Analysis of the qualitative composition of the organization's personnel. Directions for improving the qualitative and quantitative composition of employees at the enterprise (using the example of the Dombarovsky linear production department of Uraltransgaz LLC)

First of all, an analysis is carried out of the actual compliance of the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel with the tasks facing the organization and the requirements for performers. In this case, the assessment takes the form of constant monitoring, rather than periodic activities (i.e., the answer to the question: “What is in stock?” is always ready).

The main task of qualitative analysis is to determine and evaluate the knowledge and skills of employees by a clearly defined planning time.

The task of quantitative analysis of personnel composition is to determine the number of employees for each category of personnel (for example, employee or worker, trained or unqualified personnel, men and women, youth, etc.).

It is important to establish the nature of the discrepancy between the required and available personnel, since this determines the range of measures aimed at eliminating such a discrepancy.

Personnel requirement planning

The main goal is to determine the quantitative and qualitative personnel needs to ensure the current and future productivity of the enterprise.

A specific determination of personnel requirements is a calculation of the required number of workers according to their qualifications, time, employment and placement in accordance with the current and future development objectives of the enterprise. The calculation is made based on a comparison of the estimated labor demand and the actual state of supply on a certain date and represents the information basis for making management decisions in the field of personnel attraction, training and retraining.

The need for personnel is influenced by factors external and internal to the organization (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Factors influencing the need for personnel

As R. Marr notes, determining the need for personnel can cause the creation and strengthening of “conflict potentials” in cases where:

– determining the need for personnel leads to results that infringe on the interests of individual employees (for example, dismissals);

– when determining the quantitative need for personnel, it is discovered that there are either too few or too many employees. In the first case, there is a need for overtime, which leads to overload of employees and causes them to feel dissatisfied. In the second case, there is a threat of conflicts with financial services if unproductive costs caused by incorrect determination of personnel requirements are identified;

– the results of determining the need for personnel are either not communicated to employees or do not inspire confidence in them, for example, based on past negative experience;

– determining the need for personnel serves as a tool for creating or increasing power potential in the organization, in particular by identifying a high need for personnel, since the number of employees is considered an indicator of the importance of the corresponding unit in the organization. Conflicts arise in departments where it is believed that their personal resources are too small.

At the same time, an accurate determination of personnel requirements serves as a prerequisite for ensuring that employees will be at the disposal of the organization in accordance with its quantitative, qualitative, time and territorial needs, and thus eliminates conflicts that could arise due to imbalances in the above areas.

Personnel planning

It is directly based on personnel requirements planning and also takes into account both quantitative and qualitative aspects. It is divided into four components:

recruitment planning. Associated with the selection of sources for attracting candidates (external or internal), as well as familiarizing potential candidates with the proposed vacancies using the media (publications, Internet, etc.);

selection planning. Associated with the choice of selection tools, as well as the structuring of individual stages of the selection of candidates for vacant positions;

hiring planning. Standards taken into account labor law and legislation, including when concluding employment contracts;

employee adaptation planning, i.e., events that help new employees get to know the organization, workplace and team.

Personnel planning

Its goal is to ensure compliance with the distribution of employees among jobs, the basis of which is the compliance of qualifications with the requirements of a given workplace. Comparing the qualification profile of employees and these requirements allows us to assess the coefficient of professional suitability of employees for the workplace.

In addition, when planning the use of personnel, one should strive to ensure the optimal degree of satisfaction of employees with their jobs, taking into account their abilities, skills, and motivation. Planning for the use of personnel is implemented in the development of a plan for filling regular positions.

Another area of ​​this planning element is employee time management (developing work shift plans, plans for the use of casual and part-time labor and support staff, organizing the use of employees during unstable work cycles associated with e.g. seasonal changes in trade). It is also necessary to pay attention to planning vacations and planning for the provision of employees to participate in various educational programs.

Personnel development planning

The goal is to identify future workplace requirements and plan activities that contribute to the professional development of employees. Personnel development planning is intended to use internal resources, rather than looking for personnel on the external labor market. It can be divided into educational planning, employee development and career planning.

All personnel development activities should be aimed at eliminating the deficit in the knowledge and skills of employees. Many large enterprises create their own to train their employees educational centers, as close as possible to the specifics of the company’s activities. Small and medium-sized organizations can use the services of external educational centers.

Planning for staff release

The goal is to establish and timely or proactively reduce surplus personnel. The reasons for the release may be the cessation of production due to the inexpediency of the further existence of the enterprise; decline in production; new technical development; changing requirements for workplaces; change in organizational structure, etc.

To prevent the spillover of qualified personnel onto the external labor market and mitigate social tensions, organizations can use advanced personnel release: developing forecasts for the release of personnel and planning ways to alternatively use employees. Unfortunately, this area of ​​personnel management activities has not been developed in domestic organizations.

When planning the release of personnel, first of all, you should outline activities that do not require staff reduction:

1) termination of employment. This measure makes it possible to employ redundant workers at the expense of their own attrition;

2) moving excess labor to other available places;

3) reduction of working hours. In this case, the excess number will be eliminated due to the fact that more workers will be required. There are several options for such a reduction: abolition of overtime, transfer of some workers to part-time work, etc.;

4) cancellation of the transfer of orders to other organizations, if these orders can be fulfilled on our own, without losing connections necessary for the organization;

5) introduction of a shortened working week.

Then measures are planned to reduce employees. Preference is given to those events in which employees leave the enterprise voluntarily. In this case, monetary compensation may be paid upon dismissal (in Western enterprises up to 7-10 monthly salaries, depending on length of service and a number of other indicators); early retirement; assistance to the employee in choosing a new job, etc.

Personnel cost planning

The goal is to establish changes in personnel costs within a certain planned period of time. At the same time, a comparison is made with the expected degree of success of the enterprise and its ability to withstand such changes in costs. This element of personnel planning is closely related to financial planning and analysis economic activity.

In industrialized countries, the importance of cost planning is due to the tendency for the weight of personnel costs to increase in enterprise costs, which can be explained by the following factors:

– imbalance of worker productivity and personnel costs;

– the use of new technologies that require more qualified and, accordingly, more “expensive” personnel;

– influence of legislation and tariff agreements.

When planning personnel costs, you should first of all keep in mind the following cost items: basic and additional wages; social insurance contributions; expenses for business trips and official travel; expenses for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel; expenses associated with additional payments for public catering, housing and cultural services, physical education, healthcare and recreation, provision of child care facilities, and the purchase of special clothing. You should also plan for labor protection costs and environment, to create more favorable working conditions (compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and labor ergonomics, technical aesthetics), a healthy psychological climate in the organization, and job creation.

If there is a high turnover of personnel in an organization, additional costs arise associated with the search for new labor, their instruction and mastery of work. When staff turnover is high, pay increases overtime work, the level of defects and the number of downtimes, the level of morbidity and industrial injuries increases, and early disability occurs. All this leads to an increase in personnel costs, an increase in product costs and a decrease in its competitiveness.

As market relations develop, it becomes necessary to take into account new types of costs associated with the participation of employees in the profits and capital of the organization.


Planning as a sign of management culture

“Planning is one of the signs of a high management culture in a company. When working for a recruiting agency and discussing recruitment orders with companies, I always ask when the required employee is due to start work. And often I get the answer: “Yesterday!” It's interesting that in Russian companies This happens much more often than in Western countries. Having a recruitment plan is a necessary condition for budgeting the activities of the personnel service. One of my colleagues once said: “If I were allowed to ask him only one question to evaluate an HR manager, I would ask about the budget of the HR department he heads.” Indeed, the absence of such a budget or, on the contrary, its presence, volume and structure are important characteristics of the organization of work with personnel in a company.”

Valery Polyakov, President of the Metropolis Personnel Association

4.4. Personnel planning methods

When planning personnel requirements, various methods can be used.

Balance sheet method is based on the mutual coordination of the resources that the organization has and the needs for them within the planning period. If resources are insufficient compared to needs, then additional sources are searched to cover the deficit. The necessary resources can be attracted from the internal or external labor market. The algorithm for calculating the actual staffing requirements is presented in table. 4.1.

The normative planning method consists in the fact that the basis of plan targets for a certain period are the cost norms of various resources (in our case, labor) per unit of production (in this case, working time, wage fund expenditure, etc.).

The personnel of an enterprise is the main resource of each enterprise, the quality and efficiency of its use largely determine the results of the enterprise’s activities and its competitiveness.

The personnel of the enterprise sets in motion the material elements of production, creates a product, value and surplus product in the form of profit.

The following concepts “personnel planning”, “personnel planning”, “planning of the organization’s workforce” have a similar meaning.

The basis of personnel planning is the analysis of personnel needs and the study of information about the productivity of employees and the costs of their maintenance.

Due to the labor shortage, personnel planning has become an integrated part of business planning in many organizations.

Until the 60s, in matters of personnel planning, they were guided only by the current needs of the organization. With this approach, the employer expected to receive at any time the number of workers he needed, the use of which does not require lengthy special training. Excess market labor force gave employers this opportunity, and the dismissal of excess personnel cost almost nothing. Changes in the operating conditions of organizations have put forward as a common requirement for all to focus on the formation of resources not only for current needs, but also for the long term. This requirement applies to all types of resources, including human ones.

In the 70-80s, management practice began to use a systematic analysis of the long-term needs of organizations and firms in certain categories of personnel. Today, an increasing number of companies are distinguished as independent species activities of personnel services; personnel planning, or human resource planning.

The ongoing changes associated with the irreversibility of economic reforms and the movement towards healthy competition force Russian organizations to pay significant attention to the long-term aspects of personnel policy based on scientifically based planning.

One of the most important indicators characterizing the production capabilities of an enterprise is the number of industrial production personnel. The greater the number, the greater, other things being equal, the volume of production.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is determined by the increasing role of personnel planning, the provision of an enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the composition, structure and provision of the enterprise with labor resources and develop a project of measures to improve the level of qualifications, education and staffing.

The object of study of the course work is OJSC Rostelecom.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations in determining qualitative and quantitative personnel needs

1.1. The concept of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel

Determining the need for personnel is one of the most important areas of personnel marketing, which makes it possible to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel required for a given period of time.

It is necessary to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative personnel needs. Both of these types of needs in the practice of population planning are calculated in unity and interconnection.

Determining the quantitative need for personnel comes down to choosing a method for calculating the number of employees, establishing the initial data for the calculation and directly calculating the required number for a certain time period.

The quantitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are primarily measured by such indicators as the payroll, attendance and average number of employees. The number of employees of an enterprise is an indicator of the number of employees payroll on a certain date, taking into account employees hired and departed for that day. Attendance is the estimated number of employees on the payroll who must report to work to complete a production task.

The difference between turnout and payroll composition characterizes the number of full-day downtime (vacation, illness, business trips, etc.).

To determine the number of employees for a certain period, the average number on the payroll is used. It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, staff turnover and a number of other indicators. The average number of employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month (including holidays and weekends) and dividing the resulting amount by the number of calendar days of the month. The average number of employees for a quarter (year) is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months of operation of the enterprise in the quarter (year) and dividing the resulting amount by 3 (12), respectively. For correct definition the average number of employees, it is necessary to keep daily records of employees on the payroll, including records of orders (instructions) on the hiring, transfer of employees to another job and termination of the employment contract.

There are several main methods for calculating quantitative personnel requirements:

A method based on the use of data on the time of the labor process (labor intensity method);

Calculation methods - by service standards, by workplaces, by headcount standards, by controllability standards;

Stochastic methods - calculation of numerical characteristics, regression analysis, correlation analysis;

Methods expert assessments- simple assessment, extended (single or multiple) assessment.

The qualitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise and perform work.

The qualitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel and the quality of work are much more difficult to assess. Currently, there is no common understanding of the quality of labor and the qualitative component of the labor potential of the workforce. Long discussions on these issues in the economic literature in the 1940-60s and in the 1970s outlined only the main range of parameters or characteristics that determine the quality of labor: economic (complexity of work, worker qualifications, industry affiliation, working conditions, length of service), personal (discipline, skills, conscientiousness, efficiency, creative activity), organizational and technical (attractiveness of work, its technical equipment, level of technological organization of production, rational organization of work) and socio-cultural (collectivism, social activity, general cultural and moral development) .

The qualitative need for personnel (i.e. the need for categories, professions, specialties, level of qualification requirements) is calculated based on:

· organizational management structure;

· professional and qualification division of work recorded in production and technological documentation into the work process;

· requirements for positions and jobs specified in job descriptions or job descriptions;

· staffing table the organization and its divisions, where the composition of positions is recorded;

· documentation regulating various organizational and managerial processes, highlighting the requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers.

Calculation of quality needs by profession, specialty, etc. criteria is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of quality need. The total need for personnel is found by summing the quantitative needs according to individual qualitative criteria.

The qualitative need for specialists and managers can be determined through the consistent development of the following organizational documents:

· systems of goals as the basis of the organizational structure of management;

· general organizational structure, as well as organizational structures of divisions;

· staffing table;

· job descriptions(job descriptions) of specialists and managers. This type of document can be used as the basis for calculating the labor intensity of performing job functions.

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics can be measured with less or more reliability and reflected by the following absolute and relative indicators:

· list and attendance number of employees of the enterprise and/or its internal divisions, individual categories and groups as of a certain date;

· average number of employees of the enterprise and/or its internal divisions for a certain period;

· the share of employees of individual divisions (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the company;

· growth rate (increase) in the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period;

· average category of enterprise workers;

· the share of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and/or employees of the enterprise;

· average work experience in the specialty of managers and specialists of the enterprise;

· staff turnover;

· capital-labor ratio of employees and/or workers at the enterprise, etc.

The combination of these and a number of other indicators can give an idea of ​​the quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the enterprise’s personnel, as well as trends in its changes for the purposes of personnel management, including planning, analysis and development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of the enterprise’s human resources.

1.2. Methods for calculating quantitative and qualitative personnel indicators

Enterprise statistics consider categories And population indicators workers.

Categories number are: payroll number (payroll), attendance number and number of actually working persons. Each of the listed categories of numbers can be determined on a certain date or for a certain period, in the latter case we're talking about O average number of employees. It is defined as the ratio of the total number of employees by day of this period to the number of calendar days in this period.

Dynamics of the number of employees Enterprises can be viewed in two directions:

As external turnover, i.e. hiring new employees to the enterprise and their dismissal, and

As internal turnover, i.e. the transition of workers from one category to another, changing the structure, but maintaining the total number.

The movement of labor in an enterprise associated with the hiring and dismissal of workers is important object analysis, since the level of personnel stability is one of the factors influencing labor productivity and production efficiency.

Analysis of the movement of workers is carried out by calculating the following coefficients:

A general indicator of changes in the number of employees, both as a result of hiring and as a result of their dismissal, is labor turnover rate ( the ratio of the number of hired and dismissed employees for the analyzed period to the average number of employees ) , and admission turnover ratios ( ratio of the number of employees hired to the average number of employees ) And staff departure ( ratio of the number of dismissed to the average number of employees ) :

K rev = (N pr + N uv) / state of emergency avg

K pr = N pr / state of emergency avg

K select = N uv / state of emergency avg

It is also important to obtain required turnover ratio(the ratio of the number of people fired due to disability, death, conscription into the army, transfer to other enterprises, or assignment to study to the average number) and worker turnover rate(ratio of the number of dismissed for violation of labor discipline, by court decision and by at will to the average number):

K required = N required / emergency avg

K tek = N tek / state of emergency avg

In addition to the coefficients characterizing the movement of labor, the coefficient of permanent personnel of the enterprise is also calculated:

K post = N post / PE avg

PE av – average number of personnel; N pr – number of hired personnel; N uv – number of employees who quit; Nnecessary – the number of employees who left due to necessity; N current – ​​the number of those who resigned of their own free will and for violation of labor discipline; N post – the number of employees who worked the whole year.

The provision of an enterprise with labor resources is also determined by comparing the actual number of workers by category and profession with the planned need.

Industrial and production personnel

Non-industrial personnel

Personnel who are either directly involved in the production process, or serve it, or manage production

employees not directly related to industrial production

Production workers;

Support workers;


Employees (managers, specialists and other employees).

Administrative and teaching staff of all types of educational institutions of the enterprise,

Workers of medical and sanitary institutions,

Housing and communal services,

Institutions of cultural and consumer services,

Performers of experimental and research work

The economic feasibility of dividing personnel into two categories arises from the need to link labor indicators with the results of production activities.

It is necessary to analyze the qualitative composition according to professions And qualifications .

For specialists And employees their level of qualification is determined by the level of special education and depends on the results of certifications.

For workers initial qualification indicator – tariff category.

To assess the compliance of workers' qualifications with the complexity of the work performed, average tariff categories are compared, calculated as a weighted average by the number of workers in a given tariff category. If the actual average wage grade of workers is lower than planned and lower than the average tariff grade of work, then this affects the quality of the products. If it is higher than the average tariff category, then workers for less skilled work must make an additional payment according to the tariff.

When determining the need for labor, one does not limit oneself to formal calculations using generally accepted formulas, but carries out additional analytical calculations to identify the peculiarities of the production situation.

The most common are the following basic methods for determining workforce requirements:

According to the labor intensity of the work,

According to production standards,

For workplaces based on standards for servicing machines and units, and monitoring the technological process.

When planning the number of workers, the turnout and average composition are determined. The turnout number of workers per shift (Chyav) is the standard number of workers to complete the production shift task for product output:

Chyav = Tr / (Tsm * Dn * S * Kvn),

where Tr is the labor intensity of the production program, standard hours;

Tcm - duration of a work shift or shift fund of working time for one worker, hours;

S - number of work shifts per day;

Dn is the number of days the enterprise operates in the planning period.

To calculate the required average number of workers, two main methods can be used: calculation by the average payroll coefficient and by the planned percentage of absenteeism:

Chsp = Chav * Ksp,

where Ksp is the coefficient of the average roster. This coefficient is calculated as:

Where Fn is the nominal working time fund (number of calendar working days);

f is the actual working time of one worker (planned number of working days).

Planning the number of auxiliary personnel performing work for which there are service standards comes down to determining the total number of service objects, taking into account the work shifts. The quotient of this quantity divided by the standard of service is the number of workers present.

The number of employees can be determined based on the analysis of industry average data, and in their absence, according to the standards developed by the enterprise. Headcount standards, depending on their purpose, can be developed not only for each individual management function, groups of functions, and the enterprise as a whole, but also for certain species works (accounting, graphic, computing, etc.), as well as by position (designers, technologists, economists, etc.).

The number of service personnel can be determined by aggregated service standards. For example, the number of cleaners - by number square meters area of ​​premises, cloakroom attendants - according to the number of people served, etc.

The number of managers can be determined taking into account controllability standards and a number of other factors.

Chapter 2. Analysis and evaluation labor resources using the example of OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company"

2.1. Brief technical, economic and organizational characteristics of the enterprise

The object of the study was Joint-Stock Company open type"Baikal Forestry Company" The location of the enterprise is the Eastern Siberian part of Russia, the Republic of Buryatia. total area plant - 201900 m2, including production - 153500 m2. The number of employees is 1902 people.

OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" is a vertically integrated structure covering production cycle from logging to the production and sale of advanced wood processing products, occupies a leading position in the forest sector of the economy of the Republic of Buryatia, and has fifteen years of experience in the global timber market.

The history of the industrial and commercial group of enterprises OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" dates back to the organization in 1989 of the scientific and technical cooperative center "Vector", which worked on the creation and implementation of the timber and pulp and paper industries automated systems management and optimization of energy consumption.

Today the Company is the largest manufacturer and exporter of forest products in the Republic of Buryatia. The company unites more than ten industrial enterprises of the Republic of Buryatia: these are logging enterprises, timber transshipment bases, three timber processing plants, mechanical repair shops, divisions for servicing production by road and rail transport, road construction, heat and power supply, low-rise construction and repair of buildings and structures.

The company specializes in transportation and freight forwarding by rail, foreign economic activity, provision of heat and electricity, work in the field of trade. However, the determining direction of the Company's activity is logging and wood processing production.

Successful production activities allow Baikal Forestry Company OJSC to make a tangible contribution to the development of the republic’s infrastructure. The company performs functions for the development of enterprises in the forest industry of the republic and resolves many issues related to investments in the forestry industry.

To the number priority areas The works of OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" include:

Conducting thinning in forests located on the Baikal natural area;

Expanding the production of deep wood processing products, increasing diversity in interrelated products;

Sales of products from all Company enterprises.

OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" continues its development, not forgetting about main goal- to form a powerful financial and industrial group on a federal scale, access to open financial markets.

Having completed comprehensive technical re-equipment in 2005, Baikal Forestry Company OJSC reached new level its development, the goal of which is to become a leader in the applied wood processing technologies, growth rates, quality of lumber products, and business efficiency.

The development of its own timber resource base is one of the strategic directions of the Company’s activities. This is due, first of all, to the need to provide woodworking production with sawn raw materials.

In addition, logging is a separate profitable business line of Baikal Forestry Company OJSC.

Proximity to sources of raw materials is one of the the most important advantages Companies.

Timber harvesting is carried out in forest areas that are in long-term (up to 49 years) use of the Company under lease agreements with forestry enterprises of the Pribaikalsky district of the Republic of Buryatia.

The total area of ​​leased forest areas is 327.3 thousand hectares.

The annual estimated cutting area is more than 379 thousand cubic meters.

In addition, in May 2006, the Company won a forestry competition for the right to lease forests in the Eravninsky district with an annual supply of root wood of ~ 340 thousand m3.

The company does a lot of work in the field of sustainable and responsible forest management, because a significant part of the forest fund where logging is carried out is located in the water protection zone of Lake. Baikal. Therefore, forestry activities, along with timber harvesting, pursue the goal of improving the forest environment.

In relation to timber industry enterprises, the Company is implementing a large-scale technical re-equipment program.

Timber industry enterprises of OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" today are modern enterprises equipped with high-performance domestic and foreign machines and mechanisms.

Logging is carried out using tractors of the TLT-100-06 brand, developed by designers of the Onega Tractor Plant. This is a universal model of the new generation of tracked vehicles. Thanks to the increased supporting surface caterpillar tractors TLT-100-06 provide a reduction in the negative impact on the soil, and are also characterized by increased maneuverability in any forested areas: they work in mountainous terrain, on soils with low bearing capacity and in deep snow cover.

Loading of timber onto road trains is carried out using Loglift hydraulic manipulators and ZLM wheeled timber loaders with a gripper for loading timber. These are modern high-performance machines operating at both high and low temperatures. low temperatures air.

The removal of timber from logging sites is carried out using MAN and MERCEDES truck tractors equipped with semi-trailers. These vehicles are suitable for work and comfortable rest drivers.

In addition to its own logging, the Company actively purchases timber from regular timber suppliers.

OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" strives to remain a socially oriented company. The number of employees at enterprises of the industrial and commercial group is 1902 people.

Enterprises take care of their people, create conditions for all personnel to achieve the highest professional qualifications, and provide guarantees of social protection.

In addition to ensuring wage growth for workers, company management great attention pays attention to maintaining the health of employees and providing them with adequate rest.

Significant funds are spent on organizing sports and festive events, recreational evenings, and providing financial assistance, transport services, purchase of fuel, to improve the living conditions of their employees.

Training of young workers, advanced training and development of related professions by employees is in the constant field of view of the management of the group of enterprises.

OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" closely cooperates with higher educational institutions of the Republic and vocational training institutions - East Siberian State Technological University, Forestry College.

Examples of the Company’s charitable and sponsorship activities include:

· restoration of the Sretensky Church in the village. Baturino, Pribaikalsky district;

· assistance in the establishment of an artistic youth theater in Ulan-Ude,

· supplying heat to most residential buildings in Ilyinka, as well as the House of Culture, sports complex, kindergarten, clinics, libraries and other objects of social significance;

· help for several years orphanage“Malyshok” in Ulan-Ude;

· organization and implementation of public works (reforestation, fire fighting);

· financial support in the form of sponsorship to enterprises, institutions and individuals.

2.2. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees

Analysis of quantitative and quality composition employees of the enterprise will allow us to assess their compliance with needs, as well as identify trends in qualitative changes in personnel. This section analyzes the number of workers in general and for each category, and calculates the absolute deviation of the number and relative savings (overexpenditure) of labor. In addition, the structure of workers is calculated, highlighting the share of workers, its dynamics, as well as the qualification and quality composition are analyzed.

All initial data underlying the analysis of the use of labor resources in 2008 - 2009 are shown in Table 2.2.1.

Table 2.2.1. Labor indicators,

First of all, let's analyze the data on the number of employees employed at the enterprise. The analysis of structure and numbers is carried out in table 2.2.2.

Table 2.2.2. Analysis of the structure and number of employees

Deviation from 2008

Deviation from plan

1. Workers

2. Leaders

3. Specialists

4. Employees

incl. accepted

incl. for violation of labor discipline and at their own request

In the analyzed period, the actual number of employees decreased by 38 people. The structure of the workforce has changed slightly - the share of workers, specialists and employees has decreased by 0.2%, 0.2% and 0.2%, respectively, but, at the same time, the number of managers has increased (0.6%). The number of hires decreased by 25% compared to the planned figure, and the number of dismissals increased by 280%. The decrease in the number of hires was influenced by the poor quality of work of the HR department, and the increase in the number of dismissals was influenced by a number of factors: an unfavorable intra-team climate, insufficient material incentives for workers, poor organization of workplaces, working conditions, this also includes inevitable layoffs, as well as the general economic downturn in country.

Now you should analyze the movement of labor in the enterprise (Table 2.2.3.).

Table 2.2.3. Labor movement analysis,

The total labor turnover ratio increased by 1.01% compared to the plan and by 0.07% compared to the previous year, which should be noted, since an increase in the total labor turnover ratio may be a consequence of deteriorating working conditions.

In the reporting year, there was a decrease in the admissions turnover ratio by 0.48% compared to the plan and by 0.36% compared to the previous year, which may indicate poor quality work of the HR department, or a general economic downturn in the country.

The required turnover ratio in the reporting year increased by 0.22% compared to the previous year. Along with this, the turnover rate increased - by 0.21% compared to the previous year - this was due to the deterioration of labor discipline and an increase in the number of voluntary dismissals.

In order to reduce the labor turnover rate upon dismissal, it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of work in the workshop, to the working conditions and payment of workers.

For our analysis and determination of personnel needs, it is very important to analyze the qualitative composition of the workforce, which is shown in Table 2.2.4.

Table 2.2.4. Qualitative composition of workers

As can be seen from Table 2.2.4, in the positions of managers, specialists and employees, a third of workers do not have higher education, and as for the category “workers”, there is a presence of secondary education. special education more workers, and only 161 people out of 1540 in 2008 and 139 people out of 1520 in 2009 have higher education, i.e. The quality of the workers at the enterprise leaves much to be desired.

We will also analyze the qualification composition of the labor force. Data for analyzing the compliance of workers’ qualifications with the complexity of the work performed at the enterprise are given in the table (Table 2.2.5.).

Table 2.2.5. Composition of workers of OJSC "BLK" by qualification for 2008-2009.

Worker category

Tariff coefficient

Number of workers


out of grade

From the data in table. 2.2.5 shows that the structure of workers in 2009 differs from the structure of workers in 2008. The number of workers of the lower categories (II - III) in 2009 is higher than in 2008, and the number of workers of the highest (IV-VI) is lower. The change in the structure of workers makes it necessary to study their qualification level. The qualification level of workers is determined based on a comparison, for example, of the average tariff coefficient in 2009 with the average tariff coefficient in 2008, for which the following is established:

1) tariff coefficient (average level of work) in 2008:


2) tariff coefficient in 2009:


As can be seen from the calculations, the average tariff coefficient in 2009 is lower than in 2008 by 0.11. This suggests that the qualification level in 2009 is lower than the qualification level (average level of work) in 2008, which, of course, reduces work efficiency.

Let's consider and compare the average level of work and workers in the main production at OJSC "BLK" (Table 2.2.6.)

Table 2.2.6. Average level of work and average level of workers in the main production at the enterprise

From the data in table. 2.2.6 shows that over the course of two years the average level of work in the main production is higher than the average level of workers. In 2008, the difference between the average level of work and the average level of workers was 0.09, and in 2009 this difference was already 0.1. Consequently, the quantitative need to improve the qualifications of plant workers is gradually increasing.

Based on the above information, we calculate the number of workers who should improve their skills using formula (1):

Ch r.k = (P works -P workers) * Ch r.o.p

Where Ch r.k– the number of workers who need to improve their skills;

Ch r.o.p– the total number of workers in the enterprise;

P works– average level of work;

R workers- middle class workers.


In conclusion, the analysis of the composition, structure and provision of management Catering the following conclusions can be drawn:

Chapter 3. Determination of qualitative and quantitative personnel needs

3.1. Measures aimed at optimizing the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel

Determining personnel needs is essentially the application of planning methods and methods to staff an organization in the optimal way. For convenience, we can consider that the process of such planning includes three stages:

1) Assessment of available resources.

2) Calculation of future needs.

3) Program to meet personnel needs.

A specific determination of personnel requirements is a calculation of the required number of employees according to their number, qualifications, time, employment and placement in accordance with the current and future development objectives of the enterprise. The calculation is made on the basis of a comparison of the estimated labor demand and the actual state of supply on a certain date and represents the information basis for making management decisions in the field of attracting personnel, their training and retraining. The purpose of such planning is to properly organize long-term work with personnel.

Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, high level labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and increasing production efficiency.

Personnel requirements planning is the initial stage of the personnel planning process and is based on data on existing and planned jobs, a plan for carrying out organizational and technical activities, a staffing table and a plan for filling vacant positions. When determining personnel requirements in each specific case, the participation of the heads of the relevant departments is recommended.

The strategic determination of personnel needs is based on a comparison of production needs in human resources with their actual availability. When justifying the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel, existing restrictions on financial resources, and also takes into account external and internal factors.

this work is devoted to the analysis of the provision of OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" with labor resources, it reveals theoretical basis the use of labor resources, their essence and its significance, characteristics and analysis of the activities of the enterprise under study.

The work carried out an analysis of the availability of labor resources for OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company". The number of personnel of the enterprise characterizes the provision of the enterprise with labor resources.

At the analyzed enterprise, JSC BLK, the labor turnover rate in 2009 is slightly higher than in 2008. It is necessary to carefully study the reasons that caused the increase in the turnover rate, develop measures to reduce it in the future and bring it to the optimal value, since it is excessively high Labor turnover has a negative impact on the efficiency of the enterprise.

By 2009, the number of workers in the main and auxiliary production of OJSC BLK who needed training (advanced training) increased by approximately 13 people (compared to 2008).

In connection with the above, the following activities can be identified as areas in the field of personnel planning:

1. It was revealed that, in quantitative terms, the number of personnel in 2009 decreased by 8 people compared to the previous year and by 38 people compared to the plan. The plan in this case represents a reasonable number of people to be guided by. The total labor turnover rate increased by 1.01% compared to the plan and by 0.07% compared to the previous year. In the reporting year, there was a decrease in the admission turnover ratio by 0.48% compared to the plan and by 0.36% compared to the previous year. The required turnover ratio in the reporting year increased by 0.22% compared to the previous year. Along with this, the turnover rate increased by 0.21% compared to the previous year. All this indicates that the organization of work at the enterprise is not very good. The following areas can be distinguished:

2. Based on the results of assessing the qualitative composition of employees, we can conclude that the qualitative composition of those working in management requires improvement, because proportion of people with higher education is low, and many workers have no education at all. The average level of workers is lower than the average level of work in the main production. All this speaks to the need to improve the qualifications of the enterprise’s workforce. The following activities can be highlighted in this direction:

· Improving the organization of personnel training is the need to expand the contractual system for training highly qualified personnel. “General” agreements are concluded between the plant and the city’s educational institutions. The enterprise must determine the quantitative side - how many and what kind of specialists need to be trained over a certain period of time (if necessary, additional disciplines, in-depth training, specialization, etc. are specified). This will provide the enterprise with a number of advantages: expanding the possibility of systematically providing the enterprise with professionally trained workers in accordance with the current and future needs of production development, as well as the creation effective systems their professional and qualification advancement.


This course work is devoted to the analysis of the provision of OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company" with labor resources, it reveals the theoretical foundations of the use of labor resources, their essence and its significance, characteristics and analysis of the activities of the enterprise under study.

The work carried out an analysis of the availability of labor resources for OJSC "Baikal Forestry Company".

The analysis showed that the quality of workers and specialists at the enterprise is deteriorating. This can be judged by low level tariff category of workers. Reduced qualifications and skills of workers contribute to a decrease in labor productivity and production efficiency. The selection and incorrect placement of highly qualified engineering and technical workers worsen production management.

The data from the analysis show that the production potential of the analyzed enterprise is decreasing (the share of workers is actually lower than its value last year and lower than envisaged by the plan).

The decrease in the number of workers occurs with a simultaneous increase in the number and proportion of specialists and employees in the workforce. This may be due to changes in the enterprise management structure.

The number of workers who need to improve their skills is:

H R.K 2008 = (3.64-3.55)*1540 =139 people

Ch r.k 2009 = (3.62-3.52)*1520 = 152 people

By 2009, the number of workers in the main and auxiliary production of OJSC BLK who needed training (advanced training) increased by approximately 13 people (compared to 2008).

In 2009, compared to 2008, the number of employees in all categories decreased by 8 people, including the number of workers by 20 people, the number of managers by 2 people, and the number of specialists and employees by 6 and 8 people. The company planned to create an additional site for wood processing, but due to the crisis this did not materialize, so the actual indicators differ significantly from the planned ones.

The average tariff coefficient in 2009 is lower than in 2008 by 0.11. This suggests that the qualification level in 2009 is lower than the qualification level (average level of work) in 2008, which significantly reduces work efficiency. The quality of those working in management requires improvement, because The proportion of people with higher education is low, and many workers have no education at all.

In 2009, the labor turnover rate is higher than in 2008. The employee attrition rate is also higher in 2009. The main reason for the attrition of workers is the dismissal of workers at their own request, this is due to moving to a new place of residence or leaving for a higher-paying job. The same reasons explain the high turnover of management personnel.

The following activities can be identified as areas in the field of personnel planning:

· Strengthening labor discipline by tightening fines for lateness and talking in the workplace and monitoring strict compliance with internal labor regulations.

· Improving working conditions at the enterprise. It is necessary to pay attention to the organization of work, carry out certification of workplaces, identify shortcomings and take appropriate measures.

· Improving the work of the HR department and creating a favorable intra-team climate

· Additional financial incentives for the company’s employees

· Implementation of a unified personnel policy, the basis of which is the continuous in-house development of personnel, taking into account its vertical growth, the creation of a reserve of personnel potential and comprehensive creative professional development in horizontal areas, the development of new and second professions, and the expansion of the area of ​​activity;

· Improving the organization of personnel training - expanding the contractual system for training highly qualified personnel through the conclusion of agreements between the enterprise and educational institutions of the city. This will provide the enterprise with a number of advantages: expanding the possibility of systematically providing the enterprise with professionally trained workers in accordance with the current and future needs of production development, as well as creating effective systems for their professional and qualification promotion.

· The Regulations in force at OJSC BLK “On remuneration of skilled workers and engineers for training of enterprise employees” provide for a fixed amount of payments without exempting persons hired for on-the-job training from their main job. The author considers it necessary to make the material reward system more flexible: firstly, to set the size of the bonus to the organizers of industrial training, taking into account the number of students trained and the results achieved by the student; secondly, reduce the amount of payment if the trainee showed weak skills, knowledge and abilities or did not meet the deadlines allotted for his training.

· Creation special program on training, retraining and advanced training of personnel. Based on the database of the automated personnel system, create a separate file for each employee, where all data related to his training will be entered. This means that it is not enough to reflect only formal data - about the timing, forms, places, duration and cost of training for each worker. More hidden informal data should also be collected: for example, the degree of relevance of his knowledge in the profession; areas in which he is less strong; deficiencies in performance and behavior; learning abilities and similar information obtained primarily through socio-psychological research. This is more typical for specialists and employees.

Thus, all of the above areas of improvement contribute to improving the quality of the enterprise’s educational policy, while simultaneously pursuing two main goals: the first is to create workers’ interest in professional development; the second is to provide them with the tools to begin managing their own professional growth.

List of used literature:

1. Berdnikova T.B. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: Tutorial. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 215 p.

2. Volgin, N.A. Labor Economics: (socio-economic relations) - M.: Publishing House "EXAMEN", 2004. - 736 p.

3. Gruzinov V.P. Enterprise economics (entrepreneurial): a textbook for universities / V.P. Gruzinov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY - DANA, 2007.

4. Zaitsev N.L. Economy industrial enterprise. M.: INFRA-M, 2008

5. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

6. Mazmanova B.G. Accounting policy and personnel incentives as support for the enterprise strategy // Management in Russia and abroad No. 4, 2004

7. Management: textbook for universities / ed. MM. Maksimtsova, M.A. Komarova. - Ed. 2nd, add. and processed - M.: UNITY-DANA, Unity, 2007.

8. Mordovin S.K. Personnel management: modern Russian practice / S.K. Mordovin. - Ed. 2nd. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008

9. Mordovin, S.K. Human resource management: 17-module program for managers “Managing the development of an organization.” Module 16. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – 260 p.

10. Onikienko V.V., Kerb L.P. Integrated personnel management system for a production association (enterprise) in industry. – Lviv: Higher school, 2005.

11. Organization and regulation of labor: Textbook. manual for universities / Ed. V. V. Adamchuk / VZFEI. - M.: Finstainform, 2005. - 301 p.

12. Pankov B.P. Staffing in market conditions // LPK: achievements of science and technology. - 2003.- No. 1. – p. 48-50.

13. Pushkarev N.F. Work with personnel: organizational and technical support. – M.: Knowledge, 2007.

14. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise: 4th ed., revised. and additional – Minsk: LLC “New Knowledge”, 2008. – 688 p.

15. Sveshnikov N., Professional Development personnel is the key to the stability of the enterprise // Man and Labor, 2007, No. 10.

16. Technologies of personnel management in Russia. Experience of professionals. – M.: “HRC. Personnel Club”, “Book World”, 2006.-240 p.

17. Trot L., On the issue of assessing the labor of enterprise personnel // Man and Labor, 2007, No. 5

18. Trusova E.E., Quickly and efficiently solving the problem of personnel selection today means tomorrow successfully solving personnel problems about non-traditional methods of personnel assessment and selection. - // Personnel Management, 2007, No. 8

19. Management accounting and analysis as a means of increasing profits.// "Financial newspaper" No. 4, 2006

20. Shumakov Yu.N., Eremin V.I., Zharikov S.V., Gromov M.N., Panov V.B. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at forestry enterprises. – M.: “Kolos”, 2005

21. Shchekin G.V., Popkov A.G. Organization of work with personnel in construction. – K.: Budivelnyk, 2007.

22. Labor economics and social and labor relations. / Ed. G. G. Melikyan, R. P. Kolosova. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, CheRo Publishing House, 2006. - 623 p.

23. – official website of the Baikal Forestry Company;

24. – website of the magazine “Personnel Management”;

Currently, the industry feels the need for specialists of a new level, who not only have the most modern technologies and those who know how to handle microprocessor technology, but also have a broad outlook in the field of market economics and the ability to work creatively. In this regard, it is important in the analysis to study the qualitative composition of workers: by length of service, qualifications (grades), education, gender and age structure. Analysis of the qualitative composition of personnel is carried out to the extent and with the detail that is determined by the goals of the analysis. The study of workforce by age and qualification structure is carried out taking into account the length of service at the enterprise. The connection of these three factors with each other, as well as with others (for example, dividing workers by gender), makes it possible to obtain detailed data necessary for managing the use of labor and implementing personnel policies, as well as for analyzing the working and living conditions of workers.

Traditionally, in the analysis of qualitative composition, the dynamics and structure of the number of personnel are studied for all quality characteristics separately for workers and specialists. In the analysis of the age and qualification structure, indicators of average age, length of service and rank are calculated.

The average tariff category (experience, age) of workers is calculated using the arithmetic average weighted formula of tariff categories (experience, age), weighted by the number of workers with the corresponding categories (experience):

, (6.2)

where H pi– number of workers per i- that category;

tii- ty tariff category of workers.

Based on the results of the analysis, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about for which groups of workers the actual level of qualifications does not correspond to those established for planning advanced training, setting wages, etc.

Let's consider an example of analyzing the qualitative composition of workers and specialists.

1) Characteristics of personnel by qualification .

Table 6.2 Professional and qualification composition of workers

The average grade of work provided for by the production program at this enterprise is 4.9, at the same time, the actual wage grade of workers both in the reporting and previous years is below this level. Thus, the enterprise should pay attention to improving the qualification level of workers, because a discrepancy between the level of work and workers can lead to accidents, work defects, low labor productivity, etc.

2)Gender and age structure of personnel.

Table 6.3 Analysis of employees by age

The average age of employees, calculated using formula (6.2), is approximately 39 years. As the analysis showed, this indicator has not changed over 3 years. The largest share of the population falls in the age groups 50-60 and 40-50 years.

A similar calculation for the functional group of managers (Figure 6.1) indicates that the average age of enterprise managers is increasing every year and is 45 years old.

Figure 6.2 shows a diagram characterizing the composition of educational leaders, from which it can be seen that the largest part managers have higher education. However, in conditions high technology and the introduction of progressive management methods, managers must constantly improve their qualifications, which should be taken into account in planning personnel training.

Table 6.4 Analysis of workers by gender

Year Headcount, people Number of women Specific gravity, % Absolute change, persons Growth rate, %
to previous G. to bases G. to previous G. to bases G.
Base year 23,20 - - - -
Last year 21,31 102,72 102,72
Reporting year 22,30 112,42 115,48

In the personnel structure, the number of men exceeds the number of women by approximately 3.5 times (the share of women is on average 22%), which is explained by the specific nature of work in pipeline transport. At the same time, the number of women is increasing every year: in the reporting year, the number of women at the enterprise was 552 people, which is 12.42% more than in the previous year, and 15.48% more than in the base year.

3)Analysis of personnel by experience.

Staffing can be assessed by the number of years worked at a given enterprise or by the number of years of total experience.

Table 6.5 Analysis of the composition of employees by length of service at the enterprise

Every year the number of employees with less than 5 years of experience at the enterprise is growing, which can negatively affect labor productivity and the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. As a result, the average length of service decreased by 21.6%.

Table 6.6 Dynamics of admission of young specialists

Year Young professionals accepted Absolute change, people Growth rate, %
Total with higher prof. education with average prof. education
people % people % to previous to bases to previous to bases
Base year 92,59 7,41
Last year 94,87 5,13 144,44 144,44
Reporting year 91,43 8,57 -4 89,74 129,63

Table 6.6 shows that in the reporting year the influx of young specialists decreased slightly compared to the previous year by 10.26% (4 people) and increased by 29.63% (8 people) compared to the base year. Of the 35 people accepted, 32 have higher professional education, which is 5 people less than in the previous year and 10 people more than in the base year.

4) Analysis of workers by level of education .

Table 6.7 Characteristics of personnel by level of education

Indicators Last year Specific weight, % Reporting year Specific weight, % Change Growth rate, %
Number of employees, total 107,4
Workers with higher prof. education 26,48 28,32 114,9
Workers with secondary vocational education 26,43 26,18 106,4
Workers studying at the educational institution. establishments 6,90 7,56 117,6
-managers 0,87 0,69 -3
-specialists 1,87 1,58 -4 90,70
-employees 0,61 0,57 - -
-workers 3,56 4,73 142,6

The table shows that the total number of personnel with higher and secondary vocational education increased by 11% (130 people), primarily due to an increase in the number of employees with higher education by 14.92% (91 people), as well as employees 6.4% (39 people) with secondary vocational education. In addition, the number of employees re-training and continuing to improve their skills has increased. professional level in educational institutions.

An analysis of the qualitative composition must be carried out in conjunction with the study of the dynamics and implementation of the professional development plan.

Table 6.8 Dynamics of personnel training

Year Employees who have completed training and improved their qualifications, incl.
specialists workers
Number, persons Abs. change, h. Growth rate, % Number, persons Abs. change, h. Growth rate, %
to previous G. to bases G. to previous G. to bases G. to previous G. to bases G. to previous G. to bases G.
Base year - - - - - - - -
Last year -25 -25 94,23 94,23 -23 -23 93,65 93,65
Reporting year 122,55 115,47 -10 -33 97,05 90,88

In the reporting year, there was an increase in the number of managers, specialists and employees studying and improving their qualifications in various training centers, – by 23%, which indicates constant growth vocational training. At the same time, there was a slight decline in worker training: 329 people were trained in the reporting year, which is 9.12% less than in the previous year. This is due to intensive training of this category of employees in previous years.

Rice. 6.3. Dynamics of personnel training Rice. 6.4. Dynamics of personnel training costs

As can be seen from Figure 6.4, there is a gradual increase in training costs for both specialists and workers. Moreover, the number of trained workers on average remained practically unchanged over three years and amounted to 331 people, while the number of specialists who improved their qualifications increased significantly in the reporting year. As a result, the cost of training one worker in the reporting year increased by 40% and amounted to an average of 9,500 rubles, and for one specialist - by 8% (6,000 rubles).

6.3. Frame movement analysis

The movement of employees of an enterprise is characterized by a change in the number of employees due to hiring and retirement for various reasons. The number of hired employees includes persons enrolled in reporting period to the enterprise with an order (instruction) on hiring. The number of retired employees includes all employees who left work at the enterprise, regardless of the reasons (termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee, at the initiative of the administration, by agreement of the parties; conscription or enlistment in military service; transfer of the employee with his consent to another enterprise; dismissal due to the onset of retirement age, etc.). The number of hired and retired employees on the payroll does not include: employees hired under special contracts; external part-time workers and others.

The movement of labor is characterized by the following coefficients:

4 hiring ratio - the ratio of the number of employees hired for the analyzed period to the average number of employees for the same period;

4 staff attrition rate - the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons during the analyzed period to the average number of employees for the same period;

4 staff turnover rate - the ratio of the number of dismissed (retired) employees for reasons not caused by production or national needs (at their own request, for violation of labor discipline, etc.), to the average number for the same period;

4 staff continuity coefficient - the ratio of the number of employees who worked the entire year at the enterprise to the average number of employees;

4 personnel stability coefficient - the ratio of employees who have worked at a given enterprise for more than 3 years to the average number of employees.

In analyzing the movement of personnel, it is necessary to study the dynamics of indicators for the enterprise as a whole and for workers, and indicate the main reasons for layoffs. Analysis of personnel movement should be carried out in conjunction with the level of social security of workers, working conditions, etc.

Table 6.9 Frame movement analysis

Indicators Last year Reporting year Change
1. On the list at the beginning of the year, people.
2. Accepted during the year – total, people. -46
3. Dropped out during the year – total, people. incl. in connection with a reduction in the number of personnel at their own request for violation of labor discipline for other reasons, including: retirement due to transfer to another position. - - -74 - -37 -4 -33 -3 -23
4. At the end of the year, people.
5. Turnover ratio for admission, % of total workers 7,4 5,2 9,1 7,9 1,7 2,7
6. Turnover ratio for retirement, % of total workers 5,7 4,4 4,2 -6,6 -1,5
7. Total turnover ratio, % of total workers 5,3 7,9 6,5 -3,1 1,2
8. Turnover rate, % of total workers 7,2 4,8 3,6 2,8 -3,6 -2
9. Number of employees who worked the whole year, people.
10. Number of employees who have worked for more than 3 years, people.
11. Constancy coefficient, % of total workers 82,9 63,5 92,2 78,3 9,3 14,8
12. Stability coefficient, % of total workers 60,8 71,1 58,4 -2,9 -2,4

Analyzing the personnel movement indicators, we can conclude that the number of employees in the reporting year increased by 86 people. Attrition of workers decreased by 74 people, while 46 people were hired. less. The main reason for retirement both in the previous and in the reporting year was voluntary dismissal - about 60%. The main reasons for voluntary dismissal were: dissatisfaction with the solution to housing issues, wages, dissatisfaction with the profession, etc. It should be noted that the turnover rate for admission increased by 1.7%, while at the same time the turnover rate for retirement decreased by 6.6% , and the staff turnover rate - by 3.6%. This indicates an increase in the consistency of personnel, which characterizes an increase in labor productivity and the retention of qualified personnel.

6.4. Analysis of working time use

The most important task of using the working time fund is to form stable work teams, strengthen labor discipline, and eliminate the loss of working time associated with disruption of organization and production technology.

The completeness of personnel utilization can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one employee during the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund (WF). Such an analysis is carried out for each category of employees, for each production unit and for the enterprise as a whole.

Time tracking starts with data time sheet, analysis of the balance of the use of working time of one worker, study of the use of working time by workplace and production area.

When analyzing the use of working time, it is necessary to study the structure of the working time fund. The relationship between structural groups of working time is shown in Figure 6.5.

Rice. 6.5 Scheme of formation of the working time fund

In the analysis of working time use, the following coefficients are calculated:

1) coefficient of use of the calendar fund of working time:

; (6.3)

2) coefficient of use of the maximum possible working time fund:

. (6.4)

The working time fund (WF) depends on the number of workers, the number of days worked by one worker on average per year and the average length of the working day. This dependence can be represented as follows:

FW = CR * D * P,(6.5)

where is CR– number of workers;

D– the number of days worked by one worker per year;

P– average working day.

Let's look at an example factor analysis based on the data in table 6.10.

Table 6.10 Indicators of working time use

Calculations show that at the analyzed enterprise, the FER in the reporting year decreased by 200414.6 person-hours, or by 11.6%, incl. by changing:

Number of workers:

∆FRV chr = (PR 1 – PR 0) * D 0 * P 0= (10033 – 10259) * 215 * 7.8 = -379,002.0 person-hour;

Number of days worked by one worker:

∆FRV d = CR 1 * (D 1 – D 0) * P 0= 10033 * (223 – 215) * 7.8 = +626,059.2 person-hours;

Duration of working day:

∆FRV p = CR 1 * D 1 * (P 1 – P 0)= 10033 * 223 * (7.6 – 7.8) = -447,471.8 person-hours

As can be seen from the calculations, the analyzed enterprise does not fully use work time. Due to the reduction in the number of workers by 226 people, the FER decreased by 379,002.0 man-hours. There were also changes in the use of working time: as a result of the transfer of some workers to a shortened working week, the average working day was reduced by 0.2 hours, which led to a total loss of working time of 447,471.8 person-hours. however, this was offset by an increase in the number of days worked by one worker, which reduced the loss of working time by 626,059.2 person-hours.

To identify the causes of all-day and intra-shift working time losses, it is necessary to compare the working time balance data of the reporting and previous periods (Table 6.11).

Rice. 6.6. Dynamics of absenteeism

Table 6.11 Analysis of the use of working time fund

Name Per worker Change
Last year Reporting year Per worker For all workers
Calendar number of days -1 -10033
Including: holidays and weekends
Nominal working hours, days -1 -10033
Absenteeism, days -9 -90297
Including: - annual leave -4 -40132
- study leave -5 -50165
- maternity leave +2 +20066
- additional leaves with the permission of the administration
- diseases -2 -20066
- absenteeism +1 +10033
- downtime -1 -10033
Availability of working time, days +8 +80264
Average working day
Working time budget +64 +642112
Pre-holiday shortened days, h
Grace time for teenagers, h
Work breaks for nursing mothers, h
Intra-shift downtime, h +20 +200660
Useful working time fund, h +44 +441452
Overtime worked, h +2 +20066
Unproductive costs of working time, h -8 -80264

Loss of working time can be caused by objective and subjective reasons, namely: additional leaves with the permission of the administration; diseases of workers with temporary loss of ability to work; absenteeism; downtime due to malfunction of equipment, machinery, mechanisms, due to lack of work, raw materials, materials, electricity, fuel, etc.

Analyzing the data in Table 6.11, it should be noted that this enterprise has reduced absenteeism by an average of 9 days per person, mainly due to a reduction in annual and study holidays by 40,132 man-hours and by 50,165 man-hours, respectively, as well as as a result of a decrease in sickness absence and downtime. This circumstance can be characterized as an improvement in the use of working time, but it is necessary to pay attention to the increase in absenteeism, which is a reserve for the use of working time.

The personnel management system is an indispensable component of the management and development of any organization; it is objective, arises with the emergence of the organization itself and is independent of anyone’s will.

We will begin the study of the personnel management system with an assessment HR personnel organizations, because this is an internal factor and largely determines the company’s position in the market.

With the development of science and technology, changes occur in the technology of influence on the subject of labor, and this changes the content labor activity, places high demands on the composition and quality of the workforce. There is a need for high professionalism, multifunctional use of an increasing number of workers, and the elimination of economic illiteracy.

Based on calculations of staffing needs, Dairy Products LLC draws up a staffing table. It includes: list structural divisions organization, positions, as well as data on the number of staff units, salaries for each position, allowances and monthly payroll. A standard form is provided for the staffing table - Form No. T-3 (see Appendix B).

The staffing table at Dairy Products LLC is drawn up by an accountant and agreed upon with the manager, who approves it (see Appendix B).

Personnel policy is drawn up and regulated by the Collective Agreement, Enterprise Standards, Regulations and others regulatory documents. The organization has approved the rules of the Internal Labor Regulations for the organization's employees.

Internal labor regulations are a local regulatory act of an organization that regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, working hours, rest periods, incentive measures applied to employees and collections, as well as other regulatory issues labor relations at this employer.

All employees of Dairy Products LLC enter into an employment contract upon hiring. An employment contract as a work agreement is a legal fact that gives rise to an employment relationship.

By employment contract the employee is obliged to perform any tasks of the employer within the agreed specialty (qualification, position), i.e. carry out fully defined operations, functions, etc.

An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee, according to which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work according to a specified labor function, to ensure working conditions provided for labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations and this agreement, in a timely manner and in full size pay the employee wages, and the employee undertakes to personally perform the labor function determined by this agreement and comply with the internal labor regulations in force for this employer.

The organizational structure of the personnel is presented in Appendix D. The number of personnel of Dairy Products LLC is 35 people. Dynamics of the number of personnel for the period 2007-2010. presented in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Dynamics of the number of personnel of Dairy Products LLC for 2007-2010.

Thus, over 4 years, the average number of personnel increased by 15 people, an increase of 72%. It should be noted that the growth in the number of employees is one of the indirect indicators of production development and enterprise growth.

Personnel turnover is 2% (the ratio of the number of employees dismissed at their own request and for violation of labor discipline to the average number of personnel), which indicates a healthy socio-psychological climate and favorable working conditions created by management for the organization’s personnel.

Let's analyze the workforce by gender (Figure 2.2).

Effective personnel management of an organization is impossible without adequate information. Line managers and HR specialists constantly need fresh, detailed, analytical information about the state and dynamics of the organization's human resources to make many strategic and tactical decisions. Therefore, human resources departments regularly collect data characterizing various aspects of the organization’s personnel status and conduct their detailed analysis. Often such data is called human resource statistics. Human resource statistics provide information on various aspects of human resource management - productivity, labor costs, vocational training, workforce dynamics. Each organization uses its own indicators, which must take into account the specifics of the organization - the type and scale of activity, strategic goals, organizational structure and culture. However, with all the importance of the indicators, the enterprise must pay Special attention demographic data, labor productivity, vocational training.

Today there is great amount methods for analyzing statistical data, which must remember that all these methods are based on two principles - comparison with external environment(competitors, industry, country) and with its own historical dynamics. These simple techniques form the basis of management analysis; without them it does not exist.

A traditional indicator of human resource statistics is the average age of an organization's employees, calculated as the sum of the ages of all employees divided by the number of employees in the organization. However, this indicator is not sufficiently informative, since the average age of 40 years can be obtained if the organization has ten 20-year-old and ten 60-year-old employees.

It is more productive to represent the age structure by grouping. The Uvelka company largely welcomes and promotes young professionals, although experienced employees who have worked at the company for more than one year are highly valued.

From Figure 1 it can be seen that the Uvelka company has employees in all age groups. On age group those under 30 years of age account for a large percentage, and it continues to increase due to the reduction in the share of the group over 50 years of age.

Rice. 1.

Similar to the age structure, organizations analyze the composition of the workforce by level of education received (Fig. 2).

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Judging by the data, the level of education is slowly but constantly increasing due to a decrease in the proportion of employees without general education. At the same time, the share of workers with higher, secondary and primary vocational education is constantly increasing.

Gender structure of the organization - percentage men and women - is another traditionally tracked indicator of human resource statistics. However, the practical usefulness of this indicator is limited to those cases where, according to the law, women enjoy certain benefits, such as additional compensation or a shortened working day (Fig. 3).

Although the enterprise is an industrial facility, the division by gender is almost the same, because Half of the management team is made up of women and the cereal packaging workers are mostly women.

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An important indicator of the stability of the workforce and the dedication of employees to the organization is the indicator of the duration of work at the enterprise (Fig. 4). For experience average makes more sense than for age structure, but in this case it is preferable to use the grouping method.

From Fig. 4 shows that the highest percentage is 39% during the period of work from 1 to 30 years, the lowest indicator refers to work experience of more than 10 years.

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Table 3. Analysis of staff turnover for 2007 - 2009

Graphically, staff turnover can be shown as follows (Fig. 5)

Figure 5. Analysis of staff turnover for 2007-2009

The main reasons for staff turnover in the Uvelka Company:

working with personnel according to the “juicer” principle (rigid structure);

poor working conditions;

work for which there is no particular need;

ineffective procedure for selecting and assessing candidates;

inadequate measures for induction into a position (control over adaptation is not always present);

the demotivating effect of the departure of one of the employees on the remaining employees.

precedents for sudden layoffs and sudden recruitment of personnel into the organization (hence the instability of the company).

the payment structure is not always fair;

autocratic or unpleasant leadership.