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“Folk tale as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age”

(use of non-traditional mnemonic technology in the development of speech of preschool children)


Teacher of MBDOU "DS "Solnyshko"

Muravlenko city, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Ivlanova T. S.

under the leadership of the deputy Head Nacharova O.V.

Muravlenko, 2016

Explanatory note
Relevance The research is due to the fact that the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the high social significance of the integrated approach to education forces us to take a different look at the issues of upbringing and teaching in kindergarten. Fiction plays a big role in a person’s personal development. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since by expanding the child’s knowledge of the world around him, it influences his personality, develops the ability to subtly sense the imagery and rhythm of his native speech, and plays an important role in the development of speech and replenishment of the child’s vocabulary.

The problem of vocabulary work with children at the stage of preschool childhood has been studied in different directions by many scientists. In particular, enriching the vocabulary of early preschool children (Yu.A. Arkin, G.M. Lyamina, A.M. Bogush, Yu.S. Lyakhovskaya, I.M. Nepomnyashchaya, etc.); features of the formation and development of children's vocabulary during preschool childhood (A.P. Ivanenko, M.N. Konina, N.I. Lutsan, Yu.S. Lyakhovskaya, etc.).

In modern methods, vocabulary work is considered as a purposeful pedagogical activity that ensures effective development of the vocabulary of the native language. The development of a dictionary is understood as a long-term process of quantitative accumulation of words, the development of their socially assigned meanings and the formation of the ability to use them in specific communication conditions.

The study of speech development was carried out by such outstanding psychologists, teachers and linguists as K. D. Ushinsky, L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Vinogradov, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. A. Leontyev, S. L. Rubenstein, F. A. Sokhin, E.A. Flerina, D. B. Elkonin.

In the methodology for developing the speech of older preschoolers, there are many studies devoted to the use of folk tales in the development of children’s speech: E.N. Vodovozova, N.V. Gavrish, E.M. Strunina, O.S. Ushakova V.N. Makarova, E.A. Stavtseva, M.N. Miroshkina and others. All of them indicate the possibility of effectively using Russian folk tales to enrich the vocabulary of preschool children.

Folk tales reveal to children the precision and expressiveness of language, showing how rich native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions. The inherent extraordinary simplicity, brightness, imagery, and ability to repeatedly reproduce the same speech forms and images force fairy tales to be put forward as a factor in enriching the coherent speech of children of primary importance. Russian folk tales promote the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language.

Considering the above facts, there was a need to search for effective pedagogical activities to enrich the vocabulary of preschool children through the use of folk tales, which determines the topic of our research "Folk tale as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age."

Object of study: the process of enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: folk tales as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age.

Purpose of the study: studying the influence of folk tales on the process of enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

Research objectives:

  1. Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under study, review the basic concepts.

  2. Reveal the tasks and content of vocabulary work in kindergarten;

  3. To characterize the use of folk tales in enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age.

  4. Organize and conduct experimental and practical work to enrich the vocabulary of older preschool children using folk tales.

  5. Process and analyze the results obtained and draw conclusions about the study.
Research methods: study and analysis of psychological-pedagogical and program-methodological literature; experimental and practical work; methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Practical significance: the pedagogical activities proposed in the study (work on reference diagrams - mnemonic tables; developmental classes on Russian folk tales) to enrich the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age through the use of folk tales can be used in practical activities by teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Research base: The study was conducted on the basis of MBDOU "DS "Solnyshko" in Muravlenko, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 20 children from a school preparatory group took part in the experiment.

Theoretical justification for the use of folk tales in enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age
1.1 Objectives and content of vocabulary work in preschool educational institutions
In the domestic methodology for speech development, the tasks of vocabulary work in kindergarten were defined in the works of E. I. Tikheeva, O. I. Solovyova, M. M. Konina and clarified in subsequent years.

Today it is customary to identify four main tasks:

Firstly, enriching the vocabulary with new words, children learning previously unknown words, as well as new meanings for a number of words already in their vocabulary. The enrichment of the dictionary occurs, first of all, due to commonly used vocabulary (names of objects, characteristics and qualities, actions, processes, etc.).

Secondly, consolidation and clarification of vocabulary. This task is due to the fact that in children the word is not always associated with the idea of ​​the object. They often do not know the exact names of objects. Therefore, this includes deepening the understanding of already known words, filling them with specific content, based on an exact correlation with objects of the real world, further mastering the generalization that is expressed in them, and developing the ability to use commonly used words.

Thirdly, activation of the vocabulary. Words acquired by children are divided into two categories: passive vocabulary (words that the child understands, associates with certain ideas, but does not use) and active vocabulary (words that the child not only understands, but actively, consciously uses in speech on every appropriate occasion) . When working with children, it is important that a new word enters the active vocabulary. This happens only if it is consolidated and reproduced by them in speech. The child must not only hear the teacher’s speech, but also reproduce it many times, since during perception, mainly only the auditory analyzer is involved, and in speaking, also the muscular-motor and kinesthetic analyzers.

The new word should enter the dictionary in combination with other words so that children get used to using them in the right cases. For example, children freely recite K. Chukovsky’s verses: “Long live fragrant soap!” - but it’s rare that a child, smelling a rose, will say: “What a fragrant flower” or, touching a fluffy hat: “What a fluffy hat!” In the first case, he will say that the flower smells good, in the second - that the hat is soft.

You should pay attention to clarifying the meaning of words based on contrasting antonyms and comparing words that are similar in meaning, as well as mastering shades of word meaning, developing vocabulary flexibility, and using words in coherent speech and in speech practice.

Fourthly, eliminating non-literary words (dialect, colloquial, slang) from children’s speech. This is especially necessary when children are in a disadvantaged language environment.

All the problems discussed above are interrelated and are solved at a practical level, without using the appropriate terminology.

The development of social experience occurs throughout the child’s life. Therefore, vocabulary work is connected with the entire educational work of a preschool institution. Its content is determined on the basis of an analysis of the general program for the development and upbringing of children: this is the vocabulary necessary for a child to communicate, meet his needs, navigate the environment, understand the world, develop and improve various types of activities. From this point of view, the content of the dictionary work highlights words denoting material culture, nature, man, his activities, methods of activity, words expressing an emotional and value-based attitude to reality.

First of all, children learn:

Household dictionary: names of body parts, faces; names of toys, dishes, furniture, clothing, toiletries, food, premises;

Natural history dictionary: names of inanimate natural phenomena, plants, animals;

Social science dictionary: words denoting phenomena of social life (people’s work, native country, national holidays, army, etc.);

Emotional-evaluative vocabulary: words denoting emotions, experiences, feelings (brave, honest, joyful);

Qualitative assessment of objects (good, bad, excellent);

Words, the emotional significance of which is created with the help of word-formation means (darling, little voice), the formation of synonyms (came, tangled, laughed, giggled);

Using phraseological combinations (run headlong);

Words whose actual lexical meaning contains an assessment of the phenomena they define (old - very old);

Vocabulary denoting time, space, quantity.

Children's active vocabulary should contain not only the names of objects, but also the names of actions, states, characteristics (color, shape, size, taste), properties and qualities; words expressing specific (names of individual objects), generic (fruits, dishes, toys, transport, etc.) and abstract generalized concepts (good, evil, beauty, etc.). The mastery of such words should be based on the formation of conceptual knowledge that reflects the essential features of objects and phenomena. In grammatical terms, these are words - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Throughout preschool childhood in different age groups, the content of vocabulary work becomes more complex in several directions. V.I. Loginova identified three such areas: expanding the vocabulary based on familiarization with a gradually increasing range of objects and phenomena; mastering words based on deepening knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; the introduction of words denoting elementary concepts based on the distinction and generalization of objects according to essential characteristics.

It should be especially noted that in kindergarten vocabulary work is carried out primarily in the onomasiological aspect (attention is drawn to the names of objects - What is this called?). In addition, we should also highlight the work on the semantic side of speech, on the semantics of the word, i.e. semasiological aspect (attention is drawn to the word itself - What does this word mean?). It is necessary to develop in children a desire to find out what a word means, to teach them to notice unfamiliar words in someone else’s speech, and to develop an awareness of the combination of words.

Children learn not only to correlate words by meaning, but also to explain them, to interpret words and phrases.

The specific volume of the dictionary is determined based on an analysis of the program for introducing children to the life around them, physical education, environmental and musical education, visual arts, mathematical development, games and entertainment, introduction to book culture, etc.

In the basic general education programs of kindergarten, no instructions are given regarding the amount of vocabulary; only some words are given as examples. The absence of a specific vocabulary that children must master leads to episodic and spontaneity of vocabulary work, its planning and implementation. Taking into account the needs of practice, a number of studies have attempted to create approximate minimum dictionaries for children of different age groups. Vocabulary lists are compiled based on the analysis of the content of the section, the establishment of interdisciplinary and interthematic connections (Yu. S. Lyakhovskaya, N. P. Savelyeva, A. P. Ivanenko, V. I. Yashina, N. P. Ivanova).

When selecting words, the following criteria are taken into account: communicative appropriateness of introducing the word into the children’s dictionary; the need for words to master the content of ideas recommended by the kindergarten program; frequency of word use in the speech of adults with whom children communicate; the attribution of the word to commonly used vocabulary, its accessibility to children in terms of lexical, phonetic and grammatical features.

According to the degree of generalization, difficulty of pronunciation, complexity of grammatical forms;

Taking into account the level of mastery of the vocabulary of the native language by children of this group;

The significance of words for solving educational problems;

The significance of the word for children of a given age understanding the meaning of works of art;

Selection of words belonging to different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, adverbs).

The distribution of vocabulary by parts of speech aims the teacher to work with all lexical categories.
1.2 Folk tales as a means of enriching the vocabulary of preschool children
The problem of using fiction and oral folk art, in particular fairy tales, for the purpose of educating preschool children is considered by many teachers and psychologists. The fairy tale and its influence on the education of preschool children has become the subject of research by many domestic teachers and psychologists (L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, A. P. Usova, E. A. Flerina, N. S. Karpinskaya, V. A. Ezikeeva and others).

Experience shows that the effectiveness of educational work sometimes depends a lot on the skillful use of the pedagogical traditions of the people, in which, which is very important, teaching and upbringing are carried out in harmonious unity. One of the folk forms of teaching and educating the younger generation is the fairy tale.

A folk tale is one of the first works of verbal art that a child hears in early childhood. Children love fairy tales. Created in ancient times, it still lives, captivating children with both its content and artistic form, the fairy tale is always instructive, it is the first to introduce the child to the art of its people, its culture.

A fairy tale is an oral folk work. It arose in the mouths of talented storytellers, in direct communication between the storyteller and the audience, and it received its name from the word “to tell.” Over the course of a long time, the fairy tale, passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, acquired traditional, stable forms of composition and accuracy and expressiveness of language. The intonations of folk speech sound more convincing in the oral transmission of a fairy tale, rather than in reading it from a book, so it is better to tell a fairy tale to a child rather than read it.

Russian folk tales reveal to children the precision and expressiveness of the language, showing how rich their native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions. The amazing power of the linguistic creativity of the Russian people has never manifested itself with such vividness as in folk tales. The inherent extraordinary simplicity, brightness, imagery, and ability to repeatedly reproduce the same speech forms and images force fairy tales to be put forward as a factor in the development of children’s coherent speech and the enrichment of their vocabulary.

Fairy tales are works of great art. When you get to know them, you don’t notice their complex structure - they are so simple and natural. This is evidence of the highest skill of the performers.

Often fairy tales (especially fairy tales) begin with so-called sayings. Their purpose is to prepare the listener for the perception of the fairy tale, to set him in the appropriate mood. “It happened at sea, on the island,” the storyteller begins. “On the island of Kidan there is a tree with golden domes, and the cat Bayun walks along this tree: he goes up and sings a song, and down he goes and tells fairy tales. That would be interesting and entertaining to watch! This is not a fairy tale, but there is still a saying, and the whole fairy tale lies ahead. This tale will be told from morning until afternoon, after eating soft bread. Here we will tell a fairy tale...” Often the sayings are humorous.

A saying can also end a fairy tale, and in this case it is not directly related to the content of the fairy tale. Most often, the storyteller himself appears in the saying, hinting, for example, at a treat: “Here’s a fairy tale for you, and for me a jar of butter.”

The traditional element of a fairy tale is the beginning. The beginning, like the saying, puts a clear line between our everyday speech and fairy-tale narration. At the same time, the beginning defines the characters of the fairy tale, the place and time of action. The most common beginning begins with the words: “Once upon a time...”, “Once upon a time...”. Fairy tales have more detailed beginnings: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king...” But often fairy tales begin directly with a description of the action: “I got caught in a trap...”

Fairy tales also have unique endings. The endings sum up the development of the fairy tale action. This is how, for example, the fairy tale “About Winter Beasts” ends: “And the bull is with his friends and still lives in his hut. They live, prosper and make good.”

Repetitions (usually not literal) are widely used in fairy tales. The repetition is most often three times. So, in the fairy tale “The Master and the Carpenter,” a man beats the master three times for insulting him; in the fairy tale “Ivan Bykovich,” the hero fights to the death with Snakes for three nights in a row, and each time with a Snake with a large number of heads.

In fairy tales (especially fairy tales), so-called constant (traditional) formulas are often found. They move from fairy tale to fairy tale, conveying established ideas about fairy-tale beauty, time, and landscape. They say about the hero’s rapid growth: “Grows by leaps and bounds.” His strength is revealed by the formula used when describing a battle: “He swings to the right - a street, to the left - an alley.” This is how the running of a heroic horse is captured: “The horse gallops higher than a standing forest, lower than a walking cloud, passes lakes between its legs, covers fields and meadows with its tail,” and this is how beauty is conveyed: “Neither can be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen.”

In many fairy tales you can find a poetic part. Most traditional formulas, sayings, beginnings and endings are created using verse, which is called tale. This verse differs from the classical verse of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, which is familiar to us, with a certain number of syllables and stresses in the verses and often rhymes; There can be a different number of syllables.

Some fairy tales were told entirely in fairy verse. Such, for example, are the tales about the goat - the white beard, the righteous crow.

Dialogue is widely used in fairy tales - a conversation between two or more characters. Sometimes fairy tales are entirely built on dialogue, such as the fairy tale “The Fox and the Black Grouse.” Dialogues of fairy tales are living dialogues. They convey the natural intonations of the speakers, perfectly imitate the reckless speech of a soldier, the cunning speech of a peasant, the stupid, arrogant speech of a master, the flattering speech of a fox, and the rude speech of a wolf.

The language of fairy tales is rich. Animals in fairy tales have their own names: the cat is Kotofey Ivanovich, the fox is Lizaveta Ivanovna, the bear is Mikhailo Ivanovich. Nicknames of animals are not uncommon: wolf – “from behind the bushes”, fox – “beauty in the field”, bear – “oppressive to everyone”...

In a work of art, poetic devices are always used expediently and economically. They are also signs of the genre. That is why we do not find, for example, in fairy tales about animals, instead of their usual beginning “Once upon a time there were…” an expanded, fantastic beginning of a fairy tale. It wouldn't be artistic. That is why the lush “formular” dialogues that characters in fairy tales conduct among themselves differ from the dialogues of characters in short story tales: in the latter, the dialogues are close to our living, everyday speech, although they do not copy it.

These are Russian folk tales. They are one of the most precious pearls we have inherited. If we keep in mind only the plots of fairy tales, then there are more than a thousand of them, and the published recordings of fairy tales are about five thousand.

Russian folk tales promote the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language. E.A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions with which the child operates. By means of artistic expression, even before school, before mastering grammatical rules, a small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

N.S. Karpinskaya also believed that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From a fairy tale, a child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. A fairy tale helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

The educational function of literature is carried out in a special way, inherent only to art - by the force of influence of the artistic image. In order to fully realize the educational potential of literature, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the perception and understanding of this type of art by preschoolers.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers; Russian folk tales are conveyed to them by the teacher, so their mastery of expressive reading skills is of particular importance.

The teacher faces a difficult task - to convey each Russian folk tale to children as a work of art, to reveal its intention, to infect listeners with an emotional attitude towards fairy-tale characters, their feelings, actions or to the lyrical experiences of the author, that is, to intonationally convey their attitude towards the heroes and characters . And for this, it is necessary for the teacher himself, before introducing children to a fairy tale, to understand and feel it, to be able to analyze it from the point of view of content and artistic form. And, of course, the teacher must master reading and storytelling techniques - clear diction, means of intonation expressiveness (correctly place logical stresses, pauses, master the tempo, being able to speed up or slow down, raise or lower the voice in the right places).

Let's consider the methodology of artistic reading and storytelling in the classroom.

MM. Konina distinguishes several types of activities:

1. Reading or telling one work.

2. Reading several works united by a common theme or unity of images. You can combine works of the same genre or several genres. These classes combine new and already familiar material.

3.Combining works belonging to different types of art:

A) reading a literary work and looking at reproductions of a painting by a famous artist;

B) reading combined with music.

In such classes, the power of influence of works on the child’s emotions is taken into account. There should be a certain logic in the selection of material - increased emotional intensity by the end of the lesson. At the same time, the characteristics of children’s behavior, culture of perception, and emotional responsiveness are taken into account.

4. Reading and storytelling using visual material:

A) reading and storytelling with toys (re-telling the tale “The Three Bears” is accompanied by showing toys and actions with them);

B) tabletop theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, based on the fairy tale “Turnip”);

C) puppet and shadow theater, flannelgraph;

D) filmstrips, slides, films, television shows.

5. Reading as part of a speech development lesson:

A) it can be logically related to the content of the lesson;

B) reading can be an independent part of the lesson.

In the teaching methodology, issues such as preparation for the lesson and methodological requirements for it, conversation about what has been read, repeated reading, and the use of illustrations should be highlighted.

Fairy tales are told and read to children. They are told less often than at the previous age level, since most fairy tales are large in volume and it is not easy for the teacher to remember them.

Preschoolers are prepared to perceive a new fairy tale in different ways.

1. The teacher places a new book in the book corner, if possible - separately, drawings by artists for this work. Children, looking at the illustrations, try to determine what kind of book it is and what it is about. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children about their assumptions and praises them for their observation and insight. Names the work.

2. The teacher demonstrates toys, objects related to the content of the fairy tale and unfamiliar to the children, helps them remember their names, explains their purpose, and talks about their features.

3. The teacher conducts a special speech exercise to help children learn new words. So, before reading the fairy tale “The Boasting Hare,” he says: There is a giant house. “Not a house, but a home!” - passers-by admire. And he invites the children to come up with words themselves that characterize very large objects. Listens to the answers. She asks her to finish the phrases that she will pronounce (Does the cat have a mustache, does the tiger? - whiskers, does the cat have a paw, does the lion? - paws). He explains that the words mustache and paws belong to the hare - the hero of the new fairy tale “The Boasting Hare”. This hare, boasting, said: “I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth,” says the teacher. He asks to repeat what the hare said. He asks: “Do you think the fairy tale should be about a giant hare?” After listening to the conflicting opinions of the children, he suggests: “Well, let’s check which of you is right,” and reads a fairy tale.

4. The teacher says that he is going to tell a fairy tale with a completely unusual title - “Winged, furry and oily.” He asks: “Who do you think they are?” (By answering this question, children practice their ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun in gender and number.)

“You know the name of the fairy tale. Try, focusing on it, to compose its beginning,” the teacher suggests a new task. Then he asks you to come up with an ending to the work.

In this age group, sayings should be used more often, especially in cases where preparatory work is not carried out for the lesson. It is desirable that the mood of the saying be related to the work, although this selection will be largely conditional. Practice shows that in the second half of the year, preschoolers, having learned to listen attentively to a saying, often quite correctly guess what will be discussed. The saying should be told twice.

After reading (telling), the teacher conducts a conversation that helps children better understand the content of the fairy tale and correctly evaluate some of its episodes; repeat once again the most interesting comparisons, descriptions, typically fairy-tale figures of speech, that is, to comprehend the linguistic features of works of this genre.

The need for such a conversation is obvious. The famous Soviet psychologist B.M. Teplov noted that a work of art appears to a child as an aesthetic object not from the very beginning, but when it becomes concrete and meaningful for him. This statement applies entirely to works of fiction. At the same time, we should not forget that every meeting with a fairy tale is, first of all, the education of the child’s feelings. It is absolutely true that the child should not reason, but enjoy what he hears. However, it must be emphasized once again that this is possible when he at least partially remembers the text.

Thus, a conversation on the content of the works should not obscure the just-heard fairy tale from the child, but, as it were, “highlight” it, turning all its facets towards the child, and then once again present (show) it in its entirety.

A folk tale, being a reflection of the soul of a people, becomes a conductor of its culture in the heart of a child. In order for every trip to a new country to be interesting and exciting for children, the reading (telling) of a fairy tale must be accompanied in a simple and accessible form for children by a story (necessarily supported by visual evidence) about the nature of this country, about the people (show national costumes and traditional housing), about folk music and children's songs of different nations, about folk games (choose suitable ones for this age). It is important for children to feel the beauty of both nature and folk art; for this it is necessary to use colorful illustrative material, soundtracks, and souvenirs from different countries.

Thus, having analyzed the literary sources on the problem under study, we came to the following conclusions:

We have identified four main tasks of vocabulary work in preschool educational institutions:

1) enriching the dictionary with new words, children learning previously unknown words, as well as new meanings for a number of words already in their vocabulary;

2) consolidation and clarification of vocabulary;

3) activation of the dictionary;

4) elimination of non-literary words (dialectal, colloquial, slang) from children’s speech.

We have established that the effectiveness of educational work depends a lot on the skillful use of the pedagogical traditions of the people, in which training and education are carried out in harmonious unity. Folk tales reveal to children the precision and expressiveness of language, showing how rich native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions. The amazing power of the linguistic creativity of the Russian people has never manifested itself with such vividness as in folk tales. The inherent extraordinary simplicity, brightness, imagery, and ability to repeatedly reproduce the same speech forms and images force fairy tales to be put forward as a factor in the development of coherent speech in children of primary importance. A folk tale, with its rich, expressive language, being accessible to the perception of older preschoolers, acts as a powerful means of developing children's figurative speech.

At justification of the relevance of the study In the section Introduction of the research work, you need to decide why this particular problem needs to be studied at this time and why you have chosen this particular topic for carrying out the research work (project). Clear and concise justification for the feasibility of choosing a project topic and conducting the research itself is necessary.

This section discusses an example and sample of writing the relevance of the research and justifying the relevance of the project topic, as well as the problem and object of research within the framework of an individual student project or group research work at school.

In the introduction of a research work or project, together with the justification of the relevance of the research, the object, subject, goals and objectives are necessarily described.

Relevance of the study is the degree of its importance at the moment and in a given situation for solving a certain problem, task or issue. The same applies to the relevance of scientific research or justification of the relevance of the topic of scientific research.

In a research project justification of the relevance of the study- this is an explanation of the need to study this topic and conduct research work in the process of general knowledge.

Justification of the relevance of the research topic is the basic requirement for a student's research work and project, it is an integral part of the introduction of project work.

Relevance of the problem, object and research methods

The formulation is very often used relevance of the research problem- this is a substantiation of the demand for studying and solving this project problem in society, in our society.

Relevance of the research object- this is a justification for why this particular object, creature, process or phenomenon will be taken by students for study and research in the project.

Relevance of research methods- this is a justification for the importance of choosing exactly these methods of achieving a goal in a school student’s research work or project.

The justification can be divided into theoretical and practical relevance of the study, which will show what the novelty of the theoretical part of the study will be and what the novelty of its practical part will be.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the following factors:

  • filling any gaps in science;
  • further development of the problem in modern conditions;
  • your own point of view on an issue on which there is no consensus;
  • generalization of accumulated experience;
  • summarizing and promoting knowledge on the main issue;
  • posing new problems in order to attract public attention.

When writing an individual project, the relevance of the research work may be the need to obtain new data, test completely new methods, etc. Often in a research project, the word “novelty” of the research is used together with the word “relevance”.

Examples of substantiation of the relevance of the research topic

1. Relevance: The topic is relevant due to the high decline in the birth rate in the village. Previously, in our village there was a custom to have many children; not having children was considered the greatest misfortune and was seen as a punishment.

2. It is difficult, very difficult, even for a moment to imagine that now on the deserted foothills of the right bank of the river the life of tens of thousands of people was once seething and seething. A life full of dangers, vicissitudes of fate, the life of explorers, warriors, diplomats, traders, teachers and workers. This city played a progressive role in the historical fate of the region. Our city had to experience and see a lot; it knew the glory of take-off and the bitterness of fall. Therefore, researching the history of my city, its glorious page in history - current topic for study cultural heritage and local history of our region.

3. SMS was invented in the early 90s by specialists from a British company. In England, SMS is so popular that there is even a separate word for it: “texting” and a verb: “to text”. Popularity leads to good earnings. And behind the seeming cheapness of SMS there are enormous incomes of those who offer these services. The SMS industry is growing and growing. SMS can be sent by phone, via the network, via a PDA.

Is it any wonder that the number of SMS-addicted people is increasing. And some even set records. Thus, recently a report appeared in the press that a resident of India sent almost two hundred thousand SMS messages in a month. Last October, Dr. Mark Collins suddenly became a household name. And all thanks to an unprecedented disorder - SMS addiction. That's why the study of this topic is relevant.

4. This is the call of the soul of a girl – a pupil of an orphanage. Every child left without parental care, who finds himself in a difficult life situation, no matter how warm and cozy it is in the orphanage, dreams of a loving, caring family, of a future and believes that the dream will come true. There are 4,375 orphans and children left without parental care in our region.

Currently, 1,012 orphans and children left without parental care are being educated in educational and social institutions; 3,363 children are placed in foster families. Today, one of the priority forms of living arrangements for orphans is placing them in foster families. In the current situation, along with the concept of an orphan, the concept of a social orphan appears and is strengthened. A social orphan is a child who has biological parents, but for some reason they do not raise the child and do not care for him.

Orphans, children left without parental care and who have not received a positive experience of family life cannot create a healthy, full-fledged family. They often repeat the fate of their parents, deprived of parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood. The problem of orphanhood today is the most pressing problem of the modern reality of our country.

5. The relevance of my research work lies The problem is that all children have a problem when they need to learn a large amount of information. And all children like to play, so I decided to turn the boring into interesting and exciting.

6. According to statistical data, there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children in Russia. 30-35% of children entering school already have chronic diseases. Over the years of schooling, the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders increases 5 times. There are many factors that influence such health problems. It is believed that a primary school student should not lift more than 1/10 of his own weight.

While studying the topic “Body Mass,” I did practical work: I measured the mass of different bodies, and I became very interested in why the mass is so different. The teacher suggested that I investigate this issue, check whether the backpacks worn by our classmates meet these requirements. Since the health of a child is always of great importance and value for parents and society as a whole, my research work is relevant.

In any essay, coursework, or dissertation, bachelors and masters are required to justify the relevance of the topic of the work (project). It is one of the components of the “introduction” section. It is necessary to write several paragraphs to fully justify the reasons why the student chose this particular topic.

The term “relevance” refers to the justification of why the work was written specifically on the topic chosen by the student at a given time.

It is important to take into account that relevance is given at the very beginning of the “introduction” section, announcing the goals and objectives of the study, so teachers pay special attention to what it is due to. Therefore, it is worth clearly understanding how to approach the issue of forming this subsection, what to write and what mistakes to be wary of.

How to justify the relevance of the research?

For many students, indicating the relevance of work is a significant challenge. This is quite easy to do. The relevance of the research topic can be determined by highlighting several points:

  1. The number and scale of research on the chosen topic. If the topic is of interest to the scientific community, articles will be written on it, analysis will be carried out, etc. Accordingly, this is a good way to show that the issue is worth considering and deserves development.
  2. If, as part of a dissertation or coursework, a specific problem is solved, you can show which companies face it, how they solve it, and lead to the fact that it is necessary to develop a method that allows organizations to find a suitable solution.
  3. Another option is to show how the problem under study is interconnected with the global situation (we are talking about the economic, political, demographic situation, etc.). In particular, if a student writes about ways to reduce costs, then it is obvious that in times of crisis the chosen topic becomes especially relevant.

What to do if the research problem is irrelevant?

Most universities have an approved list of recommended topics for written work - essays, coursework, diplomas. This list is rarely updated and a situation may arise that makes it almost impossible to substantiate the significance of this topic.

However, you can find a way out of any situation. If the topic turns out to be inconsistent with modern realities, you need to do the following:

  1. Highlight the most problematic areas within the study.
  2. Determine the range of questions to which the answer has not been found or is ambiguous. You can identify such questions by reading various ones: if the authors give different answers to one question, it can be considered unsolved.
  3. Try to agree with the supervisor to narrow the topic at or in such a way that controversial issues are included in it.

Examples of highlighting the relevance of the research

An example of relevance from coursework in economics

Sample from a thesis in economics

An example from a course work in jurisprudence (law)

Example of relevance from a thesis on jurisprudence (law)

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A written task that is assigned to all students of higher or secondary specialized educational institutions to complete within a specified time frame and in accordance with certain requirements. One of the important requirements that this scientific work must meet is the relevance of the course work.

The relevance of the coursework is the most important part of the coursework, which helps to reveal the need to study the topic chosen by the student. It should answer the question: “Why do you need to research a topic?”

The student must determine whether the chosen topic is really relevant long before starting to write the course work. If the chosen topic is not relevant, then doing this work is practically meaningless.

The relevance of the coursework must be justified in detail. The student needs to show whether the topic he has chosen is really in demand by modern industry, science, or local production. If the topic of the course work is not valuable, then writing it will not help the student become a better professional on his chosen path.

In order for the consideration of the topic of the relevance of the coursework to be successful, it is necessary to show how this research can help improve the current situation in that area of ​​development of modern society that would be directly or indirectly related to the topic of the examination paper.

Instructions for writing coursework relevance

The relevance of the topic of the course work should be considered at the very beginning of the examination text, in its introduction. It must be remembered that you first need to justify the significance of the topic and only after that its main goals and objectives. Particularly valued in this part of the work is the student’s personal opinion and his vision of the importance of the issues he is researching. Because if a student manages to have a good understanding of the features of the material he is studying, then revealing the theoretical or practical aspects should also not cause any particular difficulties for him.

In order for the justification of the relevance of the course work to be successful, the author must skillfully explain what determines the goals of his research specifically in the current period of time.

First of all, it is worth paying the attention of the supervisor to the degree of study of the chosen topic for the examination work in a particular area at the moment. The student must highlight which aspects have not yet been sufficiently studied, and how this gap can be filled. Such logical reasoning will be a solid foundation for further personal growth on your chosen path.

It would also be useful to mention the relationship between the topic under consideration and the current situation in the country in this area. Then, you need to focus on how this research and its implementation can contribute to the development of both the specific object with which the topic of the work was connected, and the entire country as a whole.

It is necessary to pay attention to the extent to which the relevance of the course topic is related to:

  • the state of scientific development;
  • the emergence of the latest teaching methods and other additional information directly related to the topic of research

Also, it should be clarified:

  • the extent to which the chosen topic relates to identified shortcomings in previously conducted research;
  • whether the topic is driven by a desire to take advantage of the latest research methods;
  • is there a need to conduct this study due to changes in economic conditions, etc.

After reviewing the rationale, the teacher checking the completed coursework must make sure that the student’s choice is actually useful and relevant. Depending on the subject being studied, the chosen topic and the wishes of the teacher, the volume can range from 7-8 sentences to 2 pages.

There are times when even the most detailed study of instructions on how to correctly write a term paper does not bring the desired result.

In such a situation, it can be useful to consider examples of the correct description of the relevance of the work, use them as a visual aid, and then determine the relevance of the topic of your work by analogy.

Examples of writing coursework relevance

As a rule, for most firms and companies, tasks that help increase the level of capital productivity and use available assets with greater efficiency are relevant. The relevance of the research conducted in this area can be described as follows:

Example 1

“The fortunes of manufacturing companies are closely linked to the economic performance of any organization. By maximizing production capacity utilization, it is quite possible to achieve a significant increase in capital productivity, productivity levels and a gradual reduction in production costs. This, in turn, will lead to increased profitability of the enterprise.

In accordance with the data presented by the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the State of Economic Assets of the Russian Federation, at the moment, the depreciation of the most important assets is about 80%. In this regard, the search for methods to improve the efficiency of using available funds remains relevant. It is extremely necessary for the development of individual enterprises and the normalization of the economic condition of the entire country as a whole.”

Example 2

“The trend observed in Russia over the past decades towards an increase in the number of crimes and deaths of police officers during the performance of their official duty indicates the need to increase the level of both physical and psychological training of police officers, and to find more effective methods of training and preparation of new employees. Members of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation have repeatedly spoken about the existence of such a problem.

The reality of the prospect of increasing the level of professionalism and psychological training of police officers can be determined solely on the basis of a scientific concept. It should be emphasized that today the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have such a concept.”

Typical mistakes when writing relevance

Many students believe that the introduction to the course work and the description of its relevance is the most difficult part of the entire exam paper. And teachers shrug their shoulders in bewilderment: what’s so difficult about the requirements for describing relevance?

Let's look at the most common mistakes:

Mistake #1. The volume or structure of the relevance of the course work does not meet the standard. Remember the main advice when describing the relevance of your course work: the introduction should be written according to a template. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. It is worth remembering that the relevance of the work should be discussed in the introduction to the coursework, immediately before the description of its tasks and goals. The volume of this part of the course work should not exceed 2 pages.

Mistake #2. The level of uniqueness of this part of the work does not meet the required level. As discussed above, describing relevance particularly values ​​the student's personal opinion and perspective on the importance of the issues being explored. If most of this part of the work was taken from the Internet or educational literature, personal understanding of this issue is out of the question.

Mistake #3. The description is not sufficiently reasoned. In order for the description of the relevance of the course work to satisfy the teacher, it must be based on current reliable information in the field being studied. But it is not enough to rewrite just some facts and figures. Understanding the essence of the issue will help the student to use the information received in such a way that the teacher sees his deep interest in improving the current state of affairs in this industry.

Mistake #4. The description of relevance is not consistent with the main body of the work. It often happens that the supervisor encourages the student to make significant changes to the main part of the coursework. For this reason, the introduction to the work, including a description of its relevance, may require complete or partial revision.

The thesis is the final scientific work of a graduate student, in which he independently analyzes a particular topic, where a prerequisite is the presence of scientific novelty, which is especially important for the examiner.

So, one of the key points in assessing work by the certification commission is determining the relevance of the chosen research topic. Experience shows that students quite often cannot formulate relevance correctly, but there is nothing difficult about this. Now let’s look in more detail at how to write relevance.

Why is there a need to study this issue right now, what were the prerequisites for this, what benefits can it bring to the modern world (if we think completely globally)?

To get the coveted “excellent” for your graduation project, you simply need to be able to answer the following question with reason: " Why was this particular topic chosen for your research?"Otherwise, the review commission will simply not accept your work and send it for revision. Agree, this is not the most pleasant thing that can happen.

And to avoid such a situation, you just need to know two types of relevance:

  1. Little studied topic;
  2. Practical application of an already known experimental result (events, proofs, theorems, etc.).

An unstudied topic assumes that the student, by applying theoretical and practical methods in his own research, will be able to find answers to any pressing questions and find ways out of “dead-end” situations.

For example, now in the world, unfortunately, there are many little-studied diseases, drugs to combat which have not yet been found. And the graduate, while writing his research work, was able to study a specific disease and understand how it could be cured.

The second type implies that at the end of your research, having applied already proven theoretical and practical knowledge, you develop something of your own, solve some pressing problem or problem.

For example, having knowledge in the field of physics (laws, theorems, formulas, properties of objects and phenomena), you were able to improve the mechanism of the electric kettle, say, now it boils water 3 times faster. Perhaps, in this regard, you will even develop a new design, more practical and convenient. That is, based on what is already known, you have invented something of your own, unique, never seen anywhere before.

How to determine the relevance of a thesis?

Today, the most relevant areas of human activity are politics, economics, medicine and ecology. These are the topics that will always be relevant and in demand throughout the world.

  • find the most vulnerable spot in the area you are researching and identify the problem;
  • connect this problem with real life, supporting it with evidence from your own experience or from other reliable sources, for example, historical events;
  • show the relationship of the chosen topic with the global situation (economic crisis, military conflicts, demographic crisis, etc.).

By observing these points, you can be sure that the certification commission will definitely highly appreciate your work in defense, and perhaps even in the future you will continue to study this topic and achieve success in this area.

Finally, we provide an example of the formulation of relevance from a real thesis on accounting, defended with an “excellent” grade.

Example: The relevance of the topic of the thesis is due to the fact that companies constantly carry out business transactions with individuals and legal entities in the process of carrying out their activities. Thus, there is a continuous circulation of funds caused by the constant resumption of various settlements. Effective use of funds contributes to the sustainable turnover of the company's funds, the development of contractual and settlement discipline, as well as the improvement of the company's financial condition.

Examples of relevance in other disciplines

In jurisprudence: The relevance of the work is determined by the role of health insurance in modern society, which is an integral part of the most complex insurance infrastructure, which, in turn, is part of the macroeconomic system of the state.

In psychology: The relevance of our chosen topic is that overcoming communication difficulties is the very key that opens up opportunities for obtaining the necessary effect at any level of human interaction.

On economics: The relevance of the research topic is determined by the following considerations: the Russian banking system is one of the most important systems for the development of the country's economy and is developing dynamically.

By management: The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in conditions of fierce competition, in order to operate successfully and meet consumer demand, organizations operating in different industries need to constantly improve their marketing activities.

Good news! If you find it difficult to formulate the relevance of your thesis, send us the topic of the work and its plan by email. Our authors will formulate the relevance absolutely free of charge. Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.