Automatic lawn watering: system operating principle and equipment. How often should I water my lawn after planting or laying? How much to water the lawn after planting

Not many years have passed since then, when the owners of even large plots of land considered it exclusively their breadwinner, densely planting vegetable beds and various garden crops. Times have changed. Store shelves are full of vegetables and fruits that are cheaper own harvest and your plot became not a means of survival and not just a place for relaxation, but already an object for the embodiment of your tastes and design ideas. The development of landscape art, the desire to ease physical labor and save precious time, allowed me to evaluate my life outside the city differently. More and more summer residents are deciding to turn their plot, first of all, into a beautiful and comfortable place to relax. To do this, using available technologies, are created beautiful landscapes, including unique compositions of trees and flowering bushes, flower club and, of course, well-groomed green lawns. Such a corner of nature becomes the pride of its owners. In it you want to enjoy the singing of birds, admire the created bright landscapes, have picnics and hear the words of admiration from your guests.

What first catches your eye when entering the territory of a dacha or personal plot? Of course, this is the state of the so-called yard, consisting of numerous lawns and lawns. Empty land usually does not have the most tidy appearance, especially when it is also littered with household supplies. It takes a lot of work in the beginning to turn this part of the site into an exemplary green flowering kingdom.

Painstaking selection planting materials according to the project landscape design promises many years of enjoying man-made beauty, blooming bright colors landscape, many hours of atmosphere of beauty and tranquility.

Every professional landscaper will say that half the credit for a healthy, bright and lush lawn is the automatic watering system. Without it, modern landscape works not conceivable. Landscapers simply do not guarantee their work unless such a system is installed. This is not a farce - it is a fact.

What is important to know about watering lawns?

All lawns and lawns require attention. Otherwise they appearance won't be attractive. At the same time, watering is one of the main requirements. The lawn must receive water in sufficient quantities and regularly to prevent the soil from drying out or, conversely, containing excess moisture, which can cause the death of lawn plants. To prevent this, it is important to maintain the required ratio between water and air in the lawn soil. If the humidity balance in the barrel changes, this immediately negatively affects the appearance. And then work to restore the previous appearance will take a lot of time.

If the grass on the lawn begins to take on a bluish tint or becomes dark green, and the leaves begin to curl, then it’s time to water. It is best to water the lawn in the early morning; the fact is that in the early morning and late evening there is virtually no wind, and the moisture will not evaporate much. Of course, you can do it late in the evening, but this is only in extreme cases, since in this case the grass will remain wet all night, and this can cause the development of fungi. Landscaping and landscaping is not only a lawn, it also includes bushes and trees, which also need watering; they need to be watered separately periodically, but here you need to take care of deep watering so that the water penetrates to the root system, which is located deep in the ground.

Mistakes you shouldn't make when irrigating your lawn

It is very harmful to carry out frequent but short-term watering. If you ignore this advice and arrange watering at your own discretion, then there is a high probability that the surface root system vegetation will begin to actively develop. This causes the plants to weaken significantly, losing their resistance to drought. Therefore, irrigation must provide soil moisture at least 20 cm deep so that the roots rush deeper. If turf is not formed - a plexus of root shoots in the surface layers of the soil - then a beautiful, long-lasting lawn will not work out. Plant roots usually penetrate about 10 cm into the soil, but some root shoots reach up to half a meter. When the soil is moistened too frequently, but superficially, the root system of plants is formed only superficially.

Excessively abundant watering, which entails the appearance of standing water, should not be allowed. Therefore, irrigation must be carried out based on the requirements for watering rates. The norm is 5-10 l/m2 depending on the region. Excessively abundant watering will not provide long-term sufficient moisture. Water runoff, seeping into the soil, can carry away valuable nutrients that are so necessary for healthy development and away from plants. The moisture either simply goes too deep, or, on the contrary, stays on the top layer for a long time, contributing to acidification of the soil and rotting of the grass. Puddles should not be allowed to appear. They may occur due to uneven surface lawn To avoid this, you need to ensure drainage and soil drainage. In addition, puddles can form if the mechanical composition of the soil is too heavy. In this case, you can use a fractional irrigation system.

Lawns need to be irrigated at certain times of the day, based on weather conditions and soil composition. In hot weather, when the sun is at its zenith, this should not be done, because wet plants can get serious sunburn. If you water later evening time on heavy soil, water stagnates on its surface, and plants run the risk of getting fungal diseases. That's why best time Experts recommend choosing morning and evening hours for watering your lawn. Although all these tips cannot be applied always and not everywhere. In cloudy weather, you can water your lawn even at midday without fear. And in hot regions that often suffer from drought, it is best to irrigate in the evening.

To irrigate lawns, it is recommended to use special watering equipment: or. Watering with a regular hose is considered an unacceptable method. First, watering by hand causes excess water to seep into the soil. Secondly, this method of irrigation further compacts the soil, washes it away and mechanically damages the plants, which entails the growth of diseases of the root system. Thirdly, it is impossible to evenly shed the required area with a hose - dry spots and bald spots will certainly appear, leading to a loss of the appearance of the grass stand and the gradual death of plants. To avoid these troubles, lawns are watered using special sprinklers using drip or sprinkler methods. They ensure uniform and gentle distribution of water over the surface of the lawn. With rain irrigation, not only watering occurs, but also the leaf surface of plants is cleaned. This method ensures irrigation of a large area. If you need to water narrow areas, it is better to use a drip irrigation system. Can be used for watering small lawns and regular garden watering can, but this, of course, requires a lot of labor and time.

Some people believe that it is very important to consider the temperature of the water. It is supposedly inadmissible to use too cold water (less than 10° C) for irrigation, as this can cause temperature shock in plants. However, it has long been proven that cold water in a pipe is not the same as in a garden bed or on a lawn. Soil heated by the sun has significantly greater accumulated heat energy than water, so water quickly heats up when it comes into contact with the soil. And if we take into account that the water has time to heat up a little in the containers that are usually included in automatic watering systems, then this issue with cold water becomes completely irrelevant.

How often should you water your lawn?

To accurately answer the question of how often you need to water your lawn, you need to consider the following factors: soil type, weather and root depth. Weather is the most important factor. In the driest hot summer weather, it is recommended to water every day. On average in Russia, in hot weather and on sandy soils, the lawn needs to be watered 2-3 times a week. In autumn and in cool weather, the rate of grass moistening is reduced to 1 time per 10 days. The main point that needs to be taken into account when watering is that the soil must have time to dry out between waterings. This will stimulate the growth of the root system: the roots begin to grow deeper, extracting the remaining moisture. In October, a week before frost, you should stop watering completely.

One of the most complex issues— how much water is required to water the lawn. For middle zone There is a watering rate that ranges from 20 to 40 liters per 1 sq.m of lawn. Watering should be moderate. The formation of puddles and accumulation of water is unacceptable. The frequency of watering is determined by the composition of the soil and weather conditions. For light sandy loam soils, the frequency of irrigation is once every 3-4 days. For clay soils, once every 7-10 days. Additional moisture is provided after cutting, during the period of active growth and when feeding with fertilizers. Excessive watering of the lawn leads to overgrowth of moss and the development of fungal diseases.

If the lawn has been made recently and the grass has not yet sprouted, then the soil must be kept moist at all times. In this case, watering is required daily. Soil without vegetation and turf does not retain moisture, the dark surface of the earth heats up, and water quickly evaporates. On average, daily watering should be carried out for about 7-10 days. Further, the frequency of soil moisture is determined by the composition of the soil and the average daily temperature.

Proper watering plays the main role in the formation of a lawn, so every home owner must know how often to water the lawn after planting. If you want to have an ideal lawn where children can play and walk barefoot, you should be especially careful about the regular flow of water into the area.

Perfect, low-cut, weed-free grass is the result of our meticulous lawn care. This opinion is shared by professional gardeners.

As numerous studies have shown, quite a lot of moisture evaporates from even grass cover. As a rule, this value reaches 25 liters per 1 m². And if the owner wants to see the lawn in good condition, you should water it regularly, especially on dry summer and spring days.

Immediately after planting, the lawn requires abundant watering. After this, you need to water the lawn frequently. On hot summer days, you should provide the soil with a portion of moisture daily, and if we're talking about about the cooler and wetter period of the year, then you should monitor the condition of your lawn, which will clearly demonstrate the lack of water.

If you are in doubt whether you need to water your lawn or whether it is better not to do it, you need to take moisture readings at a depth of 10 cm.

In addition, the need for watering can demonstrate the appearance of the grass. If it lacks moisture, it acquires a grayish tint, fades and becomes completely dull. At the same time, many weeds take root well in dry soil, so if you notice the appearance of foreign crops on the site, you should water the lawn generously.

In order to increase the lawn's resistance to drought, a number of measures should be taken to deepen the root system. To do this, during the dry period it is necessary to break through the upper, coarsened ball of soil, which does not allow most of the moisture and other minerals to pass through. After piercing, mulching should be carried out throughout the entire area.

Watering after planting a lawn depends primarily on climatic conditions and the type of soil available. For example, sandy soils need more frequent watering than chernozems and loams, since sands transmit moisture much faster than other rocks. Of course, watering in hot weather should be done several times more often than in other weather conditions.

The main rule that every gardener should remember is that you need to water the lawn only when the soil is dry, otherwise the area will be too saturated with moisture and turn into one continuous swamp.

Main types of irrigation

Indeed, any owner of a property needs to know how to water a lawn and what available means this can be done.

At first glance it may seem that for good watering All it takes is water and a hose, but that's not the case at all. Lawn watering is carried out according to its intended purpose and therefore is divided into several types.

The first type of irrigation is planting. It is carried out only when planting plants. The main goal is to create favorable conditions for normal height plants. In this case, the water consumption is about 3 m³ per approximately one hundred square meters of land.

The second type of irrigation is called vegetative. It is carried out to increase moisture reserves under a thick layer of turf. The frequency of such watering primarily depends on the weather. It is almost impossible to determine water consumption, since various varieties plants require different quantities moisture. The average consumption is one cubic meter per hundred square meters of land.

There is also a fertilizing type of irrigation, which is necessary if fertilizers are applied to the soil. Water consumption is approximately the same as in the previous case. Refreshment watering is usually carried out when there is enough moisture in the soil, but due to unfavorable weather conditions, plants need moisture on the stems and leaves. Water consumption in this case is small and amounts to no more than 1 m³ per hundred square meters.

Moisture-recharging irrigation is carried out in spring or autumn. They are necessary to provide moisture throughout the winter, both in upper layers soils and in the lower ones. The consumption for such irrigation is about 10 cubic meters of water per hundred square meters. In case of high occurrence groundwater this consumption can be reduced by half.

The last type of irrigation is anti-frost. This watering is carried out a day before frost. Water consumption averages 2 cubic meters per hundred square meters.

Every property owner should know how often to water their flowerbeds and lawns so that their appearance can truly please the eyes of others. Although watering is not a very complicated process, you should still know the basic rules, and if you follow them, you can grow a wonderful lawn.

Landscaping the territory of a personal plot or near a house certainly ennobles it. Juicy and well-watered lawn grass looks great, however, it requires appropriate care. In connection with this state of affairs, many owners of private houses or country cottages arises great amount questions about how to properly water rolled lawn, at what time of day is it optimal to do this and how to understand that watering is already necessary.

Watering your lawn is extremely important not only in terms of keeping it fresh and aesthetically attractive in appearance. Sufficient moisture in the top layer of soil gives the grass the ability to resist a variety of negative factors, including diseases or rapid growth of various weeds. A sufficiently moistened lawn will look presentable and will give the entire area near the house or cottage a well-groomed and pleasant appearance.

Can you water your lawn at any time of the day?

It is optimal to water the lawn when straight lines no longer fall on the lawn surface. Sun rays. This will help avoid plant burns. Evening watering of the grass, contrary to popular belief, is not so good. Evening or night average temperature the air drops somewhat, so the moisture that gets on the blades of grass will not dry out completely. As a result, the risk of lawn infection by various fungal diseases increases, which is extremely undesirable.

The ideal time and amount to water the lawn

It is best to water the grass early in the morning. Ideally, if the time is in the morning, between 6 and 9 o'clock. In this case, the soil will be better moistened, but at the same time, the drops on the blades of grass will completely dry out literally by noon.


At the same time, leaving your lawn without watering for a long time is definitely not good. Then the grass will simply dry out, and its beauty will disappear forever. If your lawn lacks moisture, it will gradually turn bluish-gray in color. Dried blades of grass will dry out and then curl. In this case, there is no question of any external beauty. And to avoid such trouble, the lawn needs to be watered.

An equally important sign of drying out is the reduced elasticity of the grass. After all, juicy and well-watered blades of grass will quickly restore their shape if they are suddenly touched. If you step on a normally moistened lawn and then remove your foot, it will quickly return to its original appearance. But overdried grass can no longer do this. If more than 30% of the lawn looks crushed even after being walked on, then watering should be done immediately and without fail.

Very important aspect the water temperature is calculated. hot water The hose must be drained before watering. Otherwise, grass burns will be inevitable. A lot of water will also be required for irrigation.

Abundance of lawn watering

Rains do not always completely cope with the task of watering the grass. She needs additional moisture, and quite a lot of it. It is necessary to ensure that the water penetrates deep into the ground and nourishes the roots well. Only then will the lawn look healthy and beautiful.

And even if weather forecasters promised rain in the near future, there is no need to delay watering the grass too much. The dried out top layer of soil forms a crust, through which it is very difficult for moisture to penetrate. Expecting natural precipitation, there will be better time There is no time to moisten the soil a little, then the rain will be able to make watering better.


The appearance of your lawn directly depends on how well you water it. It seems very simple matter However, it requires a deep understanding of when and how often, and also in what volume it is necessary to moisten the lawn grass in order for it to be healthy and visually attractive.

How to properly water a lawn

Groundwater flows do not at all provide normal soil moisture for high-quality growth. Therefore, it is impossible to do without human participation. Watering is directly related to plant metabolism.

Health, attractiveness and strength depend on the frequency of irrigation activities. Manual or - for is not so important. The difference is: how much money, time and effort you are willing to spend on it. How to water after sowing and which method to choose for this will be discussed in this article.

When to water?

Watering methods

As you know, soil moisture up to 10 cm deep is considered optimal for a lawn. Here they come to the rescue various methods irrigation.

Watering the lawn is carried out in three main ways:

  • basal;
  • intrasoil;
  • sprinkling.
Root and subsoil methods are more economical in terms of water consumption. Sprinkling can be done not only automatically, but also manually.

Refers to automatic systems root watering of the lawn. This method uses hoses with small holes from which drops of water flow directly onto. The drip system is almost completely hidden from the human eye.

Did you know? Fitness on lawn grass is more beneficial for the body due to its saturation fresh air and less stress on the joints.

Root moisturizing can be used not only in the morning, but also during the daytime. It saves time, water consumption and minimizes human intervention. The main disadvantage of this method of irrigation is the labor-intensive process of installing the system. But soon all the money and labor costs for the lawn will completely pay for themselves.

Sprinkling is an imitation of rain for irrigating lawn grass. Irrigation is sufficient for small areas of plantings manually from a watering can or hose sprayer. If the area is too large, it is advisable to install automatic sprinklers.
During sprinkling, not only the soil is moistened, but also the air space around the lawn. Main types:

This type of irrigation requires a water source such as a water tap or. In addition, you will need sprinklers and. From a cost perspective, manual sprinkling is the most affordable of all methods. For automatic watering lawn needs to be purchased and sprinklers.

They are also divided into types: stationary And portable. Their sprinklers can also be different: simple and movable. The former irrigate the surrounding soil unevenly, which is completely excluded if the sprinkler is capable of changing its position.
If there is good pressure in the system, a pulsating type of sprinkler is ideal, allowing water to be absorbed into the soil more slowly. The more expensive type is retractable. It does not interfere with lawn mowing, as it is compactly hidden in the grass. For irrigation, the sprinkler is raised and works on the same principle as other types. In any case, sprinkling is not as expensive a method as drip irrigation.

Subsoil irrigation method is the most economical and expensive of the types. The watering system delivers water directly to the lawn's root system and is suitable for placement on any terrain. But it is necessary to plan its installation and layout in advance.

Did you know? Lawn grass has phytoncidal properties, the ability to fight harmful bacteria.

Watering is carried out with hydraulic drills various designs or humidifiers in the form of perforated plastic pipes, placed in the soil.
Subsurface irrigation has a number of advantages, such as:

  • soil saturation with air;
  • hindrance to growth;
  • reducing the humidity of the ground air layer;
  • protection against the development of fungal diseases in lawn grass;
  • the ability for a person to carry out planned activities on the lawn during watering.

This irrigation method is mainly used in and slopes. Subsurface irrigation is the most expensive among all the types presented in terms of money, labor and time resources.
Irrigation measures for lawns ensure its attractiveness and normal existence. If you do not have enough free time for this, it is better to install an automatic irrigation system. In addition to your time, it saves water resources and provides better soil moisture. But the manual irrigation method is known to be less expensive. Although sometimes saving is not at all appropriate.

A beautiful and neat lawn is considered a real decoration of any site. This type of landscaping requires constant care, which consists of timely trimming, proper watering and feeding with special fertilizers. Modern equipment helps to cope with the tasks.

The irrigation system allows you to evenly distribute moisture on the surface of the lawn. Thanks to it, it is possible to avoid excessive waterlogging, which is accompanied by the appearance of unevenness in the green area. How to water the lawn? You will find the answer to this question in our material.

What does the automatic watering system consist of?

Modern sprayers in auto watering systems have many holes that promote uniform spraying of liquid. Thanks to them, it is possible to avoid washing out the top fertile layer.

What does the irrigation system consist of? It includes several items:

  • sprinklers. For small area it is enough to use from 4 to 6 moisture sprays;
  • pumping station. It is the main object of automatic watering. Its power is calculated based on the area of ​​the plot;
  • cleaning filters. They allow you to purify water from various debris and harmful impurities;
  • pressure regulators. These devices regulate the uniform flow of the stream during the watering process. This helps prevent soil from being washed away;
  • solenoid valves. They are responsible for supplying and shutting off water;
  • pipes. They are used to connect all elements together;
  • controllers. These devices allow you to set the required mode and level of water flow.

“Water the lawn should be done in the first half of the day. At this time, the plant experiences accelerated metabolic processes.”

Several types of sprinklers are presented in specialized departments:

  • static. They have a wide angle of inclination that evenly distributes water on the soil surface;
  • rotary. These models are equipped with a turbine mechanism. It allows you to adjust the length of the jet and the flow of liquid;
  • pulsed. They provide rotation of the jet over several meters.

Modern automatic irrigation systems are equipped with hidden sprinklers. They are hidden in the upper layers of the soil. For uniform moistening, it is necessary to use several types of sprinklers. The photo of watering the lawn shows the process of irrigating a green area.

The pumping station should be located near a water source. This will ensure maximum power installations.

The main requirement of this system is the presence of special filters. They prevent debris and sand particles from entering the cavity of the sprinklers.

Controllers should be installed close to electric line. She provides uninterruptible power supply for the entire installation. The batteries (cable and wires) are located deep in the ground.

A special corrugated metal pipe will help prevent mechanical damage.

Self-installation of an automatic watering system

Making a lawn watering system with your own hands is quite simple. Before you begin the work process, you need to prepare everything necessary tools and elements for the construction of the installation. For this you will need:

  • auto watering system plan;
  • sprinklers. The number of sprayers is selected in accordance with the area of ​​the land plot;
  • solenoid valves;
  • control unit;
  • pipes;
  • shovel;
  • sharp knife;
  • rope;
  • building level;
  • special paint for marking the territory;

When all the details are prepared, you can move on to the work process. It includes several main steps:

Site marking. For this they use water-based paint. This allows the pipeline to be positioned correctly according to plan. In addition, small pegs are installed and a rope is pulled, which helps to preserve correct angle tilt

Digging a trench for a pipeline system. If a drainage irrigation system is planned, then the depth of each trench should be about 50 cm. The angle of inclination will be 3 C. Diameter drainage well should not exceed 0.5 m. Pipeline connection.

Drainage well equipment. To do this, you will need a container with a depth of 0.1 to 0.25 m. It is fixed in the thickness of the earth.

Installation of the control unit. Wires are connected to solenoid valves and the collector unit. Connection pumping station. Automatic irrigation system connection.

Testing the installation. Turning on the system beforehand helps to study the shortcomings of the installation. At this point, leaks may appear. Starting the system.

How much to water the lawn?

How many times a week should I water the green area? Experienced experts recommend irrigating the lawn depending on the speed of its drying. IN summer time this period is 4 times a week.

Photo of watering the lawn