Do-it-yourself self-watering technology for indoor plants. Automatic watering for indoor plants. Medical droppers are great helpers

Highly rated auto watering for indoor plants deserved among flower growers, for whom long absence from home is a common occurrence. Regular business trips, long vacations or being overly busy - there are many reasons to skip watering flowers, but now this will not be an acute problem. In each case, an automatic watering system for indoor plants will come to the rescue.

You can organize automatic watering yourself or purchase it from finished form. The choice of one or another option depends on several factors: how much money the owner of indoor plants is willing to spend on arranging automatic watering, whether he has time to make the system with his own hands, how many indoor plants are in the room. Familiarization with various options Automatic watering systems will help you decide and settle on homemade technology or turn to factory-made products.

A simple solution to the problem

If long absences are not a system and the problem of watering in the absence of the owner arises infrequently, you can resort to the most budget-friendly method of preserving moisture in indoor plants. For this you will need:

  • Moisten the soil in the pots generously.
  • Remove plants from sunny areas and move them to a shaded area. This measure will reduce moisture evaporation. It should be noted that the proposed method is not suitable for all indoor pets. If individual species If they simply slow down their development, the condition of light-loving plants may deteriorate significantly.
  • Preliminary removal of buds, blossoming flowers and dried foliage will help reduce moisture consumption.
  • The pots are collected in a large container - a basin, trough or bath. The bottom of the container is covered 5 cm with a layer of expanded clay, after which it is filled with water. If possible, wet pieces of sphagnum moss are distributed between pots with indoor plants. The entire set is covered with film.

Comment! Greenhouse conditions are not suitable for indoor plants with pubescent leaves, which will begin to rot if there is a lack of fresh air flow.

Upon arrival home, you should gradually return the flowers to their usual conditions and accustom them to open space. The proposed option of automatic watering has a lot of disadvantages, so it is better to resort to improved systems for automatic watering of indoor plants, which are easy to build with your own hands or install ready-made structures.

Drip irrigation

Automatic drip irrigation - great idea for pets, which migrated from greenhouses and open areas garden The method is characterized by simplicity, low cost and reliability. The operating principle is as follows:

  • The basis of the automatic watering system is a plastic bottle.
  • Several small holes are pierced on the lid.
  • The bottle is filled with water, the neck is closed with a mesh or gauze folded in several layers, and the lid is screwed on.
  • The container is lowered into a pot with a houseplant with its neck down and fixed in this position.

The volume of water containers for automatic watering is selected taking into account the size of the container. If the container with indoor plants is large, you may need 2-3 bottles. A better flow of water will be ensured by a cut bottom when plastic container will turn into a kind of funnel.

System "Wick"

It is not much more difficult to organize automatic watering for indoor plants with your own hands using wicks. In this case, moisture enters through cords, one end of which is immersed in a container of water, and the other is in the soil with a houseplant. If the rope enters the pot from above, it is recommended to secure it with a hairpin or peg. Another way of designing automatic watering is possible, when the cord is inserted into the container with the flower from below through the drainage hole. This procedure is carried out in advance, at the stage of planting flowers. All the grower needs to do is periodically fill the tank with water.

Attention! Automatic watering from below is recommended for indoor plants that prefer a light substrate.

If, in addition to automatic watering, the usual method of irrigating flowers will be used, the containers must be equipped with a drainage layer. When using exclusively wick automatic watering, organized from below, you can do without drainage. Wick irrigation is made using synthetic cords; ropes made from natural threads should be abandoned. The reason is the rapid deterioration of the wick, which, with regular interaction with water, will soon rot and break.

Wick automatic watering of indoor plants needs adjustment. Simple laws of physics apply here: the higher the container of water is relative to the flower in the pot, the faster the moisture will seep into the soil. Therefore, before a long departure, it is better to adjust in advance the amount of moisture that indoor plants will receive.

Medical droppers are great helpers

Another simple option for arranging automatic watering is to use medical droppers. The principle is identical to wick automatic watering. Basic steps:

  • Prepare systems (drippers) according to the number of containers with indoor plants.
  • Simply blowing through the tubes will help make sure there are no cracks.
  • On one side, all the droppers are collected into a single bundle, but are not pinched, a weighting agent is attached, and the entire structure is lowered into a reservoir of water.
  • The second end is connected to a container with a houseplant.
  • The container with water must be located above the flowers; its volume depends on the number of outgoing tubes and the plants’ need for irrigation.
  • When the entire automatic watering system is assembled, the droppers open. Usually a slow mode is set so that the substrate does not become oversaturated with moisture.

For craftsmen familiar with the basics of electronics, it will be interesting to build an automatic watering system using an arduino controller. In this case, the container intended for the indoor plant will be simultaneously equipped with several controllers, which include:

  • soil moisture control;
  • dispenser;
  • liquid level indicator.

Of course, not everyone is familiar with the basics of diagramming and programming. Therefore, if you want to facilitate the process of caring for indoor plants, it is better to turn to ready-made analogues of the “smart pot”, which will be discussed separately.

Granulated clay or hydrogel

There are many ways to provide automatic watering for a houseplant during a long absence. IN retail outlets, where indoor flowers are presented, you can purchase special granulated clay or hydrogel. These products will cope with the task of maintaining soil moisture at the required level by quickly absorbing water and gradually releasing it to indoor plants.

Basic actions:

  • Select a capacious container into which a layer of the selected product is poured.
  • A plant is placed on top, the root system of which remains in an earthen coma.
  • The space between the soil and the walls of the container is filled with the remains of a special clay or hydrogel, after which the surface is covered with plastic film.

This method of automatic watering of indoor flowers is effective for a long time. The advantage of the solution is that the indoor plant does not undergo a replanting procedure, which sometimes negatively affects further growth and causes disease. If the absorbents begin to dry out, add water to the hydrogel or clay pot as needed.

A colorful example of automatic watering using hydrogel is shown in the photo:

Capillary mats

Another way to organize an automatic watering system for indoor plants is to use capillary mats. This practical device is a special mat, the production of which uses materials with high hygroscopicity. The operating principle is extremely simple:

  • Indoor plants in containers with drainage holes at the bottom are placed on a capillary mat.
  • One edge of the mat is immersed in water.

    Advice! It is better to choose kits that additionally include two pallets.

  • In this case, water is poured into a large pan.
  • A smaller container with holes in the bottom is placed inside.
  • A capillary mat is laid on top, on which indoor plants are installed.

Naturally, as water is absorbed, it is added to the outer container. Manufacturers claim a two-week ability of capillary mats to provide indoor plants with automatic watering.

Cones and jars

One of the most simple ways, how to make automatic watering of indoor plants with your own hands, purchase a special pear on a stem. There are many original varieties of simple things - birds, balls, frogs, snails, painted in bright colors, will organically fit into the interior with indoor plants. The products are made of plastic, and the automatic watering system operates extremely simply: before leaving for a long time, the container is filled with water and inserted into a pot with an indoor flower.

As the soil dries, air penetrates the stem and pushes out liquid, which moistens the substrate and root system plants. Opinions about the practicality of such automatic watering among gardeners are divided. Some claim a dosed supply of moisture, others complain about problems with waterlogging of the soil with indoor plants. Everyone makes their own decision about the advisability of using it, but as a temporary measure, this is a completely suitable option. If systematic automatic watering is necessary, it is better to avoid such a product.

Occasionally, automatic watering is arranged according to the principle of a drinking bowl for poultry. In this case, the container with the indoor plant is placed in a deep tray, where a jar of water is placed upside down, with holes in the lid. As needed, water flows through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot to the roots of the indoor plant. But the proposed system requires adjustment so that the moisture is distributed in the right amount, does not pour out of the jar instantly, or vice versa, does not leave the indoor plant without water.

Comment! Regardless of the chosen automatic watering method, it should be tested in advance before departure. You should not rely on the uninterrupted functioning of the automatic watering system in your absence, so as not to destroy your indoor plants.

Ready-made systems

When to arrange own design There is no desire for automatic watering; you can resort to ready-made technologies. Automatic watering options offered trading network, some. Most popular:

  • microdroplet systems;
  • flower pots with automatic watering;
  • ceramic cones.

Products vary significantly in cost, so everyone can choose suitable solution for your own wallet, with a guide to the number of indoor plants and duration of use.

Microdrip auto-irrigation systems

Owners of impressive collections of indoor plants should take a closer look at the micro-drip auto-irrigation system, which is a smaller copy of structures designed for irrigating vegetation in greenhouses or in the garden. Operation occurs through connection to central water supply. The built-in electronic timer provides automatic watering by supplying and turning off water at a pre-programmed time. If desired, a soil moisture sensor can be purchased additionally. With such an automatic watering system, you won’t have to worry about your indoor plants during a long business trip or vacation.

Comment! When installing a micro-drip auto-irrigation system, which depends on a centralized water supply, it is not possible to shut off the water supply in case of departure.

If the collection contains no more than 30 pots with medium-sized indoor plants, pay attention to the micro-drip automatic watering system, which is equipped with a reservoir. Tubes with droppers at the end extend from a container of water to each specimen of the flower collection. Droppers come in simple design made of plastic or a ceramic tip, which is fixed in the soil with a houseplant.

The intensity of automatic watering with a conventional dripper is adjusted manually using a special wheel. Automatic watering systems equipped with a ceramic tip are more practical. The presence of soil moisture sensors ensures automatic adjustment of water supply or stop for indoor plants.

An example of a micro-drip auto-watering system for indoor plants is shown in the photo:

Pots with automatic watering

Modern technologies have penetrated into all spheres of human activity; a striking example is a “smart pot” or a flowerpot with automatic watering, a wide range of which is represented by the Lechuza brand. The product is a set of two containers: the inner one contains indoor plants, the outer one contains water, which flows to the root system through special wicks.

Usually the pot is equipped with a water indicator, so monitoring the liquid level and the need for topping up is not difficult. A pot with automatic watering can be purchased for plants of any size, from compact violets to a chic branched ficus. The Lechuza catalog offers standard versions. Set includes:

  • external planter;
  • container for a houseplant;
  • water tank;
  • humidity level indicator;
  • buffer layer.

The assembly procedure is quite simple. After planting, it will take 3 months for the roots of the plant to reach the bottom and be able to independently provide themselves with moisture. If necessary, you can purchase tall flower pots, where the insert container makes it possible not to fill the container with substrate to its full depth.

The smallest sizes of self-watering pots are 10-13 cm; such models are in demand in offices for placement on the desktop. For indoor plants of impressive size, it is worth taking a closer look at the Cubico collection, which is intended for use on the floor. All self-watering pots are lightweight.

Attention! Large models are equipped with a stand with wheels that can support weights up to 180 kg.

This element is extremely convenient when it is necessary to relocate a houseplant. Thanks to the presence of recesses at the bottom of the pot, the structure with wheels fits firmly and is securely hidden under the flowerpot.

Setting up the automatic watering system is quite simple. The algorithm of actions includes the following steps:

  • The bottom of the self-watering pot is first filled with a special Pon substrate, which perfectly doses the moisture supply.
  • Part of the soil mixture suitable for the given indoor plant is filled in.
  • The plant itself is planted.
  • The remaining volume of the container is filled with the remaining soil.
  • The pet is watered for 12 weeks in the usual way so that the roots reach the bottom.
  • After the allotted time, the tank is filled with water, after which you can completely switch to the automatic watering system.
  • Manufacturers claim the ability of self-watering pots to maintain the desired level of humidity indoor flower for 3 months, it doesn’t hurt to periodically check the water level indicator.

A flowerpot with automatic watering has a wonderful feature: it can be placed not only indoors, but also displayed outdoors. open space. The plastic from which the pot is made is resistant to UV radiation, mechanical stress and is not afraid of low temperatures. The bottom of the housing contains a drain hole closed with a plug. When using a pot with automatic watering outdoors, the plug is removed. This measure will prevent the risk of waterlogging of the soil with the indoor plant during natural precipitation. Excess rainwater will flow out freely.

Another advantage - replaceable indoor unit with handles. This design allows you to easily replant plants or form a root system.

Ceramic cones

Much easier to use, and correspondingly lower in cost, is a device for automatic watering in the shape of a ceramic cone. Such peculiar “carrots” with plastic straws are gaining more and more popularity among indoor plant lovers. A ceramic cone, designed for automatic watering, is buried in the soil, the other end is lowered into a reservoir of water.

In principle, this is an improved drip irrigation system using medical droppers, which was described above. Plus purchasing solutions finished product- no need for regular monitoring of water supply. The process of automatic watering occurs due to the independent supply of liquid during the period when the soil of indoor plants dries out.

It is impossible to clearly judge the practicality of such an autopolishing technique. Manufacturers claim uninterrupted operation of the system; the only condition is to fill the tank with water in a timely manner. Lovers of indoor flowers are not always satisfied. From time to time, situations arise when the cone becomes clogged and automatic watering of plants stops, that is, control over the process is still necessary. The solution to preventing blockage will be to move the water tank to a higher place, then you will have to ensure that there is no excess moisture in the soil with the indoor plant. In a word, the problems are the same as with a DIY watering system for indoor plants.

If there are few indoor plants and there is no space for a tank, a ceramic cone is placed on plastic bottle, which is fixed directly in the pot. As a temporary measure, this is a completely suitable solution for automatic watering.


The choice of one or another automatic watering option depends on the number of indoor flowers. For regular automatic watering, it is better to opt for ready-made micro-drip systems that connect to central water supply or equipped with a reservoir. You can also choose pots with automatic watering for indoor plants. Will help you save money various systems self-watering, made by yourself. The main condition is to test any design before a long absence.

If you really love indoor flowers, but often have to leave them unattended, an automatic watering system for your green pets just what you need. Of course, you can turn to your neighbors for help, but you must admit that you don’t want to leave your home in the care of strangers. Therefore, organizing automatic watering of indoor plants with your own hands is an ideal way to preserve decorative landscaping in the house without anyone's help.

Passive automatic watering

Automatic watering of home vegetation can be passive. With this irrigation, indoor flowers can stand without moisture for about two weeks. But before that they need to be well prepared:

A passive system for automatic watering of indoor plants at home, according to many gardeners, is stressful. Therefore, to preserve your favorite species, experienced flower growers it is recommended to prepare in advance planting material, for example, cuttings that will successfully take root in water during your absence.

Active automatic watering

If you have someone to look after your flowers, then automatic watering of indoor plants can be made active. Plants that love moisture can be placed in the bathroom. To increase air humidity, vegetation can be placed above a container of water. Place bricks in any wide basin of water. We place flower pots on the prepared stand. It is very important that at the bottom of each flowerpot there is drainage layer, which will provide the necessary microclimate for plants.

Wick watering

If you wish, you can make wick automatic watering for indoor plants with your own hands. This is a fairly rational way to moisturize green pets, which is used by many gardeners.

Drip irrigation

Automatic watering of indoor plants at home can be arranged differently, providing gradual irrigation of indoor flowers. The success of this design lies in correct definition intensity of water flow into the flowerpot. There are several options for such drinkers for indoor flowers.

For large specimens, you can make automatic drip watering using a plastic bottle. We make a funnel out of it, and punch several holes in the lid. Wrap the neck of the bottle with mesh and screw on the lid. We secure the bottle with the lid down. This type automatic watering is suitable for indoor flowers such as ficus, monstera and other plants growing in large planting containers.

For plants growing in small pots, watering with a plastic bottle may not be suitable. In this case, automatic watering for indoor plants using river sand. To do this, fill a deep container with sand and place flower pots in it, half the depth of the sandbox.

A prerequisite for such humidification must be the presence of drainage holes in all containers. A plastic flower drinker is mounted in the center above the sandbox. Sand, evenly absorbing moisture, will nourish indoor plants.

Capillary mats

Some colors Gardeners successfully use capillary mats, thus creating automatic watering for indoor plants. Flowerpots with plants are placed on a piece of fabric. The free edge of the rag is dipped into water. Humidification of indoor flowers occurs through a rag and drainage holes in the pots.

You can use a regular terry towel as a capillary material at home. In specialized stores there are special trays for automatic watering, where you can also find a kit with a capillary mat and two containers different sizes. This automatic watering system for indoor plants is very convenient and effective, as it prevents rotting of the root system of flowers. Green pets will quite successfully tolerate the lack of regular hydration for two weeks.

Materials such as hydrogel or granular clay are considered moisture-absorbent. They can also be an excellent material for hydrating plants.

It is necessary to lay a good layer of granulated clay at the bottom of the pot, then transplant the plant into it along with a lump of earth. We fill the formed voids with clay. To prevent moisture evaporation, the pot is covered with a transparent film.

Automatic watering using medical droppers is considered especially popular.

Use of droppers

To make such a drinking bowl, you will need droppers used in medicine and a large container, for example, a five-liter bottle. The number of drippers used depends on the number of indoor flowers, since in this irrigation method one dripper will be installed per plant.

Before use, the tips of the droppers must be removed and checked for integrity. If the dropper is blown in both directions, then it is suitable for use.

To prevent the droppers from floating from the bottom to the surface, they are easily tied without bending and weighted with something. We lower the bundle of droppers into a container installed on a hill. Then we open the regulator on the tubes to fill them with water, and close it again. The second end of the dropper must be inserted into a flowerpot with a flower. After this, we open the regulator, ensuring gradual irrigation of the flowers.

This automatic watering must be carefully checked to prevent overwatering or underwatering of indoor vegetation. Therefore, for each plant, testing is carried out separately for the rate of water supply from the dropper using a regulator. Having established the required water flow, the edges of the droppers are lowered into flower pots.

As you can see, there are plenty of automatic watering methods for indoor flowers. All you have to do is choose the most best option, which is suitable for you and your green pets.

Water is one of the main factors normal height And harmonious development any plant. However, it can not only be the basis of life, but also have a detrimental effect on their condition. That is why timely and systematic watering is vital for plants: it creates a favorable humidity regime, while simultaneously protecting the roots from rotting.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to water your favorite flowers on time and in the required amount (most often when the whole family goes on vacation), so it can come to the rescue. Such systems can be purchased at the store, but the simplest ones can be made with your own hands.

Making an automatic watering system with your own hands

Options homemade systems quite a lot, let's consider the simplest and least labor-intensive.

Option 1.

The simplest and therefore popular self-watering systems are made from plastic bottles.

You will need:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of 1-1.5 l;
  • drill (you can do without it);
  • cord or clothesline (length varies depending on the height of the pot, its location, etc.) for use as a potting wick.


1. Using a knife, carefully cut the bottle into two parts. The top half of the bottle (with the stopper) will serve as a pot, the bottom half as a water container.

2. Drill (or make with a hot nail) a hole in the cork

3. We pull part of the wick through the stopper. It should fit through the hole with interference.

4.Tighten the plug and insert the wick into the hole.

5. Turn the top half of the bottle with the cork down.

6. We arrange a drainage layer inside to allow air to pass through.

7. Place the end of the wick on top of the drainage layer.

8. Replant the flower.

9.Pour into bottom part bottles of water.

10. Place the inverted part of the bottle into the lower part so that the end of the wick is in the water.

11. Lightly water the soil from above.

Do not forget to add water to the lower part of the system on time. The amount of water necessary for life will be determined by the roots of the plant themselves.

Option 2.

You will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • cord or clothesline for wick;
  • bottle (container) for water.


1. Using a screwdriver, dig one end of the cord into the soil near the indoor plant.

2.Fill the bottle with water.

3. Lower the other end of the wick into water.

4. Place a bottle of water next to the pot. Water will flow through the wick into the ground and nourish the flower.

Homemade watering system for several indoor plants

You will need:

  • plastic container of at least 5 liters (for example, a cooler bottle);
  • medical droppers, separate for each pot;
  • soft wire;
  • weight (to prevent the ends of the droppers from floating);
  • stand for container (chair, stool, etc.).


  1. Fill the container with water.
  2. We carefully tie the ends of the tubes into a bundle with wire, without pinching the tubes.
  3. Attach a weight to the wire.
  4. Place the container on the stand.
  5. We lower the connected ends of the tubes together with the weight into the container.
  6. Fully open the regulator on one of the tubes and suck in water with your mouth. After the water has flowed, close the regulator completely.
  7. We carefully insert this end of the tube (so that the tube does not become clogged) into the soil.
  8. Open the water supply regulator on the tube slightly.
  9. We perform the same actions with the remaining tubes.

It is necessary to monitor the system for some time and adjust the amount of water flow.

Purchased automatic watering systems

A variety of automatic ones can also be purchased in specialized stores. For example, one of the simplest and at the same time very aesthetic and beautiful “automatic drinkers” is the aquaglobe. This device is in the form of a flask with a spout and a small diameter hole, filled with water. To water, the aquaglobe is turned over and the spout is immersed in the soil near the plant. Water from the aquaglobe is displaced into the soil by oxygen, which is released when it dries. Aquaglobes can be multi-colored or simply transparent.

Another, very easy to use, but very effective, reliable and inexpensive system for automatic watering is the Blumat root irrigation system.

The device consists of a ceramic porous cone, which is immersed in the soil, and a plastic tube connected to a container of water. Each cone is both a sensor and a watering device.

The system provides independent irrigation control. When the soil moisture changes, the cone reacts: if the soil is wet, the special membrane is closed and water does not flow into the pot. When the soil dries, the membrane opens and water drips into the plant. In this case, the vacuum formed in the cone provides an influx of additional water.

Watering is precise and dosed, and the water that goes directly to the root does not create a crust on its surface when the soil dries out. The system can be used to water one or several plants.

“Boss, who will water the flower?”

An automatic watering system (no matter whether you make it yourself or purchased in a store) is indispensable assistant, which will make care much easier, allowing you to safely leave your favorite plants and be sure that everything will be fine with them.

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If a person decides to leave home for a while, the question arises about caring for house plants. You can ask your friends about this, but no one will give guarantees that the care will be carried out in good faith. There are several ways to preserve flowers without resorting to outside help or complex purchasing mechanisms. However, they can only be considered as a temporary measure. If there is no timely watering all the time, then you should look for another solution.

Plant preparation

If the trip was not a surprise, It is better to prepare plants in advance for the upcoming changes.

  • Place in the shade to reduce evaporation. It also depends on the time of year, the presence of workers in the premises heating devices and ventilation.
  • Remove affected leaves and inflorescences. Professionals advise partially thinning out healthy leaves, and be sure to remove not only blooming flowers, but also buds. This measure may seem cruel, but it will allow the plant to use water more economically.
  • Wipe the leaves and spray them with a spray bottle.
  • All flower pots place in one place and cover with film on top, making several holes in it for air flow. An alternative to film can be a covering material - it is more porous, promotes air exchange and prevents the formation of mold.
  • If you are placing flowers in groups, isolate diseased plants. In the immediate vicinity, even a banal fungus will quickly infect healthy neighbors.
  • Immediately before leaving, all flowers need to be watered well. In rare cases, the plant is taken out along with the earth (a lump) and lowered into water, but not for long - so that the earth does not crumble.


In order for the plant not to die, it needs water. In our case, we need a source from where it will flow evenly, but in the right quantity, into the flower pot. Since this problem is not new, all kinds of devices are available on the market. But in the chaos you can forget about them, and it’s not at all difficult to do something similar yourself.

From the bottle

For the first option you need a bottle. Ideally, it’s plastic, but you can take any one. The main thing is that it has a lid. Wine bottles framed by greenery they look more aesthetically pleasing. They can also be painted, decorated using decoupage technique or decorated with ribbons, rhinestones, and beads. This option is useful even if regular care, for example, will help you endure the heat more easily in the summer.

Manufacturing instructions.

  • It is easier to pour water if the bottle does not have a bottom. But you can also pour it through the neck.
  • We make one or two narrow holes in the cork so that water drips out. Close it and install it in the right place.
  • You can simply put it down or stick its neck into the ground. Then the intensity of watering can be judged by the amount of decreasing water. The bottle can be hung above the flower, but not too high.

Watering is regulated by the width and number of holes in the plug. If it comes into contact with the ground, you need to put a piece of any mesh fabric under the cork and twist it so that its ends peek out with a margin. It will prevent soil from getting inside the bottle.

With rope

For this structure you need lace, twine or any other rope. In the absence of such, you can use strips of fabric twisted into strands. In this case, the rope should absorb water well. It is believed that synthetic fabrics are preferable to natural ones, since the latter may begin to rot. But in a week nothing will happen to natural ones.

The principle of operation of the structure.

  • One side of the rope is lowered into a bowl of water, the other is placed in a pot.
  • You can place the rope either from above, so that the free end lies on the ground, or from below, inserting it into the hole for water drainage. IN latest version more water will be retained in the soil, as it will evaporate less. But there is a risk that the rope will be pinched by the pallet and there will be no inflow.

If the water container is wide (for example, a basin), the water will actively evaporate and maintain the required humidity in the room for the plant’s comfort.

From one basin you can bring strings to different plants. Or, if the flower needs a lot of moisture, place several sources of water with strings on different sides. To prevent the rope or harness from slipping from the designated place, they must be secured.

With hydrogel

Automatic moisture supply can be ensured using various substances that can absorb water. After it evaporates, they usually dry out. The most popular are hydrogel balls. Even cut flowers can remain fresh in them for a long time. And some plants are planted in them as if in the ground. The hydrogel is quite capable of temporarily replacing watering. For this you need:


  1. Soak the balls in water until they swell.
  2. Remove the plant along with the soil from the pot. To do this carefully without damaging the roots, the soil in the pot needs to be moistened.
  3. Fill the bottom of a larger pot with balls. Then we place the removed plant with soil in the center. The balls should fill all the remaining space around the circumference of the pot. They are also placed on top in a thin layer.

When drying, the balls will release water to the soil. To slow down this process, you can additionally use any other method of automatic watering. There are rugs with similar properties - flower pots are placed on them. Cut into thin strips, they absorb water well, so they can be used instead of ropes or rag strands.

On a pallet

It is much safer to put everything on a base of expanded clay filled with water.

Automatic watering pots operate on approximately the same principle. A flowerpot is a decorative container in which the pot itself is placed. In addition to the fact that it serves as a kind of decoration, it is into it that water flows from the drainage holes. The essence of automatic watering is simple - water is poured into the flowerpot, which feeds the plant through the same holes. IN purchased models A special float is built into the flowerpot, which indicates the amount of water. At home, you will need to check the water level yourself at certain intervals.

And the volume of water that needs to be filled can be calculated experimentally and make a corresponding mark on inside. Pots, of course, need to be washed at least once a week.

With a dropper

Droppers can also be involved in the water supply. No needles needed, just a water container, straws and a flow regulator. Pros of the system:

  • transparent material looks unobtrusive;
  • the tubes can be joined to the required length;
  • you can easily regulate the amount of incoming liquid.

In order for the flow to be constant, it is important to correctly position the end of the hose and the container with water. The container should be located above the level of the pot, the hose should be located at a slight angle. Its length is easy to trim. To prevent the hose from moving, it is loosely tied to a plastic or wooden peg.

From tubes from drippers and hoses of suitable diameter, but borrowed from other areas, you can create entire systems for watering several indoor plants at once.

But even here it is important to monitor the position of the entire structure so that the water flows evenly and the tubes do not bend. In addition, it is important to take care of the tightness of the connections.

Often during the holidays, flower lovers leave their plants for a long time without attention and care. It's good to have good neighbors or relatives who will periodically visit the apartment and water the flowers.

And if there are none, what should we do? There are ways to provide flowers with life-giving moisture and organize automatic watering for indoor plants. Let's look at the simplest and most popular ones.

How to preserve moisture at the lowest cost

You can minimize moisture loss - it’s not difficult to do. It is worth noting that to use this method should only be used as a last resort, since it has many more disadvantages than positive aspects.

  • moisten the earthen lump well, placing the pot in a container with water for a day;
  • remove pots from window sills to a shaded place. Everyone knows that the less light a plant receives, the slower it grows and develops. Thanks to this, much less moisture will be consumed. This method has a big disadvantage: delicate indoor flowers can die without sunlight;
  • thin out the plant by cutting off the leaves and inflorescences, so much less water will be lost, but after such pruning the flower will regain its strength and decorativeness for a very long time;
  • Place the entire pot of flowers in a large container at the bottom of which there will be expanded clay filled with water. For greater efficiency, you can lay wet material or peat in layers between the pots;
  • arrange an impromptu greenhouse for the plants, covering them with film, but if they stay in this structure for a long time, the flowers may become moldy or simply rot. In addition, a lot of effort will have to be made to adapt the surviving plants to the outdoors.

As we can see, the disadvantages are significant, and if you want to preserve the beauty and decorativeness of indoor flowers, then it is worth considering more gentle methods of preserving moisture.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands

This is a simple and inexpensive method that will allow you to leave plants for a long time. To build it you will need empty plastic bottles with caps.

Several holes are made in the lid. Pour water into a bottle, screw on the cap and stick it into the ground next to the plant, cap down.

The holes should be made in such a way that the water flows out quietly and does not flow out in a trickle. The bottle size is selected based on how much big flower need to be watered and for how long the plants are left unattended.

For a small pot, a half-liter bottle will be enough, but for large pots it is better to take a container of 2 or more liters.

Wick system

An easy-to-use and well-known watering system that involves the use of a large container of water and homemade wicks. They can be any thread, twine, bandage, laces. One end is fixed in the pot with a wooden peg, the other is lowered into the water.

If you are often away from home, then you can install the wick when planting the plant by threading it through the hole at the bottom of the pot. Only in this case should you use a synthetic cord for an improvised wick.

Before launching such an irrigation system, it needs to be tested - water must flow into the ground at the required speed. Adjustment is simple; just position the water container correctly relative to the pot with plants.

Hydrogel, granular clay, beads

Works well with automatic watering hydrogel or clay granules, which can be purchased at flower shops and soaked in water. This material not only perfectly absorbs a large number of moisture, but also gives it to plants if necessary.

To arrange this type of irrigation you need:

  • take a pot slightly larger in volume than the one it was in;
  • pour clay or hydrogel onto the bottom;
  • carefully pull out the earthen lump with the roots of the flower, trying to prevent it from falling apart;
  • place in a pre-prepared pot;
  • fill the void from the sides with hydrogel and cover the soil with plastic film.

It is enough to water the plant well or place the flowerpot in water for a while, and your flower will receive life-giving moisture for a long time.


Another effective method arrange automatic watering for indoor plants with your own hands - use medical droppers. For each pot, take 1 dropper.

Manufacturing technology:

  • cut off the needles, fasten the droppers until required length, hang a load at the ends;
  • fill the bucket with water and lower the weighted ends into them;
  • Place the free end in the pot and open the regulator to the desired state.

Important! You need to choose a method for automatic watering of indoor plants before leaving and test it for performance.

Colorful cones

These original products were invented in our country - water is poured into colored cones, then they are connected to a special stem, which is subsequently stuck into the ground next to the plant.

The advantages of this watering method are as follows:

  • original and practical solution;
  • aesthetically attractive appearance;
  • no need to build complex structures.

These are a kind of mats made of hygroscopic material that can be bought at any flower shop. One edge of this mat is lowered into the water, and flowers are placed on the second.

Advice! It is better to buy capillary mats complete with trays - there are 2 of them, flowers are placed in one, and water is poured into the other. Using this method, you can leave the plants unattended for 2 weeks.

Industrial automatic watering systems

If you often have to go on long business trips, you can purchase an industrial automatic watering system for indoor plants.

The most popular Aqua Globs, consisting of a glass bulb and a ceramic cone.

The cone is placed in the ground, and the flask is connected to the water supply using a special hose.

The Gardena system, consisting of pumps, timers, and tubes, is also known. By purchasing a similar automatic watering system for indoor plants, you can provide moisture to up to 36 flowers..

Flower pots with automatic watering

This flowerpot has two bottoms; between the first and second bottoms there is a water tank. In this case, bottom watering is carried out, and the flower absorbs as much moisture as it needs, while the risk of over-wetting the earthen coma is minimal.

Design advantages:

  • the opportunity to have indoor plants for people who are often away;
  • a plant in such a pot does not need careful periodic watering;
  • saving time;
  • excellent conditions for growing indoor plants, as it self-regulates moisture consumption.

The automatic watering system built into the pots is very convenient, but it has a drawback: it cannot be used for young plants. The most basic condition for smooth operation is a well-formed and developed root system.

But recently, “smart” pots have appeared on the market, which allow you to water even young plants automatically.

Pots with self-watering Coubi

Coubi are inexpensive, practical flower pots that can be bought as a set, or the automatic watering system itself separately. The flowerpots themselves are made of environmentally friendly and high-quality material.

Pots are available in different color scheme, so choosing them to match the interior will not be difficult.

Pots with self-watering lechuza

These are smart flowerpots with self-watering made in Germany that have recently appeared on the market. Distinctive feature of these structures is that the flower will be supplied with moisture for 12 weeks.

Products are made from durable, environmentally friendly plastic that is not afraid of temperature changes. For open air You can purchase special lechuza flowerpots with automatic drainage of excess liquid.

Flower pots with automatic watering Green Apple

A modern automatic watering system equipped with wheels and a reservoir from which water is supplied.

A special indicator is built into the flowerpot, showing the water level in the container, and with its help the amount of liquid can be adjusted.

Flowerpots are made according to modern technologies made of high quality polystyrene.

Ikea plant pots

These flowerpots with an automatic watering system can provide indoor plants with moisture for 2 weeks. These are high-quality, inexpensive products made from recycled materials.

Flowerpots have different colors, so choosing the right color is not difficult.

DIY pot with automatic watering

Due to the fact that it is very expensive to buy pots equipped with an automatic watering system, especially if you need a large number of them, you can build them yourself similar system using available materials.

Instructions for making an automatic sprinkler at minimal cost:

  • cut a two-liter plastic bottle in half;
  • make small cuts - up to 3 cm, on the bottom of the bottle. There should be 8 of them and bend them inward - these are holders for the second half of the bottle;
  • take liter bottle and cut it in half. Make several holes in the bottom and stretch synthetic lacing through them;
  • plant a houseplant in this improvised pot;
  • place the flower in a pre-prepared water container made from a 2-liter bottle.

Such an automatic watering system can provide the plant with moisture for a long time. In addition, you can make a more attractive system by taking two pots of different sizes. Water is poured into a large pot and a smaller pot is installed in which the flower is located.

In this video there is another option for automatic watering:


Explore all the options offered above and choose for yourself optimal system automatic watering If you do not have the funds to purchase industrial equipment, you can use improvised materials, and then frequent business trips will not affect the growth of indoor plants.