March 9 solar eclipse influence. Cities and eclipse viewing schedule. In Yuzhno-Kurilsk, the Moon will cover a little more than a tenth of the Sun. Residents of Primorye, Kamchatka and Sakhalin will also be able to see private phases

From 8th to 9th March 2016 at 01:58:19 GMT or 4:58 Moscow time we are meeting solar eclipse .

This eclipse will occur when the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth - called perigee, which makes the Moon appear larger, a phenomenon called supermoon.

During a total solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun from view. Although the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun every month, the celestial bodies must line up for a total eclipse to occur.

This is the only total solar eclipse this year, but it will only be visible in parts of southeast Asia. On March 9th there will be the 52nd eclipse of 130 Saros.

During a total eclipse, the solar corona, stars and planets located near the Sun are visible.

Important! As they say, you can look at the Sun through a telescope without special filters only twice in your life: first with your right eye, and then with your left (you can also vice versa). Permanent visual damage can result from viewing the solar disk directly, through a camera viewfinder, binoculars or telescope, even if only the thin crescent of our luminary is visible.

The Moon casts a dark shadow across a narrow strip along the Earth's surface. This stripe will only be visible in part of the Pacific Ocean.

The phase of total eclipse, when the Sun will be completely covered, can be observed in Indonesia including Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and some parts Pacific Ocean. Observers in northern and eastern Australia and southern and eastern Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Guam) will be able to see the partial eclipse.

In Russia, a total solar eclipse will not be visible, but a partial eclipse will be visible in some areas of the Far East.

Beginning of the eclipse on March 8 at 23:19 UTC (universal time) or March 9 2:19 Moscow time

Maximum phase of the eclipse March 9 at 01:59 UTC (universal time) or March 9 at 4:59 Moscow time

End of the eclipse March 9 at 4:34 UTC (Universal Time) or March 9 at 7:34 Moscow time

The total eclipse phase will last 4 minutes 9 seconds.

Usually events of this magnitude can change a lot and redirect the energy of humanity. In ancient times people They were afraid of these heavenly signs because they changed destinies. An eclipse suggests that various changes may occur in the environment in which you live. People you knew well may show their other faces.

Heaven emphasizes that the Soul is now more important than ever, and it is a priority in everything. The soul and its world will be of true value in society. The energy of this eclipse suggests cleaning the Soul, deepening into your inner world.

In society, in addition to increasing knowledge about the soul, there will also be a tendency towards manipulation. Many people will influence others using prohibited methods in order to achieve their results.

The sign of Pisces reminds us of a very important point - the activation of the energy of the unconscious. The energy of awareness and rational thinking will be somewhat weakened.

"Directory of the Eclipse Corridor"

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Lunar and solar eclipses - what is their difference;

Two eclipses in a row. What does this mean?

What precautions should be taken;

The practice of performing rituals during any eclipse

An eclipse clears the energy-information space around a person and makes way for something new in life.

So take advantage of this opportunity!

Even those subconscious programs that are located deep in the sublunar parts of the unconscious are activated. Therefore, it is necessary to look at what is happening around a little deeper, try to understand the motives of what is deep.

The theme of self-sacrifice will also be relevant. You will have to give something voluntarily in order to receive something in return.

The concept of spirituality will be changed. It will be very difficult to highlight your own direction; you will have to make your way through the darkness and attempts.

Particular attention should be paid to projections in society. If something happened to us in past lives, then the subconscious can look for these traits in someone or try to direct your energy to something similar that it already knows.

Scientists believe that projection is a protective mechanism that helps the psyche unload.

We create projection when we mistake our own internal processes, thoughts, feelings and reactions for what is happening outside. But the reality may not be like that at all, and this should be understood more deeply.

This solar eclipse suggests that if you experience any situations within seven months, you should consider them in the context of the unconscious.

It should be noted that people generally have a desire to break everything down into parts and analyze each of them separately.

Diagnoses can be very accurate when fundamental knowledge and intuition are combined.

In society there will be a tendency towards sharp criticism and condemnation, people will be dissatisfied with what is happening around them and with themselves. They will demonstrate only their own rules outwardly and therefore it will be very difficult to adapt to other people's attitudes. There is a tendency to look for those to blame around, to ignore problems within oneself, and to transfer changes to the level of the inner world.

A strict censorship of the subconscious will open, so if this is not programmed in your subconscious, it means that the filter will not allow the necessary information to pass through and the circumstance will not be formed.

Ladybug Meta Card– this symbol will characterize those programs that will be in the air in society during this period. Ladybug says that children's fears or undeveloped programs will come to the surface.

They can be used to help yourself.

Look for the source of joy in your childhood experiences and dreams. Think about what you would like to become and why this area excites you so much. Remember the good moments with your parents, their smiles, attitude, explain to yourself their actions from a different perspective.

This eclipse indicates that an important stage begins for working on your inner child. It is by working through the problems of our inner child that we can find a source of strength within ourselves. We are given time to work through internal crises. It is necessary to consider all situations from the other side.

You will have to discard what has already become irrelevant. You should also get rid of negative expectations.

A person can experience an internal crisis for six to seven years. During this period, you can change your inner child and accept a new quality. Each of us will have to think about the right choice of our role.

Internal conflicts will make themselves felt, and unresolved conflicts will not allow you to open up to love.

During the eclipse, there will be a change in male and female energies in the world. Men will become more passive, and women will become more proactive and active.

The old idea of ​​your inner world must be destroyed. The new will come out when a replacement occurs, when you agree to say goodbye to your old schemes, which have long served their purpose.

The total solar eclipse of March 9, 2016 is the 52nd eclipse of the one hundred and thirtieth Saros. The region of its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 10.1° north latitude, 148.8° east longitude, lasts a maximum of 4 minutes 9 seconds, and the width of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is 155 kilometers. At the moment and at the point of greatest eclipse, the direction to the sun (azimuth) is 162°, and the height of the sun above the horizon is 75°.

Dynamic world time at the moment of greatest eclipse: 01:58:19, dynamic time correction: 70 seconds.

The axis of the shadow runs between the center of the Earth and the north pole; the minimum distance from the center of the Earth to the axis of the lunar shadow cone is 1664 kilometers. Thus, the Gamma of the eclipse is 0.2609, and the maximum phase reaches 1.045.

Lunar month number: 200 (200 synodic months have passed since the date January 6, 2000, taken as the zero point)

Astrological indicators of the solar eclipse March 9, 2016

On March 9, 2016 at 1:56 GMT there will be a total solar eclipse at 18°56′ Pisces, at the same longitude as the star Fum al Samakah beta in the constellation Pisces.

Eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis, which began with the lunar eclipse on March 20, 2015 and will end with the lunar eclipse on February 26, 2017, will try to free people and in this case politicians from unrealistic plans so that they feel the reality.

The eclipse will have an impact on people’s worldview and will test their value system. The reaction of an individual, people or country will show the state of mentality.

The eclipse will check how strong alliances, associations are and whether the terms of contracts and transactions are met.

Based on the results, it will be possible to determine who knows how to interact, collaborate and take criticism into account, and who does not. Those who know how to interact, collaborate and take criticism into account will, through their own efforts, remove all barriers to success, and those who do not will destroy their wealth, image and position. And this applies to both people and countries.

There will be a total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016. Its full phase, the maximum duration of which will be 4 minutes 9 seconds, can be observed in Southeast Asia, central and northern parts Pacific Ocean. The next total solar eclipse will be in almost a year and a half - August 21, 2017.

Total solar eclipses - enough rare phenomena. Although they happen almost every year (there are years without total solar eclipses at all; the closest such “unlucky” years are 2018 and 2022), the Sun completely obscured by the Moon is visible only in a narrow strip with an average width of about 200 kilometers. Therefore, in the same place, a total solar eclipse can be seen once every 200–300 years, or even less often. Few people have the chance to admire this phenomenon at least once in their life without leaving their city or even the country. For example, in the European part of Russia, the nearest total solar eclipse will occur only in the spring of 2061.

True, it also happens that the interval between neighboring total eclipses for one locality is very short - about two years. So, on March 29, 2006 and August 1, 2008, residents of Biysk were lucky with eclipses, and in 2037 and 2038 Australians will be lucky. By the way, Australia is a place where in the foreseeable future, within 15 years (from 2023 to 2038), you can see as many as five eclipses! New Zealand During this time, the moon's shadow will visit three times. It should be noted that in six regions of Australia during this period it will be possible to observe the full phase twice in the same place! Such frequent occurrence of total eclipses in one small area of ​​land is rare. Australians are very lucky in this regard.

The total phase of this year's eclipse will be visible in the equatorial region of the Earth. Note that it is at the equator that the longest total eclipses of the Sun are visible, the maximum duration of which can reach 7 minutes. But for this, in addition to the eclipse spot hitting the equator, two more conditions must be met: the Moon must be at perigee, and the Sun must be at aphelion. Now the Sun (more precisely, the Earth) is far from aphelion (which will be in early July), so the duration of the full phase will be only a little more than 4 minutes. The lunar shadow will pass mainly over the water surface of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The moon's shadow will cover land only on the islands of Indonesia, where it will pass through four major cities, the largest of which is Palembang. Palankaraya, Balikpapan and Palu will alternately be covered by the moon's shadow some time after Palembang in the morning hours of March 9.

Universal time (UTC), the eclipse will begin at 23:19 on March 8, when the lunar penumbra touches the surface of the Earth in the Indian Ocean near the coast of the island of Sumatra and begins to move in east direction. Gradually covering the countries of Southeast Asia, the lunar penumbra will create the appearance of a partial solar eclipse with different phases for residents of these countries. The penumbra of the Moon will already have time to cover part of Australia and the Chinese provinces when, finally, at 00:16 UTC (already March 9), the shadow of the Moon will fall on the surface of the Earth (again in the Indian Ocean west of the coast of Sumatra) and the total phase of the eclipse will begin.

In a few minutes, the lunar shadow will reach the western coast of Sumatra, then cover the city of Palembang mentioned above. The full phase will last here only 1 minute 52 seconds and will be 1.011 at an altitude of the Sun above the horizon of 18 degrees. Next the moon's shadow will cross large islands Kalimantan, Sulawesi and a number of small islands and about 1 hour universal time will begin the journey across the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, where there will no longer be large areas of land. The eclipse will reach its maximum at about two hours universal time in the area of ​​the Caroline Islands, in the Pacific Ocean with coordinates 10° N. latitude, 149° east. etc., with a full phase bandwidth of 155 kilometers. The end of the total eclipse for Earth will occur at 03:38 UTC west of the coast North America when the Moon's shadow slides off the Earth's surface. The partial eclipse for Earth will end at 04:35 UTC.

In Russia, this eclipse will be observed in the form of partial phases for one hour (from 2 to 3 hours universal time). Of the large cities, Vladivostok with a maximum phase of 0.038, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with a phase of 0.07, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where the maximum phase will be 0.097, fall into the band of the partial phase of the eclipse. In the easternmost locality country - Uelene - the eclipse phase will reach 0.018. From the eclipse map for Russia (Fig. 3) it is clear that the maximum phase that can be observed from land falls on the Kuril Islands. In Severo-Kurilsk it will be possible to observe a partial eclipse with a phase of 0.124. A maximum phase of 0.17 can be seen from Kuril Islands adjacent to Japan.

The next total solar eclipse will take place in a year and a half, on August 21, 2017. It can be observed in the United States - the eclipse strip will cross the entire North American continent from west to east. Let's wish clear skies and successful viewing to everyone who will be observing the total solar eclipse this year and next!

See also about the eclipse of March 9, 2016:
1) - eclipse page on the NASA website with a detailed interactive map.
2) - animation of the movement of the Moon’s shadow across the Earth’s surface with selected types of eclipses.
3) - an excellent overview of the upcoming eclipse, maps of its visibility, climate information, analysis of characteristic cloudiness and other information useful for observers.
4) - discussion of the total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 at the Astroforum.

Alexander Kozlovsky

Solar eclipses are extremely rare events. They have a huge impact on people's lives. The solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 will be no exception.

Interesting facts about the upcoming eclipse on March 9

Astronomers and astrologers divide eclipses into different types and types. For example, eclipses can be total or partial. When the Moon rises between the Sun and the Earth, it may not cover the entire solar disk. In this case, the eclipse will be partial. If the Moon is completely illuminated by the Sun, the eclipse is called total, but there is a catch. Not everyone will be able to see it, since the shadow falls only on a small part of our planet. On March 9, only residents of Kamchatka will see the shadow of the Moon on Russian territory. This means that this eclipse can be called a partial eclipse.

The next similar phenomenon can be expected only on March 20, 2034, that is, its periodicity is 18 years.

On March 9, the shadow of the Moon in the regions of the planet with the best position will block sunlight for 4 minutes. Astrologers promise the best visibility in the eastern part Indian Ocean, as well as the central Pacific Ocean.

Solar eclipse and astrology

On March 9, this astronomical and astrological phenomenon will take place under the influence of the constellation Pisces. This suggests, first of all, that the main and especially significant things and events may lose their importance in our eyes. However, this cannot be called negative influence, as astrologers predict new prospects will emerge. Be very attentive to the signs from above, especially in details and trifles.

The eclipse will bring a lot of scandals and deception into political life. On the other side, astrological forecast assures that people’s intuition will be heightened, and the spiritual component of each person will flourish.

Every eclipse makes people do strange things, so be careful. You should not take rash steps on March 9 this year. One way or another, eclipses make our lives extremely unstable and full of surprises. In addition, on March 9, 2016, the risk will increase natural disasters associated with the aquatic environment.

Astrologers advise all Zodiac Signs to be more careful and attentive on March 9, 2016. Moon calendar reports that a New Moon is also expected this year, which will make such a solar eclipse an even more rare and unpredictable occurrence. Fortunately, there is a high probability that this fact will have a positive impact on the auspiciousness of the day as a whole. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click on the buttons and

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A total solar eclipse will occur on March 9, 2016 at 01:58:19 GMT or 3:58 Kiev time.
The region of its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The best place to observe the 2016 solar eclipse will be Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia and the Pacific Islands, and residents of China, Korea, Japan, Kamchatka and Far East, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands will see some of this phenomenon.

Always fateful, and its influence extends both to an individual person and to the destinies of the whole world. So, what processes will the solar eclipse activate this spring?
The March 2016 eclipse will be the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros. Saros is a period of repeating solar and lunar eclipses equal to 18.3 years. The last solar eclipse of this cycle took place back in 1998. As some remember and as others know, it was a difficult time, marked by default and a serious economic crisis. But it should be noted that the eclipse of 1998 did not so much foreshadow upheavals as it emphasized the need for change and renewal of the existing system. It is not for nothing that the 130th Saros is considered a cycle of completion, when everything that has outlived its time should sink into oblivion.

At the global level, the impact of one total eclipse is felt until the next one. And since the March eclipse will occur in the sign of Pisces, issues of physical and spiritual healing will come to the fore in 2016. Serious changes must affect the healthcare sector. Thus, established methods and methods of treatment may be considered ineffective. ethnoscience, on the contrary, will gain even more fans. It is possible that the spiritual values ​​that have developed in society will be subject to revision. And works of art created in this year, will be able to produce a real cultural revolution.
From an astrological point of view, the Pisces zodiac sign symbolizes the collective unconscious, and the personal consciousness of each individual/person dissolves in this ocean of existence. This means that the vibrations of the sign of Pisces allow everyone to feel the Divine presence within themselves and give the opportunity to touch the higher “I”.

It will not happen without espionage revelations and high-profile international scandals, because behind-the-scenes games, intrigues and deceptions are precisely negative aspects sign of Pisces. And most of the natural disasters will be associated with water: both with its excess (floods) and its deficiency (droughts). In this regard, 2016 risks being remembered as a lean year.
The Virgo-Pisces axis, which is accentuated by the eclipse, is called the axis of voluntary service. Therefore, the countries that will be able to achieve the greatest progress in 2016 are those that actively promote people’s caring attitude towards each other and the environment.

The March eclipse will have a stupefying effect on an ordinary person. The current tense configuration of the planets, which includes the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, will push you to commit rash acts. Most of us will find it difficult to take off our rose-colored glasses, and unjustified optimism will be the main reason for the unfavorable outcome of planned affairs. This is not a good time to take important decisions in business and financial fields. In this regard, on March 9 and in the next two days, it is better to refuse to make important decisions and delay the implementation of ambitious projects.
An eclipse can bring chaos and confusion into your personal life, as indicated by the activation of the Descending Lunar Node. So, it may suddenly remind you of yourself ex-love. It is not necessary that a person who was once dear to you will call, write or pay a visit; you can accidentally run into him under the most mysterious circumstances. Do not give in to emotions and do not exaggerate the significance of the meeting. Fate tests your willingness to step back from everything unnecessary. And if you allow the past to enter your life, you will later regret it.

It is advisable to devote March 9 to taking care of your health. The great influence of Neptune on this day emphasizes that the physical state will directly depend on the mental state. If you have envy, aggression or anger hidden inside you, then during a solar eclipse you will be able to get rid of them. Music therapy and water procedures will help with this.
For people involved esoteric practice or simply those with developed intuition, the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros can become a mystical event. The knowledge that will be available on this day will help you make significant progress in spiritual development. Pisces is ruled by , and this planet in astrology is responsible for intuition, inspiration, religion, mysticism, illusions, dreams, fantasies, ideals.

Those who want to enlist the support of fortune for a long time should pay more attention to those around them on March 9. Give up selfishness and help a relative, friend, neighbor who needs your help... And if doing at least one good deed a day becomes a habit, then 2016 will become one of the brightest years in your life. And the troubles that an eclipse could bring will bypass you and your home.

The eclipse will have the strongest impact on those people whose significant horoscope elements are in the signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo. For those who have personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) in the natal chart between 14 and 24 degrees of mutable signs, the eclipse will also have a significant impact.

Eclipse calendar for 2016

March 9 – total solar eclipse.
September 1 – annular solar eclipse;
March 23, August 18, September 16 – penumbral lunar eclipses.

On March 9, 2016, 01:57:11 (UTC), there will be a Total Eclipse of the Sun at 18°55’48” in the sign of Pisces. This eclipse will be visible from the northern and central Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indian Ocean. The maximum of the eclipse will be in the Caroline Islands at 1:58:19 UTC and the total phase there will be 4 minutes 9 seconds.

This is the 52nd eclipse of the 130 Saros family, a complete cycle of 73 eclipses occurring consistently every 18 years and 10 days from August 20, 1096 to October 25, 2394.
Under the powerful influence of this eclipse, those who are aged 18-19 years, 36-37, 55-56, 74-75 years old and 93-94 years old... In addition, the coming period may turn out to be a turning point in fate for those who have 9 or 18.5 years ago there were big changes in fate such as a wedding, a change of place of residence, the start of important projects or the start of important, personal and business relations. The last time eclipses on the Pisces-Virgo sign axis occurred in 1998 and 2007.

The eclipse occurs on the Southern lunar node (Ketu), which will have a particularly difficult impact on those whose natal Moon is affected in their personal horoscope. But the main thing to understand is that an eclipse on Ketu is closely related to individual and collective karma. And those who left various “tails” in the past can now face this past. It is recommended to show modesty and moderation. If something doesn’t work out for you, don’t force the situation and give up your plans, as they may collapse. Starting and building something new at this time is dangerous, but breaking the rotten system and reforming it is exactly what is needed.
Traditionally, Ketu is the enemy of the Moon and has a detrimental effect on everything connected with it in the horoscope (home, family, parents, personal life, possessions, land, real estate, food, all fluids in the body). Ketu, as Moksha-karaka (the planet that promotes spiritual enlightenment and liberation from illusions), tears us away from everything to which we are firmly rooted and tears off our “rose-colored glasses”. Must be done before the eclipse general cleaning, and finish old things, express everything unsaid, forgive and let go - free yourself from the burden of the past...
In the eclipse horoscope, Jupiter takes part, which on March 9 falls into exact opposition to the luminaries on the axis 19 degrees. signs Pisces - Virgo. This gives a great social and emotional color to the upcoming events. In some countries, may occur important events, which will provoke a powerful social explosion and increased attention world community. The focus may be on the world's main port cities and everything related to shipping. In addition, there is a serious threat of major terrorist attacks or destructive natural Disasters for USA. In the eclipse horoscope, Saturn is also involved, which has now turned over on the axis of the signs Sagittarius-Gemini, where it was last time around September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers collapsed. The intense aspect of Saturn to both luminaries and Ketu gives serious cause for concern. In addition, events may occur in Europe that will deepen the internal division and may inflame passions to the limit. An eclipse in Pisces brings the danger of mass poisonings and viral infections and the explosion of a dirty bomb. In addition, the eclipse affects the horoscope of the President of the European Commission, J.K. Juncker (12/09/1954), who may end up in dangerous situation– between several lights at the same time. Perhaps in the near future, he will suddenly leave his post.

The eclipse will most strongly affect all those born in the region of March 9-10 and September 12-13. And also, an eclipse can greatly affect the fates of those born in the area of ​​June 9-10 and December 11-12, November 10-11, July 10-11 and all others born in the area of ​​8-12 of their months. The same applies to everyone whose main horoscope angles (ASC-DSC, MC-IC) and the planets of their personal horoscope fall at 19 degrees of the signs Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer. But the sign of Pisces comes into the spotlight.

Please note that during the eclipse period March 9, 2016 years, in signs The mutable cross forms a tense tauquadratic configuration, in which the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn take part.

The chart shows the most important annual dates that resonate with this eclipse. Everyone born in the area of ​​the indicated numbers comes under the powerful influence of this eclipse. An eclipse horoscope can launch a destructive program for the current period of time and influence events before and after the eclipse (about a year). The birth dates of the likely coordinators and main participants in the events will resonate with this card. Everyone who has personal horoscopes 18-20 degrees of the signs Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini are expressed and fall into the epicenter of future events. As can be seen in the chart, 19-20 degrees of Gemini closes the Tau square and forms a tense Grand Cross configuration.
Everyone born around June 10 has the sun in this degree. These people can influence current events and play important role in a collective process, swinging the dynamics of events to the fullest. But, first of all, of course, the dates around March 9 are important, and everyone who has an axis of 19-20 degrees Pisces-Virgo in their horoscope.
This is especially true for those who have the Sun, Moon, ASC, MC, and Lunar nodes in these degrees.
In addition, it is important to pay attention to some important past events. For example, in Moscow, provocations may occur in the area of ​​the boulevard (or monument) to T. G. Shevchenko, who was born on March 9.
In Kazakhstan, unrest and provocations may occur in Astana. The eclipse horoscope resonates with the date of transfer of the capital to Astana (December 10) and birthday Minister of Defense, I. Tasmagambetova, (born December 9) who, in the area of ​​the eclipse, will probably be at the epicenter of events and public attention. The same applies to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker (born December 9), who may suddenly leave his post, or accept a very important decision, historic decision In my life.

This eclipse can now greatly spoil the annual solar forecast (see above) for the signs of Water and Earth!
The only exceptions are those for whom Ketu plays the main violin in the birth horoscope and is strengthened in the natal chart!

So, for example, Pisces, the main heroes of the occasion, are now at risk of doing incorrect choice your way and go in the wrong direction. Fate will force you to come to terms with the current state of affairs, wait, endure, remain silent, show modesty and keep your head down. In the worst case, your nervous system. If you do not calm down, you risk ending up in the dock or in a psychiatric clinic. This is a very interesting and promising aspect for spiritual development.
Cancers should be extremely wary of “successful” offers from distant countries and be wary of false teachers and foreigners, although Cancer is one of the few signs for whom an eclipse can ultimately give best results. Cancers also have good readings for spiritual growth.
For Scorpio, “successful” love affairs can bring a lot of troubles and destruction to your family, in addition, children can cause you a lot of trouble and nervous experiences. In addition, you risk falling into the trap of scammers and can seriously suffer financially. Don’t accept expensive gifts from just anyone – it’s dangerous now!
Capricorns may experience serious problems with documents, relatives, neighbors and classmates. It is better to refuse short trips and meetings with classmates. There is a threat of DDP. You can seriously suffer due to careless words and unfulfilled promises.
For Taurus, relationships with friends may become complicated and serious problems may arise due to shared income. On the negative side, your large income may suddenly collapse. You may encounter scammers. Strictly avoid gambling, you risk losing everything. You may have to bury one of your old friends.
For Virgo, a very difficult forecast in the field of marriage and business relationships. There is a possibility of serious problems with your spouse. In addition, you may be embroiled in grueling litigation and disputes with business partners.
For Aquarius, their sources of income may dry up, and they may suffer seriously family life. In addition, you may lose (sell) or damage expensive items.
Aries will have to make gratuitous sacrifices and help others. Aries' health and especially the nervous system may suffer greatly. First of all, this applies to the most down-to-earth and concerned representatives of your sign. But Aries, along with Pisces, have the best chances of achieving Moksha and spiritual enlightenment, especially for those who have been walking in this direction for a long time. In addition, Aries can improve their health and forever get rid of the karmic problems of their dark past.
Gemini may lose their patrons, abandon their goals and intentions. There is a risk of loss in your family. In addition, Gemini may have problems in the professional sphere. In a negative scenario, Gemini will face great disappointments in life and losses among their relatives. In the worst case scenario, you will have to change your profession.
Sagittarius need to take care of their parents and pay more attention to their home. The main troubles and problems can happen in your homeland. Walls can crush and squeeze you out of your home (country). Relationships with family can deteriorate sharply and disappear. There is a threat of deception, large material losses of real estate, and war over inheritance.
Leos risk colliding with emergency. Death insurance cases are likely. Leos can count on generous rewards, material compensation, which will most likely have to be abandoned. Your spouse's income may suddenly dry up. In the best case, you will have a chance to quickly pay off your loans and pay off all your debts.
Libras should pay serious attention to their health and old debts may suddenly remind themselves. Serious problems may arise at work, in the service and with fiscal authorities. This is a time of serious checks of all your affairs. Now you can change your professional field and leave your old direction forever. At best, Libra will take a vacation and spend it in some sanatorium. A thorough and comprehensive cleansing of the body is recommended.