Upgrading an old home heating system. Modern solutions for the reconstruction of old heating systems What makes an expansion tank reliable

Many country private houses, villages and holiday villages use old autonomous heating systems. We can briefly outline four stages in the evolution of private heating systems in our country as follows:

1. The cheapest, prohibited in this moment for residential buildings steam heating.
2. More efficient gravity water heating systems open type.
3. Availability expansion machines(closed membrane tanks), which made it possible to switch to water heating systems closed type.
4. Using a circulation pump. The most effective and common type now: water heating closed type with forced circulation of coolant (with expansion valve and circulation pump).

Steam systems are practically no longer found. In this case, we are talking about open-type gravity systems in private homes, which were installed in those years when circulation pumps and expansion machines were not yet available for sale. Such old heating systems were usually created at a minimum, in conditions of lack of funds and the absence of all necessary components on sale due to a banal shortage of everything during Soviet times. They use domestic heating boilers of minimal power. IN severe frost this power may not be enough to maintain the temperature of optimal comfort in the house, 21 degrees Celsius.

A small upgrade to an old heating system can significantly improve its performance. To do this, it is enough to turn a gravitational heating system, where water moves due to the difference in the density of warm water in the boiler and less warm water in the heating radiators, into a system with forced circulation.

This problem is solved by installing a circulation pump on outlet pipe(top), connecting the heating boiler to the radiators. Now on sale a large number of circulation pumps from different manufacturers. For example, cheap circulation pumps TsVTs for heating, domestically produced.

For installation, it is better to invite a professional with experience, but if your hands are itching and you have some experience with plumbing, you can try installing the circulation pump yourself. A similar upgrade is performed when replacing old heating radiators, such as convectors, with new ones, bimetallic or cast iron. The old pump is replaced with a new one, usually of slightly higher power.

In the case of a large cottage, 400 square meters and more, there may be a problem with long branches of radiators on the second floor. The last radiators in the branch heat up too weakly. This problem is solved by adding a second circulation pump on the second floor. However, in this case, it is better to use more expensive imported circulation pumps for LAING heating systems with reduced noise levels or Wilo-Stratos pumps with automatic control.

Please be warned that circulation pump- the thing is quite delicate. Unfortunately, they often, as plumbers say, “freeze” to the pipes so tightly that the plumber can hang on the number 4 wrench, but the pump nut will not move. You need to be prepared for such a surprise. Heating in such cases is usually ineffective, so it is advisable to have kerosene or some kind of chemical with you, for example a special spray that drivers use to lubricate locks on car doors.

The operation is indeed fraught with difficulties, so experienced plumbers often solve this problem easier. They simply find a screw for the heating boiler piping pipe, usually an inch and a quarter. This can be difficult, since clumps of this size are in short supply. Cut the pipe with a grinder, trying to make the cut perpendicularly, and install a circulation pump without replacing the entire piping. When replacing the piping, it can be done with beautiful white polypropylene pipes an inch and a quarter long, it looks very impressive. But steel pipes must be screwed directly to the boiler. Polypropylene is not screwed to the boiler, since it does not tolerate temperatures above 90 degrees very well.

Two people need to do this work. You can do it alone if you have it good keys: rest your knee on one key and twist the other with both hands, but this is already a plumbing balancing act. The main thing is not to damage the heating boiler itself. The basic axiom of construction: the amount of damage should not exceed the cost of repairs.

A heating circulation pump increases the efficiency of the entire heating system, while the set temperature in the house is achieved at a lower coolant temperature. Therefore, the circulation pump also reduces depreciation and wear of the heating boiler. The boiler and the entire heating system will last longer.

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Approval of the work plan for major repairs, the timing and procedure for their production, the estimated cost of funding sources is carried out by decision general meeting owners of premises in apartment buildings (Article 184 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Managers of management organizations, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives must bring to the attention of owners objective information about the advisability of modernizing a particular engineering system during the repair process.

Making a decision on modernization of utility networks of apartment buildings

When organizing a major overhaul (CR) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for example in St. Petersburg, attention was paid to clause 9 of Art. 29 of the Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”, which states: “From January 1, 2022, the use of centralized open systems heat supply (hot water supply) for the needs of hot water supply, carried out by selecting coolant for the needs of hot water supply, is not allowed.”

It is obvious that when planning work on the Kyrgyz Republic, it is necessary to provide for and enshrine in the regulatory acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation an event to fulfill this requirement.

At the same time, a good owner is interested in simultaneous modernization of hot water supply (DHW) and heating systems. But this is not only a technical issue, but also an economic one.

To make a decision on the Kyrgyz Republic engineering systems hot water supply and heating should be determined:

Compliance with federal regulations;

Technical necessity;

Economic feasibility.

Let's consider alternative solutions for apartment buildings, in individual heating points (IHP) of which elevator units are installed.

Through the elevator units, the coolant is transferred to the heating system, and to the hot water supply system - through the thermostat in the ITP.

The following system repair options are possible:

Modernization DHW systems without affecting the heating system;

Replacement of an outdated elevator unit with a unit with automatic temperature control and modernization of the hot water supply system;

Replacement of the elevator unit with an automated one and modernization of hot water supply and heating systems.

If gas heaters are used, there is no thermostat in the ITP. We are not considering modernizing such hot water supply systems.

Modernization of the DHW system

At the entrance of the heating network pipelines to the MKD elevator unit, a thermostat is installed, through which water with a temperature of 65-70 °C is supplied to the hot water system. Thus, for the needs of hot water supply, coolant is taken from the heating network. Please note that from January 1, 2022, such a scheme will be prohibited.

There is practically only one solution - a device closed system DHW with the installation of heat exchangers and pumps in the ITP, as well as the replacement of galvanized steel pipes with polymer ones.

Design and estimate documentation must determine:

Composition and design of the water heating circuit;

Composition and routing of internal pipelines;

A pumping unit that ensures water circulation in the system;

Automatic temperature control hot water and timely replenishment of the system;

Compensation for thermal linear expanders of polymer pipelines.

Conclusion. In case of CD, functionally outdated ones should be updated technical solutions, in accordance with the requirements of current standards, use new materials. This will improve the consumer qualities of the DHW system.

Modernization in this case is caused by new technical requirements. Their implementation is mandatory, which excludes the prevailing role of economic assessment.

However, the cost polymer pipes three times less, and the service life is higher than that of the galvanized steel they replace. Although the modernization of the hot water supply system during the Kyrgyz Republic is not included in the list of works provided for in Part 1 of Art. 166 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on Part 2 of Art. 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the specified work may be included in the work on the Kyrgyz Republic common property in MKD, financed from the funds of the Kyrgyz Republic fund, formed on the basis of minimum size contribution only by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Concluding the question about the control system of the hot water supply system, powered through a thermostat at the input of the heating network to the elevator unit, it should be recognized as necessary to modernize it according to the specified scheme. The decision on modernization must be made by the subject of the Russian Federation and formalized by the relevant regulatory act.

Replacing the elevator unit with an automated one

Modernization of the hot water supply system, isolated from the elevator unit and having an ITP independent block heating and circulation of hot water, led to the desire to install an automated unit for supplying coolant to the heating system.

Let us consider to what extent such a replacement is technologically necessary and economically feasible.

The elevator unit is the simplest and most reliable unit. It does not require maintenance or operating costs over a long period of time. At the estimated outside air temperature (in St. Petersburg - 26 °C), superheated water with a temperature of 150 °C under high pressure enters the elevator unit. The pressure drops to 6 bar and the temperature to 95 °C. In this case, only in remote sections of the heating network may it be necessary to install booster pumps in the ITP.

At modern construction high-rise apartment buildings cannot be built without booster pumps. The installation of automated coolant supply units with their own pumps is justified by technological necessity and modern requirements to adjust coolant parameters.

An automated coolant supply unit is necessary for the operation of the heating system in high-rise apartment buildings.

Replacing elevator units with automated ones is not caused by technological necessity and can be considered as modernization. Installation of automatic pressure and temperature control systems in pipelines (automated control unit) in clause 1.4 Methodological recommendations to Federal Law No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Public Utilities” refers specifically to the modernization of ITP.

With limited value financial resources In the Kyrgyz Republic, this recommendation should become an immutable requirement.

The main purpose of the automated unit is not to save thermal energy, but to ensure that the calculated amount is supplied to the heating system to create comfortable conditions in the premises in accordance with sanitary standards at any outside temperature. If excess heat is supplied to the ITP, this excess does not enter the heating system and is not recorded by metering devices.

An automated unit with a closed heating circuit allows the system to operate at any number of floors in the building, regardless of the pressure in the heating network at the inlet to the ITP.

Some experts involved in the promotion of automated units believe that their installation will allow for up to 20% savings in thermal energy by blocking the access of excess heat to the heating system.

Such savings can only be obtained in an administrative building, where the air temperature in the premises can be reduced during non-working hours to +8-10 °C.

In MKD, significant savings can only be made in certain periods (days, months), but not on average over the heating period.


Back in 2008-2009. monitoring of the flow of thermal energy into one of the apartment buildings in St. Petersburg was carried out. The MKD is equipped with two ITP with elevator units: ITP-1 with a heat load of 0.7 Gcal/h and ITP-2 - 0.4 Gcal/h.

The design heat loss of the house for each ITP was determined at different outdoor temperatures by calculation based on design data.

The actual heat consumption in each month was determined from the Heating Networks report based on meter readings.

The monitoring results are summarized in a table.

ITP-1 0.7 Gcal/h


Short delivery

ITP-2 0.4 Gcal/h


Short delivery

TOTAL around the house


Short delivery


Short delivery

Automation doesn't pay off

Estimate economic feasibility modernization of ITP by replacing elevator units with automated coolant supply units for the heating system is possible.

The cost of installing one automated unit with a heat load of 0.4 Gcal/h (for a 70-apartment building) is estimated at 1.3 million rubles. taking into account the creation of the project, acquisition of equipment, its installation and commissioning.

The table shows that through IHP-2 with the same heat load of 0.4 Gcal/h, excess heat in the amount of 10.02 Gcal entered the heating system. The cost of 1 Gcal at that time was 854 rubles.

The following amount could be saved by eliminating excess heat when installing an automated unit:

854 x 10.02 = 8557.08 rub.

Considering that the readings of excessive heat consumption as a percentage of the supplied heat differ significantly in ITP-1 from ITP-2, it is possible to determine the average amount of excess heat in the house per 0.4 Gcal of heat load:

103.33 x 0.4: (0.7 + 0.4) = 37.57 Gcal.

The cost of this heat is estimated at 32,085 rubles:

854 x 37.57 = 32,085.

This means that with capital costs of 1.3 million rubles. expected for modernization of ITP-2 economic effect is estimated at only 12-32 thousand rubles. for one heating season. The payback period is more than 40 years.

At the same time, one should not forget about operating costs. With an elevator unit there are practically none, but when operating pumps, heat exchangers, and automation, these costs will be very significant. Management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives will be forced to increase costs for the maintenance of common property accordingly, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the price of maintenance and repair of apartment buildings.

From the table above it follows that in many months of the heating season there is a shortage of thermal energy in the ITP MKD.

This is explained by the fact that worn-out heating networks cannot withstand coolant with high temperature and pressure parameters. Therefore, heat suppliers do not supply superheated water to the network in accordance with the schedule.

An automated unit designed for a certain heat load will not be able to compensate for the missing heat in a closed heating circuit if the temperature parameters of the coolant entering the ITP significantly deviate from the schedule.

In St. Petersburg, heating networks have been largely put in order, which allows us to hope that frequent cases of “underflow” and “overflow” will be eliminated.

Returning to the issue of excess heat and comfortable temperature V MKD premises, you should remember about shut-off and control valves. In accordance with technical and sanitary standards, it must be installed in front of each heating device in a residential area.

Installed back in Soviet times fittings (double adjustment valves, three-way valves, DGI intersection valves, cast iron valves and plug valves) due to long-term operation, not always successful design and poor quality workmanship have practically become unusable. In some houses, due to a shortage of fittings, it was not installed at all.

When the heating system is closed, modern shut-off and control valves must be installed in front of each heating device, for example Ball Valves. This, without any additional costs, will prevent excess heat from entering the device and maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

Ensuring temperature control in each residential area of ​​the apartment building and thereby reducing the total amount of excess heat entering the apartment building is relevant.

It must also be remembered that the replacement of elevator units with automated units is not included in the work on major renovation specified in Part 1 of Art. 166 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

So, modernizing the ITP with replacing the elevator unit with an automated one is not necessary from a technological point of view, but is not economically feasible. Replacement of control valves in heating systems is necessary.

Heating system modernization

It is economically and technically attractive to replace steel pipelines with polymer pipes in the heating system.

Let's consider the economic feasibility of such modernization.

The fundamental conditions for the use of polymer pipes in heating systems are specified in clause 6.1.2 of SNiP 41-01-2003:

“In buildings with a central water heating system with pipelines from polymer materials should be provided automatic regulation parameters of the coolant in individual heating points at any heat consumption of the building. Coolant parameters (temperature, pressure) should not exceed 90 °C and 1.0 MPa, as well as the maximum permissible values ​​specified in the manufacturer’s documentation.”

An automated coolant supply unit can provide all of the listed conditions necessary for the use of polymer pipes in a heating system.

In this case, polymer pipes must meet the following

Comply with GOST R 53630-2009 “Multi-layer pressure pipes for water supply and heating systems”;

Be oxygen-tight (requirement of the specified GOST and SNiP 41-01-2003);

Have a certificate of conformity and, if necessary, a technical certificate from the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

To decide on replacement steel pipes polymers in the process of heating system repair, the economic feasibility of such a replacement should be determined.

The difficulty of this task lies in the lack of technically sound standards for the service life of polymer pipes. Thus, one of the developers of GOST R 52134-2003 “Pressure pipes made of thermoplastics and connecting parts for them for water supply and heating systems” State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute Mosstroy” in a letter dated April 12, 2013 No. 44-07/242 reported that for multilayer polymer pipes that comply with GOST R 53630-2009, there is no method for determining their service life.

At the same time, the set of rules for design and construction (SP 41-102-98) states that the service life of metal-polymer pipes should be 25 years. This period mainly depends on the temperature of the coolant circulating in the pipes and the circulation time. Considering that these parameters are directly dependent on outside temperature air during the heating season, we can conclude that the same polymer pipes will have different service life in different climatic zones. Unfortunately, there is no methodology for calculating the service life of multilayer polymer pipes.


Based on manufacturers’ reports, technical conclusions of the Russian Ministry of Construction, and an explanatory letter from the State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute Mosstroy”, it can be assumed that the guaranteed trouble-free service life of the most reliable polypropylene pipes with aluminum reinforcement will be about 20 years climatic zone St. Petersburg.

The standard service life of steel pipelines in accordance with the Methodology for determining the physical wear and tear of civil buildings is 30 years.

Long-term practice of operating buildings with an open heating system using de-aerated water as a coolant indicates trouble-free operation of the heating system for at least 50 years.

For a correct comparison, let’s take into account the standard service life of polymer pipes is 20 years, and steel pipes - 40 years. At the same time, the pipelines of the heating system made of steel pipes will “outlive” two heating systems made of polymer pipes.

The estimated cost of a heating system made of polymer pipes is on average 1.8 times less than the cost of a heating system made of enlarged steel pipeline units.

Conclusion. One heating system made of steel pipes will be 10% cheaper than two systems made of polymer pipes.

In addition, you should take into account the cost of production work design and estimate documentation for the use of polymer pipes with thermal and hydraulic calculations. It will be at least 15% of the cost of a heating system made of steel pipes.

The use of a coolant with a temperature of up to 90 °C instead of 95 °C will lead to an increase in the thermal power of heating devices, which in turn will increase the estimated cost of the heating system by up to 3%.

Thus, replacing steel pipes with polymer ones during the repair process will increase the cost of work by 28% and will lead to two repairs instead of one, which makes such a replacement economically infeasible.

Considering that both the replacement of the elevator unit with an automated one and the replacement of steel pipes with polymer ones are not economically justified, we can make an unambiguous conclusion about the economic inexpediency of modernizing the heating system based on such a replacement.

Technical risks

It is necessary to take into account the reliability of the heating system after modernization and the cost of capital and operating costs to ensure reliability.

When replacing the elevator unit with an automated one, there is a danger of stopping the pumps or malfunctioning the heat exchangers, which can paralyze the entire heating system and leave the entire house without heat.

To avoid such a situation, redundancy of pumps and heat exchangers and emergency supply of electricity are provided, and this all increases capital costs.

The uninterrupted operation of the automated unit is ensured by its qualified maintenance, systematic inspections and preventive maintenance, the presence of an emergency service, timely repair and replacement of equipment. All this leads to significant financial investments, which were not required before installing the automated node.

A comparison of the reliability of steel and polymer pipes is not in favor of the latter.

In steel pipelines during long-term operation, leaks may occur in threaded connections, drip leaks in problem areas. Such defects can be easily eliminated using modern sealing materials and standard clamps during the maintenance of common property in the apartment building. In rare cases, in the process of ongoing repairs, a separate section (sections) of the pipeline, on which several drip leaks have formed, may be replaced. These defects do not disrupt the operation of the entire heating system and do not lead to emergency situations.

When polymer pipes are used for a long time as a coolant under the influence of pressure and mainly temperature, they lose their ability to resist and are destroyed.

The cause of destruction of metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes with aluminum reinforcement can also be defects in the manufacture of pipes and poor-quality installation.

During the manufacturing process of pipes, defective aluminum tape may be used or broken technological requirements by its installation.

During installation, the ends of the pipe may not be trimmed before resistance welding. In this case, the coolant under pressure penetrates into the resulting space between the layer of aluminum tape and top layer polypropylene, which leads to swelling of this layer, leakage of coolant and destruction of the pipe.

The main danger when using polymer pipes is the absence of signs that foreshadow the destruction of the pipes and the scale of the most possible destruction, which can immediately cover the entire house or several floors into which coolant flows with more high temperature. Therefore, you should strictly observe the service life established for polymer pipes in the heating system and replace them in a timely manner.

It is obvious that the reliability of heating systems during modernization is ensured by the fulfillment of a number of conditions that require certain material costs.

It should also be taken into account that the documents of the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Public Utilities recommend the use of polymer pipes only in water supply systems.

When assessing the feasibility of upgrading a heating system, the social aspect should be taken into account.

Modernization can prevent flooding in apartment buildings. But it does not occur during normal operation of the heating system, and its value will be significantly reduced by shut-off and control valves and heating devices. Modernization will somewhat improve the operation of the heating system and comfortable temperature conditions in residential premises. But operating costs will increase.


The capital costs of replacing an elevator unit with an automated one for a 70-apartment building are comparable to the cost of replacing all heating system pipelines in this building or replacing all heating devices for aluminum radiators.


1. Inclusion of modernization work into the MKD program heating systems with elevator units is not economically feasible.

2. Replacement of control valves in heating systems is necessary.

3. Modernization of the hot water supply system is timely and must be carried out in accordance with the requirements Federal Law"About heat supply."

4. Modernization of engineering systems is not included in the list of works for the Kyrgyz Republic presented in Part 1 of Art. 166, Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Their inclusion in this list in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 166 of the RF Housing Code must be sanctioned by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Imagine that the renovation in your house or apartment has come to an end, all pipes have been laid, plumbing fixtures have been installed, heating modernization completed. At this moment, you really want to be completely sure that all the costs and efforts will save you and your family members from the negative effects of the cold in winter time of the year. In order to be completely sure efficient work The heating system will have to wait until the first serious frosts.

Unfortunately, various shortcomings that were made at the design stage or during the installation of the heating system do not appear immediately. If such shortcomings are discovered at the stage of work execution, the chances of achieving the desired result increase markedly.

If you do not want to devote time in the future to various problems that will arise after starting the heating system, we recommend contacting the Plumber Stepanych company. Our craftsmen clearly understand how heating systems should be updated. They have extensive experience, so they can guarantee high quality work.

Professional heating system modernization will help you avoid such problems. The specialists of the Plumber Stepanych company begin work only after the corresponding project has been drawn up. For maximum comfortable stay We advise you to pay attention to water heated floors. Please note that if the customer lives in an apartment, the heating can be upgraded only minimally. As a rule, the essence of the work is to install pipes that are more efficient in terms of functionality and replace heating radiators.

Owners of private houses have more serious opportunities for modernization. This means that the design of heating systems at such facilities requires a more careful approach. Experts take into account the area, layout of the property, the height of the ceilings in the house, as well as the characteristics of the walls. Only after this can the required power of the heating system be determined.

Very often those systems that were developed several decades ago are subject to modernization. Application latest technologies in this area makes it possible to achieve much best results, reducing the cost of operating the system.

Photos of heating modernization work:

The companies “Teploraschet-proekt” and “PSK “Prometey” provide services for calculation, design, installation, reconstruction and modernization of heating and heat supply systems. Specialists carry out gasification of facilities, including project preparation, installation, commissioning and maintenance.

Modernization of heating systems is a set of measures to replace outdated or worn-out equipment of autonomous and centralized heat supply systems.

The modernized heat supply system meets the following requirements:

  • Environmental friendliness. Produces 20-40% less emissions harmful substances(CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, PbO2).
  • Energy efficiency. The efficiency is above 80-90%.
  • Economical. Energy consumption in the system is reduced to 30-40%.

Depending on the condition of the existing equipment, these indicators are achieved through partial replacement individual parts and components, and through complete modernization of heating systems.

Modernization of heating sources

In the process of modernizing heating sources (boiler houses and thermal power plants), the following work is performed:

  • design of gas boiler houses or other sources of thermal energy production;
  • the cost of gasification is calculated;
  • gasification of an enterprise, microdistrict, multifunctional building or home;
  • routine adjustment or replacement of chemical water treatment equipment;
  • replacement of the heat generator and operating units (steam generator, burner, pump, heating boiler);
  • automation of heating systems and load control.

Modernization of heating networks

In heating networks (supply and return pipes transporting thermal energy from the heating source to the point of consumption), the modernization of heating systems is carried out in several stages:

1. A detailed inspection is carried out on all sections of the network from the heat source to the entrance to the building. Carried out to identify problems and the causes of their occurrence.

2. Thermal and hydraulic calculations are performed in several versions. Based on the data obtained, network diagrams are drawn up and equipment that carries out adjustment is selected (chokes, balancing valves, automatic systems regulation).

3. Designed heating network and a method for controlling the load based on the most economical and efficient option.

4. Commissioning activities are developed and carried out.

Modernization of heat consumption systems

The heat consumption system (radiators, convectors, gas fan heaters, air heaters and other equipment that transfers thermal energy to the consumer) is brought into compliance with the characteristics of the heating network and the heating source in terms of thermal and hydraulic indicators. Modernization of heating systems is ensured if the following units are installed:

  • Devices for regulating the volume of supply air. They are additionally installed on heating and ventilation units. Allows you to take into account the need for heated air and control the amount of heat supplied to the room depending on the time of year and day;
  • Units for mixing and regulating water temperature. They are additionally installed on heating and ventilation units. The temperature is maintained by supplying cooled water from the return pipeline to the radiator;
  • Gas infrared heating. Installed as an alternative or in addition to water and air heating systems. Gasification of the cottage, apartment building or a commercial facility using this equipment involves placing heaters under the ceiling to direct thermal radiation to all surfaces in the room.

The above units are equipped with automatic control systems for effective management thermal conditions of heated premises.

To modernize the heat supply system, determine the list of works, calculate the cost or prepare a gasification project, you can call the specialists of Teploraschet-proekt LLC and PSK Prometey LLC on the numbers posted in the Contacts section.