Acrylic and cast iron bathtubs, which is better? Difference between acrylic and cast iron bathtub. Negative aspects of acrylic products


Acrylic is a polymer in the form of powder or dust, which, when mixed with a special liquid, can produce a thick, quickly hardening mass. This composition is called plumbing acrylic; it is durable and retains its given shape for many years, and is also not very susceptible to corrosion and chemical influences.

An acrylic bathtub is a body that consists of layers: acrylic, reinforced material and a layer designed to strengthen the bathtub body. The thickness of the bath reaches 7-9 mm.

One of the main advantages acrylic bathtub– this is its lightness: up to 30 kg. This container can be brought and installed by one person.

Another important advantage is the plasticity of the material.


Thanks to this property, bathtubs of various shapes are made: oval, rectangular, triangular, heart-shaped. If none of the proposed bathtubs suits the customer, then for a fee they will be made according to a special project.

Moreover, the customer is free to choose a color palette; the bathtub bowl can be of any perfect tone.

The water in an acrylic bathtub cools three times slower than in a cast iron or steel bathtub, which allows you to significantly save on hot water supply. In addition, when filling, the surface of the bowl does not resonate and does not make loud noise. An acrylic bathtub is pleasant; its surface is always very smooth, but not slippery.

Acrylic bathtubs are made from sanitary grade acrylic, which guarantees a strong and durable shine and high surface quality. These baths last a long time; the manufacturer guarantees up to twenty years of operation. For minor damage, they are easily restored using an acrylic liner or liquid acrylic.

But acrylic bathtubs also have a number of disadvantages. The material does not withstand very high temperatures and can change shape at 900-1000 degrees Celsius, and low impact resistance is also not favored. Economy class models bend under the weight of a person and can crack if hit by a heavy object.


Often, dishonest sellers pass off plastic bathtubs as acrylic bathtubs. A fake can be identified by its thickness (less than 7-9 mm) and the absence of a reinforcing layer (visible on the side section of the bathtub).

Helpful advice

It is necessary to clean the bathtub only with special detergents. Do not use powders or aggressive chemicals - scratches will appear, it will become cloudy and the color will change. All this can be restored, but will require additional costs.

Acrylic or cast iron bathtub: which is better, which one to choose? (+ reviews)

When purchasing a bathtub, the owner expects that the product will last for many years, will be comfortable and beautiful throughout its entire service life.

This is an expensive plumbing product, so it is chosen carefully, comparing the advantages and disadvantages different materials, shapes, brands. A bathtub is purchased not only for hygienic purposes.

It largely determines how comfortable your rest will be at the end of the working day.

Warm water with foam is a way to relieve stress, tidy up the body and calm the mind. Manufacturers offer many models. The most popular ones are made of acrylic and cast iron. Let's compare which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron.

Compare by five main characteristics

The bathtub market is very diverse. In addition to steel, cast iron, acrylic bathtubs, you can find unique designer products made of glass, marble, earthenware and even wood. They are very beautiful, but most often impractical and/or expensive.

For many years, the choice came down to two materials - steel and cast iron. In recent decades, acrylic products have gained immense popularity.

Owners of small bathrooms are forced to look for ways to install multiple plumbing fixtures in a limited space.

Corner baths solve this problem: they take up minimal space and at the same time maintain maximum functionality

Our compatriots are increasingly choosing acrylic or cast iron bathtubs.

Both types are excellent for installation in city apartments and private houses, and the materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing any plumbing fixture, the following indicators are of fundamental importance: durability, design, installation features, practicality, price.

The cost of bathtubs is influenced by the quality, reputation of the manufacturer, and the presence of additional functions. IN last years Baths with hydro and aeromassage have become especially popular. Such models allow you not only to relax and enjoy warm water, but also have a positive effect on your health.

Strength and durability: cast iron is unrivaled

Cast iron is one of the most reliable metals. It is resistant to mechanical damage, does not corrode, holds its shape perfectly, and does not bend. The thickness of the walls of bathtubs made of this material is 6-8 mm. The products are very heavy, so manufacturers immediately equip their products with strong, stable legs.

During installation, the owner does not have to worry about additional strengthening of the bathtub. After installation, it does not move or sag. The surface of the bathtub is covered with durable enamels, due to which ready product retains its original appearance for many years. Restoring enamel is not difficult and costs reasonable money.

The durability of acrylic products is questionable. In many ways, the service life depends on the thickness, quality of the material itself and the features of the installation. Acrylic is light and flexible. On the one hand, this is an absolute advantage, because allows you to create products of complex shapes and facilitates installation.

On the other hand, there is an obvious drawback, since the bathtub has to be additionally strengthened during installation, and its bottom bends under the weight of a person, which creates a feeling of instability of the structure.

Cast iron models can be very attractive, but the design has a lot to do with the price. If the buyer is ready for additional expenses, you can purchase a beautiful cast iron bathtub.

The models are simple in form, and decorative functions are performed by accessories and color schemes

A high-quality acrylic bathtub can last 10-15 years if the owner chooses it correctly and does not save when purchasing.

If the product loses its presentability appearance, it can be restored.

Design: variety of acrylic models

The plasticity of acrylic allows you to create a wide variety of bathtubs from it. different forms and sizes. The material can be of any color and shade, and the coating is very durable and does not wear out over time. The product remains bright and pleasant to look at for many years.

As for the shape, when choosing, you should avoid overly intricate configurations with many bends. Practice shows that the probability of deformation of a product of complex shape is much higher, since a durable polymer is less plastic than a low-quality material. A too pretentious shape is a reason to be wary.

Cast iron bathtubs are not as varied and beautiful as acrylic ones. Their only advantage is their durable coating. But it does not fade and resists mechanical stress well.

If you take proper care of your bathroom and avoid scratches and chips, the enamel will remain shiny and snow-white for a long time. To increase the strength of enamels, modern manufacturers add silver, titanium and other metals.

Color therapy is one of the great ways to relieve stress and get a boost of energy. A bright bathtub will decorate the interior, zone the room and at the same time bring positive emotions.

This is why colored acrylic models are in demand, despite the higher price compared to traditional white ones.

The shapes of cast iron bathtubs leave much to be desired. Usually these are the simplest, most unpretentious configurations.

The material is heavy, not flexible, and the walls of the products are thick, which greatly limits the flight of designer imagination.

Installation: “monumental” cast iron and “flimsy” acrylic

Which bathtub is better to install – acrylic or cast iron? Even the most modest and thin cast-iron bathtub weighs about a hundredweight. Adding to it the weight of water and a bathing person, we get a pressure of 200-250 kg at a relatively small area. This is a serious load that only concrete floors can withstand.

In buildings where the floors are made of wood, it is advisable to install lighter acrylic models or to further strengthen the building structures, because this material can easily withstand a weight of about 150 kg, and 200-250 kg is a real test of strength.

The heavy weight of cast iron models ensures their stability. Acrylic bathtubs, on the other hand, sag and appear unstable. However, this impression is deceptive and is only created due to the relatively low weight.


Installing an acrylic bathtub is in many ways similar to installing a steel bathtub, but has some features. The support knives of the acrylic model are attached directly to the body. You have to drill acrylic. This material is very malleable, so you need to be careful not to damage it.

In addition to the legs, to give stability to the structure, a rigid frame is assembled and the bottom is reinforced

For ease of installation, manufacturers complete their products with special legs that are screwed to the bathtub.

Some owners install bathtubs on top alone, but many prefer an additional frame made of wood, metal or brick to increase stability.

This also affects the weight, so it is difficult to decide exactly which bathtub is easier to install - acrylic or cast iron. In the first case, there may be a need for strengthening, in the second there are some difficulties due to the initially large mass.

Practicality: which bathroom is easier to care for?

Both types of bathtubs are very practical and easy to use. Cast iron does not make much noise when pouring water from the tap into the bathtub, and acrylic makes even less noise. Both materials retain heat well, but acrylic is more convenient in this regard.

Cast iron takes a long time to warm up, but also maintains the water temperature for a long time (the water cools by 1 degree in 10 minutes). Acrylic is not initially a cold material; its surface is more pleasant to the touch. At the same time, it retains heat even better (the temperature drops by 1 degree in 30 minutes).

Acrylic bathtubs require more careful care than cast iron ones. While an enamel coating can withstand almost any influence except abrasives, an acrylic coating is more sensitive to chemicals. To care for acrylic, it is advisable to buy special products. When using them, there is no need for intensive rubbing of the surface.

Simply apply the product and rinse, the dirt will flow down on its own.

You can safely pour water into an acrylic bathtub, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees. Hotter water may cause surface deformation. But cast iron can withstand almost any temperature without consequences.

To care for both types of bathtubs, non-abrasive household chemicals are used.

The enamel of cast iron products is much more resistant to aggressive substances, but it is still advisable to use gentle compounds. The acrylic surface can be damaged if too aggressive chemicals or boiling water are used for cleaning. How to properly care for both types of bathtubs is described in detail in the video:

Price: how much does the buyer pay and for what?

The cost of bathtubs made from both materials differs slightly. Prices are determined depending on design, quality, brand. Simple shapes and traditional White color will cost the buyer less than pretentiousness - this is obvious, but a too primitive model will not bring joy.

It is important when choosing not to skimp on quality, because by purchasing something that is obviously “cheap”, the consumer creates many problems for himself. The product may not meet the stated characteristics and will quickly require repair or replacement. You should make a purchasing decision if the price-quality-design ratio seems acceptable.

Which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron, the final choice always remains with the buyer. Only he himself knows what he expects from plumbing and how he plans to use it. The main thing is that the purchased product meets the owner’s needs and a reasonable price.

Three signs of a quality bath

Plumbing stores have a wide range of products. Often, buyers are simply lost in choice.

There are many pleasant-looking models, and sometimes the choice is spontaneous, because it is difficult to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each product. There are three main signs by which you can determine whether the model you like is worth spending time on:

  • Wall thickness. If for a cast iron bathtub this characteristic is not so important, since the product retains strength even with relatively thin walls, then for an acrylic model the indicator is fundamental. The thicker the walls, the stronger the product itself. Usually the bottom is made thicker so that the structure can better withstand loads, but pay attention to the sides of the model. If the material is thin, then no matter how beautiful the bathtub is, it is better to choose another model, even at the expense of design.
  • Coating thickness. It is obvious that the enamel or acrylic coating must be applied evenly and accurately. But its thickness also matters: a dense coating is more resistant to abrasion, scratches, and chips. The quality can be determined at the location where the drain is installed. If you like several models of approximately the same price, then by comparing the thickness of the coating, you can make the final choice.
  • Equipment and additional functions. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the bathtub legs. This is true for both acrylic and cast iron models. Supporting structures must be stable and reliable. When choosing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to choose a model equipped with a high-quality metal frame. If you need additional functions, for example, hydromassage, you will have to pay extra for them, but the result is worth it. There is no need to deny yourself pleasure in favor of saving, because a bathtub is bought for many years.

Feel free to ask sellers about each model you like, but also pay attention to the adequacy of their answers. For example, if a seller claims that the entire wall of an acrylic model with a thickness of 6-8 mm consists exclusively of acrylic, then he is probably either incompetent or deliberately misleading the buyer.

In the place of the drain and overflow holes of a new bathtub, you can always see the thickness of the coating. On more expensive models it is usually thicker.

If the difference in price is insignificant, it makes sense to overpay for an extra millimeter of coating in order to save on its restoration in the future

The material for making acrylic bathtubs consists of several layers, and acrylic is the top one.

This is a “front” coating, and the performance properties of the product depend on its quality. Check the thickness at the drainage point, press on the surface of the bathtub to make sure it is strong.

If, when you press the wall of an acrylic bathtub, the wall “plays,” you should choose another model, preferably even from a different company. This is an indicator of low quality material. No frame can fully compensate for the deficiency. Also, the wall should not be “transparent” or smell of chemicals.

We offer a video with useful tips on choosing cast iron and acrylic bathtubs:

When choosing a cast iron model, check how evenly the coating is applied. Roughness, unevenness and other defects are unacceptable. This is a clear sign of poor quality casting and/or enamel. The ideal option is a smooth surface coated with powder paint.

A cast iron bathtub cannot be bent or broken. The thickness of the walls affects the rigidity of the structure, but even thin walls successfully cope with the loads. In such a bath you can bathe, do laundry, and wash animals. If you do not scratch the coating, all these manipulations will not affect the bathtub in any way

And again about the price.

The difference in cost between acrylic and cast iron bathtubs is small, so you can afford to choose a material that you trust more. If possible, purchase a model from famous brand, this chance is worth taking advantage of. Manufacturers with a “name” care about their reputation; their products are usually truly better products from little-known companies.

By paying more “for the name”, you pay for higher quality.

“Which bathtub is better, acrylic steel or cast iron?” – Yandex.Connoisseurs

Which bathtub is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative characteristics will help you decide which bath is best for you.

Cast iron – from 60 kg to 180 kg

Steel – from 20 kg to 60 kg

Acrylic – from 24 kg to 51 kg


Cast Iron – Very strong and durable. Resistant to rust formation. Manufacturers provide a guarantee of up to 25 years.

Steel – In terms of strength and durability, it is inferior to cast iron bathtubs. High-quality bathtubs have a steel thickness of 3.5 mm. German manufacturer Kaldewei provides a guarantee for steel bathtubs of up to 35 years.

Acrylic – The strength of the bathtub depends on the quality of the acrylic and the reinforcing layer. The more layers of reinforcement, the stronger the bathtub. The strongest and most durable are bathtubs made of quaril. The warranty period for quaril baths is up to 10 years.

Coating quality

Cast iron - The coating may break off due to mechanical stress. White enamel is distinguished by its whiteness and shine. Enamel can be enriched with silver ions.

Steel – Enamel can break off due to mechanical stress.

Acrylic – High-quality acrylic coating will not turn yellow. It can be either smooth or rough anti-slip.

Possibility of coating repair

Cast iron - Enamel can be restored, but the service life of the new coating will be about 5 years.

Steel - Enamel can be restored, but the service life of the new coating will be about 5 years.

The acrylic coating can be easily restored; the service life of the new bathtub coating will be up to 15 years.

Sound absorption properties when filled with water

Cast iron - Almost silent

Steel – High level noise. Most manufacturers offer sound-absorbing pads.

Acrylic – Silent

Thermal conductivity

Cast iron - Possesses thermal inertness - the bath heats up slowly, and the water in it maintains its temperature for a long time.

Steel – Has high heat transfer. It heats up quickly and the water in it cools down quickly.

Acrylic – Low thermal conductivity. The water in such a bath cools very slowly. Withstands temperatures up to 60 degrees.

Variety of shapes

Cast iron - They do not differ in the variety of shapes. Mostly rectangular bathtubs are produced.

Steel – Bathtubs are available in a variety of designs and shapes.

Acrylic - The widest variety of shapes. The material allows designers to create the most unusual bathtubs.

Color solutions

Cast iron – Small selection of colors. Bathtubs are mainly produced in white.

Steel – Small selection of colors. Bathtubs are mainly produced in white.

Acrylic – Baths can be various colors and shades. The color of acrylic bathtubs is resistant to abrasion. It is possible to produce bathtubs with graphic designs in various color combinations.



Cast iron – Installation of a bathtub cannot be carried out by one person alone. Due to the heavy weight, at least three people must be involved in installation work. The bathtub is solid and during operation does not “walk” or move away from the walls. Does not require additional structures.

Steel – Possible self-installation baths. The bathtub is not stable and requires additional structures for installation (foundation or special piping).

Acrylic – You can do the installation process yourself. The bathtub is installed on special structures and requires good fixation. Quaril baths are more stable, they can be installed without additional fasteners and strapping.


Cast iron – The coating is resistant to chemical detergents. It is advisable not to use abrasives or hard sponges.

Steel – The coating is resistant to chemical detergents. It is advisable not to use abrasives or hard sponges.

Acrylic - Requires careful care. Sensitive to the effects of aggressive household chemicals, abrasives and hard sponges. At temperatures around 100 degrees, the acrylic coating may become deformed.


Cast iron bathtubs from 7,000 rubles

Steel baths from 2800 rubles

Acrylic from 4300 rubles

Which bath should you choose? Solution this issue very individual. If you don’t have a lot of money, you will have to buy a steel bathtub. You will have to put up with the rapid cooling of the water and noise when drawing water. But thanks to the different shapes, you can choose a bath that will become perfect solution your bathroom.

The advantages of acrylic are its thermal conductivity and sound insulation. Another plus is that all scratches can be fixed at home. The restoration process is quite simple. Acrylic bathtubs can be additionally equipped with hydromassage and turned into a cozy corner for SPA treatments. The shapes of such baths are also varied.

A cast iron bathtub is very heavy. Problems will arise during installation. If you accidentally break off a piece of such a bathtub, you will not be able to restore the original appearance of the product. Restoring cast iron bathtubs is very difficult, and in some cases impossible. But despite this, the most important thing is strength. A cast iron bathtub is a durable product.

In any case, before you buy a bathtub, you should select it visually and then “try it on”.

Which bathtub is better: cast iron or acrylic?

Cast iron or acrylic? Metal or plastic? If we ignore the modest assortment of steel bathtubs, then sanitary ware users are divided into exactly two camps in their preferences - supporters of tradition (cast iron) and connoisseurs of the new (acrylic).

As luck would have it, each product has its own distinct advantages, and therefore customers are tormented by doubts every time when choosing in the store! Taking the full set of user characteristics as a basis, we take the risk of conducting an impartial analysis and still answering the question “Which bathtub is better: cast iron or acrylic.”

How to choose baths

Most articles busily and dryly list the advantages of certain products and based on technical parameters give definitive advice. But it’s better to do it differently - look at what exactly is important to the bathtub users themselves and, based on real opinions, make recommendations on the type and material of the product. What do people look for when choosing plumbing?

Let's look at the basic requirements!

  • Comfort to use. (" Better than cast iron- it’s warmer”).
  • Color. (“The acrylic bathtub was ordered to match the color of the tiles.”)
  • Price. (“Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough money for fashionable and expensive acrylic, so we bought high-quality cast iron”).
  • Quality. (“Good cast-iron bathtubs have such strength of enamel that during repairs, axes fell there, and there were no marks.”)
  • Easy to care for. (“With acrylic there will be savings - you don’t need to buy cleaning products for the bathroom. All plaque is simply washed off with water.”)
  • Hassle-free installation. (“My husband installed the cast-iron bathtub himself without any problems”).
  • Convenient delivery. (“The acrylic one was easily lifted to our fifth floor.”)
  • Dimensions and design. (“The only advantage of acrylic bathtubs is their size”).

Opinions are equally divided - and there is still no clarity which bathroom is better: acrylic or cast iron. This means it’s worth assessing the objectivity of user statements!

High-quality material – durable bath

The main requirements for plumbing fixtures are long-term comfortable use without loss of performance and aesthetic qualities. If we evaluate bathtubs from this perspective, then the leaders will most likely be cast iron. After all, its main characteristics include:

  • Service life – up to 40-50 years;
  • Good heat capacity - water cools slowly, by about a degree in 10-15 minutes;
  • High strength - the material does not deform, is not damaged and practically does not wear out.

Cast iron bathtubs are considered to be the “weak link,” but it is worth clarifying that in high-quality products from well-known manufacturers, there are practically no problems with enamel. Only after many years of service may slight wear and loss of shine begin to appear, but by this time you will probably just want to update the bathtub.

Concerning acrylic, then its characteristics according to the same indicators are as follows:

  • Service life – about 20 years;
  • The heat capacity is slightly higher than cast iron - cooling by one degree Celsius occurs in half an hour.
  • Poor impact resistance, compensated by simple repairs;

Also very important when choosing an acrylic bathtub look at the type of reinforcement used, which is made either based on fiberglass or a polyurethane composite.

The first option is not only dangerous due to the evaporation of excess styrene used in the production, but also has a tendency to form microcracks with subsequent destruction of the material. This type of defect in acrylic bathtubs cannot be restored.

There are no such problems with a polyurethane composite, and the bathtub lasts for many years without any signs of wear.

Price, which is determined primarily by quality, does not differ much among “competitors”:

  • Cast iron - 8-20 thousand rubles and above;
  • Acrylic – 9-25 thousand rubles and above.

Also, when discussing materials, it is worth noting some other points that are laid down at the production stage:

In terms of these indicators, cast iron definitely loses, since it is produced in a standard rectangular shape in white. Acrylic, due to the excellent plasticity of the material, has almost no restrictions on shape and size. In addition, plastic is easily painted in bulk, that is, the color palette for bathtubs is very wide.

Which bathtub is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

When purchasing a bathtub, you want it to serve its owner for a long time and satisfy all his desires and needs.

Therefore, the choice of this piece of bathroom furniture must be approached thoughtfully and, first of all, take into account the material from which the bathtub itself is made.

Which bathtub is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Let's compare their characteristics and help you choose the one that's right for you.

For your convenience, we have prepared a comparison table and conducted marketing research. You can see user ratings for each criterion in our table. We hope that this information will help you decide on the choice of bathtub.

Let's take a closer look at each of these types of baths.

Cast iron bathtubs were in trend many years ago, but with the development of technology, interest in them has not fallen, and they are still in demand among the population.

A bathtub made of cast iron is undoubtedly a strong and durable product. Perhaps these two criteria best characterize a cast iron bathtub. Another positive point is thermal conductivity.

Cast iron is a material that takes a long time to heat up, but also takes a long time to cool down. Therefore, be sure that the hot water in such a bath will not cool down for a long time. It will take about an hour and a half for this bath to cool down to the temperature of your bathroom.

During this time you will have time to soak up the fluffy foam and completely relax.

Cast iron is a soundproofing material. When collecting water, rest assured: the sound of the water being drawn will not disturb your family.

The main disadvantage of a cast iron bathtub is its weight. It is very heavy, with a length of one and a half meters, weighs one hundred kilograms. Therefore, if your apartment is not on the ground floor, then delivery and installation of the product will cause corresponding difficulties.

But weight is not only a disadvantage, it also has an advantage. Well, if you installed your cast-iron bathtub wherever you wanted, then rest assured that it will not move anywhere. The stability of the product is guaranteed. Therefore, it is convenient to place such a bathtub against the wall.

She definitely won’t leave her side.

A cast iron bathtub requires very careful care. since the layer covering it, which is waterproof enamel, can be damaged by careless cleaning or use. You can restore it yourself, but due to complex repair technologies, it is better to contact specialists.

Cast iron bathtubs will not please you with the variety of their types and shapes. Unfortunately, they cannot be called original. The foreign manufacturer, of course, brings some interesting aspects to the design.

For example, beautiful legs with gold trim or additional handles and armrests that ensure safety. The legs can be adjusted and the height of the bathtub can be set according to your own desires.

Note that such bathtubs weigh less than domestic manufacturer.

Many years have passed since the first cast iron bathtub was made. Modern technologies allow you to improve the quality and appearance and, naturally, a cast-iron bathtub of our time cannot be compared with one made a long time ago.

As before, cast iron is first filled into the desired mold. Next, the surface is leveled, polished and made smooth. All uneven places are removed. It is on this perfectly smooth base that the enamel coating is applied.

Enamel is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of a product. In order for such a product to serve its owner for decades, the manufacturer adds various impurities to its composition - barium, cobalt.

The bathtub turns out very beautiful: snow-white and shiny.

Why are bathtubs from a domestic manufacturer heavier than imported ones? It’s just that Russian bathtubs have a thicker layer of cast iron. Foreign manufacturers have the opposite: there is less cast iron layer, and the enamel coating is thicker.

Manufacturers enrich the enamel with silver ions. It is no secret that silver has antibactericidal and disinfectant properties. Therefore, its use in this area is simply irreplaceable.

Such a bath is not just beautiful, but also good for health.

Another one component enamel is titanium salt. It ensures smoothness and makes such a bathtub more wear-resistant. On sale you can find cast iron bathtubs in which the varnish coating consists of three layers. This bathtub resembles a bathtub made of acrylic.

Acrylic bathtubs are the result of scientific and technological progress. They are younger than cast iron baths, but already have their fans. This product is not very heavy, so it is convenient to install and move. And there are no special problems with delivery. The apparent fragility at first glance is deceptive.

The acrylic bathtub is quite durable and reliable. This bathtub has a smooth, shiny surface that does not lose its original color over time. An acrylic bathtub retains heat for a long time.

In half an hour, the temperature of the water poured into it will drop by just one degree.

Another plus is sound insulation. Water is drawn almost silently. The acrylic bathtub is easy to use and maintain. Simply wipe it with a sponge and regular detergent. The use of strong chemicals and abrasives is strictly prohibited. They can damage the acrylic surface.

Scratches that may appear during careless use of an acrylic bathtub can be eliminated by using polish or liquid acrylic if the scratch is very deep.

Acrylic bathtubs amaze with their variety of shapes. Since the material is quite plastic, the manufacturer offers round, oval, and corner bathtubs. Therefore, their use can be a beautiful and unusual addition to the bathroom, and in some cases become a bold design decision.

Another, no less important advantage of acrylic bathtubs is their hygiene.. Acrylic is a material that inhibits the spread of bacteria in the humid microclimate of the bathroom.

First, let's figure out what the raw materials for making acrylic bathtubs are. Acrylic is a polymer substance, essentially the same plastic. In order to make a bath, you need a sheet of acrylic, from which the bath is blown in vacuum chambers. The sheet has different thicknesses, but in general it should not be less than 5 millimeters.

There is a relationship between the thickness of an acrylic sheet and its ductility. A thick sheet of acrylic bends worse. Therefore, a high-quality acrylic bathtub will not have any complex or intricate shapes.

The bathtub manufactured at the first stage is still far from its final form. In essence, it is just a plastic basin that can easily become deformed. Next comes the reinforcement process.

Several layers of special resin are applied to the surface, which, when hardened, retains the shape of the bathtub. In some factories this is handmade. The strength and quality of the product depends precisely on the number of such layers.

They can be seen with the naked eye.

You can check the quality of an acrylic bathtub according to the principle of checking a watermelon in the market, that is, knock. If the sound is dull, then you can safely purchase such a bathtub. A ringing sound indicates a thin layer of reinforcement, and this is already a sign of poor quality. The thicker the layer, the more expensive the bath. By purchasing a cheap acrylic bathtub, you are taking a big risk.

Technologies do not stand still. And now bathtubs made of quaril have already appeared(quartz + acrylic). Quartz makes acrylic strong, so the reinforcement process is simply unnecessary.

Such baths are no longer “blown”, but cast. Quaril baths are very durable. A heavy object falling into such a bathtub will not leave any scratches or dents on it.


Of course, such a bathtub is a little heavier than a regular acrylic one, but compared to cast iron, it is lighter.

A steel bath is a budget option. Steel baths are cheaper than baths made of other materials. There are, of course, expensive steel baths. They are practically no different in appearance from cast iron bathtubs due to the enamel coating. And you can determine the material of manufacture only by knocking on the edge of the product. Such a bathtub can serve its owner for approximately 15 years.

The steel bathtub is very light. Therefore, installation and installation will not cause any particular difficulties. Due to the plasticity of the material, manufacturers offer a variety of shapes of steel bathtubs. You can choose whatever your heart desires.

The biggest drawback is its thermal conductivity. The water in such a bath cools catastrophically quickly. You won't be able to pamper yourself and relax in it after a hard day at work. Otherwise, you will have to constantly add hot water. And this is no longer economical.

When you fill a steel bathtub with water, all the inhabitants of your apartment will know about it. The sound will be ringing loud. Foreign manufacturers try to muffle this sound and use rubber gaskets. But this only slightly muffles the sound from the water poured into it.

Which bath should you choose? The solution to this issue, of course, is individual. If you don’t have a lot of money, you will have to buy a steel bathtub. You will have to put up with the rapid cooling of the water and noise when drawing water. But thanks to the different shapes, you can choose a bathtub that will be the perfect solution for your bathroom.

The advantages of acrylic are its thermal conductivity and sound insulation. Another plus is that all scratches can be fixed at home. The restoration process is quite simple. Any specialized store will offer you such a set at a reasonable price. Acrylic bathtubs can be additionally equipped with hydromassage and turned into a cozy corner for SPA treatments. The shapes of such baths are also varied.

A cast iron bathtub is very heavy. Problems will arise during installation. If you accidentally break off a piece of such a bathtub, you will not be able to restore the original appearance of the product. Restoring cast iron bathtubs is very difficult, and in some cases impossible.

But despite this, the most important thing is strength. The water in such a bathtub cools more slowly than in an acrylic one. Modern manufacturers turn such a bathtub into a real work of art, adding exquisite details.

A cast iron bathtub is a durable product.

In any case, before you buy a bathtub, you should try it on. Many stores allow their customers to climb into the bathtubs to understand whether the client will be comfortable and comfortable in it.

Rating of acrylic bathtubs by quality: best review + instructions for choosing a bathtub

The range of acrylic bathtubs is now wider than ever, and the market is simply overflowing with imported and domestic products. Models for every taste and budget are offered in every plumbing store, promising comfort and durable operation.

But in fact, only a part of the products meet the declared characteristics; the rest do not withstand even half of the specified service life.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to know what characterizes high-quality bathtubs and which manufacturers are trustworthy.

What are the advantages of acrylic bathtubs

Various materials are used to make bathtubs, but it is acrylic that has received the greatest recognition from consumers. Acrylic bathtubs have many advantages:

  • they are lightweight, which greatly simplifies the transportation and installation of the bowl;
  • due to low thermal conductivity, the bath maintains the water temperature for a long time;
  • acrylic is a very plastic and easy-to-process material, which allows you to give products the most non-standard shapes;
  • bathtubs are easy to clean and can be easily cleaned from any dirt;

    Acrylic bathtubs are highly resistant to corrosion, but are vulnerable to scratches

  • such bathtubs can be very decorative, made in various colors and shades;
  • it is much easier to equip an acrylic bathtub with additional functions than models made of cast iron or steel;
  • The surface of the bowl can be restored, so light defects that have arisen during use can be easily eliminated.

Acrylic bathtubs have many advantages

Of course, only high-quality products produced in full compliance with technology have these advantages.

What determines the quality of baths

The quality of an acrylic bathtub directly depends on the method of its manufacture and the thickness of the material. It is these criteria that are of paramount importance when choosing a model. For the production of bathtubs, two different technologies are used - extrusion and casting.

Acrylic bathtub design

The injection molding method makes it possible to produce a bowl of absolutely any size, thickness and configuration. The finished product is resistant to alkalis and acids, as well as mechanical damage.

Another advantage is a perfectly smooth, dense surface, without pores or bumps. On such a surface, dirt does not accumulate, no traces of dyes remain, and mold does not develop.

The disadvantages include the high cost due to the complexity of production, as well as the uneven thickness of the workpieces over the entire area.

Production of acrylic bathtubs

Making bathtubs from extruded acrylic involves molding multi-layer products using ABS plastic as a supporting base. This technology is characterized by higher productivity, which helps reduce the cost of products.

In terms of impact resistance, as well as resistance to scratches and aggressive environments, they are only slightly inferior to injection molded ones, but their adhesion to the reinforcing layer is higher.

Deviations from the nominal thickness of the bowl over the entire area are no more than 5%, which is very insignificant compared to injection molded models.

Production line

Both production methods are widely used by foreign and Russian companies, and provided that the technology is followed, the products produced are of very high quality. Unfortunately, many handicraft companies counterfeit both cast bathtubs and those made of extruded acrylic, so Special attention When choosing, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the material itself and the reinforcing layer.

Video - Production of acrylic bathtubs BAS

The thicker the acrylic sheet, the more reliable and durable the product.

For cast acrylic, the optimal thickness is 4-6 mm, although in models on the market it varies between 2-8 mm, depending on the manufacturer.

As practice shows, bathtubs with an acrylic layer 2-3 mm thick on average last up to 4 years, with a layer of 4-5 mm the service life will be about 7 years, with a layer of 6 mm - up to 10 years or more.

When planning to purchase a bathtub, take a flashlight with you. Not quality bath will be visible right through

It is important that the thickness of the acrylic along the entire length of the bath is the same

For bathtubs made of extruded material, the thickness of the acrylic coating should be in the range of 0.7-1 mm, while in cheap fakes it is only 0.2-0.3 mm. Such a bathtub will last a couple of years at most, then you will have to buy a new one. The thickness of the reinforcing layer in high-quality models is usually 4-5 mm, and the bottom and frame attachment points are additionally reinforced with chipboard.

High-quality bathtubs do not turn yellow or crack over time

Video - Production of acrylic bathtubs Aquatek

Rating of the best baths

1. Ravak (Czech Republic)

Bathtubs RAVAK

Czech-made bathtubs are different at an affordable price with the highest quality manufacturing. The production uses exclusively the injection molding method, but using two various technologies. Baths made of PMMA (acrylate) are made in the traditional way and reinforced with fiberglass, which provides the finished products with the necessary rigidity, but does not greatly increase the cost of products.

Acrylic bathtub Ravak Rosa

The PU Plus technology, developed by the company, is a reinforcement of the workpiece with polyurethane, which is applied on the outside in three layers.

Such reinforcement makes the bathtubs not only stiffer and stronger, but also increases their heat capacity. Models made using this technology are ideal for installing hydromassage systems.

The disadvantages include their weight (20% heavier than conventional bathtubs) and higher price.

Ravak bathtubs have very comfortable shapes and attractive designs. The range includes all types of models by design and size - from compact sitz baths to the most spacious XXL category.

The equipment is selected according to the buyer’s wishes: it can be chromotherapy, underwater lighting, a disinfection system and other functions.

The warranty period for the bath itself is 10 years, for the hydromassage system - 2 years, the warranty for additional equipment is from 2 to 56 years, depending on the type.

2. RIHO (Czech Republic, Netherlands)

The RIHO company has a very high reputation in European countries, and in Russia its products are in great demand. Bathtubs are made by casting from high-quality acrylic made in England.

Sheets with a thickness of 6 mm are used for the manufacture of models with a capacity of up to 300 liters, sheets of 8 mm are used for large bathtubs.

The reinforcing layer is fiberglass with polyester resin, the bottom of the containers is further reinforced.

NEO 150×150 semicircular corner acrylic bathtub (RIHO)

RIHO bathtubs have a simple design and a very comfortable ergonomic shape. All models have a non-slip surface, so they are absolutely safe to use.

Baths small sizes They hold their shape well and can be used even without a metal frame, which greatly simplifies installation. Models with hydromassage are equipped with devices for draining the system after using the bath.

The warranty period is 10 years for the bathtubs themselves and 2 years for the hydromassage systems.

Acrylic bathtub LYRA RIHO

3. Roca (Spain)

Acrylic bathtubs of this brand are among the top three in quality and durability. They are made by injection molding and extrusion, and the raw material is high-quality French-made acrylic.

The thickness of acrylic sheets is 4-5 mm, which is slightly less than that of Czech manufacturers, but in combination with three-layer reinforcement, the finished products are very reliable and durable.

Each model is complemented by a prefabricated metal frame and a semi-automatic overflow system.

Spanish acrylic bathtub Roca


The range consists of several different series, differing in design and equipment of the models. There are corner, wall-mounted, free-standing, compact and large bathtubs, from economy to premium. A 10-year warranty is given for casting baths, 8 years for combined products, and 2 years for components.

Acrylic bathtub Roca Sureste-N

4. Kolpa San (Slovenia)

The widest range and optimal quality-price ratio are available for acrylic bathtubs from the Kolpa San brand. Technological innovations are constantly being introduced into production, thanks to which products become even more reliable.

Bathtubs made of extruded acrylic are made according to unique technology partial heating, which ensures maximum uniformity of the material over the entire area of ​​the bowl.

To strengthen the bottom part, a specially molded chipboard sheet is soldered into the acrylic, which eliminates the formation of air pockets.

Kolpa San acrylic bathtub Gloriana

Each model is equipped with a support frame and a drain-overflow system; the front panel and additional equipment are selected at the buyer’s request. The warranty period for the bathtub itself is 10 years, the overflow system is 1 year, and the hydromassage equipment is 3 years.

Acrylic bathtub Kolpa-San Amadis

5. Triton (Russia)

The products of this brand have been on the market for a long time, so consumers have had time to evaluate its quality. Bathtubs are made of extruded acrylic 5 mm thick. Glass fiber with polyester resins is used as a reinforcing layer. Bathtubs are produced using European technologies using equipment from the USA, which means they fully comply with all international standards.

Baths Triton

All models are equipped with a prefabricated frame made of rolled steel with zinc coating. At the buyer's request, bathtubs are complemented with remote or built-in faucets, control panels, semi-automatic overflow system, and polyurethane headrests. The components have a warranty period of 2 years, bathtubs - 10 years.

Acrylic bathtub Triton Victoria

6. 1Marka (Russia)

Practical, comfortable bathtubs reasonable price. All products are made by injection molding from acrylic with a thickness of 4-6 mm. The models are ergonomically shaped and have an improved steel frame with polymer coating and galvanized studs.

A reliable and simple spring mechanism has been developed for the removable side panels, thanks to which installation is very quick.

The sides of the bowl are reinforced with embedded parts made of composite materials; wall-mounted models have additional fasteners.

The company produces a wide range of acrylic bathtubs to suit every taste and budget. Additional functions include a turbo mode for hydromassage, adjustment of the direction of the jets, a dry start protection system, chromotherapy and others. The warranty period for all models is 10 years, for hydromassage systems - 2 years.

7. Radomir (Russia)

The Radomir company was one of the first to start producing acrylic bathtubs in Russia and has already earned an excellent reputation for the quality of its products. Bathtubs are made exclusively by injection molding; the thickness of the acrylic layer is 5-7 mm.

A distinctive feature is the versatility of the models: basic version with standard functionality can easily be turned into a premium model by installing additional equipment: an air massage system, chromotherapy lamps, original contour lighting, and so on.

Bath Radomir

Popular models of acrylic bathtubs

Model, manufacturer Brief characteristics
Wall model of classic shape. Completed in modern style, equipped with a frame. Handles and overflow system are purchased separately. A hydromassage system is not provided, but if desired, you can install an air massage. Capacity 225 l, dimensions 170x70x46 cm
Corner symmetrical model, made in a modern style. The bathtub has a built-in seat, armrests, legs, and is equipped with an overflow system. Handles and frame are purchased separately. If desired, you can install additional functions: chromotherapy and aromatherapy, a disinfection system, air massage or contour lighting. Bath capacity 365 l, dimensions 150x150x49 cm
Rectangular wall model, made in a modern style. The bathtub is equipped with a frame, handles, overflow system, and screen. The inner surface has an anti-slip coating. Bowl capacity is 218 l, dimensions 170x70x45 cm
The model is free-standing, round in shape, equipped with a frame and a drain-overflow system. Bath has modern design, if desired, can be additionally equipped with hydromassage, lighting, and a disinfection system. Bowl volume 460 l, dimensions 160x160x50 cm
Asymmetric wall-type model. Equipped with frame, armrests, drain and overflow. If desired, it can be equipped with hydro- and aeromassage systems and underwater lighting. The inner surface has an anti-slip coating. Bowl volume 300 l, size 150x95x47.5 cm
Wall-mounted asymmetrical bathtub of elegant shape. Made in a modern style, equipped with a frame and a built-in seat. Handles and overflow must be purchased separately. The model is very convenient for elderly people and small children. Bowl volume 195 l, size 160x95x49 cm

Radomir Bergamo

Corner asymmetrical model. The kit includes a frame; the drain and overflow system must be purchased separately. Acrylic layer thickness 6 mm, bowl volume 300 liters, size 168x100x50 cm

To purchase a comfortable and high-quality bathtub, you need to approach your choice very carefully, taking into account everything down to the smallest detail. Not only its dimensions, equipment and price matter, but also the installation method, manufacturer, appearance and other characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.

Step 1. We decide on the sizes. The most convenient bath height is 65-70 cm, and the bowl depth is 50-60 cm.

When choosing the width, you need to take into account the build of the largest family member: for a person of average build, the optimal width is 80 cm, for a larger person - from 90 cm and above.

The choice of length depends not only on the height of the tallest person, but also on the method of taking a bath - sitting, half-sitting, lying down. Accordingly, the length will vary between 120-180 cm.

The dimensions of acrylic bathtubs are indicated in the product passport

Step 2. Deciding on the form. Here, a lot depends on the size of the room: in a large bathroom you can install absolutely any model, including a free-standing one; for a small bathroom, a corner one is more suitable.

It is advisable to draw a plan of the bathroom and indicate on it the location of plumbing fixtures and furniture. Be sure to take measurements of the area under the bathtub, think about which side is best to make the connection.

If you plan to buy an asymmetrical model, determine in advance its orientation - left-handed or right-handed.

Acrylic bathtubs of different shapes. Frame diagram

Step 3. We choose a manufacturer. To buy a truly high-quality bathtub, choose well-known, proven brands whose products have been on the market for several years.

Of course, everyone wants to save money, and bathtubs from global manufacturers are quite expensive, but if you buy a cheap fake, get ready to replace it in a year or two. As a result, such a purchase will cost several times more than a certified high-quality model.

Choose large stores or specialized showrooms where all products have the appropriate documentation.

Carefully inspect the bathtub from all sides and from below

Step 4. We check the quality of the bath. Carefully inspect the sections of the sides: a bowl made of cast acrylic consists of two layers, while an extruded one has three or more layers. A cast bowl is considered better, but a lot still depends on the quality of workmanship. If you see a layer of acrylic that is too thin (up to 2 mm), do not take such a bathtub - it will not last long.

Pay attention to the color: a high-quality bathtub should be snow-white, with a glossy shine, and an impeccably smooth surface. But various spots, sagging, roughness or bumps indicate a fake. Be sure to press the bottom of the bowl with your hand - if the material gives noticeably, the bath is of poor quality. Also, you should not buy a model that has a strong chemical smell or is translucent.

Check the quality of the acrylic bathtub

Step 5. Accessories. Most bathtubs are equipped with a metal frame. It also needs to be inspected and checked for quality.

The welded structure must be neat, the joints must be cleaned and polished. The same applies to the prefabricated frame - neatly drilled holes, smooth threads, all elements are proportional.

The metal must have an anti-corrosion coating and galvanized fasteners.

Frame frame Cersanit Santana 140

If the kit includes handrails, armrests, and a drain-overflow system, they also need to be inspected. If the bathtub itself is of high quality, then its components should be the same - in the same style, without visible defects.

When purchasing a bathtub, the seller is required to present a quality certificate for the selected model and issue a warranty card. Please note that warranty cards for the bathtub itself and hydromassage equipment are issued separately and differ in terms.

Which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron? Both plumbing products are distinguished by their quality and ease of use, but there are significant differences between them. A review of the advantages and possible disadvantages of both options will help you decide on the final choice.

When replacing old bath For a new one, it is important to choose the highest quality sanitary ware that will fit perfectly into the interior and meet all the owners’ requirements. The most popular are bathtubs made of cast iron and acrylic, which differ from each other not only in the material of manufacture, but also in service life, care rules, etc.

Reliable and durable cast iron

Cast iron bathtubs are chosen primarily by connoisseurs of high-quality plumbing fixtures that will last for decades. The material takes a relatively long time to warm up, but the water temperature does not decrease for a long time - it remains warm from 1.5 to 2 hours. During the manufacturing process, the top of the cast iron product is covered with a layer of enamel, which cannot be cleaned with abrasive substances.

Cast iron bathtubs are a classic. They are strong and durable

It is also highly undesirable to drop heavy objects into it so that the enamel does not chip. Before purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the coating of the bathtub - the enamel layer should be smooth, uniform in color, without the slightest roughness or smudges. Only in this case will the product be of high quality, which means it will be able to retain its shine and its original appearance for more than 50 years with proper care.

Cast iron bath - advantages

Cast iron has a number of advantages:

  • service life of 50 years or more;
  • high safety margin;
  • sustainability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good noise absorption;
  • ease of care.

A cast iron bathtub retains the heat of the water poured into it for a long time, which makes it possible to significantly save on heating and take water procedures for a long time with maximum comfort. In addition, a durable cast iron bathtub is difficult to break even with a heavy hammer; it is very heavy and stands firmly in place.

Among modern cast iron bathtubs, it’s easy to choose a product to suit your bathroom interior

The surface can only be damaged if very strong impact or by dropping a heavy object on it, and the enamel that is chipped or cracked over time can be restored and the product can be used for many years. A bathtub made of cast iron perfectly absorbs sounds and splashes, and it is not difficult to keep it clean. Over time, the coating will not fade even when exposed to high temperatures, and the color and shine of the enamel is preserved.

Cast iron bath - disadvantages

Disadvantages include:

  1. heavy weight;
  2. limited choice of form;
  3. slippery surface.

The average weight of standard cast iron bathtubs reaches 120 kg, which creates particular difficulties both during transportation and during dismantling and installation. All products of this type are mostly large, have a rectangular or triangular shape, which is not always suitable for small bathrooms and may not fit into the overall design idea.

Cast iron bathtubs are quite massive. This complicates their delivery and installation

The disadvantages also include the slippery internal coating - for safe water procedures, it is recommended to lay a special anti-slip rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub.

Lightweight newfangled acrylic

In fact, acrylic is a type of plastic - a material that easily takes the desired shape, is reinforced and can be painted in any color. One of the most significant advantages of bathtubs made from acrylic is that they are available in various sizes, colors and shapes.

Acrylic bathtubs offer a large selection of not only shapes, but also colors

This opens up the possibility of installing them even in any bathrooms, including small ones. By installing plumbing fixtures, for example, in a corner, you can thus free up enough space for a washing machine or furniture. Since the material is quite flexible in nature, it must be reinforced with fiberglass or metal mesh at the manufacturing stage to give the required strength. At the same time, naturally, the better the bathtub is strengthened, the more expensive it will cost.

Advice. When purchasing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to give preference to a model reinforced with metal mesh.

Bathtubs made of acrylic can be not only standard white, but also painted in any shade of the rainbow - the color is added by adding dye to the material at the manufacturing stage, due to which the paint does not wash out and does not lose its color over time.

Corner acrylic bathtub

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color and thickness of the acrylic sheet; in particular, products with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more are considered the strongest. Also, you should not buy plumbing fixtures with dents or a rough surface, which directly indicates its low quality.

Acrylic bathtub - pros

Modern bathtubs made of acrylic have the following advantages:

  1. light weight;
  2. variety of forms;
  3. non-slip surface;
  4. ease of care;
  5. low thermal conductivity.

The weight of bathtubs made from acrylic varies on average within 30 kg, which greatly facilitates delivery (especially to the upper floors). In addition, the installation process itself is simplified in many ways, which can be easily handled by one specialist. The bath itself retains heat well, and its surface heats up quite quickly, unlike cast iron.

Acrylic bathtubs do not slip and are therefore safe

Manufacturing technology allows you to blow acrylic into any shape of the desired width and height - you can even order a custom model that will fit perfectly into the interior. Some models are equipped with hydromassage and other functions for the most pleasant water treatment.

The inner surface of the products is non-slip, which will allow you to take water procedures without anti-slip mats. At the same time, bathtub care is as simple as possible and boils down to wiping the dirty surface with a gel-based cleaner.

Acrylic bathtub - cons

Acrylic bathtubs are not without some disadvantages:

  1. service life from 10 to 15 years;
  2. relatively low strength;
  3. possibility of damage to the surface by sharp objects.

The surface of an acrylic bathtub is more fragile than the enamel of a cast iron bathtub

On average, a bathtub made of acrylic lasts 2-3 times less than a cast iron one. Moreover, the service life and strength directly depend on the quality of the product and the degree of its reinforcement. If you buy a fake or with weak reinforcement, deformation may occur, and if the plumbing fixtures are made of very thin acrylic, then it may spring underfoot. On the contrary, high-strength products reinforced with metal mesh can easily withstand even a greater impact than a cast-iron bathtub.

Attention! When purchasing non-standard plumbing fixtures, experts recommend purchasing bathtubs of the simplest possible shape, since manufacturers often use thin sheets of acrylic to make complex and elaborate products.

It is also important to know that acrylic is afraid of direct impact from sharp metal products, it can melt from an unextinguished cigarette, or be scratched from the claws of a pet.

Which bathtub is better to buy?

When choosing which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron, you need to focus primarily on what size and shape the plumbing is needed. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can install a large cast-iron bathtub; if the size of the room is limited or the design idea requires it, it is better to choose an acrylic product of the desired shape and color.

You need to choose a bath that will be easier for you to care for.

As for the parameters of thermal stability, in cast iron the water temperature decreases by 1 degree every 10 minutes, in acrylic - only after 1 hour. Therefore, those who like to bask in hot water for as long as possible should still turn their attention to acrylic products. Moreover, modern manufacturing companies offer models equipped with lighting, hydromassage and a number of other useful functions.

Cost also plays an important role when choosing plumbing fixtures. When compared, the prices are approximately the same, with the exception of acrylic bathtubs of complex configuration with additional reinforcement, which will cost much more.

Care and restoration

In principle, both products will last quite a long time, the main thing is to properly care for them. The surface of cast iron is porous, as a result it absorbs rust and dirt and requires frequent cleaning. If a cast iron bathtub is damaged, it will have to be restored, and this process quite labor-intensive and dusty. In some cases, restoration using glass acrylic (liquid acrylic) may be required, when the enamel is renewed by filling cracks and voids, completely leveling the surface.

The surface of an acrylic bathtub can be easily restored with liquid acrylic

An acrylic bathtub is more hygienic; to remove dirt, it is enough to wash its surface with a sponge soaked in water or a special detergent. In general, caring for acrylic is simpler; the only important requirement is the use of products containing abrasives and aggressive solvents to remove contaminants.

In case of serious damage, the product can also be restored using liquid acrylic, and removing scratches is much easier than in the case of cast iron.


Both cast iron and acrylic can be considered one of the most the best materials for making bathtubs. Each of the materials has its pros and cons. In terms of strength and reliability, cast iron models win, but in terms of hygiene, weight, choice of shape and color, acrylic ones come first. In addition, transportation and installation of the latter is much easier.

You need to select suitable plumbing fixtures first of all, based on the size of the bathroom and the overall interior design. Before purchasing, you should make sure that the bathtub will fit through the doorway, has no defects and is not a fake.

The inner surface of a cast iron bathtub can be restored with special enamel

When purchasing a bathtub, the owner expects that the product will last for many years, will be comfortable and beautiful throughout its entire service life. This is an expensive plumbing product, so it is chosen carefully, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different materials, shapes, and brands. A bathtub is purchased not only for hygienic purposes. It largely determines how comfortable your rest will be at the end of the working day.

Warm water with foam is a way to relieve stress, tidy up the body and calm the mind. Manufacturers offer many models. The most popular ones are made of acrylic and cast iron. Let's compare which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron.

The bathtub market is very diverse. In addition to steel, cast iron, acrylic bathtubs, you can find unique designer products made of glass, marble, earthenware and even wood. They are very beautiful, but most often impractical and/or expensive.

For many years, the choice came down to two materials - steel and cast iron. In recent decades, acrylic products have gained immense popularity.

Owners of small bathrooms are forced to look for ways to install multiple plumbing fixtures in a limited space. Corner baths solve this problem: they take up minimal space and at the same time maintain maximum functionality.

Our compatriots are increasingly choosing acrylic or cast iron bathtubs. Both types are excellent for installation in city apartments and private houses, and the materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing any plumbing fixture, the following indicators are of fundamental importance: durability, design, installation features, practicality, price.

The cost of bathtubs is influenced by the quality, reputation of the manufacturer, and the presence of additional functions. In recent years, baths with hydro and air massage have become especially popular. Such models allow you not only to relax and enjoy warm water, but also have a positive effect on your health.

Strength and durability: cast iron is unrivaled

Cast iron is one of the most reliable metals. It is resistant to mechanical damage, does not corrode, holds its shape perfectly, and does not bend. The thickness of the walls of bathtubs made of this material is 6-8 mm. The products are very heavy, so manufacturers immediately equip their products with strong, stable legs.

During installation, the owner does not have to worry about additional strengthening of the bathtub. After installation, it does not move or sag. The surface of the bathtub is covered with durable enamels, thanks to which the finished product retains its original appearance for many years. Restoring enamel is not difficult and costs reasonable money.

The durability of acrylic products is questionable. In many ways, the service life depends on the thickness, quality of the material itself and the features of the installation. Acrylic is light and flexible. On the one hand, this is an absolute advantage, because allows you to create products of complex shapes and facilitates installation.

On the other hand, there is an obvious drawback, since the bathtub has to be additionally strengthened during installation, and its bottom bends under the weight of a person, which creates a feeling of instability of the structure.

Cast iron models can be very attractive, but the design has a lot to do with the price. If the buyer is ready for additional expenses, you can purchase a beautiful cast iron bathtub. The models are simple in form, and decorative functions are performed by accessories and color schemes

A high-quality acrylic bathtub can last 10-15 years if the owner chooses it correctly and does not save when purchasing. If the product loses its presentable appearance, it can be restored.

Design: variety of acrylic models

The plasticity of acrylic allows you to create bathtubs of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The material can be of any color and shade, and the coating is very durable and does not wear out over time. The product remains bright and pleasant to look at for many years.

As for the shape, when choosing, you should avoid overly intricate configurations with many bends. Practice shows that the probability of deformation of a product of complex shape is much higher, since a durable polymer is less plastic than a low-quality material. A too pretentious shape is a reason to be wary.

Cast iron bathtubs are not as varied and beautiful as acrylic ones. Their only advantage is their durable coating. But it does not fade and resists mechanical stress well.

If you take proper care of your bathroom and avoid scratches and chips, the enamel will remain shiny and snow-white for a long time. To increase the strength of enamels, modern manufacturers add silver, titanium and other metals.

Color therapy is one of the great ways to relieve stress and get a boost of energy. A bright bathtub will decorate the interior, zone the room and at the same time bring positive emotions. This is why colored acrylic models are in demand, despite the higher price compared to traditional white ones.

The shapes of cast iron bathtubs leave much to be desired. Usually these are the simplest, most unpretentious configurations. The material is heavy, not flexible, and the walls of the products are thick, which greatly limits the flight of designer imagination.

Installation: “monumental” cast iron and “flimsy” acrylic

Which bathtub is better to install – acrylic or cast iron? Even the most modest and thin cast-iron bathtub weighs about a hundredweight. Adding to it the weight of water and a bathing person, we get a pressure of 200-250 kg over a relatively small area. This is a serious load that only concrete floors can withstand.

In buildings where the floors are made of wood, it is advisable to install lighter acrylic models or to further strengthen the building structures, because this material can easily withstand a weight of about 150 kg, and 200-250 kg is a real test of strength.

The heavy weight of cast iron models ensures their stability. Acrylic bathtubs, on the other hand, sag and appear unstable. However, this impression is deceptive and is only created due to the relatively low weight.

Installing an acrylic bathtub is in many ways similar to installing a steel bathtub, but has some features. The support knives of the acrylic model are attached directly to the body. You have to drill acrylic. This material is very malleable, so you need to be careful not to damage it. In addition to the legs, to give stability to the structure, a rigid frame is assembled and the bottom is reinforced

For ease of installation, manufacturers complete their products with special legs that are screwed to the bathtub. Some owners install bathtubs on top alone, but many prefer an additional frame made of wood, metal or brick to increase stability.

This also affects the weight, so it is difficult to decide exactly which bathtub is easier to install - acrylic or cast iron. In the first case, there may be a need for strengthening, in the second there are some difficulties due to the initially large mass.

Practicality: which bathroom is easier to care for?

Both types of bathtubs are very practical and easy to use. Cast iron does not make much noise when pouring water from the tap into the bathtub, and acrylic makes even less noise. Both materials retain heat well, but acrylic is more convenient in this regard.

Cast iron takes a long time to warm up, but also maintains the water temperature for a long time (the water cools by 1 degree in 10 minutes). Acrylic is not initially a cold material; its surface is more pleasant to the touch. At the same time, it retains heat even better (the temperature drops by 1 degree in 30 minutes).

Acrylic bathtubs require more careful care than cast iron ones. While an enamel coating can withstand almost any influence except abrasives, an acrylic coating is more sensitive to chemicals. To care for acrylic, it is advisable to buy special products. When using them, there is no need for intensive rubbing of the surface. Simply apply the product and rinse, the dirt will flow down on its own.

You can safely pour water into an acrylic bathtub, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees. Hotter water may cause surface deformation. But cast iron can withstand almost any temperature without consequences. To care for both types of bathtubs, non-abrasive household chemicals are used.

The enamel of cast iron products is much more resistant to aggressive substances, but it is still advisable to use gentle compounds. The acrylic surface can be damaged if too aggressive chemicals or boiling water are used for cleaning. How to properly care for both types of bathtubs is described in detail in the video:

Price: how much does the buyer pay and for what?

The cost of bathtubs made from both materials differs slightly. Prices are determined depending on design, quality, brand. Simple shapes and traditional white color will cost the buyer less than pretentiousness - this is obvious, but a too primitive model will not bring joy.

It is important when choosing not to skimp on quality, because by purchasing something that is obviously “cheap”, the consumer creates many problems for himself. The product may not meet the stated characteristics and will quickly require repair or replacement. You should make a purchasing decision if the price-quality-design ratio seems acceptable.

Which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron, the final choice always remains with the buyer. Only he himself knows what he expects from plumbing and how he plans to use it. The main thing is that the purchased product meets the owner’s needs and a reasonable price.

Three signs of a quality bath

Plumbing stores have a wide range of products. Often, buyers are simply lost in choice.

There are many pleasant-looking models, and sometimes the choice is spontaneous, because it is difficult to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each product. There are three main signs by which you can determine whether the model you like is worth spending time on:

  • Wall thickness. If for a cast iron bathtub this characteristic is not so important, since the product retains strength even with relatively thin walls, then for an acrylic model the indicator is fundamental. The thicker the walls, the stronger the product itself. Usually the bottom is made thicker so that the structure can better withstand loads, but pay attention to the sides of the model. If the material is thin, then no matter how beautiful the bathtub is, it is better to choose another model, even at the expense of design.
  • Coating thickness. It is obvious that the enamel or acrylic coating must be applied evenly and accurately. But its thickness also matters: a dense coating is more resistant to abrasion, scratches, and chips. The quality can be determined at the location where the drain is installed. If you like several models of approximately the same price, then by comparing the thickness of the coating, you can make the final choice.
  • Equipment and additional functions. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the bathtub legs. This is true for both acrylic and cast iron models. Supporting structures must be stable and reliable. When choosing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to choose a model equipped with a high-quality metal frame. If you need additional functions, for example, hydromassage, you will have to pay extra for them, but the result is worth it. There is no need to deny yourself pleasure in favor of saving, because a bathtub is bought for many years.

Feel free to ask sellers about each model you like, but also pay attention to the adequacy of their answers. For example, if a seller claims that the entire wall of an acrylic model with a thickness of 6-8 mm consists exclusively of acrylic, then he is probably either incompetent or deliberately misleading the buyer.

In the place of the drain and overflow holes of a new bathtub, you can always see the thickness of the coating. On more expensive models it is usually thicker. If the difference in price is insignificant, it makes sense to overpay for an extra millimeter of coating in order to save on its restoration in the future

The material for making acrylic bathtubs consists of several layers, and acrylic is the top one. This is a “front” coating, and the performance properties of the product depend on its quality. Check the thickness at the drainage point, press on the surface of the bathtub to make sure it is strong.

If, when you press the wall of an acrylic bathtub, the wall “plays,” you should choose another model, preferably even from a different company. This is an indicator of low quality material. No frame can fully compensate for the deficiency. Also, the wall should not be “transparent” or smell of chemicals.

We offer a video with useful tips on choosing cast iron and acrylic bathtubs:

When choosing a cast iron model, check how evenly the coating is applied. Roughness, unevenness and other defects are unacceptable. This is a clear sign of poor quality casting and/or enamel. The ideal option is a smooth surface coated with powder paint.

A cast iron bathtub cannot be bent or broken. The thickness of the walls affects the rigidity of the structure, but even thin walls successfully cope with the loads. In such a bath you can bathe, do laundry, and wash animals. If you do not scratch the coating, all these manipulations will not affect the bathtub in any way

And again about the price. The difference in cost between acrylic and cast iron bathtubs is small, so you can afford to choose a material that you trust more. If you have the opportunity to purchase a model from a well-known brand, you should take advantage of this chance. “Reputable” manufacturers care about their reputation; their products are usually really better than those from little-known companies. By paying more “for the name”, you pay for higher quality.

The mood for the rest of the day depends on how our morning begins. That is why the morning should be comfortable and pleasant, and that is why the atmosphere and conditions in the bathroom must be at a high level. You can decorate your bath correctly with the help of beautiful and practical plumbing fixtures, unusual design and furniture to complement the interior.

A bathtub is the thing that attracts all the attention in the bathroom and is considered the center of the room. As soon as you have a question about purchasing a bathtub during renovation or simply replacing an old bathtub with a new one, you need to think seriously. The bathtub must meet not only all the requirements of family members and quality standards, but also fit into the overall interior of the room. Before going to the store, think carefully about what your bathtub should be like.

The most popular plumbing fixtures on the market are bathtubs made of cast iron and acrylic. Both bathtubs are popular and are ahead of bathtubs made from other materials, breaking into leading positions in sales. Both cast iron and acrylic are high-quality and comfortable materials for bathtubs, but they still have differences. In order to decide and choose which bath is right for you, you need to know the positive and negative sides of each of them. And make a comparison.

Pros and cons of a cast iron bath

Each of our compatriots knows first-hand what a cast-iron bathtub is, because in Soviet times, everyone who lived in apartments had the honor of familiarizing themselves with such a bathtub. An incredibly heavy and durable cast iron bathtub stood in bathrooms for decades and could not help but surprise everyone with its practicality. But today, it is not necessary to buy heavy and huge cast iron bathtubs, because the variety of materials and shapes of bathtubs that go on sale will definitely please you. But there are still those who trust own experience and other bathtubs, I still prefer cast iron ones.

Pros of a cast iron bath:

  • And a cast iron bathtub has its drawbacks, but they are small compared to how long such a bathtub can last. More than one generation of your family will be able to use a cast iron bathtub, while its presentable appearance and comfort of use will not deteriorate. Long service life is the most obvious advantage of a cast iron bathtub;
  • It is important that such a bathtub is very durable, because cast iron itself is a very durable material. Having exhausted the resource of its use over the years, the bathtub may repeatedly be exposed to external factors that, as it seemed, should have ruined it. But the presentability and quality of the bathtub will not change from impacts and falls. Only after many years, small cracks may appear on the surface of the bathtub. But they are also easily removable, and the restoration of the bathtub will not take much time and will not require large financial costs;
  • Cast iron baths will retain the heat of water for a long time, since the material itself is very heat-resistant. And you don’t have to constantly draw hot water to carry out all the procedures you need in the bath. This will save you hot water;
  • Sound absorption is another plus of such a bath. When drawing water into the bath, the whole house will not hear about it;
  • This bath is well kept clean. Abrasive influences do not affect it, and the enamel of the bathtub will shine for many years.

The biggest disadvantage of a cast iron bathtub is its heavy weight, which ranges from 120 kg. Transporting and installing such a bathtub is not easy, but its operation will cover all these disadvantages. The fact that the bathtub is so heavy allows it to stand firmly and not wobble. This also allows the product to fit tightly to the tile.

You should also be careful with the bathtub coating, because it is very slippery. It is recommended to place a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub to avoid injury.

How to choose a high-quality cast iron bathtub?

First, you should resolve all connection issues. In cases where the decision is made to replace the entire sewer system, the bathtub must be selected so that the drain pipe clearly coincides with the bathtub drain hole. The dimensions must be selected so that emergency replacement of pipes can be easily carried out. By the way, they need to be selected after choosing a bath.

Which cast iron bathtub should you choose? The main factor is the quality of the product. If you have already made a choice in favor of a certain model, now you need to evaluate the quality, for which you should carefully study the following:
The inner coating must be extremely even and smooth. Light waves on an enamel coating are allowed.
The outer walls should not have defects such as chips and cracks.

When choosing a color, you need to pay attention to its uniformity. The coating must not have paint defects.

What care does a cast iron bath need?

To maintain the coating for many years, it is necessary to carry out proper care. Here are some tips to help with daily care:

  • Every time after using the bathtub, wash it with a sponge and non-abrasive detergent;
  • After rinsing with running water, you need to wipe the bath dry;
  • Soap foam can easily remove fresh stains;
  • Old stains can be removed using vinegar, ordinary soda, laundry soap or bleach. For modern cast iron products with very durable non-porous enamel, this method is also suitable;
  • It must be remembered that to clean the bathtub it is strictly forbidden to use products with abrasive components, as well as acid-based solutions, brushes with metal bristles and blades;
  • Heavy dirt and rust can be removed using special means purchased at any store.

Pros and cons of an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic material has only recently been used for making bathtubs. But in a short period, acrylic bathtubs have gained popularity and demand in the plumbing market. The material itself is a type of plastic that is not very durable and when used in the manufacture of a bathtub, it has to be reinforced. It is the degree of reinforcement (strengthening) that affects the strength of the bathtub, and then its price. Despite the fact that acrylic is quite popular in the use of plumbing, it, like cast iron, has positive and negative qualities.

Pros of an acrylic bath:

  • The weight of such a bathtub does not exceed 35 kilograms, this will greatly simplify transportation and then installation of the bathtub. Move and install this light bath, maybe even a person alone.
  • The variation in the shapes of acrylic bathtubs cannot but please. The plasticity of acrylic is its main advantage, which allows you to make bathtubs of the most incredible and varied shapes. Manufacturers simply need to heat the acrylic and blow it into the desired shape using a vacuum. The shape you need will relieve you of worries about the interior; the individuality and originality of the bathroom will be guaranteed to you. After all, even the height and width of the bathtub can be adjusted to the dimensions you need.
  • It is very easy to care for and clean an acrylic bathtub. Any bath detergent in tandem with a regular sponge will ensure your bath is clean and shiny. Scratches on such a bathtub can also be easily removed; you just need some sandpaper.
  • Installation of the bathtub is very simple, since it does not have regular legs. The acrylic bathtub is installed on a special frame that can be adjusted.
  • The heat in a bathtub, like in a cast iron one, is retained for quite a long time.
  • It is not necessary to place rubber mats on the bottom of the bathtub; the surface of the bathtub is not slippery.

The biggest disadvantage of an acrylic bathtub is that... That it can easily be scratched or damaged by any metal object. Even if you bathe your pet in the bath, claw marks will definitely remain.

Also, the practicality of the bathtub for longevity is not very high, since you cannot avoid deformation of the bathtub several years after installation.

Comparative characteristics of acrylic and cast iron bathtubs

Cast iron bath Acrylic bath

Bath weight

From 120 kg

Material strength

High level of durability

The level of strength will depend on how much the bathtub will be reinforced. The highest degree of reinforcement can in some cases be equal to the strength of a cast iron bathtub.


The bathtub coating is uniform and shiny. If the bathtub is damaged, restoring it is very simple. The bathtub is not painted if dyes come into contact with it.

The shape and color range of acrylic bathtubs is very diverse. If a dye gets on the surface of the bathtub, it may take on its color.

Standard sizes baths will cost from 7 thousand rubles.

An acrylic bathtub in the shape of a rectangle will cost from 8 thousand rubles, but the price of the bathtub will increase depending on what shape and design of the bathtub you choose.

Heat preservation

In 10 minutes, the water in the bath will cool down by no more than one degree.

In 30 minutes, the water in the bath will cool by one degree.

Bathroom care

If the cleaning chemicals are very caustic they can cause the paint and shine of the bath to fade.

Chemical substances containing solvent are strictly prohibited for use in washing acrylic bathtubs. Desirable detergents liquid form.

Variation of forms

Cast iron is a difficult material to sculpt, so the shapes of cast iron bathtubs are standard rectangular and angular.

Acrylic is the most pliable material from which bathtubs are made, so the shapes of bathtubs are very diverse and original.

Life time

Even with the most inappropriate care, the service life of an acrylic bathtub is very long. It can be used for decades, without even requiring restoration or repair.

Acrylic bathtubs require attention and care. But even so, deformation of the bathtub is inevitable, and three years after installation it will have to be repaired.

How to choose a bathtub to match your interior?

The easiest way is to refer to the law of professional designers: you need to select a bathtub to match the interior, and not redo the interior design to suit the chosen bathtub. In this regard, a natural dilemma arises. What to choose, acrylic, artificial stone or cast iron?

Before you make a final decision in the store, you need to plan future interior or evaluate the existing one if the decision is made to replace only the plumbing.

In cases where a firm decision has been made in favor of a cast iron product, it is worth understanding that there is no particular choice among the color palette, since most samples often have a white coating. Less commonly, items in ivory or beige color may be found.

The next step is to decide on the type. There are only two of them: built-in and free-standing baths. For the second option you will need a spacious room. This model has beautiful unusual shapes.

For a standard, small bathroom, you should choose built-in bathtubs, the outer walls of which are hidden using tiles or another finishing method.

A professional recommends choosing the shape to match the interior design. When choosing a specific shape, you need to make sure that the selected cast iron product will be consistent with the interior and will be combined not only with the sink, but also with other elements of the room.

Results, cast iron or acrylic bathtub?

A cast iron bathtub would be an ideal option if you live in a private house, or are planning to install it in your country house. Private houses are much more spacious than apartments, so there will definitely be somewhere to put a large and heavy bathtub.

Acrylic bathtub is perfect option for apartments. The shape of the bathtub allows you to choose the most suitable option for small bathrooms. And lifting such a bathtub to the floor will not be difficult due to its light weight.

You just have to think carefully about whether you want to purchase a bathtub that is practical and durable or beautiful and elegant, which will fit into any interior. The choice is yours.