English teacher at the FSB Academy. FSB Academy: faculties, specialties, exams. Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. General information about the higher education institution

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Now that you have a Plan for the First 10 Steps in English,
I want to show you how most effectively go through step 9 - set yourself English pronunciation...
And for this I need to tell you this...

Want to get rid of the terrible Russian accent when learning English?

This is how I created a Program that allowed me to give beautiful English pronunciation to complete “zeros”... in just 6 days...

Even when you begin to learn your first words in English... does it hurt your ears how those words SOUND (as sung by you, of course)?

Ask any person who is trying to learn a language on their own - and they will confirm that the fastest way to lose motivation is... terrible pronunciation... which creates the feeling that you are not learning English at all... (But something vaguely reminiscent of it).

Personally, I don’t know how you can fall in love with a foreign language without learning to enjoy its “shell” - sound

Meanwhile, you - with your “Ryazan (no offense!) pronunciation” - are not at all alone...

Statistics show that approximately 78% of Russian-speaking people who speak English... speak with a pronounced Russian accent.

Yes, that is right. To be convinced of this, just listen to our compatriots somewhere in the Turkish market...

Most of these people can't even do small breakthrough in the English language. They can only pronounce individual words

And the reason for all this is that they started learning the language completely from the WRONG END.

  • The words…
  • Or from grammar...
  • Or they started reading and studying some textbook or fashionable application...

...And at the same time they completely ignored the most “delicious” - sound of language!

The language remained “dead” and boring for them... And they did it all safely... abandoned.

Tell me, is it possible to love a song without hearing the melody?..

Is it possible to fall in love with singing without developing a good voice?..

The answer is obvious. But, unfortunately, no one explained this to you at the right time.

This is not your fault... It really is.

But what to do now? Is there a way out of this situation? Is there some trick or some program that can quickly teach you to speak without a strong accent?

Such a program now exists, and that’s what it’s about. we're talking about on this page…


I have been teaching pronunciation for almost 20 years (including 13 years of work at the translation department of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia).

We can safely say that on this topic I ate more than one student... one dog :)

Let me show you how you can get clearly recognizable English-sounding almost instantly.

Paradox: how to master English pronunciation, reducing its “mastering” to a minimum

It may seem that this is contrary to logic, but the experience of teaching pronunciation to intelligence officers has clearly shown that as soon as we STOP studying phonetics theoretically and use the innate - unconscious - mechanisms of the psyche, intonation arises INSTANTLY.

Follow the 3 program simple steps

STEP 1: Force your facial muscles to work the same way they work for native speakers - your pronunciation will change immediately. Radically.

The fact is that the English and Russian speakers use different groups of facial muscles.

And only when you “tighten” those muscles that actively work in a typical John Bull, you will be able sound pure English. (It’s strange that many teachers don’t know this...)

STEP 2: Pronounce almost all consonants 2 times harder than in Russian

(And you will only be able to do this if you have worked through step 1)

...Learn to place your tongue on the alveoli

...and master a firm lip closure

The main thing is not to get carried away by theory. Turn off your consciousness as much as possible and use the unconscious “modeling” mechanism.

STEP 3: Master falling intonation and English timbre

The “descending” pattern is the most striking sign of English pronunciation...

...So bright that the change this one parameter leads to immediate “anglicization” of your speech.

Even if you speak Russian!

(And a small nuance: to tens of times speed up the development of “descending” intonation, use an “anchoring” hand gesture...)


“What exactly will I get?”

You will receive immediate access to your online account where you can complete the entire Program

IN curriculum includes:

  • 6 video lessons, in which:
    • I'm teaching you speech gymnastics, I put the basic provisions of the speech apparatus(like the English)
    • I explain basic patterns of English intonation(namely, the melody of speech makes your speech truly English)
    • I briefly (“quanta”) explain the pronunciation of each sound and immediately I introduce sounds using a special technique, developing your phonetic hearing (and subsequent self-control)
    • I teach transcription icons(without knowing them you will not be able to look up pronunciation in dictionaries later)
    • I give letter combinations, which contain new sounds
    • we do it TOGETHER exercises for the primary consolidation of sounds and reading rules
  • Workbook- here I have selected only the most effective exercises to finally consolidate new sounds, intonation and reading rules.
  • Audio accompaniment to the Workbook, in which all the exercises are read speakers of the British variant in English .
  • Guidelines before each day of classes.

And, most importantly, this entire SYSTEM is planned clearly step by step.

You can say that I take you by the hand and lead you to the result. In 6 days.

“At what level of English do you need to speak English to start the Program?”

The uniqueness of our approach is that you may not know the language AT ALL. You can consider this to be your VERY FIRST English lesson!

“Why 250 rubles?”

If you think: “250 rubles is suspiciously cheap. What’s the catch?”, then I’ll give you 3 reasons to make you feel calm:

1. The price of 250 rubles makes this information accessible to everyone... from a high school student or a pensioner to an oligarch studying a language on the Cote d'Azur of France :)

2. This price eliminates those looking for free materials.. We only need those who are serious about learning the language. And in our experience, setting up any “price barrier”... gets rid of 99% of the “freeloader theorists” whose lot is to collect gigabytes of information, but not practical actions.

3. main reason. We want to give you the opportunity to test our approach, style and teaching methods - they are very different from what you can find in other places.

We believe that having tried the express program “ English pronunciation in 6 days”, you will want more... and maybe...yes, just “maybe”... you will come back, purchase another of our programs and - what if? - even join our big professional program“Language Autopilot 2.0”

That's all the explanations...

No “fables”, no “in-app purchases”, no tricks. Just the information you need and the results you want.

“Do you provide a guarantee?”

Of course... All our programs come with a 30-day unconditional guarantee.

In other words, if for some reason you are not satisfied with what you purchased, then simply let us know and we will return your money. In general, we believe that it most likely will not come to this, but if you have even the slightest doubt that our development will help you, you can feel completely calm. You will either get the results you want or get your money back. Everything is very simple!

“How soon will I get access?”

Most often on the same day if you paid for the course during our company’s business hours.

Express English Academy was founded by retired FSB lieutenant colonel Igor Serov. In 2008, he left his position as a senior lecturer in the translator department at the Academy of the Federal Security Service, after which he began adapting language training methods for intelligence service representatives for the civilian population.

The difficulty of this work was to provide complete immersion in training for people who were not subject to military discipline and strict control. Over the course of several years, the project team created a system that absorbed all the advantages of the FSB methodology, but was suitable for distance learning ordinary people.

The emphasis was not on discipline, but on developing positive aspirations by engaging students in English language and culture, as well as in a fun and interesting learning process.

Express English Academy – Online English Academy

The Academy of English courses are aimed at remote teaching of all its elements: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, as well as types of speech (communication, reading and writing). The educational process has a step-by-step structure, so people who are busy at work or with family can find time to study.

Advantages of the English Language Academy methodology:

  • Regardless of your level of preparation: you can start learning English from scratch.
  • Perfect mastery of all types of speech activity without traveling abroad.
  • High speed training: 1-2 years.
  • A special approach to learning motivation.
  • Application of the principle of “guided and controlled self-learning”.
  • Using effective scientific tools to accelerate learning.

During the operation of Express English Academy, more than 10 thousand students have been trained, mastering English perfectly. Join Igor Serov's online Academy to freely travel the world and get a chance to move up the career ladder!

Unified State Exam 2019 results: 99, 98, 98, 92, 92, 88, 87, 74.
Unified State Exam results recent years: 98, 97, 92, 95, 91, 89, 89, 86, 81, 70, 65.

Registration for individual classes for 2019 is closed.

Recording in progress for testing and an interview to prepare for the Unified State Exam 2020 in a combined format, classes start in September 2019.

3 min. from metro station Tverskaya/Pushkinskaya/Chekhovskaya.
Groups are formed strictly according to levels.
Entrance testing and interview are required.

There are places:

  • 1st place in a group requiring intensive preparation - Monday 18:30 (classes start on September 9);
  • Tuesday 18:30, Thursday 18:30 by agreement.

Combined lesson format:

  • 4 lessons per month of 120 minutes in a mini-group (lexico-grammatical skills and exam strategies);
  • plus 2 individual lessons of 90 minutes per month (essays and individual problems).

Cost: 20,800 per month (4 group and 2 individual).

Advantages of preparing for an exam in a mini-group format

1) Removable the language barrier. Students are not afraid to speak English, since they communicate in the language with peers on equal terms - unlike individual lessons, where all communication takes place only with the teacher, who a priori knows the language better. Despite the format of preparation for the Unified State Exam, in our classes we pay great attention to the development of speaking skills. My qualifications, confirmed by Cambridge University, allow me to effectively use a communicative approach in the classroom, and the mini-group format offers many opportunities for this.
2) The small number of students allows you to combine individual approach with all the benefits of group work. Unlike language courses, where the number of students can reach 12 people, a mini-group involves 4-6 students and the tutor has the opportunity to monitor the progress of each of them.
3) When students work in a group, they want to keep up with their peers. Healthy competition increases motivation and helps maintain attention throughout the lesson.
4) The cost of a mini-group lesson is much lower than the cost of an individual lesson.

  • “Optimization of preparation for passing the OGE and the Unified State Exam. Receptive activities";
  • “Optimization of preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in English. Productive activities";
  • “We are reaching the finish line: psychological preparation for passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.”

Presenter of methodological webinars for teachers at PROFI.RU:

  • “How to teach a foreign language more interestingly and effectively: using online videos”;
  • "Effective ways to expand vocabulary in foreign language lessons";
  • series “Methods of preparing for IELTS – a successful start”;
  • “Features of teaching phrasal verbs.”

2014 - intensive training How to prepare students for IELTS wIth Simon Brooks, BKC IH
2018 - methodological workshop on the lexical approach Implementing the Lexical Approach: the Practical Guide with Hugh Dellar.
2018 - training using the Dogme method, Teaching with DOGME with Scott Thornbury.
2019 - intensive training Teaching Lexically with Andrew Walkley.
2019 - Better Teaching Outcomes training with Hugh Dellar.
2019 - training Vocabulary and Grammar: Bridging the Gap with Leo Selivan.
2019 - advanced training course “Preparation of students for the All-Russian Olympiad in English”.
2019 - intensive training on working with teenagers “English for Young Learners and Teenagers” with Chris Roland

Prize-winner of the intellectual tournament for tutors in 2015.
Winner of the special prize “Training Center – 2015”.
Winner of the special prize “Leader of the Tutor Community – 2015”.
PROFI.RU expert on level 2 certification, English.

Defense of the state has always been an honorable activity. The people directly implementing it enjoyed great honor and authority in society. In addition, the constant wars that were fought throughout human history significantly enriched members of the military class. In some countries, the military was considered the highest caste with the largest number right A great example is the Japanese samurai. However, on the territory of our fatherland, warriors and their achievements have also been glorified at all times. It should be noted that great importance has a system for training such people. After all, the need for professional military personnel will never go away. The system of training soldiers itself requires a special approach, since their skill consists not only of physical strength, but also of certain psychological qualities. In this case, it is worth noting the specifics of training the elite of all armed and security forces, that is, intelligence and state security. The last structure performs in modern world extremely important functional tasks. Therefore, the training of its representatives should be carried out at top level. IN Russian Federation Today there is a Federal Security Service. This department is responsible for ensuring the security of our country. Specialists for its ranks are trained at a special FSB Academy.

What's happened

As mentioned earlier, in any state, security forces play an important role. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation belongs to such formations. The number of the department is currently classified. The main task is to provide for the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the FSB, according to existing legislation, is the body that is authorized to carry out operational investigative activities. The department is replenished through recruitment for military and civil service. According to the regulations governing the work of the FSB, its activities are carried out in the following areas, namely:


Fight against terrorism;

Intelligence activities;

Border activities;

Information Security;

Fighting especially dangerous crime.

The main department is the security of the Russian Federation.

General information about the higher education institution

The Academy of the Russian Federation is a military institution that trains officers for the FSB. In addition, this institution also trains personnel for other intelligence agencies, as well as special services friendly states. That is, we are talking about a complex military institution with a fairly broad training base.

The Academy was created in 1992 by a special presidential decree. The basis for the formation of this institution was the KGB Higher School named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

History of the academy's creation

The FSB Academy, whose faculties are presented in the article, begins its history with the courses of the All-Russian Emergency Commission, formed in 1921. The courses trained operational personnel for the Cheka. It is worth noting that a significant contribution to the training was made by teachers who had quite a lot of operational experience gained in implementing special operations"Trust" and "Syndicate". In 1934, fundamental changes took place in the structure of the state's law enforcement agencies.

The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs is created. This leads to the creation of the Central School of the Main Directorate of State Security within the structure of the Soviet NKVD. During the Second World War educational institution produces several thousand workers who managed to organize enough effective fight with the fascists. The next reform of the school took place in 1952. On its basis, the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of State Security was formed. In 1962, this educational institution was named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

Academy structure

The FSB Academy, the faculties of which are presented in the article, trains personnel in many specialties that are in demand today in law enforcement and military departments. The structure of a higher institution contains three main segments within which training is carried out.

1) The Institute for Training Operational Staff provides qualified training of personnel in a number of main areas of activity of the FSB. Within this division of the academy there are investigative and counterintelligence departments. In both cases, graduates of the institution receive a diploma in the specialty “Legal Support” national security" The first trains employees of the FSB investigative units, and the second trains operational workers. At the same time, the counterintelligence faculty trains employees in two specific areas: operational activities with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and knowledge of modern information technologies.

2) The second division of the academy is the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics. Its graduates today are rightfully considered the best specialists in the field of information security. At the end of the training, employees are given the qualification “information security specialist.”

3) The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is the youngest department of the university. It was created in 1990. The faculty trains professional translators for the FSB.

Features of admission - first stages

There are many features of the recruitment process that the FSB Academy is famous for. Faculties and specialties of different directions are replenished with personnel on absolutely equal terms. The first stage of selection is a medical examination. To enter the academy you must be in good health. It will be checked throughout the entire period of study at the institution.

The second stage is the polygraph. Many applicants mistakenly consider such a test to be something easy. However, the polygraph tests a person’s honesty, respect for military service, his amenability to control, etc. Therefore, the test must be approached as seriously as possible.

Special exams and physical fitness assessment

If the applicant does not have any comments regarding his mental and physiological level, then he is allowed to take the internal exams. Physical fitness is tested in three tests: pull-ups, 100-meter run and 3000-meter run.

Additional tests are exams in individual disciplines. To enter a particular faculty, knowledge of different subjects. For example, the investigative unit conducts additional exams in social studies and the Russian language, and the Institute of Cryptography conducts additional exams in physics and mathematics. Before entering, it’s a good idea to take advantage of special preparatory courses that improve the level of applicants.

Learning process

The FSB Academy, the faculties of which are presented in the article, prepares. The learning process is quite complex and specific. Students actively study law, mathematics and foreign languages. Much attention is given to physical training, as it is one of the major subjects. Most items are classified. Some subjects are taught in such a way that even pens, let alone notes, cannot be taken out of the classrooms.

Daily life of students

The fact that studying at the FSB Academy can greatly unite people is not an exaggeration. Throughout all years of service, students at this institution are in almost constant contact with each other. But these are not all the features of preparation. For example, it is not advisable for students to distribute records of their studies in in social networks. Talking to friends about it is also prohibited.

It should be noted that a large proportion of all students are girls. They, equally with representatives of the stronger sex, can declare that they were forged as professionals by the famous FSB Academy. “Faculties for girls” is a common misconception. There are simply no such units. Girls enter along with boys into those faculties that are provided for by the structure of the higher educational institution.

Academy management

For many years, the academy was headed by representatives of senior officers. Today the head is Viktor Vasilievich Ostroukhov. He holds the rank of Colonel General. At one time, Viktor Vasilyevich Ostroukhov graduated from the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB. In addition to military activities, he also conducts scientific activities and is a doctor of legal sciences.

So, we looked at what the FSB Academy is. Faculties, exams and specifics of training were presented in the article. In conclusion, it is worth noting that working in state security agencies is not suitable for everyone. But if you have firmly decided to become an employee of this department, then you need to discard any doubts and persistently pursue your goal.

On this page I want to meet everyone and tell my professional story!

My name is Irina Kuznetsova, I am an English teacher. I love my profession dearly and enjoy learning English and the opportunity to share my knowledge with colleagues on this blog.


Graduated from Orlovsky in 2009 State University majoring in linguist, teacher of English and German.

At the university I also studied Spanish and passed an international exam confirming my level of knowledge of the Spanish language (DELE B1).

After graduating from the specialty, she entered graduate school at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, where she studied and worked until 2012 (there is a separate article about studying at the first university in the country). Due to personal circumstances, I did not defend my PhD thesis, although I have it written and waiting in the wings, which, it seems to me, will never come.


While studying at the university, she worked in educational center“Windsor Club”, but due to the move to Moscow I had to quit. I didn’t want to quit, because it was at this school that I realized that I had made the right choice in choosing a profession, and teaching was my calling.

Therefore, after moving to Moscow, I also got a job at the Big Ben language courses, and a year later I began to combine teaching courses with work at Moscow State University and the FSB Academy, where I taught spoken language, business English and prepared schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam.


I started practicing 1-2-1 (individually) while studying at the university. While I was working in three places at the same time and studying, I didn’t even think about tutoring, but after moving from Moscow I decided to brush up on my skills and took on a couple of students. And I realized that private lessons allow me to continue doing what I love. Albeit in a different format.

The only downside to working without colleagues is the lack of professional communication and the opportunity to deepen your knowledge. To do this, I try to attend conferences, watch webinars and take international exams to keep myself and my English in good shape. Last year, I devoted a month to preparing for the exam (Teaching Knowledge Test), which tests theoretical knowledge of language teaching methods, and passed all parts with the maximum score, Band 4.

In September 2017, I passed the IELTS General Module at Band 8. This exam confirms my level of language proficiency; according to the CEFR scale, my English level is C1.

This blog helps me sort out my knowledge, as well as discuss methodological issues with “comrades in the shop” in the comments to posts. Therefore, write to, I will be glad to receive feedback!