developed with the help of USSR investments. Length railways in the BSSR in 1982 there were as many as 5,513 km, and roads for vehicles - 36,700 km.


The BSSR was one of the most densely populated parts of the Soviet Union; in 1984, the population density was 47.6 people per 1 km 2. The uniform population of the republic is determined by relatively equal population throughout its entire territory. However, the center of the country was the most populated, which can be explained by the location of large cities here, including Minsk. Between 1950 and 1970, the urban population increased faster than the USSR average.

Nature of the BSSR

The republic is located on the East European Plain, occupying the basin of the middle Dnieper, as well as the western Dvina and Neman in its upper reaches. The predominant type of surface is flat. However, the area is characterized by an alternation of highlands and lowlands, which are heavily swamped in places; in addition, there were a large number of lakes on the territory of the BSSR. The Quaternary glaciation determines this relief feature. In the northwestern part of the state there is the whole system of course moraine ridges. There are highlands in the northeast.


The Belarusian ridge stretches in the direction from west to east on the territory of the former BSSR, which consists of separate parts, hills formed during the Moscow glaciation. Parallel to it there are periglacial plains. Belarusian Polesie, located in the south of the state, is called special case plains. Hills and ridges also appear in the south, next to the Belarusian Polesie.


The BSSR was in the temperate zone, which means that the climate was temperate continental. The temperature in January is about -4 °C, however, due to the relatively large extent from north to south, this value may vary. average temperature July - about 17 °C, but for the same reason the value cannot be accurate for absolutely all areas of the country. The climate is continental, which means there is little precipitation - 550-700 mm.


The BSSR had a large number of rivers, both small and large in length. Their total length is considered to be 90,600 km. They all belong to the pool Atlantic Ocean, namely to the Black and Baltic Seas. Some rivers are used for transportation. The BSSR was very rich in forests, which occupied 1/3 of the entire territory, swamp vegetation and shrubs were located on 1/10 of the territory.

The territory of the BSSR was not on the edge of the East European Plate, which means that seismological activity could not be strong, the most powerful earthquakes did not reach even magnitude 5.

Minerals of the BSSR

The most important mineral resources, which are still located on the territory of Belarus in large quantities, we can name gas, oil, coal and various salts.

The region of the northern part of the Pripyat trough is very rich in oil and gas. Distinctive feature oil deposits are massive and arranged in layers. Natural gas is not represented in large volumes, and therefore is mined as a by-product.

and slates

Also, huge reserves of brown coal were discovered on the territory of the BSSR. Peat is represented by 39 species. It is one of the main types of fuel in Belarus. As many as 7,000 coal deposits, total area which is about 2.5 million hectares, simply cannot be used. The total amount of peat is 1.1 billion tons, these are truly rich reserves.

In addition, in the BSSR they began to mine oil shale, which, according to geologists, is located at a depth of up to 600 m. Huge reserves of shale are as actively used as fuel.


Potassium and rock salts are mining chemical raw materials. The thickness of the layers is 1-40 m. They lie under carbonate-clayey rocks. Reserves of potassium salts amount to about 7.8 billion tons. They are mined at various deposits, for example at Starobinsky and Petrikovsky. Rock salts are represented by 20 billion tons, they lie at a depth of up to 750 meters. They are mined at such deposits as Davydovskoye and Mozyrskoye. In addition, the BSSR was rich in phosphorites.

Building breeds

The territory of Belarus also has rich reserves of building and facing stones, chalk rocks, clays and construction sands. Reserves of building stone are about 457 million m3, and of facing stone - about 4.6 million m3. Richest in building stones southern regions Belarus. Dolomites, on the contrary, come to the surface in the north. Their reserves are about 437.8 million tons. The BSSR was also rich in Cretaceous rocks, the reserves of which today amount to about 3679 million tons. Clay various types are represented on the territory of Belarus with reserves of 587 million m 3, they are located mostly in the Minsk, Grodno, Gomel and Vitebsk regions.

Development of mineral resources

On the territory of the BSSR, as already mentioned, they were actively mining mineral resources. Their development began 30,000 years ago, during the Late Paleolithic era. At that time, people living in this area mined flint from the surface of the earth. About 4,500 thousand years ago, flint mining was already developed. A large number of mines have been discovered that were used back in the Cretaceous periods. Their depth is no more than 6 meters, however, given the time of their origin, we can assume that flint mining was very developed among the inhabitants of these areas. There were also entire complexes of mines connected by passages, usually up to 5.

Production development

Ancient needles were found in the mines, which were intended for sewing bags necessary for transporting the mined mineral. Material was processed near the exit. Flint was used to make axes. Already in the fifth century BC. The development of metal deposits began, from which people living on the territory of Belarus created household items and weapons. In addition, dishes were made from clays for various needs. Already in the 16th century, glass factories began to appear, and in the 18th the first manufactories appeared in this area.

Peat extraction

Peat extraction in the BSSR became an independent industry. Volumes have steadily increased due to increased usage. Peat enterprises appeared, which strengthened the industry. But during the Second World War, almost all of them were destroyed. Only by 1949 the volume of extracted peat reached its previous values.

Salt mining

As already mentioned, potassium and rock salts are found in large quantities on the territory of Belarus. But only in 1961 their active mining began. The underground mining method was used. The richest of them is Starobinskoye. The mechanization of most mining led to an increase in salt volume by 60% in 1965 and 98% in 1980.

Subsoil protection

Mineral resources were actively mined in the BSSR; it is easy to guess that this greatly influenced environment. Vast areas were badly damaged. Therefore, recreational activities began to be carried out aimed at enriching the subsoil and restoring resources, for example, fertilizing the soil and planting trees.

Education of industrial specialists

The Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, founded in the BSSR, trains personnel to work in the mining industry. It was founded in 1933 in Minsk. Already in 1969, there were as many as 12 faculties. There are also others educational institutions. Technical schools still provide education in the development of peat deposits, underground processing of ores and non-metallic minerals, and in other industries.

Arena of Confrontation

In 1920, the BSSR, one might say, was the center of confrontation between bourgeois Europe and the USSR. The latter side wanted to retain power in Poland; the interests of the Soviet Union were represented by a delegation from the RSFSR. The decision was not made in favor of the BSSR. The resolution did not allow for the expansion of Belarus at the expense of Poland.

The socialists of the BSSR were dissatisfied with the location of the borders with their neighbors, namely the RSFSR and Poland. They believed that boundaries should not be established on ethnographic grounds. There was no unity on the problems of the territory.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Second World War, the BSSR and Ukrainian SSR suffered more than other parts of the Soviet Union. More than 2 million people died in the BSSR, and about 380 thousand were taken out of the country. The population size that lived before the war was reached only by 1971. Hitler's occupiers destroyed 209 cities and regional centers, many of which had to be rebuilt, only 2.8 million square meters housing stock survived from almost 10.8.

Gaining independence and interesting facts

In 1990, the Declaration on the BSSR was signed, which meant its imminent separation. On September 19, 1991, it became officially known as the Republic of Belarus. In the same year, an agreement on the creation of the CIS was created and signed. The association included Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. Interesting fact in the history of this state it can be said that for 46 years this republic, like the Ukrainian SSR, was one of the members of the UN (United Nations), although it remained a dependent state - the BSSR. In the 1920-1930s, constitutionalism developed in the republic.

Belarus is a plain, descending to the south (Polesskaya lowland) and north-west. Thanks to this, the Belarusian plain is open to the influence of warm and humid westerly winds from the Baltic Sea and is somewhat less continental climate, compared with other regions of the European part of the USSR: more mild winter and less hot summers at average years. temperature 5.5° and high humidity. The soils of the BSSR are predominantly podzolic, sandy loam, loamy and marshy; There are many lakes and peat bogs in the BSSR. The latter make villages difficult. x-in, but as a source of energy they represent one of the few natural resources of the BSSR. The main wealth of the BSSR is forest, which occupies more than 1/4 of the entire area (oak, hornbeam), and in Polesie - up to 40% (pine needles, oak, ash, alder). The main rivers of the BSSR are the Dnieper (with the Berezina, Sozh and Pripyat), the Western Dvina (tributaries - Drissa, Ulla, connected to the Berezina-Berezina water system).


Area and population at 1/1 1928.
Districts Square
in t. km 2
thousand people
per 1 km 2
Bobruisk 20,8 751,4 36,1
Vitebsk 11,4 583,2 51,2
Gomel 14,1 638,4 45,3
Minsky 22,5 920,1 40,9
Mogilevsky 18,5 825,0 44,6
Mozyrsky 17,3 352.6 20,4
Orshansky 10,3 536,5 52,1
Polotsk 10,7 371,9 34,7
Total 125,6 4.979,7 39,6

Occupying 0.6% of the area of ​​the Union (equal to 21,352.6 thousand km 2), the BSSR in population density exceeds the Union average by 5.7 times, second only to the Ukrainian SSR among all the Union republics. By national composition: 82.1% - Belarusians living in Ch. arr. in villages, 9.9% are Jews, ch. arr. in towns, Poles 2.3%, the rest. advantage Russians living Ch. arr. in big cities; urban population - 17%. Main commercial, industrial and cultural centers BSSR: Minsk (capital of the BSSR - 123.6 thousand inhabitants), Gomel (83 thousand inhabitants) and Bobruisk (39.3 thousand inhabitants); factory centers: Vitebsk (98.8 thousand inhabitants) and Borisov (26 thousand inhabitants).

Communication routes: main ones d.-Moscow-Belarus.-Balt. and Western with large railways. nodes - Gomel, Orsha, Polotsk, etc. Regular steamship communication is carried out along the Dnieper with Pripyat, Berezina and Sozh and Zap. Dvina. Other rivers are mainly used for rafting.


Agriculture of the BSSR is intensive and livestock-raising in nature; - so, at 2.9 million des. sown area (approx. 2.9% of the sown area of ​​the USSR) the BSSR has 3.7% of all horses, 4.6% of all cows, 4.6% of the sown area under non-grain crops and 12.2% of all pigs. The BSSR is characterized by a shortage of bread and an excess of meat, milk and cattle. The predominant grains are: rye, oats, barley and buckwheat; among non-grain grains - potatoes, herbs, flax. The size of the peasant farm of the BSSR (4.04 hectares of crops) is slightly higher than the average for the consuming zone of the USSR (3.05 hectares). The BSSR is characterized in the USSR by the smallest percentage of farms without crops, without draft animals and without arable equipment and the greatest prevalence of cultivating arable land with their own equipment and livestock. All this indicates less stratification of the peasantry compared to other parts of the USSR. Industrial forestry areas in the BSSR are located in the river basins: Zap. Dvina (Polotsk district), Berezina and Druta (Minsk and Bobruisk districts) and Pripyat (Mozyr district). Only half of the established forests in the BSSR (47%) are state-owned. lands and approx. 1/4 of local forests meanings. Net income from forestry of the BSSR - approx. 20 million rubles in 1926/27.


The industry of the BSSR is poorly developed: only 1.35% of factories are concentrated in the BSSR. workers of the USSR with 3.4% of the population. Products in 1926/27 are equal to 133 million rubles. with 33 thousand workers. The most developed industries are those processing local raw materials: of these, the food industry (distillery, starch and syrup, etc.) produces 24% of all products of the BSSR, woodworking - 23% and paper - 10%. Yeast production is especially developed, yielding approx. 1/4 of union products. 80% of yeast production is sent outside the BSSR. Industrial enterprises in the BSSR they are very small, over a third of production comes from private industry (mainly food industry), while throughout the USSR private industry produces only 2.2% of production.

Budget of the BSSR(state and local) was measured at 80 million rubles. (1926/27), inferior in terms of average per capita (15.8 rubles) to all union republics, except the Uzbek SSR.

Public education

Public education has made great progress over the years of Soviet power. Before the revolution, 39% of children studied in the BSSR school age, in 1925 - 68%, or 350 tons, of children were educated in 4,000 schools with a 4-year course and 261 schools with a 7-year course of study; In addition to a much larger network of primary and secondary education, the BSSR has a number of technical schools and four universities: the University of Minsk (2,500 students), Agricultural Sciences. Academy in Gorki (1,400 students), Veterinary Institute in Vitebsk (350 students) and Communist University in Minsk (200 students). Before the revolution, there was not a single university in the BSSR. The percentage of literate (conscripted) people among Belarusians is higher than in the USSR, and amounted to 91.8 in 1925 against the USSR average of 87.7. In the BSSR, 19 newspapers are published with a circulation of over 100 thousand copies; however, the supply of newspapers to the population in the BSSR (2 copies per 100 people) is inferior to all union republics, except for the Central Asian ones. From purely scientific institutions special meaning have: the Belarusian Academy of Sciences in Minsk (transformed from the Institute of Belarusian Culture) and the Scientific Research Agricultural Economy. Institute named after Lenin.


  • Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic, publication of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR, Minsk, 1927;
  • Ignatovich and Smolich A., Belarus, Minsk, 1926.

P. Semenovich.

Trade unions and the Communist Party

Trade unions and the Communist Party. Trade union members (as of January 1, 1928) 234,193 people, workers - 56%, employees - 44%; by nationality: Belarusians - 55.6%, Jews - 27.7%, Great Russians - 9.6%, others - 7.1%. Members and candidates. party on 1/IV 1928- 31,546, members and candidates. Komsomol - 62.892.

History of the formation of the BSSR

Having been one of the main theaters of military operations in the war of 1914-18, Belarus in 1915, after the defeat of the Russian armies, found itself torn into two parts. In German-occupied Vilna, under guardianship German command, the Lithuanian-Belarusian state was proclaimed, with a Sejm in Vilna. After the February Revolution, in that part of Belarus that was not occupied by the Germans, a series of congresses of peasants, front-line and others took place, ending with the election of the Belarusian Central Rada, petty-bourgeois in its composition and counter-revolutionary in essence.

By the end of 1917, the working and peasant masses of the BSSR, with the friendly support of the soldiers of the Western Front, who were concentrated in Minsk, overthrew the power of the bourgeoisie. Soviet power was declared, headed by the Council of People's Commissars, which included the Bolsheviks represented by comrades. Lander, Frunze, Myasnikov, Pozern, Knorin and others. On February 25, 1918, after the breakdown of the Brest negotiations, the Germans occupied Minsk and part of Belarus to Orsha. Power temporarily passed to the People's Secretariat, acting on behalf of the Central Rada. Essentially, this was the domination of the Germans, who invited into their service counter-revolutionary organizations from the Belarusian Socialist Revolutionaries, Cadets, etc. With this nature of the Belarusian government, the partisan movement is intensifying. The partisan detachments were led by communists, who grouped the main core in Smolensk. The revolution in Germany played a decisive role in this struggle of Belarusian workers and peasants against the German occupation, after which the Germans retreated along the entire front. In this regard, the Western Regional Party Committee, with full support Belarusian peasantry, launched intensive work on the Sovietization of Belarus in that part of it that had been cleared of German occupation (Borisov, Minsk, Mogilev, etc.). Revolutionary military councils began to work intensively, and trade unions began to organize.

1 Jan , at the Congress of Soviets of Belarus, the unification of Belarus with Soviet Lithuania took place. Polish troops occupied almost the entire territory of the BSSR in April 1919. The occupation of the BSSR by the Poles again caused an intensified partisan movement. As a result of the persistent struggle of partisan detachments and as a result of the policy of oppression pursued by the Polish bourgeoisie in relation to the workers and peasants of Belarus. During the Red Army's campaign against Warsaw, the BSSR was liberated from the Poles, and power passed into the hands of the Soviets. A revolutionary was formed. committee consisting of vol. Chervyakov, Adamovich and Knorin, which existed until the elections of the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR.

The western part of Belarus after the conclusion of peace between Soviet Russia and Poland remained within the borders of the latter. Population of the West Belarus is subject to national oppression in the same way as other national minorities in Poland. During 1920-22, Soviet Belarus was attacked from Poland by the bandit White Guard detachments of Bulak-Balakhovich

The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (Belarusian Savetskaya Satsyyalistichnaya Respublika) is one of the republics of the Soviet Union. It was one of the 4 states that founded the USSR in 1922. It existed from January 1, 1922 to December 10, 1991.

Belarus during the Civil War. Proclamation of the BPR

On March 25, 1918, representatives of national parties and movements under the German occupation announced the creation of an independent Belarusian People's Republic(BNR). After the departure of the Germans, the territory was occupied by the Red Army, the government of the BPR was forced to emigrate and on January 1, 1919, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus (later renamed the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic) was proclaimed in Smolensk, which, after a short period of “Litbela” (Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic; February-August 1919) became part of the USSR in December 1922.
In February 1919, Polish troops invaded Belarus. On August 8, Polish troops occupied Minsk, which was recaptured by the Red Army only in July of the following year.
According to the results of the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, the territories of Western Belarus, located east of the Curzon Line, with a predominant Belarusian population, ceded to Poland.

Belarus in the 20-30s

In the 1920-1930s. industrialization processes were actively underway in Soviet Belarus, new industries were formed and Agriculture. At the same time, the policy of Russification continued: in particular, during the language reform of 1933, more than 30 phonetic and morphological features characteristic of the Russian language were introduced into the Belarusian language.

In the territory of Western Belarus, annexed by Poland, the Polish government also did not comply with the provisions of the Treaty of Riga on equal rights for all ethnic groups. Only until March 1923, of the 400 existing Belarusian schools, almost all were closed, with the exception of 37. At the same time, 3,380 Polish schools were opened in Western Belarus. In 1938-1939 there were only 5 general education Belarusian schools left. 1300 Orthodox churches was converted to Catholicism, often with the use of violence. After the establishment of the authoritarian “sanation” regime in Poland, there was an increasing infringement of the cultural rights of national minorities. Since 1934, in the city of Bereza-Kartuzskaya (now Bereza, Brest region), a Polish concentration camp operated as a place of extrajudicial internment of opponents of the ruling regime. According to the "Encyclopedia of the History of Belarus", in the period 1921-39, about 300 thousand "siege" colonists, as well as Polish officials, were resettled from ethnic Polish lands to western Belarus different categories. Estates belonging to persons “hostile to Poland” and state lands were transferred to the besiegers.

During Stalin's repressions hundreds of thousands of representatives of the intelligentsia, the cultural and creative elite, and simply wealthy peasants were shot, exiled to hard labor in Siberia and Central Asia. Of the 540-570 writers publishing in Belarus in the 1920-1930s of the twentieth century, at least 440-460 (80%) were repressed, and if we take into account the authors forced to leave their homeland, then at least 500 (90%) were subjected to repression. a quarter of the total number of writers (2000) repressed in the USSR. The number of people who passed through the camps is estimated at approximately 600-700 thousand people, and those shot - at least 300 thousand people.

The Second World War

As a result of the invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union in September 1939, Western Belarus was occupied Soviet troops and annexed to the BSSR.
Repressions immediately began in the occupied territory. In the Baranovichi region alone, from October 1939 to June 29, 1940, according to the most conservative estimates, more than 29 thousand people were repressed; During the occupation, approximately the same number (33 thousand 733 people) would be taken by the Germans for forced labor in Germany.

At the beginning of the war between Germany and the USSR (1941-1945), the territory of Belarus was occupied by German troops. The territory of Belarus was declared a general district within the Reichskommissariat Ostland. In December 1943, a collaborationist government, the Belarusian Central Rada, was created, which had mainly advisory functions.

The partisan movement, which spread widely in Belarus, became an important factor that forced the Nazis to keep a significant contingent here and contributed to the speedy liberation of Belarus. In 1944, there were a total of 373,942 people in partisan detachments on the territory of Belarus. Belarus was liberated by the Red Army during the Belarusian operation.

On the territory of Belarus, the German occupiers created 260 concentration camps, in which about 1.4 million civilians and Soviet prisoners of war were killed. The Nazis transported 399 thousand 374 people from the territory of Belarus to work in Germany.

According to the data of the Khatyn memorial complex, the Germans and collaborators carried out more than 140 major punitive operations in Belarus; the population of areas suspected of supporting partisans was destroyed and taken to death camps or for forced labor in Germany. Of the 9,200 settlements destroyed and burned by the German occupiers and collaborators in Belarus, over 5,295 were destroyed along with all or part of the population. According to other data, the number of destroyed settlements during punitive operations - 628.

Some sources also claim that Soviet partisans carried out punitive operations against civilians. In particular, during the work on the book-document “I am from the flames of the sky...”, Belarusian writers and publicists Ales Adamovich, Yanka Bryl and Vladimir Kolesnik, during a survey, received testimony from Vera Petrovna Sloboda, a teacher from the village of Dubrovy not far from the village of Osveya Vitebskaya region about the punitive action of a partisan detachment under the command of V.P. Kalaijan, during which civilians who did not want to leave the village before the arrival were exterminated German troops. Eighty people were killed and the village was burned. On April 14, 1943, partisans attacked the village of Drazhno in the Starodorozhsky district of Belarus. The village was burned almost completely, most of the inhabitants were brutally tortured.

During the war years, Belarus lost about a third of its population (34% of the pre-war population of the country within its current borders - 3 million people), the country lost more than half of its national wealth. 209 cities, towns, regional centers and more than 9 thousand villages were completely or partially destroyed.

After the end of the war, anti-Soviet partisan groups operated on the territory of Belarus for several years. Western intelligence agencies tried to establish contact with some of them. NKVD detachments carried out punitive operations against anti-Soviet resistance.

Post-war time

In 1945, after the end of the Great Patriotic War, The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was a founding member of and joined the United Nations as a sovereign state. On June 26, 1945, K.V. Kiselyov, at the head of the delegation of the Byelorussian SSR, signed the UN Charter, which was ratified by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BSSR on August 30, 1945. In November-December 1945, the Belarusian delegation took part in the work of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations General Assembly in London, at which the head of the delegation of the Belarusian SSR, K.V. Kiselev, was elected vice-chairman of the fourth committee.

In the 1950-1970s. The restoration of the country proceeded at a rapid pace, industry and agriculture developed intensively. The economy of Belarus was a key part of the national economic complex of the USSR; Belarus was called " assembly shop» Soviet economy.

Collapse of the USSR

Political processes of the late 1980s - early 1990s. led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the communist system. July 27, 1990 The Supreme Council The BSSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty. On September 19, 1991, the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR) was renamed the Republic of Belarus. It should be noted that on March 17, 1991, at the all-Union referendum on the preservation of the USSR, 82.7% of those who took part in the vote (83.3% of those included in the voting lists took part) were in favor of preserving USSR, which indicated the lack of desire of the inhabitants of Belarus to secede from the union.

In December 1991, as a result Belovezhskaya Accords Belarus joined the Commonwealth of Independent States.

On March 15, 1994, the Supreme Council adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, according to which it was declared a unitary democratic social rule of law. In accordance with the Constitution, the Republic of Belarus is a presidential republic.


We, Belarusians, are with brotherly Russia
Once upon a time they were looking for a gift.
About battles for freedom, about battles for share
Because of her, we won a great deal!

We were abducted by Lenina’s name, Partya, by chance, got in touch with us.

Glory to the party! Glory to Radzima!
Glory to the Belarusian people!
We will live forever, free people,
Happy life, free land!

We were abducted by Lenina’s name, Partya, by chance, got in touch with us.

Glory to the party! Glory to Radzima!
Glory to you, our people are free!
Friendship of the people is the strength of the people,
Towards the end of the day

I'm proud to see the bright heights,

Sign up for kamunizm – gladly sign up!

We were abducted by Lenina’s name, Partya, by chance, got in touch with us.
Glory to the party! Glory to Radzima!
Glory to you, our Savetsky people!

We, Belarusians, are with fraternal Russia,

Together we looked for roads to happiness.
In battles for will, in battles for share,
With her we got the flag of victories.
We are united by Lenin's name. The Party, fortunately, leads us on the march of the Party, glory! Glory to the Fatherland!

Glory to you, Belarusian people!

Gathering strength, the people of Belarus
In a brotherly union, in a powerful family
We will forever be, free people
Live in a happy, free land

We are united by Lenin's name. The Party, fortunately, leads us on the march of the Party, glory! Glory to the Fatherland!

Glory to you, our free people!

Friendship of peoples is the strength of peoples,

To the happiness of workers the sunny path (Rise proudly to the bright heights, The flag of communism is a flag of joy! We are united by Lenin's name. The Party, fortunately, leads us on the march of the Party, glory! Glory to the Fatherland! Glory to you, our Soviet people!

The current version of the page has not yet been verified The current version of the page has not yet been verified by experienced participants and may differ significantly from the one verified on February 26, 2019; requires verification. Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic

BSSR ; Belor. Belarusian Savetskaya Socialist Republic

listen)) is a union republic within the USSR.

At the end of 1918, Belarusian political and public structures held different views on the issue of creating Belarusian statehood. The regional executive committee of the Western Region and the Front and the Northwestern Regional Committee of the RCP (b) were opponents of its creation, while ethnic Belarusian refugees in Petrograd, Moscow and other cities created their own influential socio-political organizations and insisted on self-determination.

Until December 1918, the Soviet party leadership had no a certain position on the issue of Belarusian Soviet statehood. In December, a telegram was sent from the Obliskomzap to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR containing the following text: . In connection with the change in the military-political situation, a decision is ripe. Although proposals for the creation of the Belarusian Soviet Republic were made earlier, Special attention The Central Committee of the RCP(b) was attracted by the decisions of the conference of the Belarusian sections of the RCP(b), which decided to create a temporary workers' and peasants' government, convene the All-Belarusian Congress of Communists and create a national party center. On December 24, the issue of creating a Belarusian Soviet statehood was discussed at a meeting of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). On December 25, People's Commissar for Nationalities Joseph Stalin held negotiations with Dmitry Zhilunovich and Alexander Myasnikov and informed them of the decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to support the creation of the BSSR. Stalin, however, did not report the reasons for this decision, saying only that the Central Committee decided “for many reasons, which there is no need to talk about now, to agree with the Belarusian comrades on the formation of the Belarusian Soviet Republic.” On December 27, at the last negotiations in Moscow with the participation of Stalin, the territory of the future state was designated (Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev, Smolensk, Vitebsk provinces).

“were agitated around the issue of so-called Belarus, as well as in connection with the active activities of the BPR Rada regarding its international recognition”

The decree on the boundaries of the new state was adopted on the same day. The territory of the new state was divided into seven districts - Minsk, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Gomel, Grodno and Baranovichi. Minsk, Smolensk, Mogilev, Vitebsk and Grodno provinces, as well as several districts of Suvalkovo, Chernigov, Vilna and Kovno provinces and with the exception of several districts of Smolensk and Vitebsk provinces were recognized as the “main core Belarusian Republic» .

On December 30-31, a provisional government was created. During these days, a conflict occurred between Zhilunovich and Myasnikov related to Zhilunovich’s desire to get the majority of seats in the provisional government for representatives of the Belnatskom and the Central Bureau of the Belarusian communist sections, but the conflict was settled thanks to the intervention of Stalin. As a result, Belnatsky and the Central Bank of the Belarusian sections received 7 seats in the provisional government, while representatives of the Regional Executive Committee of the Western Region and the Front and the North-Western Regional Committee received 9. At the same time, Zhilunovich was appointed chairman of the provisional government.

On the evening of January 1, 1919, the “Manifesto of the Provisional Workers’ and Peasants’ Soviet Government of Belarus” was read out on the radio. The manifesto was drawn up in a hurry, and only by five members of the government (Zhilunovich, Chervyakov, Myasnikov, Ivanov, Reingold) first in Russian and then translated into Belarusian. This date is considered the date of the proclamation of Soviet Belarus.

On January 3, 1919, the regional executive committee of the Western Region and the Front dissolved itself, transferring power to the provisional government of the SSR of Belarus. On January 5, 1919, the government of the SSRB moved from Smolensk to Minsk.

On January 16, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), it was decided to separate “from the Belarusian Republic the provinces of Vitebsk, Smolensk and Mogilev, leaving two provinces within Belarus - Minsk and Grodno.” In addition, there were proposals to begin preparations for unification with Lithuania, and in the future - with Russia and other Soviet republics.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) was negatively received by the majority of the Central Executive Committee of the SSR of Belarus, however, in connection with the telegram of the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Ya. Sverdlov, which contained an instruction to “carry out this decision through the local Soviets, and then through the Congress of Belarus,” the resolution was ultimately approved at provincial party conferences. In protest against the directive change in the territory of the republic, three people's commissars resigned from the government. In addition, such actions were unpopular locally - for example, the Nevelsk district conference, by 21 votes to 2, adopted a resolution against the transfer of the Vitebsk province to the direct subordination of the RSFSR.

On January 31, 1919, the independence of the SSR of Belarus was recognized by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR. On February 2, 1919, the First All-Belarusian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Red Army Deputies began its work in Minsk, which adopted the Constitution of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Belarus on February 3. 230 delegates took part in the congress, including 121 people from the Minsk province, 49 from the Smolensk province and none from the Vitebsk province; Yakov Sverdlov was also present at the congress. At the congress, the Central Executive Committee of the SSRB was elected, which was headed by Myasnikov and included only two representatives of Belnatsky. On February 27, 1919, the SSR of Belarus united with the Lithuanian Soviet Republic in Litbel. The Litbela SSR ceased to exist due to the occupation of its territory by the troops of the Polish Republic during the Soviet-Polish War.

After the liberation of a significant part of the territory of Belarus by the Red Army on July 31, 1920, the independence of the republic was restored, and its name changed to the Belarusian Socialist Soviet Republic. On the same day, the Declaration of Independence of the BSSR was published in the newspaper “Sovetskaya Belorussia”. The BSSR is one of the four republics that concluded an agreement on the creation of the USSR in 1922.

In March 1924 and December 1926, part of the territory of the RSFSR, namely: parts of Vitebsk (with Vitebsk), Smolensk (with Orsha), Gomel (with Gomel) provinces, were transferred to the Belarusian SSR [ ] . Thus, the territory of the BSSR more than doubled, and its eastern border began to generally correspond to the eastern border of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania before the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth [ ] .

On March 15, 1935, she was awarded the Order of Lenin for her successes in socialist construction and the development of the national economy of the BSSR.

Until 1936, the official languages ​​of the republic, along with Belarusian and Russian, were Polish and Yiddish. The slogan “Workers of all countries, unite! "was inscribed on the coat of arms of the BSSR in all four languages.

On October 10, 1939, the USSR and the Republic of Lithuania jointly concluded an Agreement on the transfer to it of Vilna and part of the Vilna region from the BSSR. Representatives of the BSSR did not take part in the discussion of the terms of the agreement, nor in the negotiations, nor in the signing of the agreement.

Preparatory work for the creation of the BSSR began immediately after the dissolution of the All-Belarusian Congress. On December 21-23, 1918, a conference of the Belarusian sections of the RCP (b) took place in Moscow. She decided on the need to form the BSSR. But a number of leading figures in the Western Region opposed it; they believed that the Western Region should remain as an administrative-territorial unit of the RSFSR. On December 24, 2018, the Central Committee of the RCP(b) adopted a resolution on the need to proclaim the sovereignty of the BSSR.

January 1, 1919 was made public Manifesto on the creation of the BSSR. The BSSR was originally called the SSRB. 27.02. In 1919, a decision was made to create the Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania and Belarus (LitBel).

June 1, 1919 An agreement on a military-political alliance was concluded between the Soviet republics. After the end of the war, the search and development of specific forms of unification of the Soviet republics into a single state began. This was necessary to overcome the consequences of wars and occupations that caused an economic crisis. July 31, 1920 The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was finally proclaimed.

Stalin came up with the idea of ​​“autonomization” - all republics had to declare themselves constituent parts of the RSFSR and become part of it with autonomy rights. Lenin found a more acceptable form of government - a federation - a union of several states in which they are subordinate to a single center and at the same time retain independence in resolving individual issues domestic policy; a general constitution and state bodies are in force. authorities, citizenship, monetary units.

By declaring independence, Belarus initially transferred part of its economic and political sovereignty to the RSFSR and focused on creating a union state with it. At the time of its proclamation, the republic did not have a clear structure of state power. On December 13-17, 1920, the Second All-Belarusian Congress of Soviets was held in Minsk. It became the highest authority in the republic. The Central Executive Committee (CEC) had supreme power between congresses of Soviets, and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) was the government. He was entrusted with the general management of the affairs of the SSRB. (the duties of the chairman of the Central Election Commission and the Council of People's Commissars, as well as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs were performed by A. Chervyakov). Local power was in the hands of revolutionary committees, economic councils, local Soviets and their executive committees.

An important event in the socio-political life of Soviet Belarus was its entry into the USSR. December 30, 1922 At the 1st All-Union Congress of Soviets, the Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the USSR were signed. The formation of the USSR occurred on the basis of the voluntary unification of national republics and contributed to their socio-economic development. The Congress elected the supreme legislative body of the Union - the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. After the creation of the USSR, the name BSSR was assigned to our country.

30. NEP: reasons for implementation, results.

The results of the First World War and civil war, armed intervention of foreign states and the terms of the Treaty of Riga caused a political and economic crisis in the republic.

Reasons for NEP: 1) devastation after the civil war; 2) famine as a result of the policy of war communism; 3) the prestige of the Bolshevik Party is falling.

For Lenin, the NEP was a temporary measure. The territory of Belarus has been the scene of hostilities for more than 6 years. This had a very negative impact on its economy. The post-war situation required solving a number of major problems. The question of resuming the war-ravaged economy was raised. The peasants showed dissatisfaction with the surplus appropriation system in the context of the transition to peaceful construction. They did not understand why now, after the end of the war, they had to give away almost all of their products.

The X Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), held on March 8-16, 1921, decided to introduce new economic policy (NEP). The Bolshevik leadership already 3 days after the signing of the Riga MD. decided to replace the surplus appropriation system with a tax in kind.

Main events of the NEP

    introduction of tax in kind

    free trade permission

    permission for small private property, admission of foreign capital, permission for hiring work force and land lease

    introduction of the Soviet chervonets

    free choice of forms of land use, development of agricultural cooperation

    different forms of remuneration

    use of commodity-money relations and economic accounting


1) in industry there are “price scissors”. After paying the tax in kind, the peasant had surplus products that he could sell on the market. But prices for agricultural products were significantly lower than the cost of manufactured goods. The so-called “price scissors” are not in favor of the peasants.

2) enterprises were allowed to sell part of their products independently. Of all enterprises, 88% are leased, 8% are state-owned.

Freedom to choose land use has led to an increase in the number of farmsteads.

The Soviet chervonets was equal to the pre-revolutionary 10-ruble gold coin and was worth more than 5 US dollars on the world market until mid-1926.

The introduction of the NEP had a beneficial effect on the situation in agriculture. By 1927 it was completely restored. The Belarusian peasantry was able to provide the population of the republic with the necessary products. The growth of agricultural production became the basis for the development of related industries. In 1927, the level of development of small industry exceeded the pre-war level.

The changes brought about by the NEP penetrated into all spheres of society. The introduction of the NEP contributed to the democratization of social and political life, the spread and consolidation of forms of government based on the recognition of the principles of democracy, freedom and equality of citizens.

Certain sections of society were dissatisfied with the NEP: some of the party and state leaders, supporters of command methods, part of the population who could not achieve the wealth that the so-called. Nepmen (owners of small enterprises, farmers). In the second half of the 1920s. NEP began to gradually wind down.