Autonomous sewerage: sewer, come on, goodbye. The design and principle of operation of an autonomous sewerage system in a private house Autonomous sewerage system and how it works

A well-equipped autonomous sewage system is the most important tool that allows the owner of a private plot to effectively solve the problems of wastewater disposal and treatment. Only after the creation of a private sewer system does the house become a truly comfortable and comfortable home, fully complying with all current standards.

Thanks to the sewer system, residents have the opportunity to use water without any kind of restrictions: install hydroboxes and bathtubs, washing machines, etc.

The installation of a basic autonomous sewage system can be handled without outside help. All work comes down to installing the tank, laying pipes and ensuring the correct functioning of the created complex.

Before embarking on activities to arrange an autonomous sewage system, you need to study the relevant information and draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of one or another type of existing systems.

Practical experience allowed us to sufficiently analyze the available data and draw a number of important conclusions regarding what a truly effective and high-quality autonomous

In order for the system to fully cope with all the tasks assigned to it, it must meet the following requirements:

Thus, there are quite a lot of different requirements for modern autonomous sewage systems. However, in practice everything turns out to be much simpler than in theory.

Prices for septic tanks TOPAS

Autonomous sewage system TOPAS

The finished sewer system, equipped taking into account all the recommendations, will serve without any complaints for the longest possible time. At the same time, the system will comply with current sanitary and hygienic standards, which will save the owner from unpleasant proceedings with the relevant authorities.

How does an autonomous sewer system work?

Modern sewer systems are compact, extremely convenient, practical and easy to install, as well as environmentally friendly. The most popular systems are those that combine the functions of cleaning and supplying oxygen to working containers.

Such sewers are created using the highest quality materials. Typically the main material is polypropylene. It is characterized by excellent strength, environmental friendliness, thermal conductivity and is lightweight.

The modern market offers a wide range of different biological wastewater treatment stations. Moreover, they all function according to approximately the same mechanism. Certain wastewater treatment plants are responsible for using organic waste as an energy source. For full life activity, such bacteria also need oxygen.

The wastewater treatment system operates according to an extremely simple scheme. At the first stage, the wastewater is artificially saturated with air necessary for life and bacteria. In the process of their development, bacteria eat and mineralize organic matter that is part of sewage water.

Such bio-stations are characterized by a very high rate of wastewater treatment. As a result, purified water can be used without any fear for watering garden plants or drained into a suitable place.

An additional advantage of an autonomous sewer system is that there is no need to make complex determinations of the optimal dimensions of the chamber and the expected volume of wastewater.

Information about the design capacity of the station is given in its name. For example, one of the most famous wastewater treatment systems, Astra Sewerage 5, can handle the treatment of wastewater generated by five users. A high-performance station called Topaz 150 will be able to serve a country or cottage community for 150 residents.

Tips for installing autonomous sewerage elements

In order for an autonomous sewer system to fully cope with all the tasks assigned to it, the installation of its main elements must be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements, namely:

Guide to installing an autonomous sewer system

First step

Select a location to install the septic tank. The minimum permissible distance from the septic tank to residential buildings and roads is 5 m, to garden trees – 3 m, to a water source – 50 m.

Second step

Proceed with excavation work. The dimensions of the pit for installation must exceed the dimensions of the container itself by 30 cm on each side.

Prices for septic tanks Alta Group

Autonomous sewerage Alta Group

The technology allows the installation of a septic tank and a biofilter in a common pit.

Dig a trench for laying external pipes with a 2-centimeter slope for every 100 cm of pipeline length.

Third step

Compact the bottom of the pit and fill it with concrete. Place the plastic container on the hardened concrete pad. Additionally, secure the septic tank to the concrete base using cables.

Fourth step

Build a sewer system. Connect the pipes according to your diagram. At the same stage, fill the biofilter blocks with expanded clay and bioactive absorbent.

Fifth step

Backfill with earth and sand or a cement-sand mixture in layers. Compact each layer of backfill thoroughly. At the same time, fill the septic tank with water to a level slightly higher than the level of the filled material.

The pipes are covered first with sand and then with soil. There is no need to compact the backfill.

Connect the pipes in the house in accordance with the conditions of your situation. At this moment everything is individual.

Find out online from our new article.

Prices for septic tanks EcoProm

Autonomous sewage system Ecoprom

Thus, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the DIY equipment of an autonomous sewer system. The finished complex will effectively cope with all the tasks assigned to it, relieving the owner of a lot of hassle associated with wastewater treatment. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself autonomous sewer system

Owners of many country cottages and houses are wondering how to install an autonomous sewer system with their own hands without the involvement of specialists. This is a completely doable process, you just need to have certain skills and follow the recommendations given in this article. A correctly selected local sewerage system and competently performed installation are a guarantee of comfortable living in the house.

Your own dacha or country house definitely needs a reliable and high-quality sewerage system. A well-equipped system will last a long time, without causing major problems and hassle to both the owners and their neighbors.

Of course, you can hire specialists to carry out work on the construction of a sewerage system, but many craftsmen prefer to carry out all stages of the work themselves. Let's consider how an autonomous sewer system can be built with your own hands; the diagram of this system should be as simple as possible. The simpler the design, the more efficient and reliable the system will be.

Choosing a sewerage system

When arranging a private house or suburban area, take care of the correct installation of the country sewer system. Especially if the site is located far enough from general communication systems. In this case, an autonomous sewage system for a cottage is the most effective solution.

Cesspools are the simplest local sewage system, but they are gradually being replaced by more modern and convenient systems, such as a septic tank or an autonomous sewer system for a private house.

For owners of country cottages and houses who save their time, the optimal choice would be ready-made autonomous wastewater systems that can be easily installed independently. When choosing between a septic tank and the installation of a deep biological treatment system, for example, such as the Deka autonomous sewer system, you should consider:

  • The composition of the soil on the site;
  • Depth of wastewater;
  • Number of households using sewerage;
  • Composition and quantity of plumbing equipment;
  • Possibility of access for a sewer truck;
  • Permanence or frequency of residence.

Types of autonomous sewerage

Safe disposal of wastewater is the main task when building an autonomous sewer system. The efficiency of the entire system will depend on how correctly the treatment plant option is chosen. Before choosing the best option, you need to get acquainted with what systems exist and can be used in private construction.

Homemade installations

The simplest option for local sewerage is a cesspool. Previously, filter pits were built to allow liquid to pass into the ground and retain solid waste. But nowadays it is prohibited to build such structures in most areas.

The fact is that filter pits are a real “time bomb” planted on your site. When using such a storage facility, untreated sewage flows into the ground and there is a risk that dangerous contaminants will enter the aquifers, making drinking water unfit for consumption.

It can be argued that filter drain pits have been used for many centuries without harm to the environment. But the realities of life have changed. Homes now use much more water than before and use a lot of household chemicals. Therefore, it is better not to plan the construction of a filter cesspool.

An alternative and completely safe option is a drainage pit, which is a sealed tank. When using such an installation, the chances of soil and water contamination are minimal.

The inconvenience of this option is the need to frequently pump out the tank, paying for the services of vacuum cleaners. This option is ideal for dachas where consumption is minimal. In this case, the tanks can be pumped out once a year (at the end of the season).

If water consumption is significant, it is more profitable to install a septic tank rather than a storage tank. A simple installation can be built independently. The scheme of such an installation is simple. These are three tanks, the first two of them are sealed, the last one is filtering.

The chambers are located so that water can flow by gravity from one to another. That is, the second chamber is located below the first, and the third is located below the second. The chambers are connected by overflow devices. You can build homemade installations from different materials:

  • concrete rings;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • ready-made plastic containers - old barrels, Eurocubes;
  • brick lined tanks.

Ready installations

If you don’t have the time or desire to build sewer installations yourself, you can purchase a ready-to-install septic tank. It can be:

  • septic tanks operating on the same principle as home-made installations. To increase operating efficiency, some ready-made septic tanks are equipped with biofilters;
  • Septic tanks with forced aeration are energy-dependent installations in which the cleaning processes are ensured by the operation of compressors. This option of treatment facilities is more expensive, but the quality of treatment allows the discharged water to be directed directly to discharge, without building sites or other installations for additional water treatment.

The simplest homemade sewer system

First of all, a diagram of the future sewerage system must be drawn up and the area for installation of your drainage system must be marked. At the same time, make sure that excavation work does not damage communications and landscaping of the site.

Advice! Taking into account the rather cold climate, pipes must be laid to a depth of 1.2 m to avoid pipe freezing.

For sewerage, plastic pipes with a diameter of 50-100 mm are best suited. After all, they are able not to clog for a long time and are frost-resistant. These pipes are sold together with special rubber seals, so installation of plastic pipes and their joining will not take much time.

Arrangement of the collector

After connecting the pipes, the sewer system should be equipped with a cleaning manifold. If you do not use a ready-made purchased system, for example, an autonomous sewage system Astra, then a plastic barrel is perfect for equipping such a collector. The optimal volume of such a barrel is about 200 liters:

  • We cut 4 holes (quite large) in the bottom of the barrel, and in the upper part - one hole, the diameter corresponding to the size of the drain pipe;
  • We dig a hole, at the bottom of which we pour cobblestones or large pebbles. Such material will prevent the container from collapsing and will ensure wastewater seeps into the ground.
  • Cover the top of the container with a lid, preferably sealed. Thanks to this, rain and melt water will not get into the container, and the lid will also provide some insulation for such a collector.

Advice! For regions with severe frosts, it is advisable to equip the container with 2 lids: external and internal. In this case, it is better to additionally insulate the outer cover using heat-insulating materials.

Such a local sewage system with your own hands is much cheaper than a ready-made system, and can last quite a long time if the basic necessary conditions are observed when installing it:

  • For unhindered waste flow, the slope of the drain pipes from the living space to the container should be 2-35 degrees, no more;
  • It is advisable to install sewer pipes along a straight path;
  • Carefully check the joints of sewer pipes; the joints can be filled with sealant or liquid clay to enhance the tightness;

  • Make straight sections of pipes no more than 5 m when using 50 mm pipes, and no more than 8 m when using 100 mm pipes. The collector tank should be located no closer than 10 m from residential premises.

Advice! Bends and turns of the system lead to clogging. If bends cannot be avoided, then inspection wells should be installed in such areas.

Operating principle of autonomous sewage system

Modern ready-made cleaning systems are not only convenient and practical, but also have a reasonable price and do not pollute the environment. The autonomous sewage system Topol Eco has gained great popularity, which is a system that combines cleaning and supplying air to its tanks. To create such cleaning systems, high-quality materials are used, for example, polypropylene, which has high strength, thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness and lightness.

Advice! Not everyone knows that autonomous sewage systems Topol and Topas are practically synonymous. After all, Topol Eco is a manufacturing company that produces several brands of bio-treatment stations.

The action of most deep cleaning stations is based on the activity of certain bacteria that feed on organic matter. These microorganisms need oxygen to function normally, which is why they are called aerobic.

How it works

Modern biorefinery stations work like this:

  • Wastewater is artificially saturated with oxygen to ensure the normal functioning of aerobic bacteria;
  • The level of cleaning by stations such as the Unilos autonomous sewage system is very high. Water purified in this way can be safely drained or used for watering the garden.

When purchasing bio-treatment stations, you do not need to carry out complex calculations to determine the volume of wastewater and the required chamber dimensions, as when installing a septic tank. After all, the name of each autonomous sewage system already contains information about its design capacity.

Installation of autonomous sewerage

  • Having determined the location, you should dig a hole, the dimensions of which depend on the dimensions of the purchased station;
  • Dig a trench 50-60 cm deep with a slope of 3% for a 110 mm sewer pipe;
  • Dig another trench under the outlet pipe with the same diameter, but additionally insulated;
  • Lower the station into the pit, level it and connect the pipes (inlet and outlet);
  • When the length of the supply line is more than 20 m, it is necessary to equip an inspection well to prevent clogging;
  • Then an electrical cable is brought to the station and connected according to the instructions;
  • Connect the emergency system lamp and float;
  • Having installed and connected all elements of the station, you should first start the system;
  • Check the operation of all airlift pumps, system phase switching, operation of the heating cable and drainage pump;
  • Then the station and trenches are completely backfilled;
  • The system can be camouflaged with a lawn by covering the lid with a flower pot or artificial stone.

So, do-it-yourself autonomous sewerage is quite easy to install and is a modern and effective solution for private houses located far from centralized drainage systems. Biological treatment plants process wastewater most effectively; they purify wastewater from contaminants almost 100%.

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Autonomous sewerage: sewer, come on, goodbye

Cesspool problems

Alas, central sewerage is not provided to all settlements of our great and vast country. Garden partnerships, numerous villages and even entire suburban neighborhoods are often forced to do without it. The cheapest and most common solution to the problem of disposal of household waste is a cesspool.

What, exactly, is bad about it?

Since I have already touched on the topic of wastewater disposal in a private home in my articles, I will repeat only the main points:

  • A traditional sealed pit cesspool is prohibitively expensive to operate. Removal of liquid waste costs at least 10 times more than water supply with clean drinking water in the same volume;
  • A leaky pit can become a reason for a conflict with the local sanitary and epidemiological inspection station and for bringing the owner to administrative (and in the case of severe consequences of groundwater pollution with untreated sewage, to criminal) liability;
  • In addition, the bottom and walls of a leaky cesspool quickly silt up, causing the absorbency of the soil in it to sharply drop. Drains have to be pumped out more and more often.

Filling the bottom with drainage (gravel, crushed stone or boulders) only slows down siltation, but does not completely solve the problem.

All in white and on a white horse

Autonomous sewerage is a generalized name for all wastewater disposal schemes that are not connected to the central sewerage system. However, within the framework of this article, I will only talk about the most effective systems that allow you to forget about the visits of sewer men for a period of several years. Their general name is septic tanks.


The operating principle of the simplest single-chamber septic tank comes down to preliminary settling of wastewater, keeping it in a closed container with minimal mixing of the contents. During the 2.5 - 3 days that the wastewater remains in the sump, the following happens to it:

  • light fractions (fat, paper, feces) float and over time form a dense crust on the surface;
  • sand and dense food waste settle at the bottom in the form of silt;
  • in the middle of the tank, clarified water remains devoid of suspended matter.

The water collected below the surface of the settling tank is sent for soil purification (in other words, it is absorbed into the soil). To avoid the appearance of accompanying aromas, water is not discharged directly onto the terrain, but into special devices - into a filter well or onto a filtration field.

Crust and silt are removed by periodic settling. It is recommended to do it approximately once a year. If the tank volume is sufficient, cleaning may be more infrequent: the last time I looked into the septic tank of my septic tank was almost two years ago.

Disposal of treated wastewater

The design of a filter well is not complicated: it is just a pit with reinforced walls and a soil bottom. The well is covered with a lid (usually a reinforced concrete slab with a maintenance hatch). The space above it can be used; in particular, in my yard there is usually a car parked above the filter well.

Different soils differ in absorbency. On loams and clays, a well with sufficient productivity may turn out to be so large that its construction becomes impractical. In such cases, another device is constructed for the disposal of treated wastewater - a filtration field. Typically, construction looks like this:

A few comments on the diagram:

  • In the absence of ready-made drainage pipes, you can make them yourself by drilling a sewer plastic pipe with a small pitch or simply assembling a comb from straight short pipes and tees;
  • Geotextiles are needed to prevent soil from spilling under the top layer of drainage, clogging the holes in the pipes;
  • The soil backfill can later be used as a flower bed. Only plants with a developed root system cannot be planted on it;
  • Drainage pipes are laid below the freezing depth of the soil. Where climatic conditions make this problematic, other methods of disposing of treated wastewater should be preferred.


I have described a simple single-chamber autonomous sewage system: what it is - we figured it out. However, both among ready-made solutions and among home-made septic tanks one can find much more complex designs. All modifications are aimed primarily at improving cleaning and reducing the amount of solid residue that needs to be disposed of.

  • The presence of two or more settling tanks connected in series by overflows contributes to better sedimentation of suspended matter. The containers are connected by overflows, which eliminate the mixing of the contents of the second and subsequent tanks during the influx of sewage;
  • Aeration of the settling tank (saturation of wastewater with air bubbles) promotes accelerated oxidation of organic matter and the proliferation of aerobic (absorbing oxygen during life) bacteria. They are much more voracious than anaerobic ones, and successfully process organic matter into water, carbon dioxide and methane;
  • A biofilter (a container filled with plastic stars or sponges) also helps to destroy organic impurities by bacterial colonies. They actively reproduce on the material filling the biofilter due to its large surface area, abundance of food and free access of air.

A device that combines all of the above methods for increasing productivity is called a deep biological treatment station and is offered on the Russian market by many domestic companies.

Let's take a look at the characteristics and prices of several septic tanks and LOS (local treatment plants).

Study of samples

Tank 1

Tank 2.5

Tank 4

This septic tank is essentially three “Tank 1s” connected in series. The modification of each module affected only the supply pipe: in two of the three tanks it was moved from the lid to the side wall. As a result of combining into a modular design, productivity increased to 1800 liters per day; the cost is 58,300 rubles.

Topas 5

If all Tanks are ordinary septic tanks that purify wastewater solely through sedimentation, then Topas is a full-fledged deep biological treatment station. The degree of purification reaches 98%; The outlet water is completely odorless and can be discharged onto the terrain (into a drainage ditch) or used for irrigation. VOC is volatile and requires a 220 volt connection to operate the compressor and pumps.

Unilos Astra 8

The photo shows Astra's appearance.

Your expenses don’t end with the purchase of a septic tank or VOC. Installation can cost from 10 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the pit, the type of soil, the need to install an anchor reinforced concrete slab and some other factors.

Can it be cheaper? Can

The construction and installation of an autonomous sewer system can be done independently using the cheapest materials and solutions.

First, some general construction tips.


The volume of the sedimentation tank when the amount of daily wastewater is less than 15 m3 (that is, in all private houses) is taken equal to the three-day volume of wastewater. If your septic tank consists of several sedimentation tanks connected in series, the three-day volume of wastewater should be equal to their total volume.

How to find out the wastewater consumption per day?

The easiest way is to clean it using the water meter. Let me remind you: 98% of household waste consists of water. Let's say, when consuming 10 m3 of water per month, 10,000/30 = 300 liters are drained into the sewer every day.

If there is a large consumption of water for irrigation or in the absence of a water meter, you can rely on sanitary standards - 200 liters per person per day.

In my house, the actual consumption is no more than 100 liters per person per day. Savings were achieved primarily by adjusting waste tanks and installing double flush systems. In addition, throttling the connections to the washbasins helped: now, even with the tap fully open, water flows with moderate pressure.

The dimensions of the filter well or filtration field are selected depending on the type of soil and its absorbency. When calculating, you can focus on the following values:

  • Sand - 90 liters per m2 per day;
  • Sandy loam soil - 50 liters;
  • Loam - 25;
  • Clay - 10-12.


He is required to:

  1. Tightness. It eliminates both contamination of groundwater with untreated wastewater and filling of the sump with rain or melt water;
  2. Corrosion resistance. If steel is used, it must be primed with bitumen mastic.

The most popular options are:

  • Reinforced concrete rings with concreting the bottom and sealing the seams;
  • Reinforced concrete monolith poured in place. In this case, only internal formwork is constructed, the walls of the pit are used instead of the external one;
  • Steel and plastic tanks and tanks.

For year-round use of the sewer system, it is necessary to prevent the sump tank from freezing. The task is simplified by the fact that fermentation of wastewater leads to the release of a certain amount of heat; however, fermentation continues only with a continuous influx of fresh organic matter.

Most often, to heat a sump, it is installed in the ground so that at least half of the tank is below the freezing level. Where this is impossible for some reason, the tank is insulated from above; as an option, its forced heating is organized.

If ready-made septic tanks have thick walls with corrugation, which increases rigidity, then plastic tanks and water barrels are poorly suited for installation in the ground. Their thin walls are simply crushed by the mass of the backfill.

The problem, however, is easily solved:

  1. The tank is filled with water;
  2. For backfilling, a cement-sand mixture (1:5) is used. When the backfill is moistened, the cement sets, forming a strong sarcophagus around the sump.

When the groundwater level is high, a light plastic container requires additional weight to prevent it from floating. A massive reinforced concrete slab is laid at the bottom of the pit; the sump is anchored to it with several straps.


The purpose of the overflow is to remove the settled water below the surface level. For this purpose, the pipe that draws water from the sump is equipped with a sewer tee installed vertically. The upper outlet is used for cleaning in case of blockages, the lower one prevents crust from the surface from entering the water intake.

The tightness of the connection between the overflow and the supply pipe with the walls of the sump is ensured by:

  • For concrete walls - sealing with cement-sand mortar with the addition of liquid glass (approximately 10% of the volume of cement);
  • For steel or plastic walls - high-quality silicone sealant.

Filter well

When constructing a filter well, the main task is to prevent the walls of the pit from collapsing, if possible, without interfering with their wetting with treated wastewater. In this case, the absorbent surface will be not only the soil bottom of the well, but also the entire surface of the pit.

Simple instructions will help ensure maximum water absorption with minimal well dimensions:

  1. The walls are made perforated. There are a lot of ways here: brickwork with gaps, the use of perforated concrete rings, laying sections of plastic pipes into the monolith, etc.;
  2. Backfilling of the pit is carried out not with previously removed soil, but with crushed stone.

My experience

I was faced with the task of turning a leaky cesspool with a volume of about 4 m3 (silted and requiring frequent pumping) into a full-fledged septic tank. In addition, there were a number of additional conditions that should be taken into account:

  • The terrain and a short concrete yard with a cesspool occupying almost its entire area prevented the installation of a septic tank in the ground. It could be installed in the basement, but in this case pumping out the sludge would be a big problem;
  • The warm climate of Crimea allowed open laying of sewers. In many private houses located on slopes, outlets to the well were laid directly along the retaining walls;
  • There are frosts in Sevastopol once or twice during the winter. When the Arctic front breaks through the ring of the Crimean Mountains, the air temperature may drop to -10 - -20C for several days.

The problem was solved as follows:

  1. A polyethylene water tank with a volume of 1000 liters was chosen as a sump. It is installed openly, under the porch of the house, and is connected to the former cesspool with a plastic overflow with a diameter of 50 mm. The overflow is laid on the surface: cutting a concrete slab on which a heavy car is parked seemed like a dubious idea;
  1. The connection of the tank with the overflow and the supply pipe was sealed with Ceresit CS24 silicone sealant;
  2. The cesspool was completely pumped out with a fecal drainage pump. To completely remove silt from the bottom of the pit, it was necessary to repeat the pumping several times, alternating it with discharges of small portions of water;
  3. I equipped the openly laid overflow and inflow pipes with a self-regulating heating cable (power 16 W/m for overflow and 30 W/m for inflow);
  1. Several turns were placed in the tank itself. At the same time, the end sleeve and the connection to the power wire, insulated with heat shrink, were placed outside the tank: judging by the reviews of owners of similar systems, the heat shrink tube is corroded by waste water in a couple of seasons;

Connecting the drain pipe on the balcony.

The described wastewater treatment scheme has been in operation for two years. As I already mentioned, during this time she never needed pumping. After installing the heating cable, there were no problems in freezing conditions either.

The total costs for the tank, sewer pipes, heating cable and all auxiliary materials amounted to about 15,000 rubles. Seasonal electricity consumption for heating pipes is about 30 - 40 kWh.


As you can see, do-it-yourself autonomous sewerage is a completely feasible project. As always, additional materials can be found in the video in this article. I look forward to your comments and additions. Good luck, comrades!

What today?
If the site is located in a small town or an elite cottage community, the house can be connected to the central sewer system. If not, the problem of disposal of household and fecal wastewater will be solved by a “home” sewage system. It may be a cesspool, but it is already the day before yesterday. Autonomous sewage systems are worthy of attention from modern developers.

What is an autonomous sewer system?
This is a system that completely solves the problem of waste disposal if there is no way to connect to a centralized sewer network. Autonomous sewage systems include all drainage and treatment facilities for domestic wastewater, which are located after discharge from the house. Two main types are mainly popular among developers (based on the principle of wastewater treatment):

  • Septic tanks with underground filtration structures. They consist of a septic tank and an underground filtration system following it. Wastewater from the house enters the septic tank, where it settles and partially ferments under anaerobic conditions. Water clarified in a septic tank is further purified using a natural method in an underground filtration structure (underground filtration field, filter trench or sand and gravel filter. This simple structure is relatively inexpensive, but labor-intensive, and optimally solves the problem of drainage when installed in filter soils (sandy loam, sand) and low groundwater levels.
  • Compact biological treatment plants. They are suitable for placement in areas with any type of soil and groundwater level. They consist of several cameras combined in one housing, or are independent modules assembled into a single complex. At the same time, the most important part of these installations are septic tanks: it is in them that the main wastewater treatment is carried out using mechanical filtration and biotreatment methods.

Control zones
When assembling and installing the equipment, it is important to prevent soil and construction debris from getting inside the housing! When soil and construction waste (sand, crushed stone, etc.) enter the installation, the installation becomes clogged and, as a result, its performance decreases or becomes lost.

Installation of sewerage system
Alexander Melnikov, engineer at ECOLINE company
Before installing a sewerage system, the future homeowner must find out: what is the type of soil and groundwater level, the characteristics of the soil and the characteristics of the system affect the depth of the equipment.
In addition, if the customer wants to bury the system deeply (2 meters or more), it may be necessary to carry out “strengthening” work so that the soil does not damage it.
The second question to answer is: the place where the gas pipe runs and the electrical cable is laid: so as not to damage them.
A very important point: the location of the drinking water well. A sewage system cannot be placed next to it. The distance between them must be at least 25 meters. Ideally, the wastewater treatment equipment will be located on one side of the site, and the well on the other.
You can start installing a sewerage system when there is a “Utility Networks” project, the foundation has been laid and the embeds have been installed, or there are clear signs for the pipe outlets (embeds).

What is a septic tank?

A septic tank is a reservoir or structure for treating small quantities (up to 25 m 3 /day) of domestic wastewater. It is a horizontal underground sump, consisting of 1 or several chambers through which waste liquid flows. In septic tanks, the main wastewater treatment is carried out using mechanical filtration and biotreatment methods, which is carried out using microorganisms.
The principle of operation of a septic tank is as follows. First, wastewater from the house riser enters the yard pipeline, then into the septic tank. In the septic tank, fecal water is clarified and removed through the drainage network.
It must be said that clear water without an unpleasant odor is not yet a sign of high quality processing. There are a number of indicators that are much more dangerous in environmental terms than the turbidity and mustiness of streams discharged onto the terrain or into a reservoir. The installation must also ensure high-quality nitrification (processing of ammonium nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites, followed by denitrification, i.e., restoration of the latter to a gaseous state). These processes take time, so the wastewater must remain in the reactor (septic tank) for a long time. The septic tank must have a volume of at least three times the influx of wastewater per day, which ensures the duration of their settling for 3 days and the accumulation of precipitation throughout the year.
The septic tank is buried in the ground so that only manhole covers remain on the surface. They should close tightly to prevent unpleasant odors from leaking out. To ensure a normal level of microbial activity, a layer of soil 50-60 cm or more thick is laid over the septic tank, depending on the type of soil and future loads. It should also be taken into account that the fermentation process in a septic tank proceeds best at a slightly elevated temperature, so it should not be allowed to overcool in winter.
The septic tank is not used independently, but only in combination with post-treatment.

How to choose a sewage pump
The first two to three weeks after installation, the cleaning system will not work very well: it needs time to set up. You cannot directly take water from the treatment plant for watering vegetables and fruits - it needs to be further purified using a special filter.

Important when purchasing
Require a hygienic conclusion for the products of the SES authorities of Ukraine. If it is, you will not have problems with the district chief sanitary doctor, with whom you need to coordinate the project for installing and draining purified water. By the way, in the conditions of Crimea, coordination with the Crimean Landslide Prevention Department is also required.

How does biological treatment occur?

This method of wastewater treatment is based on the activity of microorganisms originally present in wastewater. With the help of aeration (artificial air supply), the biological processing of wastewater is accelerated, and harmful organic substances are oxidized, breaking down into harmless ones. The main equipment of such treatment systems is divided into compartments: a primary settling tank (septic tank), an activator and a secondary settling tank. All biological processes take place in these chambers. In the septic tank, the wastewater is cleared of solid particles that remain there in the form of sediment, and in a clarified form it is sent to the aeration tank, where colonies of microorganisms oxidize and absorb suspended and dissolved organic matter. Suspended heavy particles of wastewater settle to the bottom, where the process of anaerobic (without oxygen) fermentation takes place, as a result of which some of the contaminants go into solution, and some accumulate at the bottom of the septic tank. This is preliminary wastewater treatment, in which water and waste are purified by 55-60%.
Next is post-purification. The most common methods are filter drainage and aerobic septic tank treatment. The post-treatment system depends on the type of soil, groundwater level and size of the site.

About the benefits of biological wastewater treatment
Svetlana Dudnik, specialist at ASO company
High degree of wastewater treatment. If the device is correctly selected and operates in automatic mode, then water purification occurs continuously, without interruptions and with consistently high quality. When adding biological products to a well, the quality of water purification depends on their quality and frequency of addition.
2. Automatic operation of the installation without the need for intervention and addition of powders. The system evenly distributes the flow of wastewater throughout the day, neutralizing hydraulic peaks. The liquid in the compartment is cleaned and goes into the drain, and the coarse sludge is returned to the storage compartment. When organizing a septic tank, there can be no control over the quality and quantity of liquids going into the drainage field. This leads to the release of harmful substances into the ground and clogged drainage.
3. No odors. The natural water purification system works constantly, there is no stagnation and rotting in it, as in septic tanks. All substances are quickly decomposed by bacteria and no longer have odors.
4. Tightness of the container. A ready-made, factory-made container prevents wastewater from leaking into the ground.

How to determine the required power?
The choice of the optimal autonomous wastewater treatment system for specific conditions depends on:

  • the future amount of water consumed in the house, which largely depends on the number of people permanently residing in it;
  • quantity and capacity of plumbing equipment, household appliances (dishwasher and washing machine, etc.);
  • type of soil at the construction site and groundwater level;
  • the nature of the use of the upper aquifer that comes into contact with wastewater absorbed by the soil;
  • the presence and degree of accessibility of a reservoir - a wastewater receiver;
  • available area of ​​the site for construction and its relief;
  • climatic conditions of construction;
  • financial capabilities of the customer;
  • requirements for the degree of wastewater treatment imposed by local environmental authorities and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

The calculation of the system for power and performance should be entrusted to a specialist; In no case should you buy anything “by eye”, with performance “for future use” or vice versa: equipment will work efficiently and cope with the task of wastewater treatment only when it is selected as correctly and accurately as possible.

How to properly operate your home sewer system?
The cleaning system will serve for a long time and properly if:

  • there will be no inorganic waste in the drains clogging the sewer system;
  • wastewater with high concentrations of salts and chemicals will not enter the sewer system;
  • Water from the pool will not be drained into the sewer system;
  • regularly pump out activated sludge;
  • clean regularly.

Attention to distance

  • The septic tank is located at least 5 meters from the house. The best distance of the septic tank from the house is 20-25 meters.
  • The distance between the water supply well and the sewerage system is at least 25 meters.
  • The drainage network must be so separated from the house that wastewater cannot erode the soil under the foundation and does not flood the basement or cellar. Drains should be located below the drinking water intake points along the groundwater flow.
  • On loamy soils, the septic tank should be no closer than 20 m from the water intake, the drainage network itself should be no closer than 30 m, and on sandy and sandy loam soils no closer than 50 m.
  • The pipe for draining fecal and other waters from the septic tank is laid (buried) in the ground to a depth of 1.2 m, provided that the possibility of water freezing and pipe rupture is excluded. If the latter is possible, then the pipes are insulated with slag. Pipes can be either cast iron or plastic.

What is the price?
According to average estimates from experts, today the cost of installing an autonomous sewage system for a cottage with an area of ​​about 200 m2, which has 2-3 toilets, washbasins, a shower and bath, a sink, a washing machine and a dishwasher and a daily water consumption of 500-1000 liters of water , will amount to 20-30 thousand UAH.

How does an autonomous sewer system work?

If you are planning to build your own home, one of the first issues that needs to be addressed will be the issue of sewerage. Central or autonomous? Today, more and more people are talking about the benefits of using an autonomous sewer system for a country house. Let's figure out what principle it works on autonomous sewage system . Mechanically, chemically or biologically active substances act on wastewater, purifying it of harmful contents. The efficiency of an autonomous sewage system depends on the wastewater treatment method it uses. All three methods of wastewater treatment have a number of advantages and disadvantages. And truly excellent results are obtained by combining mechanical, chemical and biological treatment in one treatment plant.

Mechanical cleaning

The simplest wastewater treatment is carried out using sand, pebbles and several other mechanical components. These substances filter the solid components of wastewater and, with the help of bacteria contained in the soil, break them down into simple ones. Of course, such treatment reduces the contamination of wastewater and is used mainly in installations where wastewater directly enters the ground for subsequent treatment (simple septic tanks, reinforced concrete wells without a bottom). Sewerage with this principle of operation it is often used in dachas or country houses, where people do not live permanently, but come for a while.

Sewage system using mechanical wastewater treatment has its drawbacks. Firstly, with such a treatment facility you will not get rid of the unpleasant odor that will be present on the land. The wastewater is not sufficiently purified from household and chemical pollution, and poorly treated water enters the ground, contaminating it. Primary treatment is not effective enough, which leads to siltation of the soil. Such sewerage system not designed for water flows exceeding 2.5 cubic meters per day.

Chemical cleaning

This wastewater treatment is a level higher than the previous one and allows you to make the process of decomposition of complex substances into simpler ones faster. Moreover, it is mainly used together with mechanical. Chemical wastewater treatment destroys harmful, infectious substances in process water, but it also adds harmful chemicals to it. With a higher level of wastewater treatment, there is a risk of soil contamination with chemical reagents.

Therefore, chemical reagents must be constantly added to wastewater treatment plants using the above method of wastewater treatment to neutralize the negative effects of substances present in the water. And this complicates use and increases operating costs.

Biological treatment

Today, this method of wastewater treatment is the most effective and popular. Organic matter is decomposed by bacteria. House sewerage , which is based on this method, best purifies water and makes it suitable for irrigation or any other technical use. The water is 90-98% purified and completely safe. Modern sewerage with biological wastewater treatment can work effectively throughout the whole year. It is suitable for any average home and will allow you not to worry about water consumption and the safety of treated wastewater. With such a cleaning system, you can forget about unpleasant odors.