Autistic children and children with mental retardation: behavior modification classes with elements of sand therapy. Corrective classes for children with cerebral palsy Corrective classes

Corrective classes for children with cerebral palsy Children who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy have many limitations and movement disorders. But if you work and engage with your child correctly, you can achieve good success, teach him to sit, walk and live a more or less full life. It is necessary to begin working with a child who has been diagnosed with this as early as possible. In the first 3 years of life, a child very actively develops all motor skills; in the first year he learns to sit, crawl and walk. Exercises for children with cerebral palsy are aimed at improving and developing various nerve impulses that have been damaged for any reason and now do not allow the child to develop and move harmoniously. Most often, the reasons for the diagnosis of cerebral palsy are difficult childbirth, hypoxia (oxygen starvation), trauma during childbirth, and poor lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy. So that the correction program has the maximum number of advantages and gives good results it is necessary to adhere to the following principles: Conduct classes daily, sometimes several times a day. Regularity is extremely important; Individual approach to the child. It is important to take into account all the possibilities and severity of the disease; The age of the child and his psychological and moral state; A gradual introduction to physical activity, which depends on the child’s capabilities and his condition. Conducting correctional classes with children with cerebral palsy on early stages Making a diagnosis is important because in early childhood a child is better able to restore damaged areas and compensate for impaired functions. It is very important to massage your child's body regularly to restore and increase muscle tone. IN modern world There are various help centers for children with cerebral palsy. There are specialists working there who help such children and provide individual treatment. It includes the use of medications, sometimes various operations and frequent moderate physical activity. Also in such centers there are simulators that especially help restore all damaged neural connections and develop muscles. At home, you can also carry out various exercises with your child according to the developed program. There is special gymnastics with balls, rollers and other devices. A properly designed correctional program for children with cerebral palsy includes exercises both at home and in rehabilitation centers. At home, parents independently do the following exercises with their children: Bend and straighten their arms and legs, stroke and massage them until they relax and warm up. You can use special salt heating pads or bags of warm sand and place them on the flexion and extension joints; Rock the child by placing him on the ball; you can do this exercise on the back, stomach and sides; At an older age, teach the child self-care. You can use drawing with pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens so that the child learns to control his hands and fingers; You can use a chair to conduct various exercises to develop coordination. To do this, you need to put the child on it, put a ball or toy on the floor and ask the child to bend down and pick up the object, then, holding it in his hands, lift it high above his head; If the child can walk, then do exercises with him by walking up the stairs of 5-8 steps, helping him go up and down. It will be very useful to find an individual instructor or doctor who can come several times a week and monitor the child’s physical condition. He will tell you how best to do the exercises and will gradually increase the load.

IVANOVA I.I. e-mail:k [email protected]

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 1" Tambov

Reviewed recommended

to the statement:

Pedagogical Council

MAOU secondary school No. 1 2016

I affirm:

School director MAOU Secondary School No. 1

Protocol No. 1

I.P. Kaznacheeva

Psychological and pedagogical support program

student___ classG

Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna

MAOU secondary school No. 1

educational psychologist: Yu.V. Kubasova

Tambov 2016

Relevance of this work is that this program psychological-pedagogical support for students with disabilities was compiled in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1959, the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended and supplemented), dated November 24, 1995. No. 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in Russian Federation", "On the education of persons with disabilities ( special education)" (adopted by the State Duma on June 2, 1999), the Family Code of the Russian Federation of 1995, by a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000. No. 27/901-6 “On the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) educational institution", instructional letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 27/29 Children with cerebral palsy are characterized by specific deviations in mental development. The mechanism of these disorders is complex and is determined both by time and by the degree and location of brain damage. A significant number of works by domestic specialists (E. S. Kalizhnyuk, L. A. Danilova, E. M. Mastyukova, I. Yu. Levchenko, E. I. Kirichenko, etc.) are devoted to the problem of mental disorders in children suffering from cerebral palsy. 67-6 dated July 14, 2003 “On the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.”

Explanatory note.

Children with cerebral palsy are characterized by a peculiar mental development, caused by a combination of early organic brain damage with various motor, speech and sensory defects.

Many years of experience of domestic and foreign specialists working with children with cerebral palsy have shown that psychological assistance is one of the components of comprehensive psychological, medical, pedagogical and social support for primary schoolchildren with cerebral palsy. Individual psychological correction is one of the important links in the system of psychological assistance to children with cerebral palsy of varying degrees of severity of intellectual and physical defects.

Planning and defining tasks for individual correction is carried out after a comprehensive diagnosis. In particular, a psychological examination is aimed at studying the child’s personality, determining the level of development of sensory-perceptual and intellectual processes and analyzing the motivational-need sphere.

In order to diagnose sensory-perceptual and intellectual processes, we use a complex psychological techniques, proposed by Mamaichuk I.I.

This individual program was developed in connection with a decrease in cognitive activity, insufficient development of cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking.

Study results mental functions Ivanova Ivanna 9 years old.

Emotional-volitional sphere friendly, easy to get along with. The emotional reaction to the diagnostic situation manifests itself in the form of interest. Encouragement causes a reaction colored by positive emotions. After the comment, he tries to correct the error and clarifies the correctness of the actions.

Visual perception insufficiently developed: distinguishes colors (choice by name): yellow, blue, green, black, white, difficulties are observed in distinguishing tinted colors; correlates and differentiates objects by size; partially correlates objects by shape (circle, square). Cannot distinguish small details (visual features)

Temporary representations formed, spatial representations formed: differentiates right and left sides, top/bottom, knowsseasons are distinguished by the sequence of times of day. There is an understanding of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Attention scattered, exhausted, volitional effort is minimal, unstable. The gaze fixes on an object for a short time, a mechanical sliding of attention is observed from one object to another, and concentrates attention on the task as much as possible for 3-5 minutes. The scope of visual attention is much lower than the average for the age group. When completing tasks, constant individual teaching assistance from an adult and external stimulation are required.

Memory . The memorization process is slow and requires repeated repetition. Involuntary, figurative, tactile and emotional memory predominates. The volume of auditory and visual memory is greatly reduced.

Thinking visually effective. When performing tasks that require analysis, synthesis, comparison, or highlighting the main thing, the teaching assistance of an adult is required.

Fine motor skills . Not developed. Severe spasticity of the arms makes movements limited and complex, angular. There is no possibility of extending the arms from the elbow. With difficulty he turns his palm upward. It's hard to hold the pencil. Hatching is possible using a ruler.

Level of learning material : perceives new information with interest, reproduces new information with hints and “anchors”, and with repeated repetition is able to solve a standard problem without prompting from an adult. Solving a non-standard problem using the analysis function is difficult.

This individual program was developed in connection with a decrease in cognitive activity, insufficient development of cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking, delay mental development in a child with cerebral palsy.

Purpose of the program:

Creation of a system of comprehensive assistance to a child with disabilities (musculoskeletal disorders) in mastering the basic educational program primary general education;

Correction and development of sensory-perceptual and intellectual processes.


    support for child development;

    support of the process of his training and education;

    correction of existing deviations (includes correctional work aimed at correcting or weakening existing violations, and developmental work aimed at revealing the child’s potential, achieving optimal level development)

Expected result:

1. Increased cognitive activity, increased performance, development of volition and stability of attention.
2. Formation of the ability to self-regulate one’s physical and mental state
3. Reduction of psycho-emotional and muscle tension.

Contents of the program.

The program is divided into 3 blocks.

Block 1. is aimed at developing visual-motor coordination based on ideas about size, shape, color, developing the integrity of perception, tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity.

Block 2. Correction and development of stability, volume, concentration and arbitrariness of attention, development of spatial orientations and temporal representations, memory development.

Block 3. Development of visual-figurative thinking, formation of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, exclusion, generalization

Classes are held once every two weeks, duration 45 minutes, total number of lessons - 18 ()

Finger games and exercises used at the beginning of each lesson (“ Good morning!”, “Fingers say hello”, “My palm”, etc.), develop coordination of movements of the child’s fingers, reduce hand spasticity. To develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills, finger paints and colored sand are also used.

Relaxation games and exercises, which are carried out at the end of each lesson, reduce psycho-emotional and muscle tension ().

As a result of the implementation of the program, the child’s cognitive activity increases, interest in joint activities with adults, and the child’s need to communicate through speech develops.


    Vinnik M.O. Mental retardation in children: methodological principles and technologies of diagnostic and correctional work / M.O. Vinnik. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. – 154 p.

    Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Corrective, educational and adaptive games. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2004. – 64 p.

    Levchenko I.Yu., Kiseleva N.A. Psychological study of children with developmental disorders. – M.: Publishing house “Knigolyub”, 2008.

    Levchenko I.Yu., Prikhodko O.G. Technologies of training and education of children with musculoskeletal disorders: Textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 192 p.

    Mamaichuk I.I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006. – 400 p.

    Metieva L.A., Udalova E.Ya. Sensory education of children with developmental disabilities: a collection of games and play exercises. – M.: Publishing house “Knigolyub”, 2008.

    Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood: Textbook. allowance for higher education educational institutions. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 232 p.

    Titova M. How to relieve fatigue. // School psychologist No. 22 November, 2008.

    Shanina S.A., Gavrilova A.S. Finger exercises for the development of a child’s speech and thinking. – M.: RIPOL classic: HOUSE. XXI. 2010. – 249 p.

Individual work plan

Child's full name: Ivanova Ivanovna

Date of birth: 02/22/2006

Conclusion of PMPk: the level of speech development does not correspond to age-specific indicators

Conclusion: F83, F70? CHAZN. Violation of writing and reading due to the immaturity of the basic means of language. Dysarthria(m.p.)

Implementation time: 9 months

Responsible teacher - psychologist: Yulia Vladimirovna Kubasova

2. Thematic lesson plan.





1. Develop work skills that contribute to the development of fine motor skills.
2. Strengthen arm muscles with self-massage.
3. Develop visual perception, tactile sensitivity of the hands, coordination of hand movements through exercises,
4. Create an atmosphere in class that creates positive emotional stability.

1 task

2 task
Working with a ruler and pencil, shading
3. task
Colors of the rainbow (repetition of colors)
4. task
"Remember the order"


Development of finely coordinated movements of the hand and fingers

1. Coordinating the work of small muscles and joints of the hands, fingers (especially the thumb) and wrists.

2. Memory development

1 task
Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone)
2 task
"Remember the order"
3 task
Hatching (working with a ruler and pencil)
4 task
"Magic Squares"


1.Development of fine motor skills

2. Expansion of vocabulary.

1 task
Finger gymnastics
2 task
"Magic Squares"
3 task
Game "Vegetables" (development of auditory memory)
4 task
Collect the puzzles "vegetables"
5 task
“What does mom cook from vegetables?”
how many parts does it consist of?




Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of fine motor skills

2. Memory development

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Remember a couple

3 task



Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of thinking.

2.Speech development

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Make up a story based on the picture

3 task

Guess the animal

4 task

All year round

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of thinking

2. Development of attention

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Finish the sentence

3 task

Lay it out according to the sample

4 task

Find differences

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of motor attention

2. Memory development

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Edible - not edible

3 task


4 task

Remember a couple

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of thinking

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Guess the item

3 task

Third wheel

4 task

Find the odd one out

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of imagination

2.Development of attention

1 task

Lay it out according to the sample

2 task

It doesn't happen

3 task

Flies or doesn't fly

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of logical thinking

2. Development of imagination

3.Development of facial expressions

1 task

Putting the puzzle together


Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok” by role

3. task

Drawing our own continuation of the fairy tale

Development of cognitive processes

1 task

Lay it out according to the sample

2 task

Where did the bunny go?

3 task

Gouache drawing “my mood”

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of thinking (establishing patterns on abstract material).

2.Development of verbal memory

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Find the shapes

3 task

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet.

2.Development of logical memory (establishment of associative connections).

1 task

Above, left, right, below

2 task

Neighboring, one by one

3 task

Combine the words.

Development of finely coordinated movements of the hand and fingers

1.Development of fine motor skills

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Where is this house

3 task

Drawing with colored sand

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of visual-figurative thinking

2.Memory diagnostics

1 task

Lay it out according to the sample

2 task


3 task

Method of learning 10 words

Development of cognitive processes

1. Memory development

2.Working with facial expressions.

1 task

Reading a fairy tale

2 task


3 task

Facial exercises

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of voluntary attention.

2. Development of auditory memory.

3. Development of visual-figurative thinking.

1 task

Lay it out according to the sample

2 task

Count it right

3 task

Find a way

Development of cognitive processes

1.Development of thinking

1 task

Finger gymnastics

2 task

Eliminate unnecessary things

3 task

Simple analogies

4 task

Find the odd one out

Program content

Lesson 1

Target: Acquaintance, establishing contact. Development of finely coordinated movements of the hand and fingers

    Acquaintance "Let's get acquainted."

Description: Presentation to the child. We greet each other with a handshake. (characteristic of hand spasticity).

    Finger gymnastics “My palm”

Description: While listening to music, we invite the child to self-massage each palm.

“My palm is a pond,

Boats sail along it.

(slowly move the edge of the other palm along the open palm, drawing a wave)

My palm is like a meadow

And a snowball is falling from above.

(touch your palm with your fingertips)

My palm is like a notebook

You can draw in a notebook

(we imitate writing by drawing mugs, etc., on each palm in turn)

My palm is like a window

It's high time to wash it.

(Rub your palm with your fingers clenched into a fist)

Your palm is like a path

And cats walk along the path.

(carefully step your finger or fingers on your palm)

    Hatching (working with a ruler and pencil)

Equipment: hatching A (Appendix 3)

Description: on a sheet of A 4 format

    “Colors of the rainbow” (repetition of colors, improvement of mood) Draw a rainbow.

    “Remember the order” (memory diagnostics)

Description: There are colored pencils on the table (7 pieces, in the colors of the rainbow). The child remembers their location on the table. Then the psychologist rearranges several pencils. The child’s task is to guess what has changed and put the pencils in their places.

Lesson 2

Target: Coordinating the work of small muscles and joints of the hands, fingers (especially the thumb) and wrists. Memory development.

    Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: spiky ball


    "Remember the order"

Equipment: shading B (Appendix 3)

Description: We put toys and books on the shelf (12 pieces). The child remembers their location on the shelf. Then the psychologist rearranges several or removes them, replacing them with others. The child's task is to guess what has changed.

    Hatching (working with a ruler and pencil) appendix 3

    “Magic squares” (development of spatial concepts, consolidation of color knowledge)

Equipment: "Magic Squares" (Appendix 4)

Description: We move our finger along the multi-colored cells and follow the psychologist’s commands, up, down, right, left. Having named several commands, the psychologist asks them to name which cell they stopped on.

Lesson 3

Target : Development of fine motor skills. Expanding vocabulary.

    Finger gymnastics “My palm” (repeat lesson 1)

    “Magic squares” (repeat lesson 2)

    Game "Vegetables" (vocabulary expansion)

Equipment: ball.

Description: The psychologist throws the ball to the child, who, having caught the ball, must name the word denoting some kind of vegetable and throw the ball back to the psychologist. The game continues until all known words for “vegetables” have been named.

    “Assemble the puzzle” (on fine motor skills, perception of part and whole)

Equipment: set of cardboard puzzles “Vegetables”

Description: The psychologist asks to put together a puzzle, after which the child must name the resulting vegetable and say where, his mother uses it, what dish he likes with it. How many parts does it consist of, and other characteristics.

Lesson 4

Target : Development of fine motor skills. Memory development.

    Finger gymnastics

Thumb-boy where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Description: the child recites a poem and bends his fingers into a ring. The first time, we perform the exercise with our right hand. The second time - with the left hand. The third time - with both hands at the same time.

    “Remember the couple” (Appendix 3)



    Drawing "Autumn" (fine motor skills, pressure control, decreased muscle tone)

Equipment: album sheet, gouache, glass of water, brushes.

Description: The psychologist explains to the child that now they will draw Autumn. Conventionally, the sheet is divided into 4 parts. Ver is drawn with fingers, bottom with a brush. Sky up, trees down, leaves, etc. (options are discussed with the child). The psychologist helps the child make the first few strokes, guiding his hand and applying pressure. Then, the child draws himself.

Lesson 5

Target : Development of thinking. Speech development.

    Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone) (repeat lesson 2)

    “Make a story based on the picture” (enlarged vocabulary, development thinking and speech)

Equipment: 2 sets of 4 pictures.

Description: We give the child pictures. They need to be placed in order. Then you need to describe what is drawn to make a story.

If the child has compiled a very meager story, the psychologist himself composes the story based on these pictures, so that the child can see how the text based on the same pictures can differ. In this case, be sure to use descriptions of objects or characters. The child describes the second picture, the Psychologist asks additional questions.

    "Guess the Animal"

Equipment: pictures with animals: fox, mouse, hedgehog, falcon, dog, owl, snake, wolf, bear, etc.

Description: The psychologist asks the child to guess which animal has the following qualities: cunning, like...; cowardly as...; prickly, like...; faithful as...; vigilant,

How...; wise as...; strong as...; hungry, how...?"

(can be used with any other natural phenomena, etc.)

    “All year round” (teach children to see signs of seasonal changes in nature)

Equipment 1. A large rotating disk, divided into four sectors, covered with colored flannel (white - winter, green - spring, pink - summer, yellow - autumn). 2. A series of pictures pasted onto flannel. Episode 1 Drawings depicting seasonal changes in nature: sun, rain, snow, leaf fall. Episode 2. Flowers: Snowdrops, daisies, asters. Fruits: radishes, green onions, strawberries, tomatoes, lemons, apples. Episode 3. Animals and birds in different time of the year. Episode 4 The work of people in nature. Episode 5 Entertainment for children.

Description: The disk rotates, the arrow points to one of the sectors. The child determines the season by the color of the sector and selects pictures that correspond to this time of year.

Lesson 6

Target : Development of thinking and attention.

    Finger gymnastics “Castle” (motor skills development)

There's a lock on the door

Who could open it?

They knocked



And they opened it!

(Put your fingers together)

(knock hand in hand)

(twist your hands without unclenching your fingers)

(pull your hands in different directions without unclenching your fingers)

(sharply release your fingers)

    "Finish the sentence"

Description: The child is asked to insert the necessary words instead of dots.

An animal that meows is called...

A bird that croaks is called...

The tree on which apples grow is called...

The tree that is decorated for the New Year is called...

Then you can ask the child to independently make similar definitions of phenomena that are well known to him.



    Nadi differences

Equipment: pictures (Appendix 3),

Description: find differences in pictures

Lesson 7

Target : Development of motor attention, memory development

    Finger gymnastics “Burbot” (motor skills development)

    There lived one burbot in the river,

    Two ruffs were friends with him.

    Three ducks flew to them

    Four times a day,

    One two three four five.

    Slow movements with joined palms, simulating swimming.

    Movements with palms on both sides.

    Swing your palms.

    Bend your fists.

    Extend your fingers from your fists, starting with the big ones.

    Edible - not edible (development of attention, familiarity with the properties of objects)

Equipment: ball.

Description. Depending on the named object (whether it is edible or not), the child must catch or return the ball thrown to him by the psychologist.

    Ear-nose-mouth (development of attention)

Description: the child stands near the sofa and follows the commands that the psychologist speaks and shows. Nose - point a finger at the nose, floor - lower your hands down, ceiling - raise your hands up. The psychologist names and executes all the commands together, but in doing so makes a deliberate mistake. The task is to listen carefully and accurately carry out only those commands that the psychologist calls.

    Remember the couple" (Appendix 3)

Equipment: forms with figures for memorization and reproduction.

Description: The psychologist explains to the child how he will have to remember the figures. He looks at the 1st form and tries to remember the proposed pairs of images (figures and sign). Then the form is removed and he is offered separate pictures, which he must place opposite each figure corresponding to its pair, trying to maintain order.

Lesson 8

Target : Development of thinking

    Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: spiky ball

Description: We'll take the hedgehog ball (throw the ball up)

Let's ride and shake. (roll between palms)

Let's throw it up and catch it (toss the ball again)

And let's count the needles. (with fingers we crumple the needles of the ball)

Let's put the hedgehog on the table (put the ball on the table)

Use the handle to press the hedgehog (use the handle to press the ball)

And let's roll a little... (roll the ball)

Then we change the handle (change hands)

    Guess the object Guess the object from the description.

Description: the psychologist names the characteristics of the object. The child must guess what object we're talking about, and name the item.

Four legs, back, seat (chair)

Numbers, hands (hours)

Letters, pictures, sheets (book)

Trunk, branches, leaves (tree)

Root, stem, leaves, petals (flower)

Screen, buttons, electrical cord, remote control (TV)

Spout, handle, lid, electric cord (kettle)

Paws, tail, collar (dog)

Paws, tail, trunk (elephant)

    Third wheel

Description: The psychologist names the first three words. The child must identify the extra word, name and explain his answer.

    Milk, juice, bread

    Car, horse, tram

    Hat, scarf, boots

    Rose, birch, Christmas tree

    Rain, snow, river

    Doctor, tourist, driver

    Shadow, sun, planet

    Frost, blizzard, January

    Stone, clay, glass

    Door, carpet, window

    Sea, river, pool

Equipment: card (Appendix 3).


Lesson 9

Target : Development of imagination, attention

    Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone)

Description: We chop and chop cabbage! (2 times)

(the child imitates the chopping movements of an ax, moving his straight palms up and down)

We cut the cabbage, cut it! (2 times)

(move the edge of your palm back and forth)

We salt the cabbage, we salt it! (2 times)

(put your fingers together in a pinch and pretend to salt the cabbage)

We press the cabbage, press it! (2 times)

(vigorously clench and unclench your fists)

We three carrots, three! (2 times)

(we squeeze the right handle into a fist and move it up and down along a straight line palmsleft hand, depicting a grater)

    Lay it out according to the model (development of fine motor skills)

Equipment: pattern sample (Appendix 3), pencils

Description: a child lays out a pattern of pencils on the table

    It doesn't happen (development of imagination, attention).

Description: The psychologist speaks sentences. If what is said in the sentence happens, the children clap their hands, if it doesn’t happen, they stomp their feet.


“The wolf is wandering through the forest. A wolf sits on a tree. The cup is boiled in a saucepan.

A cat is walking on the roof. A dog floats across the sky. A girl caresses a dog. The girl is drawing a house."

    It flies - it doesn't fly"

Description: The child must respond and perform movements in accordance with the words of the psychologist.

Instructions: “Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly and who (what) cannot. I will ask, and you answer right away. If I name something or someone capable of flying, for example a dragonfly, answer: “It flies” - and show how it does it - spread your arms to the sides, like wings. If I ask: “Does the pig fly?”, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Note . List: eagle, snake, sofa, butterfly, chafer, chair, ram, swallow, plane, tree, seagull, house, sparrow, ant, mosquito, boat, iron, fly, table, dog, helicopter, carpet...

Lesson 10

Target: Development of logical thinking, imagination, facial expressions.

    Putting together the “Kolobok” puzzle

Equipment: plot picture from the fairy tale Kolobok, cut into 4 parts.

Description: We invite the child to collect the picture. As he collects it, we ask whether the child recognized the fairy tale? What is the fairy tale about? We invite you to remember it.

    We read the fairy tale “Kolobok” paragraph by paragraph.

Equipment: fairy tale bun

Description: We read a fairy tale and do exercises for hand motor skills (brooms along the barn, scrapers along the bottom, etc., repeat in movements).

    The end of the fairy tale

Description: We invite the child to end the fairy tale differently. And we draw new ending fairy tales.



    Count it right

Equipment: tables with figures (a, b).


    Find a way



Lesson 11

Target : Development of the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet.

    Lay it out according to the sample


Equipment: Children lay out a paper pattern on the table.

Description: Kit geometric shapes can be made from thick paper, the size should match the sample.

    « Where did the bunny run off to?

Equipment: magnetic board, sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: On a magnetic board, the psychologist moves in different directions the bunny figure, and the student names where it is (in which corner - top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left, middle of the board; on what line - bottom, top, first, second, bottom, top). Then the student himself chooses the direction of movement of the figure and reports where the bunny is hiding.

    Drawing “My mood

Lesson 12

Target : Development of the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet. Development of visual-figurative thinking.

    Finger gymnastics (repeat lesson 1)

    Find the shapes

Equipment : poster with images of geometric shapes, cardboard circle (see lesson materials, Fig. 53)

Description: The psychologist suggests looking at the drawing: “It has two parts - the top of 9 cells and the bottom of 12 cells. Each cell contains two figures. At the bottom, each pair of figures has its own number. I will cover one cell in the upper part, and you will say which pair of figures from the lower part with a number can be placed in this cell.” The lesson is conducted according to the following scheme: the teacher closes one of the cells of the nine-cell square in the upper part of the picture and offers to find, among the pairs of figures located in 12 cells in the lower part of the picture, a pair that fits into the place covered with cardboard. The order of cell selection is: bottom right, top right, bottom left, top left, bottom middle, right middle, left middle, top middle, center.

Thus, students solve 9 problems related to the analysis of relationships between images placed in a certain order.The teacher draws the students' attention to the fact that in order to get the correct answer, they need to first look at the figures in the three upper cells and find which figures are the same. Then look at the figures in the three middle and three bottom cells, as well as in the three vertical cells on the left, center and right.

    Words starting with the same letter

Description: The student is instructed to keep track of words beginning with one specific letter while reading a short story. He must remember 5-7 such words in the order in which he heard them, and after finishing reading, write them down in the same order.When reading the story a second time, the correctness of the task is checked.

Lesson 13

Target: Development of the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet. Development of logical memory (establishment of associative connections).

    Above, left, right, below

Equipment: poster with images of birds (see lesson materials, Fig. 54).

Description : Students look at the poster and answer the teacher’s questions: “Which bird is located to the right of the free space?”, “Which is to the left?”, “Which is higher?”, “Which is lower?”, “Which bird is located to the right and above the free space?”, “Which is to the left and lower?”, “Which is to the right and lower?”, “Which is to the left and higher?”, “Which bird is to the left and lower than bird 9?”, “Which bird is to the right and higher than the bird that has a head like a bird 1, and the tail is like that of a bird 4?” - and so on.

    Neighboring, one by one

Description : The same poster is used as in the previous task. The child is told: “Birds 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 1 and 4, 4 and 7 are adjacent, birds 1 and 3, 1 and 7, 7 and 9 are one after the other, birds 1 and 6, 2 and 7, 2 and 9, 8 and Z are non-neighboring.” Questions are asked: “Which neighboring birds have different tails?”, “Which birds have the same legs through one?”, “Which non-neighboring birds have the same head?”, “Two birds have a tail like bird 4 - they are neighboring, not neighboring or through one?” - and so on.

    Combine words

Description : The psychologist names pairs of words that are not related to each other in meaning. The child must find any connections between them and thus combine them. For example, given a couple of wordscat - leaf.It is possible to combine them on the basis of such an associative connection, such as “the cat is playing with a leaf” or “the cat hid under a leaf from the rain”, etc.

Other example word pairs:

the car is a pear, the apple is a jacket,

the sun is a pencil, the hare is a backpack,

house - sea, etc.

Lesson 14

Target: Development of visual sensations

    Finger gymnastics “Finger, where is your home?”

Little finger, where is your house? What is your name? I am a thumb, and my home is here! Little finger, where is your house? What is your name? I am the index, and my home is here! Little finger, where is your house? What is your name? I am the middle finger, and my home is here! Little finger, where is your house? What is your name? I am nameless, but my home is here! Little finger, where is your house? What is your name? I am a little finger, and my home is here!

    Where is this house?

Equipment: poster with houses (see lesson materials, Fig. 19).

Description : The psychologist first says: “Houses 1,” 2, 3 are located in the top row, houses 4, 5, 6 are in the middle, 7, 8, 9 are in the bottom. Houses 1, 4, 7 are located in the left column, 2, 5, 8 - in the middle, 3, 6, 9 - on the right." Then asks questions: "Where, in what row and column is house 4 located?", "Houses 2 and 6 are in the same row?", "Which house is it in the bottom row or left column? and so on.

    Drawing with colored sand

Equipment: colored sand image template

Description : The child is asked to draw with colored sand.

Lesson 15

Target: Development of visual-figurative thinking.

    Lay it out according to the sample (development of fine motor skills, development of voluntary attention)

Equipment: sample pattern (Appendix 6), a set of geometric shapes necessary for laying out the pattern (repeat lesson 10)

2. Glades

Equipment: a set of sheets depicting four clearings with branched paths and houses at their ends, as well as “letters” indicating the path to one of the houses (see lesson materials, Fig. 51).

Description: First, two introductory problems are given (sheets A and B), then tasks 1-3 in order. The psychologist says (first introductory task): “In front of you is a clearing, paths and houses are drawn on it at the end of each of them. You need to find one house correctly and cross it out. To find this house, you need to look at the letter. The letter says that you need to go from the grass past the Christmas tree, then past the fungus, then you will find the right house.”

Second introductory task (sheet B): “There are also two houses here. But the letter is different, it shows how to go and where to turn.” Together with the students, the teacher finds the right house. Then students solve basic problems independently.

3.Method of learning 10 words

Description: “Now I will read 10 words. You need to listen carefully. When you finish reading, immediately repeat as much as you remember. You can repeat in any order, the order does not matter. It's clear?" The psychologist reads the words slowly and clearly. When the subject repeats the words, he puts crosses under these words in his protocol. Then continues the instructions (second stage).Second explanation : “Now I will read the same words again, and you must repeat them again - both those that you have already named and those that you missed the first time - all together, in any order.” And 2 more times.

Lesson 16

Target: Development of memory, ability to retell, work with facial expressions.

    Reading the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”

Equipment: a fairy tale, a wooden stick, a flat plate and a vase with a thin neck.

While reading, we explain unfamiliar words (Kumanek, barn, millet, etc.).

Description:. The child reads the fairy tale paragraph by paragraph and highlights the main idea. Each paragraph is illustrated by the child to the psychologist. (small theater)


Description: After reading, tap out the rhythm of the “fed” and “hungry” crane with a wooden stick

    Facial exercises

Description: With facial expressions we show a happy and hungry fox.

Lesson 17

Target : Development of memory, speech

    Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: spiky ball

Description: We'll take the hedgehog ball (throw the ball up)

Let's ride and shake. (roll between palms)

Let's throw it up and catch it (toss the ball again)

And let's count the needles. (with fingers we crumple the needles of the ball)

Let's put the hedgehog on the table (put the ball on the table)

Use the handle to press the hedgehog (use the handle to press the ball)

And let's roll a little... (roll the ball)

Then we change the handle (change hands)

    Lay it out according to the sample (development of fine motor skills, development of voluntary attention)

Equipment: pattern sample (Appendix 6), a set of geometric shapes necessary for laying out the pattern

Description: Children lay out a paper pattern on the table.

Note: A set of geometric shapes can be made from thick paper; the size must match the sample.

    Count it right

Equipment: tables with figures (a, b).

Description: The child out loud counts the number of identical figures in each row (a) or the number of circles and crosses (b).

    Find a way

Equipment: individual forms with labyrinths (see lesson materials, Fig. 50, a, b), pencil.

Description: First, the psychologist asks the students to help Sasha and Kolya find their way to school by tracing it with a pencil. Then you need to help the bunny get to the carrot. Which path should he take? (Correct answer: 8.)

Lesson 18

Target : Development of thinking

    Finger exercises (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: spiky ball

Description: We'll take the hedgehog ball (throw the ball up)

Let's ride and shake. (roll between palms)

Let's throw it up and catch it (toss the ball again)

And let's count the needles. (with fingers we crumple the needles of the ball)

Let's put the hedgehog on the table (put the ball on the table)

Use the handle to press the hedgehog (use the handle to press the ball)

And let's roll a little... (roll the ball)

Then we change the handle (change hands)

    Eliminate unnecessary things.

Equipment : a piece of paper with twelve rows of words like:

Description: . The student needs to find in each row of words one that does not fit, one that is superfluous, and explain why.

Lamp, lantern, sun, candle.

Boots, shoes, laces, felt boots.

Dog, horse, cow, elk.

Table, chair, floor, bed.

Sweet, bitter, sour, hot.

Glasses, eyes, nose, ears.

Tractor, combine, car, sled.

Moscow, Kyiv, Volga, Minsk.

Noise, whistle, thunder, hail.

Soup, jelly, saucepan, potatoes.

Birch, pine, oak, rose.

Apricot, peach, tomato, orange.

    Simple analogies

Equipment: a form in which two rows of words are printed in a pattern.

Description: Research procedure. The student studies a pair of words placed on the left, establishing a logical connection between them, and then, by analogy, builds a pair on the right, choosing the desired concept from those proposed. If the student cannot understand how this is done, one pair of words can be analyzed with him.

1. Run - stand; Scream -

a) be silent, b) crawl, c) make noise, d) call, e) stable

2. Steam locomotive - carriages; Horse -

a) groom, b) horse, c) oats, d) cart, e) stable

3. Leg - boot; Eyes -

a) head, b) glasses, c) tears, d) vision, e) nose

4. Cows are a herd; Trees -

a) forest, b) sheep, c) hunter, d) flock, e) predator

5. Raspberry - berry; Mathematics -

a) book, b) table, c) desk, d) notebooks, e) chalk

6. Rye – field; Apple tree -

a) gardener, b) fence, c) apples, d) garden, e) leaves

7. Theater – spectator; Library -

a) shelves, b) books, c) reader, d) librarian, e) watchman

8. Steamboat - pier; Train -

a) rails, b) station, c) ground, d) passenger, e) sleepers

9. Currant - berry; Pot -

a) stove, b) soup, c) spoon, d) dishes, e) cook

10. Disease – treat; TV -

a) turn on, b) install, c) repair, d) apartment, e) master

11. House – floors; Ladder -

a) residents, b) steps, c) stone,

    “Find the extra” (development of thinking)

Equipment: card (Appendix 3).

Description: The psychologist shows a card on which several objects are depicted. Children must guess which item is the odd one out and explain their answer.

Find the shapes

Post it like lesson 11

Find the way to lesson 10

Tell me from the picture

Tell me from the picture

Appendix 3

what lesson 9 is missing

Lay out the example for lesson 6

Test on the basics of pedagogy and psychology

Subject: Corrective work for cerebral palsy.

1. Medical correction.

2. Psychological correction of cognitive processes.

3. Principles of child psychocorrection.

4. Psychological correction of emotional disorders.

5. Correction of speech disorders.

6. Special correctional institutions.

7. Psychological and pedagogical correction in preschool institution.

The main goal of correctional work for cerebral palsy is to provide children with medical, psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy and social assistance; ensuring the most complete and early social adaptation, general and vocational training. Development is very important positive attitude to life, society, family, learning and work. The effectiveness of therapeutic and pedagogical measures is determined by timeliness, interconnectedness, continuity, continuity in the work of various units. Therapeutic and pedagogical work must be comprehensive. Important condition complex impact - coordination of actions of specialists in various fields: neurologist, psychoneurologist, exercise therapy doctor, speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist, educator. Their common position is necessary during examination, treatment, psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy correction.

1. Medical correction.

Healing Fitness - component medical rehabilitation of patients, a method of complex functional therapy that uses physical exercise as a means of maintaining the patient’s body in an active state, stimulating its internal reserves in the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by forced physical inactivity

Medicinal products physical culture– physical exercises, massage, hardening, passive gymnastics (manual therapy), labor processes, organization of the entire motor regime of patients with cerebral palsy—became integral components treatment process, rehabilitation treatment in all medical institutions and rehabilitation centers.

The positive effect that is observed when using physical therapy in patients with cerebral palsy is the result of optimal training of the whole organism. The principles and mechanisms of fitness development are absolutely the same both in normal and pathological conditions. To obtain a positive rehabilitation effect in children with cerebral palsy, long-term and persistent work is required. Objectives of exercise therapy during the period of residual effects:

Reducing hypertonicity of the adductor and flexor muscles, strengthening weakened muscles;

Improving joint mobility, correcting faulty musculoskeletal attitudes;

Improving coordination of movements and balance;

Stabilization of correct body position, strengthening the skill of independent standing and walking;

Expanding the child’s general motor activity, training age-related motor skills;

Training together with teachers and parents in self-care, mastering basic types of everyday activities, taking into account the mental development of the child.

To solve the problems, the following groups of exercises are used:

Relaxation exercises, rhythmic passive shaking of limbs, swinging movements, dynamic exercises;

Passive-active and active exercises from lightweight starting positions (sitting, lying down), exercises on the ball large diameter;

Exercises with objects to music, switching to new conditions of activity, developing expressiveness of movements; exercises in various types of walking: high, low, “slippery”, “hard”, with pushing; exercises for the head in i.p. sitting, standing;

Adopting correct posture at a support with visual control; exercises in various starting positions in front of a mirror;

Exercises for the development and training of basic age-related motor skills: crawling, climbing (on a bench), running, jumping (initially on a mini-trampoline), throwing; exercises in motion with frequent changes of starting position;

Game exercises “how I dress”, “how I comb my hair”, etc.

During the period of residual effects, the range of physical therapy means is expanded. The physical rehabilitation program includes massage, applied types physical exercise, occupational therapy, hydrokinesotherapy, physiotherapy (heat therapy, electrophoresis, UHF), hippotherapy, orthopedics (walking in splints, orthopedic boots, Adelie space suit). The volume of daily physical activity of children gradually increases as they grow and develop.

2. Psychological correction of cognitive processes.

The complex structure of intellectual defects in children with cerebral palsy requires a differentiated approach to psychological correction. When drawing up a psychocorrectional program, it is necessary to take into account the form, severity, specificity of mental dysfunction and the age of the patient with cerebral palsy.

The main tasks of psychological correction of sensory-perceptual processes:

· Teaching children to master sensory standards and form perceptual operations.

· Development of constancy, objectivity and generality of perception.

· Development of the speed of perception of objects.

For this purpose, a variety of activities are used with children to teach them to adequately perceive the shape and size of objects. Classes are conducted in stages, with increasing complexity of tasks.

The correction process itself should take place in parallel with teaching children productive activities: design, drawing, modeling, appliqué. Special attention is paid to the formation of constructive activity. Constructive activity is a complex cognitive process, as a result of which the perception of the shape, size of objects and their spatial relationships is improved (Luria, 1948; Wenger, 1969).

An important area of ​​psychocorrection is the development of visually effective and visually imaginative thinking. In this regard, psychological correction should solve the following tasks:

1. Teaching children a variety of object-practical manipulations with objects of various shapes, sizes, colors.

2. Training in the use of auxiliary objects (weapon actions).

3. Formation of visual thinking in the process of constructive and visual activity.

Psychocorrectional classes with children on the development of cognitive processes can be carried out both individually and in a group. During classes, the unity of requirements for the child from the teacher, psychologist and other specialists must be observed, especially when correcting the ability to control one’s actions. This is successfully achieved by following a daily routine and clear organization. Everyday life child, eliminating the possibility of non-completion of actions started by the child.

Directions and tasks of psychological correction of children with cerebral palsy in combination with mental retardation

Name and content of the block
Psychocorrectional tasks and techniques
Forms of cerebral palsy
Motivational. The child’s inability to identify, understand and accept the goals of action Formation of cognitive motives:
- creation of problematic learning situations;
- stimulating the child’s activity in class;
- analysis of the type of family upbringing (with a dominant type, the child’s cognitive activity decreases).
- creation of game learning situations;
- didactic and educational games
Delayed development in children with motor disorders due to socio-pedagogical neglect
Operational and regulatory. Inability to plan your activities in terms of time and content Teaching a child to plan activities over time.
Preliminary organization of orientation in the task.
Preliminary analysis with the child of the means of activity used.
All forms of cerebral palsy in combination with mental retardation of cerebral-organic origin
Control unit. The child’s inability to control his actions and make necessary adjustments Performance-based monitoring training.
Training in control by method of activity.
Training in control as the activity progresses.
- didactic games and exercises for attention, memory, observation;
- training in designing and drawing from models
Delayed development in children with cerebral palsy

When psychocorrecting children with cerebral palsy, working with parents is very important.

3. Principles of child psychocorrection.

The principles as fundamental ideas of psychological correction are based on the following fundamental principles of psychology:

The mental development and formation of a child’s personality are possible only in the process of communication with adults (Lisina, Lomov, etc.).

Important role In the mental development of a child, the formation of the leading type of activity plays a role (in preschool childhood - play, in primary school childhood - educational activities) (D.B. Elkonin and others).

The development of an abnormal child occurs according to the same laws as the development of a normal child. In the presence of certain, strictly thought-out conditions, all children have the ability to develop (L.S. Vygotsky, M. Montessori).

An important principle of psychological correction of abnormal development is the principle of complexity of psychological correction, which can be considered as a single complex of clinical, psychological and pedagogical influences. The effectiveness of psychological correction largely depends on taking into account clinical and pedagogical factors in the development of the child.

The second principle of psychological correction is the principle of unity of diagnosis and correction. Before deciding whether a child needs psychological correction, it is necessary to identify the characteristics of his mental development, the level of formation of certain psychological neoplasms, and the correspondence of the level of development of skills, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal connections to age periods. The tasks of correctional work can be correctly set only on the basis of a complete psychological diagnosis of both the zone of actual and immediate development of the child. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that “... in diagnosing development, the researcher’s task is not only to establish known symptoms and list or systematize them, and not only to group phenomena according to external, similar features, but exclusively to, through mental processing of these external data, penetrate into the inner essence of development processes."

Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy is a complex disease. It is a complex of motor disorders that arise due to pathologies of the pathways in the brain.

It is for these reasons that young patients with this diagnosis have slowed speech development and have problems with hearing, vision and motor skills.

Doctors make a conclusion about whether a child suffers from a similar disease or not when children reach one year of age, examining concomitant, hereditary diseases, and closely observing how patients behave in everyday life.

As a rule, most parents do not perceive a terrible diagnosis as a death sentence, but, on the contrary, provide all possible support to their child in the fight against the disease.

It is difficult for children diagnosed with cerebral palsy to learn to sit, it is difficult to stand, and it is also difficult to master the process of walking, since they do not have a clear idea of ​​​​how to move correctly.

Taking these features into account, experts have developed whole line exercises aimed at developing motor skills that can be performed at home. However, it is better if the classes are supervised by medical professionals.

In order to organize such games and exercises, you don’t need any special devices. You can conduct them yourself or watch classes conducted by specialists.

It has been proven that children Older adults remember better games that are played in groups of several people, but in some cases individual lessons are required.

It is better to involve a child suffering from cerebral palsy in specialized games at a very early stage. The specificity of the exercises depends on how complex the disease is. In order to choose the right complex, a consultation with a doctor is enough.

A set of exercises for warming up

Before starting the lesson, you need to massage the children’s hands or encourage them to do exercises, which are a kind of warm-up before the main complex:

Children use circular movements to cover their right and left hands;

It is necessary to carry out from the nail to the base of each finger, first on the right hand, then repeat this procedure on the left;

Under the leadership of an adult, children move their hand from the base of the hand to the tips of the fingers on each hand in turn.

After this, you can play games that will make the fingers of a child with cerebral palsy more mobile:

Ask the kids to clench their fingers into a fist, with the exception of the middle and index fingers, extend their arm forward, and then turn the hand to the right and left;

Children extend their index and middle fingers upward (remember that the remaining fingers remain clenched into a fist), and then bend and straighten them alternately;

The peculiarity of the following exercise is to touch thumb everyone else in turn;

Kids draw a circle with their index finger, and do it with their right hand, and then with their left. Subsequently, this exercise can be performed with both hands at once.

Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebral palsy.

Game "Grey bunny washes himself"" (3-7 years).

All participants, except one, sit in a circle. The one that remains enters its center and is proclaimed a bunny. Everyone else says:

"The bunny loves to visit,
We will wash his little body.

So he washed his mouth and ears.

Oh, how obedient he is!

He won't forget about his paws -

Wipe them with a clean rag.

And then let's jump -

“We need to run for a visit!”

In the meantime, the bunny must perform all the movements discussed in the poem. And the rest of the participants are required to repeat them after him. Then the main player chooses one of them, and he becomes the new hare. The game can be over after at least 5-6 children have played the role of this animal.

Game "Roll the ball down the hill"(2-5 years).

In order to play this active game, you need to roll the ball down an inclined plane. In this case, one participant must throw it from above, and the other must catch this object from below. After such throws, players need to change places. This sedentary game has a good effect on coordination of movements and joint mobility.

Games for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

"Pass without hitting the gate"(5-14 years old).

To start the game, you need to make a gate (four pieces) out of chairs, the passage through which will be equal to 50 cm. The children need to pass through them so as not to touch or knock down anything. First, participants act with their eyes open, and then they try to do the same without using their visual organs.

The winner is the one who was able to pass the obstacles without interference. These outdoor games teach caution and good concentration.

"Turn around - make no mistake"(7-14 years old).

Children stand in a row one step apart and turn to face the leader. Then they close their eyes and do what the instructor says. And he gives commands to turn left or right, spin around in place, take a step back or forward. Those participants in this outdoor game who completed all the exercises correctly are considered winners.

Exercises to strengthen muscles (myalgia)

"Prohibited Movement"(6-14 years old).

Children take a standing or sitting position, placing their hands on their knees. At the instructor’s command, they begin to repeat various exercises aimed at warming up their arms, torso and legs. At the same time, all movements are performed, except for one “forbidden” one - it is agreed upon in advance. Or instead, the participants do some other exercise (also determined before the start of the game). For example, instead of raising your hands up, you can clap your hands. It is noteworthy that this kind of sedentary games develop attentiveness and speed of reaction.

"Passed - sit down"(7-14 years old).

The players are divided into two teams, each of which should have 5-6 children. They stand in ranks facing each other. Groups choose captains who move five steps away from their teams. Their place is outlined with chalk, and balls are given to the group leaders. The captains of both teams throw them to the first representatives of their ranks, and when they catch the balls, they throw them back, and they themselves leave and sit on the bench. This continues until one group wins (in which case all members of one team should end up on the bench sooner than their opponents).

All these outdoor games not only help fight the above diseases, but also give children the opportunity to make friends and improve their mood. Entertainment, which awakens the spirit of competition, has a particularly good effect on children. Outdoor games are best played on outdoors– this will be an excellent and healthy pastime for sick or weakened children.

Kinesiological games for joint damage (polyarthritis)

"Whose horse is faster?"(4-9 years old).

Children sit on chairs and are given sticks with strings tied at the ends. Toy horses on wheels are attached to them. These objects are placed twenty steps from the participants in this sedentary game. The winner is declared the one whose horses reach the owner the fastest. To do this, you need to wrap a rope around a stick.

"Fist and Palm" (6-14 years old).

This sedentary game can be played while sitting or lying down. To begin, all participants need to clench their left hand into a fist and turn it towards the right, whose fingers should rest against it in an extended state. Then, on the contrary, the right hand is clenched into a fist, and the extended fingers of the left hand touch it. This exercise must be done quickly and clearly. This way the joints are developed very well.

Outdoor games for joint damage.

"Get back to your place"(7-14 years old).

All children sit on a bench (you can sit on chairs). The instructor draws a circle on the floor or asphalt. The first participant in this outdoor game gets into it and, blindfolded, takes four steps. Then he turns to the left, again takes four steps and turns his body to the right twice. He walks four more steps, turns to the right, walks four more steps, and thus he should end up in the circle from which he came out. If it is beyond its line, then you can repeat the exercise. Those children who do not break it win.

"Snowflakes" (3-12 years old).

To start this game, half of the children are assigned to the snowflake group, and the other half are assigned to the wind category. The instructor himself receives the proud title of "frost". When he says the phrase "blow-blow strong wind", then the guys who play his role run to the snowflakes that have already scattered across the playground. The children, in the form of ice fluffs, stand on their toes and raise their hands high up. They relax their fingers and begin to walk on their toes, and then slowly run, spin. Meanwhile, the outdoor game continues, the frost instructor wraps his arms around himself and says: “The frost has arrived.”

And the children crouch at such words, hugging their knees with their hands, confirming “Oh, how cold!”, and lowering their heads onto their chests as a sign of agreement. After this, the frost starts the conversation again: “Here comes a light breeze,” and the snowflakes slowly say “fu-u-u-u” in response. Then they get up, raise their arms again, stand on their toes and carefully begin to run, imitating the smooth movements of snowflakes. This is how this outdoor game ends, but after the end it begins again. At the same time, snowflakes turn into wind, and he, in turn, takes on their role.

All games and exercises are carried out under the supervision of parents or medical professionals. If it is difficult for a child to stand while running, you need to support him and help him make the movement.

Don’t leave your baby in trouble, you need to help him get back on his feet, you need to make him happy and healthy.

Velcro, soft fur
Hard fur

Leather is hard, synthetic leather is soft
Wooden ribbed surface,corrugated cardboard



Drawing of a 4 cm cube

At first, the child was unable to get anything out of the box because... my palms were tightly clenched into fists, so I myself opened my palm and helped him get objects out of the box. First I worked with my right hand ((the left one is holding onto the box with my help at this moment)), then the same with my left hand. Over time, my son I began to shovel the contents of the box with my fists, and after a while with my palms. My right hand did a better job than my left, and although experts recommended developing only my right hand, I focused on both hands. After 1.5 years from the start of my first lessons, both palms open well and I can hold objects, even large ones, with both hands at the same time. One day we took everything out of the box, the other day we folded everything. When folding, I focused my attention on the edge of the box so as not to miss. As I did, I ran my open palm along the edge of the box and said that this is the edge. I also put rustling bags in this box

A train to reinforce concepts about color and learn how to unscrew and tighten caps. To make it, I took a box from a computer keyboard and 8 plastic bottles. I cut off the necks of the bottles to the width of the box, retreating 1 cm from the side of the cut edge and making 4 holes with a needle heated over the fire. I pasted a train cut out of cardboard and rails onto the box. In the places where the wheels will be, I cut out holes according to the volume of the neck. I inserted bottle necks and sewed them with a very thick thread from the bottom of the box.
Tower made of cardboard cubes. Dimensions from 2.5 cm + 1.5 cm for each cube.
Opening boxes

When the child learns to do all this with the help of mom/dad/, then we begin to sort objects. Place 4 cones on a tray. and 4 balls of the same color. Mix. Say: “Give me just the balls,” or “Give me just the cones.” If he gives the wrong thing, say, “I don’t want to,” and shake his head. If it doesn’t work out, then help: “Here is the ball, take the ball with your hand.” Each time I changed the items so as not to get bored. This is the most difficult part of choosing toys. Over time, choose and give it to a doll or another toy. This is called working through a third character.

We roll the roller on the table. We fold and lay out the contents. We show that round balls roll, and you can build a tower out of cubes. We made the roller ourselves. The base is from a wooden construction set, and the wheels are from a toy truck.

Ensuring communication with children is problematic for us living in the village. Therefore best friends my son got two dolls and a teddy bear. They calm him down when he is in a bad mood, the son studies and plays with them, takes care of them. They looked at the faces and body parts on the dolls, and then they looked for the same thing from the son. They took objects out of the box. For the bear - animals, for the doll - objects. I voice everything and conduct a dialogue on behalf of the doll and the bear.

A real electronic synthesizer. Improves fine motor skills of the fingers.

Dad's electric guitar. My son strums it with pleasure.

Homemade maracas. In one plastic bottle poured beads into another bead.

Squeaker hammer and pipe.

We take out the buckets

Sensory perception. We look at a lit candle in the dark, and then we blow together.
An operation to correct strabismus cannot be performed on my son, because they can perform divergent strabismus, as soon as our neurology can be reduced - the strabismus may become minimal. The ophthalmologist recommended fighting to preserve vision in both eyes through short-term accclusion / no more than 1 hour per eye at a time per day / alternately on each eye and at the same time present objects from the right if the left eye is closed and from the left if the right eye is closed. And also gentle stimulation of the optic nerve. To do this, I took a simple small lamp with a low-power small light bulb, made a stand from a cardboard box so that only the light bulb could be seen and 4 cups of primary colors from the insert pyramid / red, blue, green, yellow/. I tape one eye, put a glass, sit the child in front of the lamp and turn it on for 10 seconds, then turn it off for 10 seconds. I do this with every color. 1 minute for each color. I repeat it twice, but if the child doesn’t want to, I don’t force it. We carry out the procedure for 10 days on one eye, then take a month off and repeat it on the other eye. The improvement is visible to the naked eye. When picking up objects, he rarely misses, he moves his eyes well in different directions / the right one did not move at all /, he began to notice small objects.

Opening and closing the box

A little inflated balloons, also with different content. Among the balls there is also an empty one.

Learning to bang one car against another
We recently bought a small set for playing doctor. The game turned out to be long and even interesting to me. It started with the fact that my favorite doll refused to eat. I put my son’s hand on the doll’s head and said, Lala is probably sick, let’s treat her. They took his temperature, checked his throat and ears, kneaded his tummy, and used a phonendoscope to listen to his breathing and how he coughed. Oh, everything hurts. They put drops on her eyes and nose, gave her cough medicine, gave her water to drink, gave her an injection and put her to bed. A few hours later I tell my son, let’s wake up Lyalya and check if she has recovered or not. They woke me up, changed my clothes, and took my temperature. Lyalya is healthy! My son enjoyed the game and now demands a continuation every day.

In order to somehow diversify the child’s life, I involve him in everything that I do myself. He cannot move on his own, so he spends most of his time in my arms. Before bed, we help dad spread the bed. We fluff up the pillows, spread out the sheet and blanket, and wave our hands. We open and close the curtains. When we do household chores: my son opens and closes pots, lids on jars, helps knead the dough with his hands, scoops flour out of a bowl, opens doors in the refrigerator and cabinets. He knocks on the bowls with a spoon. I let you taste the salt and sugar. Let's turn it on together washing machine and then we hang out the laundry. I let you vacuum, hold on to the mixer that is on, close the microwave. We wipe off dust from the furniture and crumbs from the table. When I peel vegetables, I let them scoop out the peelings from the bowl. I fill 3 cups with cold, warm and hot water. I let them touch each cup. .I show a full and an empty cup. When I just started to get involved in everything, I talked about the object and the sequence of actions with it. Helps in creating developmental material: gives scissors, pen, paper, puts garbage in a bucket. To remove the fear and protest of everything new, I sat on different surfaces, often changed bedspreads, curtains and my clothes. The result is that I no longer shrink from fear and no longer shudder. Like every child, my son also quickly gets bored with everything, so he has to alternate activities and games and at the same time have a lot of them and constantly come up with new ones. Every day he freaks out that he can’t do something on his own. Then I explain to him that he can when he grows up a little. and that everyone was small and didn’t know how either. Previously, my son was silent like a fish. In order to find contact with the child and understand what he wants, she began to enter gestures with her head, Yes, No, At first she began to enter in relation to food. She asked: “It’s delicious,” she answered for him, “Yes,” and nodded her head. As soon as her son began to respond with gestures, she transferred them to another type of activity: “Are you going to play?” and nodded her head. The result was not long in coming. When we walk on the street, we look at the grass, trees, bushes, smell the flowers. I let you touch everything. In winter, I paid attention to the snow and rain. In summer, to the rustling of the grass, the blowing of the wind, the singing of birds, whether it’s sunny or cloudy. Almost every day a helicopter flies over us - I also pay attention and ask you to look up. I pay attention to different sounds. We learn to play in the sandbox and play football with the dog. We teach the concept of close - far. We play finger games, listen to classical music, music from cartoons, audio fairy tales, and watch slides on the computer. I show myself in the mirror, let you comb your hair and comb me. I show you how to make faces at your reflection. In a lying position, I taught you to throw socks and balls. After such exercises, the spasticity in my hands decreased and I learned how to swing my arms. We blow up balloons and soap bubbles. We blow on dandelions and empty bags. When we brush our teeth, we show how to spit. Sitting on the sofa, we throw objects on the floor, and then put them together. I put a pen in my hand and draw figures with my son’s hand, and then ask him to hide / sketch /. I help color the coloring book. I started potty training when I was 1.1 years old. It didn’t work out right away. I realized that my pants were wet only when I was closer to 3 years old. But I still don’t want to sit on the potty myself. I keep both my son and the potty suspended. When changing clothes, I don’t take off the blouse completely, but leave it on my head and ask you to take it off yourself. I do the same with mittens, socks and a hat. After 2 years of active training in mental development I came to the conclusion that you need to study in complete silence, with the TV turned off and in the absence of dad and grandma. The child is doing well until they enter the room. Their appearance begins to distract the son, he indulges, and then becomes capricious, and as a result, the activity is lost. Under no circumstances do I give in to the child’s desires. If he started to be capricious, and then switched to a wild roar, everyone knows to run up and regret, I don’t allow him. I sit down next to my son and quietly go about my business. After crying a little, he calms down and asks to play with him. Exercise with a soft pyramid. Now that I already know that my son fully understands the speech addressed to him, I complicate the dialogue. In order for a child to study with pleasure, there must be motivation for what purpose he will do this or that action. I will give an example on a soft pyramid. I seat my son in a chair with a table. I put a doll on the table / in case of tears, it will calm him down /. I set a goal for the child to disassemble the pyramid. , Look, Maxim, what a beautiful pyramid we have, it’s soft, I’ll let you touch it. Remove the top pad. ,Look, this is a small pillow, We remove the next one: ,And this one is a little larger, And this one is even larger, And this one is even larger, And this one is the biggest, Well done, Maxim, you dismantled the whole pyramid. Now let’s fold the pyramid, This is a big pillow, And this one is a little smaller, And this one is smaller, This pillow is even smaller, But this is the smallest one, Well done, Maxim, he folded the whole pyramid. During this lesson, we don’t pay attention to the color of the pillows.Previously, when giving my child a task, I used simple sentences: Take the ball. Place the ball on the table. Roll the ball. Now I have complicated the sentences: Take the ball, put it on the table and roll it around. I did this with the goal that the child would begin to remember the entire task given to him, and not just what he heard last. This way I develop my memory.Lesson with cubes: Look, Maxim, what beautiful cubes. Let's take them out of the box and put them on the table. The cubes are in a box with small sides and a short distance from each other. He took it out with his right hand and placed it on the left side. ,Well done! Let's take the cube and put it on the table. Continue until the child gets all the cubes. Well done, Maxim! Look, the box is empty. Now let's put all the cubes back in the box, Folded. Praised. ,Close the box,

Cubes on a spit, for the development of tactile sensations

My husband made the base and I did the rest. This is an exact copy American equipment for the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations, logical thinkingand color study .To make the spit, 6 pieces of 4x4 cm cubes were made from wood (you can use ready-made ones purchased). Holes for a base stick were drilled in the center of the cubes (we found metal pipe with a small diameter). The base is a polished board. I glued the tactile surfaces in pairs with instant glue.
How we play: my son finds identical surfaces, strokes them with his fingers, then does everything at random and finds them again.A box of tea bags turned out to be interesting for my son. The bags themselves rustle a little (and he loves that) and smell. It may take 20 minutes to remove the bags from the box, while everyone sniffs, and put them back.Now is the season of preparations and my son helps me, he is interested and at the same time develops fine motor skills. I dry the dried fruits in an electric dryer. To do this, I cut the apples into slices, and Maxim puts them on pallets (5 pallets in total). It helps to put the finished drying in a 3-liter jar. (he plays around and takes it back, and I pretend to swear) He can do this activity for a very long time.

I continue to produce manuals for the development of finger motor skills.
The therapeutic effect consists of threading and pulling an object into narrow holes with the fingers. I took the idea from a manual made in the USA. In the original, you take a toy of irregular shape, but for Maxim this is still difficult, so I took a button on the leg. To make the manual we will need:

1. Base made of thick fabric measuring 42cm x 32cm

2. A piece of plywood 40 cm x 30 cm, on which the manual is glued after production and glue, Moment,
3. Pieces of colored dense fabric, the edges of which do not wrinkle, for making ribbons.
4.The toy is round or irregular in shape and the thread is thick white, on which the toy is put on.
There are 20 small ribbons, 10 for each color, size 2x3 cm and 4 large ribbons, size 2x13,14,15,16 cm. I sewed the parts on a sewing machine.