Have you watered the flowers?! How to take care of house plants while on vacation. How to preserve flowers by providing them with sufficient watering during the holidays How to ensure long-term watering of indoor plants

Do you love indoor plants? But sometimes you have to go somewhere, for example, on vacation. How to save flowers during your absence? After all, you can’t leave them to the mercy of fate. Why not go anywhere because of flowers? This is what we will talk about.

Even if you are not going on vacation, you may always need to go, for example, to visit relatives or on a business trip. And what if everything “grown by back-breaking labor” goes to waste? Oh no! . If there are no relatives or neighbors to whom you can entrust watering the plants, describing how, when and how much to water, then it doesn’t matter. things are compatible. Eat various options how to preserve flowers during your absence.

The period of your departure is up to 7 days, unless the weather is very hot, most indoor plants It can survive without special adaptations; we are not talking here, of course, about very delicate and moisture-loving plants. And if these are cacti and aloe, then they will easily tolerate a two-week lack of watering.

If you are away for a week and the weather is hot, you can cover the pot along with the surface of the earth in plastic bag or put wet moss, felt material, or even just a piece of oilcloth on the surface of the ground, after watering the plants well. During your absence, it is better to remove plants from the windows, especially if they are south-facing windows.

For large flowers, you can organize drip irrigation from a small hole in the plug plastic bottle done with a thick needle. The bottle is placed vertically, with the cork down on the surface of the earth, you can deepen it a little. You also need to make a hole in the top of the inverted bottle (what used to be its bottom). To maintain the position of the bottle and give it stability, it must be tied to some support. How quickly water will flow out of the bottom hole depends on the size of the hole. This is determined practically in advance.

If you will not be at home for 10-12 days, then the most common way to water the plants will be to water them from a container with water flowing through strings.

Container with water

We remove the plants from the window; you can arrange them on the floor in a circle. In the middle of the circle we place a container of water, which should be located slightly above the surface of the ground in flower pots.

Watering plants while on vacation

We take a rope or a narrow strip of fabric, one end of which we place in the water, the other on the surface of the plant’s soil. We carry out this procedure with all plants placed around a container of water. Watering of plants is carried out using a wet rope.

As long as there is water in the container, the soil in the pots will be moist, so the container with water should not be too small. The windows should not be left open. And it will be better if you limit the space in which you leave flowers by closing the doors to the room. Plants should not be placed in the bathroom; they still need light.

Plant under a jar

Small plants can be placed under glass jar. And you don't have to worry about them. The same jar can be used to cover low plants up to the surface of the ground so that there are no gaps between the edge of the jar and the surface of the ground.

Wide plastic jars are available for sale; they can also be used to cover larger plants. Or you can use bottles from drinking water. We cut off the top at the level of the tapering neck and cover the plants.

If you are leaving home for 2-3 weeks and there are a lot of plants, then you need to pack them more securely. It is worth stocking up on plastic film in advance big size. It is usually sold as a “stocking” 1.5 m wide. For one package you will need 1-1.5 linear meters depending on the height of indoor flowers.

Small plants can be packed in separate bags. If you put the bag on top, then tie it tightly with a rope at the bottom; rubber bands or tape are also suitable. If you place a plant in a bag, then the top of the bag must be hermetically sealed. Here it’s easier to use paper clips, a stapler, rubber bands, or just tie it with a string.

If there are a lot of plants, then we arrange them close to each other, taking into account that each of them should receive a little light; we put the taller and less light-loving ones in the background. Two or three of the most tall plants You can put it on the sides, they will hold the top of the film, for me these are usually large ficuses.

When the main part of the plants is assembled, carefully put on the film stocking, straighten the film, lifting it up and secure it with clothespins around large plants above.

Flowers during vacation

We also connect the ends of the film at the top with clothespins or paper clips, forming a sealed space under the film where the flowers will live during your absence. It is better to place such a greenhouse away from the window, but it is also possible to place it on a window.

If you placed flowers on a window, then leave a small gap at the top of the film; when the sun is shining, the excess heat will rise up a little.

Before wrapping indoor plants in plastic, they should be well watered. Under the film you need to place one or two containers with water the size of a glass, then even if it is very hot inside, the humidity will help the flowers survive.

If you grow flowers on special racks, then the principle is the same, you just need much more film. The entire rack is covered with film up to the floor and containers with water are placed inside.

From practice. Geraniums do not like moisture and need light; in extreme cases, place them separately from other flowers, on north side and don’t put a container of water inside, then maybe they will be preserved better.

After keeping it under the film for a long time, do not remove it abruptly, first open the top a little, and after the heat and moisture have come out, remove the film completely. Some flowers may develop aerial roots, which can then be cut off. Some flowers may shed their leaves; pachistachis and pomegranate will definitely do this. Some of the plants will not be happy with the excess moisture, some will wither, but they will survive. Ficuses, lemons, dieffenbachias, violets, syngoniums, begonias, ferns, eucharis, and crassula tolerate such living quite tolerably.

Indoor flowers mean beauty and comfort in the home, as well as fresh air, enriched with oxygen. However, they require systematic care and proper watering, otherwise they may die. This problem becomes especially relevant when there is a need for a long absence, when you need to leave for a vacation or a weekend.

It’s good when you have relatives or close friends who you can trust to water the flowers during your vacation. But in the summer they can also go on vacation. In order to preserve plants, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the options for “self-watering” systems and methods of using available materials.

Plant preparation

A long break in care and watering is stressful for plants, so you should prepare them for it in advance and make sure that no problems arise.

  • In the light, metabolic processes in plants are more active, so they consume more moisture. To slow down metabolic reactions in plant cells, you need to provide them with more shady shelter - draw the curtains more tightly and remove the pots from the windowsill.
  • The soil under the plants should be well moistened, then the pots should be wrapped in damp paper and plastic wrap on top of it.
  • Small flowers can be covered with a glass or transparent plastic container during the holidays, but not tightly - air must flow from below for them to breathe. Evaporating moisture, condensing on the walls of the hood, will flow back.
  • Remove large buds from flowers that require more moisture, as well as dried leaves.
  • If there are diseased plants, they should be treated with medications a few days before departure.
  • Ten days before vacation, stop feeding.
  • Avoid drafts in the room where the plants are located.
  • If the pots are standing in water, it is better to place stands under them so that the roots cannot freeze.
  • Flowers will feel more comfortable in clay dishes than in plastic ones.

Remote watering methods

How to water flowers during vacation so that they do not dry out or disappear from excess moisture? Those leaving should take the following facts into account.

  • Plants in ceramic pots can be left for up to seven days or a little more using a simple method: having sufficiently moistened the soil in the pot, wrap it in a thick layer of wet moss. If it is missing, you must put clay pot into a larger plastic container, and between them pour a layer of expanded clay and moisten it well with water.
  • It is advisable to leave plastic pots with moisture-loving plants in trays filled with water to a third of the height of the pot. The top of the substrate should be covered with wet moss or expanded clay.
  • well, water all the pots generously before leaving them at home;
  • then you need to leave them in the tray for a while to drain excess moisture;
  • collect all the flowers in the back of the room, as compactly as possible;
  • place pots with moisture-loving plants in the middle, surrounding them with more hardy ones;
  • place around as many containers as possible with a large amount of water - as it evaporates, it will be absorbed by the green leaves.
  • cover the stand with waterproof oilcloth or film;
  • put a soft, damp cloth on top of it - an old blanket or thick batting will do;
  • Place one edge of the fabric in a large container of water;
  • place pre-watered pots on the blanket;
  • The flowers will absorb moisture from the damp fabric thanks to the drainage holes.

Wick watering

  • You can organize continuous watering of indoor flowers during the holidays using a wick made of woolen twine. One of its ends should be placed in a flower pot, lightly sprinkled with soil, and the other should be lowered into a container located above the pot and filled with water. This watering option is very convenient, but you need to correctly calculate the number of wicks depending on the size of the plant.
  • The wick method is often used for watering small flowers, such as violets. But it requires replanting them in a container with a cord laid at the bottom. The pot itself is placed on a jar of water, and the second end of the cord is lowered into it. Water, rising along the cord, ensures soil moisture.

  • Since it is very convenient to water flowers using devices that provide uniform drip access of water, thin tubes are often used for this purpose, for example, pharmaceutical droppers without tips. If there are a lot of pots, you need to connect the same number of droppers. Next, you need to tie a sinker to them and lower them into a large bucket of water. Place it on an elevated place, and place pots around it, in each of which secure the second end of the tube. If you correctly regulate the water flow, you will get an excellent “self-watering” system, which will help you out during departures.
  • One of the most simple options drip irrigation is a plastic bottle:
  • make small holes in it at both ends;
  • fix it upside down in flower pot or above it;
  • adjust the flow of water by changing the size of the hole so that indoor flowers do not dry out.

The main thing is to choose optimal size bottles for each plant. Due to its low cost and availability, this method is also widely used in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Use of hydrogels

  • There are special polymers that have a unique ability to absorb large volumes water, and then gradually lose it. Their soft granules are added to the substrate for indoor flowers, so the pots do not need to be watered frequently. If you transplant the plants into such soil and water them well before leaving, they will be provided with enough water and will not dry out.
  • Colored balls of Chinese hydrogel can be filled with water for several hours. The swollen granules must be mixed with the top layer of the substrate, and covered with moistened moss on top.

Automatic irrigation systems

Today there is big choice systems for automatic watering plants. While on vacation, you can trust them with flowers without fear that they will dry out.

The simplest of them and the cheapest consists of two parts. A ceramic cone with porous walls is installed in the ground and filled with water. It slowly nourishes the soil with moisture. Using a thin tube, water is supplied to it as it is consumed. The system is extremely easy to use and reliable.

More complex devices have approximately the same mechanism of action and differ in price and time period during which watering is carried out. Basically, they consist of the following elements:

  • a spacious container for water and tubes through which it will be supplied to the plants;
  • special (not clogged with soil) tips made of porous material;
  • timer for automatic regulation glaze;
  • regulator that determines water flow;
  • a sensor that measures soil moisture;
  • pump for pumping water.

If you know how to organize watering during vacation, you can safely go on vacation and not worry about the flowers temporarily left at home. However, the chosen method must be tested and adjusted in advance to be sure of its reliability.

If you are going on vacation and are enjoying the upcoming pleasant days, then your indoor flowers are unlikely to rejoice as much as you, because they will face difficult trials and suffering from thirst! Therefore, take care of their well-being in advance.

Of course, you can ask relatives or neighbors to look after the plants. But what to do if you don’t have any? Then let's resort to an automatic watering system! There are many ways to preserve plants.

But first you should prepare the flowers for your departure:

1. Remove flowers from the windowsill or draw the curtains tighter. The less light, the slower the life processes in plants, which means they will need less moisture.

2. Water the soil well until it is saturated with water. The pot can be wrapped in damp newspaper and cellophane on top. This will reduce moisture loss.

3. Small plants should be covered with plastic or glass caps or bottles, but so that they allow air to pass through from below. Evaporating water will condense on the walls and flow back into the ground.

4. 5-7 days before departure, carefully check whether the plants are affected by pests and diseases. Remove from the plant all dried and disease-damaged shoots and leaves, as well as large buds and flowers. Treat diseased plants with appropriate medications.

5. It is better to cut off overly large leaves.

6. Plants should be placed in a lighted place, but not in the sun.

7. Close both doors and windows so that there are no drafts in the room where the plants will remain.

8. 2-3 weeks before departure, stop all types of feeding.

9. If leaving plants in a tray of water, place the flower pots on a raised rock or wooden coasters so that their roots do not freeze.

10. Flowers in ceramic pots tolerate separation better than those in plastic containers.

The simplest and most commonplace ways to maintain soil moisture.

  • For plants in clay pots. If you keep indoor plants in clay pots, then each pot can be wrapped in moss - both the moss and the plant will be moisturized abundantly. If there is no moss nearby, place the clay pot in a container larger diameter. Expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom, and the gap between the walls of the container should be filled with the same expanded clay. This will maintain more or less constant soil moisture. Upper layer soil in a pot or container can also be sprinkled with expanded clay, it will prevent it from drying out.
  • This method is effective if the plants are left for 7-10 days.

  • Drip irrigation. Take a plastic bottle, depending on the volume of the pot, fill it with water, make a small hole in the cork (with a gypsy hot needle), first water the flowers and stick the bottles into them with the cork down. As the soil dries, the flower will absorb water from the bottle.It’s a good idea to secure it on both sides with sticks (for example, ice cream sticks).
  • This dropper lasts 5-7 days. They put several bottles in large flowerpots and the supply will last longer.

Watering through the “wick”. It can be ropes, laces, woolen threads different diameters, rolled bandages and so on. One end of the wick must be lowered into a container of water (for example, a basin), and the other end must be placed in a pot (to be secure, it will need to be secured, for example, with a peg). Water will flow to the flowers due to the difference in capillary pressure.

One 10 liter container is enough for 7 days for 6-7 plants

Moisture-loving plants can be placed on pallets, deep trays or in wide basins with water so that Bottom part the pot ended up in water. PThe soil on top is covered with damp moss or expanded clay.

Moisturizing through fabric. Lay on kitchen table oilcloth film (you can also place the pots in the bathroom if the plants are not sensitive to light), lay a cloth soaked in water on the oilcloth (cloth, felt, an old baby blanket, batting folded in several layers). Place pots with already watered plants on the fabric; the end of the fabric should be dipped in a container of water. Pots must have drainage holes; saucers are not needed.

This method is suitable for a period of 10-20 days.

Water through the “wick” at the bottom of the pot. You will need your flower pot and another container to place under the pot. Make holes in the pot and thread the string as shown in the picture. Place the pot on a vessel with water so that the end of the rope falls into the water. The water will rise up the rope and moisten the ground.

DFor a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, one wick is enough, and for a pot with a diameter of 25-30 cm, 3-4 wicks are needed for an adequate supply of water.

Today, all sorts of “soil moistening” systems work on almost the same principle.

Let's say system Archimedes, which consists of a glass flask - a water reservoir - and a ceramic cone, which is immersed in the ground. Water trickles through the capillary-porous ceramic walls drop by drop and constantly moistens the soil. IN balcony box or a large pot, you will have to put several of them, of course. By the way, it looks very nice! From an aesthetic point of view, this is perhaps the most glorious option. They cost about 180 rubles per piece.
A cone in a flower pot lasts for 5-7 days

Or here - cones Blumat, but in addition to the cone, you also need some kind of remote container with water. The cone itself is placed in a pot, and the tip of the hose with a weighting agent is lowered into a container of water. These devices draw water “on demand”—as the soil in the pot dries out, the cone gradually releases water to the surrounding soil. The inconvenience is that the water container should be higher or at least on the same level as the pots. You won’t always fit in, to be honest. Well, the price is not very encouraging - about 4 thousand for 25 cones.

Automatic watering systems. Remember that all of the above methods are designed for a maximum of three to four weeks of your absence. If you have to leave for a longer period of time, you won’t be able to do without complex store-bought automatic watering systems.

The most popular thing is Gardena, which is capable of watering, as the manufacturer writes, up to 36 plants at the same time. Sold in OBI and other large shopping centers. The kit includes a pump with a filter, a transformer with a timer to power the pump, a supply hose, three distributors (each with 12 outlets), a capillary hose, holding pegs, end caps and plastic container for water, 9 liters.

One or more branches can be connected to each plant; you will have to find out the required number experimentally. If, for example, 60 ml of water per day is not enough for plants in a large container (and this is exactly how much water flows out in a minute), the amount of moisture supplied will have to be increased by installing additional capillary tubes. The hose is attached to the pump, the pump is immersed in the tank indicated above, and the system begins to operate.
If the water in the tank suddenly runs out, the pump will turn off automatically, and when water is added, it will continue to function. Inconvenience - you need an outlet to which the system will be connected. Costs from 3-odd thousand rubles per set

Do you know?

...that tradescantia, begonia, dracaena easily tolerate temporary lack of moisture (up to 7 days)

...that aloe, agave, and euphorbia tolerate temporary “droughts” well and love sunlight, so it is better to leave them in the room on the windowsill, after watering them well.

... that it is better to bring palm trees and ficuses that live on the balcony into the room during the holidays. They are also unpretentious to moisture, but during three weeks of your absence they can get sick.

Taken from: http://jenskiymir.com/blog/43655947575/Kak-sohranit-komnatnyie-tsvetyi,-uezzhaya-v-otpusk!?utm_campaign=transit&utm_source=main&utm_medium=page_1&pad=1

If you are going on vacation and are enjoying the upcoming pleasant days, then your indoor flowers are unlikely to rejoice as much as you, because they will face difficult trials and suffering from thirst! Therefore, take care of their well-being in advance.


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Of course, you can ask relatives or neighbors to look after the plants. But what to do if you don’t have any? Then let's resort to an automatic watering system! There are many ways to preserve plants.


But first you should prepare the flowers for your departure:

1. Remove flowers from the windowsill or draw the curtains tighter. The less light, the slower the life processes in plants, which means they will need less moisture.


2. Water the soil well so that it is saturated with water. The pot can be wrapped in damp newspaper and cellophane on top. This will reduce moisture loss.


3. Small plants should be covered with plastic or glass caps, bottles, but so that they allow air to pass through from below. Evaporating water will condense on the walls and flow back into the ground.


4. 5-7 days before departure, carefully check whether the plants are affected by pests and diseases. Remove from the plant all dried and disease-damaged shoots and leaves, as well as large buds and flowers. Treat diseased plants with appropriate medications.


5. It is better to cut off leaves that are too large.


6. Plants should be placed in a lighted place, but not in the sun.


7. Close both doors and windows so that there are no drafts in the room where the plants will remain.


8. 2-3 weeks before departure, stop all types of feeding.


9. If leaving plants in a tray of water, place the flower pots on a raised rock or wooden stand to keep the roots from freezing.


10. Flowers in ceramic pots tolerate separation better than those in plastic containers.

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The most simple ways how to maintain soil moisture

If you keep indoor plants in clay pots, then each pot can be wrapped in moss - both the moss and the plant are abundantly moistened. If there is no moss nearby, place the clay pot in a larger container. Expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom, and the gap between the walls of the container should be filled with the same expanded clay. This will maintain more or less constant soil moisture. The top layer of soil in a pot or container can also be sprinkled with expanded clay; it will prevent drying out.


This method is effective if the plants are left for 7-10 days.

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Drip irrigation

Take a plastic bottle, depending on the volume of the pot, fill it with water, make a small hole in the cork (with a gypsy hot needle), first water the flowers and stick the bottles into them with the cork down. As the soil dries, the flower will absorb water from the bottle. It’s a good idea to secure it on both sides with sticks (for example, ice cream sticks).


This dropper lasts 5–7 days. They put several bottles in large flowerpots and the supply will last longer.

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Watering through the “wick”

These can be ropes, laces, woolen threads of different diameters, twisted bandages, and so on.. One end of the wick must be lowered into a container with water (for example, a basin), and the other end must be placed in a pot (to be secure, it will need to be secured, for example, with a peg). Water will flow to the flowers due to the difference in capillary pressure.


One 10 liter container is enough for 7 days for 6–7 plants

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Moisture-loving plants can be placed on pallets, deep trays or in wide basins with water so that the bottom of the pot is in the water. The soil on top is covered with damp moss or expanded clay.

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Moisturizing through fabric

Lay an oilcloth film on the kitchen table(you can also place the pots in the bathroom if the plants are not sensitive to light), lay a cloth soaked in water on the oilcloth (cloth, felt, an old baby blanket, batting folded in several layers). Place pots with already watered plants on the fabric; the end of the fabric should be dipped in a container of water. Pots must have drainage holes; saucers are not needed.


This method is suitable for a period of 10-20 days.

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Watering through the “wick” at the bottom of the pot

You will need your flower pot and another container to place under the pot. Make holes in the pot and thread the string as shown in the picture. Place the pot on a vessel with water so that the end of the rope falls into the water. The water will rise up the rope and moisten the ground.


For a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, one wick is enough, and for a pot with a diameter of 25-30 cm, 3-4 wicks are needed for an adequate supply of water.

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“Soil moistening” systems

Let's say the Archimedes system, which consists of a glass flask - a water reservoir - and a ceramic cone, which is immersed in the ground. Water trickles through the capillary-porous ceramic walls drop by drop and constantly moistens the soil. You will have to put several of them in a balcony box or large pot, of course. By the way, it looks very nice! From an aesthetic point of view, this is perhaps the most glorious option. They cost about 180 rubles per piece.
A cone in a flower pot lasts for 5-7 days

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Or here - Blumat cones, only in addition to the cone, some kind of remote container with water is required.


The cone itself is placed in a pot, and the tip of the hose with a weighting agent is lowered into a container of water. These devices draw water "on demand" - when the soil in the pot dries out, the cone gradually releases water to the soil surrounding it.

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Inconvenience The point is that the container with water should be located above or at least on the same level as the pots. You won’t always fit in, to be honest. Well, the price is not very encouraging - about 4 thousand for 25 cones.

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Automatic watering systems

Remember that all of the above methods are designed for a maximum of three to four weeks of your absence. If you have to leave for a longer period of time, you won’t be able to do without complex store-bought automatic watering systems.



The most popular thing is Gardena, which is capable of watering, as the manufacturer writes, up to 36 plants at the same time. Sold in OBI and other large shopping centers. The kit includes a pump with a filter, a transformer with a timer to power the pump, a supply hose, three distributors (each with 12 outlets), a capillary hose, holder pegs, end plugs and a plastic water container for 9 liters.

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One or more branches can be connected to each plant - you will have to find out the required number experimentally. If, for example, 60 ml of water per day is not enough for plants in a large container (and this is exactly how much water flows out in a minute), the amount of moisture supplied will have to be increased by installing additional capillary tubes. The hose is attached to the pump, the pump is immersed in the tank indicated above, and the system begins to operate.
If the water in the tank suddenly runs out, the pump will turn off automatically, and when water is added, it will continue to function.


Inconvenience- an outlet is required to which the system will be connected. Costs from 3-odd thousand rubles per set

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Do you know?


...that tradescantia, begonia, dracaena easily tolerate temporary lack of moisture (up to 7 days)


...that aloe, agave, and euphorbia tolerate temporary “droughts” well and love sunlight, so it is better to leave them in the room on the windowsill, after watering them well.


... that it is better to bring palm trees and ficuses that live on the balcony into the room during the holidays. They are also unpretentious to moisture, but during three weeks of your absence they can get sick.

12:314 12:317

People look forward to vacations all year long, make grandiose plans, buy tickets, and pack their things. And here the question necessarily arises of how they will endure separation. If there is no one to care for them, they can easily get sick and even die. What to do? How to keep flowers healthy?

Departure for a week

If you plan to be away for less than a week, radical measures There is no need to undertake any efforts to maintain the vital activity of plants. When they talk about how to preserve flowers, they first of all talk about the need for them. regular watering. This is especially important for plants such as aloe or cacti, which can easily survive for a couple of weeks without regular watering. All the rest will need to be watered well and removed from the window to reduce the drying effect of sunlight. And only the most fastidious ones can be packed in plastic bags.

Long absence

But what if you plan to leave for a longer period of time, for example two or three weeks? In this case, potted plants will not get by with just one watering. They will, again, have to be removed from the window; it is best to put them in a large container, for example, a basin. It is not recommended to pour water into it, as our grandmothers sometimes did, because the flowers may well rot within the specified time. root system. It is better to organize a kind of drip irrigation. To do this, a sufficiently capacious container filled with water (for example, a basin or pan) needs to be installed slightly above the level flower pots. Then, strands of fabric are pulled from it into each pot. Due to the difference in levels, the liquid will gradually flow out of the upper vessel and water the plants. All plants can be wrapped in film to provide a greenhouse effect. But this option has its drawback: if the plants are close together, they can exchange diseases. And flowers such as cacti or aloe may begin to rot. Therefore, it is better to pack in bags those plants that especially love moisture. For a long absence, you can provide another way to preserve flowers during the holidays. To do this, you need to make a small hole in the cap of a plastic bottle through which water will gradually drip. Then the bottle needs to be filled with water and secured upside down. In this way, the plant can be replenished with moisture for a long time. You can fill the space between the pots and underneath them with wet expanded clay. In some cases they also use various devices, which can be purchased at a specialty store. When solving the problem of how to preserve flowers during the holidays, they purchase capillary mats that provide irrigation to the plants from below, through the holes in the pots. And if necessary, you can get the whole system drip irrigation.


When you return home, you should not immediately remove the film from the plants and return them back to the windowsill. This will be another stress for them. It is better to open the film gradually, for several hours every day, gradually accustoming the flowers to new conditions. Any fertilizing and replanting should not be done less than two weeks before departure. And all drip irrigation devices should be tested first to determine the watering rate. Otherwise, it may turn out that the water will flow out too quickly or will not water the flowers at all, but will wait for the owners.

It is best to trim flowers and buds, and also thin out the leaves. This will reduce your moisture consumption. And one more thing: just in case, when leaving home for a long time, it makes sense to prepare cuttings of the most valuable and favorite flowers and save them in a jar of water. And may the flowers greet you cheerful and cheerful!