Ageratum care. Ageratum mexicanis flowers - blooming mat. Ageratum as a decoration for a bouquet and an element of landscape design

Ageratum has earned popularity among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care. Planting this flower in open ground will quickly color your garden with the bright colors of fluffy inflorescences.

Varieties of ageratum

In its homeland (in the tropics of Central America), ageratum grows as a perennial plant. The name of this flower means “ageless”, which is fully justified by its continuous flowering.

Ageratum is a herbaceous bushy plant. In our climate it is grown as an annual flower. The bush is spreading, with a large number of shoots. The root system is well developed. Stems are erect. The height of the bushes varies from 10 to 60 cm. The leaves are round or triangular with faint serrations. The flowers are blue, purple, white or pink. The flowers are small, fluffy, collected in small dense inflorescences. At the same time, ageratum produces many flower stalks.

The genus Ageratum has more than 60 species. The most common in floriculture Houston's ageratum or, as it is also called, Mexican. The variety series of this type of ageratum is widely represented on our market. Each variety is unique and differs in bush height, flower color and flowering duration.

The most popular varieties of Mexican ageratum:

  • "Alba";
  • "Tetra Veali";
  • "Blue Perfection";
  • "Ocean"
  • North Sea.

In the photo you can see the characteristic features of many popular varieties of ageratum and choose your own variety, the one that most resonates with you.

It is worth highlighting another type of ageratum - coniform. It differs from the Mexican one in having smaller flowers and blunt-shaped foliage.

Reproduction of ageratum

The most common method of propagating ageratum is by seeds.

Growing annual ageratum seedlings at home will not cause any difficulties. At the end of March, the seeds are sown in prepared boxes. The soil suitable for this is light and moderately nutritious. For example, a sand-peat mixture with the addition of humus in equal proportions.

Important! Ageratum seeds are very small, almost specks of dust. Therefore, they are not buried in the ground, but evenly distributed over the surface.

Boxes with seeds are covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place for germination. After 7-10 days, the first shoots will appear, and the boxes can be placed on the window. Ageratum does not tolerate excess air humidity, so it should not be sprayed. Watering is carried out only when the soil dries out, moderately.

A few weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the first true leaves will develop on the seedlings, and during this period the seedlings are plucked for the first time. The second picking is carried out when the young seedlings have grown a little. This time, each plant is planted in a separate container, since the further development of the seedling will be rapid.

Two weeks after diving, it is advisable to feed the seedlings with complex mineral fertilizer.

As the weather warms up outside, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them out into the fresh air. Gradually, the “walk” time is increased.

In cases where it is necessary to preserve all the qualities of a rare variety of the mother bush, propagation by cuttings is possible. To do this, in the fall the bush is sent to spend the winter in a cool place, and in early spring shoots are cut from it for cuttings. Cuttings are germinated in a warm room in boxes with sand. Literally after a few weeks, the root system begins to develop, and after it, shoots form.

Planting ageratum and further care

Ageratum seedlings are planted in open ground in late spring, preferably at the end of May. The plant is tolerant of any soil; only in exceptional cases may it be necessary to liming soil that is too acidic.

The place for planting ageratum should be chosen in a bright place, on the south or east side of the site.

Advice. Even slight shading will cause the plant to stretch. In this case, abundant flowering will not be achieved.

Ageratum seedlings are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. There is no need to bury it in the ground. The depth of planting in open ground should correspond to the level of growth of seedlings in pots.

Ageratum needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers three times a season. Fertilizing with manure and other organic fertilizers should be avoided.

Ageratum requires moderate watering, without excess. To keep the soil breathable, loosening the soil is required after watering and rain. As necessary, the area with ageratum is weeded, removing weeds that inhibit the development of the bushes.

In order for the flowering of ageratum to be abundant and long, faded inflorescences are cut off from the bushes all summer. If you carry out this procedure regularly, the ageratum will produce more and more new buds, delighting you with continuous flowering.

We can conclude that planting and caring for ageratum in open ground is extremely simple due to the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Diseases and pests of ageratum

Despite its unpretentiousness in cultivation, ageratum is susceptible to many diseases. Due to excess moisture and lack of air access to the roots, ageratum is affected by root rot. In this case, the plant cannot be saved and is removed.

Bacterial wilt occurs without apparent cause in the initial stage of leaf chlorosis disease. Ageratum is also affected by the cucumber mosaic virus (yellow spots appear on the leaves, the stem becomes glassy, ​​the buds wither without blooming). At the first symptoms of disease, the affected areas of the plant must be removed, and the remaining shoots must be repeatedly treated with insecticidal preparations or infusions of plants with the same properties (wormwood, bird cherry, tansy, etc.).

Of the pests for ageratum, all types of nematodes, spider mites, and whiteflies are dangerous. Pest control is carried out using special means until they are completely destroyed.

Ageratum as an element of landscape design

In landscape design, ageratum looks very good as a background for flower beds, flower beds and works with perennial flowers. Low-growing varieties of ageratum are used to form decorative borders, while tall varieties are grown for cutting.

A combination of ageratum with calendula, zinnia, marigolds and other yellow-orange flowers will give a bright color to the flowerbed. Ageratum is grown for landscaping balconies and is suitable for growing in flowerpots. Flowerpots with ageratum and petunias planted together will decorate gazebos or the threshold of a house.

From the photo, the fluffy flowers of agegatum look at us as something exotic, but in fact, growing this ever-blooming crop is very simple. To do this, you only need to follow some simple rules, which are described above.

Flowering ageratum: video

Types of ageratum: photo

In the Aster family there is an unpretentious, modest flower called ageratum, or as it is popularly called long-flowered. India and America are considered its homeland. Its small flowers form a lush inflorescence, thyroid-shaped. The flowering period is long from May (in regions with a mild climate) or June (for central Russia) to July-August, respectively. The color palette is varied: blue, lilac, blue, white, pink. There are more than 50 shades in total.

Externally, it is a low, compact bush with leaves in the shape of a diamond, triangle or oval. The stems are erect, slightly drooping from 8 to 50 cm. The flowers are bisexual, small in size with a pleasant aroma. The fruit is a seed capsule in the shape of a pentagon. The seeds are very small, one seed is difficult to see with the naked eye. They have good germination: up to 4 years. In young countries, garden plantings are grown as perennials. In regions with a harsh climate, the crop cannot withstand cold weather and grows like an annual.

Use in landscape design

Ageratum is a versatile plant. It is used everywhere in garden decoration:

  • discounts;
  • flower beds;
  • carpet compositions.

Bright fluffy inflorescences are suitable for creating a background for flower beds and perennials. For low decorative borders and framing garden paths, low-growing varieties of long-flowered flowers are chosen. Tall representatives are highly valued by florists; they are planted for cutting.

Unpretentiousness and long flowering are good qualities for decorating a balcony, summer terrace or summer garden with garden plantings. It tolerates planting well in pots and containers.

Planting ageratum in a suburban area will give the landscape freshness and some exoticism. Low, lush flowering bushes look beautiful in any empty space.

Combination with other plants

Harmonious company with long-flowered plant consists of:

  • marigold;
  • zinnias;
  • Snapdragon;
  • asters;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile.

The combination of different shapes and colors allows you to create an original mix composition, colorful but sophisticated. The culture treats the neighborhood favorably; planting in the same flower garden with all the plants is allowed.

Plant propagation


The most favorable period is mid-March. By the end of April, the seedlings will have become stronger and will be as ready as possible for planting in open ground. The soil for seedlings must be disinfected. To do this, place it in a fireproof container, fill it with boiling water and place it in the oven for a few minutes. The mixture is a combination of sand, peat and humus, in equal parts.

Before sowing, water the soil abundantly. The seeds are not deepened, but evenly distributed over the surface and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. The container is covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect. To germinate, seeds need daily access to oxygen. An hour a day is allocated to ventilate the container, without film. The room with the pot should be warm, but not more than 16 degrees. If the soil dries out, spray it moderately. If all recommendations are followed correctly, then shoots will appear in 12-14 days. After this, the glass is removed.

After the leaves appear, the seedlings are picked and planted while maintaining a distance. After the seedlings get stronger and grow, each seedling receives a separate container. Repeated picking must be done on time, otherwise the roots and leaves of the seedlings will interfere with each other. At the beginning of April, preparations for planting in open ground begin: containers are taken outside, hardening off the seedlings.


Held in March. An adult bush is carefully removed from the soil in the fall and stored in a room with a temperature of at least 10 degrees. The shoots are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This helps to increase the absorption area. Leave one or two leaves, the rest are removed. If desired, the root system is stimulated using special preparations. The cuttings are strengthened in shallow containers with sand.

It is preferable to store containers in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The root system is formed within 14 days, and young shoots appear after 4 weeks. This is a signal for rooting. The main condition is heated soil.

Planting and caring for ageratum

Planting a flower

Before planting seedlings, the soil is moistened, loosened and fed if it is poor. A gentle and safe method of replanting is transshipment. Optimal distance: for tall representatives 25-30 cm, for short varieties 8-10 cm. Planting ends with mulching. This is an opportunity to preserve the plant in case of unexpected frosts. To make flowering more abundant, faded inflorescences are removed.


The plant prefers open, sunny areas. The light should be bright, but diffused. Such conditions have a beneficial effect on the quality and duration of flowering. But an excess of shade very quickly extinguishes flowering. The bush begins to grow, and the greenery clogs the inflorescences. If there is an excess of sun in the flowerbed, then creating artificial shade will help.


Watering is carried out moderately as needed, when the upper layers of the soil dry out. Excessive and frequent moisture can cause various diseases: rotting of the root system, rust, etc. When watering, leaves and flowers should remain intact; watering is applied at the roots.

The frequency of moistening is affected by the type of soil: a plant planted in heavy soil needs more frequent watering. Ageratum is less demanding in light and sandy soil.

Watering is carried out exclusively in the morning.


The garden planting comes from warm regions, so it loves warmth. Young seedlings are transferred to the ground no earlier than the risk of repeated frosts has disappeared.

Top dressing

During the growing season, longflower most of all needs support with minerals. During this period, it is fed 3 times: during active growth (to strengthen the growing season organs), during budding, during flowering, if necessary.

Fertilizer group suitable for use - fertilizers for annual plants. Do not saturate the bush with nitrogen substances. They promote the active growth of greenery, which drowns out flowering. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be used.

Species and varietal diversity

The genus represents more than 50 species. They differ in the duration of flowering, color palette and size. The most popular in landscape design are medium-sized and dwarf representatives. There are practically no significant differences in caring for different varieties. The most famous representative of the culture is the Mexican species. He became the progenitor of most varieties. Its height is up to 50 cm, it all depends on the variety. The shape of the bush is spherical. The baskets are massive and fluffy. The most decorative varieties:

  • Bavaria. Garden planting of medium height. The color is two-tone: the inside is white and blue, and the edges of the petals are dominated by a deep blue color.
  • Red C. The bush reaches 50 cm. The buds are dark red, the flowers are purple. A spectacular combination makes the plant spectacular and extraordinary.
  • Blue mink. Small hybrid. Inflorescences of lavender and blue shades. Height up to 40 cm.
  • Summer. The height of the representative of the flora is 45-50 cm. It blooms profusely with white inflorescences, in the form of a basket.

Long-blooming ageratum in Russia is called long-flowering. The plant really retains its original freshness and brightness of colors for a long time, which is why it is loved by flower growers. Read the article about how to plant and care for ageratum in open ground.

Description of the plant

Ageratum (from the Greek ageratos - ageless) is a plant of the Asteraceae family, native to India, as well as North and Central America. Can be herbaceous or subshrub, reaching up to 50 cm in height.

The plant has many branches and pubescent stems. Ageratum leaves are varied - they have the shape of a triangle, diamond or oval. The edges are jagged and slightly rough. The flowers themselves are small - in diameter up to 1.5 cm. All of them are collected in complex inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter.

On packages with seeds of some varieties it is written that the flower is a perennial. But it is not so. Perennial or annual ageratum is a controversial issue, since in the climatic conditions of most regions of Russia, a perennial plant in its homeland does not survive for several years. Therefore, in our country, ageratum is grown as an annual.

The plant is drought-resistant and light-loving. Begins to bear fruit in September when the weather gets cooler. In Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Southern Federal District, fruiting begins later due to the characteristics of the regions.

The flowering period of ageratum is characterized by high duration and abundance - from June to the first frost. The medium-tall varieties of ageratum are especially beautiful; when planted in a group, they create a continuous carpet.

The genus Ageratum has about 60 species. Some of them are toxic. For example, Ageratum Gaustona has carcinogenic properties and can cause liver disease. However, despite such negative qualities, this type is the most common.

Growing ageratum from seeds - how and when to plant?

Ageratum seeds are sown at the end of March. The soil should be loose and airy. Seeds are planted deep no more than 1.5 cm. After planting, do not water the soil, just lightly spray it with a spray bottle. Three weeks after planting, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots.

Seedlings need to be kept in a dry and warm place - ageratum does not tolerate dampness and cold. The plant is planted in open ground after spring frosts are left behind. Before such a serious “relocation” for the plant, it should be taken outside for several days to acclimatize. When planting, it should be taken into account that the distance between seedlings must be maintained not less than 15 cm.

Ageratum blooms about two months after germination. The plant is often cross-pollinated, i.e. has male and female flowers. Pollination occurs with the help of flies, bees, and thrips.

Growing from cuttings

Even if you only have one ageratum, you will receive several seedlings. Ageratum is very “generous” with adventitious roots.

Despite this, propagation of ageratum by cuttings is rare. The fact is that this heat-loving plant will not overwinter in a room with a temperature below 20°C.

If you can create greenhouse conditions for ageratum, then you need to dig up the queen cells before the first frost. You should choose the strongest ones.

To prevent the cuttings from being crowded, they are planted in large pots. After this, immediately move it to a warm room. At the end of March, they can be planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse for germination, and then in open ground.

Planting ageratum in open ground

Let's start with preparing the soil. It needs to be dug up well and thoroughly loosened. Ageratum will feel much better in well-drained and nutritious soils, where the soil is slightly acidic or neutral. If acidity is high, add lime or dolomite flour to the soil (it is better to do this in the fall).

Planting in open ground usually occurs in May. The main thing is that frost does not return and the soil has time to warm up a little.

Algorithm for planting ageratum in open ground:

  1. We saturate the soil with oxygen by loosening it.
  2. We prepare holes with depth 1.5-2 cm. We maintain the distance between them 15-20 cm.
  3. We water the holes with water and wait until the soil absorbs all the moisture.
  4. We place seedlings in the holes and cover them with soil.

When planting, do not place fertilizers in the holes. Ageratum may die. There is also no need to compact the soil around the seedling too much.

Care for ageratum in open ground

Ageratums are generally unpretentious. Just a little care and the plant will reward you with abundant and colorful flowering. So let's get started.

Watering. Ageratum should be watered abundantly. The soil around the flower should be evenly moist, but avoid the appearance of puddles - this will negatively affect the plant. Ageratum is not afraid of drought, the plant tolerates it well, so it can be planted in the southern regions of the country, where rains are infrequent in the summer. However, during dry periods the flower needs to be watered more often.

Loosening. Ageratum requires airy soil, so sometimes after watering it is recommended to loosen the soil around the plant, removing all weeds. Thanks to this care, the ageratum will grow better. Mulching will also come in handy. This will help avoid rapid evaporation of the liquid.

Top dressing. Organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed ageratum. Their use in combination is allowed. The use of manure is prohibited. Fertilizers should be applied no more than once every three weeks. At first, use a smaller dose for feeding, since an excess of substances may give the wrong reaction - the ageratum will begin to grow in the leaves, and flowering will slow down.

A haircut. Ageratum easily tolerates haircuts. After this procedure, it quickly grows back and again pleases the eye with lush flowering. Be sure to remove any dried, weak or broken shoots. These simple manipulations will prolong the flowering period of ageratum and increase the number of inflorescences.

Wintering. Ageratum does not like the cold. When the first frost occurs, the plant dies. Cuttings with further storage in a warm room will help prolong the life of the flower.

Diseases and pests of ageratum

This plant is attacked by pests and various diseases. This is its disadvantage for gardeners. Let's consider the main “misfortunes” of ageratum.

Root rot

A fungal disease that occurs as a result of regular waterlogging of the soil. The affected ageratum fades and loses its former shade. Dark spots may appear on the leaves.

All diseased flowers must be removed. The remaining plants are treated with fungicides (for example, Fundazol).

If the damage is minor, you can cut off the affected part of the plant and sprinkle the cut with sulfur. Fine charcoal will also work. The plant needs to be replanted.

Cucumber mosaic

When this infection occurs, the ageratum stops growing. The leaves of the plant become covered with yellow or white patches, gradually changing the color of the ageratum completely.

Cucumber mosaic cannot be cured. If you notice signs of disease on plants, get rid of them immediately. The infection can spread and infect healthy flowers.

Bacterial wilt

With bacterial wilt, the stems and leaves of ageratum become drooping, soft, and begin to dry out at the top. This way the whole plant can gradually dry out. The disease is especially common in the southern regions.

Externally, bacterial wilt looks similar to root rot. It's easy to distinguish - cut off the shoot. With root rot there will be a characteristic dark spot.

Bacterial wilt can be cured with copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture or oxyhomom.

Spider mite

This insidious pest cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its presence is indicated by a thin web entangling the plants. The leaves become covered with small white spots, which become larger and larger over time.

Acaricides are used to destroy the uninvited guest. For example, Sunmite, Akarin, Oberon and others.


Another dangerous pest for ageratum. The whitefly is a small butterfly whose larvae feed on plant sap. Whiteflies settle on the ageratum and interfere with its growth and development.

You can get rid of the invasion of these flying pests using pheromone traps. The larvae are removed with insecticides. For example, Aktara, Tanrek and others.

Now you know how to plant and care for ageratum in open ground. Share your experience of growing flowers in the comments!

How to plant ageratum in open ground and grow it?

The Ageratum flower is considered one of the most beloved among gardeners, and for good reason. This plant has earned its popularity due to its ease of care and cultivation. But at the same time, novice gardeners are often interested in the following question: how difficult is it to care for ageratum? What you need to know about this flower so that the garden, thanks to its presence, acquires fabulous colors.
So, what does the beautiful ageratum need for full growth in open ground, and what type of this plant is ideal for your garden.

Ageratum "pink ball"

Our handsome guy comes from Central America. It is worth noting that in its native land, this bush is a perennial flower, which cannot be said about our climate zone. The fact is that ageratum in our latitudes grows like a handsome annual plant.

In appearance, this amazing plant looks like a large bush, with a huge number of sprouts. In height, ageratum reaches up to 60 cm. The leaves of this beauty are round or triangular in shape, with small teeth along the edges. And when a flower prepares to bloom, it produces countless buds, which can be blue, white or pink.
Ageratum is a very beautiful flower that can become the brightest decoration of any flower bed.

What are the types of ageratum?

The Ageratum genus is quite large and has over 60 varieties. But most of all, gardeners prefer Ageratum Houston, the second name is Ageratum Mexicana. It is this variety that is most common in our latitudes.

Ageratum Houston

Each variety of this plant differs in the following characteristics:

  • bush height;
  • shade of buds;
  • flowering duration.

Therefore, when purchasing seeds of such a miracle plant, you should definitely ask your consultant what kind of variety you are purchasing.

As for the color of the buds, in our latitudes we most often find plants with the following shades:

  • ageratum blue;

In rare cases, you can find pink ageratum. But this variety is found as an exotic plant.

Propagation of ageratum by seeds

The most common question for beginning flower growers is when to plant ageratum flowers from seeds. In order to understand when to plant seeds, you need to have an idea of ​​the whole process.
The vast majority of propagation methods are by sowing ageratum. And growing seedlings with your own hands is quite simple if you follow a few simple rules.

How to sow ageratum?

To do this, you need to choose the right time; the end of March will be the ideal period in this case.

  1. special boxes are prepared in advance for future seedlings;
  2. when choosing soil for seeds, preference is given to something lighter and more nutritious, such as a sand-peat mixture with the addition of compost;
  3. after planting the seeds, the container is covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm, well-lit place;
  4. This flower does not like strong moisture, so there is no need for additional spraying.

When all the above manipulations are completed, then within a week you can expect the first shoots to appear. After the first shoots appear, the plant will develop and grow for three weeks.

It is very important to pay attention to such an issue as picking ageratum. It should be done at the moment when the babies sprout and grow a little, the most ideal time is the third week after the first sunrises. Plants are planted in separate pots, as they will grow rapidly in the future.
A couple of weeks later, after the picking, the time comes to apply fertilizing.

Then, as soon as the weather becomes fine outside, the young shoots begin to gradually be taken outside for hardening. This manipulation is performed as follows: on the first day, the seedlings’ walk should be no more than an hour, and then, every day, the time spent outside is gradually increased by an hour.

Well, now every novice gardener will know how to grow ageratum.

Ageratum seeds look like grains of sand. Therefore, they are planted almost on the surface.

Propagation of ageratum by cuttings

Obtaining ageratum seedlings from seeds is the most common method. But sometimes, a gardener urgently needs to preserve a rare bush of this magnificent flower, in which case the method of propagation by cuttings comes to the rescue.
To perform this manipulation, it is necessary to send the bush to a cool place for the winter in the fall. And as soon as early spring arrives, the sprouts from the flower are cut off to obtain cuttings. Then the resulting sprouts are placed in pre-prepared containers with sand. And within a couple of weeks, each cutting will begin to develop its own root system.

Planting and care of agerantum in the ground

White ageratum “Patina whait”

The grown ageratum seedlings are planted in open ground when the warm spring has fully come into its own. The most optimal period for such a procedure is the end of May.
As described above, agerantum is easy to care for, and this also applies to the soil in which young shoots are planted. In rare cases, it may be necessary to individually oxidize the soil using slaked lime.

As for choosing the area where the seedlings will be planted, for these purposes you should choose a well-lit place.

Also, when planting seedlings in open ground, several important factors should be taken into account, namely:

  1. each sprout is planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other;
  2. There is no point in digging the roots into the ground, and in order not to make a mistake in such a situation, you should maintain the same depth as in the pots.
  3. even slight shading will cause the plant to stretch. In this case, abundant flowering will not be achieved.

When planting ageratum in open ground has been successfully completed, care should be taken to feed this plant. In general, during the season, the plant is fertilized three times with mineral fertilizers. As for fertilizers such as humus or other mineral additives, they should be avoided.

Ageratum does not require regular watering, so it should be done sparingly. And in order to check whether the plant requires moisture, it is enough to loosen the soil. If the soil is dry by 3 cm, then the plant requires watering and re-loosening the soil.

Video “Ageratum, outdoor care”

A little secret for plant care

As can be seen from everything described above, growing ageratum does not require specific skills or great skill. But there is one little secret that experienced flower growers shared.

In order for the flowering of this plant to please the eye, to be abundant and long-lasting, you should carefully monitor the bush. As soon as wilted buds appear on it, you should get rid of them immediately. It is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly, due to which more and more new flowers will appear on the bush, especially for such a species as the blue mink ageratum.

Well, ageratum is an amazing flower, and the main thing is that even a florist without experience is able to grow such beauty from a small seed.

What diseases and pests is ageratum susceptible to?

Ageratum blue "Blue Mink"

Despite the fact that planting and caring for this plant is quite simple, it is also susceptible to illnesses and pests.

  1. The main reason for the death of this flower is high humidity and lack of air reaching the root system. If this happens, the roots are affected by root rot, resulting in the death of the plant.
  2. The second common disease is leaf chlorosis. The first signs of the emerging disease are the wilting of the plant and the yellowing of its leaves. Recognizing chlorosis is quite simple; if the plant droops for no reason, it means it is affected.
  3. Another disease called cucumber mosaic. The first signs that the plant has been affected by this particular disease are partial yellowing of the foliage and earlier wilting of the buds, which did not please the grower with their beautiful flowering. If such signs have been identified, then it is urgent to get rid of all affected leaves and buds, otherwise the disease will spread throughout the entire bush.

As a cure for the diseases described above, you can use tincture of wormwood or tansy, and you can prepare it as follows: add 5 tbsp to a liter of boiling water. spoons of dry herb and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain the resulting tincture through cheesecloth and dilute it in 5 liters of water at room temperature. The resulting mixture is used to thoroughly spray the plants. But if you don’t have time to prepare such a remedy, then you can simply purchase the necessary preparation at a flower shop.

As for pests, the following pests are very dangerous for the garden beauty:

  • nematodes;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly

Ageratum looks great both in containers on the balcony and as a border plant in gardens.

Ageratum on the balcony

Ageratum in a flowerbed, a mixture of white and blue ageratum

Ageratum in a flowerbed

As you can see, ageratum is a beautiful plant, which is also easy to care for, which is why many gardeners fell in love with this flower.

Many gardeners strive to select plants for their garden according to their flowering period, so that throughout the season the flower beds will amaze with their beauty and abundance of color. However, it is not easy to find flower crops that would continue to bloom almost until frost.

The best solution in this situation may be ageratum, a plant that, despite its not very spectacular appearance, can make any garden beautiful and unique. The process of planting and care does not require much labor, so there is nothing difficult in growing this flower. Even inexperienced gardeners can decorate their plot with it.

In this article we will talk about the features of ageratum, consider its description, touch on planting and caring for it, and also highlight the main and most popular varieties and types of this flowering ornamental plant.

Description and features of ageratum

This is a flowering ornamental plant belonging to the Asteraceae (or Asteraceae) family. There are about 60 species of it in the world. Scientists consider its homeland to be South America and Central America and the main part of Mexico.

The most popular cultivated variety is recognized Gauston. The plant has an additional name - Mexican. Growing this crop has become a very popular activity among gardeners in the CIS because it can be planted as an annual. All other ageratums are perennial plants that have difficulty taking root in extreme cold conditions.

The name translates as “ageless” in Greek. This name very accurately describes the character and style of flowering of this plant. It has a long flowering period. It also keeps the shape and freshness of the leaves for a long time after cutting.


This is a perennial, less often annual, ornamental flowering plant.

He thermophilic, therefore, in the terrain of the CIS countries it is difficult for it to take root as a perennial. Therefore, in these areas it is possible to grow ageratum as an annual plant. Ageratum is distinguished by long flowering - from the beginning of June until the onset of cold weather. Because of this property, the plant is especially valued by gardeners and landscape designers.

This plant is herbaceous and branches well. The branches grow widely, creating hedges and flowering carpets.

The plant can grow 14-60 cm in height, which is why it can be used for various plantings.

Its leaves can have different shapes, it all depends on the specific type and variety: they can be triangular, diamond-shaped, round. The color is usually dark green.

The flowers are very small, have a head start of narrow tubes forming small braids. In turn, these baskets are collected into larger inflorescences. The flowers are equipped with colorless fibers, the size of which is longer than the flowers themselves.

Colors may vary. The most famous is blue along with all its shades. However, there are ageratums in snow-white, pink, and red colors.

During flowering, these plants create a thick, blooming carpet that looks great against the backdrop of a green lawn or other blooming plants.

After flowering is completed, fruits appear on the plant, shaped like a small dark-colored box.

Ageratum seeds are very small; they are located in large quantities in the seed box. They can be stored for 3-4 years.

Main types and varieties

Currently, there are approximately 55-60 species of ageratum in the world. In our country and in other CIS countries with harsh winters, Mexican ageratum and Gauston ageratum are very popular.

Flowers are divided into categories according to height:

  • short or dwarf - grow 9-15 cm in height;
  • medium-height varieties - rise 14-30 cm;
  • tall - 30-60 cm.

Besides, everything Varieties are divided according to the color of their flowers:

Varieties of Ageratum Gauston

Gaustona (also known as Mexican) is recognized as the most famous cultivated variety.

It has gained popularity among gardeners in the CIS countries, since it is possible to grow ageratum there. as a garden annual plant. All ageratums by their nature are considered perennial plants that are difficult to take root in extreme cold conditions.

The varieties of this type can be grown in open soil every year. There are a huge number of different types of Ageratum Mexicana.

Several classifications should be noted, which are distinguished in accordance with individual signs and characteristics.

Let's take a closer look at the Gauston ageratum category and its most famous varieties.

Ageratum Gauston

The standard name for this species is Mexican; Russian gardeners call it long-flowered because of their long flowering period. Flowers of this species are fairly compact plants with a spherical shape. Ageratum Gauston can grow 15-60 cm in height, growth depends on the specific variety. The flowers are small, covered with colorless villi; they are collected in small inflorescences up to 1.5 cm in diameter, which are collected in inflorescences of 8-10 cm each. The color of the Mexican ageratum includes mostly blue, blue and violet shades, less often - snow-white and pink.

Famous varieties of Ageratum Gauston

And for this plant, planting with seeds is considered the most optimal solution due to their rapid germination.

Seeds can be sown in boxes for seedlings, or they can be thrown directly into open soil. You can buy planting material in designated shopping centers or collect it yourself. Ageratum seeds are very small, so they must be sown very carefully. Preserved planting material can be stored for up to 4 years.

Sowing seeds

The optimal time for sowing seeds is the 2nd half of March, when the danger of returning frost has passed.

It is better to sow in boxes first, and therefore transplanted into open ground. because ageratum loves greenhouse conditions.

The boxes need to be filled with fertile soil, then thoroughly loosened, making it easy for plants to grow in it.

Then remove 1.5 cm of the surface layer of soil.

Sprinkle the seeds over the entire designated area and cover with soil. Make sure that the top layer of soil is not very dense - it will be difficult for the plant to germinate.

Do not water seedlings immediately after planting. It would be optimal to simply spray the planting with a spray bottle.

Then the boxes must be covered with film or glass caps, thereby creating a small greenhouse.

It is necessary to place the box with seedlings in a warm and sunny space, the temperature of which is not lower than 15 degrees.

The soil needs to be ventilated daily. To do this, lift the glass or film for half an hour or an hour.

The first sprouts of seedlings may appear in 7-14 days, and you need to start picking after 3 weeks, when 1-2 leaves appear.

Seedlings of this crop must be planted in different containers. Before planting containers with seedlings in the soil, they are kept outside for 40-60 minutes for several days to get used to them.

It will be optimal to plant ageratum in mid-May or at the end.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is a rarer method, but it is the one that allows you to preserve the plant until next March. To do this, before the onset of the first frost, you need to dig up the most healthy and durable bushes. Transplant them into spacious pots and place them in a warm room. It is also allowed to keep them on the balcony, the main thing is that the space does not freeze. In March-April, the bushes can be sent to a greenhouse or greenhouse for germination. This process goes quickly, and in a matter of days you get an ageratum plant prepared for flowering.

Preparation before planting in the soil

To get a beautiful and elegantly flowering plant, it is important to prepare responsibly before planting. The main thing is to grow the plant seedlings correctly, as well as to choose the right space for planting. It is also important to prepare the base in advance.

Planting and care in open ground

For a plant, planting and care, carried out competently and with attention, are of great importance.

The most preferred period for planting ageratum is considered to be the time of year from mid to late May. In this case, you will avoid the possible return of frost, which could kill your plant.

A place must be chosen that is sunny and open, but at the same time well protected from the winds. A site on a gently sloping hill is best suited. Before choosing a location, go over in your head what composition you plan to get as a result. Will you plant ageratum together with other plants or will you prefer single planting?

Selection and preparation of land before planting

The soil for ageratum should be loose and light, so the area must first be dug up and loosened well. These plants prefer well-drained and fertile soils. In terms of acidity, neutral or slightly acidic soils are suitable for them. Therefore, if the area of ​​your site is highly acidic, you can add dolomite flour or lime during planting.

Also make sure that there is not too much humus in the soil - this can lead to a decrease in flowering.

The process of planting in open soil

After the preliminary stages of planting in May, you can begin planting ageratum seedlings, the main thing is that there is no danger of the return of cold weather. It is also important to make sure that the soil has already warmed up.


First of all you should loosen the soil at the planting site, otherwise the plant will suffer due to lack of oxygen in the soil.

Afterwards, prepare the planting holes, the distance between which must be maintained depending on the chosen type of ageratum. For tall varieties, make space between the holes of 18-25 cm, and for more compact and miniature species, 10-15 cm will be enough.

The depth of the holes should not be very large. Most often, ageratum seedlings are deepened to the same distance at which they grew in boxes.

Then water all the holes generously and wait until the planting area absorbs all the water. Under no circumstances should manure be placed in the holes. This fertilizer will be inappropriate here, because the plant may die.

Ageratums are not very demanding in terms of their level of care, but they also need a certain amount of attention and care. In the future, the plant will thank you for your care with catchy and lush flowering.