Scents of the evening garden: a selection of the best varieties of fragrant flowers. Fragrant flowers in the garden Flowers with a pleasant aroma for the garden

The summer scent cannot be compared to anything else. garden flowers. These memories constantly visit us on cold winter days. Anyone can create such a fairy tale on their own plot.

After all, you can choose not only beautiful, but also fragrant garden flowers. Even if the fragrant beauty is not distinguished by the brightness of its colors, there is a place for unpretentious fragrant flowers in any flowerbed.

When choosing varieties, it is important to pay attention to the overlapping range of odors and flowering time.

Annual “flower perfume” for the simplest flower bed

Annuals can be sown directly into the ground as soon as there is no threat of frost on the soil. In order for the plants to bloom earlier, the seedlings are grown on the windowsill and planted in the flowerbed in mid-May.

The most popular annual flowers with aroma for the garden, which do not require special care, but delight not only with bright colors, but also with a magical aroma:

  • Sweet pea– a variety of colors and varieties allows you to create a front garden or flowerpot in any style and color scheme. As a result of selection, many modern varieties of ornamental peas, especially double peas, do not have the persistent aroma inherent in the simplest varieties.
    The peculiarity of this flower, its tendrils clinging to any support, will help you create a magnificent trellis in a shady corner of the garden or on the veranda. There are bush varieties that look beautiful in the design of flower beds and ridges.

Advice. The most fragrant variety "Rosemary Verey" - bright red flowers and a magical smell.

  • Mirabilis is a southern exotic native to Peru. The flower feels great in middle lane Russia and makes me happy abundant flowering throughout summer season. Delicate inflorescences of red, yellow, pink and white colors open in the shade or partial shade after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Advice. The crop can be sown under film or on a windowsill in April, and planted in open ground in the middle of May.

  • Alyssum or marine lobularia– the honey aroma will lure small wasps into the garden, which successfully destroy aphids. The plant is ideal for northern latitudes, as it is not afraid of spring frosts.

The seeds are planted directly into the ground, lightly sprinkled with soil; sunlight should fall on the seeds for better germination.

Shade and annuals

Fragrant plants for the garden that grow beautifully and smell fragrant in the shade:

  • Fragrant tobacco is an unpretentious flower that blooms closer to night. The most popular varieties winged and jasmine tobacco. The tallest is forest, reaching a height of one and a half meters, recommended for planting in tree trunk circles fruit trees, repels pests;
  • Mattiola is an annual that does not like direct sunlight and begins to smell in the late afternoon, when the air is humid and cool. Sown in flower beds and flower beds in the shade of larger dahlias or peonies.

Interesting. A relative of the well-known shy matthiola is the annual Levkoy.
The Beauty and Mamot varieties amaze with their bright colors and large double inflorescences.
But these beauties are demanding of warmth and light, unlike the shy Mattiola.

Fragrant perennials

Bulbous and corm perennials will provide a fragrant garden throughout the summer:

Spring blooms and a pleasant scent are much needed after a long, cold winter.

Mostly in the spring, bulbous varieties of flowers delight:

  • Lilies of the valley - “hello on the first of May” grow beautifully in shady corners of the garden. Often planted in combination with aromatic plants from a later flowering period, such as peonies or carnations;
  • Narcissists are only the most regular varieties white and yellow, delight with a magnificent, subtle, refined scent. Varietal daffodils are, of course, beautiful, but they have no scent at all;

Advice. Narcissus can grow in one place without transplanting for up to three years.
It is necessary to plant the bulbs as the size of the bud decreases.

  • Hyacinth – spring flower bed without hyacinths it is simply impossible. The intoxicating aroma of this flower awakens imagination and imagination, but it is not recommended to keep bouquets of hyacinth in the house, as severe headaches and high blood pressure may occur;
  • They love violets shady areas, and under straight lines sun rays die quickly. This flower perfect decoration for difficult to cultivate areas under fences and in tree trunks.

Advice. It is better to sow violets with seeds “before winter” so that the plant hardens.

A lush summer flowerbed or front garden with a swarm of butterflies hovering over it is not at all difficult:

  • Cloves – there are a lot of fragrant varieties. They are not as large as the familiar carnations from the store, but their smell repels mosquitoes and other pests. Therefore, the gardener’s instructions recommend planting these flowers near gazebos and other recreational areas. summer cottage. The most unpretentious varieties summer carnations - lush, grayish-blue, feathery.

Advice. It is better to plant carnations as seedlings rather than seeds, since you will have to wait a whole year for seedlings after planting.
And over the summer the bush grows into a lush, fragrant green carpet.

  • Irises - there are varieties with a surprisingly subtle, pleasant aroma. These are yellow, yellow with white centers and purple irises. The flowering period is July and again the end of September, October, depending on the region;
  • Roses are the queens of any garden. The most unpretentious and disease-resistant varieties with an unsurpassed aroma are Hansa and Delikat, purple and pink in color, respectively. These varieties bloom almost all summer and are resistant to powdery mildew. White inflorescences of the Alba variety, medium height amazes with its long-lasting, rich rose aroma.
  • Lush bright peonies delight with a sweet spicy aroma and are perfect for the center of a flower bed or flower garden;

  • Lilies - these sophisticated ones elegant flowers They don’t delight us for very long, but many people love their magnificent exuberance and subtle scent in mid-July. White Lily also used as an alcohol tincture in folk medicine as an ideal antiseptic, wound healing and skin rejuvenating agent. The price of the rejuvenating tincture is a bush of graceful white beauties in the composition of a summer front garden.

Advice. Lilies look very beautiful in a composition of irises and small daisies.
Especially if in Provence or Mediterranean style.

In autumn there are not many flowers that can please you with a pleasant smell, but chrysanthemums are beyond competition. This cold-resistant perennial will decorate the garden on cloudy autumn days.

Interesting. Chrysanthemum leaf salad has unique anti-aging properties, as it accelerates the metabolism of all cells.

But not only flowers can bring pleasant smells to our garden.

There are many unpretentious aromatic herbs that you can easily plant with your own hands and that do not require constant painstaking care:

  • Mint - peppermint and round-leaved varieties. An excellent addition to aromatic tea or an exotic summer salad;
  • Lavender - a gently purple bush covered with frost is considered a healer in any garden, used in herbal sedatives and as a remedy for moths;

  • Lovage - a frost-resistant fragrant bush that pleases beautiful foliage and is often used to prepare medicinal decoctions when rinsing hair;
  • Rosemary is an aromatic seasoning and a beautiful Christmas tree in any flower bed (requires shelter for the winter at frosts above 15 degrees).


Fragrant flower beds can be composed of both flowers and herbs, the main thing is that the smells do not contrast with each other. The video in this article will introduce you to interesting options design of flower beds and flower beds from different parts of the world.

Flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts to people from Mother Nature. Various flowers in the culture of the peoples of the Earth they symbolize love, friendship, sympathy and many other positive feelings. And if we give someone a bouquet of flowers, we thereby want to show our affection or respect. In this rating we have collected the ten most pleasant-smelling flowers so that you can create the most fragrant bouquet of aromas on occasion.

This perennial flower from the Passionflower family, which includes over 500 species. One of the most beautiful passion flowers is Blue Passionflower, a plant purple with white stripes.

Different types of passion flowers have medicinal properties, but are known more for their exotic and very pleasant smell. The plant blooms during the rainy season and grows in places where there is frequent rainfall.

The Italian Giacomo Bosio described the passion flower as the natural embodiment of the Passion of Christ.

  • The three stigmas of the pestle are the nails with which the Son of God was nailed to the cross.
  • The stamens are the five wounds of Christ.
  • The outer crown is the crown of thorns, and the 72 threads of the inner crown are its thorns.
  • The spear-shaped leaves of passionflower symbolize the spear of Longinus.
  • The symbol of the 30 pieces of silver of Judah became the pieces of iron on the reverse side of the sheet.

The appearance of this climbing plant with clusters of large purple flowers - a sure sign of spring. Only at this time of year it smells sweetly, for which gardeners love it very much. The name “wisteria” itself is translated from Greek as “sweet”.

In Russia, wisteria is found in the south, including Crimea. It can also be grown at home, in the form of a bonsai.

This is the national flower of Nicaragua, so honored due to its amazing beauty and pleasant scent. It is also known as frangipani, named after the noble Italian family who created the plumeria-scented perfume.

The delicate aroma of these flowers cannot be described in one word, because it changes depending on environmental conditions. It manifests itself most clearly in the morning hours.

Frangipani oil extracts are often added to face creams and skin cleansers. They have regenerating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

These tiny white-yellowish flowers, about 5mm in diameter, grow in the Mediterranean region. IN spring season they emit a pleasant aroma and are perfect for making wreaths.

You can plant sea lobularia in a pot and it will bloom in the sun and shade. This flower is widely used as an ornamental plant; it is unpretentious and requires minimal investment of time and money.

Bright ornamental plant is one of the most fragrant flowers on Earth and has been grown for over 300 years. Sweet peas can be the most different shades, from red to pink and from yellow to white. It can often be seen in Russian gardens and dachas.

However, there are certain types of sweet peas that, contrary to their name, do not have a pleasant smell. Therefore, before purchasing seeds of this plant, carefully read the product description.

This plant has another name - Four o'clock - which gives an idea of ​​its main feature. The flowers of the night beauty open in the middle of the day and remain open throughout the night.

Typically, gardeners plant the night beauty in the patio or close to the windows to enjoy the pleasant smell, which is strongly felt in the evening. The plant is unpretentious, can grow in both sun and shade, and needs very little water.

If you love chocolate, then this flower is for you. Chocolate cosmos (aka black cosmos) is distinguished from its “brethren” by its unique reddish-brown color and sweet, delicious aroma of vanilla and chocolate. And the heat makes this smell surprisingly rich.

Just don’t eat black cosmos, even if you really want chocolate. She's poisonous.

This plant was previously found only in its homeland - Mexico - and for a long time was considered endangered. Now you can buy its seeds in Russian specialized online stores. However, keep in mind that they have poor germination and most often propagate cosmos by dividing tubers.

This kind tropical plants was named after the famous Scottish botanist Alexander Garden. Gardenia flowers are a common decoration for weddings because they have important religious significance and retain their beauty and fragrance, reminiscent of jasmine, for a long time. The white color of gardenia symbolizes purity and innocence, and perfectly complements the bride's dress.

In large quantities, the intoxicating aroma of gardenias can “clog” all other odors in the garden. These fragrant beauties are finicky to care for and susceptible to aphids and powdery mildew.

In second place in the top 10 most fragrant flowers is the sweet-smelling white jasmine. This is a flower of the tropics, but its smell is well known to Russian women. After all, jasmine is used to make many cosmetic products, from shampoos and hand creams to perfumes and face masks.

Jasmine flowers are the source of one of the most pleasant and popular fragrances in the world. However, they are also used in cooking, giving a unique smell to tea and desserts, as well as in folk medicine, for example skin diseases and as an antidepressant.

1. Rose

There is no other flower on Earth that can be compared to the beauty and aroma of a blooming rose. Depending on its color, it is a symbol of love, passion, nobility, purity, virginity and spiritual unfoldment. And the rarest rose in the world is the black rose, growing in Turkey in the village of Halfeti. Surprisingly, its petals are initially dark red, and only acquire a rich charcoal color towards the end of summer. This is explained by the properties of the soil that is washed away groundwater with very high level pH.

There are ten of the most fragrant varieties of roses according to the American Rose Society. These include:

  1. Aida;
  2. Duftwolke;
  3. Mr. Lincoln;
  4. Tiffany;
  5. Dublin;
  6. Captain Harry Stebbings;
  7. Royal Highness;
  8. Limelight;
  9. ‘Miss All-American Beauty;
  10. Folklore.

Queens of flowers demand large quantity sunlight, warmth and frequent pruning, but their wonderful aroma more than makes up for all the difficulties in care.

A garden is not only a kingdom of bright colors and variety of shapes, but also a magical accumulation of a wide variety of aromas that envelop us in the lightest cloud of subtle nuances with every walk or enchant us in freshly cut bouquets. When mentioned aromatic plants Many people first of all remember roses and charming flowerbed flowers, and the most traditional shrubs - lilac, jasmine, mock orange. Meanwhile, among the trees and shrubs, many can boast of a unique aroma that is noticeable even from a distance. Shrubs and trees with the most fragrant flowers wrap the entire garden in a charming cloud. And it's not just about spring bloom: among the largest garden inhabitants there are many plants that can boast a strong aroma, but at the same time bloom at the most different times of the year. And if you want to make your garden not only blooming, but also filled with notes of enchanting odors, a kind of fragrant kingdom, pay attention to the best fragrant shrubs and trees, many of which are also very original.

Splendor fragrant shrubs starts long before the “official” start garden season. Of course, in those countries where severe frosts prevent winter flowering, amazing shrubs produce flowers only in February - March, but in other regions they can be enjoyed already against the backdrop of the first snow. Among the winter-flowering shrubs, which can only be found in regions with mild climates, the magnificent December witch hazel stands out for its elegant fragrance. Like a magical vision, its delicate filigree flowers densely dot the bush, exuding an almond aroma and filling the garden with the crackling of seed pods. To replace it, with the approach of spring, the wolfberry tree, reminiscent of lilac in smell, but not at all similar in appearance, blooms, decorating February with its bright branches. In regions with harsh winters, both shrubs bloom much later; in particular, wolfberry blooms only in April.

Following the most fragrant “winter” shrubs, a real parade of spring aromas begins. The unique intoxicating smells of spring reveal all the richness of the palette of nuances and halftones. Charming corylopsis, Japanese skimmia and antipka bird cherry enchant with a sweet, light scent, mahonia and willow with honey-like viscous aromas, and decorative viburnum with vanilla aromas. Mahonia, if the end of winter is very mild, can bloom as early as February, attracting early bees with its amazing lily of the valley aroma. In spring, in the garden you can find an aroma of any intensity, because to the main tone of the most fragrant crops is added the no less sweet, albeit not so original, flowering of fruit bushes.

At the beginning of summer, honey aromas become even more intense thanks to the exotic flowering of honeysuckle, the sweetish-luscious tone of mock orange, the tart notes of decorative cherries and the completely irresistible fragrance of chimonanthus and calicanthus. The legendary honeysuckle with its thick honey smell reveals its full aroma only after sunset. Charming beautiful flowers, it also attracts nocturnal insects en masse, so it is better not to plant honeysuckle too close to evening rest areas. Mock orange is very similar in appearance and smell to jasmine, but unlike the original crop, it is winter-hardy. On windless, quiet days, the original aroma of calicanthus instantly attracts attention. But the thickest scents among trees and shrubs can perhaps be offered by June lilacs and Chinese wisteria. With the arrival of July, completely different plants appear on the garden scene: tart and very fragrant buddleias and wintergreens, karyopteris, gradually giving way to the almond tones of clematis, the sweet, haunting smell of hydrangeas and the very rich aroma of cletra. If you prefer spicy shades of aromas, then pay attention to the Mediterranean beauty Buddleia, whose long clusters of inflorescences attract flocks of butterflies. Among the fruity notes in any garden, Japanese Quince stands out with its richness. And numerous rhododendrons can make their fragrant contribution to big picture fragrant garden. Some of the most fragrant shrubs are representatives of the Viburnum genus. Many of them smell very unusual; in particular, Viburnum fragrant has an almost almond aroma. In regions with warm climates, it blooms only in November, reaching its peak flowering in March and April.

They are not always fragrant flowering shrubs and trees. In many plants, the aroma is emitted not by inflorescences or fruits, but by leaves. Such unique crops include karyopteris, St. John's wort, wintergreen and even boxwood. The most striking of the smells will be offered to its owners by the charming scarlet plant, which is valued primarily for the unique changes in the bright color of the foliage. In autumn, this shrub is enveloped in a cloud of subtle aroma, reminiscent of a large pastry shop with the smell of fresh baked goods.

The 15 shrubs and trees with the strongest odor include:

– witch hazel is a three-meter giant blooming from January to March with yellow-orange flowers and an almond aroma;
– Mahonia bealei, blooming from February to April, with a lily of the valley scent, up to 2 meters high;
– Common wolfberry, blooming in March and April, only up to 1 meter high with a lilac-like aroma;
– Japanese crimson up to 7 meters in height with leaves smelling of cinnamon, vanilla and caramel and inconspicuous April flowering;
– Corylopsis spica, up to 2 meters high, whose yellow flowering in April and May is accompanied by a cloud of light aroma reminiscent of primroses;
– bird cherry with a bitter odor and a height of 10 to 15 meters, blooming with large white inflorescences in April – May;
– Fothergilla mountaina with a strong honey aroma, characteristic of white May inflorescences, up to 1 meter high;
– Japanese skimmia up to one and a half meters high, also white-flowering with a lily of the valley aroma;
– Common lilac and its “sister” Chinese lilac up to 6 meters high with purple flowers and a thick, typical rich aroma;
– Yellow rhododendron up to 2 meters high with a very sweet smell of golden flowers that bloom in May;
– Mock orange with a characteristic strong odor, up to 3 meters high;
– Honeysuckle honeysuckle, whose long shoots bloom with yellow flowers in May–July, covering the garden at night with a honey aroma;
– brown-red flowering Calicanthus, up to 2 meters in height with a spicy, very strong aroma of flowers appearing in June and July;
– Buddleia Davida, blooming all summer, up to 3 meters high with an equally strong smell with spicy notes;
– Viburnum viburnum, the aroma of pink flowers reminiscent of a mixture of violets and almonds, up to 3 meters high, blooming from September to April.

Like other flowering crops, fragrant shrubs and trees reveal their aroma more fully not during the day, but in the early morning or late evening. It’s no coincidence that essential oils Jasmine petals or lavender are collected only in the pre-dawn hours. If you want to fully enjoy the aroma of the bushes, take a walk through the evening garden.

Selecting fragrant shrubs and trees so that they fill the garden with aromas all year round is quite simple. Of course, to do this, you should take into account individual intolerance to certain odors, your tastes, climatic conditions and the flowering time of each shrub. So that the garden is always filled strong aromas, plants should be selected so that they bloom alternately, picking up each other’s aromas. Be sure to take into account the plants’ requirements for light and soil characteristics. When choosing a planting site, keep in mind that in order to fully enjoy their aroma, it is better to place fragrant crops near recreation areas, paths, terraces, and gazebos. But do not place two fragrant plants next to each other: their aromas, intertwining, will create a thick, heavy aroma. Be sure to plant one less fragrant plant for each fragrant plant.

Perhaps, flowers are associated with femininity, a delicate sweet aroma and summer for everyone. But Mother Nature, along with evolution, created something directly opposite to our ideas about the world of flowers. And that rotten, stinking flower that you haven’t watered for a month after you went on vacation will seem like a heavenly creature with wonderful aroma, in comparison with the winners of our selection.

Firstly, the plants discussed below exude bad smell decomposition, putrefaction or excrement. The target "audience" of these flowers are flies, dung beetles and other insects with a perverted sense of beauty.

Secondly, this smell is only a bait, and not at all a weapon, which everyone who heard it thought of, because some of the plants are predators. Some of the “exhibits” below are also the largest on the planet.

A fleshy and succulent plant that resembles a cactus. It has no stems, but the flowers are covered with fibers, spots and look like an inhabitant of the deep sea. This is probably why its other names are star cactus, starfish, large toad flower, etc. In Stapelia gigantea, flowers reach about 40 cm in diameter, and the greater the stench they emit - the smell of decaying flesh is so popular with flies, larvae and beetles that they crawl right into the center of the plant, where the reproductive organs are located.

This plant comes from South Africa, but many grow this stinking flower in their rock gardens or as a landscape decoration.

Gidnora with a fleshy crown grows from sandy soil in the deserts of South Africa.

While spreading the suffocating smell of death around itself, it attracts small pollinators. The beetle crawls into the very epicenter of the “aroma” through the cracks between the petals, pollinates the plant, looks for food or lays eggs.

Meanwhile, the plant itself feeds from the roots, which go deep into the soil, clinging to other people's roots. The ground part of this plant can be conditionally called a flower; in fact, it is a calyx with a rough outer surface sand color. Inside, the surface of the gidnora is more delicate and changes color from white to blood-red, which also attracts various insects, but mainly carrion beetles. Also, this stinking flower is very similar to the worm from the movie Tremors.

The pale and tough integumentary tissues of the lily are covered with dark, dense hairs, which resembles peeling fur on a dead animal. The flower exudes the smell of rotting, which attracts corpse flies and blow flies.

On the first day of flowering, the stigmas of the pistils open, that is, the female stigmas, the flies bathe in nectar and lay offspring. The next day, the stigmas of the pistils close, the stamens open, the sticky bodies of the insects become dirty in male pollen, the smell of which encourages the insects to flee, that is, to another stinking flower. This is how cross-pollination occurs.

On cloudy days, when there are practically no insects, Helicodiceros is able to raise the temperature so that its smell spreads much further, attracting other flies. It grows in the northwestern part of the Mediterranean region.

The largest stinking flower in the world, also known as the Voodoo lily.

Grows in flat areas, preferring the tropics and subtropics of southern and western Africa, China, Madagascar, India, Nepal, etc.
It blooms once every 10 years, perhaps accumulating all its strength just for this flowering. At the age of five years, a bud begins to form; a cob-shaped inflorescence of dark burgundy color appears on the surface of the stem, which consists of male and female flowers, covered with a dense hood on top. The height of the cob is about 70 cm. Some sources claim that Amorphophallus titanum can grow up to 4 meters in height. Outside are located male flowers, and below, hidden, are female.

Polite Englishmen call the aroma emanating from plants “bad fish,” but in reality it is simply impossible to describe it in words. However, this is the smell that is needed in order to attract the insects necessary for pollination. At this time, the cob itself warms up to 40 C from the inside, this is also necessary to attract pollinators and more. Usually, the ceremonial flowering of the giant occurs in front of a crowd of tourists coming from all over the globe. The lifespan of Amorphophallus is about 40 years, but it blooms only 3-4 times in its life.

Pale yellow flowers that grow mainly around ponds and lakes. This smelly flower smells like a scared skunk. This quality is responsible for attracting pollinating insects. Other famous name This flower is skunk cabbage.

Lysichiton is also able to raise the temperature in order to survive in frosts, so that the snow around the flower melts.
Habitat: swampy areas, banks of rivers and reservoirs in North America. North American Indians used this flower for food, boiling it several times, because... V fresh the plant causes acute pain in the stomach. They also used it to treat various ailments.

Habitats: China, Japan, North America and Russia - on Far East. Prefers damp and damp places, flooded meadows, river banks and swamps.

The appearance of simplocarpus is very exotic, especially against the backdrop of barely melted snow. It is a burgundy, dense and leathery hood with a pointed end that hangs over a round yellow cob. It is characterized by a pungent odor that can be described as carrion with garlic, so attractive to pollinating insects.

A climbing plant with dense greenery, oval leaves and a stinking flower. Large-flowered Aristolochia has flowers about 20 cm in diameter and 50-60 cm long, exuding a strong carrion smell, which insects really like. The flowers themselves “have a secret”: when a fly decides to get out of a flower, having eaten nectar, the fibers covering the surface of the calyx prevent them from getting out. The insect flounders for a long time until it pollinates the aristocholia. The villi wither under the influence of pollen, and the fly moves on. The flowers themselves look very impressive against the background of dark green foliage - regular heart-shaped and dark burgundy color with white veins, so the plant often serves as a landscape decoration.

Flowering tree plant. During flowering, it emits the smell of organic decomposition. Pollinated by flies attracted by the smell.
The radius of the scent varies depending on the species. The flowers of Sarpanthus Palanga smell like long-dead animals, have a dark purple color and a harmless appearance.

The stinking flower of this plant exudes such an unpleasant odor that among the ancient Romans he was the god of manure, and the name of a whole species of plants with a very unpleasant odor is dedicated to him. Sterculia foetida blooms only in its natural environment, spreading the smell of excrement. Flowers appear first, attracting pollinators with their scent, and only then leaves appear.

This is a mushroom that would be suitable as a setting for an alien movie.
Before the lobes open, it looks like a large egg with a heterogeneous bumpy surface, off-white in color with brown and pink spots at the base. Later, when its blades open (3-8 pieces), it takes the form of a red star-shaped flower, the petals of which look like slippery tentacles. The inside of the plant is spongy, lumpy, and covered with brown mucus. It emits a corpse-like odor that attracts insects that spread its spores.

Another mushroom whose smell can be confused with rotten meat. Popularly called starfish mushroom. Literally translated "disgusting redness." The rotten smell attracts insects that carry its spores. Widely distributed in Australia.

Nature endowed some plants with the beauty of flowers and inflorescences, while others did not endow them with a spectacular “appearance”, but gave them a wonderful smell.

Today, both of them are involved in creating fragrant flower beds. The compositions reveal not only their beauty, but also create a unique bouquet of aromas that envelops dacha easy flair.

Some smells become favorites, so from year to year we sow seeds and plant seedlings of plants with the aroma we like. Some varieties of fragrant flowers serve not only as decoration, but also have the property of repelling harmful insects from garden and vegetable crops.

There are about 400 varieties of carnations, in a wide variety of colors and shades, including pink, white, red or a mixture of pink and white. Unpretentious cloves produce pleasant greenery that does not fade and remains fresh for quite a long time. High grades Carnations are primarily used for cutting. Carnations are both annual and perennial, and it is best to plant this fragrant flower in areas well lit by sunlight.

Every self-respecting fragrant garden should have in its assortment gardenia, an evergreen shrub with large white or yellow flowers. Another nice thing about gardenias is that they are suitable for both gardening and indoor growing.


It has lush, fresh greenery and beautiful white and pink flowers that fill the garden with a distinctly sweet aroma. The flowers of the plant bloom in the evening, so it is best to plant tobacco closer to the terrace or bedroom window, since the smell of the flowers is most noticeable at night.

Have you thought about how to decorate your garden in the fall? Try planting autumn clematis, which is a large vine literally covered with lovely white fragrant flowers (the length of the vine reaches 7.5 meters). Clematis prefers fertile soils and needs regular watering and bright sunlight. When planting autumn clematis, it is preferable to choose a place so that the root part of the plant is in the shade, and the vine itself is in well-lit sunny side.

Oriental lily

The delicate and sophisticated lily can rightfully bear the title of the most fragrant flower, capable of filling the entire garden and its surroundings with its fragrance. Oriental lilies bloom in mid-summer and bloom until September. The most beautiful lilies have colors of white, pink and yellow. Excellent as cut flowers.

Perennial phloxes are compact lush bushes, strewn with small beautiful flowers white, pink, scarlet, lilac and blue color. Phlox blooms towards the end of the summer season. The delicate sweetish aroma of phlox is most clearly felt on warm sunny days.

Almost every gardener has beautiful and noble roses in his assortment. Roses come in a variety of colors and shades, ranging from dark cherry, almost black, to snow-white. Roses are very popular among gardeners.

Different varieties of roses differ not only in their colors, but also in the variety of aromas - there are roses with a floral or fruity scent, while the aroma of other varieties contains musky and citrus notes.

Sweet peas got their name for a reason, as they have a bright, persistent aroma. It is a climbing plant with small delicate flowers the most various shades, some types of peas have two-tone colors.

However, if your goal is specifically fragrant flowers for the garden, then you should know that some varieties of peas have virtually no scent.

Despite the fact that it is very modest in size, this in no way affects the severity and intensity of the aroma that its white or pink bells emit. Lilies of the valley are extremely easy to care for; all you need is to plant the flowers somewhere in a shady corner of the garden.

Hyacinths prefer sunny or partial shade, and grow well when sheltered from the wind by other garden inhabitants. These are flowers of early spring. While all other plants are just getting ready to bloom, hyacinth is already filling the air with a delightful delicate aroma. Hyacinths are planted in the fall, in sandy, fertile soil with good water permeability.

Irises, available in almost every color of the rainbow, will add color and life to any garden. Differ in a variety of aromas. The scent of irises may contain fruity and floral notes, as well as a note of anise.

Common lilac

Lilac is one of the most widespread garden plants, blooming in early spring. Lilac is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, but at the same time it really does not like shade. The plant is a luxurious shrub strewn with fragrant inflorescences of white, lilac and purple flowers.

When heliotrope blooms in your garden, invite your friends over and ask them what the scent of its flowers reminds them of. There are different opinions as to whether heliotrope smells like grapes, vanilla, cinnamon or cherry pie. Although, this does not matter, the main thing is that you will definitely like the pleasant smell that the lovely purple, blue or white flowers of this plant emit.

Lavender - perennial herbaceous plant, which is an evergreen shrub or subshrub. Since ancient times it has been famous for its aromatic properties. It grows best in sunny conditions and prefers soils with good water permeability. Lavender flowers produce a light and delicate aroma with a refreshing floral note.

Lobularia maritima

Lobularia maritima is an annual ground cover plant that is a carpet of white, pink, lilac or purple flowers. It very rarely grows more than 15 cm in height, and is therefore an excellent addition as a cover plant for flower beds, rock gardens, hanging planter and external flower boxes.
