​50 most interesting facts about Argentina. Interesting facts about Argentina (6 photos)

Argentina is a large, distant, but very interesting and culturally rich country in South America. We will tell you about the most interesting features nature, culture and history of the Argentine people. You can also see a colorful photo album of the best tourist places and attractions of this wonderful country.

  1. Argentina declared independence from Spain on July 9, 1816.
  2. The current president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is the first female president of Argentina, elected by the will of the people, an interesting fact.
  3. Fun fact: if you twirl your finger at your temple while talking to someone, this will let the other person know that you are thinking. In the rest of the world, this gesture on your part will indicate the stupidity of your interlocutor.
  4. Argentina is the 32nd largest country in the world by population, with a population of over 41 million people.
  5. Interesting fact: on this moment Argentina is one of the world's leading wine producers. The country's wine-making history began in the 16th century and every year it entered new markets outside of Argentina.
  6. Argentina was one of the first countries in the world to introduce radio broadcasting. The first radio broadcast was made on August 27, 1920. Her audience was 20 people, an interesting fact.
  7. Argentina is very good level literacy rate is ~97.9%, which makes it one of the leaders in its region, and also ranks 58th in the world for this indicator.
  8. Cinema is extremely popular among the Argentine population. This is confirmed by record attendance at cinemas and the purchase of DVDs with films - an interesting fact.
  9. The total area of ​​the country is 2,766,890 km2, which corresponds to 8th place in the world!
  10. Official religion Argentina is Catholicism (77% of the population). Also enough a large number of Protestants ~10%.
  11. – capital and The largest city Argentina. The city's population is 2.9 million people, and its area is 202 km 2. Until the 17th century, the city bore the long name “Ciudad de la Santísima Trinidad y Puerto de Nuestra Señora de Santa María de los Buenos Aires.”
  12. Interesting fact about Argentina: the name of the capital translates as “good wind” or “ fresh air“, however, the last option will still be correct.
  13. It is interesting to know that Argentina is among the countries with the highest average life expectancy. On average, men live 74 years and women 80 years, for a total of ~77 years.
  14. Mount Aconcagua is not only the highest point in the country, but also highest mountain South America. Its height is 6960 m - an interesting fact.
  15. The Argentine dialect of Spanish is called "Lunfardo". However, the sound of the dialect is more similar to the Italian language.
  16. Argentina is one of the world's three largest beef producers.
  17. IN Argentina Women rank first in the world in the number of plastic surgeries.
  18. An interesting fact for all cartoon lovers: the world's first animated films were created by a man named Quirino Cristiani in 1917. His cartoon “El Apostol” consisted of 58 thousand frames and lasted a full 70 minutes! It ridiculed the corruption and immorality of Buenos Aires at the time.
  19. Ushuaia is the most Southern City in a world located on Tierra del Fuego. Its population is more than 57 thousand people. Despite its unique geographical position, Ushuaia is not exposed to extreme weather conditions. The climate is mild and excellent for normal life - an interesting fact.
  20. There are more than 750 thousand illegal migrants in Argentina.
  21. Pato is the national sport of Argentina. It is a combination of polo and basketball.
  22. Interesting fact about Argentina: According to the constitution, the president and vice president must be Catholic.
  23. The energetic dance "tango" appeared in the mid-19th century in Argentina.
  24. Argentina is one of the founding members of the UN, as well as international organizations like the World Trade Organization and the World Bank.
  25. Argentina boasts the largest number of psychiatrists per capita in the world! Buenos Aires even has a psychoanalytic district called Ville Freud. On average, there are 150 psychologists per 100 thousand inhabitants. Left far behind with a figure of 85 psychologists - an interesting fact.
  26. Most popular view The sport in Argentina is football. The country is famous for its talented and legendary players. Currently, the best football player in the world plays for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team, winner of dozens of awards and titles, record holder for goals scored and master technical game Lionel Messi. This amazing football player is often called the “second Maradona” and a new legend of world football.
  27. Interesting fact: Argentina is one of the few Latin American countries with independent media. There are currently more than 200 newspapers and magazines operating in the country.

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1. At the turn of the 20th century, Argentina was the 10th richest country in the world.

2. Argentina is a large and very diverse country, but very far from us geographically. Here you can see anything, from wild jungles in the north to almost eternal winter in the south.

3. Almost half (about 40%) of Argentina's population is of Italian origin. Most of the rest have German roots.

4. Taking total area At 2.8 million km², Argentina is one of the largest countries in South America, the second largest in Latin America (after Brazil) and the largest among Spanish-speaking countries.

5. The name of the country comes from Latin word"argentum", which means "silver". The first European settlers thought that Argentina was rich in silver, but this rumor was not confirmed.

6. Argentina has the largest railway system in South America.

7. Between 1974 and 1983, up to 30,000 people went missing in Argentina. Most of them were killed by the military junta that then came to power.

8. Argentina is home to many species of animals that are not found anywhere else in the world.

9. Argentina was one of the first countries in the world where radio broadcasting appeared. The first radio broadcast was made on August 27, 1920. Her audience was 20 people.

10.The art of cinema is extremely popular among the Argentine population. This is confirmed by record cinema attendance and the purchase of DVDs with films.

The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires

11. At the beginning of the last century, a metro opened in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, which became the first “subway” in the southern hemisphere of the Earth.

12.Currency in Argentina is controlled by the government. If residents of Argentina want to buy dollars when traveling abroad, they need to write a statement to the government, explaining where, when and why they are going to a particular place.

13.Argentina is one of the countries with the highest average life expectancy. On average, men live 74 years and women 80 years, which is an average of ~77 years.

14. Argentina is one of the few countries in Latin America with independent media. There are currently more than 200 newspapers and magazines operating in the country.

15. Argentina is divided into 23 provinces and autonomous city– Buenos Aires. Each has its own constitution, but is subject to a federal system.

16. Argentina is the birthplace of a huge number of outstanding scientists, including 3 Nobel laureates. Thanks to the Argentines, in particular, fingerprinting and ballpoint pens appeared.

17. In 2001, Argentina changed 5 presidents in 10 days.

18. "Avenue 9th of July" in Buenos Ayeres is the widest street in the world (width - 110 meters) with 14 lanes and 4 parallel streets.

19. Since the beginning of 1970, Argentina has removed 13 zeros from its currency due to inflation.

20. Local cuisine is famous throughout the world, it’s not for nothing that Argentina is called the world’s breadbasket - this country produces so much food that it would be enough for the whole world.

21. Argentina is the first Latin American country to master jet flights.

22. The favorite drink of Argentines is mate, a tonic Paraguayan tea, and it is supposed to be drunk through a special tube with a sieve - bombigia. If an Argentine offers someone mate, it means he likes that person.

23. Argentina is a famous South American country with relatively short story, but a very rich and interesting culture. Its impressive cosmopolitan capital is dotted with the central Plaza de Mayo and stately buildings including the Casa Rosada, the famous presidential palace.

24. Huge reserves of uranium allow Argentina to conduct serious Scientific research, Related nuclear energy and the uranium industry.

25. Since the 16th century, Argentina has been one of the world's leading wine producers. Today there are approximately 1,800 wineries and wineries in the country. Argentina currently ranks fifth in wine production in the world.

Buenos Aires at night

26.The name of the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, literally translated from Spanish means “good winds” or “clean air.”

27. Buenos Aires had to be founded twice, so the first time it was burned to the ground by the Indians.

28. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first skyscraper using concrete was built in the Argentine capital. The Italian architect designed Palacio Barolo, inspired by Dante's "Divine Comedy" - the basement depicts hell, floors from the first to 14th play the role of purgatory, and the upper floors house heaven. There is a lighthouse on the high-rise building, the light of which can be seen even from Montevideo, the Uruguayan capital.

Buenos Aires

29.Buenos Aires is divided into squares measuring 100 by 100 meters. The numbering of houses is based on the square footage of the block, and not the number of buildings on the street. For example, the address “Corrientes, 350” indicates the location of a specific door of a specific house on a specified street. This system makes it easy to navigate the city and avoid duplicate addresses.

30.Argentines are devoted to football with all their hearts. Buenos Aires is officially recognized as the city with the highest concentration of football clubs in the world.

Pope Francis, 266th Pontiff

31.Pope Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, is from Argentina. He is the first pope from the New World to be elected to this position. He once worked as a bouncer in one of the nightclubs in Buenos Aires.

32. In Argentina, every family is sure to have an Argentine flag, which is hung on balconies for any national holiday.

33. In Argentina, school education is at a very low level. One of the main subjects up to graduating class is drawing.

34. You can see dolphins and right whales in Puerto Madryn, where they come annually for mating rituals.

35. Argentina ranks first on the planet in terms of the amount of meat that local residents eat. Everyone eats meat here; the national cuisine is based on it.

Iguazu Falls in Argentina

36.Iguazu Falls, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1984, is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Argentina.

37. Newlyweds in Argentina must provide the wedding feast without the help of their parents.

38. It is very difficult to get around all the museums in Argentina. There are more than 110 of them in Buenos Aires alone.

39. The authorities of the city where the famous football player Messi was born banned parents from calling their children by this name.

40. Argentine Spanish, called lunfardo, is a type of slang that originated in Buenos Aires in the 1900s. It is more similar to Italian than Mexican Spanish and may have developed as a form of criminal slang.

Mount Aconcagua in Argentina

41. Mount Aconcagua is not only the highest in Argentina, but also the highest mountain in North and South America, reaching 6962 meters at its highest point. Translated from the Quechua language, its name means “stone guardian”.

42. Contrary to popular belief, the most famous revolutionary of the 20th century and symbol of the Cuban revolution, Ernesto Che Guevara, was Argentinean, and not Cuban, as many mistakenly think. Che Guevara was born on June 14, 1928 in the city of Rosario (yes, the hometown of Lionel Messi) and was a full citizen of Argentina.

43. This southern country not only widely known for its architecture, fiery tango, steaks, wine and football, but also gave the world some of the most legendary personalities of the 20th century - Eva Peron, Che Guevara, Diego Armando Maradona and others.

44. More psychoanalysts and psychiatrists practice in Buenos Aires than in any other city in the world. It even has its own “psychoanalytic” district called “Freud City” (Ville Freud). According to estimates, there are 145 psychologists for every 100,000 city residents.

45. In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant woman to Antarctica to claim part of the continent. Her son, Emilio Palma, became the first person born in Antarctica. Argentina also became the first country whose citizens held their wedding on this snowy continent.

Argentina flag

46. ​​The current flag was officially recognized as the state flag on February 12, 1812. The blue stripes on a white field were proposed by Manuel Bergano, the leader of the revolution, and symbolize the sky above when the struggle for the country's independence began. The Golden Sun or "May Sun", symbolizing the May Revolution, was added to the flag in 1818.

47. In Argentina there live many descendants of people who fled Russia before the revolution and immediately after it.

48. The Argentine dialect of Spanish is called "Lunfardo". However, the sound of the dialect is more similar to the Italian language.

49. The Malvinas Islands are considered the main cause of disagreement between Argentina and the UK. It is on these islands that there is an oil reserve that British research groups intend to extract, which is completely contrary to the interests of Argentina.

50. Russian tourists can enjoy the beauty of Argentina without a visa for up to 90 days. In neighboring Uruguay, by the way, too, and from the capital of Argentina to the capital of Uruguay can be reached in just a few hours by ferry.

The current president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is the first female president of Argentina, elected by the will of the people, an interesting fact.

Fun fact: if you twirl your finger at your temple while talking to someone, this will let the other person know that you are thinking. In the rest of the world, this gesture on your part will indicate the stupidity of your interlocutor.

Argentina is the 32nd largest country in the world by population, with a population of over 41 million.

Interesting fact: Argentina is currently one of the world's leading wine producers. The country's wine-making history began in the 16th century and every year it entered new markets outside of Argentina.
Argentina was one of the first countries in the world to introduce radio broadcasting. The first radio broadcast was made on August 27, 1920. Her audience was 20 people, an interesting fact.

Argentina has a very good literacy rate of ~97.9%, which makes it one of the leaders in its region, and also ranks 58th in the world for this indicator.

Cinema is extremely popular among the Argentine population. This is confirmed by record attendance at cinemas and the purchase of DVDs with films - an interesting fact.

The total area of ​​the country is 2,766,890 km2, which corresponds to 8th place in the world!

The official religion of Argentina is Catholicism (77% of the population). There is also a fairly large number of Protestants ~10%.

Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina. The city's population is 2.9 million people, and its area is 202 km2. Until the 17th century, the city bore the long name “Ciudad de la Santísima Trinidad y Puerto de Nuestra Señora de Santa María de los Buenos Aires.”

An interesting fact about Argentina: the name of the capital is translated as “good wind” or “clean air”, but the latter option will still be correct.

It is interesting to know that Argentina is among the countries with the highest average life expectancy. On average, men live 74 years and women 80 years, for a total of ~77 years.

Mount Aconcagua is not only the highest point in the country, but also the highest mountain in South America. Its height is 6960 m - an interesting fact.

The Argentine dialect of Spanish is called "Lunfardo". However, the sound of the dialect is more similar to the Italian language.

Argentina is one of the world's three largest beef producers.

In Argentina, women rank first in the world in the number of plastic surgeries.

An interesting fact for all cartoon lovers: the world's first animated films were created by a man named Quirino Cristiani in 1917. His cartoon “El Apostol” consisted of 58 thousand frames and lasted a full 70 minutes! It ridiculed the corruption and immorality of Buenos Aires at the time.

Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world, located on Tierra del Fuego. Its population is more than 57 thousand people. Despite its unique geographical location, Ushuaia is not subject to extreme weather conditions. The climate is mild and excellent for normal life - an interesting fact.

There are more than 750 thousand illegal migrants in Argentina.

Pato is the national sport of Argentina. It is a combination of polo and basketball.

Interesting fact about Argentina: according to the constitution, the president and vice president must be Catholic.

The energetic dance "tango" appeared in the mid-19th century in Argentina.

Argentina is one of the founding members of the UN, as well as such international organizations as the World Trade Organization and the World Bank.

Argentina boasts the largest number of psychiatrists per capita in the world! Buenos Aires even has a psychoanalytic district called Ville Freud. On average, there are 150 psychologists per 100 thousand inhabitants. Denmark is far behind with 85 psychologists - an interesting fact.

The most popular sport in Argentina is football. The country is famous for its talented and legendary players. Currently, the best football player in the world, winner of dozens of awards and titles, record holder for goals scored and master of technical play, Lionel Messi, plays for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. This amazing football player is often called the “second Maradona” and a new legend of world football.

Interesting fact: Argentina is one of the few Latin American countries with independent media. There are currently more than 200 newspapers and magazines operating in the country.

An amazing country in Latin America famous for its unusual national traditions, incredible nature, numerous cultural and historical monuments. Europeans discovered this wonderful region at the beginning of the 16th century. In our review we will present unique and interesting facts about Argentina, and get to know this beautiful South American country better.

The first Europeans to reach the shores of Latin America heard the legend of a white king who ruled a country rich in silver items. Alejo Garcia, who organized an expedition to the Rio de la Plata region in 1516, called this area Sierra del Plata, that is, mountains rich in silver. This is how the name “Argentina” was assigned to the country, which means “silver” in Latin. But officially on political map world name appeared in 1860.

Argentina, like the United States, has long been recognized as a country of emigrants, and 92% of the population lives in cities. The capital, Buenos Aires, and its suburbs alone are home to 13 million people. It is noteworthy that the most Big city countries are divided into regions according to social status population.

The official language is Spanish, but residents of the Latin American state speak 40 other languages. Despite the national diversity, interethnic conflicts never arise here, and everyone lives in peace and harmony. Even the indigenous Indians have their own national holiday, when you can taste exotic Indian dishes and see unusual rituals and dances.

Argentina lies in three climatic zones, and therefore here you can observe a variety of landscapes, climates, amazing animals and vegetable world. The country is elongated in the meridian direction. The length of Argentina from north to south is about 3,700 km. (for example, the length of Russia in the meridian direction is about 4000 km.).

It was here, among the magnificent beaches and silvery mountain peaks, that the fiery dance originated. Tango has gone far beyond the borders of the country and has found fans all over the planet. In addition, the country's real pride is its carnivals held in February. And the most popular carnival is the festivities in the town of Gualeguaychu.

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For residents of the country, this is not an easy game sport, but whole philosophy, a kind of religion. It is difficult to find a person who is not interested in playing ball. Along with football, Argentines also like to talk about politics. When important matches are held at stadiums, pupils and students are released from classes. Well, naturally, Diego Maradona became folk hero, a football icon and symbol of the country. But Lionel Messi is also an idol for many football fans, not only in Argentina, but throughout the world.

Argentines are big tea lovers, and the consumption of the national drink mate is arranged in a special way. The cup with the drink is passed around and the mate is sipped from a straw. Inviting a guest to a cup of mate is considered in any city the highest manifestation of respect and hospitality.

In the twentieth century, there were 5 coups d'etat in the country, as a result of which the military came to power, and political parties blossomed. All this had a detrimental effect on the economy, and the head of state, although popularly elected, was not considered democratically elected. In 1983, the final transition from military dictatorship to civilian rule took place.

In 1993, the remains of a previously unknown dinosaur species were discovered in the country, which was named Argentinosaurus huinculensis. After research, it was established that Argentinosaurus is one of the largest dinosaurs that lived in the vast expanses of South America.

Located high in the Andes, the glacier is one of the most amazing tourist sites and natural attractions of the country and the world. Natural symbols also include the Iguazu Falls (height 82 m), and the most high mountain Latin America - Aconcagua (6,962 m).

First Railway began operating in 1857, and the Buenos Aires metro, opened in 1913, became the first on the continent of South America. By the way, here is also the southernmost railway line in the world, which runs not far from Ushuaia to Lake Fantiano.

Argentines are considered one of the most open, cheerful and friendly nations on the planet, but punctuality and commitment are not their virtues. Residents of the country are also patriots. Almost every home has a national flag, which is displayed during public holidays or official football matches. The world's first Argentines love meat no less than mate and take first place in the world in its consumption. In addition, large deposits of uranium in the subsoil contribute to the active development nuclear energy, which is what the state’s recent economic successes are associated with.

Men and women try to start a family at a young age, and family values ​​take away from them place of honor. Argentines maintain warm relations with distant relatives and enjoy visiting each other. Interestingly, in divorces, children mostly stay with their fathers. But even if the court has determined the child’s place of residence with his mother, the father spends all weekends, holidays and holidays with him.

Argentines went through a difficult period towards independence, and therefore love and are proud of their history. There are many museums throughout the country; in the capital alone there are about 120 museums of various fields.

Woman President

The third wife of President Juan Peron, Isabel Martinez de Peron, became the country's first female president. But in the list that included famous people state, his second wife, Eva Peron, took her special place, and her photo can still be found in the homes of Argentines.

Let us also tell you an interesting fact about medicine. The fact is that it is accessible and free, but through the eyes of a European or Russian it is a little unusual. For example, in case of stomach or intestinal disorders, doctors will advise the patient to drink the “7up” drink and sprinkle the wounds with sugar for quick healing.

As in all of Latin America, the drug trade is thriving in the country, with which the republican authorities are waging an irreconcilable fight. Argentine mafia uses different ways for transporting drugs, and once drugs were found in souvenirs in the form of the World Cup Cup.

Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is the fourth largest city on earth. However, in the rest of the world, people know surprisingly little about this big and interesting country. This article presents 10 amazing facts about Argentina.

Tango is a sultry and intimate dance for two people. His movements and music are seductive and passionate. And now Argentina claims to be called the birthplace of this world-famous dance. The dance first appeared in the working-class neighborhoods of the port communities of the city of Rio de la Plata, on the Argentine border from Uruguay, until it took root in dance halls. In 1912, Paris fell in love with this dance, which marked the beginning of its rise to worldwide fame.

Today tango is one of the most popular dances in the world. But few people know that he began his first steps in brothels in Buenos Aires. Originally, it may have been a dance for prostitutes who pressed their charms against the client to excite him. This is just a theory that does not in any way detract from the beauty and grace of this dance.

9. Friends Day.

Most countries celebrate Mother's Day, which falls on different days V different countries. Paraguay celebrates Dia de la Madre on May 15, while Argentina celebrates it in October.

Not everyone knows that Argentina still celebrates Friends Day, which is entirely dedicated to dating. In the early 1970s, an Argentine scientist came up with the idea of ​​Friendship Day (Dia del Amigo) after spaceship Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. Friends' Day is an official holiday in Buenos Aires, although it is not a national public holiday. On July 20th of every year, friends get together, party and party until late at night.

8. Dinosaurs.

In the last decade, remains of several giant dinosaurs have been found in Argentina. Giganotosaurus is one of them. It is one of the largest land predators that has ever walked the earth. They walked on two legs and looked like the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex. Giganotosaurus was taller than its counterpart. He lived somewhere between 90-112 million years ago.

Argentinosaurus was one of the largest known dinosaurs. However, it was a herbivore and was named after the country in which its remains were found. It was 38 meters long and weighed more than 75,000 kilograms. Scientists studied how such a large animal could walk on the ground. They scanned the dinosaur's skeleton and created digital reconstructions of its movements. It turns out that these giant dinosaurs were capable of speeds of more than 2 meters per second (7.2 km/h).

7. Fingerprinting

On June 19, 1892, Francisca Rojas's two children were found stabbed to death in their rural house in the province of Buenos Aires. A 27-year-old woman claimed that it was her neighbor who committed the grisly double murder. The neighbor was arrested and jailed. Inspector Alvarez, while examining the crime scene, noticed bloody fingerprints on the door, which he removed and brought for examination. When the fingerprints were compared, it turned out that they belonged to Francisca Rojas. After being charged, she immediately confessed to the horrific crime.

Rojas became the first person in the world to be convicted of a crime using fingerprints. After solving the Francisca Rojas crime, Argentina became the first country to use fingerprinting as the main form of criminal identification.

6. Southernmost inhabited city

Argentina and Chile have long argued over whose locality is the southernmost. The Chilean naval base of Puerto Williams claims this title to attract tourists. However, the Argentine city of Ushuaia also lays claim to this role. The two cities are bitter rivals over who actually is the Southernmost city.

Ushuaia is the capital of the Tierra del Fuego province in southern Argentina. The city has a population of approximately 57,000 people and the area has already been inhabited for the last 7,000 years. Temperatures throughout the year range from -1 degree Celsius to plus 15 degrees Celsius. Tourists come here to see the Arctic fauna: penguins, seals, killer whales.

5. Animated film

Walt Disney is known as the father of early children's animated films. But Disney was inspired by the work of Argentine film director Quirino Cristiani. Argentinean Cristiani, born in Italy, was a young and energetic animator who pioneered animation through the cardboard cutout technique.

Collaboration with producer Frederico Vale gave them the opportunity to realize the ambitious project of creating the very first full-length animated film. The film was called El Apostol, a political satire, and premiered on November 9, 1917. Just nine years later, all known copies of the first full-length animated film were destroyed in the Valle studio fire in 1926. However, Cristiani continued his pioneering work in animation. In 1931, he created the very first animated film with sound. The film Peludópolis was another political satire made using the cardboard cutout technique.

4. Che Guevara

Ernesto “Che” Guevara is an idol who is a model and icon for all types of countercultures and revolutionary movements and ideologies. His image is printed on T-shirts and on posters, which are then hung in students' dorm rooms.

Guevara was a revolutionary communist and was widely recognized as one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution. After graduating from medical school, he traveled to Latin America and the poverty in which people lived led him to become a Marxist. In his travels, he saw extreme poverty and inequality among the people.

Although he is known as a Cuban revolutionary, Che Guevara is not from Cuba. He was born in Rosario, Argentina, south of Buenos Aires. He grew up in Argentina in a family of wealthy people and received an expensive and prestigious medical education. Guevara died in Bolivia during a counter-revolutionary operation by Bolivian government forces in 1967.

3. Same-sex marriage.

Canada became the first country in the Americas to legalize same-sex marriage in 1999. Argentina followed suit almost a decade later. Social progress in this strictly Catholic country is explained by changing ideas about freedom and personal identity in the post-dictatorship government.

Since the regional legalization of civil unions in 2002, Argentina has quickly taken another step toward legalizing same-sex marriage. In 2008, same-sex couples who had lived together for more than five years were given the right to receive benefits when one of the partners died. Just two years later, the country legalized same-sex marriage throughout the country. In July 2012, Argentina became the country to legally recognize the world's first child with two fathers.

2. Cosmetic surgery

Due to the low cost of procedures plastic surgery Argentina is becoming a tourism hub for cosmetic surgery. A less surprising phenomenon occurring in Argentina is called “fashion model syndrome”, due to the large number of women who fight at any cost for the perfect body. The country now has the most high level number of cases of anorexia per capita in the world. This is a sad trend.

In Buenos Aires great amount cosmetic surgeons, driven by domestic demand, as well as medical tourists who come from all over the world. Today, some of the best plastic surgeons in the world live and work in Buenos Aires.

1. Wonders of nature

Argentina is also famous for its natural beauty: diverse landscapes, extreme landscapes. Here are some of the most beautiful waterfalls on the planet. In the north of the country, on the border between Brazil and Argentina, is the Iguazu Falls, which consists of more than 275 cascades. Water falls from a height of more than 80 m across a width of 3 km. Many consider it the most amazing waterfall in the world. The waterfall is surrounded by subtropical forests and is home to countless rare species animals, including endangered ones.

Southern Patagonia offers other extremes of natural beauty. There are a large number of glaciers here. One of these is the Perito Moreno Glacier, which is the third largest reserve fresh water in the world and one of only three glaciers in Patagonia that is growing. Most people don't associate Argentina with glaciers, but it is a country where glaciers are the most accessible to tourists.

The tallest and low temperatures in South America have also been recorded in Argentina. On June 6, 1907, in the small town of Sarmiento, in the heart of Patagonia, a temperature of 32.8 degrees Celsius was recorded. Thirteen years later, on January 2, 1920, Villa de Maria in the province of Cordoba experienced the highest temperature in South America. The thermometer reached 49.1 degrees Celsius.

Argentina also has the highest and lowest elevations. The lowest point in South America is the salt lake Laguna del Carbon, located near the city of Santa Cruz, located at a level of 105 m below sea level. The highest mountain in the Americas is Mount Aconcagua in the Andes, located in the province of Mendoza. It reaches a height of 6,962 meters.