Automation for the pump: types of equipment and installation diagram. Installing a surface pump for a summer residence: rules for connection and operation How to connect a surface pump

In areas where the depth of a well or well does not exceed 10 meters, surface pumping equipment is installed. The units differ in design, power, and method of pumping water. Based on these features, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the source, appropriate units are selected.

Scope and design of surface pumps

Example of use - watering a vegetable garden with water from a nearby body of water

Surface pumps, unlike submersible pumps, are located near a water source. Their body does not come into contact with the liquid; it flows to the points of consumption through the inlet pipe.

The devices are used to deliver water to the house, to drain the basement after a spring flood, and to pump out liquid from the pool. Can be used for irrigation land plot- in this case, the pump is placed near the reservoir, and the hose is lowered into the water. Almost all devices run on electricity, so you need a long power cable.

An important point is that the depth of the well should not exceed 10 meters, since all surface pumps have low power. Most often at this depth lie groundwater, which accumulate in themselves harmful substances from neighboring septic tanks. Mineral fertilizers are also washed out by rain into these reservoirs, so additional filters are installed before entering the house.

Surface pump will not be suitable if the site has an artesian well, the depth of which can exceed 30 meters. In such a situation, you need to buy submersible equipment that has more power and is capable of pumping liquid from such a depth.

Classification by design and principle of operation

According to the principle of suction, they are distinguished:

  • self-priming surface water pumps;
  • normally absorbing.

The first type does not require completely filling the system with liquid before starting. Water is poured only into the body of the device. The rise is carried out due to the zone of low pressure.

For the second type, you need to completely fill the system with water - the body and pipes. Sometimes the check valve prevents you from filling the liquid completely, so you open the plug at the top of the device.

Surface pumps differ in their operating principle, that is, in the mechanism inside: centrifugal and vortex.

Centrifugal the units have a spiral casing, inside of which an impeller with blades is fixed. When the pump is driven, centrifugal force is generated. A rarefied space appears in the center, and on the sides there is a zone high pressure, which pushes liquid into the pipe. Depending on how many impellers there are on the unit, it is called single-stage or multi-stage. The surface multistage pump is more efficient and powerful.

The design of a centrifugal pump consists of the following elements:

  • a hose through which water enters the pressure pipe;
  • a hose that transfers liquid to the internal working chamber;
  • check valve to prevent water from flowing back;
  • the filter at the entrance to the snail body prevents sand and other solid particles from damaging the internal parts;
  • a device for monitoring the degree of vacuum in the space in the center of the pump during operation - a vacuum gauge;
  • a pressure gauge that measures the pressure as the liquid rises upward;
  • additional elements shut-off valves, which allow you to regulate the incoming and outgoing flow.

Both surface and submersible models operate on the principle of centrifugal equipment. Their disadvantage is low power and the inability to idle.

Principle of operation vortex The pump consists of pumping water onto the impeller and transferring it higher. Centrifugal force is also used, but during operation the liquid moves from the edge to the center, that is, in the opposite direction. The vortex unit is capable of producing a pressure that is 4 times greater than the centrifugal one. But such equipment is rarely used. The presence of sand quickly damages the impeller - the parts are simply washed away. high speed. The efficiency factor is extremely low - only 30 - 45%; with the same electricity consumption, this device will work less efficiently than a centrifugal one. It is sometimes used as an intermediate pump due to its potential to increase the pressure by 7 times.

Combined units have impellers inside that combine the features of vortex and centrifugal types. Such designs are much more efficient in terms of efficiency.

Main selection criteria

The main criterion that is taken into account when installing a surface pump in a well is its depth. The optimal indicator is 8 m. Then you need to decide for what purpose the unit will be used. If you use it to water the area, you can buy a less powerful one if you need to maintain it autonomous system water supply for a private house, you need a pump with a capacity of 3 cubic meters per hour.

The next important indicator is the pressure of the water column. For country house optimal value ranges from 30 to 80 meters. It is generally accepted that 1 meter horizontally equals 10 meters vertically. A pressure of 1 atmosphere can move liquid over a distance of 10 meters.

It is advisable to buy a reservoir for storing water so that the pump turns on less often. This way you can increase the resource of its work. Pumping stations already have this unit, but its volume is small - up to 24 liters. Some craftsmen independently connect the tank to the pumps using instructions and videos.

The voltage in the electrical network plays a role. If it is unstable and often falls, buy a more powerful device or install a stabilizer.

Installation and connection features

Before starting installation, it is important to choose the right location. The housing is located on the surface, so the equipment is exposed to atmospheric phenomena. If water gets into electrical components, a short circuit may occur. Therefore, the units are installed in closed, warm rooms where the temperature in winter is above 0 degrees. There must be ventilation to prevent condensation from forming when there is a difference in the temperature of the liquid and air in the room.

If you plan to use the pump only in the summer, you can keep it outside under a canopy to prevent rain from falling on the housing. Many people build a pit or caisson near a water source. This requires additional costs and time: it is necessary to lay clay on top so that precipitation does not flood it.

Surface centrifugal pump connection diagram:

  1. Attach a pipe with a check valve and a filter, which is planned to be lowered into the water.
  2. Lower the end into the well until the liquid level.
  3. Fill the system with water. It is necessary that all air pockets be eliminated.
  4. Connect the pump to the network.
  5. Connect the outlet pipe or watering hose.

You can turn on and test the device.

Advantages and disadvantages of surface pumps

The advantages of this type of equipment include:

  • low weight and dimensions;
  • easy installation that you can do yourself;
  • safety in operation, since the power cable does not come into contact with liquid;
  • long-term operation, especially for a surface pump with protection against dry running;
  • sufficiently high efficiency to provide water for all needs.

The disadvantages include:

  • sensitivity to solid inclusions;
  • high noise level;
  • limited source depth;
  • the need for additional actions - filling the system with water before turning it on.

You can choose an imported or domestic pump, depending on your budget and operating purposes.

The cost of the device is affected by the availability of safety features, performance and power indicators. Units made from durable materials are more expensive - of stainless steel or cast iron. Models in a plastic case are cheaper, but it is better to keep them indoors to avoid mechanical damage. You should beware of purchasing devices where electrical winding Cheap materials are used that melt and burn when overheated.

Surface pumps are different small in size, ease of maintenance, relatively low cost and economical energy consumption. Installing a surface pump yourself is much easier than installing a deep pump. However, success is guaranteed only if the manufacturer’s instructions and specialist recommendations are strictly followed.

  • Vortex pumps provide an uninterrupted supply of water with increased pressure; they are used for watering gardens and quickly pumping out the contents of wells and barrels. Vortex-type devices are sensitive to debris and should not be used in polluted water bodies.
  • Centrifugal pumps are characterized by high efficiency and are suitable for organizing water supply on a permanent basis. Self-priming models are not afraid of air jams and the formation of air bubbles in the system.

Electrical devices for pumping water can also be divided into stationary and portable. Stationary models are installed in water supply systems, and mobile ones are used for watering and draining flooded cellars and basements.

Mobile electric pump for irrigation

Connecting a surface pump to a well or well

Important! Installation of a surface pump is only possible in wells and boreholes no more than 8-9 meters deep. To work with deeper shafts, a submersible tool is required.

The easiest way is to connect mobile equipment to country well which is used exclusively for irrigation. It is more difficult to connect a stationary pumping station to the system autonomous water supply. This will be discussed further.

What is needed to connect the pump to the water supply

In addition to the electric pump, to connect it to the water supply system of the house you must have:

  • inlet and outlet pipes or rigid hoses with a cross-section of 32 or 25 mm, the length of the pipe is calculated so that the lower end is immersed in water by at least 30 cm, while the total length should not exceed the size specified in the passport for the device;
  • connecting fittings;
  • storage tank with a volume of 30-60 liters;
  • flexible hoses for connecting the tank to the pump;
  • five-pin adapter for the second output;
  • pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge

In order to reduce the number of starts, it is recommended to connect a self-priming surface pump to a storage tank and system automatic control turning on. Storage tank also functions as a hydraulic accumulator, regulating the pressure in the pressure system and protecting it from water hammer.

Many manufacturers produce ready-made pumping stations, which include everything necessary equipment. If a separate device was purchased, the missing components will have to be purchased additionally.

Choosing a location for installation

Surface pumps are always mounted on land - water should never get into the device body. Ideally, the electric pump should be mounted as close as possible to the well or well. The room should be dry, relatively warm (positive temperature) and well ventilated. Installation possible pumping station in the basement, but in this case you will have to put up with constant noise.

To place the device next to the well, a small buildings or place the equipment in underground caissons - concrete, plastic or metal insulated structures with ventilation, equipped around casing pipe wells. Caissons are built below the ground freezing level. Water pipes In this case, the connection to the house is laid in a trench, also dug in non-freezing layers of soil.

Installation and connection diagram pumping equipment

Instructions for connecting to an autonomous water supply

This step by step description How to properly install a surface pump in an autonomous water supply system is relevant for all types of pumping equipment. Failure to do so may result in damage and emergency situations.

  1. Before connecting the surface pump to the water supply system, it is secured to a fixed base with bolts. To neutralize vibrations, it is recommended to use a rubber mat or special nozzles on the legs.
  2. A hose is connected to the outlet, to the other side of which a check valve and a coarse filter are connected, sealing the connections with special tape or flax.
  3. Outgoing pipes leading to the water supply are connected to the second outlet, located in the upper part of the housing.
  4. Check valve immersed in water, providing a slight slope to the line of pipe or hose running from the valve to the pump.
  5. At the next stage, the system is filled with water through the outlet holes or filler plug. It is important to remove all air from the system!
  6. Next, connect the pressure part with wiring throughout the house. At this stage, close the filler hole and check the pressure in the accumulator (tank). If the pressure does not correspond to that specified in the instructions, it should be increased (pump up) or decreased (bleed).
  7. Having clearly completed all the steps, the electrical equipment is plugged into the outlet and started up. The switched on pump should start and fill the system and accumulator with water.
  8. Turning off the engine indicates that the pressure in the system has reached its maximum (from 1.5 to 3 atmospheres).
  9. Now you can open the tap and make sure the installation is working.
  10. If, when the valve is open, the pressure does not correspond to the parameters specified in the instructions, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the relay.

Connecting a check valve and filter to the pipe

Installation features for other water supply systems

Even after reading the recommendations on how to properly install a surface self-priming pump in a well or well, difficulties may arise when connecting the equipment to other sources. These tips will be useful for those who are planning to automate the supply of water from a water column or storage barrel.

Connecting the electric pump to the column

It’s not too late to think about how to connect a surface pump to a column, even after installing a hand pump. It is recommended not to dismantle the manual control, but to supplement it with automation.

For both devices to work, you need to cut under the check valve of the column, install a tee with a check valve and connect the electric pump through a rigid pipe. It is better to replace the check valve on the column or install another one on the tee to prevent air from being sucked in from the side of the column. Between hand pump and a ball valve is inserted into the pipe.

The principle of operation of the combined column is simple: first, the column is raised above the ball valve using a hand pump, then it is closed and the electric pump is started. It is important that there is always water in the “glass” of the column; if necessary, it must be added.

Installation of the device in a barrel

Irrigation barrels help out at dachas and suburban areas, and the use of a pump significantly simplifies the difficult work of the gardener. The electric pump not only automatically supplies water, but also creates the necessary pressure. On sale it is easy to find inexpensive, simplified equipment for barrels and advanced automatic garden models that work with micro-drip irrigation systems.

Before connecting the surface pump to the barrel, it is necessary to connect hoses for water intake and irrigation to the device. Rubber hoses are not suitable for this purpose - they will simply shrink from water pressure and will not be able to perform their task. The device is installed on the ground, as close to the container as possible. Only hoses are lowered into the water - the body of the device must remain out of reach of splashes. After completion, the pump is stored in a dry place.

Compact model for barrel

Compact barrel models were invented especially for summer residents - they are installed on the edge of a container with water. These convenient devices are equipped with filters and pressure regulators. The kit almost always includes hoses.

Understanding the operation of watering devices is not difficult, but self-installation a surface pump for water supply at home can only be started after carefully studying the manufacturer’s instructions. If it contains a lot of incomprehensible information, you should not take risks; it is better to entrust this complex process to professionals.

When installing equipment for wells, pumps are used various types. Submersible pumps are most often used, but there are a number of situations where surface pumps are most preferable. Their installation differs from the installation of a conventional submersible pump, but they do not need to be immersed in water, which means the housing is not exposed to such negative influences. Maintenance of such equipment is much simpler and faster; if necessary, it is easy to check and adjust the pump.

The surface pump, which is used for wells and wells, can be divided into several types. There are centrifugal and vortex, which are used most often. The first ones are designed to lift water from wells and shallow wells from 6 m to 9 m. Vortex ones are used for uninterrupted supply of water with increasing pressure. Centrifugal ones are less expensive and easier to install. They cannot be used for deep wells. If you plan to install an artesian well, then you need to purchase special equipment, since the depth is great, and not every unit can cope with such work.

Pros and cons of surface pumps

If a shallow well is drilled at the site, then a surface pump is suitable for it. Such equipment has numerous advantages compared to deep-well pumps. Among the undeniable advantages it should be noted:

  1. The dimensions of the equipment are small, such a unit will not take up much space. There is no need to build a large and heavy foundation, and the dimensions of the caisson can be small.
  2. Surface pumps are cheaper and there is no need to use special equipment or tools for installation. Automatic control units are purchased already finished form, their cost is not too high.
  3. The service life, according to the manufacturers’ instructions, is more than 5 years, but the equipment pays for itself in just 2 years, which greatly distinguishes it from submersible pumps, which are used in a more aggressive environment.
  4. Installation of the device is simple, just connect the pipes and cables, and then check the operation. An accumulator tank is used together with surface equipment; it contains a supply of water.
  5. The pressure, flow rate and other characteristics are excellent; the equipment ensures uninterrupted water supply under all conditions.
  6. Electricity consumption is minimal, such equipment can be called economical.
  7. You can use a surface pump for a well or shallow well, and this is beneficial for summer cottage. The water column may have minimum height only 70-80 cm; for other models such working conditions are unacceptable.
  8. During operation of the equipment, there is no contact between the power supply cable and water, which is so important for ensuring safety.
  9. If, when drawing water, the mirror lowers and air pumping begins, the automation stops the device. No damage will be caused to the equipment if the pump runs without water for some time.
  10. The repair is simple, there is no need to lift it to the surface, parts are easily replaced.

There are also disadvantages to installing equipment on the surface:

  1. The well can only be shallow.
  2. There is a need to install special filtering equipment, otherwise the pump will fail.
  3. Before turning on the pump, it is necessary to fill it with water.
  4. There is a lot of noise during operation, which may disturb those living in the house.
  5. The equipment can only be used in an insulated structure; the caisson must be thermally insulated.

How to choose a surface pump for your home?

In order for the pumping unit to work correctly and for a long time, it is necessary to approach the choice of equipment responsibly.

Usually, for houses with shallow wells and wells, surface pumps are used, but their operation is extremely simple, it is constantly supported by automation, which makes maintenance easier.

The choice of pump is made based on what exactly the water will be used for. For example, the water consumption for a garden or vegetable garden, greenhouse will be one, but for water supply to a house - completely different.

When choosing, you must be guided by the following data:

  1. If a family of 3-4 people permanently lives in a house, it is best to use pumps whose productivity is approximately 3 cubic meters of water per hour. This is quite enough to supply the house and meet all the family’s water needs. If water supply is required for a greenhouse and vegetable garden, then the consumption will almost double.
  2. For apartment building or townhouse, it is necessary to use surface pumps with a capacity of 5 cubic meters or more, but based on 2 families. For 4 families, equipment is used, the productivity of which is already from 6-7 cubic meters.

Surface pump installation

Installation of a surface pump is not complicated; it consists in choosing a place for installation on the surface, after which all pipes and communications are connected. It is not at all necessary to call expensive teams to install the device. But you need to have experience working with plumbing equipment and pumps, as the device will need to be configured.

Installation of surface equipment is carried out as follows:

  1. First you need to choose a place to install the equipment; it is best to do this in a well caisson or in a specially installed structure that is installed near the wells. Thermal insulation of a caisson or house is mandatory.
  2. The surface pump must be mounted on the foundation. First, the concrete base is poured, and special metal mounting pins will be installed into it. This helps neutralize the loads caused by motor vibration, and the life of the pump will be significantly increased. It is important to protect equipment from such loads, as they not only render the mechanism unusable, but also contribute to the damage of other automatic equipment.
  3. Automatic control systems are mandatory, since it is with their help that the pump will be operated and controlled. Such systems are selected individually; today there is a wide variety of them on the market. It is better to take the blocks ready-made, they are completely balanced. You can also assemble such a block with your own hands, but if you have no experience in this, then it is better not to risk it. The control unit includes sensors and relays that monitor the productivity of the well, the level of the surface film of water, etc. If the water supply suddenly stops, then such relays stop the pump and give a special signal.
  4. The installation further involves connecting the device’s branch pipe to a special supply water pipe, which is lowered into the borehole or well. A check valve must be installed on the pipeline. It is this that will prevent water from overflowing and draining when the pump turns off.
  5. Then a special hydraulic accumulator, i.e., an expansion tank, is installed. Before connecting it, you need to immediately check the pressure that is observed in the chamber. It must fully comply with that declared by the manufacturer for operating conditions. If the pressure air chamber does not coincide with the required one, it must be adjusted.
  6. After this you need to connect electrical cables for the pump. It is important to immediately provide a dedicated line for supplying electricity; many experts advise focusing on a three-phase system.

How does the equipment function?

The pump is filled with water from a well or well (this is mandatory), and then turned on. Needs to be filled expansion tank water to the level that is set, then automatic system will stop the pump itself.

When the water in the tank runs out, that is, it is completely used up for the needs of the house or garden, the automatic unit will turn on the pump. You can set a trial mode to see exactly how the surface pump behaves and whether there are any problems.

If a well or a well, the depth of which is relatively small, is used for a summer cottage, then it is the surface pump that will the best way out from the situation. Its cost is reasonable, and installation is quite simple, since the device is placed on the surface. Caring for the device does not require any special actions; all the work is done automatically.

It is necessary to connect a surface pump to draw water from the well. But let's start with a little description and background. There is a house in which water supply is implemented according to the diagram below:

More details: There is a well. Dropped into it submersible pump, which collects water from the well into a settling tank located in the house. This is necessary so that sand and other debris settle in it. Water is pumped into the tank automatically. For this purpose, a float sensor is installed in the tank. Next, through a filter system, the pumping station draws water from the sump and supplies it under pressure to the water supply circuit of the house. The pressure created by the pumping station is sufficient for simultaneous operation washing machine, dishwasher and shower work.

Everything in this scheme is good. Except for one thing - the submersible pump may break. It's one thing when something like this happens in summer time. And it’s completely different when in winter it’s minus forty outside, you have to dismantle the well, remove the pump, install a new one, and then insulate everything again. In general, there is nothing pleasant about this. This happened in this case too...

To prevent a repetition of the above situation in the future, it was decided to install a surface pump instead of a submersible one, because If equipment fails, you won’t have to wait for a thaw to replace it.

What you will need

  • surface pump (in this case Kraton pwp-370);
  • hose;
  • adapters G1-herringbone 3/4;
  • check valve G1();
  • clamps.

Surface pump connection

Here is the culprit of winter well removal:

After dismantling it, we have a hose with a diameter of 3/4 in our hands. We insert the adapter G1-herringbone 3/4 into it.

And we fix the connection for reliability with a clamp.

Next on threaded connection screw on the check valve. It would be a good idea to use flax to improve the quality of the threaded connection.

After this, we lower the hose with the check valve into the well.

Let's move on to the equipment. Surface pump Kraton pwp-370 has two threaded holes 1" in diameter each. One of them is for water intake, and the other is for supply (in our case, for filling the settling tank). To connect hoses with a diameter of 3/4 to it, you will need two adapters G1-herringbone 3/4.

We screw the adapters into the pump. Be sure to use flax or other sealant for threaded connections.

We connect the hoses. One coming from the well, the other from the tank.

We fix the hoses using clamps.

The surface pump is ready to draw water from the well. But before you start pumping water, the system should be prepared for the first start.

First start of the surface pump

It is very important that there is water in the system. If it is not there, the surface pump will not pump water. Moreover, when working dry, it can overheat and fail before it has had time to work. This means that before starting the equipment, the pump itself and hoses should be filled with water. For these purposes, there is a plug on its body. Unscrew it and fill it with water.

It’s rare that someone manages to fill the circuit with water the first time. Especially if there are reverse slopes. As a result, water is pumped intermittently with low pressure or does not touch at all. To completely eliminate air from the circuit, you should start the pump briefly, and after turning it off, slightly unscrew the air release plug. This manipulation should be repeated until the water flows with uniform, good pressure without “spitting.” At this point, we can assume that the connection of the surface pump to the well is completed.

Surface pumps are characterized by their small size, ease of maintenance, relatively low cost and economical energy consumption. Installing a surface pump yourself is much easier than installing a deep pump. However, success is guaranteed only if the manufacturer’s instructions and specialist recommendations are strictly followed.

There are two types of surface electric pumps on sale: vortex and centrifugal.

  • Vortex pumps provide an uninterrupted supply of water with increased pressure; they are used for watering gardens and quickly pumping out the contents of wells and barrels. Vortex-type devices are sensitive to debris and should not be used in polluted water bodies.
  • Centrifugal pumps are characterized by high efficiency and are suitable for organizing water supply on a permanent basis. Self-priming models are not afraid of air jams and the formation of air bubbles in the system.

Electrical devices for pumping water can also be divided into stationary and portable. Stationary models are installed in water supply systems, and mobile ones are used for watering and draining flooded cellars and basements.

Connecting a surface pump to a well or well

Important! Installation of a surface pump is only possible in wells and boreholes no more than 8-9 meters deep. To work with deeper shafts, a submersible tool is required.

The easiest way is to connect mobile equipment to a country well, which is used exclusively for irrigation. It is more difficult to connect a stationary pumping station to an autonomous water supply system. This will be discussed further.

In addition to the electric pump, to connect it to the water supply system of the house you must have:

  • inlet and outlet pipes or rigid hoses with a cross-section of 32 or 25 mm, the length of the pipe is calculated so that the lower end is immersed in water by at least 30 cm, while the total length should not exceed the size specified in the passport for the device;
  • connecting fittings;
  • storage tank with a volume of 30-60 liters;
  • flexible hoses for connecting the tank to the pump;
  • five-pin adapter for the second output;
  • pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge

In order to reduce the number of starts, it is recommended to connect a self-priming surface pump to a storage tank and an automatic start-up control system. The storage tank also functions as a hydraulic accumulator, regulating the pressure in the pressure system and protecting it from water hammer.

Many manufacturers produce ready-made pumping stations, which include all the necessary equipment. If a separate device was purchased, the missing components will have to be purchased additionally.

Surface pumps are always mounted on land - water should never get into the device body. Ideally, the electric pump should be mounted as close as possible to the well or well. The room should be dry, relatively warm (positive temperature) and well ventilated. It is possible to install a pumping station in the basement, but in this case you will have to put up with constant noise.

To place the device next to the well, small buildings are built or the equipment is placed in underground caissons - concrete, plastic or metal insulated structures with ventilation, equipped around the well casing. Caissons are built below the ground freezing level. In this case, water pipes to the house are laid in a trench, also dug in non-freezing layers of soil.

Instructions for connecting to an autonomous water supply

This step-by-step description of how to properly install a surface pump in an autonomous water supply system is relevant for all types of pumping equipment. Failure to comply may lead to breakdowns and emergency situations.

  1. Before connecting the surface pump to the water supply system, it is secured to a fixed base with bolts. To neutralize vibrations, it is recommended to use a rubber mat or special attachments for the legs as a pad.
  2. A hose is connected to the outlet, to the other side of which a check valve and a coarse filter are connected, sealing the connections with special tape or flax.
  3. Outgoing pipes leading to the water supply are connected to the second outlet, located in the upper part of the housing.
  4. The check valve is immersed in water, allowing a slight slope in the line of pipe or hose running from the valve to the pump.
  5. At the next stage, the system is filled with water through the outlet holes or filler plug. It is important to remove all air from the system!
  6. Next, connect the pressure part with wiring throughout the house. At this stage, close the filler hole and check the pressure in the accumulator (tank). If the pressure does not correspond to that specified in the instructions, it should be increased (pump up) or decreased (bleed).
  7. Having clearly completed all the steps, the electrical equipment is plugged into the outlet and started up. The switched on pump should start and fill the system and accumulator with water.
  8. Turning off the engine indicates that the pressure in the system has reached its maximum (from 1.5 to 3 atmospheres).
  9. Now you can open the tap and make sure the installation is working.
  10. If, when the valve is open, the pressure does not correspond to the parameters specified in the instructions, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the relay.

Installation features for other water supply systems

Even after reading the recommendations on how to properly install a surface self-priming pump in a well or well, difficulties may arise when connecting the equipment to other sources. These tips will be useful for those who are planning to automate the supply of water from a water column or storage barrel.

It’s not too late to think about how to connect a surface pump to a column, even after installing a hand pump. It is recommended not to dismantle the manual control, but to supplement it with automation.

For both devices to work, you need to cut under the check valve of the column, install a tee with a check valve and connect the electric pump through a rigid pipe. It is better to replace the check valve on the column or install another one on the tee to prevent air from being sucked in from the side of the column. A ball valve is inserted between the hand pump and the pipe.

The principle of operation of the combined column is simple: first, the column is raised above the ball valve using a hand pump, then it is closed and the electric pump is started. It is important that there is always water in the “glass” of the column; if necessary, it must be added.

Irrigation barrels come in handy in dachas and suburban areas, and using a pump greatly simplifies the difficult work of a gardener. The electric pump not only automatically supplies water, but also creates the necessary pressure. On sale it is easy to find inexpensive, simplified equipment for barrels and advanced automatic garden models that work with micro-drip irrigation systems.

Before connecting the surface pump to the barrel, it is necessary to connect hoses for water intake and irrigation to the device. Rubber hoses are not suitable for this purpose - they will simply shrink from water pressure and will not be able to perform their task. The device is installed on the ground, as close to the container as possible. Only hoses are lowered into the water - the body of the device must remain out of reach of splashes. After completion, the pump is stored in a dry place.

Compact barrel models were invented especially for summer residents - they are installed on the edge of a container with water. These convenient devices are equipped with filters and pressure regulators. The kit almost always includes hoses.

Detailed video instructions for installing a surface pump

It’s not difficult to understand the operation of irrigation devices, but you can begin self-installation of a surface pump for water supply at home only after carefully studying the manufacturer’s instructions. If it contains a lot of incomprehensible information, you should not take risks; it is better to entrust this complex process to professionals.