1c retail how to set up loyalty cards. What types of discount cards (loyalty cards) can be used in the program? Documents establishing the conditions for discounts on discount cards in the USP

In this article we will look at accounting for discounts on discount cards in retail in 1C:Enterprise using configuration example.

The described logic and reflection mechanisms can also be used in the program.

Additional information for those who are considering the need to buy Trade Enterprise Management for Ukraine or upgrade / switch to USP from another 1C:Enterprise 8 program:

Setting up the USP for the possibility of using the discount functionality for discount cards

To start using discount cards in 1C:Enterprise, you must indicate the possibility of such use in the accounting policy settings. Service - Accounting setup - Accounting policies (management accounting)

Let's look at the simplest example. The company provides discount cards to customers, which provide a 5% discount on all goods, regardless of the purchase amount.

Directories of discount cards in USP

First, you need to create a directory in the database with a list of discount cards. You can find this guide along the path Directories - Enterprise - Information cards. Or Directories - Nomenclature - Information cards.

In field " Name"The short name of the discount card is indicated.

Information from the discount card can be read by a reader magnetic cards or barcode scanner. For those cards that are read by a magnetic card reader, map viewmagnetic, and if the information is read by a barcode scanner, then the card type is set – dashed. For those cards from which information is read from a scanner, from the directory " Barcode type" select the barcode type. In the " field Code"enter the discount card code.

Since we enter information about the counterparty's discount, it is established Card typeDiscount.

Field " cardowner" is filled in if customers are issued personalized discount cards and the trading company needs to analyze the discounts for specific customers provided with discount cards. In this case, in the field " cardowner"from the directory" Counterparties" information about the counterparty-buyer, who is the card owner, is selected. Information about the card owner must also be filled in if discounts on discount cards are used in wholesale trade(when preparing sales documents). If the owner is indicated on the discount card, then when reading information from the discount card using a magnetic card reader or barcode scanner, information about the counterparty in the documents that provide for the use of discounts on discount cards will be filled in automatically.

Field " Disc card type"contains information about the types of discount cards (regular card, silver card, gold card, etc.) Such information is used when setting the sizes and types of discounts on discount cards.

The next step is to fill out the directory " Types of discounts and surcharges"which specifies the size and condition under which such a discount is issued. You can find the reference book along the path Directories - Nomenclature - Types of discounts and markups.

The following fields are filled in on the card:

  • Name– name of the discount type
  • Type of discount- selected from the list, Wholesale or Retail
  • Currency- this field must be filled in for restrictions maximum size discounts in the field Limitation
  • Percent– the amount of the discount (markup), expressed as a percentage. This percentage will be set by default in the document "" when selecting this type of discount.
  • Limitation- the maximum discount amount is indicated.
  • Discount conditions- the following conditions can be set as discount conditions:

    • By type of payment - this condition is assigned if the sale provides discounts for cash payment or for non-cash payment transferred to a specific bank. For example, the promotion - “When paying with a VISA card - 5%!” This type of discount applies only to retail(type of discount - retail).
    • The sales document amount exceeded - this condition means that a discount will be assigned if the document amount exceeds the specified threshold (condition value). For example, the promotion “When buying more than three packs of orange juice, there is a 5% discount.” The list of those goods for which a discount will be assigned and the amount of the discount are determined in the document “Setting item discounts”.
    • For a discount card - this condition means that the discount will be assigned to a specific discount card.
    • By type of discount cards” - this condition means that the discount will be assigned to discount cards of a certain type.

On the validity period tab, you can limit the duration of discounts for certain hours.

Documents establishing the conditions for discounts on discount cards in the USP

After entering all the necessary reference books into the database, we create a document " Setting item discounts". You can find it along the way Documents - Pricing - Setting item discounts.

We create new document, in which we set the discount period, discount type, condition and its value, according to which the discount will be automatically calculated. An example of filling out a document is shown in the figure below.

Congratulations! Now, when you indicate our discount card in the “KKM Receipt” document, the discount that is due for this discount card will be automatically calculated in the tabular section.


The report will help you view sales with discount cards " Sales using discount cards". You can find it along the way Reports - Pricing - Sales using discount cards or Reports - Sales - Sales analysis - Sales using discount cards.

The article describes a method for setting up fixed discounts on discount cards for 1C Retail 2.0.

The task is that there are three types of discount cards, a discount of 5, 10 and 25%, on all goods except tobacco products.

Let's start setting up Retail 2.0

1. Create a new marketing campaign, item Marketing - Marketing promotions.

2. In discounts and markups, we create new discount and write everything as in the screenshot.

2.1 Item "Group" joint application", create a new one and set the type to "Displacement".

2.2 In the item segment, create a new segment

2.2.1 In the “settings” we specify the filters, in our case “Not marked for deletion”, “Not a group” and “Not in the group - Tobacco products”.

2.2.2 Formation method - indicate “Update periodically”. The frequency is configured by a routine task in Administration - Routine tasks.

2.3 In the “Conditions of provision” table, create a new condition for providing a discount.

2.3.1 We fill in everything as in the screenshot, in the recipient column, indicate the discount card\cards for which this discount will be applied.

2.3.2 In the discount card we indicate its name and barcode. You can also specify the owner, but this is not required.

3. We add the created discount to the marketing campaign.

4. Similarly, we create a discount of 10% and 25%.

There is a rule that discounts need to be arranged in a certain order, from largest to smallest.

And check that in the store directory, in your store, the “Type of minimum selling prices” field is not filled in; if it is filled in, discounts may not work.

To check how discounts work, we create a new KKM Receipt, check the product, then the discount card and see that the discounts work.

IN in this example The simplest option of creating a discount is considered, but the possibilities of 1C Retail are not limited to this. It allows you to create almost any type of discount, such as cumulative, gift, various mixed discounts, etc.

You can order 1C Retail setup from freelancers, which is much cheaper than 1C farches. Just add new tasks in the section.

Alexander Nemtsov, Head of Trade Automation Department
St. Petersburg division of the company "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT)

Today, almost all companies and trading enterprises use one or another system of discounts to increase sales and establish positive relationships with clients. The discount system encourages buyers to seek preferences among sellers, because a flexible system of discounts and buyer cards psychologically “tie” a person to a particular store, company, organization, supplier, etc. The functionality of the discount system depends on the tasks set by the seller of goods or services. The discounts provided can be fixed, cumulative or combined; there are also hidden discounts in the form of free gifts, services and bonuses. The company's discount system can be associated with various options for marketing solutions to attract customers. For example, you could offer discounts to dog owners who buy rubber shoes. Or a discount on home furniture for everyone who has children. Discounts are most often provided through discount cards, which classic version are produced in the form of plastic rectangles measuring 86x54 mm. Cards can be either with magnetic media or with a bar code, regular, personalized, “gold” or VIP cards.

How discount cards are accounted for

The implementation of a system for providing discounts in modern trade is carried out through the automation of trade processes. For efficient work with discount cards, it is necessary to combine two components: the cashier’s workplace directly in the store and information system accounting of relations with the buyer. Workplace cashier consists of software and specialized retail equipment. Software is configured not only to record the purchase of a product or service, but also to take into account the discount system, based on the discount policy that exists at a given enterprise. To choose commercial equipment you should approach very carefully and select exactly the equipment that will allow implement discount program schemes adopted in company. If the choice of equipment was not carried out by a competent person, the operation of the discount system of the point of sale may arise failures. For example, a store's discount system is configured to provide discounts on groups of goods, and the cash register can only provide a discount on the entire receipt.

Automated accounting of the discount system is carried out in 1C programs as follows. In the corresponding program, a database of discount cards is created, which contains information for each card: the current discount, the accumulated amount of purchases, information about the card owner (if the card is personalized). When the client presents a discount card at the checkout, the card is read and its current status is checked using the database. The check includes identifying the client, the size of the discount, and the amount of savings. Based on this data and depending on the company’s discount program, the client is given a discount. After the receipt has been punched, the goods accounting program reflects the fact of sale with a discount, as well as the amount of the discount. The fact of a purchase using a card and the card number are linked to a specific receipt, then all data on purchases is reflected in 1C accounting programs, from where they are ultimately uploaded to the accounting department.

Of particular interest, and at the same time more complex implementation, is the system of providing personalized discounts. In this case, the buyer is offered to purchase a personalized discount card for a fee or free of charge. The responsible employee of the enterprise enters into an agreement with the buyer to provide discounts. The agreement in this situation is called an offer agreement. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the buyer can either agree or refuse this service. And the offer agreement itself can be presented as an integral part of the questionnaire issued upon receipt of a discount card. If the buyer accepts the seller’s conditions, data about the buyer (passport data, family composition, etc.) is entered into the program. This data can later be used to provide discounts to the buyer himself and his family members.

Advantages of accounting for discount transactions for a company

Data on discount cards, automatically entered into 1C accounting programs, allows for thorough marketing analysis. For example, an in-depth analysis can be carried out on the composition of buyers, their purchasing activity, gender, age category, number of buyers, preference for a particular product. A flexible discount system allows you to manage inventory, thereby smoothing out periods of peak and decline in sales. By analyzing the goods purchased by one or another group of regular customers, you can qualitatively expand the range of goods, thereby satisfying customers and increasing your own sales. Through careful analysis, management receives handy tool planning and forecasting the future activities of the enterprise.

Benefits for an accountant

Implementation of a discount system is impossible without automation of trade processes. And this means that an undeniable advantage accounting for a discount system for an accountant will automate the enterprise's commodity accounting processes and speed up data processing. All data on discount cards and commodity accounting are uploaded to the accounting department automatically and in in electronic format. Document processing is simplified and the accountant’s work is made easier. In addition, discount accounting programs provide a number of detailed reports. In addition to calculating profit based on accounts and , it becomes possible to take into account total amount discounts provided on the invoice. Thus, you can build reports both on the total amounts of discounts for a certain period, and detailed reports reflecting the necessary information: the amount of the purchase on the card, the size of the discount, the names of the goods sold to the client.

How to choose the right software product

Exists a large number of software products"1C", allowing you to record transactions with discount cards. To help you choose the right accounting system, we provide a list of the most functional and popular programs among clients with brief description, focusing on the possibilities of the discount scheme.

"1C:Analit:Pharmacy 7.7"

The product is intended primarily for automation of single pharmacies and pharmaceutical retail chains. The program focuses on the specifics of pharmaceutical accounting. There is a fixed system of discounts on discount cards. The organization of more flexible discount schemes requires additional development by the programmer.

"1C: Trade Management 8"

A standard solution on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is intended for automation of any trade industry. Reflects the entire complex of trading operations and includes all the tools for organizing flexible system discounts It has a powerful analytical system and the ability to track discount cards. The product requires quite high requirements for equipment and computer technology, and is more difficult to master compared to previous systems. Is universal tool and can be used to automate both small and large retail chains.

"BIT:Cashier's ARM"

Specialized solution, developed by the company "1C: Accounting and Trade" for the software products "1C: Trade Management 8.0", "1C: Accounting 8.0" and "1C: Management Manufacturing Enterprise 8.0". The possibility of providing both fixed and cumulative discounts, as well as gifts and bonuses on personalized and regular discount cards has been implemented. It is possible to electronically fill out a form for issuing a discount card.

"1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"

A large-scale product that combines the capabilities of all 1C software products. Includes blocks of accounting, trade accounting, planning, production, and budgeting. Allows you to reflect all economic activity organizations. In terms of operations with discount cards, it supports all the capabilities of 1C: Trade Management 8. The program is difficult to master on your own and has a high cost. Suitable for large retail chains.

"1C:Shtrikh-M Cashier"

The system runs on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform, includes standard functionality, supports all types of discounts, including cumulative ones. Focused on automation of the cashier's workplace. Flexible management of inventory balances is not provided. Recommended for installation on cash register workstations without quantity restrictions.

What else can you do?

In addition to using the above software products, accounting for transactions with discount cards can be kept in an accounting system specially developed for the client, based on basic 1C products. To show possible existing developments, we present experience latest projects companies.

A large client has implemented a system of cumulative discounts linked to specific customers, thanks to this the most complete information about the client has been collected. This personalized discount makes it possible to provide regular customers additional bonuses on a birthday or professional holiday.

Another customer decided not to apply discounts on products with fixed prices and be able to selectively suspend the card of a particular client. All requirements have been implemented and are working successfully.

In another trading network a system for distributing discounts to certain groups of goods was set up and control was implemented for repeat issuance of cards for specific passport data, which made it possible to avoid duplication of discount cards for the same client. All of the above features are just a small part of what can be implemented in retail outlets. It all depends on the client’s desires and capabilities.

One of the tasks of the employees of the wholesale and retail sales is to attract new and retain old customers. To solve it, they are widely used various systems discounts The 1C: Trade Management 8 program supports various options for setting discounts when selling goods: discounts by sales amount, by the number of goods in a document, by type of payment, manual discounts. The new version of the program (version 10.3), released in December 2007, implements new discount systems - discounts on discount cards and bonus discounts.

Discounts with discount cards

The 1C: Trade Management 8 program provides the following types of discounts on discount cards: fixed and cumulative. The process of setting discounts on discount cards is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1

Information about all discount cards used at a trading enterprise is registered in the “Information Cards” directory. The discount percentage that is provided for a particular discount card is recorded in the document “Setting item discounts”. Moreover, it can be set both for a specific card and for cards of a certain type, for example: regular card, gold card, silver card. The discount percentage can also be set for certain price groups of goods. When reading the discount card provided by the buyer, the document automatically sets the specified percentage of the fixed discount on the discount card.

When working with discount cards, the program provides the possibility of using cumulative discounts.

For cumulative discounts on discount cards, the discount threshold is additionally determined, i.e. the sales amount, upon reaching which the percentage of the discount provided to the client automatically changes. In this case, the following options for using cumulative discounts on discount cards are possible:

  • automatic change of discount percentage. The client makes a purchase using a discount card. When the established sales amount threshold is reached, the discount percentage on the discount card automatically changes, and the client buys the product with a larger discount;
  • replacement of a discount card. The client makes a purchase using a discount card. When the set sales amount threshold is reached, the program “warns” that the client’s discount card can be replaced with a card with a higher discount percentage. The client is issued a new card. With the next purchase the client provides new map and receives a larger discount percentage when purchasing goods.
  • Discounts on discount cards may not be provided on all products, but only on certain ones. price groups goods. Information on discounts provided on discount cards for a certain period can be viewed in the “Sales on discount cards” report.

Bonus discounts

Bonus discounts are a fairly common discount system at retail enterprises. They are used when, when purchasing several products, one of the products is offered as a gift (bonus). For example, a customer purchases several pairs of shoes and is given shoe polish as a gift.

There is also the possibility of providing bonus discounts when purchasing two different expensive goods. For example, when purchasing a TV and a refrigerator at the same time, the buyer is given a vacuum cleaner as a gift.

The program provides for the use various options discount cards (loyalty cards). You can use both impersonal and personalized cards, cards own production or cards from other manufacturers (for example, social cards). The loyalty card can provide both regular and cumulative discounts. In this case, any cards can be used (line, magnetic, mixed type).

In order to start using loyalty cards, in the Administration - Marketing and Planning section, check the Loyalty Cards box.

All types of loyalty cards that can be used at an enterprise are entered into the Types of Loyalty Cards directory (section Marketing and Planning - Settings and Directories).

For each type of card, it is determined whether this card is personalized or impersonal, and a list of discounts that can be provided for this species cards, and conditions for their provision.

In this case, discounts will operate in accordance with the procedure for joint application, which is defined in the general list of discounts (surcharges).

For each type of loyalty card, its type and the range of those barcodes (magnetic codes) that are used by this type of card are determined.

When reading a loyalty card, the program uses the specified range to determine what type of card the read loyalty card belongs to.

Since for this type of card ( social card Muscovite) provides for automatic registration upon first reading, the program will automatically register information about the loyalty card provided by the client in the Loyalty Cards directory. Loyalty card information will be automatically filled in on the Additional page.

The calculation of card discounts will be carried out together with the calculation of all other automatic discounts when the Calculate discounts command is activated. Discounts provided on the card will apply in accordance with the joint application rule that is defined in the discount tree.