Agaptsov Sergey Anatolyevich biography. Agaptsov, Sergey Anatolyevich. Dmitry Rogozin: “The defense industry deserves to be stimulated”


In 1981 he graduated with honors from the Mikhailovsky Pedagogical School.

In 1986 he graduated with honors from Volgograd State University, having received the qualification of a historian, teacher of history and social studies.

From 1986–1989 worked as a history teacher in high school Volgograd and senior teacher of history at the Volgograd Agricultural Institute, consultant at the House of Political Education.



Let us add that the approaches of the Ministry of Industry and Trade itself are not consistent in everything (despite the fact that this is perhaps the only department that enterprises, as a rule, praise for their readiness to cooperate). Auditor Accounts Chamber RF Sergei Agaptsov, who analyzed the state program, discovered that they were “tricky” with the indicators: somewhere “arithmetic suffers”, somewhere indicators were not linked to tasks, some of the figures were taken from a document regulating long-term socio-economic development, which the Ministry of Economic Development did not timely corrected - which means the numbers are long outdated.

SEZs did not become an instrument to support the Russian economy – SP RF

“Over the 11 years of the SEZ’s existence, only 21.1 thousand jobs have been created. On average, 9.1 million rubles were allocated to create one job in the SEZ territories. budget funds, and taking into account the investments made by SEZ residents, this figure increases to 21 million rubles,” noted auditor Sergei Agaptsov.

Dmitry Rogozin: “The defense industry deserves to be stimulated”

At the end of 2016, the cumulative growth industrial production amounted to 1.3%. These, of course, are not indicators that one should be proud of, but, as D. Medvedev said, “in the current conditions, this is also a result.” The Accounts Chamber is slightly less optimistic: auditor Sergei Agaptsov noted that growth is “not yet sustainable”, and to achieve efficiency measures should be coordinated in a timely manner state support with concrete results.

Some oddities of the audit of Channel One's activities

NG has at its disposal a report from auditor Sergei Agaptsov, which states that Channel One, back in 2002, decided to acquire a literary script for the “creation of a multi-part feature film “The Turkish Gambit”, and the production of the television series was carried out by LLC “Studio TRITE”, owned by Nikita Mikhalkov (part-time member of the board of directors of Channel One). The report does not mention that the head of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, is one of the producers of the film.

Ministry of Education and Science caught in “modest” corruption

The “anti-corruption eye” of the authorities turned to yet another ministry. At the “government hour” in the State Duma on Wednesday, it was announced that over the past three years, about 400 million budget rubles have been wasted in the field of education and science. The bulk of the amount - 386 million - flew past the purposes for which it was allocated. Another 6.8 million were spent ineffectively, said Sergei Agaptsov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. He spoke immediately after the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Dmitry Livanov, for whom the deputies had many questions, RIA Novosti reports.

Violations in execution

“In such well-known universities as the Russian State University for the Humanities and Moscow Power Engineering Institute, serious violations were identified that require the intervention of law enforcement agencies,” Sergei Agaptsov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, told RIA Novosti.

Auditors were outraged by the salaries of Alania football players

The club management must be blamed for not doing enough strong position or not, but, among other things, the joint venture found that if there were financial assets in the amount of 254 million rubles at the beginning of last year accounts payable football club was almost three times higher - 744 million rubles. This situation indicated the difficult financial situation of Alania with signs of insolvency, according to auditors Sergei Ryabukhin and Sergei Agaptsov. However, in the football community they do not agree with them.

SP RF: The issue of provision of places in kindergartens has not yet been resolved

The issue of providing children with places in preschool institutions is still not fully resolved. This was stated by auditor Sergei Agaptsov at a meeting of the board of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, reports the information department of the Russian Federation SP.

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Agaptsov lists flagrant violations at a number of the most important museum objects of Russian culture

The Pushkin Nature Reserve, located in the Pskov region, also suffered from the auditor. There, “ancient mansions have been turned into dormitories,” there, “cottages are being built illegally on the territory,” there, “the head of the district administration lives in one of the houses,” there, “bathhouses and swimming pools have been built in the guest houses of the reserve,” there, “misappropriation of funds,” there “they built a whole cottage community in which they live completely strangers“, there “the commercialization of the museum business is underway.”

Sergey Agaptsov: Reforming the education system is a long-term task. Expecting quick results is an illusion

Sergey Agaptsov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber Russian Federation:

— Over the past three years, the Accounts Chamber has carried out, including in response to your requests, 80 control and expert analytical activities in the field of education and science. All materials are in open access, posted on the chamber’s website and in newsletters.

The Accounts Chamber at the Russian State University for the Humanities and Moscow Power Engineering Institute revealed violations in the use of funds

According to the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia Sergei Agaptsov, a significant part of the funds to be spent on the maintenance and development of the material and technical base was used by the management of universities to pay wages administrative

management personnel.

RSUH denies accusations of misuse of 156 million rubles

It was previously reported that during inspections in 2012, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation revealed serious violations in the use of budget funds. According to auditor Sergei Agaptsov, the university misused funds in the amount of 156.2 million rubles.

Plowing like Pushkin

The head of the district administration lives in the Hannibal estate, the Maly Theater is laying a heating network instead of utilities, and Kizhi stands on agricultural land. These and other violations, as auditor Sergei Agaptsov said yesterday, were revealed by the Accounts Chamber following an inspection of some historical monuments.

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber: we will evaluate solutions to optimize universities

The head of the group, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Agaptsov, said what issues the recently created expert advisory group on educational issues in the joint venture will deal with and whether it will evaluate the effectiveness of decisions on the optimization of universities.

RSUH and MPEI were accused of embezzlement of more than 190 million rubles

According to the results of audits by the Accounts Chamber of Russia in 2012, it turned out that the management of the Moscow Energy Institute (MPEI) and the Russian State humanitarian university(RGGU) committed violations in the use of budget funds, said Sergei Agaptsov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber.

MPEI and RSUH are accused of misuse of budget funds

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has identified serious violations in the use of budget funds at the Russian State University for the Humanities and Moscow Power Engineering Institute, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia Sergei Agaptsov said in an interview with RIA Novosti. According to him, universities spent a significant portion of the money allocated for the maintenance and development of their material and technical base on salaries for administrative and managerial personnel.

“Funds in the amount of 156.2 million rubles were misused at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and 34.7 million rubles at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute,” Agaptsov said.

The Accounts Chamber will evaluate the efficiency of spending budget funds in the field of education

The created group will evaluate the effectiveness of spending budget funds in the field of education. The head of the group, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Agaptsov, spoke in detail about the tasks facing the group in an interview with a RIA Novosti correspondent.

Visit of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation S.V. Stepashin to the Kyrgyz Republic (September 4-6, 2012)

Representatives of the control departments of the two countries made presentations at the Collegium, and from the Russian side - the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, Sergei Agaptsov.

In 1981 he graduated with honors from the Mikhailovsky Pedagogical School.

In 1986, he graduated with honors from Volgograd State University, qualifying as a historian, teacher of history and social studies.

1986-1989 worked as a history teacher in a secondary school in Volgograd and a senior history teacher at the Volgograd Agricultural Institute, a consultant at the House of Political Education.

From 1989 to 1992 studied full-time graduate school at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (now the Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow), where in 1992 he defended his PhD thesis on the history of Russia.

From 1992 to 1995 in a teaching job.

Since January 1995, he worked at the Volgograd Plant of Tractor Parts and Normals as a deputy general director, and since 1996 - general director.

In 1998 he was elected deputy of the Volgograd regional Duma, where he headed the Committee on Budget and Taxes.

Since January 25, 2001, representative in the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation from the administration of the Volgograd region. He was a member of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget, chairman of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Doctor economic sciences, professor, academician Russian Academy natural sciences.

Hobbies: hiking, swimming.

Married, son, daughter.

Publications with mentions on

MOSCOW, April 26, RIA FederalPress. Rusnano financed Russian and foreign companies in a pre-bankruptcy state within the field of nanotechnology, as well as...

MOSCOW, May 10, RIA FederalPress. The Accounts Chamber has begun an audit of Gazprom. Chairman of the joint venture Sergei Stepashin spoke about this today. The inspection will take place...

MOSCOW, June 25, RIA FederalPress. The Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets recommended the approval of six candidates for appointment as auditors of the Accounting...

Representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Volgograd region since January 2001, member of the Budget Committee, chairman of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation; born December 25, 1961 in the Volgograd region; graduated from the Pedagogical School, Faculty of History, Volgograd State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; labor activity started as a teacher at school; taught at the Volgograd Agricultural Institute; worked as director of the Rosagromet enterprise; since 1995 - First Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, since 1996 - General Director of OJSC Volgograd Plant of Tractor Parts and Normals; was the head of the department at the Volgograd Academy of Public Administration; in 1998 he was elected as a deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma, and was the chairman of the committee on budget, taxes and finance; in 2000, he headed the election headquarters of the head of the regional administration N. Maksyuta, who was re-elected to this post in December 2000; married, has a daughter and son.

  • - Director, actor; born July 18, 1960 in Oktyabrsky, Bashkiria. Graduated from KGITI named after. I. K. Karpenko-Kary. Director of the film "Ukrkinokhronika". He starred in the film "Volodka's Life". Film director: "...
  • - Head of laboratory Central Institute military-technical information, born in 1958 in Karpinsk Sverdlovsk region; graduated from the Military Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky...

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  • - Russian physicist. Studied in Freiburg. and Gottingen. un-tah. In 1917 he graduated from St. Petersburg. univ. In 1918, prof. Saratov. University and in 1919 - prof. Moscow un-ta. B.'s works are devoted to various theoretical issues. physics...

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  • - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Funds investment group since April 1999; born July 18, 1965; Graduated from the Faculty of Aerodynamics and Flight Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1990...

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  • - State Secretary - Deputy Chairman State Committee RF according to youth policy since 1997; born on December 13, 1961 in the town of Belaya Tserkov, Kyiv region...

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  • - Deputy commander of the 2nd motorized rifle battalion of the division special purpose named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, major. Born on April 8, 1963 in the village of Kovalevka, Nikolaev district, Nikolaev region. Ukrainian...

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  • - Former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; born December 21, 1957 in Irkutsk; Graduated from the Irkutsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in...

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  • - President of OJSC Vostokgazprom since 1999; born January 20, 1957 in Perm...

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  • - Advisor to the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of the Russian Federation since September 2000, Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class; born on October 8, 1960 in Aleksin, Tula region...

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  • - Vice President, Branch Manager of the St. Petersburg OJSC AKB National Reserve Bank since 1996; born December 4, 1964 in Leningrad...

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  • - Director of the company "Imperial IG" since 1991; born 1969; has a higher education in history...

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  • - Genus. 1954, d. 1996. Composer, actor, author of the so-called principles. "pop mechanics". Filmography: “Loch - the winner of water”, “Broken Light”, “Two Captains-2”, “Over Dark Water”, "...

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  • - Russian physicist. He studied first at the University of Freiburg and then at the University of Gottingen. In 1917 he graduated from St. Petersburg University. Since 1919, professor at Moscow University...

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  • - Boguslavsky Sergey Anatolyevich, theoretical physicist. Professor at Saratov and Moscow universities. Works on the statistical theory of crystals, hydrodynamics, molecular physics, thermodynamics...
  • - Russian composer and actor. Developed the principles of the so-called. "pop mechanics". He starred in the films: “Loch - Conqueror of Water”, “Broken Light”, “Two Captains-2”, “Over Dark Water”, “Insanity Complex”...

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"Agaptsov, Sergey Anatolyevich" in books

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Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev I observed him during numerous events in which he participated as President of the Russian Federation in the first few weeks of the intensification of the financial crisis now shaking the world. Despite the breakup

Mark Anatolyevich

From the book The Ship Sails On author Karachentsov Nikolay Petrovich

Mark Anatolyevich I had already been working in the theater for five years, but I was still considered a young artist. Official by work book I cannot consider the year sixty-seven the beginning of a theatrical career, because we came to Lenkom at the end of the year, therefore, counting

SUDOPLATOV Pavel Anatolievich

From the book Chief of Foreign Intelligence. Special operations of General Sakharovsky author Prokofiev Valery Ivanovich

SUDOPLATOV Pavel Anatolyevich Born on July 7, 1907 in the city of Melitopol. I was left without parents early. In 1919 he went to Odessa, became a homeless child. In mid-1920, as a student of the Red Army regiment, he was assigned as an assistant telegraph operator of the communications company of the 123rd Infantry Brigade of the 41st


From the book 100 Celebrities of the Fashion World author Sklyarenko Valentina Markovna

ZVEREV SERGEY ANATOLIEVICH (born in 1965 or 1967) He is undoubtedly talented, and talented in everything. World-famous top stylist, makeup artist and leading hair and clothing designer, absolute European champion and world champion in hairdressing, four-time winner

PROKOFIEV Yuri Anatolievich

From the book The Most Closed People. From Lenin to Gorbachev: Encyclopedia of Biographies author Zenkovich Nikolay Alexandrovich

PROKOFIEV Yuri Anatolyevich (02/20/1939). Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee from July 13, 1990 to August 23, 1991. Member of the CPSU Central Committee since 1990. Member of the CPSU since 1960. Born in the city of Muynak, Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the family of an employee. Russian. In 1962 he graduated from the Moscow Automechanical Institute, in 1972 from the Correspondence Party School at

Anatoly Anatolyevich Neratov

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Anatoly Anatolyevich Neratov A.A. Neratov, a fellow minister of foreign affairs since 1910, outlived five ministers in his post - S.D. Sazonova, B.V. Sturmera, N.N. Pokrovsky, P.N. Milyukova and M.I. Tereshchenko, being a living indicator of the continuity of Russian foreign policy in

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IVANOV Sergey Anatolyevich (1941-1999), writer, screenwriter; TATARSKY Alexander Mikhailovich (b. 1950), film director 21 It won’t be enough! Cartoon. “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling” (1983), scenes. Ivanov and Tatarsky, dir.

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Kurekhin Sergey Anatolievich

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Kurekhin Sergey Anatolyevich Born on June 16, 1954 in Murmansk into a military family. As a child, he moved to Leningrad with his parents. From a young age he was interested in music. In the 70s he worked as an accompanist, played in the “Big Iron Bell”, subsequently became interested in jazz and

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Petrenko Sergey Anatolyevich (July) Born on July 7, 1955. Ex-coach of Torpedo (Moscow) The name Sergey is from the Latin - “clear”, the patronymic Anatolyevich is from the Greek - “sunrise”. The surname Petrenko transformed from Greek name Peter - “stone”. Human

Agaptsov Sergey Anatolievich, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia,
former representative from the administration of the Volgograd region in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation (2001-2004), deputy of the Volgograd regional Duma (1998-2001).

Born on December 25, 1961 in the Pronin farmstead, Serafimovichsky district, Volgograd region. Russian.

In 1977, after graduating from the 8th grade of the Proninsky school, he entered the Mikhailovsky Pedagogical School.
In 1981 he graduated with honors from college with a degree in teaching. primary classes", in 1986 - with honors from the Faculty of History of Volgograd University, in 1995 - from the Volgograd Academy of Civil Service with a degree in management.
From September 1989 to June 1992 - graduate student at the Russian Academy of Management.
Candidate of Historical Sciences (1992), Doctor of Economic Sciences (1997; topic: “Entrepreneurship as an innovative management system in mechanical engineering”).

Professional activity:
In February-August 1987 he worked as a history and social studies teacher at secondary school No. 29 in Volgograd.
In September 1987 - November 1988 - assistant and then senior lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences of the Volgograd Agricultural Institute.
In December 1988 - August 1989 - consultant at the House of Political Education of the Volgograd Regional Committee of the CPSU.
Since 1995 - First Deputy General Director of the Volgograd Plant of Tractor Parts and Normals (VZTDiN).
In 1996-2001 he was General Director of the Volgograd Plant of Tractor Parts and Normals. At the same time, he was the head of the Department of Economics and Management at the Volgograd Academy of Public Administration. Professor.

On December 13, 1998, in a rotation election, he was elected as a deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma in Mikhailovsky electoral district No. 3. He ran for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and received 54.95% of the votes in the elections. He headed the budget committee of the Duma. In August 1999, he announced his intention to participate in the elections for the mayor of Volgograd. He lost the elections on October 3, 1999, finishing third.

In 2000, he headed the campaign headquarters of Nikolai Maksyuta during the campaign for the election of regional governor.

In January 2001, he was appointed representative of the administration of the Volgograd region in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. The powers of a member of the Federation Council were approved on February 22, 2001. On February 22, 2001, he became a member of the Federation Council Budget Committee, tax policy, financial, currency and customs regulation, banking (January 30, 2002 was reorganized into the Budget Committee). Since January 30, 2002 - also Chairman of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Since March 29, 2002 - also a member of the Federation Council Commission for monitoring the activities of the Federation Council and the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy.

Since 2004 - auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia.

Hobbies: hiking, swimming.

Married, has a daughter and son.

In 1981 he graduated with honors from the Mikhailovsky Pedagogical School.

In 1986, he graduated with honors from Volgograd State University, qualifying as a historian, teacher of history and social studies.

In 1994-1995 underwent retraining at the Volgograd Academy of Public Administration with the qualification of financial manager.

In 2006 he graduated from the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, receiving the qualification of a lawyer.

In 2009-2010 passed professional retraining at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry under the program “World Politics”.

From 1986–1989 worked as a history teacher at a secondary school in Volgograd, a senior history teacher at the Volgograd Agricultural Institute, and a consultant at the House of Political Education.

From 1989 to 1992 studied full-time graduate school at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (now the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA, in Moscow), where in 1992 he defended his PhD thesis on the history of Russia.

From 1992 to 1995 - in teaching.

Since January 1995, he worked at the Volgograd Plant of Tractor Parts and Normals as Deputy General Director, and since 1996 - General Director.

In 1997 he defended his doctoral dissertation in economics at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, and in 1998 he was awarded the academic title of professor in the department of economics and management.

In 1998, he was elected to the Volgograd Regional Duma, where he headed the Committee on Budget and Taxes.

Since January 25, 2001 - representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Volgograd region. He was a member of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget, chairman of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

On September 25, 2013, upon the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation, he was reappointed by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the position of auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Married, son, daughter.

State awards

    Order of Honor

    Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census"

    Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation

    Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation

    Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation

Departmental awards

    Medal "Federation Council. 15 years"

    Medal "Federation Council. 20 years"

    Medal of the Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of the Russian Federation "For strengthening financial control of Russia"

    Jubilee medal "200 years of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"

    Medal of the Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of the Russian Federation named after V.A. Tatarinov "For service for the benefit of Russia"

    Certificate Federal service security of the Russian Federation

  • Certificate of Honor of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Certificate of Honor from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

    Gratitude from the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

    Gratitude from the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

    Gratitude from the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

    Memorial sign"15 years of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation"

    Badge "Veteran of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation"

    Badge of honor of the Volgograd Regional Duma "For merits in the development of legislation and parliamentarism"