The ABCs of a leader: planning meetings and meetings. How to conduct effective meetings, planning sessions, and briefings

The planning meeting is an important part of the work process. However, it can either become an incentive for an employee, a strong point and a springboard, or completely discourage all desire to work. How to conduct meetings to “ignite” subordinates? How can employees behave in meetings to make sure their time is spent productively?

What are planners for?

For about a year I worked in the editorial office of a magazine about construction and houses. The publisher, who is also the owner, was very fond of planning meetings. We gathered in her office every morning for an hour and a half to two hours and watched a performance by one actor. The stated purpose of this meeting is to tell us at what stage the relationship with advertisers is currently at. Hidden - explain what losers are gathered at this table. I (the editor) and the designer also needed to be present. Only the accountant received the “exemption”: she had to constantly monitor the account for the receipt of money, which did not arrive at all. Because instead of working, we sat at the planning meeting.

We would have been glad to hear what our employer thought of us, and to see how she could sell over the phone, but the work was stalled. The fact is that money will appear in the editorial office if managers sell advertising. To make an appointment with a potential advertiser, you need to get through to him. And the most realistic time to catch someone on the spot was from 9 to 10, after which people dispersed to their planning meetings, productions and meetings. In general, it was necessary to call just at the time when we were sitting in the director’s office.

It was not possible to break this vicious circle. No, we said that managers need to go to the phone, and the editor and designer would like to return to magazine pages. We have asked many times to reschedule the meeting for another time. But if you gather for the sake of gathering, forgetting about the benefits for the company, Good times won't come soon.

1. Make a plan:

    what is the main purpose of the meeting: to talk about innovations, listen to opinions, solve a problem, collect reports, etc.,

    What issues need to be discussed first?

    what can be skipped and solved on the job if there is no time left, etc.

2. Define your goal

Formulate your request in result format. Not “discuss the problem,” but “develop a solution to the problem.”

3. Fix agreements and assign responsibilities with deadlines

If a proposal for a solution arises, the result of the meeting will be an agreement on what the steps will be, who will take responsibility and in what time frame.

4. Set a “convenient” time

To prevent employees from dragging out reports, to be more focused and to think faster, schedule a meeting an hour before the lunch break or the end of the working day. If they take too long, they will skip lunch or go home later. And, of course, no one wants this.

5. Be closer to the people

If you want to get openness from your subordinates, to listen to what they really think on this issue, sit among them. When you're at the head of the table, you're the boss and your opinion comes first. When you sit next to an employee, you are a colleague, ready to discuss and find a solution together.

General Director of Skladovka LLC, a network of warehouses individual storage things (Self storage),

The meeting should always be prepared by the leader in terms of the issues you want to discuss. Before starting, it is better to send out an agenda on which you want to receive a response or organize a discussion. The meeting should end with minutes recording decisions made, deadline and responsible persons.

Each meeting is held according to the principle of continuity, so that people understand the logic of project development and have the opportunity to give feedback, report problems that arose in the process of implementing decisions.

Meetings on site, rather than in the manager’s office, are very useful. On site, you can immediately see what is really happening at the site, what needs to be done for it to achieve its intended goals.

Working meetings between the head of the organization and representatives of departments ultimately make it possible to monitor whether each department and the enterprise as a whole is moving towards the intended goal or deviating from it.

Director of Development of the company "CentrAgro"

In our company, meetings are classified: councils, committees, meetings, which in turn have a clear time limit and agenda. Only situational force majeure meetings do not have a predetermined agenda. For the rest, documents are prepared in advance and sent by mail to interested parties.

The rules for meetings are:

    do not interrupt each other;

    don't go out;

    turn off phones;

    be on time.

The effectiveness of meetings is increased through the preparation and preliminary distribution of documents, a clear meeting schedule for planning the working hours of employees.

Planners at a distance

Every year there are more and more companies that are abandoning offices and switching to . How to conduct planning meetings when all employees live not only in different cities, but also in different parts Sveta?

Natalia Odegova

Founder of the online training center

I used to work for a large corporation. Now all my employees are from different cities and even countries, and we communicate a lot online. Previous experience allowed us to take the best and change what was clearly ineffective.

People work online in order to have more time, so all planning meetings are much shorter and much more effective. We do not bring together people who cannot influence the resolution of the issue, and therefore do not waste their time. The planning meeting is concise and only to the point. Often this is a Skype call for 5-10 minutes to discuss a specific issue.

There are indicators that we regularly monitor, but we don’t communicate on them at all, but post new data in the general chat and make decisions, discuss new steps for improvement.

Regarding deadlines: since we generally have a lot of freedom, I never squeeze out the shortest deadlines in “development” projects, but ask: “What deadline do you believe in? How long can you answer for?” This approach allows the employee to consciously take responsibility and work on the task with great desire and pleasure.

And intermediate ones help a lot control points, where I look into the process and see if things are moving in the right direction.

    Leave your phone, tablet and other gadgets in your office. You should not take your favorite toy to a meeting with management.

    Remember that the same principles apply at a meeting as at school. Those who listen carefully, nod and ask clarifying questions are doing well. Why do we need to be great at work? That's right - so that they remember about us when they distribute the bonus.

    Another school rule- "eyes to eyes". When praised, send an open look to the manager. Curses start pouring in, start looking for the most interesting line on the table or pay attention to your pen.

    Write everything down All . Then you’ll figure out what’s useful and what can be thrown away. Firstly, bosses love it when they take notes. Secondly, the records are an alternate airfield if you need to escape. By the way, you can record your thoughts between the leader’s pearls.

    Actively express your opinion if this is provided for in the planning meeting format. Even if you share a banality, you will still look more respectable against the backdrop of your silent colleagues looking at their shoes. The main thing now is to show who is the most active participant here.

    We don’t even talk about sleep, yawning and a blank look. You yourself understand that this is inappropriate.

    If you are completely overcome by boredom, try working in your head. Make a to-do list, think about your project globally. Or just dream.

    conduct meetings effectively to ignite subordinates? How should employees behave at meetings in order to spend their time profitably?"/>

How to organize and conduct a morning five-minute meeting ( operational meeting). Rules, tips, recommendations. (10+)

Tips for Conducting a Situation Meeting

The operational meeting can be a very effective management tool, or it can turn into a powerful time sink that greatly reduces work efficiency. How to make sure that the five-minute RAM brings benefit and not harm?

Planning meeting goals

How often should a planning meeting be held? It depends on why we are doing it. How quickly the situation changes, how often it is necessary to check whether the work plan is being implemented and adjust it.

Important! At an operational meeting, it is impossible to make any responsible decision that requires elaboration and discussion. Such decisions are made at more detailed meetings. Their implementation is described in the article linked above. A planning meeting is needed in order to:

  • or make sure everything goes according to plan,
  • or understand that there are minor deviations that can be resolved in the current order, through advice or some help to those lagging behind,
  • or establish that more serious adjustments or new design solutions are required, appoint those responsible for studying the issue, preparing and holding a full-scale meeting on this issue.

Plan, operational regulations

Based on the above, we can formulate the basic rules:

Work plan. There must be a detailed work plan. This plan should be as detailed as a five-minute meeting. For example, if we hold an operational meeting every day, then the plan should be in daily detail, at least a couple of weeks in advance. Otherwise, there will simply be nothing to discuss at the planning meeting. It is pointless to listen to an employee report on the work done during the day if it is not known what he should have done that day.

Regulations. A minimum amount of time should be allocated for each participant’s report. Usually about five minutes are allocated, but you can get by with less time. There may be special cases when, for example, an employee reports news. He needs to be given time based on the volume of news. The same amount of time is allocated for discussion as for the report. During the discussion, you can ask clarifying questions, give short advice, and agree on what the employee needs to do before the next planning meeting. If it is not possible to discuss the issue in the time allotted during the operational meeting, then you need to plan to work it out after it, with the participation of only those employees who are related to the issue. This will allow you not to distract or waste the time of others who have nothing to do with the issue.

Protocol. All decisions made must be recorded in the minutes. Then at the next planning meeting we simply take the minutes of the previous one and check whether all the participants did what was planned at the previous meeting. If an employee was unable to complete a task, you need to decide how to help this employee. It is stupid to expect that without completing the task in the first week, he will do it in the next. It is necessary to find out what difficulties the employee has stopped, and how these difficulties can be overcome through joint efforts.

Is an operational meeting useful?

Properly organized five-minute sessions allow you to:

  • All employees should be kept informed of the progress of work.
  • Each employee has a clear idea of ​​what they need to do right now.
  • Quickly diagnose when an employee encounters difficulties, promptly help, advise, and push.

Example of a meeting protocol

I keep the minutes in a spreadsheet. In the first vertical column I list all the participants in the planning meeting. The first line contains the dates. There are two columns for each date. The first is filled out at the planning meeting on this date, and the second - at the next planning meeting based on the results of the past week, simultaneously with filling out the plans for next week. The first column can be frozen, and the rest can be gradually shifted to the left so that you can see only the past and current dates. And if necessary, you can also look at previous dates.

15.07.13 22.07.13
Exercise Result Exercise Result
Head of Support Department Respond to customer inquiries about delivery times new version Prepare a list of unresolved implementation problems with the client 1 Sign an Act with the client 2 Deadlines have been determined, information has been provided to clients. A list of problems has been prepared and submitted to the development department. The act has not been signed, there are comments Monitor work on the preparation of a new version. Together with the development department, work through the client’s comments 2
Head of Development Department Prepare a new module for display Make changes to the accounting mechanism Fix an error in the reporting form The new module has not been prepared, errors have been detected. Changes have been made to the accounting mechanism. The reporting form has been changed. Together with the support department, work out a list of problems for the client 1 Together with the support department, work out the client’s comments 2 Together with the sales department, prepare the module for demonstration
Head of Sales Department Prepare and send proposals for the delivery of a new module to 10 clients Demonstrate the new module with clients 3 and 4 Commercial proposals have been prepared and sent. The demonstration was not carried out due to the unavailability of the new module. Send commercial proposals to 10 more clients. Monitor the preparation of a new module for demonstration
Head of Methodological Department Prepare an overview of changes in legislation Review prepared Process the request from client 1 to ensure it complies with the accepted methodology

Meeting, meeting, operative, five-minute, meeting, council Dictionary of Russian synonyms. planning meeting see meeting Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

planning meeting- , and, w. decomposition A working meeting on the progress of the plan. ◘ There was a regular business meeting, which was held almost every day in Sablin’s office and was called planning meetings. BAS, vol. 9, 1307. Once a week we have a planning meeting, and then with... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

Planning meeting- planner decomposition A short production meeting to discuss the work plan. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

PLANER Great Accounting Dictionary

PLANER- an operational meeting held at enterprises and organizations dedicated to the progress of the plan... Large economic dictionary

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planning meeting- and, well, rosem. A short work of Narada, dedicated to the Vikonanny plan... Ukrainian Tlumach Dictionary

planning meeting- PLANER and; pl. genus. rock, date rkam; and. Razg. A short workshop to review the progress of the plan. Start of the planning meeting. Weekly P.P. for shop managers. Don't show up for the planning meeting. Report to the planning meeting. Prolonged p... encyclopedic Dictionary

planning meeting- the name of the female family... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

meeting- meeting, conference, meeting, plenum, congress, summit; planning meeting, synclit, council, assizes, five-minute, operative, directorate, letuchka Dictionary of Russian synonyms. meeting noun, number of synonyms: 14 assizes (3) ... Synonym dictionary


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Working with clients, I see that almost every manager (one, five or 100 people subordinate to him - it doesn’t matter!) holds a planning meeting or a five-minute meeting in the morning, and almost everyone does it ineffectively. How do I understand this? It’s very simple: each of the managers, one way or another, is dissatisfied with the results of the morning meeting. My article on how to fix this, and also attached to help you (to gain access you must) .

Step 1. Express diagnostics of the effectiveness of the morning planning meeting

Please check the box next to the statement if you agree with the statement:

  • Employees are regularly late for morning planning meetings or go reluctantly
  • Every day the morning meeting has a different duration
  • Morning meetings last more than 15 minutes
  • Employees leave the meeting nervous, anxious or dissatisfied
  • You are inclined to believe that morning planning meetings are useless - you gradually cease to see the point in them
  • During the working day you are constantly distracted by employees, you have to discuss various problems with them
  • Throughout the day, you have to explain the same thing to almost every employee.
  • Employees don't remember what you told them at the morning meeting
  • Despite the fact that the task was set in the morning, it is often not completed in the evening
  • Every day your employees make the same mistakes

If you checked at least one item, then you need to reconsider the way you conduct morning meetings, depending on your goals.

Step 2. Determine the purpose of the morning planning meeting.

As in any activity, you need to clearly define for yourself: what results do you want to achieve by holding morning planning meetings? And, based on the goals set, formulate an action plan.

Select the goals you are interested in from the list:

  • Employee motivation

All of the goals listed above must be present in your work with the team, but not all of them must be set for yourself to achieve when holding a morning meeting.

For example, you may conduct experience exchange and training on a weekly basis and not in the morning, but at a specially designated time for this, and all problems and questions are collected and discussed precisely then.

At the same time, you must understand that if you don’t set yourself the goal of motivating your employees in the morning, then you don’t need to expect any achievements - they won’t happen :)

Now in more detail about how to achieve each of the goals.

  1. Planning and setting tasks/focus for the day/week

There should be no more than three tasks and one focus per day. Perfect option- this is if you don’t voice it, but each employee independently says what he will achieve by the end of the day and what he will focus on today.

Objectives must be achievable, specific and measurable, that is, in numbers! Set goals using the SMART method(you can read what kind of method this is .

All people perceive the visual presentation of information better, so it is better to write the main tasks on the board, and emphasize the focus for the day (in the literal sense of the word) during the conversation.

If the manager sets the tasks, then it is better if the employee also writes down his tasks in the diary.

  1. Collecting work problems, feedback from employees

It is important to build communication in two directions: not only do you, as a manager, tell them about what problems arose over the past day, but they also need to get used to talking about their difficulties that arose during the work process. Often, employees consider their problems insignificant, discussing them only among themselves, and do not voice them to management.

It is necessary to create a field of trust, therefore, firstly, to encourage activity, the manager always accepts all the problems voiced by employees (even if, in his opinion, it is small and unimportant). Secondly, always look for the culprit, not the one to blame. Thirdly, appoint someone responsible for solving the problem and set a deadline for its elimination, and based on the results of the work done, inform them that the problem has been resolved.

  1. Exchange of experience, employee training

You can also conduct mini-trainings: review or repeat with employees standard speech scripts, product benefits, responses to objections, current company promotions, etc. When training, you are not the only one doing the talking; constantly involve your staff in the process.

Teach them something new and useful every day. Always develop your employees!

  1. Increased team spirit

First of all, when communicating, use words such as “we”, “our team”.

Voice company news, internal organizational issues, and the organization’s successes (even small ones) over the past day. Even if your company has a corporate email, not everyone reads it, so basic and interesting news can be announced. Even if the news is not good, as a team you can think together about what can be done in this situation.

Don’t forget to announce special and significant dates for employees (birthdays of the employees themselves, their children, anniversary of work in the company, participation in competitions, etc.)

  1. Employee motivation

In order to give the team a positive attitude for the entire coming day, it is necessary to:

  • find something to praise someone from the team for (best for sales, quality, etc.; gratitude from a client; solution to a difficult or non-standard issue, etc.);
  • when setting tasks for the day, explain how completion will have a positive impact on common goals companies, i.e. it is necessary to show that every employee is important;
  • use words that encourage action: “Let's do it!”, “Show what you are capable of!” etc.
  • use words that show your faith in them: “We can”, “We will do”, “We will prove”, “I am sure”, etc.

Never reprimand an employee at a morning meeting, just as never express dissatisfaction with the entire team - only positive things in the morning!

Step 3. Drawing up the planning meeting regulations.

Depending on what kind of morning planning meeting you have set for yourself, you need to draw up regulations for its implementation. It is best to print it out and hang it in your morning meeting area.

The regulations must define the start time and end time of the planning meeting. It should be no more than 15 minutes so that the level of information perception is maximum. It is also necessary to draw up a plan for the implementation, i.e. the sequence of what you will talk about. Recommendations for drawing up a plan:

  • Remember that you need to start and end your planning meeting positively. Therefore, start the planning meeting with a greeting, highlight some achievements over the past day (of an individual employee or the team as a whole). And end with congratulations and wishes Have a good day, a phrase encouraging action.
  • After the greeting, you can report the results of the previous day’s work and set goals for the current day based on them.
  • Mini-training or exchange of experience, which is designed to help achieve the goals set for the day, must be carried out immediately after the stated tasks.
  • It is imperative to get feedback from employees - it is more advisable to do this towards the end of the meeting, since it is only possible to set a standard time for discussion and to ensure that the planning meeting does not drag on, it is necessary to control this process. If you see that the problem brought up for discussion is complex and will require more than 2 minutes to solve, schedule a separate meeting on this issue or identify someone responsible for its solution.

Template of regulations for conducting a morning planning meeting:

Sample of filling out the morning meeting schedule(to gain access to all free additional materials necessary ):

I advise you to print out the planning meeting regulations template in several copies and make notes on what you want to say directly in it during daily preparation.

Step 4. Preparing for the morning planning meeting.

Good preparation is 90% of success, therefore, like any event, you also need to prepare for the morning planning meeting.

It’s better to do this the night before and be sure to do it in writing!

You set tasks based on what monthly goals you have set for yourself and what stage of their implementation you are at, as well as depending on what they are during the working day.

For each item of the implementation plan, write down what you will say: remember the successes of the day and the difficulties encountered, news and events; think over and prepare mini-training.

At first, the preparation may take you quite a lot of time, but gradually it should be reduced to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Step 5. Conducting a planning meeting.

Take your printed rules in your hands, smile and look at the rules and begin the meeting. At the same time, do not forget to watch your watch so that the meeting does not last more than 15 minutes.

During the process, note for yourself the reaction of employees to each point of the regulations in order to analyze what information was interesting and what was not so much. If something was not interesting or did not bring you the expected result (reaction), then you need to think about how important this information is, whether it can be removed, or how to change its presentation to increase employee interest.

For you, the main criterion for the effectiveness of your meetings, of course, should be the level of performance, sales and quality of service. If the dynamics are positive, then you are doing everything right, otherwise we are always ready to work with you individually!

Listen to the article:

99 sales tools. Effective methods making a profit Mrochkovsky Nikolay Sergeevich

Conducting planning meetings in the sales department

Managerial meetings are a critical factor in the success of the sales department. Why is control so important here?

Firstly, Most sales managers are slobby people by nature. At what plan? They do not have very developed punctuality and responsibility. They sell well, communicate well, but stability and constancy are often not their strongest qualities.

Plus, there is another factor that indicates that sales managers need constant monitoring. This is the so-called sales decline effect. Let's say your employee works on “cold” calls and needs to sell something. He just came to you and has been working for the first month, looking for potential clients. As a result of the first month of work, he has only one sale.

In the second month, he continues to work very actively, he receives four more sales from previous requests, plus another four or five are coming from what has accumulated, because there is a delayed effect. Sales from those he worked with in the first month will only come in the second. He has three or four orders from clients from last month, plus several more in the pipeline.

He sees that the world is beautiful, everything is fine, he will now have a mountain of money. At the same time, he expects that there will still be quite a lot of orders from the first month, because clients say: “Yes, we will order, we will pay, it’s just not the time.” The manager counts on these orders.

You need to understand that The more time passes, the less likely it is that the client will actually pay. Therefore, in the third month, out of five potential orders, the manager will have only one sale and four refusals. While in the second month it was the other way around - out of five potential orders in the first month, he had three or four orders and one refusal.

By the end of the second month, the sales manager expects to have a ton of clients because of the work he has done. He begins to work less actively, hoping that next month he will receive a bunch of orders from the first month that are still pending. But, most likely, orders from the first month will not reach the expected quantity, and there will be a strong decline.

Many managers live like this. For two months they work like horses. Then it seems to them that everything is fine, the mechanism is running. They cease to be active, and a decline sets in. After spending one or two months without money, they start working again as hard as they can. First a rise, then a decline - and so on constantly.

All this happens because managers work unevenly. This is a question of psychology. Sales people see that there are a lot of orders, and this means that they can afford to rest. This is human nature. Even if they understand that they cannot do this, they will still act this way.

Important here the all-seeing eye of the leader and planning meetings.

Looking at current reports, a decline in employee activity can be seen. You see that the manager began to call much less through “cold” contacts. You understand that if this continues, then in two weeks there will be a decline. Even if the manager says that everything is great, that there are a lot of orders, and now he doesn’t call much because he needs to process old clients, you understand that this is not so.

To prevent such situations, the sales department requires daily planning meetings held by the manager. Every day, early in the morning, you need to hold a planning meeting. If you do this during the day, then before the planning meeting the employees will do everything carelessly, and will actually start working only after lunch.

You must understand that your employees will say: “What kind of planning meeting? My job is on fire, and you are forcing me to do meaningless work.” But planning meetings are not at all meaningless work. For you, as a business manager, administrative work has priority (for managers it’s the other way around: they need to get the client on board as quickly as possible). Why is this so? Because you are a businessman. It is important for you that the system functions and that it happens correctly. And the system is built precisely on administrative work. Without this, everything will simply fall apart.

What should managers bring to planning meetings? Every morning (for example, at 9:30) you gather all the department employees. Each of them brings a log of calls and meetings for the previous day, a sales report. The first shows what the manager did, the second shows the results he achieved. These can be compiled into a single document, but it then becomes too unwieldy, so it makes sense to separate them.

Next is a list of calls. This is also mandatory. The manager (or the employee whose responsibility it is) prepares it the evening of the previous day. If this is not done, then the first half of the day will be spent leisurely preparing this list.

At the planning meeting, the head of the sales department first checks the reports of each employee. If something is out of the norm, then it becomes clear why: the reason for this is objective reasons or negligence.

Next, the head of the sales department submits a general report on the department to the commercial director or head of the company. This must happen every day. If you don’t reprimand and motivate your managers every day, then they work much worse.

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