Anastasia Budennaya personal biography. Dmitry Peskov is the public face of non-public politics. Comments and statements

The new husband of figure skater Tatyana Navka, press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, comes from a secret family. The official life path of his late father is set out in documents of the Russian Foreign Ministry extremely succinctly. Sergei Peskov was born in 1948, graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University in 1972, and in 1987 he wanted to enter the diplomatic service. Despite his age, he found himself in high positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was ambassador to Pakistan and the Sultanate of Oman.

In what institutions Peskov Sr. served the Motherland until he was 39 years old remains a mystery. A similar style is typical for most biographies of KGB foreign intelligence officers who worked under diplomatic cover.

Dmitry Peskov joined the press service of the Presidential Administration almost simultaneously with Vladimir Putin’s move to the Kremlin. Before that, the son of Sergei Peskov was also listed as a diplomat, but colleagues, acquaintances and members of the presidential journalist pool persistently suspected the young man to be from the state security agencies. Perhaps this explains the special sympathy, which former intelligence officer Putin feels towards his press secretary .

Dmitry Peskov's first marriage was to Anastasia Budyonny, the granddaughter of Marshal Semyon Budyonny and the daughter of a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Mikhail Budyonny, and also the president of the Russian Equestrian Federation. His wife was the same age as Peskov; in 1990, their son Nikolai was born.

In the early 1990s, the Budyonnys lost their influence in the apparatus, and a divorce occurred in the Peskov family. A few years later, Anastasia Peskova turned into Anastasia Choles. The son of Dmitry Peskov also changed his passport and became Nikolai Choles - by this name he reported on the Russia Today TV channel. Three years ago, the courts of Chuvashia considered the case of payment of alimony for the child of Evgenia Cherdakova, in which Nikolai Dmitrievich Choles was the defendant. Whether we are talking about the son of Dmitry Peskov or his full namesake is still unknown. His mother emigrated from Russia to the UK, where she obtained British citizenship, took the surname Drake and gave birth to three children from an Englishman in her new homeland. Inesa Sergeevna Budennaya sued her daughter over the family apartment on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street. Peskov's son testified against his mother.

Nicholas Choles (left)

Dmitry Peskov, like Anastasia Budennaya-Peskova-Choles-Drake, also tried to change his life for the better. To do this, in 1994, he joined the LDPR party, met Vladimir Zhirinovsky and married a recent schoolgirl, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the daughter of Ambassador Vladimir Solotsinsky. By recognition Solotsinskaya, love overtook her at the age of 14 - Peskov was 23, his first wife was then giving birth. The husband deprived Catherine of her virginity, after which he declared: “No matter what happens, let’s swear to each other to be honest.”

Wedding of Ekaterina Solotsinskaya and Dmitry Peskov

The relationship was formalized when the bride turned 18. Solotsinsky Sr. worked as the head of the department of the 4th and 3rd Asian departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the year of the wedding, Peskov Jr. was transferred to the 3rd Department of Asia, where he took the position of first and then second secretary.

Over twenty years of marriage, from Ekaterina Peskova, Putin’s press secretary had three children - Elizaveta Peskova, Mikhail Peskov and the youngest son “Deni”. This summer Solotsinskaya celebrated her 40th birthday. After betrayal husband, his departure to figure skater Tatyana Navka and divorce, Ekaterina lives in Paris, collaborates with the “ Franco-Russian dialogue" The co-chairman of this organization, former member of parliament Thierry Mariani, recently visited Crimea as part of the French parliamentary delegation.

Anastasia Peskova

Meanwhile, Peskov’s next wedding, as is known, was not without scandals, which in one way or another related to the cost of the marriage ceremony, and the question of whether the scale of the holiday corresponds to the income of a civil servant. Appeared gossip that Oleg Deripaska will pay for the celebrations, however, promptly refuted "Basic element"However, rumors aroused interest in the Rodina tourist center, owned by Deripaska, and, first of all, in the cost of holding events like Peskov's in it. As it turned out, the cheapest room here costs $700 per night, $1000 is the average price, yes even the most modest lunch would cost $50. Renting the entire hotel in season for two days would cost at least $600,000. Another about 100,000 would have cost a lunch, the dishes for which were delivered by plane from the Moscow restaurant Le Mare. Artists performed at the celebration , the average price of a performance at a corporate event ranges from 20 to 50 thousand dollars. Even at the most approximate prices, about 300 thousand conventional units were spent on this gypsy thing. Remains open question: If Peskov paid for this, then how can he explain the appearance of a million “green” funds in his budget? If someone else paid for it, then why wasn’t a criminal case filed for bribery?

Then the watch the groom wore at the wedding caused a wide resonance in the blogosphere. On opposition sites, the brand of the chronometer was identified as Richard Mille RM 52-01. As RBC reports with reference to the Anti-Corruption Foundation, this series of watches is produced in a limited edition of 30 pieces and the cost of one piece is $620 thousand - the answer with this price the fund's employees received from the Richard Mille boutique in the USA when asked about the cost of the watch model photos.

Of course, this is not the first time that the online community has reacted sharply to provocative luxury items from public politicians and public figures. Still fresh in my memory story with Patriarch Kirill and his unsuccessful attempt to retouch a Breguet watch worth about 30 thousand dollars in a photograph. However, unlike the patriarch, Dmitry Peskov is a civil servant whose income should be open to society, and false declarations should be the first step to resignation. Meanwhile, in Peskov’s income statement for 2014, in the “income” column, the figure is only 9,184,358 rubles, that is, four of his annual salaries were spent on the purchase of the watch.

The origins of the watch are all the more obscure given the number of contradictory versions that have been put forward at the same time. In particular, Oleg Mitvol in an interview with MK suggested that Peskov borrowed the watch for a while. “During the wedding, Peskov understood that he would be photographed, and the cards would then be spread across the Internet. During the preparations for the wedding, there were also so many rumors that the guests had something to discuss and laugh about later. So in this case, the newlyweds decided to play a joke. Peskov temporarily borrowed a watch from one of his acquaintances who was present at the celebration. He posed with it. We waited for the journalists to react to this duck. And they were not mistaken. The next day everyone began to calculate how much the watch cost, and how the official could I buy such a luxury with my modest salary?” said Mitvol, whose wife, Lyudmila Mitvol, by the way, together with Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, owns the Minkom company, which is engaged in the watch and jewelry business. But this contradicts the explanation given by the official himself. “This is a gift from Tanya [Tatiana Navka]. Indeed, the watch is very expensive. But they cost significantly less than some comrades indicate,” Peskov emphasized, noting that the gift was made on the wedding day. However, bloggers soon discovered sneaky pictures in which the same watch was included in the frame.

Dmitry Peskov with his daughter. Archive photo. On the hand is the same Richard Mille

Also, according to the president’s press secretary, Navka bought the watch with her own money. “Which ones are nobody’s business,” he added. However, in this case, Peskov’s position itself obliges him to report such a gift. According to the government decree “On the procedure for reporting by civil servants that they have received a gift in connection with their official position, delivery and evaluation of a gift, sale and crediting of proceeds from its sale", civil servants are required to notify about gifts worth more than 3 thousand rubles and deposit them with the possibility of redemption at market price, that is, for the same 37 million rubles.

(1967) diplomat, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Peskov is pretty extraordinary personality. Diplomatic education and ability to find mutual language With different people helped him make a fairly successful career. Today it personal life, activities and biography arouse public interest and are perhaps the most discussed topics in the media and on the pages of online publications.

Beginning of diplomatic activity

Dmitry's father was one of the famous career Soviet diplomats. The beginning of the biography of Dmitry Peskov, who currently holds the position of Putin’s press secretary, is also connected with diplomatic activities. After graduating from ISAA, he worked for some time in his specialty at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Soviet Union. Until 1995, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov managed to work as a duty assistant and attaché. A little later, the young diplomat was sent to the Turkish Embassy, ​​representing there first the USSR and then the Russian Federation. Over the next six years, he managed to significantly advance his career. Initially, he was appointed to the post of second secretary of the Russian embassy in Turkey, and after a while he received an offer to take the place of first secretary.

Appointment as press secretary of the President of Russia

At the beginning of 2000, with the appointment of V.V. Putin to the post of President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov received the position of head of the department responsible for public relations and the media, and now he himself and his activities are beginning to be actively discussed in the press. A little later, he becomes deputy head of Putin’s press service, and also plays the role of translator during his meetings with representatives of the Turkish authorities.

In 2004, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov became the first deputy of A. Gromov, who at that time held the position of press secretary Russian President. His main responsibilities in his new position were coordinating information work and establishing close cooperation with the executive branch. In addition, after some time, the range of priority tasks began to include the preparation of various information projects, the organization and conduct of well-known direct lines where it was possible to ask questions directly to the president. At this time, Dmitry Peskov receives the right to express an opinion on behalf of the first person of the state.

Further career

By 2008, by decree of the current President V.V. Putin, the person holding the position of press secretary not only voices the official position of the authorities and organizes informing the public through printed newspapers, magazines and online publications, but is also the deputy first person in the government apparatus. The newly created position will be immediately offered to Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov.

IN next year A Council for the Development of Domestic Cinematography is being created in Russia. The main purpose of its creation was designated as support and distribution of domestic film products. Dmitry Peskov becomes one of the council members.

In 2012, the presidential press service received additional powers. Now she had the legal right to manage all information activities of government bodies, and was also involved in creating a positive image of the country and attracting investors. This is one of the significant moments in the biography of Peskov, who was before today Putin's press secretary.

Comments and statements

From the moment Peskov became Putin’s press secretary and received the authority to voice official opinions, interest in his biography, comments and statements about certain events has increased significantly.

He had to endure the first fairly serious information confrontation in 2006. It's about about the death of A. Litvinenko, who was poisoned with a radioactive substance. Immediately after the cause of death was established, hints appeared in Western newspapers that the country's top leadership was behind the death of the former officer. Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov had to carry out a huge amount of work in order to refute these suspicions as much as possible.

Peskov’s next significant statement in the role of Putin’s press secretary, which influenced his biography, is his assessment of the events of April 2007. The actions of police officers and special forces were assessed by him as attempts to ensure law and order, and all clashes, according to the press secretary, were caused by deliberate provocations on the part of the protesters.

In the same year, Putin’s press secretary announced that there would be no third term in the president’s biography.

Peskov is known for very harsh statements not only about protests, but also towards the protesters themselves. One of his most categorical expressions was his assessment of the “March of Millions” protest action, which took place in 2012. During the protest, there were several fairly serious clashes between protesters and law enforcement officials. Speaking in defense of police officers, the press secretary expressed the opinion that for the injuries received by law enforcement officers, the livers of the protesters should have been “smeared on the asphalt.”

The opinion expressed in a conversation with one of the deputies immediately appeared on the Internet, causing a rather mixed reaction from the public. Probably, Dmitry Peskov did not expect that all his remarks and comments would now be actively discussed in the press and on the Internet.

Subsequently, he also condemned various protests, but became more careful in his statements.

Personal life

There are few high-ranking Russian officials who would arouse such interest as Dmitry Peskov does. His professional activities and personal life are actively discussed in the media. Several high-profile scandals are also associated with the personality of the press secretary.

Officially, Peskov registered his relationship three times. The first time his wife was the granddaughter of the famous military man of Soviet times, Budyonny. The marriage broke up after some time, but over time life together the couple had a son.

Peskov’s second official companion for quite a long period of his life was Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. During the next marriage, three children appeared in the family. Dmitry and his wife Ekaterina raised a daughter and two sons.

In 2011, Dmitry Peskov and his personal life again attracted attention. At this time, rumors about the acquaintance of the press secretary and the famous Olympic champion Tatyana Navka are actively discussed in various publications and on the Internet.

Ekaterina Peskova

Rumors about a romance between Peskov and Navka were soon confirmed. The couple was seen together at some social events. The ex-wife also confirmed the existence of a serious relationship between the couple. It was reported that Catherine is determined to divorce, although in an interview with journalists she reported that the reason for the breakup was not so much her husband’s betrayal as the distance from each other. The divorce was registered in 2012.

Today Ekaterina Peskova lives in Paris and is engaged in charitable activities. In one of her conversations with journalists, she said that she and Dmitry parted peacefully and now maintain warm, friendly relations. The woman deliberately avoids provocative questions about her ex-husband and his personal life.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka

After Dmitry Peskov divorced, he and Tatyana Navka officially admitted that there really was a fairly long and serious relationship between them. Many expected an official announcement about the next marriage. However, no messages in this regard have appeared. In August 2014, new information appeared about the personal side of Dmitry Peskov’s life. It became known that Navka gave birth to a daughter from him. Some media outlets suggested that Dmitry and Tatyana got married in secret. All rumors and omissions were dispelled at the end of 2014.


The first information about the couple's possible engagement appeared on the pages of print and online publications at the end of 2014. And after some time it became known that Navka was marrying Peskov. The approximate date for the wedding was one of the days at the end of the summer of 2015. Not long ago it became known that Dmitry and Tatyana officially registered their relationship on August 1. The celebration took place in one of the most expensive hotels in Sochi. Among the guests one could meet famous officials, athletes and cultural figures.

The joint photos show that Dmitry is much older than Tatyana, and many people asked the question: how old are Navka and Peskov and is there a big difference between them? In fact, the age difference is not that big. The skater turned 40 in April 2015, and her husband will be 48 at the end of this year.

The clock story

Photos taken during the wedding celebration caused another scandal. The news of the wedding of Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka faded into the background after data appeared on the Internet about the estimated cost of the watch on the groom’s hand. According to some reports, for such an acquisition you need to pay a little less than 40 million rubles. The statement by Tatiana's current wife that the expensive item was a wedding gift is probably not entirely true. After all, the couple got married at the end of summer, and photos with an expensive watch on the press secretary’s hand appeared several months before.

As befits the elitists of the Putin era, Dmitry Peskov’s children live mainly abroad - in Great Britain and France, and from a young age they do not know the need for anything.

The name of Elizaveta Peskova does not leave the pages of Russian and foreign publications. The Times called her "a glamorous ally of Putin." But this is not the only heir of the presidential press secretary: Dmitry Peskov has five children. Business patriotism, influential Chechen friends and undeclared American real estate - how the family of the chief Russian press secretary lives - in the material of Sofia Savina.

Eldest son: energy propagandist The eldest son, Nikolai, was born in 1990 in Dmitry Peskov’s first marriage. In his youth, he married Anastasia Budyonny, the granddaughter of Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Budyonny. Nikolai grew up with the surname Choles in London, where his mother lived, and moved to Russia five years ago.

In 2012 he went to serve in the missile forces Russian army- At the same time he took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square. Afterwards, he worked on the Russian TV channel Russia Today, which broadcasts to Western audiences. On Nikolai’s Facebook page, in the “place of work” column it is still indicated: Russia Today. However, Nicholas Choles' last reports date back to 2012. In one of them, he talks about souvenirs - symbols of the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. Pointing to teddy bears, leopards and hares, the correspondent says: “To me, they are all cute.”

On the social network Facebook, Nikolai Choles indicated another job: the position of creative director at Fight Nights. The company holds mixed martial arts tournaments. On Nikolai’s Facebook page there are joint photos with Fight Nights fighters. However, there is no information on the company's official website about an employee named Nicholas Choles.

Elizaveta Peskova talks about her brother’s activities: “I worked for RT as a journalist, reported, and now in business.” One is actually registered to Nikolai Dmitrievich Choles Russian company. OOO " Modern technologies construction in the energy sector." The company was founded recently - in February 2017. The main activity is indicated as “electricity transmission”.

Nikolai is not as visible in public space as his sister. He enjoys hunting and horse riding, travels a lot and spends time with Dmitry Peskov’s other children. In 2014, he attended the birthday celebration of Tatyana Navka, the current wife of the press secretary. The Insider reported that in 2014, a criminal case was opened against Nikolai Choles for beating his grandmother Inese Budenna. However, after a couple of days the case was withdrawn “for lack of evidence of a crime.”

To school on a private plane Peskov’s second wife was Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the daughter of a Russian diplomat. Back in 2016, her daughter Elizaveta, when asked by social network users about where her mother worked, answered: “Unfortunately, nowhere.” In June of this year, after breaking up with Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was appointed head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris.

According to a source from The New Times, “the personnel changes were settled during Vladimir Putin’s visit to France.” In his marriage to Solotsinskaya, Peskov had three children: Mika (Mikhail), Denis (Daniil) and Elizaveta. Two of them are minors: Denis is now 9, and Mika is 12 years old. Both live with their mother in England, but also spend time in Russia. On Mika's Instagram page there are several photos with Ramzan Kadyrov.

Junior Denis prefers to be photographed with Russian rappers and expensive cars. According to Dmitry Peskov’s declaration for 2016, one of his minor sons already owns an apartment measuring 140 square meters. m. Two land plots with total area 9373 sq. m and a residential building of 779 sq. m are in his use. The second son has two apartments - one with an area of ​​140 square meters. m in Russia, and the second - 180 sq. m in France.

The third daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, lives in France. She received her education there. At age 12, she was sent to boarding school in Normandy. The Ecole des Roches website published information about the school: “Come to our school by private jet.” The cost of education only in the primary classes of the Roche school is up to 2.6 million rubles per year, and among its graduates are the royal families of Morocco and Thailand, the President of Lebanon and the princely family of Golitsyn. Peskova is currently studying at the Paris Business School (EDC Paris Business School).

A year of study at this school costs €8,960, or 631 thousand rubles per year. People began to talk about the daughter of the press secretary after her appearance at a social event in Moscow - at the Tatler debutante ball in 2015. Peskova began leading an active public life in Russia this summer. In June, she took part in a meeting of the council of bloggers in the State Duma.

According to its creator, deputy Vasily Vlasov (LDPR), the council was needed to advise State Duma committees and help deputies interact with citizens on the Internet. Peskova did not say a word at the meeting. Lisa Peskova blogs on her Instagram page.

There she calls herself a “cosmopolitan” and criticizes Russian system education, advertises dresses from the Firdaws fashion house to Aishat Kadyrova, daughter of the head of Chechnya. In one of her posts, Peskova opposes demonstrations in defense of the rights of sexual minorities because they “prevent” her from “walking down the street to her home.” Business patriotism in Chechen style This summer, Liza Peskova found a job in Russia.

On her Instagram, she announced that she would be developing patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship. And in June she took up the post of adviser to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism Avanti. Translated from Italian - “forward”. Among other things, the organization advocates renaming the central street of Simferopol to V.V. Avenue. Putin. The author of the initiative is the chairman of the general council of the Association for the Development of Business Patriotism, Umar Dzhabrailov.

It is with his money that Avanti exists. Umar Dzhabrailov is a businessman and statesman, close to Ramzan Kadyrov. Until 2009, he represented Chechnya in the Federation Council. The organization he heads, “Avanti,” has its own youth movement, “Strength.” It includes Sergei Belokonev, the ex-head of Rosmolodezh and former secretary of the pro-Kremlin youth movement Nashi.

It was he who was called the “Nashi” ideologist by the media. One of the goals of Avanti is declared to be “the development of the future business elite of Russia.” Elizaveta Peskova herself stated on the RBC TV channel that she sees her task as helping “Putin’s generation.” So far Peskova has only helped her young man. In June, the head of Avanti and assistant to Umar Dzhabrailov, Rakhman Yansukov, published a video of a meeting with French entrepreneur Louis Waldberg and Lisa Peskova.

On it, Yansukov states that Avanti will implement the project of the French guest in Russia - the production of Tazer Lighter electric lighters. It is Peskova who is the curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs at Avanti. Louis Waldberg is her boyfriend: the couple publishes photos together. Louis accompanied Lisa to the Cannes Film Festival, to visit Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya and even to Shipyard in the Sevastopol. Peskova went to the Southern Sevastopol plant, which owed landlords 32 million rubles, in August, in her words, “to help people.”

The plant management called Avanti to Sevastopol to sign a cooperation agreement. However, Peskova’s visit to the plant did not help solve his problems: the Sevastopol government intends to fully recover the rent arrears. Beyond declarations Peskov’s fifth child, daughter Nadezhda, appeared in his marriage to Tatyana Navka. In 2016, Peskov’s third wife became the wealthiest among the relatives of officials of the Presidential Administration.

Her annual income, according to the declaration, amounted to 120 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual salary of the press secretary himself. Peskov’s wife declared two land plots with a total area of ​​9,373 square meters. m, two residential buildings - 353 sq. m and 779 sq. m and three apartments in Russia measuring 367 sq. m. Tatyana Navka also indicated three cars and an all-terrain vehicle in the declaration. Another apartment measuring 126 sq. m, owned by Navka, is located in the USA. It is located in an elite residential complex in Manhattan - in the historical part of New York. Bamboo garden, fitness center, 24-hour doorman - all included.

The apartment, registered in Navka, is now up for sale for $2.2 million, or 129.8 million rubles. Foreign real estate declared as an apartment new family Peskova is not limited. Tatyana Navka and her ex-husband Alexander Zhulin still owns a house in New Jersey. This is evidenced by data in the tax registry of the state Department of Finance. House with an area of ​​398 sq. m was bought by the couple in 2006 for $1.4 million. Since then, the owners have not changed, and every year Alexandre Jouline & Tatiana Navka pay taxes on this property.

Dmitry Peskov's wife did not indicate this American house in her declarations for 2015 and 2016. Tatyana Navka also has a child from her first marriage. Alexandra Zhulina graduated from 10th grade this year. IN in social networks she writes that she is currently studying at a gymnasium, plans to get an economics education, and plans to complete her master’s degree “abroad.” The girl spends every summer in foreign camps - in Switzerland, England, France, and the USA. The new member of the Peskov family already has American citizenship. Like joint photo with Putin.

It's finished! On August 1, the 40-year-old figure skater and her lover, 47-year-old press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, got married! The high-profile ceremony, which the press started talking about back in April, took place in Sochi in the presence of more than a hundred celebrity guests.

“Lady Mail.Ru” tells the love story of a spectacular couple, which has long attracted the greedy attention of thousands of eyes.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka

Brittle Ice

A promising and very diligent figure skater Tatyana Navka moved to Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk when she was a 15-year-old girl. Then a talented athlete long years trained in the USA. Ice skating strengthened her character, brought her great victories and her first love.

Tatyana first saw her colleague, figure skater Alexander Zhulin, when she was 18 - the World Championships were held in Prague. After some time, Zhulin and Navka met again, and Alexander fell in love with the fragile and modest Tatyana. “I got it! - Think. “Only this was not enough!” Zhulin recalls his meeting with the pretty athlete. Tatiana charmed Alexander so much that he left his former wife, figure skating partner Maya Usova.

Navka and Zhulin lived together for fourteen years, ten of them in marriage. The relationship, however, was often tense: due to the fact that both Alexander and Tatyana worked a lot, they had practically no time left for each other. The lovers felt lonely, and Zhulin even tried to leave for another figure skater, Oksana Grischuk, but in the end he stayed with Tatyana.

In 2000, Navka gave her husband a daughter, Sasha. “As a child, I watched the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” and began to dream that I, like her heroine, would someday have a daughter, Alexandra, blonde-haired and big-eyed. That’s exactly what happened,” Navka recalls.

Previously, Tatyana was married to her colleague Alexander Zhulin

During her pregnancy, the figure skater stopped active training and began to spend more time with her husband. At that time the couple lived in the USA. Alexander later admitted that that period was the best in the life of their family: “We loved each other and enjoyed every day. I still remember life in America as a wonderful fairy-tale dream.”

After the birth of her daughter, Tatyana immediately went on the ice. The girl skated together with Roman Kostomarov, and Navka’s husband became the athletes’ coach. Over time, Tatyana began to distance herself from Alexander and showed independence. Zhulin no longer recognized her as the sweet girl she had been during their first meetings.

Family relationships were rapidly deteriorating. The young parents did not see eye to eye on raising their daughter. In addition, when the skaters were invited to work in Russia on the Ice Age project, Tatyana, Alexander and their daughter were forced to move from a spacious house in New York to a small Moscow apartment.

The capital finally divorced the lovers. Navka began to be noticed in the company of Marat Basharov, with whom she skated together on “ Ice Age" The husband, realizing that his beloved had lost interest in him, decided, as the media wrote, to start a relationship with the young figure skater Natalya Mikhailova, whom he was training at that moment.

A passionate romance broke out between Navka and Basharov; the actor left his family for the sake of the figure skater. The relationship, however, was stormy: they either converged or dispersed. The press was constantly in confusion: news about Navka’s pregnancy was replaced by information that Tatyana and Marat had separated. As a result, the couple finally broke up, Marat found new love - although he remained on friendly terms with Navka.

For some time, Tatyana Navka met with actor Marat Basharov. Tatyana and Marat performed together on the show “Ice Age”

Dmitry Peskov and his second wife, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya

Discord in the Peskov family occurred after that fateful meeting between Dmitry and Navka on dinner party. It became clear to Peskov’s legal wife that the family could not be saved. Moreover, the woman was disappointed in her husband, whom she had always considered faithful: “It seemed to me that everyone was like this, but mine is definitely different. And when it turned out that he was the same... I became uninterested.”

For a long time, only the closest friends and relatives knew about the feelings between Navka and Peskov. For almost two years, the press actively discussed that there was something connecting the press secretary and the Olympic champion, but there was still no official confirmation of the rumors.

According to the figure skater, her chosen one is not only an active man with golden hands, but also a real pedant: “If the chair is turned differently or a new candle appears in the living room, he will certainly notice. He has been buying the same model of boots for many years in a row. Got used to his jackets hanging in in the prescribed manner. You understand, even if you have helpers in the house, you can’t provide for everything.”

The couple stopped hiding their romance only in December last year

Over time, journalists and fans of Navka began to wonder: if the figure skater and the new man are doing well and their daughter is already growing up, why won’t the couple marry? “You know, I always understood that a stamp in a passport is not the most important thing in order to preserve love and family. This event will definitely happen in my life, but everything has its time,” Navka stated mysteriously.

The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in France, the ex-wife of press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, wrote a letter of resignation. Earlier, Dozhd reported that she could be fired due to loss of trust

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (Photo: Valery Levitin / RIA Novosti)

Head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris - representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in France, ex-wife Press Secretary of Dmitry Peskov Ekaterina Solotsinskaya announced that she was leaving her post. A photograph of the resignation letter written in the name of the head of the department, Eleonora Mitrofanova, she published on your Instagram.

“Eleanor Valentinovna! I ask you to dismiss me from the position of director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris for at will effective February 28, 2018,” her statement said. (The post later disappeared from her Instagram).

In a letter addressed to the head of Rossotrudnichestvo (available from RBC), Solotsinskaya writes that Mitrofanova’s “internal sources of information” brought to her “facts and documentary evidence of blatant corruption, nepotism and misuse of budget funds” in the French representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo.

“Unfortunately, all this forces me to take a number of steps that will be especially noticeable on the eve of the elections and ask general public, both Russian and French, who, after all, deserve more trust in the current situation,” writes Solotsinskaya (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - RBC).

She emphasizes that her background in a family of high-ranking diplomats does not allow her to tolerate language like “loss of trust” and the like. “I held a number of consultations with competent persons, as it turned out, to my surprise, including those with whom you consulted, and received full approval of my actions,” the letter says.

She noted that for the first time in the history of Rossotrudnichestvo she was able to begin “real work” to restore the Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery in the suburbs of Paris, where many participants of the White movement, artists such as the architect and artist Albert Benois, the writer Ivan are buried Bunin, poet Dmitry Merezhkovsky, his wife - poetess Zinaida Gippius, ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, widow and children of Admiral Alexander Kolchak and many others.

In her letter, she mentions that the First Lady of France, Brigitte Macron, received her to discuss the role of women in politics, diplomacy and art, and that she has signed agreements with some Russian subjects on holding events to promote Russian culture abroad, as well as a personal agreement with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.

As a source close to Solotsinskaya told RBC, in early February, an audit by the Accounts Chamber was carried out at the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office.

The fact that Solotsinskaya may leave her post became known from the material of the Dozhd TV channel, which, citing sources, reported that Peskov’s ex-wife would be fired in the near future due to loss of trust. According to the channel's interlocutors, the reason for her dismissal was the presence of two businesses - Russian and French companies, which she did not mention in the declaration. Russian legislation obliges the dismissal of civil servants if they participate on a paid basis in the management of commercial organizations.

The BBC, citing a source in diplomatic circles, indicates that the ex-wife of the press secretary of the Russian president is the founder of two companies - the Russian Mincom and the Parisian Sirius.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya has headed the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in France since June 2017.​ At the end of December, Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation reported that ex-wife Peskova apartment in Paris on Avenue Victor Hugo. According to an extract from the Paris Cadastral Chamber, which FBK received, the area of ​​the apartment is 180 square meters. m, and its cost is €1.7 million. According to FBK, it was purchased in September 2016 and registered in French entity Sirius, 75% of which belongs to Solotsinskaya, and the remaining 25% to her daughter, Elizaveta Peskova.

Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the FBK, RBC investigation, said that he did not buy this apartment for his ex-wife.