Analysis of the work Black Swan by Taleb Nassim. Nassim Taleb. Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability. We are too confident in what we think we know.

How often do we understand that our low self-esteem prevents us from becoming happy? We don't believe in our capabilities, in ourselves. We are waiting for a miracle or outside support. We don't live for today. Life passes in pursuit of happiness running away from us... How to believe in yourself? What do you need to do to find inner harmony and increase your self-esteem?

There are simple rules, following which will make daily life interesting and rich.

How to learn to love yourself

Self-love needs to be cultivated, to cherish and cherish. You should understand: all people are born ideal, without flaws. Until society and the opinions of others begin to put pressure on a person. From childhood, patterns begin to be imposed on us, what is right and what is wrong. We look at glossy magazines and realize how far we are from the ideal. We listen to stories from life and feel insufficiently erudite.

The world around us is the way we see it ourselves

The main thing is accept yourself as you are with all your shortcomings.

Over the course of life, we can transform as a person, change, work on ourselves, develop and become self-sufficient. But under no circumstances should you dwell on your shortcomings. Love your weaknesses and never try to change to please others. Start working on yourself only when you want it. If people give you conditions under which they will like you, then this means that they will never like you, no matter what you do.

Your shortcomings should not be an obstacle to achieving what you want. Learn to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

How many examples do we see when a person of absolutely average intelligence achieves resounding success in life? It would seem that everything is going against him, but luck still finds him. We are accustomed to attributing such breakthroughs to chance, to a coincidence, forgetting that perhaps only his faith in himself helped him achieve his goal. He was not tormented by questions about whether he was worthy of what he strives for or whether he was good enough. He simply strived to win with all his might.

Many are tormented by eternal lack of money. Material problems literally fall on our shoulders. We see beautiful cars around us, big houses, under construction Luxury Apartments, and we ourselves live in a two-room “Khrushchev” apartment from paycheck to paycheck. This spoils our mood, we begin to think that everything is our fault, and we begin to regret missed opportunities. Our dissatisfaction with ourselves is growing every day; we see that everyone around us lives much better. We rarely think about the fact that millions of people would simply dream about our life. We don’t see those who have a much harder life than us.

Be happy with what you already have, the environment in which you are. And be grateful for it.

Every person has enemies, haters, and there is no escape from this. Perhaps their hatred is due to the fact that they themselves are unhappy, or maybe they just have such a need - to find fault with people all the time. Be lenient with these losers and ignore their attacks on you. Wish them happiness in their life.

Treat others as if you were your own

Man is a social creature and without communication, most people feel uncomfortable. To be happy, you should not push people away, you should treat them with understanding and respect.

In romantic or friendly relationships, you need to give to people as much as you ask of them. Sometimes it is even worth making certain sacrifices for the sake of someone dear to you. No need to be selfish.

However, you need to recognize people who take advantage of you, show disdain, offend you, or cause pain. You should get rid of such an environment, and the sooner the better. They destroy your health, drain you emotionally and destroy your inner harmony. It’s hard to part with loved ones, but if they torture you and do it consciously, then nothing else awaits you except further pain. Don't believe that you can change a person until he wants it.

Whenever possible, try to help people in need. Helping others makes us better people and brings us happiness.

Sincerely rejoice in the success of others.

Envy is a very destructive feeling. Even if you think that success came to someone undeservedly, then just be happy for him and, perhaps, fortune will turn its face towards you.

Very often in relationships between a man and a woman, there is some kind of dissatisfaction with their partner. The eternal desire to change your soul mate leads to constant conflicts and, as a result, to separation.

Don't focus on someone's shortcomings, rather look for their strengths and love them with all your heart. After all, it is the differences between people that make relationships interesting.

Don't isolate yourself, communicate with people. If you are suddenly offended or rude, try to discuss it calmly. An open, sincere dialogue will help to understand the problem. Perhaps you just misunderstood something. Don’t keep grudges to yourself, over time they can turn into a big problem, for you first of all.

Do everything with love

Don't be afraid of change, listen to your heart and decide for yourself what you want from life. If you are depressed at work, try changing your field of activity completely. Open yourself up to new experiences and move forward.

Decide for yourself what you like and what brings you more pleasure. Find out what you need to do to get the career you want. Look for advertisements, carefully study the requirements for applicants and go towards your dream. Don't be afraid to lose, treat life as an interesting, exciting game. Never look at age - many successful people made a career after 40-50 years. As long as we are alive, everything is ahead of us.

Feel the freedom

Don't get bored in your free time: get yourself a hobby. Don't sit at home all the time. It is not without reason that the most terrible punishment is confinement in a solitary confinement cell. Long-term confinement within four walls leads to depression and psychological disorders.

Girls and women! Don't exhaust yourself with endless diets. It is important that you feel healthy and strong. Striving for an unattainable ideal will only bring disappointment. Don't be ashamed of yourself. Accept yourself for who you are and play sports, first of all, for your health.

External beauty is a subjective concept, which is imposed by public opinion and the media.

At the first opportunity, travel, even short distances. You can go through local attractions again, new impressions are guaranteed.

Don't be passive; you should take the most active position in life. Don't be afraid to take risks.

Galina Vishnevskaya is a woman with an unusually strong character and a difficult fate. She survived the blockade, the death of her son, and emigration. But she didn’t break down and, despite everything, she was able to find happiness. She said: "I happy man: I was given difficult trials and was given the strength to survive it, thank God.” Her perseverance, resilience, beauty and intelligence helped her achieve a lot. She sang on the largest stages in the world - Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera, Grand Opera, La Scala, Munich Opera, etc. She lived in a happy marriage with Mstislav Rostropovich for 52 years and raised two daughters . Success and happiness were not easy for her - you will feel this when you get acquainted with her quotes. They are charged with such power that is involuntarily transmitted to everyone who reads them. We offer you 20 of the brightest.

  1. Of course, childhood experiences shaped my character. Needless to say, my character was not sugar. If she set a goal for herself, she went ahead, defending her truth, her right, and then “at least there’s a stake on her head.”
  1. The time was terrible, and those whose spirit was not defeated survived morally.
  1. No matter what smoky dugout or wretched, broken club we performed, always an hour and a half before the start of the performance, the artists began to make up and dress as carefully as if they were about to appear on the most brilliant of stages... Here I realized that art is not crinolines, not fabulously happy kings and queens, but hard, exhausting work. And if you want to be great actress, we must be prepared for many, many sacrifices.
  1. I had to go on stage every day. This taught me to constantly train, and since then I have been working and rehearsing every day all my life. The harsh school I went through at the very beginning creative path, helped me maintain my voice and stage form for so long.
  1. Galina Ulanova danced Juliet until she was fifty-three years old, but I never saw a younger Juliet either on the screen or on the dramatic stage, not to mention the ballet.
  1. Russian people can dance not only out of happiness, but also out of rage.
  1. Again, I feel the whole of Russia behind me, that if I sing unsuccessfully, then it’s all over, Russia is lost... We’ve been raised this way since childhood, and we go on stage abroad looking like we’re covering a firing machine gun with our chest... The Motherland is calling!
  1. Often, sitting in a box and listening to some performance, I watched the audience in the hall: what tired, meaningless faces! No interest in what is happening on stage. Artists are not applauded. They don't need this art. The lack of a culturally prepared audience in the theater led to the uselessness of outstanding conductors and outstanding vocalists. The public does not understand, does not distinguish between who is conducting today and who was conducting yesterday. She doesn't feel the quality. How much must an artist do his best on stage in order to shake up this tired, uninterested person in anything and make him listen to the performance and empathize! Therefore, the main thing in the opera was not the music, but the words spoken accompanied by music in order to convey the meaning and content of the performance. Hence the dramatization of Soviet art, exaggerated emotions, exaggerated words, gestures, forcing voices. Everything has to be stronger than it needs to be, otherwise the public won't understand you. When Soviet singers travel abroad, they are often criticized for their internal pressure, exaggerated playing, the harshness of their voices, and the lack of cantilena and vocal musical phrasing in their singing. But this is our style, this is the style of the Soviet theater. It is no coincidence that the music of Vivaldi, Handel, and Haydn is performed so little in Russia; they don’t stage Mozart’s operas, and in all the twenty-two years that I sang at the Bolshoi Theater, only “The Marriage of Figaro” was performed on this stage. Because you need to listen to such pure music not with your nerves stretched to the limit and a party reprimand in your brain, but sitting calmly in a chair, surrendering to the bliss of perceiving eternal beauty.
  1. A genius cannot be created, it can only be killed.
  1. I am convinced that in order for a woman to look brilliant all her life, she needs a good, reliable husband, whom she could be proud of and walk with her head held high.
  1. We are born to die. How we spend the time between these two events depends only on us.
  1. In your youth, you can still find the strength to accept pokes and slaps with humor, but over the years, when your inner vision becomes merciless, life shamelessly reveals itself to you both in its ugliness and in its beauty. You suddenly inexorably realize that you have been stolen best years that he didn’t do even half of what he wanted and was capable of; one becomes painfully ashamed of oneself that one has allowed the most precious thing in oneself - one’s art - to be criminally humiliated.
  1. The most important thing is not to give way to despair.
  1. Nothing ever goes away. Everything goes nearby. This is a continuation of life. And Rostropovich will never leave my life. He's just been gone for a long time. He must come. All my life we ​​met and parted. All 52 years old. He was returning from tour: “Wow, finally, I’m home!” The door will open, he will come in with a cello and say: “Finally, I’m home!”
  1. If you want to do something, then first think about whether you want to rise up or fall down.
  1. I don’t complain to anyone, I walk with my head up, in spite of all my envious people, and I stick out in their throats like a bone.
  1. I created a wall around myself through which people could not get through to me, and I myself did not meet them halfway. This trait has always been in me.
  1. Life has taught me to always be ready to stand up for myself, and over the years this need has turned into the need to create my own fortress, to be independent, inaccessible. Be able to close the door behind you.
  1. For me, while performing a role, everything I do on stage is as important as a matter of life and death. If they cut off my head, only then would I not be able to finish singing the performance.
  1. My parents didn’t live together, my grandmother raised me and affectionately called me “orphan.” Drunkenness and the street were constantly before my eyes. That's why I tried my best not to repeat the unpleasant experience. When I started a family, I began to raise my children completely differently. My daughters are my closest people. I can tell them absolutely everything and no one else. My husband has changed me a lot. After all, Slava had another family. His father and mother are musicians, they loved him very much. Slava lived in different conditions. With him I became a softer woman. And before our meeting she was harsh, sometimes even rude. This is all from a difficult childhood, from loneliness, from war. I was left alone during the blockade in Leningrad. My grandmother died, they found me barely alive. We had to survive, fight at all costs! Dreams helped. I imagined how the war would end and how I would sing on stage.

I also wrote about this technique—in difficult moments, imagining myself in the future. prominent psychologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, who went through concentration camps: “In general, it is human nature to focus on the future. He resorts to this enlightenment in the future in his most difficult moments. Sometimes it becomes a kind of trick, a saving ploy in the most difficult moments. When I was completely unbearable, I imagined that I was standing at the pulpit in a large, brightly lit, beautiful, warm hall. I give a report - and the audience sitting in front of me in comfortable, soft chairs, listens with interest. And I'm talking about psychology in a concentration camp. And everything that oppresses and torments me now is somehow objectified for me, seen from above scientific analysis... This technique helps me rise mentally above reality, consider it as if it were already in the past, had already passed, and I myself, with my suffering, had already become an object of the most interesting psychological research, undertaken by me myself.”

Many women cannot imagine themselves without a man. It seems to them that if there is no soulmate nearby, it is impossible to become a happy person. However, psychologists say the opposite. Happiness exists, and, oddly enough, it should be very close. You just need to be able to use life correctly. In the article you will find answers to the questions: “How to become happy woman, if you are alone?”, “What is happiness?”, “How to replenish your reserves of female pleasure?”.

What is happiness?

Few people know the answer to this question. For some people, happiness is when a loved one is nearby, for others - the health of loved ones, etc. However, no one can definitely tell you how to become a happy woman if you are alone.

Happiness is the state of mind of every person. If he has harmony, his heart is light, he has someone to communicate with, share his experiences, no big problems, this person is completely satisfied with life.

The famous writer Ayn Rand believes that happiness is, first of all, harmony with oneself. A person cannot force the people around him to love him. Therefore, love cannot be called happiness. Today it is there, but tomorrow it is gone. The same goes for friends. Some comrades replace others.

The philosopher claims that happiness is a person’s pleasure at the present moment. It doesn't matter what he does. If a person enjoys himself, his soul is happy.

As you can see, for each person this concept has its own sides. Psychologists say that absolutely everyone can be happy. Regardless of problems and mood. It is important to really want this and listen to the experts.

Happy and without a man

Many women believe that they must have a soulmate. It seems to them that without a man it is impossible to become happy and successful. As practice has shown, not everyone has a favorite. However, for some reason, some women are happy and others are not. Why does this happen? How to become a happy woman if you are alone? Psychologists give advice on these questions:

1. Find happiness within yourself. Try to live the way you want. You don't have to ask anyone for permission; you have the opportunity to go wherever you want at any time. You'll see, a little time will pass and you will enjoy spending time with yourself. After all, many women feel lonely even when there is a man nearby.

2. Remember, there are no princes on a white horse. They do come across, but extremely rarely. However, you should not hope and wait in vain. While you are searching, learn to take care of yourself. Find yourself an exciting hobby that will distract you from sad thoughts.

3. Love yourself. Never forget that only you can give yourself the happiness that a man cannot give you - freedom. Almost every woman needs it. But not everyone is free.

4. Men rarely appreciate women's actions and kindness. Therefore, it is not worth living for them. Yes, if you have a loved one, that’s good. Still, don't forget about yourself. Always say to yourself: “I will become happy, no matter what.”

You must always remain a woman

As a rule, if a loved one is not nearby, the fairer sex becomes a stronger person. The woman does not ask for help and always tries to cope on her own. They say about such people: “a man in a skirt.” It shouldn't be this way. Remember, you must always be gentle, feminine, loved and unique. These are the main rules.

A woman should not be embarrassed to ask for help. Even if she doesn’t need everyone to know. Try to show others your fragility and helplessness. After all, these are the kinds of women that attract men.

Psychologists say that a woman should often say to herself: “I am happy.” This suggestion helps you find yourself and your passion. Remember, while remaining a woman first and foremost, you can be happy without a man. Of course, someday you will have it. Thanks to the fact that you learn to be on top, you will be able to do without a man. The sex values ​​these people more. They are afraid of losing their loved one and do everything possible so as not to lose her trust and fill the spiritual emptiness.

What is important for women's happiness

Don't you want to feel lonely? Don't know how to live without a man? Psychologists say that first of all you need to be able to be distracted. Ask yourself: “How to become happy without a man?” You'll see, everything is simple. There are some tips. Some are just right for you:

  • Massage is a relaxing remedy necessary for every person, and women in particular. It has been proven that touching certain points improves the state of mind, and a person leaves the salon with a different mood. The bad is forgotten, and the good is remembered.
  • Hairstyle, manicure, pedicure make a woman more beautiful and more confident. The weaker sex begins to treat themselves differently.
  • Beauty salon - new acquaintances. Try to meet new people. If you go to a beauty salon once a week, most likely you will find a friend with similar interests there. You don't have to be secretive with her, but you can have a good time.
  • Talking on the phone. Many women believe that this is a waste of time. However, you are throwing away your energy. Why not talk for two hours on the phone. It has been proven that a woman thus gets a relaxing effect.
  • Shopping is necessary for every woman. Thanks to shopping trips, you forget about everything. A new thing brings satisfaction to almost every person.

The above methods help women relax, enjoy life and become happier. However, there are many more methods, the main thing is that a person understands what he needs. Now you understand how to become a happy woman if you are alone. Try to enjoy being alone, but don't go overboard. Sometimes men are necessary weaker sex like air.

Factors of female happiness

There is an opinion that you are happy only when you have a husband, family, children and a lot of worries. Today, psychologists say that there are other moments in a woman’s life. Many of them wonder: “how to become happy and loved.” Psychology says that there are 4 phases in a person’s life:

  1. Physical. Closeness or intimacy is a relaxing factor. When a person is physically passionate about work, about a partner, then he is happy in this area. However, it is necessary that you like what you do. If physical work is not to your liking, but only for profit, then in this case there is no need to talk about happiness.
  2. Emotional. This phase is responsible for a person’s mood, his state of mind. Therefore, if you are cheerful, your heart is calm and comfortable, then in the emotional phase you are a happy person.
  3. Intelligent. You have a specialty, you were able to get the profession you wanted, and now you also work in your favorite place. You are a completely happy person in the intellectual sphere.
  4. Spiritual. Do you notice the world. When you go to work, you enjoy life and help people who need you. You are completely satisfied in this area.

Pay attention to these phases. Most likely you understand how to become happy and loved. Psychology is a complex science. First of all, it teaches people to understand themselves.

The famous American teacher and psychologist developed many techniques. He claims that they are the ones who help people become happy. These techniques are more aimed at a female audience. First of all, Carnegie advises to constantly convince yourself: “I am happy.” This is already a big plus for success.

The next thing the psychologist advises is not to be endlessly grateful to others for their help. In turn, you should not expect a person to constantly thank you if you managed to help him out in difficult times. Give and take help for granted. Always repeat: “I will become the happiest under any circumstances.”

If you have ill-wishers, you should not take revenge on them. Always remember, every person is given what he deserves. If you start to take revenge, there is no telling what will happen to you.

Never think about the person who is unpleasant to you. Try not to talk to such people even about the weather. After all, such communication spoils the mood. Think about yourself, what you need.

You can't criticize or judge people. Every person, and even you, can find yourself in the same unpleasant situation. There is no need to swear and say: “This will never happen to me.”

Perhaps when communicating with a friend you are sure that she is wrong. You shouldn't blame her, because she's this moment knows that this is how it should be. This is not your mistake, but your friend's. If he asks for advice, try to explain. Don’t force your own opinion. By doing this you will only push your interlocutor away, and he will close himself off from you.

When friends try to use you for their own purposes. Know that they are not even your comrades, but strangers. You should not communicate with such a person. Cross him off your friends list. Your life will become easier.

There is such a wonderful phrase: “fate brought me a lemon.” Don't try it, better cook it delicious drink. Now you can drink it for the rest of your life. An interesting and instructive phrase.

Always find something to do: build a career, learn to knit, sew, write poetry. Employment - best medicine, which will help you forget about all the troubles.

Amazing psychologist Dale Carnegie. How to become happy is written in many books. However, girls and women are often advised to read this author. After all, he wrote in an informative and fascinating way, you begin to feel like a happy and successful woman.

When does a woman feel happy?

Each person has his own concept. However, many women are interested in knowing what to do to become happy? After all, you really want to enjoy life, but it doesn’t always work out. It has been proven that to be happy you need to feel like you are not alone. It doesn’t matter who will be there, a friend, a loved one or just parents. The main thing is to feel needed.

When you have someone to have a heart-to-heart conversation with in a calm environment, then happiness hormones are produced. Outside support and care are important for every person. If you are concerned about others, do not expect gratitude from them, because it benefits you.

Cooperation, career, and joint activities play an important role for all people. They say a woman - yes, that's true. However, if you sit at home and do only everyday life, it consumes you. In such cases, women cannot feel happy.

If you are constantly busy, are passionate about an activity that interests you, communicate with others, feel that they need you, then you will be completely satisfied with your life.

Replenishing our reserves of female happiness

Psychologists say: in order to achieve what you want, you need to set a goal. First of all, tell yourself: “I want to become happy,” and start taking action. To do this, every woman needs:

  1. Take care of yourself. Try to spend at least 30 minutes every day for yourself. Even if you don't go to work, you should look great.
  2. Find your passion. If you are interested in handicrafts, try to find yourself in this business. This can be knitting, embroidery and more. Every person with full employment will not be able to think about bad things.
  3. Communicate often. Go shopping with your friends, to the cinema or even to the circus. Heart-to-heart communication heals a person.
  4. Help others. Try to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to your loved ones. Helping other people will help you find yourself and feel needed.
  5. Be a woman. Ask others for help. After all, a woman should be a little helpless. Get used to the fact that you have someone to lean on in difficult times.

If you try all the above methods, you can become happy without outside help.

If there is no female happiness

If you cannot find peace of mind, think: why? Perhaps you have not wondered how to become the happiest person in the world. What threatens a woman if she has not found female happiness? First of all, the weaker sex ages quickly. After all, if a woman does not have a permanent partner, her character and mood deteriorate every day.

If a person does not develop happiness, he stops taking care of himself and does not always control himself. This threatens nervous exhaustion and ultimately hospitalization.

This prospect is not encouraging. Therefore, do not forget to say to yourself every morning: “I am happy.” After a week of self-hypnosis, you will become confident in yourself.

It is very important for a woman to be happy and loved. Therefore, adhere to the above rules and do not forget that you should always remain feminine and beautiful.

How to become happy at 40?

Don't think that old age has already arrived. It’s not for nothing that they say: “at 40, life just begins.” You are experienced and wise woman, so it’s not a problem for you to become happy right now. At the age of 40, your strength has just begun to blossom, you have many acquaintances, friends, comrades and colleagues. As a rule, at this age it is difficult to deceive a person, because he has a wealth of experience, thanks to which you understand people better. Now you understand when to trust and who is not worthy of your attention.

If you have children, but are already adults, then you can pay attention to your beloved. Sometimes it happens that a woman, due to circumstances, did not have time to give birth. Then at 40 you will be happy if you are a mother. Don't be alarmed, psychologists say that there is nothing wrong with this. Many women at this age give birth to babies and then find their happiness.

If you have adult children, but no man, then you can change your life in this direction. At 40, a woman can easily pay attention to a man. Your intuition will not let you down.

Give yourself as much charm as possible. You can charm a man. After all, thanks to experience, you know how to behave correctly so that the stronger sex is next to you. However, before you take a serious step, think carefully about whether you need it. After all, if you are used to living alone, paying attention only to yourself, it is quite possible that you will not be able to change quickly.

Physical activity, caring for loved ones, hobbies, self-care - all this makes a woman happy. Find yourself, learn to enjoy life, and you will succeed.

Posted under: My Immortal - Evanescence. He stands next to a small grave surrounded by bright green grass and an endless meadow. There, deep underground, lay a young girl about whom no one except him cared. More precisely, what is left of it. He placed a bouquet of daisies on the grave. These were her favorite flowers. A single tear rolled down his cheek. He remembers that day again and again. Her words. Flashback. They met on the street. Accidentally. She tripped and fell. And her books scattered across the sidewalk, rustling their pages. Then just an ordinary guy and just an ordinary girl met. They were no different from others, but their love was different. Deep, pure, not contaminated by today's concept of the word "Love". They loved each other more life. And when other “couples” tried to support “love” with empty messages, gifts, compliments, they were simply happy, they just needed to know that they needed each other. Their love knew no bounds. They put their whole soul into it. When one left somewhere, the other always knew that he would not be betrayed or forgotten. "Together forever". They spoke. But this was not destined to come true. One day, on the day when two years had passed since their meeting, the idyll was interrupted. It was a summer day then. It was already getting dark, and they walked home, smiling. There was a road ahead. The girl, about two meters from the road, turned around and said the words that now always echo in the guy’s head: “I want you to live happy life, no matter what." And at that moment she was hit by a car. The drunk driver fell asleep at the wheel. Since then he has withdrawn into himself, the world has lost its colors, they were washed away by the rain, just like the blood stains on the asphalt. The end of Flashbacka. He rose from his knees and directed his gaze to where the sun was disappearing over the horizon. The meadow grasses swayed under the gusts of wind and softly touched his feet. She loved this meadow so much. And now she is buried here. What an irony of fate. Orange and yellow reflections softly fell on shoulders of the guy. He would have stood like that for a long time, if not for a barely audible whisper, intricately intertwined with the rustle of herbs and flowers: “Live a happy life, no matter what." And in the distance, dissolving in the haze, the silhouette of a smiling girl appeared. She she turned around and looked happily at the guy, and then walked towards the sun, finally disappearing into the sunset.

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