Car repair and treatment of the crew here. Latest update information

In battle, it is very important to quickly respond to various damage to the tank, for example, a timely repaired gun is the key to the next successful shot, and any delay can result in defeat for your team. But now you won’t need to press any buttons, the cheat itself will fix the broken module depending on its value.

The priority is as follows: the engine, then the ammunition rack, the gun and the tracks, which are repaired only when they are critically damaged (light damage to them does not affect the battle in any way). As you can see, the author of the mod chose the most important modules of the car, removing the radio station and tanks, the repair of which is not very useful.

Automatic crew treatment. There are only two points here - the driver and the loader. The gunner is not curable, but this can be fixed using the attached configuration file.

If any of the equipment slots contains a standard fire extinguisher, purchased for silver, it will work as a premium option, which will allow you not to waste a second of precious time during a fire. And you save a lot of silver; in fact, you will always have a premium, cheap fire extinguisher.

Experienced players can configure the mod themselves using a configuration file called module_auto_repair, which can be found in the scriptsclientmods directory.

There are many settings available in it, for example, you can select additional modules for repair and change the priority. But keep in mind that to change settings you should use the Notepad++ program, and not the standard notepad, which breaks the config.


Copy the folder from the archive to the World_of_Tanksres_mods[current patch] directory.

  • Update date: 07 Aug 2019
  • Total marks: 6
  • Average rating: 4.67
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Latest update information:

Updated 08/07/2019:
  • Updated

This banned mod includes three cheating features at once - the crew will be treated automatically, tank modules will be repaired immediately, and a standard fire extinguisher will work like a premium one.

What does the cheat consist of?

  • . There are two types of fire extinguishers in World of Tanks. Cheap, triggered by pressing a button and premium, which extinguishes the fire immediately, in automatic mode. Using a script mode of operation standard version is being replaced by a premium one, that is, the tanker now does not need to spend additional silver to extinguish the fire instantly, a standard fire extinguisher will handle this.
  • Automatic treatment of the crew depending on the importance of the tanker’s duties. Previously, you had to press the first aid kit button and select the shell-shocked tank driver, but now treatment will occur automatically, first the cheat treats the driver, and then the loader. This priority can be changed to your liking using a configuration file.
  • Automatic module repair. The author of the mod made the following priority: first the engine is repaired, then the ammunition rack, then the gun and at the end of the track. In simple words, if the enemy damaged the engine of the tank, then the mod will immediately repair it, without the need to press any buttons, which is very useful in a quick skirmish with enemies.

Experienced mod fans can use the configuration file, in which you can change not only the priority of treatment/repair, but also enable/disable some cheat functions. The configuration file can be found in the scripts\client\mods\ folder called module_auto_repair.xml. But you cannot edit it using notepad; to change the settings, use special program Notepad++.

  • Update date: 12 Feb 2019
  • Tested on patch:
  • spoter
  • Total marks: 1
  • Average rating: 5
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Information about latest update: Updated for

Important: In mid-summer 2019, a new patch will be released and the installation folder for mods will change; now they need to be installed in the WOT/res_mods/1.5.1/ and WOT/mods/1.5.1/ folders. Most of the mods are working, just move them to the 1.5.1 folder, if one of the mods still doesn’t work, wait for it to be adapted on our website.

The incapacitation of a tanker or the breakdown of an important module is a real disaster, especially in the midst of a battle, when every millisecond is critically important and the slightest delay can lead to loss. The Vintik mod was created in order to make the repair process as easy as possible, now to repair you will need to press just one key, Vintik will independently decide which crew member to treat and which module to repair first.

What is the usefulness of the Vintik mod?

You are fighting on a light tank, suddenly an enemy shell unexpectedly damaged the radio station and the track. To repair, you need to make two clicks - the first calls up the context menu of the repair kit, and the second selects which module to repair. Extra clicks = wasted time, which may not be available in battle, that’s why this mod was created; it uses a script to calculate which module needs to be repaired. Thanks to this, precious moments are not wasted making repair choices.

Let's give an example to better understand how the mod works. For example, when playing for light tanks, Vintik will give preference to the driver, and the engine will be repaired first of all, because driving performance is the most important for light tanks. You won't get far with a shell-shocked driver and a damaged engine. And such a smart repair algorithm is made for each class.

By the way, about repairing tracks. If all the functionality of Vintik is not useful to you, but you want to quickly repair the harp, download a separate mod that helps you carry out.

Installing the Vintik mod for

  • Extract the configs folder to World_of_Tanks/mods. The rest of the archive contents are copied to World_of_Tanks/mods/[patch number].