Angelica is an Orthodox name. Angelica: the meaning of a beautiful name

The meaning inherent in the word is well understood in all languages. Interpreted from Greek in two ways, as “messenger of God”, “angel”. According to the church it belongs to the Catholics. Orthodox version - . Another version is from Lat. Angelicus "swift" or "angelic". I especially liked it after the adventure novels of the Golons with a beautiful heroine in the title role.

The meaning of the name Angelica does not fully correspond to the owner. Over the years, she changes externally and internally. Clothes, habits and even character. In her youth she was too mature and sensible, in old age she was spontaneous, loving to have fun with her grandchildren.

Despite the ancient etymology, girls are often called Angels in many countries. In some, the name is even among the top ten most popular. It is pronounced depending on linguistic features people. For example:

  • Angelika (an-ge´-li-ka) – German.
  • アンゼリカ (a-n-dze-ri-ka) – Japanese.
  • Angélique (an-zhe-li´k) – French.
  • Αγγελική (an-ge´-li-ki) – Greek.
  • 安热莉卡 (an-ze-li-ka) – whale. language

Diminutive form:

  • Angelochka
  • Angelka
  • Anzhusya

Variants in imitation of the West have come into use:

  • Angeli
  • Angie
  • Angelique
  • Angelina

Character of a girl, girl, woman

She who was given the name , with early years has a wonderful character. His main features: calmness, complaisance. The girl does not like to leave home and always tries to help her mother with housework and raising younger children. She is distinguished by her responsibility, she is a needlewoman and an active book reader.

From an early age, despite all her charm and patience, Angelochka is able to defend her point of view. She is no stranger to adult conversations. She is close to her mother and does not hide her feelings.

As a teenager, the girl acquires audacity and independence. Strive for brightness, which is expressed in excess makeup. Now she is drawn to freedom, to her peers. The main thing is to stand out and cause admiration. Angelic meaning in this period does not match reality.

However, challenging behavior does not interfere with studying well and caring for loved ones. Traits such as sociability and the pursuit of a goal with all one’s strength are strengthened. Despite the wide circle of friends, there are almost no real friends. Hobbies at this time: music, parties and get-togethers.

Having become a woman, she amazes with her beauty. Cheerful, kind, charming. You still can’t call her an angel even during this period. I get in the way of pride and vanity. Thanks to perseverance, she is able to climb the career ladder. Copes well with conflict situations.

Attractiveness, ability to present oneself, love of jewelry and beautiful things make a woman desirable to men.


In general, carriers of this beautiful name destined good life. Fortune is favorable to Angelica.


WITH youth men adore Gelya. She always knows how to come to an agreement with them and subordinate them to her will. Her beauty attracts and fascinates. The fans are not backing down. However, there is a possibility of mistakes in girlhood due to inexperience. May fall in love with an unfree or unworthy person.

suffering from unrequited love not for Lika. After 20, the real feeling will happen. At this time, she will be ready to do anything for her beloved, even self-sacrifice. Able to part with a prestigious job, a cozy home, go for love to distant lands.

Family status

Marriage has no effect on appearance. Everything continues as usual: sports, work. This does not mean that family is in the background. On the contrary, Angelina is a very good wife, a caring mother. He diligently arranges his nest and takes care of the children. She trusts her husband in everything, considers him the best on earth.

The main component in family relationships for Angelina it becomes sincerity. On her part you can be sure of loyalty and devotion. He will never forgive betrayal, and in connection with it he may file for divorce. This rarely happens, since the husband is always fascinated and looks only at her.


In her affairs, be it service or business, Angelica is responsible. Strives for excellence and takes assignments responsibly. Much attention focuses on his career. The material component is also important. For the sake of a more favorable salary, I am ready to change jobs.

He is sensitive to having his work merits ignored. Fate gives success in career and money. In addition, her family and husband always support her. Leading and implementing new projects is Angela’s true calling. In the absence of these, the search will continue throughout life.

The mystery of the name

All of Angela's actions are connected with her powerful intuition. The girl usually doesn’t talk about her. Justifies actions with other things.

  • Stone – turquoise, lapis lazuli.
  • Zodiac sign – Aquarius, Leo.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Plants – aspen, .
  • The patron animal is the electric stingray.
  • Color – red, purple, black, blue.
  • Color – black, red
  • The number is 3.

Name day Catholic

  • 29.06
  • 15.07
  • 21.09

Famous Name Bearers

  • Angela Merici is a Catholic saint.
  • Anjelica Huston – actress (USA).
  • Angelika Varum – singer (Russia).
  • Angelika Krylova – figure skating(coach, athlete, choreographer).
  • Anzhelika Nevolina – actress (Russia).
  • Angelica Bridges – model (USA).
  • Angelika Kaufmann – artist (Germany).
  • Angelica Neto – singer, soprano (Portugal).

Angel, Angelina.

The name Angelica in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 當歸 (Dāngguī). Japanese: アンジェリカ (Anjerika). Korean: 안젤리카 (anjellika). Hindi: एंजेलिका (Eennjeelika). Ukrainian: Anzhelika. Yiddish: אַנדזשעליקאַ (anjelika). English: Angelica (Angelica).

Origin and meaning of the name Angelica

Origin of the name Angelica: . The meaning of the name is From Angelina.

Character of the name

One of your main shortcomings, according to your friends, is ingratitude. You rarely remember help, but at the same time you often claim even what does not belong to you. You believe that you have every right to this in connection with your merits in the past. This approach also often leads to conflicts.

Alas, you can hardly be considered a true family man, because you do not want to constantly bear the burden of responsibility - after all, this limits your love of freedom. And if the relationship, in your opinion, has lost its novelty and turned into a burden, you can easily break it off.

Changes and surprises follow you everywhere, which, by the way, are the main factor in your personal development.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.


It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. Just general style clothing must be correct, good taste, solidity. Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well. An appearance that meets these criteria inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Numerology of the name Angelica

Name number 3 corresponds creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Angelica as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
F Live
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
To Kako
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Angelica

My passport name is Angelica, I’m 23 years old. It so happened that I haven’t seen my godparents since early childhood, and where they are now is also unknown to me. Which Orthodox name They gave it to me at Baptism, no one remembers. True, my sister said that they seemed to have given the name Anna, but this is in question. Now in church I order all sorts of services with the name Anna, I looked at my date of birth on October 6, it corresponds to Anna the Prophetess and Anna Kashinskaya. I am tormented by doubts: recently I found out on the Internet which Orthodox name corresponds to the name Angelica, and they gave me the answer - Angelina. What should I do now? If not Anna, then the Lord did not hear my prayers, since my name is not mine? I almost burst into tears right at work. What should I do, what is my name? What Orthodox name is baptized with the name Angelica? If Angelina, then what?


I work at the university


Dear Angelica, first of all, I see no reason for such strong grief and tears, especially in the workplace. We Christians should rather cry about our sins than about the fact that we were not given the name that we like best. In Russian Orthodox Church It is customary at Baptism to give names that coincide with the passport ones, or (if such a name is not found in the calendar), consonant with them. It is quite possible that you were baptized with the name Anna, and the Sacrament of Baptism is indeed, you are a member of the Orthodox Church. Considering that the name Angelica is a variant of the name Angelina, you could, of course, be baptized with the name Angelina, and then your patron saint would be the holy blessed Angelina of Serbia.

I advise you to express all the doubts that torment you to the priest to whom you usually confess and, after listening to his advice, finally decide on a name, confess and receive communion under this name, and from now on do not change the name and do not worry about it, but switch your attention to the correct one. arrangement of your Christian life. You can read the answers to questions from other visitors to our site about names given at Baptism.

You shouldn’t worry at all about the fact that the Lord might not hear your prayers. Remember that the heavenly office will always sort everything out. There a person cannot have a name that is not his. The Lord hears and accepts any sincere prayer sent from the heart with faith.

The meaning of the name Angelica is angelic.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Angelica is Latin, from the word “angelos” - messenger of God, angel, messenger.

Diminutive version of the name Angelica: Angela, Anya, Lika, Liina, Angie.

Related names: Angelina, Angela, Angelina.

Characteristics of the name


As a child, Angelica is calm and balanced. She likes quiet games, she likes to help her parents, and she is obedient.

In her youth, she clearly shows her individuality and often behaves scandalously. With age, Angelica's character undergoes changes. She learns to restrain herself and becomes more sensitive.


Angelica is a vain, strong, proud person. Knows how to stand up for himself, defend his point of view. Outwardly she seems serious, strict and dry, but deep down she is attentive and sensitive.

Angelica is very beautiful and charming. But, despite the interpretation of the name, it has a far from angelic character. She is proud, strives for self-development, and smart. There is a mystery to it. She has a strong will and knows how to control herself.

Likes to weave intrigues and gossip. She is overly emotional and proud.

Personal life

Her requirements for choosing a life partner are quite high, she is looking for worthy man. She expects spiritual closeness and understanding from her husband. Angelica is annoyed by the neglect of her feelings and inattention. She can't stand rudeness and is very touchy. Angelica is a person of mood, a temperamental and passionate person. She is a great mother and wife good hostess. Family life usually turns out well.

By time of year

  • « Winter"Angelica is usually cautious, reserved, and distrustful.
  • « Autumn- too thoughtful, serious, taciturn. The name is successfully combined with patronymics: Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Andreevna, Denisovna Aleksandrovna, Grigorievna, Alekseevna. Can become a director, hairdresser, flight attendant, dressmaker.
  • « Summer"- romantic, mysterious.
  • « Spring"seductive and captivating. She can work as a journalist, teacher, dramatic actress, or critic. The name matches patronymics: Borisovna, Leonidovna, Bogdanovna, Maksimovna, Lyubomirovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna.

Name compatibility

The name Angelica is well compatible with Victor, Valentin, Vladimir, Alexey. A marriage with Dmitry, Igor, Vladislav, Anatoly will most likely be unsuccessful.

Name day

Famous people

Famous people with the name Angelica: Krylova Angelica (Russian figure skater), Varum Angelica (Russian singer), Angelica Neto (opera singer), Angelica Catalani (opera singer in Italy), Angelica Aragon (Mexican film actress), Anjelica Huston (American actress), Angelika Ionatos (singer, poetess), Nevolina Angelika (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).

What kind of name is Angelica? A girl named this way will always stand out among her friends, if only because her name is somehow special. In recent decades, when the name Angelique is mentioned, many immediately have a strong association with the beautiful Countess de Peyrac, the heroine of the series of novels by the Golon couple. And since the authors endowed her with unearthly beauty, then all the namesakes of this character have a kind of angelic face. Moreover, the name corresponds to the heavenly creature. So who is Angelica? The meaning of the name, its secret, compatibility and the owner’s discord with other people will be discussed in this article. Parents who want to name their newborn daughter Angelica may wonder if there will be any difficulties with baptism according to Orthodox rite? We will try to clarify this.


The origin of the name Angelica is not a mystery. It came to us from the Gospels. God sends messengers and envoys to people to convey his will. Greek"angels". In many countries there is a male version of this name. In Great Britain - Angel, in Spain - Angel, and in Greece - simply Angel or Angelos. It just so happened that the male equivalent of the name did not take root in our country. But quite common (especially after the release of the film based on the novels by Serge and Anna Golon) is female. And with a diminutive ending - Angelica. This name is doubly good. It seems to condemn the newborn baby to grow into an angelic beauty, and secondly, the girl will become God’s messenger to her parents... or husband. In Russia this name is still rare. It is more common in Catholic countries. For example, in Germany Angela is among the top ten most popular female names. Let us at least remember Mrs. Merkel. But to call a Russian girl this way is to deliberately draw attention to her. She will stand out among the crowd of Tatianas, Olgas and Irins like an exotic bird in a flock of sparrows.

Angelica: name meaning, character

As a child, he is a real angel. She doesn't cause any problems to her parents. A quiet girl who can spend hours playing with dolls or reading. From an early age she is clean and loves order. He willingly helps his mother. Angelica is diligent, and this explains her success in the lower grades. Although she doesn’t have enough stars in the sky and doesn’t have any special talents. As a child, she is usually withdrawn and has few girlfriends. But at puberty, Angelica seems to be possessed by a little devil. She becomes stubborn and often even a brawler. But during this period, she exhibits sociability and sociability. She is surrounded by her friends, led, naturally, by Angelica. The meaning of the name makes a teenager subconsciously crave leadership. If a girl with a stronger character is in the company, Angelica becomes jealous of her, and this can further ruin her character. But with age, she will pull herself together: either she will learn to weave intrigues and thus achieve her goal, or she will move away from her former friends, finding peace in solitude. Thanks to her perseverance and extremely high efficiency, Angela is in good standing with her superiors in her service. However, she is not ambitious, and therefore will not make a dizzying career.

Compatibility and incompatibility with other names

Angela finds it difficult to get along with men. This is not due to her character at all. Perhaps this reflects a certain detachment, an origin “not of this world” that is hidden in the name Angelica. She can achieve compatibility with Alexander, Andrey, Igor, Kazimir, Spartak, Nikita, Ostap, Taras, Fedor and Yulian. Men with such names are ready to endure Angelica's emotional breakdowns and will appreciate her as an excellent housewife. But with August, Artem, Boris, Valery, Vladlen, Gleb, Dmitry, Kirill, Lev, Leonid, Nikolai, Rostislav and Trofim, it is possible to build strong love relationship and a lasting marriage. On the other hand, Angelica’s married life will not work out with men named Arseny, Arkady, Afanasy, Valentin, Vadim, Vasily, Vsevolod, Danil, Innocent, Matvey, Roman or Eric.

Personal life

In her early youth, Angelica tries to show her individuality and brightness. She is conflicted, which often leads to separation from young men who are actually interesting to her. But she is a maximalist teenager: give her either an ideal, a prince on a white horse, or she doesn’t need anyone at all. Over the years, Angelica, whose name implies patience and meekness, settles down a little. She starts a family late, but once married, she becomes a wonderful wife and mother. Women named Angelica quite often leave work in order to completely immerse themselves in pleasant chores around the house. They are excellent housewives and know how to cook great. Most likely, Angelica's hobby will be related to some kind of needlework. She idolizes her husband. Therefore, betrayal will be extremely difficult to endure.

The secret of the name Angelica

Astrologers believe that it is good to name girls born under the zodiac signs Aquarius and Leo. The colors of the name are black and red, although all shades of blue bring good luck to Angelica herself. And her talisman stones are also blue. These are lapis lazuli and turquoise. The patroness of Angelica is the planet Venus. It is interesting that the character of a woman with this name largely depends on her patronymic name. So, Anzhelika Nikolaevna is a very emotional person, while Vladimirovna, on the contrary, is reasonable. Borisovna has a tender, compassionate heart.

Name analogues

She should not be confused with Angela. These are related names, but still not identical. The first is "Angel". Just a word put in feminine. “Angelica” has a slightly different translation. The meaning of the name can be literally translated as “Angelic”. Therefore, the diminutive form often places emphasis on the last syllables. A girl in the family can be called Lika or Lina. A diminutives from Angela there will be, respectively, Angie, Gelya, Zhelochka. Both names are very common in Catholic countries. Saint Angela Merici is highly revered for being the founder of the Ursuline monastic order in the sixteenth century. In the Catholic world, name days are celebrated on January 4 and 27, June 29, October 21 and November 27. But as for the name Angelica, it is more in tune with the Orthodox calendar. If you name your daughter that, you will not have any problems with baptism. The child's patron saint will be Saint Angelina of Serbia. Name day Orthodox girl will celebrate July 14 (December 23 is the day of remembrance of the saint).

Famous people

The characteristics of the name Angelica are such that people named this way achieve the greatest success in those industries where psychological insight, emotionality, and sensitivity are important. Therefore, in addition to the fictitious golden-haired and green-eyed beauty in the marriage of Countess de Peyrac, history knows many Angeliques who became famous in art. These are singers Neto from Portugal, Ionatos from Greece and Catalani from Italy, actresses Houston, Mandy, Aragon, Daliani, Volskaya, Poprocka, Bridges, Kashirina, Nevolina, Jimenez, Agurbash, artist Kaufman.