Automation of engineering equipment and systems. Dispatching of engineering systems of enterprises and buildings. Dispatching. Resource accounting

Based on OWEN equipment, a set of works was carried out to automate and dispatch the engineering systems of the building of the Administrative and Business Center of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow.

The project provided for automation and dispatching of the following engineering systems:

1. Ventilation systems

2. Thermal curtains

3. Refrigeration system

4. Drainage pumps

5. Gas control

6. Pumping station for drinking water pumps

7. ITP (individual heating point)

The principle of constructing control systems and structure

For automation engineering equipment buildings, OWEN equipment was used. The system is implemented on a two-level principle. At the local automation level, freely programmable communication controllers OWEN PLC154 are used, located in control and automation panels. To expand discrete and analog inputs/outputs, OWEN MV110, MU110 input/output modules are used, which are connected to the controller using the RS-485 interface (Modbus RTU). Communication between the controllers, as well as with the control center, is carried out via data transmission via the Modbus TCP protocol based on Ethernet technology.

To control the building's engineering systems, control panels have been developed that are located close to the controlled units. In addition to automation, the switchboards house ballast, switching and lighting equipment, elements of relay automation, secondary power supplies and controllers.

At the basic level of automation (controller level) direct (without the participation of the dispatch system computer) continuous control is provided technological equipment, automatic maintenance specified parameter values technological systems.

At the top level, interaction is carried out between personnel (operators, dispatchers, etc.) and the system through a human-machine interface, which uses a specialized server and a SCADA system.

To view and change control parameters, it is possible to connect a control panel that provides convenient access to the controller parameters in the form of a system of Russian-language menus. The project provides for power supply, protection and control of equipment in both automatic and manual control modes.

Main functionality of top-level control systems:

  • control of basic life support parameters, condition of equipment and subsystems of information and engineering support from the central control room of the facility;
  • visualization of information about the state of equipment, parameters, life support facilities and subsystems;
  • operational indication, registration, signaling of deviations in equipment operation from permissible values;
  • archiving, documenting and printing the necessary information;
  • fault alarm analysis;
  • logging equipment operation and personnel actions;
  • automatic call of service personnel when emergency situations are detected.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (as amended on July 7, 2017) “On the composition of sections project documentation and requirements for their content”, paragraph 19. The subsection “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks” states that the project must indicate descriptions of automation systems and dispatching of the process of regulating heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

In this regard, our company offers comprehensive design services for automation and dispatch of engineering systems. Here we suggest paying attention to a number of key points in the design process.

About designing your own automation of engineering systems

We design our own automation of engineering systems, that is, we design control devices that are installed on engineering equipment or placed next to it locally in each engineering system - this is our own automation of systems and the most lowest level automation.

Below is an example of a completed installation of the heating system’s own automation system in a manifold cabinet:

The installed automation of engineering systems performs control functions regardless of the serviceability and performance of the control system above them, if one exists at the facility ( we're talking about about the system " Smart House", as marketers like to call it).

Solutions for automation of engineering systems are developed during the design of these systems and are placed in this project in the form of diagrams and descriptions.

For example, this explanatory note heating project includes a description of solutions for radiator automation, underfloor heating and boiler room.

The automation project presents connection diagrams for servos, sensors, thermostats, controllers and climate control equipment.

Automation solutions in projects do not contain information about laying cables for their own automation

The automation of each system includes tens and even hundreds various devices, included in the automation of the control system, which are connected to each other by control lines, that is, low-current cables.

Each thermoelectric heating drive in these cabinets has low-current cables (these are white wires)

If the object has a large area, then equipping it with engineering systems with its own automation requires a serious approach to design. Here it is necessary to focus on the details of each project of an engineering system equipped with control automation, since the system can be designed correctly, the automation equipment will also be indicated in the project in the form of diagrams and descriptions, but the design of connections (low-voltage cables) between these control devices and engineering equipment may not be fully or adequately reflected in existing MEP designs to implement high-quality installation automated engineering complex.

About the design of automation and dispatch networks

The fact is that in engineering systems projects, attention is focused on the design of engineering equipment. Automation in these projects is one of the elements of the system being created (occupies one of the sections of the HVAC and VK project), and the lines and cables of this automation, stretching throughout the building, are, in general, a minor matter. Often these low-current cables are laid by the engineers themselves, who are engaged in automation, commissioning and adjustment of engineering systems based on equipment automation diagrams from projects.

And in this case, sometimes difficulties arise when automation and various elements of equipment are located at different ends of the building: it is not clear how to lay the cables, where they can be brought out, how to take into account the location, connection, etc.

In general, low-current cables for the automation of engineering systems also require close attention from designers, builders and installers to ensure high quality design and installation work.

Automation cables must be laid correctly in compliance with certain conditions, they must be linked with other communications, these low-current networks must be laid on time (before finishing) and so on, that is, to perform work with high quality, it will be necessary to develop a project for an automation and dispatch network for engineering systems

Automation and dispatch network project ≠ control system project

We draw attention to the fact that the automation and dispatch network project contains information specifically about the cables of the grassroots automation (own automation) of engineering systems. The design of this network should not be confused with the design of the control system (also known as the “Smart Home” system), since the design of the control system (or “Smart Home” system) is a hardware and software add-on that allows you to control all engineering systems, that is, it the upper level of automation, which, by the way, may not exist if the customer refuses to implement it, but this does not mean that all other engineering systems will not work.

On a note: without a control system or in case of its failure (also known as the “Smart Home” system), the automation will work locally in each engineering system.

If there is no automation and dispatch network project

The customer may refuse to design an automation and dispatch network; in this case, there will simply not be low-current communication cables between control devices and equipment in the project, which will need to be taken into account by those installers who will be involved in the automation of systems in order to lay them based on the diagrams of the automation sections of engineering systems.

We propose not to shift the burden of connecting local control automation in systems to installers. Cable routes for low-level automation need to be designed.

Key features of automation and dispatch design

When designing, we do not replace the standard automation of engineering systems, therefore all automation is built on a 2-level principle, lower (local) and upper (general) automation, which is reflected in 3 projects:

    Grassroots level:
  1. The automation and dispatch sections in the engineering systems projects themselves contain information about the own automation of these engineering systems, in order to ensure their operability and the possibility of further dispatch and connection to the upper level of automation.
  2. The automation and dispatch network project includes the development of a cable route project for the tasks of the previous paragraph.
  3. Top level: control system project - in this project everything that relates to the general automation of a complex of systems is developed.

Lower-level automation can work separately without an upper level and a control system, but if they are combined (for example, for control using not local controllers of engineering systems Conductor Swegon, but the main controller AMX or Crestron), this will not happen. If the main controller fails, control will be disrupted in all systems.

Features of designing power supply and lighting systems

A peculiarity of designing an automation and dispatch network for a power supply and lighting system is the need to take into account the complexity coefficient, since projects under the “star” and “classical” schemes differ significantly in the scope of work.

In a star circuit there are more cables - the project is more complicated

In a star design for an automation and dispatch network for a power supply and lighting system, there are significantly more cables, electrical panels are more complex and larger, and there are also more other design issues.

Star circuit - for control system

In the project of an automation and dispatch network for a power supply and lighting system according to the “star” scheme, our company puts all the necessary solutions for automation and dispatch in the very essence of the project, and not in some separate section (as in HVAC and VK), and the control system already uses or does not use these solutions in his project.

IS Ecolife is ready to perform work on automation and dispatch of engineering systems for your facility. At the same time, we both design and implement intelligent solutions for objects of various purposes: residential and office buildings, cafes and restaurants, shops and supermarkets, public and administrative buildings.

In addition, IS Ecolife performs one-time and periodic service maintenance automation and dispatch systems, as well as their Maintenance and, if necessary, diagnostics and troubleshooting.
You can call us, order a call or leave a request.
Our manager will definitely contact you and answer all your questions.


Boiler automation
and boiler room
fire alarm

An engineer’s visit to calculate the cost of work is free of charge.

Automation and dispatching of engineering systems

Automation and dispatching allow you to build once and literally forget about the existence of engineering systems. Without automation, any of the subsystems would more likely carry more problems, rather than comfort, since it would require constant and careful attention to your work.

Has it been achieved? desired temperature? Will the water in the heater freeze? Is the tank full? Will the air heater burn out? Is there a flow of water? Is the pressure normal? Is there tension? Which sensor triggered? And this is not a complete list of questions that the automation and dispatch system provides answers to.

The complexity and cost of such systems depends on their level of intelligence and the number of functions they perform. However, any automation system must perform basic functions, which in relation to, for example, ventilation and air conditioning systems, are the following:

Monitoring and control of the operation of units included in the equipment of ventilation and air conditioning systems,
- Control of valves and dampers,
- Ensuring safety: blocking the heater in the absence of air movement, protection against freezing of the water heater,
- Protection of equipment from overheating, short circuit, incorrect connection,
- Indication of the status of operating equipment,
- Performance regulation,
- Centralized temperature control in all rooms,
- Implementation of a temporary control algorithm (daily/seasonal/annual) without the intervention of maintenance personnel.

In addition, automation is mandatory for heating systems, is very popular in electric lighting systems, and can also be introduced into power supply, security, etc. systems.

Automation and dispatching are numbers 1 and 2 in the list of principles for the design and construction of modern engineering systems. On the one hand, technology strives to ensure that networks operate with minimal human intervention - as they say, build, launch and forget. On the other hand, the customer sets the task of ensuring the most reliable control of the processes occurring in the network throughout its entire length.

In the event of changes in system parameters and various emergency situations, a signal about this should immediately be sent to the control center, where automation or a human operator will make a prompt decision. So, if the pressure in the water supply drops, the automation must immediately turn off the emergency section. At risk of meltdown heating element- turn off the incoming voltage or reduce the current.

In addition, commands must be issued as quickly as possible from the control center to change the parameters of individual sections of networks or the entire network in the event of changes in external conditions. For example, when the air temperature in a heated house decreases, the boiler power automatically increases. If the incoming voltage drops in the external electrical network, stabilizers, uninterruptible power supplies, and, if necessary, an autonomous generator or other backup line come into operation.

Automated control of building engineering systems is carried out on the basis of industrial controllers. The main advantage of controllers is their functionality and unification, that is, the same controller can control any engineering system.
Depending on the connection of the required sensors to any engineering system, the engineer selects a controller suitable for the number of digital and analog inputs and outputs.

After completing all the work on selecting controllers, sensors, and other necessary elements, laying communication lines, the programmer begins to visualize and program processes directly on the computer. Programming and visualization of processes are carried out in the so-called SCADA system, which is represented by various computer programs depending on the manufacturer of the equipment and the data transfer interface.

Examples of automation of household and industrial systems

Ecolife Engineering Systems company has significant experience in the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of engineering systems of any complexity, length and location. We work with a variety of environments:

Water (automation of water supply, heat supply and heating systems);
- air and gas-air mixtures (automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems);
- various industrial liquids and liquid fuels;
- intangible objects - electricity, light, radio waves.

Our engineers and installers carry out professional installation and adjustment of auxiliary automated systems - fire extinguishing, security and fire alarm, remote access control, interior and façade lighting.

In all cases, the emphasis is on maximum system autonomy. For automatic lighting control timers are used, configured taking into account the calendar length of day and night, photocells that record the natural illumination of a room or area, motion sensors configured to move objects of a given mass and size.

Control of the perimeter or internal volume is carried out by electromagnetic sensors that record the crossing of a conventional boundary or movement within it.

A fire signal is given by devices that analyze the state of the atmosphere and the ambient temperature. The smoke analyzer, having detected particles or molecules of combustion products in the surrounding space, simultaneously sends a signal to the central control center and activates local fire-fighting means. The automation reacts in the same way in the event of a sharp increase in the temperature of the air or surrounding objects.

As we have already indicated above, automation is needed not only for emergency response in the event of a fire, flood or intruders entering a facility, but also to resolve completely normal situations related to changes in the degree of load on the network. For example, in industrial production conditions operating in one or two shifts automation of power supply systems will allow, without human intervention, to increase the power supply capacity of the facility every morning, and to reduce it every evening. Our specialists will quickly and professionally install the necessary equipment, which will help optimize energy consumption and reduce current payments to resource supply organizations.

Building and network management systems

The larger the facility on which automated engineering systems are installed, the more important the role of their dispatching is - that is, remote control and management of engineering systems and notification of all processes occurring in the system. IN big building or a structure where pipes, air ducts, power cables and SCS have a length of tens and hundreds of kilometers, and the accessibility of many nodes and sections is very difficult for technical and design reasons, the presence of a workable end-to-end monitoring system comes to the fore.

Dispatch concerns two main parameters - the state of the media moving through engineering systems and the state of the engineering systems themselves.

To measure the parameters of the contents of networks, sensors of temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, direction and speed of movement, and chemical analyzers are used. System status sensors react to the appearance of cracks, ruptures, corrosion, and mechanical damage shut-off valves and connecting elements, blockages, deposition of salts or oxides on the walls of pipes and other negative changes that can affect the effective operation of the engineering structure and jeopardize the safety of the facility. In the case of power supply systems, measuring equipment records the current voltage and current, an abnormal increase in resistance in certain sections of the network, which leads to increased energy consumption and overheating of cables, which in turn can cause a short circuit or fire. If we are talking about production with several areas consuming a large number of industrial current, then competent dispatching of the system will allow rational distribution of loads, thus saving energy and preventing excessive load on one line in comparison with others.

Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Ventilation in modern buildings represented by a supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery in winter period. This system provides for the installation of a number of sensors: temperature sensor of incoming outside air, temperature sensor of air leaving the atmosphere, temperature sensor of the discharge pipe of the heater, temperature sensor of the air stream emanating from the building, room temperature sensor, pressure and air speed sensor in the air duct. It is also necessary to control the operating mode of the injection (supply) and exhaust fans, condition of the recuperator, clogging of air duct filters and other parameters. To control and promptly regulate all these system parameters, the system uses automated systems control based on industrial controllers.

In commercial buildings (retail, entertainment centers, restaurants, airports, etc.) there is a need for centralized management split systems or a set of systems with a chiller-fan coil. Management can be carried out on the basis of an industrial controller with a supervisory control system.

Dispatch and automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in a large office center will also save costs on operating systems by taking into account factors such as temperature and humidity in the room and outside the window, the number of people working in the premises, and insolation of the building. Modern automatic program climate control can save up to 50% of energy compared to a typical situation when all air conditioners in the building are turned on at full power in the summer. In addition to financial benefits, optimization in terms of climate will help avoid personnel losses - after all, it is well known that uncontrolled operation of air conditioners and climate systems is the main cause of colds in the summer.

Our company's engineers will perform necessary calculations ventilation and air conditioning systems, will install automation equipment and, together with the company’s programmers, will set up the system in the shortest possible time.

Automation of alarm systems

Competent alarm system dispatching- guarantee of the safety of any object. ECOLIFE company professionals are ready to carry out complex installation of security systems of any level of complexity. We work with perimeter alarms, protection of the internal space of open areas and enclosed spaces, protection of specific objects intended for storing inventory or other purposes important role(safes, storage rooms, storerooms, archives, weapons rooms, control and communication points, etc.).

Reliable dispatch is most important when installing perimeter security systems, which can extend for tens of kilometers. More than ten types of alarm systems have been invented in the world, but they all operate on the same principle: as a result of an attempt to penetrate the perimeter (or even when approaching a conventional line), a certain electrical circuit, as a result of which an alarm signal is sent to the control center. In modern security systems penetration can also cause other forms of reaction - turning on emergency lighting, video recording and photo recording systems, warning sirens, blocking exits, etc. By turning to ECOLIFE Group specialists for help, you can make your property virtually invulnerable to all forms of ill-wishers and intruders.

Automation of heating and heat supply systems. Boiler room dispatching

Our interests extend not only to large industrial facilities that provide large volumes design, installation, commissioning and service work. With the same responsibility, we are ready to automate and dispatch engineering systems at low-rise construction sites.

Many owners of cottages and summer houses strive to equip their homes with the latest technology, without initially thinking about the cost of operating the systems. Meanwhile, our experience shows that proper placement and configuration of networks will make their operation not only convenient, but also economically profitable.

In a small country house this applies primarily boiler room dispatching and heating point which will allow you to spend efficiently natural gas or other fuel and maintain an optimal energy balance at home using an autonomous heating system.

IS Ecolife specializes in automation of all types of heating of residential buildings and other premises.
Temperature sensors are used to automate the room heating process. At the request of the client, a temperature control method is selected taking into account the optimality criterion. To set the necessary system operating parameters, control panels are used, which, together with sensors and servos, are connected to the controller.

Heat optimization in residential buildings- a trend in developed countries for the past decade and a half. Gradually it begins to gain popularity in Russia, although our climatic conditions objectively more difficult than in Europe, where the philosophy of domestic energy efficiency was originally born. It is curious that in English such a house is called a passive house.

In Russia, with its sharp continental climate It is hardly possible to do without heating and build a completely “passive house”. But having set up competent accounting of heat consumption, using effective insulating materials and controlled heating systems, it is possible to minimize fuel consumption, and therefore material costs and harm to the environment.

Boiler room dispatching with the help of IS ECOLIFE specialists - the most important part of the autonomous heating system for a home. Often, boilers are installed directly in basements and plinths, but from the point of view of fire safety and the environment, it is better to do this in a separate structure. Heat loss during supply hot water from the boiler room to the house when installing high-quality insulation are insignificant.

Having established remote control over the operation of the boiler room, the owner of the house can directly from the office control fuel consumption, steam pressure in the heat exchanger, water temperature in the circuits, percentage of combustion of the mixture and other parameters. Information comes both from a variety of sensors and visually, using video cameras. Telemetry information can be transmitted over wires and wireless communication channels (bluetooth, Wi-Fi, radio). Dispatching can also be organized at remote sites, monitoring, for example, the operation of a boiler room country house from a city apartment, office or just with mobile phone, being on the other side of the globe. Modern mobile and information technologies provide unlimited possibilities for organizing both control center on site, and a virtual control room on the World Wide Web.

Five advantages of working with IS ECOLIFE

By ordering services for automation and dispatch of engineering systems from the ECOLIFE company, you can safely count on the following competitive advantages:

  1. The highest professionalism and many years of experience of our specialists, always focused on results and accustomed to unconventional ways solving the most complex technical problems.
  2. Equipping with innovative equipment, modern tools, and latest generation materials.
  3. Focus on digital technologies and achievements of the global IT industry.
  4. Rationality and ability to adapt to any situation. If we see that a good old relay can successfully replace an expensive electronic heat exchange system control module at the current stage, we will never insist on excessive spending and will offer our client all options for completing the system. The well-being of our customers is ultimately our well-being.
  5. A universal approach to the design, implementation and implementation of projects. Our specialists are ready to carry out both a small cottage automation project and dispatching of heating points apartment building, And complex automation utility networks of a shopping center or industrial building. The volume of work never frightens us; on the contrary, it serves as an incentive for our specialists to reveal all the facets of their knowledge and talents.

    HVAC systems are designed to supply fresh air and removal of harmful impurities formed indoors ( carbon dioxide, dust, etc.), cleaning, heating or cooling supply air. Fire ventilation (smoke removal systems) operates separately from the main ventilation system.

    The automation and dispatch system at water supply and sewerage facilities ensures the coordinated uninterrupted operation of all system components: pumping stations, treatment facilities, water intake structures, water supply and sewerage networks.

    Automation of the lighting system based on programmable logic controllers produced by MZTA JSC allows you to configure an individual algorithm for the operation of lighting equipment. Lighting equipment can be divided into groups, each of which can be turned on and off according to an individual schedule or depending on sensor signals

    A heating point is a separate building that houses an automated complex consisting of heating units, heat exchange devices, control systems temperature conditions, mixing units, control systems and distribution systems. Automation of a heating point ensures the coordinated operation of all these systems in a single complex.

    Visitor counting systems based on devices of MZTA JSC have high accuracy and reliability, allowing people to be counted with an accuracy of more than 97%. They can be used in crowded places such as shopping centers, stations, sport complexes, theaters and cinemas

    The energy accounting system is designed to obtain data on the actual consumption of water, electricity, heat and gas using metering devices. Installation of an energy accounting system is necessary to ensure energy efficiency of any production enterprise or housing and communal services facility. Based on resource consumption data, plans are made...

    Automation of the heating system based on KONTAR programmable logic controllers allows you to configure an individual heating mode in the room depending on the ambient temperature. Dispatching of heat supply is carried out using a wall-mounted console or a dispatch computer.

    The "Warm Floor" system is modern way maintaining a comfortable floor temperature in the house. We offer a turnkey solution for automation and dispatching of underfloor heating, designed to control water and electrical systems heating the floor in the room.

    Security and fire alarm systems are a set of systems that provide timely notification of unauthorized access or the occurrence of a fire in a protected area. This system consists of three main blocks

    The automated leak protection system is designed to prevent damage to property and excessive water consumption that occurs due to malfunctions in water supply and heating systems.

    Automated system fire protection to ensure safety, it must include all components of fire automatics operating in a single complex with the building's engineering systems.

Residential and industrial buildings in Moscow cannot do without a number of automation systems and control of engineering systems, which are carried out using modern automation. Heat network buildings, power supply networks, ventilation and air conditioning require special equipment for automatic control work. Residential building systems also need to take into account the resources consumed and carefully monitor the operation of all engineering systems. Our company produces automation of engineering systems in Moscow, with the help of which automatic control and dispatching.

Providing dispatching of engineering infrastructure

A dispatch system for engineering systems is a way to control the distribution and accounting of the consumption of various resources used during the operation of a building. If a dispatch system is installed in production, then it also performs the functions of monitoring and controlling all parameters of production activities. The dispatch system for engineering systems is implemented into the automation system and allows you to control all parameters of the infrastructure of a building or production. Our company produces high-quality and reliable equipment for automation of engineering systems.

With the help of automation and dispatch systems for engineering systems, significant savings in energy, water and other resources can be achieved. Such a system will help control the level of safety and reduce the risk of an accident at the site.

In large industries, as well as in residential complexes, there is always a risk of a fire, a break in the heating main, a power outage or a gas leak. To minimize the risk of such incidents, the engineering systems dispatch system we install is equipped with the most modern computer equipment with audio alarm sensors. IN emergency situation the system will give an alert to the control center and alarm devices. This approach allows us to minimize the influence of the human factor and quickly respond to changes in the parameters of engineering systems and make timely adjustments to work processes.

All equipment for automation of engineering systems that our company produces meets all the requirements for the quality of this type of product and has all the relevant certificates. When creating a project for an automation system for buildings and structures, we use individual approach to every client. You can contact our support team and get a free consultation.

If you have difficulty choosing equipment, contact technical support.

Order automation of engineering systems

Call us on tel. 8 499 369 06 00 or send a request

Any modern buildings (public, residential, administrative, industrial, etc.) are equipped with a large number of engineering structures that ensure the safety and comfort of people. The increase in the volume of construction of buildings with an increase in their number of storeys and saturation with complex equipment requires the widespread introduction of Automated Control Systems (ACS) in the housing and communal services sector.

In modern buildings, the operation of the following engineering systems is automated:

  • Ventilation.
  • Electricity supply.
  • Electric lighting.
  • Water supply.
  • Central heating.
  • Fire protection system.
  • Air conditioning systems.
  • Video surveillance and access control systems.

Automation of building engineering equipment is necessary for constant monitoring of its operation. Automatic systems themselves observe, record, and record multiple states of building equipment. In accordance with specified programs, automation systems can respond to changes in sensor readings and change the modes or parameters of the functioning of the building's engineering systems. They notify personnel about critical and near-emergency conditions of engineering equipment. Allow dispatchers to quickly make decisions in non-standard and emergency situations.

Building automation systems consist of numerous sensors, controllers, and control subsystems, united under one common control system. This control system allows you to set programs for the functioning of both the entire engineering system of the building as a whole and its parts, as well as monitor the controlled subsystems of the building from dispatch terminals, and carry out through them general management or programming the operation of automation systems.

Automation of engineering systems of buildings can significantly reduce operating costs for their maintenance due to constant automatic monitoring, increasing the service life and productivity of engineering equipment and economical use of resources.

Automation of power supply

Automation of power supply to engineering equipment of buildings should ensure anti-emergency operation. Monitor the parameters of electrical equipment and the electrical network. Thanks to the automation of power supply to buildings, the reliability of electrical installations is significantly increased, the number of maintenance personnel is reduced, and operating costs are reduced.

Electric power supply automation promptly identifies problems in the operation of electrical equipment that can pose a threat to people’s lives, cause enormous damage to the economy, or cause massive defects in the company’s products. This is especially true for buildings and structures with large concentrations of people, such as subways, stadiums, urban transport, large department stores, maternity hospitals, high-rise buildings, large enterprises.

Also, the significant benefit of implementing an automation system for power supply is expressed in a sharp reduction in downtime of electricity-consuming equipment and associated economic costs.

Automation of ventilation systems

Ventilation systems are divided into supply and exhaust. Supply systems provide fresh air into the room. Exhaust systems, on the contrary, remove polluted air and create air balance. Automation of ventilation systems maintains an acceptable eco-balance of industrial, administrative and residential premises. The work of many industrial production would not be possible without the operation of automated ventilation control systems to maintain the required life safety standards.

Automation of air conditioning systems

Automation of air conditioning systems makes it possible to maintain the stability of temperature, humidity and air freshness with specified accuracy, protects premises from the unwanted influence of polluted street air, and ensures the consistency and trouble-free operation of air conditioning equipment. Automation of building engineering equipment in the field of air conditioning makes it possible to efficiently use heat and cold, and therefore save energy.

Automation of lighting control

Automation of lighting control establishes the optimal operating mode for indoor lighting systems. This saves energy and reduces building operating costs.

Automation of engineering equipment of buildings in the field of electric lighting provides, in particular, remote control of lighting using modern gadgets.

Our company specializes in the design, production and installation of automation systems for building engineering equipment. In addition, we integrate reliable automated control systems into existing building engineering systems, which increases the efficiency of operation of these engineering systems.

System structure

The system has a two-level structure:

Top level:

Cloud SCADA system DispSky is a platform for remote control of industrial equipment via a web browser.

The DispSky system will allow you to organize a control center for the work control complex refrigeration units, only by equipping the dispatcher with a computer, tablet, or smartphone with Internet access. All information about the object is sent to the server in the Data Processing Center (DPC). Data is stored and processed directly on the server.

Lower level:

Automation of engineering systems is provided by the following devices:
  • temperature sensors;
  • Pressure Sensors;
  • motion sensors;
  • ACS controllers;
  • fire and security sensors;
  • PLC controllers;
  • actuators.
The control cabinet generally contains:
  • PLC controllers for refrigeration equipment;
  • communication module (iRz ATM21 or HF-2211);
  • discrete input/output modules;
  • contactors for controlling actuators;
  • cabinet uninterruptible power supply system;
  • terminals for connecting external cables.
At the Customer's request, the control cabinet can be equipped with a meter electrical energy. In this option, operating services have the opportunity to:
  • keep records of consumed electricity;
  • control the quality of electricity;
  • promptly receive messages about increased energy consumption.

Automated dispatcher workstation:

Functions and services:
  • Visualization of the control process in the form of mnemonic diagrams.
  • Function of sending emergency SMS messages.
  • Ability to view archived and online videos.
  • Service for viewing operator actions.
  • Service for free layout of mnemonic diagrams.
  • Service for editing mnemonic diagrams and project structure.
  • Report generation service.
  • Chart viewing service.
  • Service for viewing the accident archive.
  • Function of sending systematic reports.
Automated workplace dispatcher
  • Ability to display system status on a map.
  • It is possible to create individual mnemonic diagrams at the customer's request. Delivery to the customer of a constructor allowing the creation of mnemonic diagrams.

Advantages of our system

  • Remote control of objects.
  • Managing multiple objects from one point.
  • Fast integration into the process.
  • Visualization of the technological process.
  • Data backup.
  • Precise distribution of access rights for personnel.
  • Data protection.